Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The problem with your commentary is: You're right.

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deletedApr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Author

I don’t know how to phrase this in a way that doesn’t seem black-pilling, but I have a general view that German media is maybe ten years further along the same process of ideological consolidation that American media is now undergoing. There is a substantial alternative scene of course, and I’d go crazy without it, but the sheer control the state and state-adjacent media has achieved over public discussion is something to behold.

Obviously there’s a cost to this strategy. They lose some people, they feed a dissident scene. I also take solace in this. But at least in the short term, it looks a lot like the benefits of control and messaging manipulation are greater.

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10 years ago the infrastructure didn’t exist to influence anything. Today we have Spotify, Substack, Rumble, SiriusXM, a whole host of small media like Rebel News and Epoch Times and Daily Wire. The ruling class barely knows who Crowder is, but almost everyone under the age of 32 knows who he is. TPUSA, PragerU - all of these organizations are quietly influencing young adults and successfully changing minds. WSJ was shocked at the increase in young people who believe in God. They literally have no clue where that’s coming from.

Look at the Covid shots. The mainstream media gave up because people just refused to take them. But LONG after the public was rejecting them. It’s now been shown fully 25% of US adults are actually pure bloods (my whole family), and the majority never got a single booster shot in the US. There wasn’t much of a loud voice telling people not to get vaccinated anywhere in the legacy media. Even Tucker, while early for legacy media, wasn’t allowed to talk about it until months after the public was clearly rejecting the shots in mass. There was this huge truth speaking influence machine out there in alternative media. Alternative media can’t get stuff wrong like legacy media, but as long as it’s a source seeking truth, that truth has influence. Substack was huge. Brownstone was huge. But censored Twitter posts had about as much to do with turning away from faux clot shot “vaccines” as nonexistent Russian “bots” were responsible for Trump’s 2016 election. These days the alternative media is where the biggest influence lies, quietly changing minds. and thank God the legacy media and security state hasn’t really figured that out yet.

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Yes, all our alternative platforms are wonderful and yes, quietly changing minds, but the power of corporate media is vast. The scenario of millions of college students in the US and beyond taking numerous covid shots and barely a whimper is concerning. Why were they not out in the streets protesting?

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Have you seen the films from Australia? What they did to unarmed protestors? The people were herded like sheep and shot on with rubber bullets. In Canberra they burned people with microwave kind of weapons attached at the top of police cars, people who were peacefully collecting in front of Government House.

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See Freddy Sayers' Unherd interview of young Australian woman whom police carried off to 'quarantine camp' (former mining camp) because she was not vaxxed--and because, under fear/stress had deceitfully claimed she was vaxxed, she was kept even longer as punishment. I was creeped out to realize that US has quite a number of now-unused Army camps/AF bases.

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And see, therein is an indicator. When there is no whimper, when there is no peep of an alternative point of view, people see it Definitely not all do, but for those that don't, do you think they watched Tucker Carlson? Do you think they sought out alternative takes on stories?

I will be the first to tell you that before 2020, I didn't actively seek out alternatively viewpoints. I knew intuitively they existed, but I didn't seek them out because for the most part, it didn't apply to me. Orange man bad did not apply to me...let them fight it out. But then covid hit, and I was being told to stay home, stay safe, never leave...there was a horrible disease that most people survive. Well, I had to find out.

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True if you stifle speech, if you tell people what they can and cannot say, they will seek alternatives where they will find those speak freely.

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deletedApr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023
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Definitely NOT from those networks. Frightening how many in my community have commented about Carlson the following... these are my NEIGHBORS. Comments were: "Thank God he's finally gone", "Well, it's at least a start", "one more degenerate in their long line of them they've waved bye bye to", "where do they find these people anyway, under rocks ?" and on, and on. I live and work with these folks, I'm stunned at the depth of the hate seemingly average people harbor !

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I'm not sure these United States of America will follow the same path as Germany. The tradition of radical decentralization is alive and well. I'm 37 and can feel deep down that this (dis)union will cease to be in the next 50 years.

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Martin Armstrong’s Socrates model is forecasting 2032. Bifurcation of red and blue states. Not sure what that looks like but it absolutely supports your outlook except it’s less than 10 years.

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I hope and expect there will be more than red-blue fault lines. Once people accept decentralization, it will seem absurd for Alaska and Oklahoma, e.g., to be the same country.

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That is not absurd. We are the United STATES. Let's get back to the Constitution, shall we? States have more power than they think. Smaller fed gov.

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I hope so. Those who want to live in Wokeville™ need a place to air and live their ideas. I am all for letting them do so and also a place where those who want to live free can live free. I just thought of a great book title...if it isn't already taken "From Toqueville to Wokeville."

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Without mandatory government schooling we could probably just laugh off all the pronoun gender shit at least...but as long as we're forced to send our kids to government schools, it's going to be a major motivatior for parents who otherwise wouldn't have paid too much attention to their kids' schooling.

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We have the Bill of Rights here too, although it is somewhat effectively being debased and dumbed down and won't last without new support. Americans generally don't like being told what to do either, so there's that too

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And you're right. It's already splintering. The lynchpin holding everything together is that too many right-wingers still act like the federal government can be reformed or reasoned with. It's like extirpating only part of a tumor and praying the rest stops growing.

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A recipe for disaster inasmuch as actors with a monopoly on legal coercion attempt to impose their will on all those disparate groups.

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It’s a fascinating conversation. I just wonder how much of the general population has tuned all that out and doesn’t even pay any attention to it. Kinda like the tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it land.

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I agree, Eugyppius, I think the state of the EU in these matters is both worse than in the US and also a very frightening one. Michael Schellenger's Public Substack today specifically addressed this concern as the EU clamps down harder on social media platforms. While I retain some hope, it is tenuous. The announcement this week of our very old man President that he is running again fills me with dread.

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Surely it’s far easier to control the media discourse if the language it’s built on is only native in 1 or 2 countries, next to each other, with <90 million total speakers

The Anglo-sphere is many things but there’s 5x the people and many more centres of influence

Although the conversion has been alarming, one or two dissident areas can undermine the mono messaging (Florida during covid etc)

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I think that it’s clear that certain elements in the regime are seeking to tighten up media control; this excellent article is very informative on the why and how:


However the basic and growing detachment from reality in all western countries is the regime’s main weakness. A combination of the real-life impacts of the green agenda (not being pursued outside the West), and potential geopolitical disasters which can be seen in the near future are likely to make real media control difficult and temporary. That is to leave aside the unpredictable consequences of financial crises (already happening) and political decay in every one of the liberal democracies. In my view this is therefore a pretty desperate but very aggressive attempt to shore up the system in the face of multiple challenges which the elite personnel are incapable of managing. But we will see…

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Eugyppius - Have you ever considered the possibility you don’t have a clue how big your own reach is?

I hear your concern and believe there is some validity, I also think you are under the impression that alternative media is purely bubbles that don’t change minds. Yet, I’ve changed minds simply by texting people your articles. That’s not a level of influence anyone in the legacy media has anymore. 🤷‍♀️

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It's always going to be that way ("the sheer control the state achieves over public discussion") for a while when the strings of control are tightened. It will seem it could go either way as the pushback is building steam, and that's kind of where we are now, but if we don't give up and lose courage we will probably win. The truth eventually does win out. And in the final phase, former liars come around as well.

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For the German speakers among us, can you provide an overview of the best German-language alternative media?

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deletedApr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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I hope this is correct and it may very well turn out this way. My concern is that various countries will simply “cancel” the platforms where we can hear the dissident voices. Sort of like I can’t access RT from Austria and Substack is blocked in China.

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BINGO ! Exactly ! That's the way we're headed, right to the edge of the cliff.

And what you hear the networks here saying ! Things like, "we have NOT been able to substantiate this, at this point it is only a rumor, so we hesitate to mention it.... but.... (and the "but" is the most interesting part, ... but we are going to go ahead ANYWAY and talk about with the caveat "at this stage it is only a rumor". Then they have gone on to tell us it's rumored that Carlson is considering an off from Putin's government for many times his past FOX salary. Absurd, probably so, but, the most important thing is to plant the seeds of they "types" of people FOX hires, whatever that is supposed to mean.

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The public eventually learns how to evade blocks. The Chinese stay busy trying and attack evaders, but elsewhere it's trivial to evade blocks. VPNs are the easiest.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I wish I could be optimistic. The Deep State and its propaganda media have the power and they now know they can get away with murder, literally. They will stop at nothing to silence Tucker and others like him. They may be frightened, but a frightened animal is the most dangerous one of all, as anyone with a dog or a cat knows.

As Mao said, power resides in the barrel of a gun -- and the Deep State and its minions have that power.

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There are over 400 million guns in private hands in America............. the deep state and the minions can destroy, but their ability to control will always be limited by the tens of millions of rednecks with guns (I identify as a red neck 😂).

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As I said above: goldgoatsnguns.com. I'm right there with you.

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Wish it were so but if said rednecks are dependent on the government in order to eat then all bets are off as to whether the guns will make any difference.

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The rednecks with guns aren’t actually dependent on government. That’s a common misconception from people who don’t have any red neck friends. There is a lot of poverty and suffering in rural America and that tends to be the Democrat voters (though even that is changing). There is also a ton of wealth in rural America urbanites have no clue exist.

The core base of the leftists/ Democrat party is those on welfare. Republican voters have higher average incomes, higher average personal wealth, and are more likely to own a home. The average income of Trump voters is higher than Biden. Even the NYT has admitted this. Republicans are almost twice as likely to own their home. Young woke urbanites and inner city welfare recipients don’t own anything - even a majority of the techies who make otherwise decent money but live in expensive left wing cities rent everything and blow their paychecks. The Democrats have a large swath of the ultra wealthy who are politically active, but those people own both a minority of the wealth and represent a less than 0.1% of the population.

There is a reason woke big cities in the north east and on the west coast caved on Covid restrictions and big cities in the south East laughed at the idea.

It’s like when people talk about CA v WV and talk about those “dumb red necks” in WV. The ultra wealthy in CA are undoubtedly more wealthy than the ultra wealthy in WV. But what about the other 99.9% of the population? What about the middle class? All people who don’t go both places ever see of CA on TV, or hear about, is the 0.1%, and all they ever see of WV is the bottom 25%. I’ve spent months in SoCal, and a couple years in WV. As far as quality of life comparisons for the masses, WV has a dramatically higher rate of literacy, home ownership, and high school graduation than CA. WV has a lower rate of violent crime than CA even before considering crimes actually get reported in WV and they frequently go unreported in CA.

If I had to pick who would have anyone’s back if the government came after them, I’ll take the WV red necks any day.

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When you discuss the differences between conservative and liberal voters, you are forgetting the one most significant factor which is most predictive of almost everything you are talking about: age.

And please stop with the liberal welfare nonsense...there are more conservatives in red states on welfare than liberals in blue states.

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In a real civil war, likely more than 1/2 the military would be on opposite sides. The larger 1/2 with us.

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NCMom, I identify as a red neck too even though my husband is a retired university professor. Yes, there are millions of armed Americans. But we are not organized and that makes a big difference. Armed Americans would be a thorn in the side of the Deep State operatives that tried to disarm us. But remember: They have the BIG guns, the flame throwers, the tanks with CS gas. Just look at what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge. When the government's armed forces (ie, the FBI etc.) decide to do someone in, it's all over. It's all very depressing.

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There are not enough agents to Waco every American with a gun. I think ownership alone is a deterrent. Same applies to foreign invasions. We can be nuked, bombed, destroyed. Being ruled, actually being compliant, actually forcing people to the will of the lunatic leftist tyranny agenda?? That's different. We can absolutely be wiped off the face of the Earth, though that is no easy task. Bullied into compliance is a whole different ball game. That's why ownership alone is enough. It's far easier for the CCP to find officers willing to lock people in their homes because the people of China can't fight back even if starving to death. A government simply can't do that to an armed population. It's why they are so hell bent on trying to get the guns. Population wide gun ownership is a fantastic deterrent to tyranny. Not fool proof, but total tyranny can't be imposed on an armed population. A government can't make it so an armed population has nothing else to lose. I am not saying there will be some crazy conflict. It's like nuclear war but involving tens of millions of people - the masses don't want mutual assured destruction. Some crazy old people who control nukes seem terrifyingly inclined to it, but not the masses. The second amendment was written to protect the first.

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Beautifully put, NCmom. Perhaps you're right. And yes, they will do anything to disarm us, precisely for that reason: They do not have the resources to do a Waco or Ruby Ridge on each and every one of us. Plus, people will start to organize, even if loosely in a neighborhood. They will have nothing to lose, as you put it.

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I second that NCmom 🎯

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I came to Canada as a child in 1962, born in Croatia when it was a part of Yugoslavina, I've visited many times and have relatives there. During the war in the 90's, everyone paid close attention, i.e., I'm very familiar with what happened.

The army was the Yugoslav army and yes, it splintered along ethnic lines. They had all the weapons including propaganda. In the year or 2 before the war broke out, the Yugoslav army set up bases on hill tops and the local people didn't understand why: so they could shoot down on the towns below. It was expected that with Croatians completely unarmed and I do mean completely, the Yugoslave army would just role over every resistor like a steam roller.

Croatians were very motivated because they were fighting for their homes and their lives and those of their families.

Croatians eventually won despite overwhelming odds.

So yes, stay optimistic. Nothing is impossible.

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Are you sure, Fromafar? The ratings seem to indicate otherwise.

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IF you are referring to: the Key Demographic. I'm sure. Carlson was winning it, now that time slot isn't winning it. So that leaves CNN/MSLSD as the winners in the Key Demo at that time. Exactly Euggipius's point. Carlson was best where he was. I'll follow him NO MATTER what the venue and pay to subscribe, but it's not me (or you or anyone on this blog) that needs to be informed about what the game is from the LEFT.

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What's the key demographic?

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Hey, thanks for this!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

They (the desirous to be informed), did watch in large numbers, but the "Normie News" is what gets more traction due to the TV/Corporate structure and is what is re-enforced in people's minds. Eugyppius is right - unitl the Corporate Media is dismantled (not likely) or dies over time (more likely). But for the moment, he's right.

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I understand your point, and it’s valid, but we already have a lot evidence legacy media’s true reach to the masses is dying, and the true reach of alternative media is broader than we realize. Based on everyday decisions people are actually making. Politics and institutions are down stream of cultural shifts.

The legacy media is accelerating its death with Tucker, and losing his immediate influence will be a frustration in the short term. It could have disastrous effects for the 2024 elections, but people are really suffering and miserable so it may or may not matter. Influence doesn’t often vanish over night and it won’t with the legacy media. BUT the actions of people have shifted greatly towards viewpoints expressed in alternative media, and we should cheer and encourage this, not downplay it. Covid shots were rejected fairly quickly and the masses just stopped showing up to get jabs long before any legacy media acknowledgement, even Tucker’s. Lack of popular support for the Ukraine debacle can’t solely lie of Tucker’s feet. The massive uptick in home schooling is happening despite the condescension from legacy media. The drop in employer willingness to hire of Ivy graduates in the white collar private sector hasn’t been remotely acknowledged by legacy media.

Tucker gets some credit for the turn against transgender ideology, but not nearly all of it, and certainly not in Europe. Our politicians and institutions are captured, but there is a huge, and quickly growing swath of the population they no longer influence. Young people are rediscovering God and faith at very rapid rates. A single article by Matt Taibbi has more actual influence on the decision of actual human beings than 6 months of 💩 from anyone on Fox News not named Tucker Carlson.

Had they fired Tucker even a year ago when many were still gripped by an illogical fear of Covid it may have worked. Fox’s timing is awful. The population is waking up to the lies of Covid and the corruption of the Biden administration. The most unliked President in history says he’s running again, and the DNC is cheering no Democrat primary debates with cheers from the dying legacy media that has lost all credibility even with its base. Those people are also hungry for other ideas, views, discussions, and solutions.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

I agree that Legacy media IS dying. The issue is: We're up against a clock. That clock is 2024. You can bet it's our last shot at a "free and fair" election. If the fraud and game playing isn't fixed by then, it won't matter what we think. They'll just start shutting blogs like this one down as "dis-information", "subversion", "wrong think".

Eugyypius Point was: AS THINGS CURRENTLY EXIST, Carlson off of "legacy media" is not going to help "the world/normies" and others from seeing any truth or contradicting opinion to the extent that the LEGACY Media currently allows for.

We'll all be riding around with ourselves, re-enforcing what we already know, but not have any REAL chance of: And this is my point, GETTING it out to the "normies" where it will make a difference before 2024. After that, I hope you follow Tom Luongo on goldgoatsnguns.com because as he says, gold won't matter as much as lead after that. (PS, he's not a big Trump fan, but detests BidentheSenile).

PS: I'm a retired Doc. I am a pureblood, I scream from the rafters to my family and friends. BUT EVEN THE YOUNG ONES, didn't hear what I said on MSLSD or CNN or anyone but Tucker on FOX, so…it doesn't have the influence that the LEGACY MEDIA currently has.

You reference Matt Taibbi. On almost anything, I disagree with him. He did an excellent job of exposing the completely ILLEGAL US Govt. 3 letter agencies actions. What did he get for it? The Dems want him arrested and the Legacy Media is all onboard. You're not, I'm not, we "know" the truth, but the POWER of the Legacy Media is (at this time in history), still too damn strong to overcome. That was Eugyypius's point.

It's a matter of timing. In 20 years who knows what all this looks like, but if we can't get the message out to the masses and convince them BEFORE the 2024 US elections. It might just not matter?!

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It's dying (legacy media). I see stories that vaccination rates are down for the old vaccines like measles. People are becoming suspicious.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

You can disagree in the land of hopium but he's still right. Until "corporate media" as we've known it becomes so small, it has far too much sway on the news cycle "de jour".

Joe Rogan (who I think is an idiot), has an enormous following, but the normies don't even know he exists.

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The "normies" are leftists and actually not normal people of America.

The true normies of America are regular folks who feel that the leftist leadership and MSM are completely insane and ruining the world.

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But even most of them don't delve deep. They can't, they have no time. They have jobs, families, lives to live. I'm retired. I have time. Most don't.

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Normies under 60 in the US know Rogan exist.

Also - look at Seymour Hersch (spelling?). He posted a piece on Substack. I found it through RCP (real clear politics). That piece went viral. Old media had to respond. The best part is it went viral without the wokie-industrial complex noticing until lots of eyes had been opened. How many people really think some rouge randoms blew up those pipelines? Not how many babbling heads in legacy media, but actual normal people walking down the street? Alternative media went viral AND has more credibility.

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Still not the WIDE audience that Cable/MSM has. VIRAL? Yeah, to YOU and ME, but not the wider audience that Eugyypius was referring to. If it did, there'd be an uproar by the public re: Hirsh'c article. There wasn't, hence - CRICKETS! Many normies know Rogan "exists", but little about what he says or thinks.

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You are completely wrong. All major media counts Boomers as its core audience. Rogan has monthly listeners in the tens of millions.

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Sorry. KEY DEMOGRAPHIC DEFINED: People also ask

"What is the most important demographic for TV?

Since the Nielsen box tracks viewing habits by age and gender, companies can specifically target certain groups, such as people BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18-49. This age range tends to buy more products than other ages, so it has become the most important demographic to many advertisers".

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

Yes they will listen, but you prove Eugyypius's point in your first sentence. YOU have to introduce them to Rogan. They already know about - and their creature comfort is still comfortable with - Cable and the MSM. That's what we're talking about. Carlson will likely get "more hits/listens/views" on whatever he does. I will subscribe no matter where he goes. BUT, the Normies won't. I'm already in Tucker Withdrawl Syndrome. Sooner is better.

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You're correct. Events like these will erode their place. But it will take at least 5-10 years from now. Tucker and Fool Rogan are the Vanguards, but it will not happen soon enough.

Look at Howard Stern. People know who he is, but couldn't tell you much about his positions - The Normies. They have no idea.

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gdoc is right. However, as someone in these first few comments has said, victory is still a few years away.

Here's some proof that we are winning:

1. Even my most die hard covaholic friends are quite a ways into their 12 step program, i.e., they're turning around and seeing reality.

2. Covid zealots like Trudeau are claiming 'we never mandated anything'. Denial. They clearly see the writing on the wall and are pushing the inevitable into the future to the extent they can.

3. Take a look at this mans twitter, I came across it by accident: a convert to be sure and he's not alone.


at some point, this man, kevin bass tweeted that he's a liberal atheist but is looking to join a church so that his kids can learn the 'right' things and be steered away from woke. I read through the replies and there were many, many like him.

4. the truth always wins.

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The Truth about HItler won out too. It took 15 years from his rise to power. Eugyppius fears are quite sound. I've heard "We're winning" for over a decade. I have seen very little evidence of it to date and I WANT to see it. I'm looking under stones to see it. We're running out of time. 2024 will be the end of the begining of the end if the LEFT consolidates their power.

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Isn't Fauci also framing his denial as we speak? Or maybe I'm taking a Babylon Bee story as real news... There's barely any difference these days.

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I don’t think that it will take that long. Everything is accelerating, even the downfall of the mainstream media.

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2024 is the deadline we're up again. Think it will happen that fast? I don't.

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Unfortunately Howard Stern has done a 180 from his previous free speech views.

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But only we who delve into the daily grind of being informed about this - even know. The "normies" still think he's "cool", when all he is, is a regime shill

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I listened to him and his crew for decades until he became a rabid Covidian screaming at everyone to take the poison needles. He really lost his shit and after cancelling Sirius, don't really miss it either.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

narcissim is naturally self destructing and self destructive. Without God we as humans naturally implode and are our own worst enemies. That is the only hope I see as these narcissistic industries run by narcissists will self implode from their woke idiologies....go woke go broke could be biblical. The same principle as suicides will rise from the confusion of more and more trans idiology, businesses will commit their own suicides from their satanic hidden agendas. Like budweiser bs praising the trans...it's essentially lifting up and causing ppl to worship lawlessness and the spirit of rebellion (which I see in trans and homo mentalities--from my own experience) eventually your actions will boomerang on you. Just give it time...MR/MS Jenner will not end well from his late life rebellion...there is not enough changing your physical appearance to satiate that spirit of self hatred(rebellion), no amount of cross dressing, cosmetic surgeries etc.... it is a hopeless spiral into narcissism to hell and playing for satan. The rebellious spirit is alive and well today thanks to the likes of Obama Brandon Pelosi Gates essentially the whole dem party is a seething lying cheating sesspool of rebellion. So much so that they are destroying each other with the jabs! Yes, the brainwashed rebellious spirit will block you from all truth and wise decision making. Pride, proud ppl are sitting ducks for being taken advantage of....lifetime professional victims are easily played by their emotions... right into satans hands.

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was raised by 2 narcissists and they about killed me! Took me until 40-50 to finally find my own voice again and realize the incalculable damage they inflicted onto me. Onward and upward, Gods word finally sunk in and realigned my thinking.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

I can't believe you just said that! I wrote this last week... "our life journey is basically learning to become teachable again". Yes, points are all right on target. Here's an amazing quote by a phsycologist I listen to while walking (Daniel Amen) "argue with reality, welcome to hell" It is an infantile state that ppl have never graduated from. Narcissists are forever stuck b/c they ARE SO CLOSED MINDED! Can never be wrong, never apologize, always have to be right, always have to win the argument, a never ending state of arguments and inconsolable....taught straight from hell and satan himself (the most extreme narcissist). Now that I think about it, our colleges are training and turning out narcissists! The new doc's trained and corrupted by pharma are narcissist trained and will take years to break thru that system of lies and twisting truth just a tiny bit to forever corrupt their thinking. Follow the money....the root of all evil...when you let it color your thinking and your rationalizing the truth. The Truth will set you free...but you must let go of years of narcissistic training to go against what you know to be the truth. Very self destructive when you go against your heart, you lose it.

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Apologizing to one somehow seems to invite a new argument where they're right yet again. Tried taking the short end for 3 moments of tension this weekend and ended up walking away with 2 new ones.

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That explains a lot! I've been puzzling over several things recently and this brings several pieces together. You can't grow and mature if you don't admit you need to.

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They may be frightened but it does us no good when we're all talking to ourselves in the bubble of the alternative press and figuring out for ourselves how all this badness is unfolding, and meanwhile they're slowly consolidating and tightening the narrative that the mass of busy Americans is allowed to hear.

They can stop this alternative press of "dangerous disinformation that's a threat to our democracy" in short order. Freedom of expression is paramount but this is being weaponized as dangerous ideas. So very, very many people are already deep into the narrative that this racist, nasty, homophobic, science-denying alternative narrative has simple got to stop, for the greater good.

But, may those who believe this is part of the downfall of the darkness be right, and may the light of truth shine.

Americans must begin to see that censorship, itself, is the real beginning of tyranny.

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We see their ideas as crazy.

However, so many see their ideas as necessary and good, and people like us as crazy conspiracy theorists and election deniers.

I hope you're right!

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Agree 100%. But the really crazy thing is how people believe all that crap. And NPR, PBS, NY Times, etc., are feeding it to them as "the science."

And alternative voices are being called "anti-science" or "science deniers." And people buy it. That's the really crazy part: they just think whatever NPR tells them to think.

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Diversity is a strength only when it is a diversity of experience sets. One of my first columns on Substack was Purple Martian Females. It was in response to a question from a client about Boards of Directors. They can all be purple Martian females so long as they bring a diverse set of experiences.

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Yes. When performing commodity services such as answering the phone and taking messages, go ahead with diversity via skin color/genitalia/whatever among those meeting the minimum requirements. For non-commodity services, throw all that stuff out the nearest window.

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No! The camel, the nose under the tent. We should expect good commodity services too.

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True. However, the nature of a commodity service is that it is very easy to deliver to specifications.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

For once in the many, many threads I have participated in, I think you're wrong :-)

Tucker, within 6 months, will be reaching more viewers all over the world than he ever did on his show on Fox. Yes, the 65+ olds in the US who watch Fox are gone - but you should honestly expect a new Joe Rogan type, but with potentially 4x the audience. I took no pleasure in seeing the clips of the various victory dances being done on his MSM grave - but I assure you Fox needed him more than he needed Fox. His first independent video published on Twitter had 42 MILLION views in a day. I am actually excited for him, assuming he does the next stuff right.

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It's not about Carlson's audience, it's about the specific political media discourse in which he participated. The mainstream media system is an aspect of political power in all western democracies, and now he's outside of it.

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There is a plus to him being outside of it. The people that watched him will follow him. While they’re there they’ll discover other voices that they wouldn’t have otherwise found.

In other words, what little he loses by not being on the MSM, is more than compensated for through the elevation of others in the non-mainstream media who have been invisible to his 3.5m viewers until now.

It also gives him the chance to broach subjects and bring on guests that he wasn’t able to do previously.

Depending on where he lands and what he does with it, this could very well be a net positive. There are too many outside voices now to silence and Tucker gives them a powerful figure around which to coalesce.

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I keep saying to myself: The left has its billionaires who pull the strings, surely our side has its own share of billionaires willing to pull its own strings, and invest in an entirely new channel; both CNN and FOX appeared, new, during my lifetime to challenge the old trio, ABC, NBC and CBS. Sure, there would be FCC interference and roadblocks, but anything is possible with a consortium of billionaires to finance such a venture.

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I can think of 5 leftist billionaires without straining that are actively trying to destroy America. And they are in active pursuit of the destruction. I cannot think of 1 billionaire that is on the right that is in the forefront of saving America. Maybe it's just not obvious to me.

Still, how many MSM viewers will Tucker reach wherever he goes? The Tucker Hour was basically preaching to the choir. We will follow him wherever he goes, but the new lack of vitriol on MSM will not attract viewers to see what the ruckus is about. After the high fives by the leftists abate Tucker will be relegated to the choir that follows him.

Think of what we lost when Rush passed! There isn't really anyone that has been as influential since. He was hated by so many leftists that he was always in the news, at gala affairs, sports events, etc but most importantly on the radio 15 hours a week. He made the complex simplified to us normies. I miss him a lot.

I hope Tucker finds a platform that reaches beyond us, but it won't be easy.

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Probably Tucker will have roughly the same viewers as he had on Fox because those viewers will follow him and seek out his new venue, but the real question is this: Will he be able to expand his reach?

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Such a new endeavor would be safer than rocket ships.

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I agree--I think his idea of broadcasting from the space station is ridiculous.

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There are many voices that have been silenced or not widely distributed.

Imagine a new TV network with Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwood, The GrayZone, Jimmy Dore, Del Bigtree, Matt Taibi, Trial Site News, John Campbell, Chris Hedges, Judge Napolitano, and so many more.

Add to it streaming, a news website, and a weekly print for articles ... OH MY GOODNESS!

I bet people will pay good money for this and will SMASH every SINGLE rating imaginable!!!

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Sadly, all corporations fall prey to the same censoring. It’s money. The elite MSM has it and the board of Fox especially. They will not tolerate dissent. That dream line-up would be good though. Rumble is kind of doing it. That’s where I’m going. Now just give me the courage to cut my cable!

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I think I agree with Bash, if I’m interpreting his comment correctly. I perceive Tucker’s departure as death of big cable news. In America, we once treasured CNN as a trustworthy and necessary source of information. We watched wars on cnn. We watched our towers fall on cnn. And then they showed us how biased they were. And we started to figure it out. And CNN died. It may still exist, but it’s a shell of its former self. Fox just did the same. Now is time for the rise of Substack, Rumble, and more. And I love reading your stuff, Eugyppius. Keep it going.

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If it eases your valid concerns a little - Tucker's videos on Twitter rarely topped 1million views - based on scrolling down. I don't have a Twitter account so I could be missing something. The video he posted last night currently has been seen 54 million times. The uniparty may have told reasonable told themselves they would kill Tucker's broader reach by silencing him via not releasing him from his contract and not allowing him to speak for the exact reasons you mention. Based on the 54 million views it appears all they really accomplished was helping the shift away from the broader influence of legacy media towards new mediums. 54 million views in barely 12 hours has a lot of broader influence no matter what the subject.....

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I thought that Carlson was let go because of his J6 coverage. Then I listened to his speech last week about the power of advertisers.: this must have been horrific to Fox and the rest of the MSM.

So they kicked him out of the Pharma-funded network. Hooray! Telling the truth makes you free indeed.

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I know others have tried before, but my hope is Tucker joins with Rumble and within the next 5 years there is a new mainstream. That's my optimistic hope. It might not happen, but with the US election, hopefully wherever voters are will be where politicians go to ask for votes and that will become mainstream. I know this seems naive and foolishly optimistic, but I do believe, at the very least, the current mainstream media is dancing on it's own grave.

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Rumble and Locals would be unstoppable if they’d fix the apps/ tech. Until they do it’s too clumsy. Unfortunately I’m not sure they realize they need to start over - like build an entirely new user friendly app with functional searches from the ground up. I still have great hope, but if they don’t take advantage of the current climate with functional software I don’t think they will ultimately succeed.

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I have to wonder how they would not know how clumsy their platforms are. Seems odds they would ignore the state of things.

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I haven’t a clue how to build an app, so I genuinely don’t know what it takes, but while recognizing I’m totally ignorant of how difficult it would be to fix I tend to agree with you.

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Yep. And they need to make their stuff easily downloadable. The big thing about YT for me, compared with others, is that with a plugin I can download the stuff and then promulgate where and when I like and always have it to hand whether I have internet or not.

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Wouldn't take that much, but they're stuck in 2018

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Searching for most things on Rumble is much harder than it should be.

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That reminds me, a few months ago I searched for a video on Rumble that I had recently watched, I think linked from another source, and no matter how I searched for it, it did not come up. That's pathetic.

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People used to have TV antennas so they could watch basic channels, but I don't see that so much any more (at least not here in California). More and more people got cable, Dish, etc. but even the basic subscription rate is quite high, and probably too high at this point for many people. Through the cable/Dish etc. you get your local MSM channels. If people jettison cable to save money, they will probably be learning how to get informed through the internet. If CNN could plummet to the basement in viewership as it has done, the writing may be on the wall for the others as well. CNN had generally lousy and uncompelling content, in addition to horrible commentators. The other cable outlets aren't much better, and now Fox may also go down in viewership. It will be interesting to see how long it all takes for them all to implode.

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I think that Fox has always been regarded as an interloper by the legacy media outlets. They certainly never considered Fox a peer, in spite of Fox kicking their asses up and down the street in the ratings sweepstakes. This action maybe makes Fox a bit more palatable to the blob. But don't kid yourself, the notion that "Faux News" is a spreader of lies, and never to be trusted is a message that has been repeated ad nauseum for years by the Left, and just as Fox learned that firing Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly gained them no new friends amongst the in-group they strive to join, so they will learn the same about firing Tucker Carlson.

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I understand that point, but commentators outside of MSM have indeed historically changed minds & voting outcomes eclipsing corporate media's influence. One example being Rush Limbaugh in the '94 & '96 congressional elections. see for example https://doi.org/10.2307/2647515.

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With the forewarning that I am an old man--79. At my age you have seen a lot of things repeat themselves. Yes, Rush and others moved people in 94-96. But, we live in a more polarized time. Look at how many votes in the US Congress go down strictly on party lines.

I am somewhat a history student--professionally, I am an Engineer. I find today's polarization disturbingly similar to the US in the 1820-1850 time frame. The North had the political and economic power, and the population. The South was agricultural and rural. Both sides started off distrustful of each other, by the end of that period the distrust was white hot hatred. We are taught that the Civil War (it wasn't, it was a failed secession) was over slavery. Which it was, sort of. IMO, it was more over the hatred of both sides for the other. Slavery was a focal point to demonize the enemy.

An example: In 1820 (+/-) there were some 1000 abolitionist movements in the South. Actually more than in the North. By the 1850-1860 timeframe, there were NONE in the South. They had been, in today's parlance, "cancelled".

Today, our division is big cities versus the smaller cities/rural areas. Look at a red/blue map of California, for instance. The "elites" versus the "basket of deplorables". That division has, IMO, become a lot worse in the last 20 years or so. It has always been bad.

Hope springs eternal. Mine is that the MSM manages to delegitimize itself. In other words, I hope you are correct, but am not going to bet on it.

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Great insight about the extinction of abolitionist movements in the South and its parallels to today. One small example of extreme polarization in legacy media is how talk radio has disappeared from our area in just the last couple years. Big media corporations have moved in, bought up local talk stations, which were very popular, and profitable, in our strongly Republican area, and changed them to other formats. It was like system rejection of a foreign body. Today, finding talk on our radio dial is as rare as seeing an abolitionist rally in 1855 Charleston.

Accompanying the polarization in the South pre-Civil War, was the justification of violence as a part of the political process. How many history students of today know of the caning of anti-slavery Senator Charles Sumner at the hands of Preston Brooks, and how that made a hero of Brooks? While people holding contrary views may not get physically beaten these days, but the violence to peoples careers and reputations at the hands of the MSM is real.

I am a little behind you, at 69, but have seen a few changes too. My second son, Joe, was born on June 8, 1984. That night when I got home from the hospital I put a blank cassette in my Beta machine and recorded the NBC Nightly News with John Chancellor. The content was not unlike today, broadly. We had some existential problems then too, and bad storms, and adversarial politics, but I was struck on a recent watching, how calm and neutral it was. God, I miss that.

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Fox News has long been considered something of an embarrassment within the mainstream media ecosystem. The only credibility they grant it is when they need a heel for some blue-red Kayfabe

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Who *isn't* outside of it?!

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I am

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Tucker will get a large audience, but part of his allure on Fox was wondering how much truth he can get away with on corporate media.

Some of the stuff he said in his last week was incredible. And then what if we learned My Pillow was causing heart attacks??

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I put mine off to the side for now just to be safe. Waiting for official announcement from CDC 🤣

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Yeah, me too. I so trust the CDC to be unbiased science /sarc

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Tucker's final couple of weeks were astounding...I found myself thinking he was pushing things a bit too far too fast, and I worried they would come down on him. It was almost as if he were daring them to respond.

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What are you talking about with My Pillow? I did several searches and found nothing related to that. The only thing I had read a while ago was an alternative doctor warning in general about the danger of the polyurethane fill in pillows deteriorating over time and being inhaled.

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Humor, man, humor. OTOH, I would not be surprised if some unnamed CDC type made such an assertion. Look at how many people die in bed. Most of them on pillows. How many are Mike Lindell's--or made in China.

I am an out of date, recovering, sort-of statistician. One of my favorit websites:


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Coincidently, before I saw your reply, I came upon this example similar to the connections you posit regarding My Pillow, as an example of a fallacy lacking critical thinking. He uses it as an analogy to claims of vaccine injuries and deaths, although since this is from August 26, 2021, there are actually now more facts to support the truth what he claims is a fallacy.


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As I said, I am way out of practice in the world of statistics. One thing I recall from long ago is time series correlations should raise an immediate alarm bell. All sorts of stuff changes over time; it is easy to get fooled. The web site I cited has some delicious examples.

First lecture, long ago. The example was the salaries of Methodist ministers over the last couple decades correlated with the price of rum. Happened to have a very good correlation. Of course, this was over a period of significant inflation --the price of everything had risen.

The Analytica article is great. I may add "the deadly pillow" to my repertoire.

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yes, he may be reaching a larger audience, but his, be it very tiny influence on the normies who only accept what is on tv will be gone. This of course will radicalize them further, because they'll not even know that a different opinion is even possible.

so what we have here is two opposite effects of his removal from fox news

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I feel the same, and am excited to see him on his next platform, with an even greater following, and even more freedom to speak the truth - which so many are hungry for.

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To be fair, I think the 42 million views of his first independent video are largely the result of the news media feeding frenzy his firing set off. Probably not a good predictor of his career going forward, at least in terms of that number.

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True if Tucker was not prohibited by his FOX contract from ANY podcast-broadcast on his own for two years when his limitations expire. What we have instead is censors gone wild and maybe even the clueless TV watchers will start to smell the fetid stink of corp news media.

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I just heard someone on a radio show say that Pfizer ads account for 75% of the advertising on virtually ALL the channels, including Fox. I can't verify that, but anything you watch on Fox (and I assume on the others) is one pharma ad after another, so I can certainly believe it. (The other 25% must be My Pillow ads!!). So it's not a stretch that Pfizer leaned on Fox to fire Tucker because of what he had been saying about the vaccines and complicity of media in pushing something deadly.

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More accurately, outside of election season Pharma ads are 75% of TV revenue. Watch any American channel for an hour and it's Rx- Rx - Rx so hardly a shocking but very sad.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I agree - he will make more money going independent, or to "fringe media", but will lose any veneer of credibility he has within the establishment-pleb class. The other mainstream networks and news organisations now do not have to cover him, so although his future content will get more views, it'll have a fraction of the amplification. He basically loses cultural relevance.

However, I think we edge closer to a tipping point where all mainstream news becomes so unconsumable, monotonous, and transparent. At some point the credibility axis will switch to newer institutions and independent voices - its inevitable with moves like this.

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Substack now has more than 35 million subscribers. I bet in 12 months it might have 50 million (absent any effort to shut-down or capture Substack). The more people who discover Substack's clear-thinking and independent writers the better.

Easy thing we can all do: Talk up Substack to friends and family members who still don't know about it. Recommend this site!

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One great thing about Tucker's Fox show was all the people he had as guests who write for Substack, and he would always mention that. So Substack did get quite a bit of mention on his show.

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Require everyone to agree to accept the enevitable unsavory opinions they may encounter, as a condition of posting, either as an author or commenter?

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Right. We're all adults here. We can handle a post we don't like or agree with.

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I've picked up on this too, RSA. It needs to be nipped in the Budd pronto. As I view things, it's impossible that the "Powers that Be" are NOT brainstorming non-stop on how to get rid of the rapidly-growing "threat" of Substack. If nothing else, these people (our real rulers) are brazen. They almost have to shut it down (or "capture" this platform) if they want to remain in power. The same reasons they had to get rid of Tucker (and Project Veritas and WikiLeaks) almost certainly apply to Substack.

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just like with online pages. I have looked up a dozen pages lately about one subject, and found 9 almost exactly the same. I saved the 3 that had a different viewpoint, even though theirs did not match up very well. Between the 3, I found what I needed to know.

I think just like with the Kennedy run for presidency, lots op people will be so astonished they start asking questions, and that is what we need. Critical thinking.

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Tens of millions woke up to the true nature of corporate media during Trump's presidency, his greatest accomplishment by far. Covid was icing on the cake, as people continue waking up to the real life costs of believing everything the people on the TV tell them.

Tucker's firing is the death knell for mainstream corporate media. More democrats watched Tucker than Rachel Maddow. Firing the guy with the largest audience destroys that last veneer of credibility. And Twitter outside of regime control makes the Tucker move much less effective.

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That is exactly what I would have said if you hadn't already.

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and the left does not care.

They cheat and steal everything and still own the narrative.

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This can't continue...history shows it. We must stay strong and resolute.

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I don’t think he loses credibility with his viewers just because he is not on Fox as you suggest

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He just might not have all the resources at his fingertips and will have to work harder to keep us interested.

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to Tom: I don't watch TV and only watched clips of Tucker Carlson on youtube but I had the impression that even though he was on a main stream network, people saw him as the 'fringe' anyway. I do think Fox is toast without him as the ratings debacle reported in this article show:


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But isn’t the mainstream news losing cultural relevance? I feel like that’s the point.

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When he heard that Tucker Carlson had been fired, my 92-year-old father said, "Who will tell us the truth now?"

Truth or his opinion don't matter! I want to hear something more than One Droning Voice telling me "facts" that defy logic and common sense.

It was from Tucker Carlson that I found Alex Berenson...and then Dr. Malone...and then here, to eugyppius. And others, too.

Tucker Carlson will be back--and it will be grand.

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I think the firing of Carlson is a final surrender of the MSM to the New Normal. MSM is dead, as dead as the wall of an echo chamber.

Nobody watches it anymore. The real action is on Substack, independent podcasts, and keep your eye on Rumble, which is tooling up to challenge Google-tube. Print media, the NY Times, the Washington post, even the WSJ and National Review are losing relevance fast. They will continue to bleed credibility with the Covid Reckoning and the backlash against Transhumanism and Critical Theory.

I'm optimistic.

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Tucker Carlson's brief and cheery video https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1651376097349578753 has been up for 14 hours and has been viewed 51.4 million times. (900,000 in the ten minutes it took me to write this.) That is 10,000 people a second. It is reasonable to assume that in a day this video will have been seen by about 2% of people in the English speaking world.

"Bartender brain" Alexandra Ocazio-Cortez https://www.zerohedge.com/political/aoc-celebrates-deplatforming-tucker-carlson-did-she-miss-point-yet-again states that "de-platforming works". However, there are counter arguments.

While Tucker Carlson will no longer be fed into Fox News cable subscribers' homes (and any commercial premises which plays the channel) he is now:

1 - Officially anointed as the most successful journalist / presenter / interviewer / investigator (with his team) in television history. (Joe Rogan has higher numbers, supposedly - but that is not TV and I am not sure to what extent people engage with his work compared to TC.)

2 - *Despite* his awesome record and being the biggest star of Fox News, the management fired him, abruptly - which means he must have been doing something to *really* annoy them. Being fired by a billionaire media baron is a very good thing, since anyone with half a brain knows these billionaires are at odds with the interests of ordinary people, and frequently of truth and open discussion.

3 - Now TC is unchained, he and his team will find a place to flourish and be funded by direct arrangements with viewers, perhaps mediated by Rumble, Substack or some other intermediary which has strong anti-censorship credentials. So there will be little or no need to worry about what advertisers think. The more they can continue to annoy the Murdochs and other major shareholders of Fox and all the other MSM networks, the better.

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Rush Limbaugh.

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It occurred to me that Tucker could actually "be" a Rush Limbaugh.

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Well, as close as another human can be.

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Agreed, I am a boomer, soon to be 64, and we will all be dying off in the next couple of decades. I think we are the last generation to consume content in the old fashioned broadcasting method.

All generations behind me consume digitally. None of my five kids has a broadcast cable connection. It’s all internet and streaming.

Content is king and the younger generations are more apt to call out bullshit when they smell it.

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Gen X-er here. We finally killed our cable subscription in favor of a few streaming services several months ago. Picked up a free Fox Nation veteran's subscription explicitly for Tucker. That's dead now, too. We'll put on Real America's Voice or Newsmax from time to time, but those are free through the Samsung TV app.

All the real news and related commentary for me is through the substack authors I follow at the moment. Wherever Tucker lands will add to that. I'm a contrarian by nature, so have always sought unorthodox opinions for consideration.

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Anything that forces the prey to get more cunning and resourceful tends to be good for the prey.

I found you via Twitter and you had to have Substack in order to fully present your work. Now Substack has Notes and they're getting quite the good workout.

It's true that Tucker had a massive, massive reach, and I watched him solely because he had guests not platformed anywhere else. But he was often quite a moron too.

I think this is gonna lead to Substack's exponential growth and we've seen them Twitter snidelings unable to keep away from Notes; they're gonna be the ecological mechanism of further spreading the seeds they'd rather see die unfruitful. The weaknesses of one's enemy are useful, right?

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I agree that he was often a moron or buffoon, possibly pandering to the lowest common denominator of Fox viewership. The point was made elsewhere that what Tucker actually presented was proper analysis of the news, he didn’t spout the party line be it from left or right. He actually, in his finer moments, encourage Americans to think for themselves. What could possibly be worse.

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"moron or buffoon"? I highly disagree. He was not Trumpian at all. Disclosure: I voted for Trump twice. Examples?

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You think Trump had the buffoon market cornered?

Have I need to debate you on Tucker's qualities? I'd watched him from time to time since he had shows on the left-wing media. He really had the capacity to grow and he didn't.

All these guys so brutally damaged from the start--imagine if they'd had better parenting. I hate to see potential in anyone strangled so badly.

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So no examples...got it.

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Yeah he was not a moron or buffoon but he certainly behaved like one at times.

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Exactly the problem with many other people too who give their enemies everything needed to destroy them.

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He did have a good sense of humor, and laughed at the absurdity of what he was reporting at times.

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Tucker was waking too many people up and encouraging them to think for themselves, that’s why he was becoming too big of a threat.

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I wish he'd had more finer moments.

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I agree, i could never watch an entire show. It was still Fox.

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I was driven to Fox because though it was tiresome in the extreme, it wasn't intolerable like CNN and MSNBC which I'd watched for more than two decades. The Rittenhouse trial drove me there. I'd hung on as long as I could, after the 2016 election, but the dead-serious attempts to lynch a kid were too much for me. Only Fox ran the entire trial live.

When my TV is on for anything other than a movie, it's for background noise while I do my lovely crocheting or need to dissipate the stress of trying to get something I write to come out in its natural voice, because I don't expect to get any useful information from anyplace other than the Substacks I read.

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I can’t wait to read Eugyppius’s review of “The Real Anthony Fauci.” I also wrote one, where I called it probably the “most important book of our times.” (FWIW, Citizen Free Press picked up my book review and my Substack was instantly discovered by 20,000 readers. Lesson: It pays to review a book the mainstream media is black-balling.)Here's my book review:


I also wrote a sidebar story that simply lists 18 vignettes/excerpts from the book. This will give people who don’t have time to read the book a flavor for its narrative-challenging themes. If nothing else, read the first two vignettes - those frame everything that's now happened.


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Here is Bill's hot take on the sacking of Carlson: https://billricejr.substack.com/p/tucker-carlson-is-gone-from-fox-news "As every clear-thinking citizen knows by now, the real war is the battle between free speech and authoritarianism. The only battle that matters is if dissenters and skeptics will still be able to question the policies and mandates of our alleged “leaders.”

I wrote about Tucker a month ago, when he had an awesome interview with an old friend, Clayton Morris. Tucker said, "It's been this amazing and beautiful experience for me, to be in the face of these lies and feel like, ‘I don't have to go along with this at all’ and be like, 'are you gonna fire me? Okay, fine, go ahead. I'm still not lying.' 'Are you gonna arrest me? Go ahead. I am not lying, period.' “ https://thinkaboutsuchthings.substack.com/p/telling-the-truth-sets-a-man-free

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Thanks for the plug, Jeff. And that quote from Tucker is probably THE best quote he's had recently. I don't think they are going to kill him on live TV (like they did Howard Beale in "Network.") He's already set for life with money ... why not go ahead and tell the truth? He'll sleep better ... and it hasn't been bad for his career or life either. I think now he is playing for the history books. I keep encouraging Elon Musk to do the same thing with Twitter. Forget making money with this platform. You can lose $5 billion and still be one of the richest people in world history. Do something important for the rest of the world and our children's futures.

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Tucker also said, "To just decide 'I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna go along with these lies' is the most liberating thing you can do, whether it leads to professional success or failure, it doesn't matter. It enhances you as a person that makes you stronger every time you tell the truth, you become stronger. You feel this power coming into you. By contrast, every time you lie, you get smaller and weaker and more afraid."

Here is the link to the interview, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI9OdnyvQew

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Thanks for highlighting that great quote as well. I hope that one goes viral. I think it might have. If it hasn't, let's do what we can to make sure it does.

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Those pieces were awesome. I remember them.

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Thanks for reading them, Jeff. It took me many weeks to "write" them ... because it took me many weeks to read "The Real Anthony Fauci" all the way through. I couldn't read more than 10 pages without getting fed up and having to put the book down. And then I was highlighting every other sentence for my book review. The book review didn't do justice to the book so I wrote a sidebar story that touched on 18 different topics. That's an important point for people to know - Kennedy's book covers a lot more than just the Covid madness. It covers Fauci's entire 50-year career. All of it was a disaster. The book also tells us how we go where we ended up. You have to really start with John D. Rockefeller and his foundation. Gates is simply doing exactly what Rockefeller did.

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Ugh. I wish I could talk to you about this. I haven’t read your review but I will. I’m not great reading non-fiction in general, but I really want to read this book. I read 2-3 novels a week but I cannot get this thing read. It’s not even that long! Maybe I need to set a 10 page a day goal.

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They're playing Whackamole now.

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Disagree, look at the views his Twitter clip got then look at Fox News ratings for his time slot. I believe the people who wanted him off fox do not understand that msm is dying...keep yr friends close and yr enemies closer.

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MSM isn't dying, in many ways it's more dominant than ever before.

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MSM is at its most powerful when there is trust in it. When it subtly pushes messages and creates a world view it has that insidious maximum power. I agree it's far from dead and I still find it hard to understand how it will be obviously defeated but as more and more wake up to its extreme bias I think it is losing its power. Covid has woken up more people than were awake before it started. That will only grow and ppl are much more awake in USA than Europe. I believe MSM is past its prime and will decline from here but not holding my breath for their imminent collapse!

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I think many people may say they 'watch the news' but they don't critique or question it; it's basically sparkly entertainment. And of course it's all true and unbiased!

In reality we've been manipulated and propagandised for years. Especially now investigative journalists have practically become extinct and the sponsors and deep state are in full control.

Is anything on msm actually true anymore?

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I always question EVERYTHING MSM says. The fact that they marginalize real investigative reporters like Seymour Hersh says it all.

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Not sure I agree with this. In some ways MSM is just an echo chamber speaking only to itself.

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major press outlets now wield massive political influence in the US, more than they ever have before. it's precisely for this reason that their messaging has become so uniform. they have a direct interest in the regime.

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This isn't what I mean, in many ways the growth of voices outside the mainstream press is a direct consequence of the press participation in political power.

Before 2016, there would've been massive disagreement in major media outlets about things like lockdowns, mass vaccination, everything. See the press discussion of 2009 swine flu. That is what a press looks like, which is *not* wielding particular power, and is rather standing (largely) outside of it.

Had he run in 2009, Kennedy would've had some major news outlets in his camp, or at least neutral. Now they will all conspire to exclude his voice and smear him, because they're card-carrying members of the regime.

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deletedApr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023
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MSM appeals to a lot of people for a lot of reasons: Since it's "mainstream", it appeals to the "participation mystique" (Carl Jung), and guards against forbidden ideas, helps protect against ostracism; it caters to people who are short on time or curiosity, yearn for reduction in uncertainty, and are thus attracted to "emotionally potent oversimplification" (not sure where I read that, some book by Noam Chomsky--"Necessary Illusions" I think). After watching what happened just last week to Tucker Carlson and fresh-in-memory penalties, punishments, deplatformings, firings, demonization, smears of anyone who questioned or opposed the forcing of unproven, inadequately tested and (non)vaccines on the whole population, out of fear, they may just stay with the flow (MSM), hoping to simplify their lives and avoid trouble. Won't work, of course.

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In my town, there is a one hundred year old daily newspaper and a twenty year old weekly "alternative" paper. At this point, the alternative paper has better news coverage than the daily paper. And they do both "alternative media" stories and also city council coverage.

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Ram' poll says 22% of people now trust the media in the US. It sure ain't thriving

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the "most favored" people on MSM, no matter who they are, as long as they are leftist

or agreeable are the ones that will be on the tv. They young people listen to that all day.

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I thought "the great and brilliant" Rachel Maddow still had a huge following. no?

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the urbanised upper-middle classes who feel most directly represented by mainstream policies and were the most horrified by trump's election and brexit – the sub-elite, basically – definitely don't know who matt walsh is. they know who tucker carlson is, though.

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deletedApr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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'mainstream' political discourse – everything on major television channels and the major news outlets – is an aspect of political power and policy formulation.

carlson throwing a wrench in the works of that messaging system every night is nontrivial added friction for them. it makes the maintenance of internal conformity just that much harder. what major US media want to achieve, is something we have already in Germany – a regime-friendly consensus discourse that efficiently excludes all dissenting voices.

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I keep trying to point out that the effort to block dissenting voices on Facebook is more important than most people probably realize - for the same reasons as Tucker was important because he was on a highly-rated TV show and TV network. You've got to "fish where the fish are" if you want to change enough minds to matter. With Facebook, our Big Brother wanna-be's silenced all the contrarian dissenters from the proverbial "town square." Those voices matter too. They also "taught" the masses to "self censor" and keep their contrarian views to themselves.

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The State of the German media empire is positively frightening. However, I do agree with some of the commenters about where media needs to evolve to continue to capture the youth and on that point, they are too obtuse and arrogant to see the sand shifting. Especially int eh US, few watch the old school media forms anymore (newspaper, tv news). They are online, and as long as there is movement in that market, Twitter purchase by Elon, the advent of Substack, there will be new voices. Germany appears more captured because Merkel was so successful in even stopping online comments (to stop out of the box thinking and to fool people into thinking they were representing the majority) and even outright censorship of certain topics on FB and Twitter being sent to Germany (articles about Trump as one example). I really hope the US does not allow those further restrictions to befall us.

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It is going to get worse before it gets better. Remember the last part of the Goebbels quote:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie."

Tucker is right - this cannot go on forever, but that is not a reason to be optimistic. The Economic consequences are coming, and when they arrive, this collapses. These are huge historical circumstances beyond our control. Stock up and be prepared.

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I am at least more optimistic for the USA, than I am for Germany, where the Monoparty has won in all areas, and is in the process of cleaning out the tiny crumbs of opposition.

In the USA at least there is a sizeable opposition, fairly organized, with well-known people, many of them very smart and powerful.

The regime has learned from the faux-pas of 2016, and will be much better prepared in 2024, as it was in 2020. But still, in the USA there is at least a struggle.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I always thought the greatness of the American system was that the preservation of free speech actually curtailed any actual revolutions. Let the people air their grievances. Don’t force it underground. Don’t waste State resources and legitimacy fighting about what people say or think. Sadly, somebody has decided that the Soviet system is better. Maybe Putin really is in charge? Remaking America into a repressed gulag, from the inside, would be the greatest triumph for communism.

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Political correctness took away any idea of "free speech" in this country decades ago.

What has curtailed revolutions here has been our position as the bearer of the world's reserve currency; it enables us to throw money at a myriad of problems that other countries are forced to tackle head-on, some of them unsuccessfully.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I agree. Alternative media is great, but representation on TV and also in newspapers is important. For example, EVERYONE I know took the jabs. I gave them reason after reason not to, some sourced online, some from common sense and life experience. If there had been more just questioning reporting on TV news and in newspapers, perhaps they would have waited longer. I don’t watch Tucker religiously either, but of the clips I have seen, even Tucker was careful when he discussed the jabs. He didn’t advocate for them, but he also didn’t say “are we crazy to inject millions of people around the world with essentially an experiment?!” I chalk that up to working for Fox because Fox is no different than all other TV outlets, so Tucker had to tread lightly while still trying to get his message across subtly. Perhaps being out from under the thumb of his media overlords will give him incredible freedom to speak unvarnished truth. That is, as long as Soros-funded people don’t barage him with bogus lawsuits for slander. So I see the positives and the negatives, but I will end on a positive note because it is important to maintain hope even on the darkest days. Setbacks are often opportunities in disguise. Here’s hoping this is a great opportunity for Tucker and will ultimately be a win in our column for truth, decency and sanity.

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As an English person, I would like to say that Tucker Carlson appears to be exactly what the rest of the world imagines an American to be.

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So would you say that Dr Mike Yeadon (English I believe) and Dr Tess Lawrie (English) are exactly what the rest of the world imagines an English person to be? I am not English myself, but those two together have done more to challenge both the narrative, the government lies, and Fauci (an American) than Tucker ever did, beholden as he was to Fox.

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I don't know - they are just English people to me! Tucker Carlson had a TV presence in the States. Neither Dr Yeadon nor Dr Lawrie have a TV presence in the UK and so most people are unaware of them. Mike Yeadon was one of the first people I found in my search for an alternative narrative. Mr Carlson may have been beholden to Fox but he seemed to say pretty much what he wanted on what I assume is a national channel. I am not aware that the BBC has interviewed either of the doctors mentioned. And, sorry, but he just looks like an American from the 1950s!

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I guess that’s a good thing...

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We watched Tucker faithfully on weeknights. Now, we don't watch Fox News at all. We will follow him to his new home, wherever that is. Ideally, he should do a periodic podcast at 8pm ET, to bring over the habituated. And, to the extent that he now has no management censoring his content: excellent. "Tucker Unchained"?

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He's apparently handcuffed by his contract for the next 18 months.

This appears to be much more than a firing; it looks like they wanted to silence him up through the election.

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He’s actually still on payroll and will be negotiating his contract which was up for renewal. (Per Megyn Kelly.) $20M/year could have been the incentive, along with his speech at the Heritage Foundation on Friday night.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by eugyppius

A similar sentiment


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