Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Somewhat off-topic, but truly frightening to me. Here is what appears on the website for the US White House today:

"We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You’ve done the right thing, and we will get through this.

For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm."


This is now getting TRULY scary. These people are clearly insane and it's completely unpredictable what they'll do. If this goes any further you'd better be prepared to get together for mutual defense.

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oh my god.

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eugyppius, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but last summer for a couple of hours conservative websites in the US were inaccessible from Google searches. A glitch, it was explained to us.

Also, in August of this year, the military tested landing combat aircraft on a highway in Michigan. The airplane was a Warthog, the type used against enemy ground forces. Just an interesting military exercise, I'm sure.

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Not just 'conservative' websites. I tried to get to some resources on the net having to do with Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria for a friend who's granddaughter was being sucked in. I had been away from gender critical sites for a year (for my sanity, LOL ) and I couldn't find any of them on google, even putting in key words like the site's owners, writers, etc. Just pages and pages of pro-trans boilerplate. That was the last time I used google. I could truly see them for who they were.

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Baker, consider DuckDuckGo for search. Also Firefox or Brave for your browser. I recently wrote on Rapid Gender Dysmorphia here https://awoke.substack.com/p/we-already-know-how-this-ends?r=ue0sc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

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Brave, yes. Firefox, no. The latter is now as bad as google (I don't respect them enough to capitalize the name).

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Startpage is supposed to be better and more secure than duckduckgo. Go to Startpage.com as no app

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goolag. Be evil.

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I use PaleMoon having dumped woke Firefox. PaleMoon separated itself from Firefox.

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Agreed, I use Brave for personal and Firefox for work as I find it performs better (Brave webpages are more likely to have runtime errors). At a minimum Firefox allows one to control cross-site tracking cookies

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I've been w/firefox for eons, DDG has become my jam, thank you for the suggestions and especially the link. If one looks closely they are using the same playbook for gender as they are covid and the carbon crap. IMO, we need to find a way to counter their narrative (and the money spent pushing it).

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AFAIK, DDG doesn’t have its own search capabilities – I believe it just provides some level of privacy, but uses Google search.

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DDG uses Bing

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Brave made a search engine but it isn't very good at this point. I think it's still beta.

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doesn't seem to get the same hits as goggle, try it side by side and difference is noticeable...

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deletedDec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021
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I have a feeling that you are more likely to find it is single mothers pushing / or encouraging their children towards gender dysmorphia. I view it as a variation of "Manchausen by Proxy". Do I have stats? Nope. Just a feeling from some high profile cases.

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Last night my wifi went out when accessing pubmed for a non-narrative friendly article. Switched to just phone data. Same. Thing. Happened. I had to remove all cookies and reboot, and only my Brave browser works now. Coincidence? Maybe…

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I have a military friend at Grayling. He said they do this yearly but this was most impressive. I believe now we need to be suspicious of everything.

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Thanks, this was the first time I read of such an exercise.

My trust in anything this administration says is at zero. I am personally at Defcon 2...

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I find it unconvincing that Xiden is sending the military across the country to give injections. How convenient to have the there, all but their compliant vaxxed, removed from the force. As the polls show Xiden in the tank, I have no doubt there is far more to this than a useless vax.

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The White House Liaison to the Coronavirus Task Force said something similar on Friday; and, apparently, Brandon is going to make some big announcement tomorrow.

They seem to want the unvaxxed to get sick and die...so we learn our lesson (gonna be hard since we'll all be dead)...and they true believers are vindicated in their choices.

There were numerous high profile, triple jabbed celebrities and politicians who have tested positive in the past week. They are so grateful for the vaxx failure 'cause otherwise it might have been so much worse.

The Covidians are losing the narrative. The jabs are failing in a big and very public way that is affecting many people personally.

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It seems to me that this is just fear-mongering, pure and simple. (But of course, let's not dismiss the possibility of them trying to actively kill us!)

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Fear mongering or not it is wholly unacceptable and inappropriate for a statement like this that sounds like a petulant teenager to come from the white house

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I thought that it might mean that the power and internet was going to be disconnected, and no shopping.

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I don't think Brandon knows what "appropriate" means, TBH.

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I thought that it might mean that the power and internet was going to be disconnected, and no shopping.

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Fear mongering and flailing around - since silly messages like this can only impress those who are already vaccinated.

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I think Brandon will say people are no longer fully "vaccinated" unless they get the booster. This will throw DoD into chaos, for one.

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Well just how do they know it would have been much worse? I am pretty sure, just as it is with the non-vaccinated, the severity depends a great deal on current health status and age. That would mean the advantage of being vaccinated lies mostly with those who are high risk for a severe course. Not with a healthy young person no matter how famous they are. Who by the way are at greater risk for adverse reactions from the vaccine. JMHO

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They believe this because they are broken. Several months ago, two adult daughters of a man who was double jabbed but died of C19 actually claimed that it would have been so much worse if he'd not been vaxxed. It was insane. Hey, ladies, your father died. It can't get much worse than that.

Two weeks ago, Jim Cramer at CNBC was ranting about mandatory jabs for everyone in the country...Constitution be damned. Today, he admitted that he has C19 despite three injections of Moderna. He's very thankful for his vaccine failure, though, 'cause it could have been so much worse.

Last week, someone...can't remember who...pointed out that the term "breakthrough infection" is just propaganda. We should all call it what it is...vaccine failure.

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3 shots of Moderna? You have to have a death wish. I haven't seen this guy Cramer for years but he always looked like he would keel over with cardiac event any second. And then add 3 shots of Moderna to the mix..... moron. You have to be really stupid to chose Moderna over Pfizer since you are getting triple the dose of mRNA; assuming that you really want to get the vaccine.

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After what he said, it's fine by me. I find myself going into places I never thought I'd go. These psychopaths PUBLICLY hope for unvaccinated people to die - despite what the evidence shows about the experimental vaccines suggesting they shouldn't say these things. In turn, I'm indifferent should they fall sick or pass on. This is how crazy it's become. I know it's not very Christian and we need to turn the other cheek or sink to their level but I feel this is a war not on a virus - but between the rational and irrational; immoral and moral. Anyone saying 'take the shot or else you can't participate in society' is BROKEN and IMMORAL. Period. And I see them as a threat so if they die due to the vaccine so be it.

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They believe because that's what the propaganda and narratives have been drilled into their brains. Someone we know said she is convinced the vaccine is 'keeping her alive'. This nonsense is further cemented by the fact she had a friend who was healthy died of the virus and was unvaccinated. They conflate, and mix up causation and correlation with outliers and even when you point that out the standard fall back sheep response is "Yeh well, I still think ti works and not taking a chance'. Despite the statistical fact they have less than a 1% of getting Covid whether you are vaccinated or not and that the overall survival rate is around 99.985%. It's pure psychological mayhem and a break down of common sense and critical thinking. It's just Stockholm Syndrome at full throttle.

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I agree but what do you mean by 1% chance? Over what time period?

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Like the side effects prove that the vaccine is working.

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They have lost the plot.

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Maybe "success" for them, those "breakthrough" cases tell them the jabs are destroying immune systems.

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>1 ARR efficacy. drops mic.

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Most of the US has moved on so it no longer matters what the braindead drone in the White House says.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Not true. This is a big country. Whole states, some of the biggest, are all in with this.

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It does matter, because even though he is brain dead, he has puppet-masters controlling him (people suggest Ron Klain, Valerie Jarrett, and others).

When you hear Dr. McCullough talk about all early-treatment options for the 'rona being met with a "chill," who do you think is directing that effort? That is national. It matters what Biden says because he is reading from a script written by someone who likely HAS brainpower.

Yes, a lot of the US has moved on, and good for them, but some of us, not wealthy enough to move out of blue states, are left fighting for the right to have bodily autonomy. And some of our blue states (such as CA) have an amazing ability to fail our pols upward into national positions, or (NY) are setting a precedent by introducing a bill that would make it okay to detain people who not only test positive, but who have merely come into contact with someone who has tested positive. (https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/a416)

We are going full Austria/Germany/Australia if we do not wake up our fellows, and our pols at the local level, and our business owners and local law enforcement, no matter if they are situated conveniently enough to have "moved on" or not.

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"some of our blue states (such as CA) have an amazing ability to fail our pols upward into national positions" We use voting machines in CA :(

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Boston and Chicago now have passports. So this thing still has some legs. Now, it's true it's in Blue cities and states and there's still huge parts of the country not biting but there are enough cities joining in on this idiocy even though there is ZERO science to back any of this up. Assuming it's not about science and purely political - if not something more nefarious.

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Their plan has many layers. Creation of a bio-security state, de-population, the introduction of digital currency, and "trans-humanism". The World Economic Forum's "Great Reset", which I believe is prelude to United Nations "Agenda 21 / 30".

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021

It was shocking to read this from the White House right before Christmas. I voted for this guy? This rivals anything his predecessor said or did. Originally I chose no injections due to my medical history including permanent neuropathy from a flu shot, then my new young M.D. refused to provide a medical exemption, admitting he faced censure with fines and possible job loss. That was shocking but a couple days ago I learned that effective Jan 15 all un-injected folks including myself - with no symptoms or infection at almost two years - will be excluded from public places in my blue city. Former "friends" and family members are publicly cheering this move on social media. Wow! The shock value is wearing off, being replaced by a puzzled disbelief and a firmer resolve. Now I continue my un-injected status based on copious research, much of what I learned here on substack, and real world observation. The shots don't work as advertised and "they", in desperation, are just throwing stuff at a wall. Or, the plot thickens...

It's obvious to those who are not brainwashed or in a trance that "they" cannot admit "vaccine" failure so "they" double down with scapegoating and fear-mongering. It was shocking to hear the so-called leader of the free world declaring that un-injected people have a duty to their country and are responsible to protect others when the CDC has publicly admitted that the shots don't prevent infection or transmission. Free world, what a quaint notion! Oh yeah, and you dirty heretics are responsible for the mutations, dontcha know! No one has showed me "The Science" to support that claim yet every time I turn on the radio, I hear some so-called expert repeating this propaganda.

Merry Christmas to all, except those who haven't complied and to you, we wish you a Merry Death, a Happy Hospitalization and a wonderful New Year of Severe Illness!

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FYI, there is zero proof that the unvaxxed are the cause of the variants. The virus mutates in everyone it infects...vaxxed or unvaxxed. The viral mutations in an unvaxxed person are random, and there is no selective pressure on the spike. The viral mutations that survive an immune attack in a vaxxed person must get around the anti-spike antibodies generated by the vaxxes. Ipso facto, the vaxxed are the source of the variants.

As the mother of one of the young Marines killed in the Kabul bombing said, Brandon is a feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap.

The jabs are useless or worse, but some people have to learn the hard way. I've given up trying to awaken most people.

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I am so so sorry about your child. Brandon sucks and needs to be put in a home- right next to the midget king. Prayers for you and your family. Thank you for your child's service.

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Ouch sorry. Stay strong.

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I have tweeted about this and about to write a longer piece on Substack about this Nazi outburst from the White House. I'm 68 and have been following US politics since the Kennedy assassination. Never have I seen anything close to this sociopathic nastiness. VERY frightening

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Well, Brandon is mad as a hatter. He was told it's the unvaccinated that are making his numbers bad. So he lashes out. It's getting much harder to find an unvaccinated person in recent days but nobody in government wants to admit failure of the vaccine. Best to do as Trump once asked - stop all that testing of worried people test the sick (symptomatic) people only.

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Brandon can't stand that everyone isn't kowtowing to his demands. True story!

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Well we are to blame for his policy decisions. It's a very wise, learned policy. Everybody says so.

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Full stadium at some sporting event was chanting FUCK JOE BIDEN as sportscaster bimbo was interviewing someone live right after Brandon somebody scored. Bimbo claimed they were chanting "Let's Go Brandon". It's been the polite fuck jb ever since.

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It's president Biden.

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Look up "Let's go Brandon" - "Brandon" is an interesting bit of socio-psychology.

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I take this message with a grain of salt. They've always talked like this, but there is still very little they will be willing to do in a heavily armed population.

More importantly, both their own messaging and the media (whom we know they are paying and instructing) are indicating that they will do something similar to what Obama did with H1N1 and stop focusing on cases. Instead, they'll focus on severity, which we know with Omicron among all populations is quite low.

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Well I hope you're right. The language employed here seems to me much more sinister than what I've heard in the past. The deluded majority will now come to view the unvaccinated as little more than serial killers.

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They are certainly not in the majority, especially in the states. I do not mean to lessen the hatred that many psychotic people have towards the "unclean." But the majority of Americans do not support mandates (and that number is growing) and there has been a recent shift with Omicron whereas the blame is not on the unvaccinated given the sheer number of "breakthrough" cases.

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Plus recent CDC confession that they way over-estimated the number of vaxxed people in the US. They are trying to exert pressure by making us think we were fringe, and we're not. I think even the new numbers are low, they've been lying about the immigrant population for years. There's more of us here than in Europe, Australia, NZ and Canada. This crackdown won't be so easy.

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Would you mind posting a link to that CDC confession of overcount? Thanks so much!

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It almost sounds like a threat the way he worded it!

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It does.

LOL. NOW I'm scared. Not.

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We have to keep our peace and stand firm prove them wrong. I have a feeling that this vaccine will activate like a bluetooth, and they become dangerous..just a hunch hope i"m wrong.

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Remember when Biden said he was going to give us all his covid? Well if he gives us all omicron we will all get a sniffy nose and then it is over. Might be a good thing. But I still think he is completely going into dementia. Arggh that means indeed what he said there - president Harris. Not sure if that is better.

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The propaganda machine (CNN) has issued new guidance on Stelter's show. See el gato malo's analysis (https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/even-cnn-switching-jerseys-on-covid). It wasn't enough to remove the daily scoreboard of cases and deaths because they were no longer creating enough fear, now we must stop counting cases. Makes the boss look bad. Can't play NFL games if we continue to test everybody. All those vaccinated people are making the numbers look bad. Let's not test so much.

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Testing isn’t giving the results wanted??? Just change the scope of testing ! And isn’t the PCR test going away at the end of Dec due to poor performance?

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It had excellent performance!

Not for assisting in diagnosis, but in creating the "narrative" and fear. I have seen estimates of 90-95% false positives at PCR Ct over 40, which was used until this spring. Then the Ct was reduced to 28 for the "Vaxxed" to reduce the apparent numbers of injected infected. Recall that the Ct numbers are not additive or multipliers- they are exponentials.

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more like >97% false positives at 35 (only 3% could culture). Even at 28 significant number cannot be cultured. First paper with this data saw idk sometime early/mid summer 2020.

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If that's the case, then why would they be getting their knickers in a twist over Omicron? As of last week there was one confirmed death in the UK, and the government was quite mum about any details, e.g., whether the person was already on death's door before s/he got omicron.

I now know 3 folks in Boston, MA with covid. One of them had covid in January of this year. Then he got 2 vaccines in the spring. Last week he got the booster. Now he has covid again. I'll add that this guy is 42, super healthy, eats very well (no sweets or soda). But I think he likely has omicron as his symptoms are cold-like and he says he feels fine. But his 30-something housemate is apparently fairly sick.

Anyway, cases in Massachusetts have grown rapidly. I think it will be very difficult for politicians not to panic about this, even if severity is very mild.

We live in terrifying times. I find Biden WAY more scary than Trump from a civil rights perspective.

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Trump never did anything to threaten anyone's civil rights. The media carpet bombed the populace with insinuations and lies about him from the moment he became a credible candidate.

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Well indeed. When Trump ran, I was frankly surprised at the sudden invective from the press. In the past, Trump was everyone's favorite billionaire. Sure there were some folks who didn't like him, but there wasn't a fraction of the hate that the mis-leadia stirred up in 2016 and which it has maintained to this day.

While the Democrats' hate campaign against Trump has been very successful, I truly think it has hurt the country, and continues to do so. Worse is conducting a hate campaign against an entire political party or leaning. This invented "insurrection" is nothing more than a hate campaign against people whose ideas the Left can't debate. Being in political life requires a certain level of ethics, and conducting pure hate campaigns like that are the epitome of an ethics failure. That folks can't see this is very sad.

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I question the covid recovered getting another infection. Either the shot damages immunity, or the result was false positive from high Ct on PCR test. Omicron seems the vaxxed, there will be no way to spin this when unvaxxed aren't sick. Vaxxed people will be LIVID that they took these risks for nothing. Or worse.

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One of the bits of data that came out of South Africa when omicron had just been recently discovered and there were very few cases, (about a month ago) were some statistics on reinfection with delta. According to the data, about 1.3% of the delta infections happened in people who had been previously infected with another strain. This seems to be a much lower reinfection rate than for vaccinated folks, though it's hard to get data on this group. It's almost like someone, somewhere doesn't want us to know what the vaccinated infection/reinfection rate really is. I suspect it's much higher than commonly accepted.

As for omicron, the data also seems to suggest that those who have been previously infected with covid are MORE likely to get omicron. Now, I have to confess a fair degree of skepticism about that, but it was reported by John Campbell, a guy who is a pretty straight shooter, medically qualified, and someone who has earned my trust.

As an anecdote, a good friend in Boston recently came down with what appears to be omicron. All the symptoms match up; he's basically suffering common cold symptoms and doesn't feel bad. But this is a guy who's 42, super healthy, slim, and who had covid in January or thereabouts, and then underwent the full, double-vaccine in April and May.

I personally had what I presume to be delta in July, and frankly, am fully expecting to get omicron one of these days.

And as this article suggests, omicron does look suspicious. I'm not any kind of medical professional, but I have done a ton of reading on covid since it broke out in January 2020, and I found omicron to be very weird when first reported. Suddenly a variant has 24 mutations? At once? That always stuck me as VERY weird. Nature doesn't work like that. Most mutations are non-adaptive. The few which confer benefit tend to come singly, not in groups of 24. When I read this post, my suspicions were amplified.

Something's very fishy here. I didn't believe in the so-called "plandemic," but it's getting harder not to imagine that there might be something to it.


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deletedDec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021
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I'd like you to explain why?

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Fellow Baystater here, lifelong blue voter, and I agree very much with your last statement. So much that I am planning to change my voter registration to independent.

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I was a lifelong blue voter until Trump, when I decided to "send a message" to the "swamp." Being in MA, it was kind of a chickenshit vote in that it wasn't going to change anything. But I was tired of dem BS dressed up as "sympathy for the working man," while they did everything possible to impoverish him and raise his cost of living.

I liked Trump's ideas, but he proved himself spectacularly ineffective. Swamp drained him in the end, sadly. But he has pulled the curtain back on so much corruption that he still has a warm spot in my heart.

And of course watching him enrage the establishment was the best public show of my lifetime.


Kim G

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hes not positive again, its the damn spike showing up from booster .

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They have obviously been trying to get everyone to believe that armed nuts tried to overthrow the government a year ago and need to be seen as an immediate and large threat. Did you see the three retired generals who wrote an op-ed about how Trump voters may break into a civil war if Biden wins a second term, and how this must be staved off now by several drastic measures including increased surveillance, especially of the military (because so many ex-military were at the capitol that day). Here's Yahoo News's coverage of this "chilling column" -- the original was in the Washington Post:


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Yeah, it's terrifying how the propaganda machine has been cranked up to eleven. It's rather amazing, isn't it? That no one has been charged with either insurrection, treason, or sedition? Some insurrection, right? Sort of like "fiery but peaceful," a la 2020 BLM "protests."

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See Russell Brand on the "insurrection". Ooh no there's a guy in there with a buffalo hat and no shirt!! He's jumping up and down!!"

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Indeed. Russell Brand is someone who's left-leaning but perfectly capable of seeing reality. If only more lefties could at least see clearly. We'd all be better off.

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This video of Kash Patel talking about why and how there is no way that Trump was going to stage an "insurrection." Skip the first 3 minutes, then it's ~ 25 min. Fascinating. Why that "Committee" is trying to have the ridiculous hearings televised on nonconsequential bullshit - obviously I am blind to their game plans.

It was really interesting, fleshed a lot out. And of course, Hutchison. Pretty pathetic. They try referring something to DOJ? That criminal conducting these knows better that's why he said they weren't going to refer anything. It made even him nervous. Cheney is willing to say anything, do anything, to get someone to say clearly unreal and impossible double and triple hearsay, She is strangely obsessed, there's that edge of hysteria there. She's supposed to do this? Or just determined to. She really went rigid when the guy said they aren't referring anything.


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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Omg. But maybe the bully that yells and threatens the most is actually the one that feels the most exasperated and impotent?

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Isn't it so that bullying is a sign of inner feeling of incompetence? Force instead of self respect?

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No. It's not so. Sure, sometimes that is the case. But is also often the case that an antisocial narcissist with power enjoys watching people squirm.

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That sounds more like a sadistic character then. You are right.

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Narcissism is part of sociopathy and psychopathy, so yeah.

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So instead of a dickhead we have a limp dickhead spewing vileness?

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The great deranged grandpa tried stamping his feet, he’s tried threatening us and now he’s pulling out the stops to scare us. I’m not scared. Gather your tribe close and enjoy the holidays. Turn off the TV and quit reading the newspaper. Avoid all forms of propaganda. We’ll be fine.

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Thank you. Could not agree more.

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At this point, the WH has no choice but to resort to this extreme rhetoric. They've left themselves no place to retreat. Fauci et. al. went full Chicken Little way back in March 2020 with all those hair-on-fire models predicting tens of millions dead, collapsing hospitals, end of days, etc. Didn't happen, and they were left with their asses hanging out. Now that their credibility is shot, all they have left is fear mongering. They have one trick and it's not working, so they're just going to double and triple down because it's all they know. They're doomed to slip into parody.

I find it particularly telling that the WH thinks that those who have not taken the shot are so feeble-minded and easily frightened that they will respond to this tactic. So arrogant. They really don't realize that at least 40% of this country doesn't believe a word they say about anything, and that the fact that they're pushing it so hard is actually generating more resistance due to their obvious incompetence and dishonesty. They have no clue who their opponents really are. They think we're rubes.

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I know this is a risk. But, Jimmy Swaggart said” I have sinned” and still collected money. Biden had a better shot at this option working when “ breakthrough” cases began showing up last spring. But…He can fire Fauci and send him to Siberia. He can then say he was misled by Fauci etal and emphasize therapeutics, those already available such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, and those newer, sexier and more expensive ones sitting on desks at the FDA. This administration employs no introspection and shows no flexibility, though, so this is just a pipe dream.

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Thing is, Brandon is not actually running the show. The people pulling his strings are plenty introspective and flexible when it serves their purposes. It's just that their purposes are not what you think they are. They're not simply misguided. They're malevolent.

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Valerie Jarrett does the planning, coordinating and heavy lifting to get things into place for Obama. He is lazy, but she makes it happen for jihadi nihilism he wants going down. Getting all those weapons and major hardware for ISIS, Taliban and Iran? That's why Obama was dancing hard all night at his 60th birthday party on Martha's Vineyard last year. His buddies said they had not seen him like that before.

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Exactly right, there is no Biden.

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Exactly, this operation will wind up and down as needed. Meanwhile, the next operation or two will crank up. I expect as inflation moves to hyperinflation over the next 12 months, we will be able to smell the sweat coming off the oligarchy. I expect a change in themes, from bio fascism to false flag attack, which will only serve to accelerate the collapse. Their plan: Everything must change for everything to stay the same (aka desperate attempt in West to maintain status quo).

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Climate Change as we know now, 6+ months later is the reason for all the vax failures, heart attacks, birth defects, infertility, etc.

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Psychological warfare division and demonizing the defectors

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Great point! Keep the scared scared and self-congratulatory.

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nothing says " build back better" like dividing people and making them hate each other. God helps, truly.

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I'm old enough to remember a year ago, when Biden said it was time to heal the country and reunite the people. What a sick joke it seems now. If anything comes out of this 'pandemic', I hope it will be very large proportion of people all over the world awakened to the realization that they cannot trust their governments.

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It's scary on multiple levels. Gloating over the impending "death"(sic) of 20-30% of the electorate is a /very peculiar/ posture for a government that still intends to rule democratically. I was one of those idiots who spent most of Trump's term fearfully expecting the MAGA putsch. The Biden administration is behaving as though it has no plans for continuity of governance /other/ than a putsch before the mid-terms. And certainly its radical, technocratic Schwabist ambitions wouldn't be feasible to realize any other way.

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New York has a bill that is suggesting internment camps for the infected and potentially the unvaccinated. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/a416

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We all get to go to “camp” ?!?

How lovely! Especially this time of year! …sarc on

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Good thing vaccinated people will no longer be testing after tomorrow’s White House announcement. Makes more room for the unvaxxed and partially vaxxed dissenters

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I'm not sure I understand.

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Xiden and the leftist Dems are playing this game like they have nothing to lose, polls are irrelevant to them now. They have no intention of relinquishing power when required. None.

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Same here. I did not think it could get worse with one madman and now we got a madderman. Trying to find out who belongs to that WEF society but little names to be found. Lots of americans and some numbers. List with names I formerly found seems to be gone.

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Who was the madman? Trump? Surely you see that was propaganda, right?

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I agree. Saw that today and thought the same -- how the HECK could a normal person write or believe that nonsense? But I don't think much actual information is getting out, and the wrong stuff is so pervasive that saying anything, even a mild "I don't think that's accurate," makes me sound like I'm the crazy one. What, don't you believe the New York Times? Your governor? Everyone on the news? The federal government can afford the best minds - do you think you know more than they do? Are you an epidemiologist? What do you know about anything? Etc. etc. etc...

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Oh my goodness! I am constantly amazed at how other people's experiences mirror mine exactly. This is almost verbatim what I get.

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Tell them that the death rate drops when doctors go on strike. Probably won't have any effect, but at least it's a decent reposte for their appeal to authority.

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doctors are the third cause of death in the US so you are probably right

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that's like hospital 'mistakes' deaths I believe? not counted in the stats because there's no code for 'hospital error'.

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"Mass Formation", by Mattias Desmet. Dr. Malone her his talks on his channel.

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What are you talking about?? "Souled out"? You seem to be here to only provoke and demean. Got anything productive to say?

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These questions are being asked again and again. Do you really think you are smarten than xyz? Where do you get your information? That only seems to happen where you are. These things don't happen here. So I try not to touch the hot topic. But sometimes they start themselves... and then you hear they have not looked into any real information.

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This was INSANE that the White House would publish such a thing. My response was:

@WhiteHouse as an American taxpayer I will not be spoken to like this. We are not your children. You work for us. This is not based in fact or science & those of us who will not get this sub par harmful product are fucking done with your lies.

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Since the end game is great reset

The ends justifies the means. So

I figure everything is on the table in what we can expect

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Well 2 of the pions already said the great reset was a failure. So this round is over. Now we better beware because they will try again.

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Who said that the great reset was a failure?

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Fauci and Gates

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What does "160k unvaxxed have needlessly lost their lives since June" mean? Total Covid deaths count for the US since June is around 200k. Does it mean that, of these, 40k had been vaxxed? With vaxx rate around 50%, you would have to scale this to 80k (not considering age stratification, etc), and get 120k needless deaths. On the other hand, how many vaccine-related deaths are there? You would have to double them as well. And is this proportion of 40 vaxx/160 unvaxx even accurate?

This summer, a preprint was floating around claming that in order to prevent 3 Covid deaths we might have to accept 2 vaccine-related deaths. Of course it was attacked and retracted but, even if the methodology may have been flawed, the numbers seem to be in the right range.

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In order for ones death to be considered death of the vaccinated, one must have received their second jab more than two weeks prior. in other words, if I received my second jab last week and died today of myocarditis, I would be considered death of the untaxed.

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Frank GL notes the first objection to the "Covid Deaths" scam.

Dr.Peter McCullough on a recent interview with Joe Rogan estimated that 85% of actual Covid deaths should have been prevented with proper early treatment. Where is the Nuremberg Tribunal when it is really needed? Oops, sorry, they are in the process of locking down in Germany now, I guess it would be too dangerous to have trials.

The Risk:Reward ratio for injecting those under 30 is far greater than 3:2, I have seen one estimate as high as 170! for teenage boys. Even in the very old, 3:2 is questionable, as Vaxx deaths are not acknowledged and autopsies not done or allowed.

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I am aware of the shaky definition of a Covid death. My first point was not about the absolute number (I have listened to the Rogan podcast as well) but about the vaxx/unvaxx ratio. If you mix more deaths (eg, car crashes up to 28 days after positive test) into the number, the proportion of vaxxed deaths should move in the direction of the proportion of vaxxed in the population.

Regarding your second point: you are right, of course, that age has to be taken into account, and that vaccinating young people does not make sense.

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Sheesh. That is a cold, vicious statement. The government turning on its own people.

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Governments have been turning on their own people since at least March 2020.

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deletedDec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021
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You're right, of course. The whole "for the people" is a cold, unfunny joke.

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what a bunch of crap

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Making mid term elections easier for the other guys

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I think lots of people undecided or dem will now vote rep. I will.

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I consider it a duty to come back after a decade long hiatus and vote straight "R" (I was always "I") just to try to vote out some legacy "D" who have been around long enough to have confounded resistace to Gulf war 2, etc. 25 years is long enough in office. The milk train derails here.

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May be there should be a limit on their years. Like a president can only run twice, it might be good to have new people in congress and even in smaller posts for no longer than 8 years.

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deletedDec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021
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I am neither. I just want to be the sand in the vaseline and inconvience the guys who game our elections these days.

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This basically isn't any different than what we've been experiencing for the past 11 months. Now they are just saying it out loud.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Just wanted to quickly mention that it's posts like this that make me happy to subscribe to this substack. I'm in favor of keeping all content free to anyone who is short of money, but encourage the rest of us to "put our money where our mouth is" and support great alternatives to the corrupt mainstream press.

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thanks so much, Steve.

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I am about to cancel my subtraction to the Toronto Globe and Mail this week, and will donate the savings to a better cause, Substack and contributions to legal freedom funds such as Action4Canada.

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Curses on "AutoPhil!" Subscription, not Subtraction.

I will have to research the ancestry of AutoPhil, likely from Microsoft/Bill Gates.

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I join Steve in this sentiment. At the moment the only SS I'm paying for (during the summer I pay for detailed hurricane forecasting)

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The lack of synonymous mutations makes it almost certain this is engineered.

Someone not only wanted to do this, they wanted us to know they did it.

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and look at the varying ratios: it's something like 25:1 nonsynonymous in spike, but 6:13 nonsynonymous in the rest of the virus.

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There are 2 Omicron clades, 21K and 21M. Which one?

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I don't do twitter anymore. Is there another source?

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Thank you Eugyppius for everything you do. Is it possible that this was developed and introduced benevolently? Maybe arising from vaccine opposition?

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Had to have been done by a government. Yet every government appears happy with the vax/lockdown/passport/ surveillance tyranny, so why would they do something to undercut it? Mysterious.

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It's not mysterious to me at all. The virus that first came came just at the right time to upset Trump, and his trade deal. They consummated the deal, but an odd inclusion was that (I paraphrase) if something happened beyond their control, they wouldn't follow the agreement. After a couple of years of this, it's pretty obvious ("who benefits?") that the most likely suspect is China.

Living in "interesting times" a Chinese curse.

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Wow, had not thought of that!

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Why though? What is the agenda?

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What if Omicron was made by white hats using CRISPR in order to end the pandemic? I like that theory especially for the future pandemics. Not gain of function, but LOSS of function. Make the virus safer, easier to spread, and like a transmissible vaccine.


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Wow 😳

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Among the 37 Spike mutations are 31 substitutions, 5 deletions and an entire "insertion' mutation.

The insertion is not from another Coronavirus. It appears to have possibly come from a rhino virus (Common Cold). While swapping DNA is on rare occasions seen it wild type Viral Transfections... the possibility that this occurred in a single strain which had so many additional alterations is astronomically absurd.

If we lean toward Occam's Razor we can see a Pandemia beginning to wane, people returning to something approximating normal lives, and panic a lose of power & control by the Leadership Class. Solution: Rev Up the Fear Machine... Sow Confusion... Generate new headlines.

Breathe life into a flagging narrative with a New Version of the 'same old techniques.'

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May be Pfizer and Co ran out of stories ? Want to start making another virus? eh I mean vaccine? Poison? Small pox maybe ? Variants on the ones found in the Merck lab? Just brainstorming here. Not an expert

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My spouse was verbally attacked on FB by a rabid "Pro-Vaxx'er". Saying vaccines are 'GOOD' . "We cured Small Pox, Polio & the Measles." They choose not to discriminate between live or attenuated actual vaccines, and mRNA Experimental Biologic Agents which hijack the body's own cells to make antibodies. The Spike Protein Analogs used to generate the immune response act just like the Viral Spikes which do all the harm once incorporated into host cells. There is more than 5,000 generations of human evolution which have gone into evolving one of the most sophisticated biological responses seen in the human immune system. It is multiple times more complex than the "Clotting Cascade" which heals wounds.

We are children tinkering with an immensely complex system and have the Hubris to believe we can 'tweak' this one little thing over here and not have a cascade of consequences downstream potentially leading to greater harm than benefit.

Hang in there, we have just added our first new Respiratory Pathogen in the 150 years of Faustian Medical Hubris. We have not done much better than we did during the Spanish Flu... So, add this to Influenza, RSV, MERS, SARs-1 etc...

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So true. We have our bodies and should keep them healthy instead of injecting heavy metals, aborted fetuses, ape cells and god knows what other awful things in them. This is what happens when people play god !

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People will always be "playing God" by tinkering with bleeding edge technology. It's in our nature to do so. The key is to not allow either hubris or murderous sociopaths to use that innate trait against us.

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Human brains are weaker than human bodies.

Hence the mass formation.

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I recently watched this +20 min video by Roman Bystrianyk (co-author of "Dissolving Illusions") on the claim vaccines cured those diseases. Of course, the person who attacked your husband will likely never watch such a thing, but maybe they'd consider the following (pinned by Bystrianyk under his video)?

"In 2012, Dr. Mack testified that his credentials include probably spending more time working in population-based smallpox outbreaks than virtually anybody ever has. He said that the reason for the disappearance of smallpox was due to changes in improvements in society. Not universal vaccination.

'If people are worried about endemic smallpox, it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries, and it will not be sustained here, even if there were several importations, I’m sure. It’s not from universal vaccination.'

"Transcript of the Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices held at the Atlanta Marriott Century Center, Atlanta, Georgia, on June 19 and 20, 2002."

The Germ Paradigm Trap


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Isn’t that true of so many illnesses/ viruses. So much of it is solved by practical matters, increase in hygiene/ quality of life/ living conditions/ sanitation etc. In those, however, I would make an exception for masks. No way masks are contributing anything positive to this shit show.

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Thank you Rose for adding that stipulation! The Covidians are already crediting the disappearance of influenza to the dirty face diapers.

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Johns Hopkins posted last year they were not going to separate the flu cases from the covid cases. Very few people seem to have read that note. Every one I know says but there were so little flu victims ! Yep. They did not count them, that is all.

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that book is an eye opener. I still had hopes out for a few vaccines, but nope. None work.

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It's one book, with a huge claim yet to be proven. If the premise is correct, let her round up the money to do an actual study. Truth will always stand up under investigation.

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Smallpox has no other "reservoir" (animal presence) to retreat to, and re-infect humans. Once it's gone in humans, it's gone (except for lab samples).

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It's not only vaccine extremist ordinary members of the public on social media spreading these fringe claims about the miraculous efficacy of the COVID vaccines. The oh-so-venerable Sam Harris's latest "Waking Up" episode features a sort of classical "tenured bien pensant " from Stanford or somewhere, bringing the full authority of the American ivory tower to us plebs to deliver total misinformation such as that COVID vaccines are comparable in effectiveness to tetanus shots. "Waking Up"? Ha.

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Thank you! I totally agree. The human body is a wonderful, complex, well-adapted system. Most medications and therapies are not as refined or targeted as we are led to believe. Ultimately, most support and enable the self-healing powers that the human body already has. And, I am certain, we still have many areas where we know very little.

But the human ego is a totally different story... I always have the impression that people like Bill Gates, who have unfortunate levels of influence, think it is like a machine where we know everything already and we just need a software update.

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Delcina, I look forward to reading about how man is a wolf to other men. (Your coming Substack.)

Or as I think it: It's a dog eat dog world out there.

Pack animals are on the hunt for us.

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It worries me by the fact that USA and China were both wanting to find 'gain of function' viruses. Why in the world would we want to benefit China? (ignoring our previous help by many of our politicians, from Vietnam on) Are they both wanting to crush any resistance, and are our politicians truly Benedict Arnold's? Are the globalists in charge now? At the highest levels? They were certainly involved in ousting Trump (an imperfect vessel, but certainly dedicated to "America first")

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But the fact that Omicrom seems thus far much milder somewhat contradicts your thesis?

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Or, "The Leadership Class" has decided that the Covid Fear campaign in crushing constitutionally rights & personal freedoms was so successful that it is time to transition to the "Anthropogenic Global Climate Change Lockdowns" to meet the illusory "Carbon Zero" 2040 pogroms.

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Omicron has given "them" a chance to either say, "Okay, it's all over now. At ease." Or to pretend that Omicron is a big new threat.

News from Africa led to the former. But the UK is choosing the latter.

I don't know why they don't just bring in the global currency etc, not that I want it, but nothing is stopping them. Why still play at viruses?

But with OAS I guess it can never be over for the Injected.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius


There may not be a Grand Conspiracy, but the emergence of a "new" strain that is yet another lab leak, sure makes one think there are a lot of forces moving behind the scenes.

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this kind of thing will now happen more regularly, probably, given all the nefarious research this thing has inspired.

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And the fact that's it not all that hard to really do. Unlike the billions required to spin up a viable nuclear weapons program, this is child's play.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Read RFK Jr's Book - "The Real Anthony Fauci". Then you'll know there are lots of forces moving behind the scenes regarding "vaccine research". We've been lied to.

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Read the book and then decide. There will always be those that try to denigrate using ad hominem attacks. Kennedy has put it out there in the book and speaking engagements and says find the errors and show me the proof. To date, no one has done that.

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I can show you one example in his website FAQs where he quotes a doctor, implies that he is a medical doctor, an expert on vaccines in Africa, mentions a study that was done and claimed that this doctor came to anti-vax conclusions that he actually never claimed. There were no citations or footnotes, so I found the "doctor", read thru the studies, and read his conclusion. It was NOTHING like what Kennedy claimed.

He has an agenda, and even a broken clock is right twice a day. He's having his moment but overall, he is very sly in how he uses language. He will never tell tell you that he is COMPLETELY antivax.

Yes, Fauci is a megalomaniac, liar, and a murderer, but that doesn't make Kennedy a truth-teller. If you'll lie about the small things, you'll lie about the big things.

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Then you should contact him and debate him with your facts rather than posting here where it does no good.

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If nothing else, read the reviews, 3,571 - 5 star. Well documented. Pages upon pages of Endnotes.

“RFK Jr.’s story of Fauci’s failure as the government’s AIDS coordinator is a highly disturbing prologue to his COVID mandate as head of NIAID. So, who is Dr. Fauci in the end? Has American medicine truly become a ‘racket,’ as corrupt as a mafia organization? Does everything in our country turn on the size of the money involved? How can we begin to solve this? The Real Anthony Fauci is a fascinating starting point. RFK Jr. has written a strong, strong book.”

—Oliver Stone, award-winning director, producer, and screenwriter"


I was on the frontlines of the AIDS crisis in SF in the 80's as a RN. Back then Fauci was responsible for denying cheap life saving drugs in favor of expensive drugs like AZT $10k/bottle. Thousands upon thousands died. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/whitewashing-aids-history_b_4762295

Ron Woodruff in 1985 was diagnosed with AIDS and given 30 days to live. He didn't take that lying down and decided to pursue life saving treatments in other countries which he brought back to the States and started the "Dallas Buyers Club" to help other AIDS patients save their own lives with drugs the FDA, NIH and CDC refused to approve. Ron Lived another 7 yrs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Buyers_Club

AIDS patients were denied life saving drugs by the FDA, NIH and the CDC like Bactrim to treat PCP, Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia. They are continuing the practice today with denying treatment like Ivermectin which the NIH knew about its life saving potential last year.

"COVID-19: The Ivermectin African Enigma" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33795896/

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Add this to the growing pile of information that will never make its way into the minds of the general public.

This is why I pay for your substack eugyppius. Worth every single inflated US dollar.

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I agree with you and I came to the same conclusion as you, on Dec 2. The graph that you are displaying is amazing, but did not exist on Dec 2 when I wrote my article.


In any case, while we both think that it came from a lab, we do not know what was the purpose of its development.

- It could be a "way to have better vaccines", as Bill Gates mentioned, released intentionally at the intended moment

- It could be a mistaken release of an incomplete product

- It could be a bioweapon

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If it's a weapon, it's not a very good one. Only takes out the old and weak. If it's a psychological weapon, it only works on the timid and easily frightened. Okay, we have a lot of those, but it wouldn't affect the ability of the rest of us to fight back. So, probably not a weapon.

So, that leaves us with the most common cause of most disasters -- incompetence. Likely just accidental release of manipulated virus being explored by smart people trying to learn how the world works, but oblivious to what it means.

The malice comes in with how we're reacting. The virus itself hasn't caused much damage. As I said, the old and weak, who didn't have long anyway. But the devastation has all been caused by our reaction. That probably wasn't accidental. The Scott Atlas book describes the obstinant resistance to facts by fauch and Deb and red, which could not have been group incompetence. It was certainly caused by opposition to Trump, and became an opportunistic target after it was proven effective.

Our primary pandemic isn't viral, it's political. The pathogen isn't sars2, it's democrats. That's a war worth fighting.

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Canada before COVID19 moved Ivermectin and HCQ from over the counter to prescription according to the Real Anthony Fauci book by RFK jr. Hmmmmm might be a plan world wide Davos plan. Good book. Read it. It's not about health it's about the digital ID and monopolistic people taking over the world. Let me get this straight social media and software guys are in charge of our health. WTF I smell dirty diapers

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

Attributing it to incompetence and negligence, as so many are, tends to preclude the possibility of holding these people to account for the malicious criminal behavior they're committing. There's abundant evidence of foreknowledge and coordination = criminal conspiracy.

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I'm Canadian and I've never seen Ivermectin in the pharmacy. While I think RFK gets some things right, I have also noticed in the past that he definitely gets some things wrong. One thing I believe they did change was to make it harder to get ivermectin from livestock stores...I used to be able to walk in and grab a bottle. But ivermectin for humans was always prescription only, as far as I know.

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I had prescribed it occasionally over the past decade. I don't recall it being OTC, and always had to look up the dose for paediatric and adult weights.

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Noted, that's why I said RFK jr said didn't do my own research. I know that DHEA is ok here in US but banned in Canada, different controls for some drugs. and I'm not sure it works Joe Rogan style, willing to try it if I get real sick with no other options. We need the studies not only way out is my experience. Thanks

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Remember that it works much better if used early, before you "get really sick." It works reasonably well prophylactically. With any antiviral, early treatment is key, cf Valcyclovir for shingles, and PrEP or PostExposureProphylaxis for HIV contacts.

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My dermatologist in NZ a couple of days ago said he prescribes ivermectin for scabies but refused to prescribe me any because I have skin cancer not scabies.

He says the uninjected are putting the hospitals under pressure and leading to cancellation of other surgery etc. That's why I said that Ivermectin might keep us out of hospital.

Incidentally he had a requirement to show passport, but no one asked.

I was worried that he might scar my face excessively to punish me for my nonconformity.

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I believe it was France where it was available OTC.

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Many places in the US you can't even get it with a prescription today. That's why people were trying to get the veterinary version.

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It's got another name for humans. Example:


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The prolem is Fauci using the same playbook he used for AIDS, for which he still has not found a cure. Any president listens to advisors (well, maybe not Trump who thinks he knows everything) but Biden the corporatist is going to be advised accordingly, by the disease-for-profit gang of thugs using "healthcare" as their vehicle to vaccines-for-everything riches. Pfizer and the others will own everyone's immune systems and keep them clamoring for safety and more shots at any cost within a fairly small amount of time if left to their own fear mongering devices. And who really thinks these shots/vaccines are going to remain free after people become so completely psychologically and immunilogically dependent on them?

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Trump definitely knows he doesn't know everything, and always listens to advisors. He often fires advisors who don't get it right. It was a major failure he didn't fire fauch and Deb and red. Steve Deace in Faucian Bargain likens it to Lincoln firing McClellan to win the Civil War. Scott Atlas in Plague Upon Our House gives a good description of how much Trump relied on his advisers, and how they let him and us down.

The psychological dependence will fade fast as more people learn the failure of the vax.

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Let's not forget Rick Bright's perfidy.

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You're right, will be forced to pay for them directly out of own pocket not just via taxes.

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The most interesting thing about RFK's Fauci book for me was the history of HIV research (I was an adult in the 80s and only heard things peripherally and didn't really pay attention). And the increasing technological slant of public health, heavily influenced by Bill Gates.

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Fauci is using the EXACT same playbook for Covid as he did with AIDS. It was a corrupted catastrophe then and it will be a monstrous disaster now.

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The shots are the weapon of the 21st century...they WIll kill you in the end. Who needs bombs and missels to win a modern day war. Fauci and Gates must be arrested for this virus and death shot!

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Wow!! “ Our primary pandemic isn't viral, it's political. The pathogen isn't sars2, it's democrats. That's a war worth fighting.”

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If you collect 100 black ants and 100 fire ants and put them in a glass jar nothing will happen. But if you take the jar, shake it violently and leave it on the table, the ants will start killing each other.

Reds believe that black is the enemy, while black believes that red is the enemy, when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. The same is true in society.

Before we fight each other, we must ask ourselves: Who shook the jar?

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To prevent war, honest negotiations must be possible between the parties, with honest intentions, and a skilled mediator.

As we have all learned, there is no "honorable" ANYTHING in our adversaries' intentions.

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deletedDec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021
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Frank, you have your part to play. I hope you are okay.

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What if the 'vaccines' was the weapon? Get your enemy to kill himself. Certainly Fauci is most responsible for this, more than any other single individual. Fauci has never acted for America, his aims are 'higher' than that. He's a globalist, and very tight with the communists in China.

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Too many people, involved, too many watching. Unlikely to keep a secret for long. And the vax seems to be injuring a tiny fraction of a percent of those willing to endure it. Killing even smaller fraction. Very ineffective weapon. Aerosols from aircraft, poisoning water supplies, etc, much more effective.

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thanks, I’ll add a link.

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Thank you, I am writing something too right now that will link to your article, and I like to place links to your content generally because of its high quality.

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Yuri Deigin suggested the lab was in Durban


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I also thought so, but now I have doubts. I just do not think that serial passage thtough hiv positive people could yield Omicron.

But oddly enough, the Durban lab is financed by Bill Gates.

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Interesting; by the way I like your Substack too

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Durban as in South Africa?

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Thread by Trevor Bedford- https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1464353224417325066.html

Decoding #Omicron: Everything You Need to Know Right Now- "The way I read this ‘family tree’ it’s like someone reached all the way back to April 2020, plucked out an existing variant (having only the D614G mutation in common with every other clade & variant) and then somehow, magically, all by itself, came up with not one, not two, not ‘a few,’ but twenty new mutations never before seen in any other variant of concern." https://newsrescue.com/decoding-omicron-everything-you-need-to-know-right-now/

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Definitely a weapon. A weapon designed to increase the power of the nefarious elite and further divide up the weaker. With Europe and Australia now in dystopian tatters, I suspect “diaper clad without any remaining gray matter” Prez Joe will announce tomorrow the same plan here in the Western Hemisphere. Same old blame game of a disease of the unvaxxed and his patience is now gone. He’ll likely say it’s time to take harsher measures against the “enemy” (dissenters against the State). What it will include we’ll have to wait and see. I suspect an “executive order” mandating everyone up to 3 jabs or jobs and education and healthcare and Medicare and social security and food all go bye-bye.

Sheeple will fall in line and the remaining opposition will have to find a new backbone to deal with the madness.

Sleep well and let’s see what’s under the “tree” in the morning. Gonna get fun and interesting.

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The virus isn't a weapon, but the reaction is. This is a routine virus with little effect on those with normal immune health. Opportunists in governments, medical industries, and of course the captive media, weaponized a routine virus with a terror campaign. The virus is not our enemy, our oppressors definitely are. The solution is teaching enough of the population they have nothing to fear but tyranny. The solution is easy, but might get a little messy. US military leadership is talking about coup. That won't work well. For them.

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Maybe this virus is designed to recombinate with other COVID strains (or with MERS in camels) to make a nastier strain. If they didn't put any unique template sequences in it to resist recombination (if they had it would be proof of lab engineering and we would already know it), it could be designed to have the widest dissemination which will be followed by a recombination event and a really nasty strain emerging.

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Ralph Baric MD of North Carolina bragged about creating technology that he called 'no see 'um', which was designed to eliminate any suggestion that the virus was engineered.

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perhaps released by the "good guys" to save humanity. but in this bioengeneering world, are there any good guys?

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It could be that the intent is to get more people infected with COVID. That gives them a kind of immunity (if they survive) that is based on multiple proteins in the shell of the virus, not just the spike protein. Perhaps "they" felt that that the Delta variant had not infected enough people, but were also unhappy about the number of deaths per infected person. The Omicron variant solves this by infecting more people but keeping serious cases to a smaller percent.

So if a lab produced an "omega" variant that has an identical shell but a totally different spike protein, then the vaccine would be useless but the survivors of COVID would be protected.

The omicron is the set-up for the weapon. The theorized omega variant is the weapon.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

One look at the chart showing Omicron among the variants and their mutations gave me the immediate impression that this could not have occurred naturally. I have been hoping that the release was an attempt to correct the mistakes of the mRNA products. However, considering the sense of evil that seems to underpin this whole story, I fear what could have been inserted into Omicron.

My family just had Covid and the symptoms were identical to the profile being reported from the UK- runny nose, mild fatigue, sore throat, sneezing and headache. Only my young child experienced a fever the first few days (typical part of building her immune system, I assume).

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Vaxxed or non-vaxxed? Just asking since I have not seen any info on how Omicron affects the non-vaxxed.

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I should have included that. Non-vaxxed, adults are mid-30s, healthy weight with no comorbidities.

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Thanks. I am 74 and unvaxxed. So far, so good but if this virus really is mild, I will get natural immunity hopefully without hopefully long covid. It would be nice to stop being a hermit.

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I'm the same as you, havi g the same musings as you. So... I wonder how long the viral phase must be in force in order to confer immunity.

Has this been determined? So, if I were infected, waited 5 days or so, took 2 doses of IVM, would I have had sufficient exposure to the nucleocapsid of the viral particles to develop immunity before the IVM drives it out?

Hhmmmm.... 😜

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It doesn't work that way at ALL. You need the IVM or HCQ or whatever, to help your body defend itself. The immunity comes after you recover.

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Dr. Zelenko (spelling) would often give his patients HCQ before the PCR tests came back. There is no downside, and considerable upside with this protocol. You DON'T want the virus to get a 'foothold'.

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Those symptoms Brena sound like what we used to call a cold.

If that's Omicron then it is great news.

But you fear that Omicron has mystery

bad news to come.

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Everything surrounding this virus has revealed something worse around the corner. I suppose I've become jaded.

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Agreed as I speculated as soon as I saw this a few weeks ago ... however, if true, it is unclear if the source would be beneficial (good source to eradicate Delta) or an attempt at a more severe outcome (incompetence via insertion of weak virus). It is also possible that Omicron ends the pandemic and preserves the status quo of pandemic fear to be used at a later date rather than just demonstrating the failure of a "vaccine".

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I must confess the thought has crossed my mind that omicron might not have evolved naturally. Either way it’s mild disease seen so far may prove to be our exit ramp from the pandemic. Unfortunately that has not sunk into the people at the White House who continue to drive a wedge between the American people and to stoke the fear and panic. More of the same vaccines is non scientific and appears it could be contributing to Original Antigenic Sin.

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021

To look at any of this objectively is to know that none of this is about covid or health. There is a huge agenda behind this and it’s not Biden’s. He’s just the mouthpiece that is too old to suffer any real consequences. He’s their throw-away guy.

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It makes your jaw drop to listen to this Administration. I can't decide if it is sheer incompetence or if they are just that corrupt and bought off. Likely both.

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It's an underlying evil using real incompetence to advance its agenda.

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Malevolence hiding behind a mask of incompetence, that's been 'Slow Joes' motto since he was pro-segregation and friends with Strom Thurmond and Sen. Byrd. .

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"It might represent a live, attenuated virus vaccine used informally among researchers, that mutated back to virulence and escaped; it might have been released accidentally; it could even be an attempt to develop a self-spreading vaccine to immunise animals or third world populations."

I've considered all these as well. If it is the latter, is it an attempt by "white hats" to end the pandemic?

Or is it a prelude to something much more nasty?

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What if it is designed to recombinate with a virus circulating in animals, such as MERS in camels?

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Doubtful, although possibly possible. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

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stop with this science immediately. Pfizer has profit forecasts to give out soon.

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💥 BA !

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Oh God, I don't think I can stand the idea of a "counter lab leak". Covid, and the vaccination response, have been too mind bending, too repeatedly "crime of the century".

Even a James Bond script such as this would be considered too outlandish.

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Fauci has 'invested' billions into 'gain of function' and even bypassed Obama's 'pause' of research of GOF. before Trump. Right about the time Trump won in 2016 he bragged that a pandemic was coming in Trump's term. It was in "Covid-19 and the global predators: We are the prey" by Peter Greggin MD which just came a couple of months ago. Wanna be scared? Read that book. It's non fiction, and has as many footnotes as text. It is unimpeachable.

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excuse me, it was Peter Breggin, MD.

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I have RFK's book on the shelf awaiting it's turn.

I think James Lyndsay was right when he said Fauchi wants a Nobel Prize and is basically willing to destroy the world to get one.

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OMG I so knew this! Just read the first line, will read the whole article, but I also think (and maybe you say this) that it was released in Africa on purpose, because those pesky Africans, Pharma's own pet medicocolony, aren't getting covid enough.

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If it was released on purpose, it may have been released by a white hat. It's infectiousness will outcompete all variants, while its lack of virulence will give unvaxxed easy immunity to future variants.

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The problem I see with the white hat theory is that there would be no way to know, pre-release, that it would be less dangerous.

An evil genius (or white hat genius) with a lab in a hollowed-out volcano and limited supply of captive victims could potentially be sure they had engineered a more lethal strain, but to be sure they had engineered a less lethal strain would take more captives than any evil genius could acquire without attracting attention. Plus, the experiment would be associated with an almost 100% guarantee of lab escape before the tests were finished.

The only place you could possibly do a test big enough would be certain ethnic facilities in a far eastern despotic republic.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

They would know if they had tested it on themselves as a vaccine.

Africa is a great testing ground. They can test anything and few people will notice right away.

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Good points. Maybe testing on mice with "humanized" lungs? They know it prefers the cooler temps of upper respiratory.

Anyway, at this point I've been reading a proponent of viral swarm theory. His take makes the most sense to me...bad final outcome, unfortunately, but the most sense.

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Mary, are you able to summarize the bad outcome viral swarm writings please?

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Substack "from harvard to the big house". He believes Baric was creating Live Attenuated Vaccine Virus to sarscov-1 & that it will circulate in de-attenuating waves & reach its original lethal rate.

However, I woke up this am with a question for him which I will be posting to him later. I'm thinking the LAV theory may not work ...

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Thank you Mary.

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Also could be this whole episode is round 1, they let out an antidote virus Omicron? Nothing happens by accident is my experience, start with the result and work your way back to the motivation. They need a new virus that is more scary and deadly. Also if they (wonder who they is?) let out too deadly of a virus it will kill them too. Or is this simply a money making scheme for the Elites? Power grab. Probably all of the above. Vitamin D3, K2, Mg, C, Zinc, etc. Get your D3 blood level above 50 ng/ml BMI down.

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Been thinking along those lines too. Was someone spreading the disease on purpose? Does that explain superspreaders? Does that point at the places where all of a sudden new hot spots appeared? So many questions.

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Would make a great movie.

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I would not watch it! I have been watching for 2 years now, I want a movie about cats and dogs

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I emailed the White House demanding they take that statement down. Please everyone bombard the Biden administration and call them out on this.

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There is no "Biden" Administration. So you could email them all you want. CIA central casting has its hands full keeping a corpse alive and speaking. They might help.

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deletedDec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021
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Yep... I voted for the Orange One twice too. But since he accomplished diddly squat in office AND continues to peddle BigHarma's wares, well, he can go to Hell alongside the rest.

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The Executive Branch is in charge of nothing. The agenda is originating far above the US "Government."

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

fascinating, thank you

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Ditto that

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Did you see this preprint suggesting that the evolution may have occurred in mice?


That could support either the lab hypothesis or alternatively the possibility that it was a zoonotic jump into and out of wild mice. No evidence so far of its presence in wild mice though.

Related note: Another substack I recently found presents the hypothesis that SARS2 was originally developed in a live attenuated vaccine program in China and escaped; and now it is regressing to surface the ability to infect mice, that it originally learned to infect in the lab. It's got a bunch of interesting theories including the idea that RNA viruses may leverage their rapid mutation rates to evolve many organ-specific variants within a single host.


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yes, linked in the piece above. i've also raised the idea that SARS2 might have started out as an attenuated virus vaccine. the evidence for Omicron is much stronger.

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Yes, apologies for not reading carefully enough! I realized this after posting...

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Odd that you dropped the Wei, et al. in as supportive of lab creation rather than as an alternate possibility.

I'm still digesting the paper, but it doesn't look contrived. Moreover, the niche that Omicron now occupies - adequate affinity for both mouse and human ACE2, with possible continual cross-infection (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.12.472269v1 Figure 1C) - was NOT lab-created. It was a pre-existing natural niche that was waiting to be exploited.

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i think the evidence for mice adaptations is interesting mostly for what it suggests about the research program that might've given rise to omicron.

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There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you might catch a bat, and that's very like a mouse, you know. But do cats eat bats, I wonder?

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