We are witnessing a global Streisand effect. The more ideas and people get banned and cancelled, the more they grow. The real question is how and when the cultists leave the cults - gradually and peacefully or suddenly and violently? Recent history around cults is fascinating: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-become-a-cult-leader

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Die hard cultists are still taking boosters. The majority that publicly pretends support but silently stopped taking boosters needs to be forced to acknowledge that disconnect.

If they never think about it, it's that much more likely they will fall for the next psyop. Alternatively if they admit bad mistakes were made and they know better than bureaucrats, they become less dangerous to themselves and others.

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They will eat one another

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they are going to taste rank especially the anti-hygiene activists

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It's laughable that AfD are often labelled "far right." By the standards of Christian conservative parties outside of Germany such as United Russia or many partues in Asia and Africa which oppose transgender and LGBTQ+ proselytising they would be considered degenerate.

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"Are labelled 'far-right'"... What does that mean? I'd appreciate an explanation of that. I'm a classic anti-war, anti-corporate old style leftist from the 70s and now seem to be labelled "right wing".. And note, labelled, passive tense, no agency, no attribution.

It's impossible to discuss this without a clear(er) definition of terms. And like the word "vaccine" I'm fully aware who are the actors working to make it impossible.

What makes AfD far right? Let me guess, eu sceptic, anti-war, anti-nato, pro-sovereignty, maybe a tinge of medical freedom. Just guessing.

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„Wird der Deutsche unbequem

Ist er plötzlich rechtsextrem“

„When the German becomes inconvenient

He turns out to be extreme right“

Sorry for the very ungainly translation.

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You have 2 choices in the 21st-century West:

Either be an SJW (which oddly includes also being a corporatist cheerleader for Big Tech and Big Pharma); or, if not, then you're "far right".

That's it.

Welcome to the club!

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WAPO article today describes how you get, as AfD, to be labelled "very, very" far right. Only a matter of time before these kook-elites pull out the "very, very, very" tag.

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No, you have one choice, join the club.

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but i didnt get my invite!

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Check Stephen Pinker's concept of the Left Pole, embraced by his academic colleagues.

Briefly, if you stand at the North Pole any direction you walk is technically south.

Pinker described his colleagues views as a Left Pole as any deviation, including standard views of the moderate left, are considered right wing.

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Yes..exactly... Same in US the MSM are all talk about far right conservative home terrorists! What does that mean? And they are predicting that these home grown terrorists are going to sabotage power grids..electrical and all kinds of terrible things! The far right are the new ‘scape goats’ for anyone who disagrees with left wing Marxists!

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The label has nothing to do with principles, just as the people using it as an insult have no principles.

It's just an epithet they throw at anyone espousing views they don't like.

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So, ultimately it becomes a way of destroying language and meaning or words, making communication impossible. It's not a meaningful term, simply a weapon. I like that, because it simplifies my response: I have two choices, to grunt or to bash. ;^>

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Scapegoats! Yes. Rene Girard and mimetic crisis. Mandatory reading for all human-kind

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Like I said, it's laughable that they are labelled "far right." I find them almost indistinguishable from the Greens.

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right wing is an epithet, not a technical description of a political philosophy. it is used to demean and demonize, not further discourse. if you were seven years old, you would use terms like poo-poo head, "meany", wierdo. frankly, I was surprised to learn there was a way to destroy a political party in Germany. not very democratic it seems to me.

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conservative, nationalistic views/agendas.

the cherry on top it all is the fact that a german is unable to distinguish nationalism from social-nationalist extremism. anything „national“ makes them cringe inside.

we‘re born and raised like that. those who see through it are forever screwed.

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The dichotomy is no longer between the Far Right and the Far Left any more, it is between the Far Right and the Far Wrong.

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AfD is guaranteed being a trojan horse. Far right my butt. As soon as they could be a serious political force they will come up with some self-sabotage : "we have to move to the centre to appeal to more people and support immigration etc." these political parties are controlled oppositions. Anyone who believes you can vote out yourself from this broken system is delusional.

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"My systemic theses of modern politics often attract the complaint that I am excessively demoralised and pessimistic, but this view is too bleak even for me."

I’d say you’re clear-eyed and with the guts to say out loud what you see.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Sensibly demoralized and pessimistic.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

First one has to recognize what's happening, and that's often quite depressing. After a suitable time for grieving and sackcloth-ing and ashes sprinkling, in a restrained and tasteful sort of way, one has relieved one's feelings sufficiently to have the energy to begin thinking of how we outfox the very deficient in cunning would-be predator species.

[edited for spelling]

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Yes. And one must also hope that one is not already too late.

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These are cycles in history, not straight roads off cliffs.

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History never runs off a cliff.

Until it does. It will happen only once.

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Well, no. Life can't be stopped. Maybe the most cheering thing I ever saw was the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone becoming the biggest wildlife refuge in Europe.

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Running off a cliff... you mean like billions taking experimental gene therapy based solely on trust in people like Fauci and Bourla?

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Yes..the Agenda seems to have been moved ahead of schedule! Did they realise the natives are getting restless? They are ruthless!

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After all, a pessimist is a well-informed optimist.

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Pessimists often just need a bracing cup of ginger tea to recalibrate their temperaments.

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I may sound excessively optimistic, but deep down inside, I know that I'm right and everyone else is wrong.

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Is that right, as in far right?

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It's right as in correct.

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Me also..too..

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We need a less hysterical understanding of WW2 history to move on from this sclerotic regime. That banning a rightwing opposition party is even up for discussion is because of the lunatic belief in the perpetual reincarnation of Mustache Man, which only somewhat makes sense if you believe he simply descended upon Germany like a storm or another natural event. In fact, there is no Hitl0r on the horizon because there is nothing akin to the Soviet Beast to the East slaughtering millions wherever they set foot and with a stated position of (frankly plausible) world conquest. The events of the 20th Century were *unique* and furthermore the existence of and willingness to use nuclear weapons all but guarantees that e.g. another Battle of Kursk will never happen. In short, the Nuremberg System—that, per t777 outlaws the political right in the West—has outlived, if not its usefulness then certainly its tenability, and needs to be abolished. The people are ready for a real debate on the reign of globohomo.

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Del Noce said that the whole of post war history is based on the idea that anything which isn’t “progressive” is fascism and so must be stopped.

This has helped the left destroy everything

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As an outsider I think you're right. As an outsider, I also think it's extremely ironic that the current response to democratic opposition is to place the opposition apparatus outside the democratic competition, since it heightens the risk of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Nazis didn't come to power by winning elections. They won elections by coming to power. Any cursory familiarity with the interbellum years reveals this.

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The soviets were bad of course but the west deserves at least an equal share of the blame for willfully inflicting the economic conditions that elevated Hitler.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

I believe the argument is that the West in large part promoted, funded, and propped up Herr Hitler as a bastion against the communists, until he became too belligerent and politically untenable for his Western benefactors.

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Funny I read "the origins of the second world war" or some such book and it doesn't mention this at all so far as I recall. It seemed generally good. It mentions German industrialists backing Hitler, but not this.

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BP, Rockefellers, Dutch Royal Shell, Rothschilds all funded them, with Ford Motors among others providing equipment. They played both sides and profited mightily. Funny you don't find that in many of the history books.

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IBM And The Holocaust by Edwin Black, very informative and eye opening read.

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Interesting and good comment.

Kevin Barrett wrote a good piece recently over at unz. Here's the link; https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/the-holocaust-and-nuclear-holocaust/

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I think the linked article is illegal in your country, eugy

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It's long past time to deconstruct the myth of Mustache "Man." There is no convincing evidence that "he" ever existed. The available evidence is consistent with the conclusion that "he" was XX (a biological female) with the SRY gene for male genitalia coded on an X, rather than Y (as normally happens), chromosome. That is, "he," or more accurately "she," was a gay, transgender woman in a same sex, lesbian, relationship, and eventually marriage, with Eva Braun. Those with her condition, known as "de la Chapelle syndrome" typically have hemicryptorchidism, i.e., one undescended testicle (as did she), never inseminate females (like she also didn't) because they are infertile, are shorter than most men, more the height of a typical female (as was she), and are not hirsute (like her). Most importantly, they are genetically XX on tests, as was she. Soviet troops collected her remains on Stalin's orders and confirmed their identity by comparison of the jaw and teeth with X rays in her dental records. They were transportedback to Moscow under a tight chain of custody. When US scientists tested the remains in 2009 they were found to be XX, consistent with her havinghad de la Chapelle sydrome, which occurs in 1 in about 2000 people.

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Interesting intellectually, but politically irrelevant, at least IMHO.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

It depends on what your political views are on the desirability of LGBTQ+ and transgender demography and leadership. These things may be considered normal in today's Germany and in what passes for the "right" in Germany, France, Belgium the US and similar pro LGBT and feminist neoMarxist countries but are definitely not considered normal or desirable in traditional conservative countries such as Russia or Serbia. That Germany was led by a gay, transgender woman during wartime is also significant in the context of a study of 600 years of European history which found that female leaders were more militaristic and more likely to wage war than male leaders.

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'600 years of European history which found that female leaders were more mitaristic and more likely to wage war than male leaders.'

That adds relevance. Thanks.

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This was already the conclusion of an informal English study in 1940. It read as follows:

H¡t!er - has only got one ball,

Göring - has two but very small,

Himmler - has something similar,

And poor old Goebbels has no balls at all.

Curiously, Englishmen are able to extract rhymes from lines 3 and 4.

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You have to sing it for the rhyming to work

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

My theory is that they will try to go softly until the next election in 2025, keeping the illusion of democracy alive. They may make some outward concessions, like sending back the odd illegal immigrant, or stopping some Last Generation traffic jam protest.

Even the worst outcome (for the regime) would not see the AfD much above 20% in 2025.

After that, they will have 5 years free reign, and they will go full throttle with undemocratic state terror and deindustrialization. They believe in the Great Reset after all, scheduled to be sometime around 2030.

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That indulges the fiction that elections aren't rigged. They just need the public to believe election results are plausible. If AfD polls at 30-40-50% and they don't win governing control then that's not plausible. So they must be removed from choice. Their loss would be implausible. Elections are only held as theater for a plausible narrative to become believed. Hollywood illusionists and politics go hand-in-hand.

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That is the whole story and illusion..many ppl are still believing they have a choice and pay attention to the whole show. Distract as many as possible! Haven’t been true elections for years! In Canada last 3 elections were sketchy to say the least..absolutely 2019 was a bust. Same as as US 2020..Ppl need to be informed of the true events taking place. It’s difficult with every MSM being owned by the Elite WEF/UN forum..

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In Alaska, Lisa Murkowski supposedly won a general election as an "Independent" write-in US Senate general election candidate against Joe Miller who she previously lost to in the GOP primary election in 2010. Won as a Write-in?!?! They'd have you believe that 40% of all voters took a pen in the voting booth, 102,000, and wrote in her name because they liked her so much, and only 91,000 bothered to do the easy job of pull the lever for Republican Joe Miller. With 60,000 for the D.

Joe Miller got 56,000 votes in the primary, which means he only received 35,000 more voters in the general. Murkowski got 54,000 votes in the primary, which means she got 48,000 more voters to not only do the easy work of pulling the lever for her in the booth like they did in the primary, but actually liked her so much they wrote her name in. And not losing not a single voter to Miller in November. Requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

Knowing what we know about rigged elections now, do you really think she won that election fair and square in 2010? R's and D's. Which is why neither dare take up election fraud. They're all guilty as hell, too.



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In Germany, it is much harder to rig elections.

And our party system would allow to exclude the AfD, as long as it is below 50%.

Furthermore, if the AfD gets many votes, say over 30%, it will have a hard time to fill all the political positions. At this time, the AfD doesn't have enough functionaries.

The German party system is build to not allow sudden changes. It is much different from the US political system.

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There have been statistical analyses that showed that the election might have been rigged in Germany in the past as well. https://www.tichyseinblick.de/meinungen/gibt-es-anzeichen-von-wahlfaelschung-bei-der-bundestagswahl/

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Thank you for that clarification. Yes, I remember the Pirate Party in Iceland won the largest number of votes in 2016 and no other party would join with them to form a governing coalition, they were excluded from power even though they had the most votes. Parliamentary multiparty systems of governance. :/

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And also small parties which grow quickly tend to get undermined in Germany.

We also had a Pirate party, which had some success, and got destroyed from the inside within a few months.

The AfD had several attempts of being taken over from the inside, and somehow weathered it. But it was on the cusp of imploding a number of times.

We had other rightwing parties in the past, where it turned out later that many members where from the secret service.

The Greens took over Germany now, but they needed 40 years. And they did it by taking over the institutions slowly. Any "revolution" from the right will need to do the same, and will look at the same time frame.

For better or for worse, our political system is build to prevent any quick changes.


Our you in Iceland? How is the situation there?

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A problem with following the path of taking over the institutions is that only works against open democratic systems. Once undemocratic ideologies take over institutions they shut the door behind themselves to make sure the opposition they've displaced doesn't do the same thing to them. They screen and filter out the threats from ever attaining power even inside the institutions; they are undemocratic and stealthy.

I don't see that as a viable path to reclaiming control, unless we become what we seek to displace, stealthy and undemocratic...to restore freedom. A strategy with its obvious hazards. As the current ideological leftists are figuring out since the masses aren't supporting their best laid plans. They always, inevitably, historically turn to totalitarianism: It's not they who are wrong, it's those ignorant disobedient types who just won't get with the program who need to be brought in line, by force if needed. "Just obey us! It's for your own good! You're too stupid to understand!"

So, what is the plan when taking over the institutions from within is a path that's being hermetically sealed?


I'm not in Iceland. But I've visited and met many people there. Including a former Icelandic MP who was one of the first three elected to Parliament in 2013. His wife ran a newspaper in Reykjavik. We had a long talk about politics, I had worked as a lobbyist in state legislatures, I had just retired a few weeks before, was beginning my journey to detoxify my soul with world travel.

He filled me in on the history and agenda of the Pirate Party there. I asked him if they had lobbyists there, what any equivalent were called? He answered: "Criminals." We laughed and did shots of Brennivín together the rest of the night!

I've followed Iceland's elections since, had high hopes after the 2016 results. Was disappointed but not surprised the other parties ganged up against them.

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Yes, democracy is over, at least for the time being.

We are an old society with debt and liabilities. i don't see any historical situations that could give us an idea how it will play out next.

I can only imagine a slow decline over several generations, and then maybe something new. Much like what happend after Rome.

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Not to change channel..has anyone been paying attention to Canada lately?? It is full mode tyrannical regime. It is very bad. I had a post from someone there who said the PM said to FB..Instagram & Google..the only news allowed of Canada must come from the legacy media(state funded). They haven’t seen any world news like Maui incident? Also..on the radio they said Cnd will ban natural medicine & supplements? I will have to dive into that source but things are not right! The Deputy PM is Chrystia Freeland..the one who froze protesters & anyone who donated $..froze their bank accounts! The DPM is on the WEF Board & in charge of Canada finances? No conflict there! This woman has been involved in many goings on..the WEF seems in control. Klaus Schwabb stated that he ‘inserted’ Trudeau & 2/3 of Lib party into office..not voted. So..Canada & US are in very bad situation. Maybe they are going more softly with EU countries? It’s not good!

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Canada is the portent for the rest of us.


Think back over the last, say, 20 years. Did you protest against the Iraq war? How about protesting at Occupy Wall Street? Were you a member of the Tea Party? A member of #TheResistance? Did you disagree with the government’s covid response? It’s nearly certain that everybody with a political pulse has crossed the government at one time or another. How comfortable are you with the idea that the person you’re protesting against can shut off your bank account?

Because now, it seems, those perfectly legal actions at least have the potential to come with harsh monetary consequences, as well as the ensuing chaos caused by financial ruin. And this is happening all without a single shred of oversight or due process. It’s just some asshole in an expensive suit giving a list of ‘subversives’ to another asshole in an expensive suit. The no-fly list but with the very real potential to ruin your life.

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Well..sorry to say..I am not in the U.S. now or Canada..but I am receiving all the info! Yes..When young I did go to Freedom March..Was against all the CFR/NATO/MIC wars..never sent money to any Evil UN money grabs..I have been aware for many years about how govt over reach was beginning to get ominous ..Yes..I saw what happened in Canada to Truckers protest and how PM called in NATO or UN troops whatever..and it was abysmal what was done..freezing ppls bank accounts. I knew since 2016 day one Canada was in trouble when the Davos students were put into Govt there..not elected! Cnds have always been naive..hardworking..good ppl..so that day was a wake up call to many. Yes..it is frightening to think you might be cancelled in a day..but even if you comply..you will be enslaved. I have decided not to comply..and inform as many as possible..Prayers..

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Nothing will change through administrative efforts, voting etc. Nothing short of revolution and death to the criminal politicians, who are the neck to the monstrous head.

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It would seem to be so! All Western govts(including AG’s..Judges..civil service..All have been captured..either willingly..blackmail..fear ect. There is no ‘Righteous’ man..No ..not one! Needs now for complete clean out and a new concept of Democracy..or Republic..even Monarchy was more pleasant than this despotic tyranny! All like a Banana Republics in western nations!

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Hear..hear sounds right!

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To the extent that they are not simply sociopaths seeking personal advantage in the very short term, I think they want this, but I doubt their ability to pull it off.

I don’t see how they maintain public order alongside a green agenda which destroys the society.

Our system offers no transcendence: its paradise is earthly. If they can’t offer that, their regime fails.

The weakened economy since 2008 is precisely the beginning of the end of the (largely American) regime’s previously stunning success.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I, for one, am tired of people thinking I am "demoralising" or "pessimistic" simply because I am willing to discuss the ugly facts. The truth is pessimistic and demoralizing. I am not. But this point is worth discussing because I believe that the reason most folks are in the dark is not because they are stupid (well, some of them are) but because they are just not willing to go there. Many simply don't have the constitution to face the sad facts and need a rosy (fake) outlook to get through the day.

If reporting real news and facts makes you demoralizing and pessimistic, you are my kind of person. I'll grab on to your lead balloon. :)

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After the assassination of Sertorius was carried out (due to his popular and military successes in the Spanish provinces), his killers brought his personal correspondence to Pompey the Great who ordered them to be burned (without reading). Why? Because the established order could never stand in the face of the reality contained in those letters.

That, I’m afraid, is the mindset of both the rank and file “ostriches” who, with buried heads, refuse to see the obvious, and the elite manipulators who justify their lies, deceit, and trampling of civil liberties. The “republics” and “democracies”, such as they are, in the words of Jack Nicholson, “Can’t handle the truth!”

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We seem to be living through the end of an empire. It is bound to be ugly and depressing. It might even be bloody before it’s over.

The dead weight of regime propaganda and a desire not to examine reality shields many from the pain which accepting the truth might cause.

However it also makes the end inevitable and much messier than it needed to be.

Covid taught me that most people want a nice story, not the truth, to explain life. So I am now waiting for reality to rip the current story to shreds and for whoever takes over to write a new story.

God only knows what is coming

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100% Their nice stories came pouring in already written by mainstream media. Funny how that works.

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Spot on!

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Same here ... "Do not discuss always these subjects, this will depress you (and us). " - "So this is what you've said to a German in March 1933, or in 1934 after the so-called Röhmputsch?"

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I am not that optimistic.

A similar phenomenon is happening in my country (Brazil), since Bolsonaro got elected in 2018. The political-bureucratic elite got extremely paranoid got extremely paranoid about the "far-right", and started a witch hunt which continues to this day. They started in 2019 by raiding the homes of people who insulted judges and politicians on social media. In 2020, they started to arrest people who led public demonstrations, and order Youtube to ban famous populist pundits. In 2021, they started arresting elected officials for saying mean words. In 2022, the supposedly neutral Electoral Court banned pretty much all of Bolsonaro's campaign ads. Their justices openly attended Lula's victory party. And now they mass arrested, with no warrant, hundreds of people suspected to be in any way connected to our lamer version of Jan 6. They just banned Bolsonaro from running in elections, and the guy had 49% of the Brazilian electorate (assuming no fraud).

Year after year, people were predicting: "now they have overstepped their boundaries", "the establishment cannot just ignore our due process law like that". And nothing happenned, they were able to intensify their authoritarianism to the point where everyone remotely right wing is terribly afraid of publicly voicing opinions.

I hope Germany doesn't go this way. Sadly, this trsnsition to hard authoritarinism is easier than previously thought.

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Thanks for this, excellent perspective.

I am interested to see how a regime with zero legitimacy handles a real crisis.

They have moved rapidly in all western countries to shut down the opposition and we are now living under a new type of regime, although it is uneasy in itself.

How would they handle (say) a total geopolitical realignment? Or a huge recession which threatened the financial system?

I don’t have any confidence in their ability to do much beyond banning speech and playing games with election rules. That is all very important, but their fundamental ideology is idiotic and will run into the sand sooner or later

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I don’t think you are being demoralizing or pessimistic; just acknowledging reality. Just because our current situation is, in fact, demoralizing and pessimistic, doesn’t make us that. The fact remains that things will continue to deteriorate due to the complete abandonment of God where we now live in a time of lawlessness and moral bankruptcy. But in the end, God triumphs. Yes, He’s allowing the utter degeneracy of our nation and the world. But He isn’t ignoring it and will end it in His timing.

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Exactly this. This is a spiritual crisis. A purely materialistic regime is having a hard time…

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Heracles vs. Lauterbach. Nice image, with or without the hydra.

Yes, the Lauterbachs can and must be defeated.

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It is an important, although a seldom discuss principle: when power concentrates it can only be opposed by a concentrated power. The good new for Deutschland is that the current "concentrated power" is weak and effeminate, a power only because the populous is even weaker and more effeminate (sorry, that includes Germans in the diaspora like me). Here in the US, the concentrated power is well equipped, completely in control of all force and forces, and institutions. Most importantly, it is vicious. To oppose this will be quite hard, and Americans are largely distracted, effeminate and indifferent. Thoughtful readers can draw the inference as to what an opposing power will need. Its happened before. Will it happen again? May God have mercy on us.

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Yes, in a word. I do see some signs of awareness if not pushback. Effeminacy is the word, with many of the populations of the west essentially emasculated. But I do think we will regain our mojo.

A small thing; I see more and more people questioning their diet, which in my view is hammering testosterone levels in the West. I see more and more info on how to eat clean and increasing numbers doing just that. Perhaps that seems trivial but I think it could be a gamechanger for some.

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Funny you would mention diet. I have just completely changed mine, regular fasting, no sugar and I have even stopped drinking anything but water. I am feeling better daily, even though my stomach grumbles a bit. So maybe I can fit into my old Viking uniform again soon!

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If you want to avoid the hunger pangs you could try a ketogenic diet. The high fat tends to satiate for much longer so you never feel hungry.

I am modifying my diet too and also intend to drop the coffee and move on to water only. Wise minds...

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Prosperity and comfort can cover a multitude of sins. People will tolerate a lot as long as they can buy groceries and pay their bills. But, as the bills get higher and harder to pay and the wealth gap gets ever larger, people stop tolerating and cooperating with the system. We have thousands of years of history that prove this.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

That’s kind of my thinking too. We will need the mother of all economic meltdowns to wake people up to this nonsense. Right now it’s surreal to see the media gaslighting about the economy being just fine while inflation prices are hurting people across the board with massive contractions in practically all sectors....

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Totally agree with all of these points.

I wonder how long before we see the next crash and the fireworks really begin…

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Your metaphor of a game board with limited moves is a useful one. However, those of us who value individual rights and minimal government are only really allowed to play this game if we join a team, both of which are odious. Left or right, pick a collectivist tribe; that is our only option. The best we can do is balance power so the state's "soft authoritarianism" does not turn hard. And it will harden if allowed to grow unchecked. Beneath that pile of squishy pillows that hide the bureaucracy's real character, there is a gun and someone willing to use it.

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Karl Lauterbach's stupid face poorly Photoshopped onto the painting of Hercules facing the Hydra would be an amazing meme.

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Can't wait!

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I have thought for some time now that at the root of our problems is the fact that we have already benefited from all the low hanging fruits of the computer and Internet revolution. Over the last few decades, we have experienced immense productivity gains. They have allowed in the past the encroachment of the State (and quasi-state) apparatus without affecting severely our wealth.

But this situation stopped around 10-15 years ago.

In the last few years, we are experiencing the sad fact that we can no longer afford to maintain the immense weight of the modern State and their parasitic appendages.

Naturally, the more people realise it, the worse they become. To maintain their status, they have gone into overdrive mode, committing many mistakes along the road.

This presents us with a very dire situation. We are against people that are costing us dearly, providing no benefit. That people need to maintain their roles because they don't know how to make a living doing any kind of productive work.

Something needs to happen, because the situation is not sustainable.

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Superb analysis. The parasites are eating the host. This can only go on so long.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Thank you.

A few years ago, I realized there are only two kinds of people: productive and parasitic (some change their position at different times).

Parasitic people usually usurp power because they have more spare time since they don't lose any by producing anything.

Organisations, countries or entire civilizations prosper or decay as their respective proportions change.

These facts seem to apply universally.

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Excellent summary, many thanks.

My own real life experience confirms much the same.

Strangely, it never formed part of my education…!

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You mean "formal" education, right?

Reading eugyppius blog is also education. High-level, real-world, education.

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Definitely! I’ve learned a huge amount more since I left formal education.

This blog (and others like it) is the real thing, as you say

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Very insightful post. Nearly everything described in your post regarding the German political class can be applied to the current political situation in the USA as well as any number of the other G7 countries.

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Except with don't have an AfD. I do think that will be Germany's way out.

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And the UK

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"It is like a poorly loaded washing machine that seems at any moment about to burn out or tip over." Our washing machine is exactly like that! We call it our Vietnam as we, even understanding the sunk cost fallacy

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost , keep ordering parts. Getting a new one would require huge amounts of labor, up and down stairs, and installation help. Sunk cost bias might be an exploitable weakness!

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