Let's also compare the proficiency of the police team sent to raid Trump's Mar-a-Lago home with the police team to protect Trump on the campaign trail. I'd like to see a photo of these 2 teams standing side-by-side.

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I’d guess there would be a severe male to female ratio disparity. 🧐

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Great idea. Not to mention the FBI raids on the homes of pro-life American citizens.

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Or the Roger Stone raid, with CNN just happening to be there at the same time

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Me too.

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Jul 17Edited

If we had not had horrors of idiocy like the Uvalde school massacre while law enforcement milled around inside the school waiting for it to be safe enough for great big men to walk into the puddles of drained lifeblood of little children, one might imagine official maleficence here.

It's just more proof of when morons are in charge, terrible terrible things are enabled to happen.

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And that's exactly why Trump is going to win. He showed courage under fire. Something desperately lacking in the home of the so-called brave.

Great post SCA

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Yes. I knew he was going to win when I saw that photo Saturday night. This is really the time for a great quote from Teresa of Avila, who I'm particularly fond of since her grandpa was a Jew.

"Let nothing upset you; let nothing frighten you. Everything is changing; God alone is changeless…"

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He will win if the ballots are counted honestly.

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As long as he gets to run against the demented old fool. If he ends up running against a Kamala Harris/Taylor Swift ticket, the Democrats could win.

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Maybe, if Taylor heads the ticket...

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(Her friend, the mystic St. John of the Cross, is worth reading.)

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Limiting my reading in that subject area as I do, I'll stick with Meister Eckhart as my other big fave.

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The New Testament is pretty amazing and The Source. It must be read after one request understanding.

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I got all the understanding necessary.

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I have to check out Eckhart.

Have you read Thomas Merton?

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He was all trendy in my younger years so yes. Not really my type of guy.

With Teresa and Meister Eckhart, once you've made allowances for the foundational errors (and in her case a great deal of crazy), the rest is great...

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This is the version I know:

Let naught disturb thee

Naught fright thee ever

All things are passing

God changeth never

Patience e'er conquers

With God for thine own

Thou nothing dost lack

God sufficeth alone!

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The right translation is everything, isn't it? I like the one I posted much better. The simplicity of the framing is to me so beautiful.

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Any ideas why in the photo his shirt is not full of blood. Ear cuts tend to bleed massively.

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He immediately took cover face-down on the ground for a few seconds before he stood up and was photographed. In that position, the blood would flow down his face as shown in the photos.

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It was fake.

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Do we see the back view?

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You'd think Trump would be showing everybody the cut on his ear. Nope.

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Any ideas why in the photo his shirt is not full of blood. Ear cuts tend to bleed massively.

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The photo was shot before the rally. At no time did everyone get into that position during the live event. I've been banned from YouTube 3 times for commenting "Where is the blood on the palm of Trump's right hand?" They're all trying to memory hole this. They've moved onto 24/7 Kamala news. Trump isn't coming to save us. Biden was a screwup to create a super strong mandate for Trump.

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2020 proved to the world that there is little to no brave here.

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Never. Truer. Words.

And they'd do it all over again.

God save us if the last 2 generations had to protect us if our sovereignty is at stake.

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The entire thing was fake. Everyone in the stands behind Trump were crisis actors. See YouTube video Roll Up, Roll Up the Trump Circus is in Town. Also see the video with Teabag in the title on that same channel. Worst acting of all time. There were only 500 or so people at the rally. Most likely everyone interviewed afterwards were crisis actors. Trump's ear was perfectly healed at the rally the following Saturday. The iconic photo was pre-shot. They made a valiant effort to recreate a close enough facsimile on the day of the fake shooting but the female SS agent/makeup artist nearly fell off the stage. And there's no blood on the palm of Trump's right hand. Also see sagehana.substack.com article with Iconic Picture in the title.

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The question isn't just how in the hell that roof 150 yds away was unguarded;

The question is also how this gunman KNEW it was unguarded

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A bigger question is why weren't they using a drone(s). This is 2024. They use them by the tens of thousands in Ukraine, they even weaponize them. A 12 yr old kid with a $300 drone would have spotted that guy in a minute. A whole lot cheaper than having dozens of these high priced tactical police sitting on their butts @ probably $200/hr each.

Do they never use drones? Are they that stupid and backwards?

Or in just this one case, somebody, told them not to use drones? Which would be VERY suspicious.

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There is drone footage with a closeup of the cretin on the roof. The drone footage is probably from a private individual since the Feds aren’t particularly forthcoming with information on anything, ever, so it wouldn’t have been released by them yet. Which also raises the question of the security implications of private drones flying all over during these kinds of events.

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There was a very early report that Trump's detail had requested drone support but been denied. (This is part of the report that Mayorkas denies happened). It's equally possible that Crooks could have used a small drone (though I know of no reports of that).

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My thought too. Well he had been walking around for about 30 minutes, presumably to find a vantage point. But it seems odd he went to so much trouble - rifle, ammunition, improvised explosives (in his car) - just on the off-chance a suitable opportunity would present itself. Some accounts talk of a ladder being used to get on the roof.

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The Epstein suicide narrative is more believable

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lol, like

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Indeed, he got onto the roof via a wall mounted service ladder at a different part of the building, then clambered over to his firing position. Such ladders are normally secured with a simple gate/lock to dissuade teenager shenanigans, which I suppose wouldn't be too difficult to break. Still, this whole thing stinks.

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One would think that at an event like this a police officer would be stationed at a wall-mounted ladder on the building already considered the primary threat... especially as the police were staging there!

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One would think someone here would realize the entire thing was faked. Just look at the clown show in the stands behind Trump. Most are bored out of their minds. One is even laughing. I'll give you a hint. It's the woman in a light beige shirt leaning over 90% at the waist on Trump's left. Our right. She's low in the crowd right beside the woman who is the assistant director of the FBI.

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Someone said that ladder doesn't show up in older photos of the building.

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The more recent reports are that no ladder was found. But check out this video of Crooks pacing around in the background. Look behind him, at all the exposed ductwork and the pipe running up the building exterior to the roof. You don't have to be Spiderman to get on top of that roof. To me, it looks as if it would only take a few seconds, for a tall, skinny kid. There may be similarly easy access points on the other side of the building.


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If the police snipers saw him for 3 minutes he for sure saw them. How did he know he could get a shot off?

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"knew"?...he took a risk..and got the shots off..

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CNN reports Crooks purchased a 5-foot ladder at Home Depot on Saturday morning.

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That ladder is much longer than 5 feet. I compared to my 3 ladders and according to the rungs, its 9-10 feet. I want to see him fit that in his car.

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False Dilemma/logical fallacy...he didnt have to have any prior knowledge..all he had to do was walk around..which is exactly what he did.

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The answer is that none of them were guarded, Crooks could easily observe this, and no doubt having previously recce'd the area, could have his pick of sites to shoot from.

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Because it was fake.

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DEI = "Morons in charge".

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Am in 100% agreement with everything. You've said except when you said that the morons are in charge. I believe that's unnecessary and it's extremely insulting to Morons everywhere, these idiot brain dead rat turd bastards do not have enough intelligence to be considered morons. In my opinion,

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The thing is, "moron" has great mouth feel. And "idiot," equally lovely word that it is, creates a slightly different feel. One must always choose words with precision.

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Once again, 100% agreement 😀

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In that case it also deserves some precision in pronunciation: “Moe-ron” seems to be appropriate.

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Oh God no. "MoR-on" with that hard, hard R and linger on it for a beat.

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And a southern drawl. "He must be some kind a morr-on"

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If you want to hear it in its full glory it must be old Brooklyn Jew-voice.

"What is he a moron?"

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Jul 18
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An acceptable variant fer shure.

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Jul 18
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Too French.

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I will never forget the one cop stopping to get a squirt of hand sanitizer.

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Go fuck yourselves- oh wait, you did. Want help? Call Chauvin.

Defend yourselves and your fetching spawn.

👋🏻 Bye.

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The trolls are out in force for this one. eugyppius is over the target here!

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I just wish they were better writers.

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As well as better thinkers...

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Yep. But listen, any actual triggering I need full immunity up front, blanket, in fact blank immunity. And $10M.

An hour. Each.

18 months in advance.

And you’ll be willing to pay.


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You get nothing except scorn and derision from anyone reading your tripe. Now go back to your comrades at Sturmabteilung and tell them you suck at trolling.

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Colin - 👋🏻 that’s all.

And the SA’s been gone since the 1930s.

But cheer up; you’re up.

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I take it back, you're not a faggot, you're a *turbo-faggot*

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Smoking, drinking and injecting simultaneously--kid, you got some admirable dexterity there.

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Save your dexterity for the ferals.

Have fun, you faithless chickenhawks 😆

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Cover up for a set up.

Read this. Probably best take I've read:


One millimeter away from civil war. That's not hyperbole here in the US.

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I personally can’t get over the fact that he got his shots off before they took him out.

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The excuse that I heard from one MSM outlet was that it's official Secret Service protocol to wait until the shooter opens fire. I'd like to see some documentation or hear from former SS personnel if that's actually true, and if so, WTF?

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According to Dan Bongino, who is former Secret Service, that isn’t the official protocol. It is probably more along the line that the police snipers were supposed to be on the roof but wimped out and stayed inside the building that caused the delay. Not to mention that comms between the feds and others is usually pretty darned hampered. They’re never on the same frequencies, which would be super helpful. SS Sniper: “Hey we’ve got a gunman on the roof where you locals are supposed to be. Is that you?”, Local: “Nope not us, we’re inside in the A/C”. SS: Cool Thanks. <Blam-o>

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Your explanation of discoordination between agencies would be a plausible explanation ...

if the person on the roof WEREN'T AIMING AT THE PRESIDENT.

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You and I like to think of him as "the president."

Certain others? Not so much.

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Thanks for pointing this out. Correct would have been "the former president."

Despite the fact that ex-presidents retain the title, e.g. "President Obama", "President Bush", "The President" refers only to the current, officially presiding president.

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yeah, roof too hot bro; anyone dumb enough to go up there can have it

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Wimped out ?? Nah. A convenient excuse. Someone who was supposed to be on the roof, or their commander, let Crooks know that the roof would be available and conveniently stayed inside. This person will probably end up dead in short order, just like Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Exactly! “We wait until the assassin kills our protectee, then we shoot him.”

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That's a really stupid protocol if you're goal is to "protect." wow.

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I've heard that's not the case, but only when there's a clear danger to the primary person they're protecting--if they couldn't see a gun but could only see his head, say, that's not a clear danger (it could have been someone who snuck up to watch, and they can't just go around shooting civilians in the head). If it's true that the building was supposed to have other snipers on it, the SS snipers might have been trying to determine that it wasn't a local police sniper getting to his post late. Etc.

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What a load of shit, let’s see that happen with Biden 🙄

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Jul 17Edited

The explanation presented in this article makes the most sense out of what I've heard. The USSS sniper had to confirm it wasn't the SWAT team, as that is where they were supposed to be. Just another layer of incompetence.

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the radio communications among security need to be released

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Jul 17
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the red-haired guy w/ the visor yelling about some dude on the roof might have been the best communicator at the rally

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Very good point. Now I'm rethinking this.

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Had to confirm it wasn't the SWAT team, as Crooks was aiming at the president?

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Maybe the last thing they wanted was eyewitnesses. The deep state should not be elected to operate as dog catchers.

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Everyone has a (remarkably high quality) cellphone camera on them these days. In a crowd that size, there's going to be dozens of "Zapruder films" of an event like this. Is there a way to temporarily disable all the cellphone cameras in a certain area?

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Any assassination attempt in a public place made today is going to have more footage uploaded to the internet in seconds than ever before in history.

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Great comment. I believe there is a method to shut down digital devices. If not, there must be more films.

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Chris Martenson did the best analysis. Actually that first sniper team had a big tree in line of site between them and the position of the sniper. Only the second sniper team further back had a line of sight to see him but we have no info as to when they spotted him. Most likely it was them that shot the sniper.

Somebody needs to go up on those roofs with a riflescope and get a direct view of those positions and see what it really looks like.

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Jul 17
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This is the million-dollar question.

Apparently, he was speaking for only about ten minutes before the shooting. Someone with an IQ over room temperature should have said, "There's someone out here with a RANGEFINDER 😳 we want to talk to; keep the asset in the car until we find him."

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Because they want him dead. Next question. They’ve arrested him, convicted him, tried to jail him, and his numbers & fundraising keep going up. They’re out of other options.

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They do have the break glass in case of emergency option - a new Pandemic.

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It looks as though there was no coordination or planning of the event with local law enforcement. The fact that the "calvery" had to ram a chain link fence because they couldn't get through indicates a huge issue.

Was it a "comedy of errors" or intentional plan?

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who knows right? the speculation will never end because the US government is built on lies at this point.

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And one attendee is dead and others seriously injured

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Jul 17
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(and it appears he was a better character than Trump 8 days a week, just sayin)

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I've read various sources online which explain that local and secret service security have staked out areas to manage and that they are NOT in direct communication with each other. This means that local security teams who were alerted had no way of communicating this further up the chain. Also the team assigned to directly protect Trump will not have worked together before.

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Local chief released a statement denying he had ANY security responsibilities at all. That was all USSS. He did traffic control, end of story.

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The ladder, the ladder the ladder. And he went through security with a range finder but not the gun. The gun was already there. He had help.

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