The problem I keep having, and it's not soon to go away, is how can all this overwhelming, damned-near unassailable data still not result in worldwide anger and tar-and-featherings for those who touted the B.S.? I know. I know. Never happen. ...but a guy can hope!

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022Author

it hurts them, I promise. they don't show it, they do everything to present a facade of total indifference. but you have to know, that this really hurts them. they will appear totally indifferent and impervious right up until the wall comes down.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Exactly. How did the Berlin Wall come down? Very slowly, and then all at once.

The edifice has cracked in the US - people can only be hammered on the same nerve for so long. Still though, I pray for justice.

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The funny thing was, some dumb low-level bureaucrat basically misspoke, and before they could walk it back everyone had rushed the gates. Who knows how long the DDR might have limped along for if it weren't for that gaffe.

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Wait.. no. The masks in schools in the Santa Clara county (heart of the Silicon Valley, California) just got back. 😶We are desperate, truly desperate parents here, but we are a minority. Most parents in California …. support it. I overheard one mom justifying masks mandate on kids by “they had less common colds this year” 🤦‍♀️😭 I really don’t know what to do!!!

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Much has been written about masks, and hell, I have written some of it. Bottom Line: our species believes in talismans. Once masks became talismans, with a nice helping of virtue signaling thrown in, we were just as stuck with them as we are with things like no elevator on Manhattan Island having a floor labeled "13" and other lunacy.

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When I see a parent unmasked in a car with their child masked, I'm reminded of how deep the fear goes.

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You know what to do...vote with your feet. Not easy, I know. But do you really want to live in a place run by tyrants?

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The Berlin wall came down ,but other walls went up in many places .

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I live next to one - the US-Canadian border. Of course the US-Mexican border is wide open because "The Science."

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also the papers are owned by the same multi-millionaires who own lots of shares in big Pharma, and they will want to take their profits before unleashing the hounds of war.

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deletedApr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Here’s hoping

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Wishful thinking!

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TRULY, Wiltster. HOW do people just meekly accept the kind of abuse that these clowns have visited upon us????

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Why does a whipped dog not attack and kill its master?

Understand that, and you have your answer.

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That metaphor is appropriate, and sad.

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Because as horrifying and painful as it is.... the dog somehow senses that fighting back will bring something even WORSE !

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With all respect to you and others who may have pondered my horrible question/statement: it is even worse than your answers.

The dog takes the wipping because the wipping proves the Master cares.

The worst punishment possible for a pack animal, which we are, is being ostracized from the pack - to be made an unmember or stranger. To be made alone.

Because that means that nobody cares at all and that you have no worth or value.

Being whipped, however painful, means you at least are worth a whipping, which is more than zero.

That is the true answer, and that is the mechanism by which modern society works.

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Yes, you bring up one very observable explanation. Especially in treating teens, we often find fear of being ostracized is a major factor, and yes, I agree prevalent during the Covid pandemic. We also have found in treating children, physical punishment does indeed reinforce to some children, that they exist, and even "loved" in a manner of speaking. As to that being the "true" answer, that is most certainly a "bridge too far" as the saying goes, meaning, it is ONE possible answer among quite a few (depending on context). We are most definitely NOT "pack animals" but the explanation is too lengthy for this forum (and probably not of interest to the wider audience), but I agree some individuals do operate on that level. We must be cautious when making sweeping statements is the only point I wish to make.

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Stockholm syndrome.

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Well, CR, I agree with you, "Just who the fuck do these people think they are?"

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I'm with you. Where are the torches and pitchforks..?

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That's sadly funny ...

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gdoc You must have been a heavy mask user ,are you still doing it ?

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I ask myself this everyday

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Censoring free speech is their weapon.

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MK262 is mine.

"The Mk 262 is a match-quality round manufactured by Black Hills Ammunition made originally for the Special Purpose Rifle (SPR). It uses a 77-grain (5.0 g) Sierra MatchKing bullet that is more effective at longer ranges than the standard issue M855 round." -Wiki

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Exactly...the whole world can't be brain dead.... can it ? You'd think there would be outrage everywhere in every country, so far, it seems those fighting back the most intensely are in CHINA ! I USA we just keep saying, oh look look there's a war over there, look at that, it could be a nuclear war, so, you people watch our nice little war we're feeding you 24/7. Now WE finally got rid of the masks via a judge in Florida and what happens ? Joe and the gang in D.C. come to life with every thing they can garner to make sure the CDC has MORE power than our Constitution, so they can commence "emergency measures" when ever "they" deem necessary. People need to WATCH the videos that have leaked out of China, the people LOCKED in their homes, LOCKED behind fences that prohibit them from leaving to shop for food, they need to LISTEN to the SCREAMS of the adults and the CHILDREN, pay attention folks, pay attention !

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I saw a great T shirt today …

Tested Positive

For Critical


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I have wondered if a part of it has to do with the instinct to sacrifice when threatened. In the face of danger, rational thinking tends to yield to the instinct. Instinct saved our ancestors from snakes, not reason. Therefore, anything to feed the instinct tends to be welcomed, while rational analysis of cause and effect is rejected.

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simples: the newspapers ar e keeping their powder dry, because, Ukraine, you know. Also they still think that a monster Tsunami of new Variant Cronyvid 3 might come along and take every first born son...

But don't think the media are unaware of all this: they are simply biding their time, perhaps waiting for the first big one to break the story: then they will all pile in like lemmings.

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deletedApr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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one of those things i track, which i think will matter surprisingly more in the long-term, for all that it seems like nothing in the short-term.

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I feel like I've been in jail for two years--they finally "opened" the office. It's been a house arrest for me. I guess other people never leave their houses anyway?

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Lots to unpack in all these responses. I will start with your excellent observation. The answer--albeit depressing--is that people do not think anything was stolen. I have friends, many of whom are not dumb people, who *still* think masking is a good idea, who *still* think Pfauci (yes, that spelling is on-purpose) is a good guy, who *still* think the CDC is in the business of protecting people versus the business of selling vaccines. The bottom line is that, using a reference to Dune, the "imperial programming" has been effective and remains strong. Continued fantastic insight from folks like eugyppius helps though!

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Its called 'brain washing'---very effective when used along with censoring of free speech. Very cunning these WEF/NWO/Davos people are.

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Apr 28, 2022·edited May 1, 2022

Your friends need to read: The Real Anthony Fauci. every page ! This book is more meticulously footnoted than my own dissertation research, LOL, or any review of the literature I've even been involved in, I mean no detail is left in limbo. The famous "virologist" is actually a rheumatologist with a dismal record of what seems to be made of "trying to become famous", while engaging in horrendous "research" at the expensive, and even death, of so many in Africa, children, and even "experimental subjects" here.

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It doesn't always seem to be a matter of intelligence....or lack thereof. I know of some dim bulbs who are totally brainwashed, but equally, some very intelligent and well educated people who are similarly so. I keep trying to figure out what the elusive component is that allows for this. I don't see any rhyme or reason behind it yet.

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Our host published a fantastic summary of thoughts from around the world that clawed at the answer. I have no clue if there is a secret sauce that accounts for it either. In terms of intelligence, an M.D. I know--who is wholeheartedly on #TeamReality--speaks of lots of people she meets outside her world who are "common laborers," and who called bullshit early on, while many, if not most, of her advanced-degree colleagues swallowed whatever lunacy that fell out of Pfauci's mouth. <Shrugs> Who can say?

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I also spend considerable time pondering that ! We all come from our own experiences; my life experience has been in academics surrounded by my fellow well educated colleagues, so I can only tell you my personal observations. Nearly all faculty members in my college have been rabid vaccination seekers (can't make any statements regarding the other colleges on our university campus, but probably similar) and definitely fought to avoid as much contact with students as possible. While the "average" intelligence quotient among faculty is probably well above average, so also seems the "average" ego. An example, the use of the title "Dr.". While the norm ON campus, when I received my doctorate, it was accepted as common practice to use that title (Dr.) BEFORE the name ONLY in academic settings and events, and to use the title (PhD.) AFTER the name in social settings. It was explained that this was the generally accepted use to avoid being mistaken for a MEDICAL doctor (like the insistence that the president's wife be called Dr. Biden) which could cause confusion and even harm in an emergency when people give their names on restaurant reservations or air line manifests using "Dr." as the Prefix and they are called on to help, such an an onboard emergency, etc. I have also just observed that while there are a few church attendees among faculty, for the most part there appears (emphasis "appears", who knows a person's soul ?) to be little spiritual foundation in the lives of most (again, that may be unfair to categorize as a group !). I only know that as a practicing Christian, I have always stood out, and my suspicion of the vaccines most thought "was to be expected" (from me, meaning tied somehow to my religion ? ? Go figure that one ! I I step on a rusty nail at the beach, I go immediately to get a tetanus shot ! When I travel I update all my inoculations, so one can hardly "blame" my suspicion of the Covid "vaccine" on my RELIGION ! So my conclusion based solely on my personal observations, is EGO is that elusive component you are seeking too. It (ego) certainly is the only explanation for Fauci's constant flip flops through out his entire career ! ?

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We are such a minority…! I feel like I m living Catherine Nixeys “The Darkerning Age”, the book that described the fall of the classic world to what was to become the medieval dogma. A revival of the Edward Gibbons’ unpleasant take on the role of Christianity in destroying the Classic World.

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WOW, thank you for reminding me of that one ! I'm still reeling from the announcement of our government (USA) expanding to a "department of DIS-information, headed by a person who has been quite clear about her opposition to free speech, now that same person was named HEAD of the new department of DIS-information ! Talk about straight out of 1984 ! You'd think the entire nation would be rising up objecting...oh, no, that'[s right, we took 1984 and other Orwell novels off the required reading lists in public schools long ago, now people hear the term "1984" and they recognize the term but have NO CONNECTION to what it refers to, or that it is even a book ! What's a "book" anyway ? Is that like an I Pad ?

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Their behaviour does show that they are dumb people, though!

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I have to admit, my priorities have changed since 2+ years ago. Personally, I have become more antisocial, and not really interested in truly working on that. I am 67 and hubbs is 69. We have just had enough of this.

Also, socializing with friends, always brings up the questions and opinions of the past two years. We do not want to go there.

From a psych point, I believe those of us suburbanites thrust into this constant mania has created a slight depression? or apathy? I have grandbabies. They are the only persons (okay and my 98 year old daddy too) we are interested in hanging around with.

I am in Northern Virginia.

There are still people walking around with N95 masks on, alone, outside.

Several others to a lesser degree - in stores, in cars, just being hideous

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I am the same, in Scotland. Sixty this year. Shut out of my office for two years except for very controlled occasions, and as with friends, family, so with colleagues- what were you thinking over these years while children were held hostage and old people died of heartbreak? Feeling safe? If Scotland had passed a mandate to inject, my husband and I would have been out of work. I can't really look at them, much less wish to talk or engage. So yes, slight depression, insularity, breakage of trust. And thank goodness for eugyppius and others who speak truth.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

Your story is just one more of the millions of sad stories of the damage that seems to be of no importance at all to the..... so called "authorities" in all countries. They appear as if they could not possibly care any less that their actions had so little (if ANY?) positive results and yet have done such major destruction on everything from the solidarity of the family unit, to mental health in all age groups, destruction of sound basic education, loss of some two years of learning which will plague the lives of many for the REST of their lives, and so many many other tragic consequences, including all the needless deaths due to concentration on destructive treatment of seriously ill individuals, the true horror of all this, and how it was handled, the sheer GREED involved regardless of the loss of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.... it's almost too much to take in at once !

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

Agree ! Same in Florida and, on the whole, we had VERY little of that, only a few weeks, and people for the most part rapidly returned to the largely outdoor life style, and before long, indoor too. HOWEVER, there were also those vaccination worshipers (and I am a strong believer in vaccination if that is what is going to make you feel unafraid, whatever it takes, carry a rabbit's foot, get as many shots as the law will allow, whatever protects YOUR mental health and allows you to not have to live in constant fear... that is the true danger) who posted their minute by minute search for more boosters, those who could not put on enough masks (though mostly optional in Florida) and STILL to this day, actually believe the little cotton food masks work, even after the government finally admitted the lie, but here and there you do see them. Today I was in a popular market, shopping has been quite normal for some time now, but here was a lady, face mask AND a huge plastic shield on a kind of "flip up, flip down" band on her forehead, It was a good 4" from her actual face all the way around. It appeared to be something that "might" work when using a can of spray paint. I really didn't think cruel thoughts, as we say here in the south, I just thought to myself, "well bless her heart, at least she feels safe enough to get some groceries". I think it is better than never coming out of your own house and I'm sure there are a few people who never will again ? ? Will always order food and other things they need rather than ever return to "normal" shopping ?

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That's probably true. This was her baby step. Next week, she will go out without the shield, the week after that maybe no mask. People are creatures of habit and have no sense of why they do things.

What I see in the crap state of NY is that last month when I went grocery shopping, about 70-30 were unmasked/masked. This month it was 90-10 unmasked/masked.

Baby steps for babies.

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This. Unfortunately I lost interest in family also as they were completely on covid paranoia. A very few friends (2) left and for who I am the most grateful is my wife. I always said better to have 1 excellent one than several mediocre people around you.

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I agree. I'm in the PNW and all I really want at this point is to hole up on my little patch of garden and only see my chickens, cats, son and a few friends who had lives and didn't get caught up in this either. I've lost a lot of respect and trust in others this last 2 years. I was always a bit of a hermit, but this has really cemented that stance.

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I think many people are just tired. Tired of the fear porn on TV and social media every day, tired of being browbeaten and threatened, tired of arguing with family and friends over masks and numbers and shots. So as soon as they got a break from it all, they were just relieved at the chance to think and talk about something else for a change. They just want it to be over, and they'd rather pretend it never happened than spend another couple years (as they would see it) listening to a different group of people make a huge case of it.

That's how they'll feel unless they're faced with clear proof that people they know were killed by the pandemicists.

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IMO, thus is why the normies went so damn hard on #standwithukraine.

They needed a break from the COVID cognitive dissonance. They saw an off ramp, and they took it. Anything to get away from the crushing disappointment of the vaccines.

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I feel a huge surge in PTSD disorders coming. Once the immediate acute phase of fear is over. People will see a mask and start to cry...

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I don't understand this view. I think it doesn't matter to the old retired farts and middle-aged introverts, but the impact on the children has been serious, in my opinion. Our kids did not learn much during the lockdowns, unless they were especially motivated. Plus, they missed out on sports and other competitions that push them to work harder to see what they are capable to do, and meet other talented people. For 16 yo 2 years are 1/8 of their life. For 60 yo 2 years are 1/30th of their life.

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You are quite wrong that the past two years has not affected old people that much. My mother in law died due to the lockdown. She gave up on life, because she was stuck in a senior's facility with dementia patients. She went out of her mind and gave up. I found a new aunt through genealogy and was not able to visit her for two and a half years. She is 92 and I was afraid she would die before I could meet her. Myself and siblings did not see each other for over that same time period due to the draconian measures in place in Canada and the US. Time is precious the older you get, because any day can be someone's last. Children lost precious developmental time and hopefully they will recover quickly with good support.

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Ah, yes. That would be our culture's death phobia. Must stop people from dying, even if it kills them.

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The stress in the last two years took my health away .Without the mask one was and still is an outlaw .From what I see not much has changed in Canada . Mask wearing is now more of a religion cult that may be permanent .Many people would sooner go out without wearing pants than without their masks ,even though often they are not forced to wear one .Of course most are now also fully poisend with the venoms ,that may change humanity in a way that is frightening .

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The kids definitely have my sympathy.

However, I'm an almost-40 introvert, no kids, no family, and the lockdown drove me half mad. Even us introverts need some human contact, you see. Not much of it, but when you spend months not talking to another human being face-to-face, well, it's not healthy.

And no, there wasn't a single person I could actually meet up with. I'm a (relatively recently arrived) foreigner where I live, which means I have no friends here, only "friendly acquaintances." Asking any of them to meet up with me (anywhere) would simply not have worked. Hence, months of complete isolation. Yay (not).

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I am a middle aged to old introvert, from the beginning what was being done to the children broke my heart over and over. And because of my job with older people, and because of my very old father, what was being done to the old was a very close second. Human contact keeps us all alive, heartbreak happens across the age range.

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Hello Turtle you sure think all old people are garbage .You should not be near young people teaching them that older people are OLD FARTS AND INTROVERTS . How old are you? I feel like put you over my knee and teach you some manners .

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You're the one who needs to be taught manners for suggesting that there's anything wrong with introversion. It's a personality trait, one of the Big Five. Lots of things you rely on for functioning were made possible by introverts, and if you asked extroverts to do them instead, they'd lose their minds.

As for old people: far too many of them freaked out and were perfectly willing to stunt children's growth (mental, social, emotional) in order to feel a little less scared. All of them? No. But way too many of them.

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Very well said.

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Fewer people have children; the laptop class loved working from home; people had "permission" to indulge their worst anti-social habits. It was a black sort of paradise.

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All of this was "necessary" for the transhumanist agenda. Or that's how "they" see it.

They are breaking us down, one family at a time, so they can cull the population, and then build society back "better". Better, for them. As for us, it will be modern day slavery, the ultimate dystopia.

They are not interested in you or me, though. We are just in their way.

They only care about our kids.

Look at what lockdowns have done to kids. The toddlers & newborns of today will be unlike any other humans in history. Which is what they want, they are essentially pushing us to become an "enhanced" form of human, a new race..

The kids are being groomed, for lack of a better word, to accept the merging of man & machine. These kids will inherit the darkest worlds, if us adults don't put a stop to this madness now.

Think Hunger Games, Logan's Run, MadMax?, Elysium? and the pathetic humans in Wall-E... perpetual adolescents, dependent on spaceship AI (big daddy gov) for everything, addicted to slurried chemicals/GMOs/pharma, and online distractions, isolated in their gaming chairs, no physical contact w humans. No dating, no fckng, just free porn to satisfy any srxual urges that the SSRIs haven't squashed yet.

They will see this planet as destroyed, humanity as irredeemable, and will be offered a blissful escape from it all: upload your consciousness to the cloud, accept this neuralink implant, or RFID microchip, and become like the gods. Transhumanism makes you "immortal".

The vpassports lead us to the Mark of the Beast.

Do not consent.

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This movie from George Lucas in 1971 has some interesting insights. THX1138 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pXsXBRVg6U

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Subscribed, thanks.

Folks, you have got to check out more of these guys/gals stuff.

If a commenter seems on board, it is worth a look at their sites!

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They think it worked, right, since they are still alive?

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They don't know that 2 years was stolen---they still think it all was in the name of safety. They don't read Substack.

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Subscribed and awaiting your first "issue." Thanks.

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For many people it was far more than stealing 2 years of their life away .During those 2 years many died from stress ,suicide the venom shots ,their businesses closed permanently and the nightmare is far from over . Two new facilities for brewing poison shots are being build and under construction . The ones building it know the terror will go on into the future ,or they would not build the labs .I live in Canada and can't go on a train,bus,plain or ferry boat without proof of shots .One can't exit Canada by plane without being fully injected . The W.HO. is plotting to make life hell for every one on the planet . None of the protests made any difference ,the truckers had their money stolen ,some of the supporters ,leaders where arrested with endless court palavers even jail .That to me does not look like winning . I was born in Germany in 1936 ,and remember spending 10 days in a cattle car with 30 others moving westward with the soviets not far behind . It would make a story many people never experience . Canada seemed a peaceful until the invisible bug that may not even exist changed everything . Sorry BUG its not you that changed everything I meant the politicians

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I was born in Germany in 1967 and my mother would have had to ditto your comment. You are a strong man. I am a strong woman and will continue to not comply as well.

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Robert Malone wrote about this in his substack: many people almost welcome a paternal govt that will tell them what to do. It's part of the mass formation hypnosis phenomenon. He also noted that there appears to be very little visible outrage from the parents of vax injured children. It's all very disturbing and on a global scale.

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This is the one I don't get. I can't imagine being the parent of one of these kids who was injured or died and having to live with the knowledge that it was you, the parent, who made the decision that destroyed your kid's life. Maybe that's why we don't hear many--they can't face it.

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Many reasons I'd guess at: some can't face up to what they've allowed to happen so classic cognitive dissonance or just outright denial to spare their sanity. Some will be fighting to be heard but are up against a brick wall of media/medical/political power that refuse their right to be heard. And some poor suckers will just not know where to even start. It's beyond sad, past horrific and I doubt we will see a resolution any time in the next few years. I could weep for the victims of this but I'd never stop so best not to start.

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This is why I believe Trump was the perfect controlled opposition. He completely divided the country and caused all common sense to flee from the woke army.

We joke about "TDS" but it's real, it paved the way for mass formation psychosis. What phase comes next, I shudder to imagine...

I do believe we are still in the early phase of a soft culling. Things will get much, much worse. I pray we can still turn this ship around...

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How do they get a chance to even express their feelings given that the MSM and governments decry all attempts in the present climate.

It seems to me that judicial systems have been nobbled, even pre covid it was extremely difficult to find lawyers to take cases on - even the UK Vaccine Damage compensation scheme is a nightmare to navigate, the legal niceties of proof you see...

Maybe we would be a bit further down the road if the Human Rights, lol, lawyers hadn't disappeared.

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I know! Or to have gotten jabbed multiple times only to get the Vid. I’d be outta my mind with rage!

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...and yet, there are people who are annoyed at people who did NOT get jabbed, and blame them instead. Yes, I too am completely freaking baffled by that!

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

There is an explanation in human psychology. It is VERY difficult, even for the most open and honest person, to admit that they "fell" for something, from a "new" unproven "vaccine", to falling for a sales pitch for anything from how much money they will save by "investing" in whole house solar panels, to buying a home exercise machine, to purchasing a "diet" meal plan delivered to your home. When people make investments in such things, and they turn out to be disappointed in them, they simply can't admit it. It is like a BLOW to their ego, they seem to think making a mistake somehow makes THEM a lesser person ! This Covid one is especially difficult for many (most I think), to admit they actually spent entire days searching for appointments to get a vaccine they knew nothing about, drove sometimes 100 miles to wait in a line, and then found out not only does it not protect them or others, but also could have side effects in the future, that's a hard thing to admit to one's self, let alone to others. This will be written about for decades, probably centuries to come, the insanity fear can induce has once more been proved to have NO BOUNDARIES ! Take Fauci for example, he has a right as we all do, to decide for himself what to do. Here is the most vaccinated and boosted person in our country, probably even more than the president, and yet, his personal CHOICE (which I support individual CHOICE) is to NOT attend important social White House parties and social events... honestly, that''s fine with me, we should ALL have free CHOICE as he does.

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The psychological explanation is true, and is also why the more intelligent one is, the easier it is to be fooled and the harder it is, as you say, to admit it - even if denying having been fooled actually hurts finaciallyor even physically.

Conversely, people of lower intelligence are harder to fool, but easier to trick.

The distinction being, a trick is like "find the lady" or trying to beat the house because you have a system; superstition and stupidity helping to trick you. Fooling someone takes crafting a story (or narrative) which appeals to the victim, confirming their self-image and status as a cut above; think of the tailors in 'TheEmperor's New Clothes'. They do not trick the emperor, but they do fool him.

(I'm sorry, the distinction between fooling and tricking is much more clear in my native language but I hope this is understandable.)

The easiest marks of all, are people in the 110-135 IQ span, approx. They know they are smarter than averge, but they are not so smart their intelligence trumps their very human ego and sense of self.

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Yes ! You put it so eloquently, the SUBTLE differences in "trick" and "fool". So well said. "Trick" does INDEED take considerable planning, substantial knowledge of the basics of human psychology (such as Karl Marx do well understood, and so many others). and, sadly, these types of subtle understandings are usually known only the "elite" (so called) class of people, those who have read Dewey, Alinsky, Orwell, just on and on could go the reading list that are just unknown to the "everyday person on the street". Actually, our high school graduates were once better educated in all the classics from Gnat to Gibbon than any college grad today !

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When this thing was first on its way to the U.S. I too hoped a vaccine would become available given the apparent severity and unknowns. So I began reading about the previous attempts to make one for coronaviruses. Needless to say those didn't work out so well. But that reading took me much further into immunology than I planned so when the mRNA transfections finally came onto the scene I was extremely skeptical. But on principle alone, their must always be a choice. I chose no. I have gotten flak for it (from some family members) and I also got covid (not pleasant, a little scary) but now after recovering they cannot scare me anymore.

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I bit lighthearted here, but you should have one of those annoying T-shirts that say: I tested positive.... for critical thinking ! One of the reasons making your bout with covid so frightening is because in our country we are putting all our $$$ into useless vaccines and have little interest in developing treatments for, what will surely be, with us forever. Could that show of priority be because effective TREATMENTS to SAVE LIVES might work and, therefore, discourage people from rushing to get more and more and MORE vaccine "boosters" ? ? Just asking !

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Curiously, so very many are not angry at all about this. They comfort themselves with the notion that the vaccine prevented them from severe illness, hospitalization or death. They concentrate on that rather than on how they were lied to about the vaccine preventing infection.

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If it was a car they’d bought that turned out to be a Klunker there would be mayhem…but their health meh!

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I have what I call a "ratchet down" theory, which evolved from watching a couple of people I know of. Basically, each time things get worse, some people will adjust to the new, lower conditions and that becomes the new normal for them. Next thing that happens, they ratchet down again, and so it goes. Throughout the whole process, these people don't seem to be stimulated into any sort of corrective action to improve things, it's all about adjusting and moving on from there. Fortunately, not all of us fit this profile, but I've seen that a great many do.

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Methinks you are describing the process of boiling frogs. Indeed, that is how it's done, AFAIK!

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a) many peoples lives consist of booze, takeaway food, and Netflicks.

b) same as a)

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

As Orwell said, the truth goes on existing behind one's back.

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Yes, the truth doesn't go away just because people don't want to hear it.

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and the rest of the quotation is even more heartening: "[...] and you consequently can't violate it in ways that impair military efficiency."

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super-cautious hypermasking Hamburg

enforced the masks and pushed the vaxx and now they smell like Limburg

They started well and brought down hell to keep the burgers safe

and that is how they all got sick in super-cautious Hamburg!

(With apologies to Dick Van Dyke and the whole cast of Mary Poppins)

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Ohmygosh just sang it in my head. Wonderful job 👏

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I will not eat hamburgers again ,they have bad flavor now.

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Just call them 'freedom patties' and munch away. Probably best to do it now while they're still made with real meat...

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Limburger is pretty good on burgers. Vaccines kinda suck though.

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Its like watching the three stooges fight a fire

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It’s delicious to see one’s enemies revealed for the fools they are

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May it be so. Long overdue. Getting antsy now.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Dear Eugyppius, you are so droll as well as incisive, and IT GIVES ME LIFE. Thank you for this service to humanity.

I do think I will print out and frame some of my favorites among your remarks in 5x7" (e.g., "When the government withdrew wide-scale pandemic restrictions, two states elected to keep them. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the city-state of Hamburg were the two geniuses who invoked the sad “Hotspot Rule” (it is actually called that) to maintain masking and other hygiene harassment like testing requirements after 2 April. TO SAVE LIVES. DO YOU WANT OLD PEOPLE TO DIE? ARE A YOU A MONSTER? As a result, Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern diverged from the rest of Germany in their astrological observances, and we had a natural experiment. How did this turn out, you ask? Have these wise, far-seeing states defeated Corona? lol no."). The obscene irony of this era must be commemorated.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

''We fight on the side of truth and beauty. The gods make fools of our enemies.'' Thank you.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Love you Eugyppius! Unfortunately can't afford to subscribe to all.

Hope in UK the madness will subside as the sun comes out - but doubtless it will return in the autumn/fall.

They will be back! It's ALL about gaining TOTAL control!

What will it take for the mob to WAKE UP!! They're after our children now!!

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Oh wow, so Hamburg is stopping the madness? Lovely...actually we should be immensely grateful to them bc in fall, when the madness rears it head again, we can point to Hamburg and MV and say: "See? HEre's the numbers. THIS is what your measures do...NOTHING."

If we are lucky, someone might even listen.

BTW, has anybody any news on that weird crew that allegedly wanted to kidnap Lauterbach? Doesn't it sound strange to you? And even stranger that the mainstream media do not really spend a lot of time on it? Maybe the media has groked that the less is seen of Lauterbach, the better it is? Or was the cabal who was planning the alledged kidnapping a cabal of four undercover police or some such? Or am I weird for finding it all weird?

Eugyppius, as always, it's a joy to have your articles and this open thread. Thank you!

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Maybe Hamburg will "pull a Philly" and alternate between setting mandates and removing them, until everything thinks they're stupid.

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In my opinion, this point (where I began to think they were stupid) was reached a while ago. ;-)

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

jessica rose - the VAERS data guru posted a short piece that showed that in Israel, the more they vaxed, the more the excess death went up.


A must share. If only for the soundtrack.

Thanks to gorgeous Lindsey.

Jessica Rose

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Eppur si muove. Poor fellow had to recant. Not gonna happen to you, eugyppius.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

What amazes me is how many people just have it firmly in their mind that they are in danger. I live in the USA and I've been to four other states since the epidemic began, and would have gone to a fifth to visit relatives if there hadn't been restrictions where they live -- AND our daughter got married, so people came from other states to be here. Some relatives of mine just left their state for the first time in two years, and posted social media pictures of themselves in masks on their one-day trip. They are quite happy with their decision to barely leave their home for most of that time.

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You know how many millions of people have never heard of Substack? They are still living in the frozen time frame of early 2020. But then thats what all this censoring is all about.

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If here are Substacks there must be Upstacks .I just counted my money and it turns out it is a Substack

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"Bienvenue a la Salon Eugyppius"

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Let me just add: you guys are ALL absolute legends! We really must have a giant virtual cocktail party after all this is over!!

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