"When we're embarrassed, we punish you harder."

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As the abuser always says, "You made me do it you."

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Could be punishment, but isn't it now an obvious social selection tool to ideologically shape the most important institutions, like Universities, big corporations and even primary education (Washington vaxx mandate)?

Or is that too conspiratorial?

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Jonathan Sumption described Covid measures as the deranged reaction of the political class to the humiliation of being shown unable to control a natural phenomenon.

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These same deranged Marxists think they can control the weather as well.

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in the English world, Marxism has completely lost its meaning. Marxism is a theory of economics. What those people really mean is a corporate, totalitarian state , which by definition is fascism and hat really nothing to do with marxism. Even clever people like Peterson or Lex Fridmann, who does not even acknowledge that Ukraine is ruled by corrupt fascists refuse to accept. It's sad .

Eugenics are the domaine of fascists, and not communists.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

Leon Trotsky was exiled and eventually killed for noting, among other things, that Stalin had created, in the Soviet Union, a fascist regime that was indistinguishable from Germany in the 1930s. It was a fascist communist state that bore little resemblance to what Trotsky considered communism to be about, which was a lot closer to the original Marxist ideals than Stalin's implementation.

Trotsky had opined that socialism (whose goal is progression to "true" communism) can only be sustained in a democracy, and Stalin's totalitarian rule and focus on "socialism in one country" didn't look much like the worldwide revolution that Marxism had predicted.

Trotsky was both right and wrong. Another common term for a country is a nation, so "socialism in one country," the official policy of the Soviet Union, can be restated as "socialism in one nation," which can be rearranged into "national socialism." There can be no doubt that the Soviet Union, with its rhetoric about the Great Patriotic War and the glory of the Motherland, was every bit as nationalistic as Germany had been, and it was every bit as totalitarian as well. The massive bureaucracy, the secret police, the gulags full of political prisoners, the disappearances, the total control of media, the restrictions on internal travel, even the restriction of artistic expression that did not serve the goals of socialism, all of that was boilerplate fascism.

That's what Trotksy had right. The bit where the Soviet Union owned all of the means of production (where in Germany they were ostensibly privately owned) was a distinction without any real meaning.

The part Trotsky was wrong about was the idea that socialism had to be sustained within a democracy. In point of fact, totalitarian oppression is necessary to impose socialism (in its entirety... not talking about Scandinavian mixed economies here) and to suppress and prevent the spontaneous occurrence of capitalism, which happens naturally anywhere people have even the slightest freedom. And as far as the worldwide revolution... that was more nonsense that was the mere ramblings of a madman (Marx), no more realistic than the idea that after a certain period of socialism, all of society's ills would heal, and the state would wither away from lack of purpose, leaving everyone living in a blissful, utopian utopia known as "true communism."

In other words, fascism (or something closely resembling it) is one of two possible results when you attempt to mix Marxism and reality (the other being capitalism, as the effort will fail). It doesn't look much like what Marx promised, but that's just because Marx was just making things up when he came up with what we call Marxism.

In fascism, there is a blend of the corporate world with the government. This is very much in evidence in the USA right now, with the media acting as propaganda outlets for the regime, even though on paper they are "independent." The entire corporate world is lining up to implement the regime's agenda and to suppress detractors. If a corporation fails to implement the party's ideals on its own, the regime will nudge them to start doing so. Right now, the nudging is relatively gentle, but it will get a lot worse if we remain on the current path.

What we are witnessing now is classic fascism, being implemented by those people who have clear ideological ties to Marxism. Obama wrote of his sympathies to Marxism in one of his many autobiographies (written before he had actually done anything of note), and Biden was part of that regime for eight years. Some say this is Obama's third term, with Obama himself being the puppeteer controlling the hapless, clueless Biden.

This is not surprising. Mussolini was a leftist and a student of Marx before he became the fascist dictator of Italy. He didn't suddenly change his ideology... the change required only minor adjustments to the techniques and the rhetoric.

In fascism, everyone is expected to have endless devotion to the state. In communism, everyone is expected to have endless devotion to the ongoing revolution and the ideals of socialism, which in practice are both identical to the state.

In fascism, corporations are taxed and regulated to the point that they may as well be state-owned. In communism, they drop the pretense and nationalize them.

Under fascism, captains of industry who are acceptable to the party are made members of the party and are given a seat at the table. Those who are unacceptable are "encouraged" to step down so they may be replaced with someone the party likes better. In communism, members of the party who already have a seat at the table are appointed to lead the concern and are allowed to do so as long as they remain acceptable to the party.

And so it goes, down the line. The only thing that really changes between them is the rhetoric. Take the German propaganda of the 1930s, replace "Jews" with "bourgeoisie," and you've got the Soviet version.

The so-called Chinese Communist Party leads the world's largest fascist regime today.

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No it wasn't fascist. It was bolshevist. Bolshevism is when jews mass murder christians.

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"to suppress and prevent the spontaneous occurrence of capitalism, which happens naturally anywhere people have even the slightest freedom. "

Yeah sure. Capitalism is just another religion, the enablement of financialized tyranny of the moneyed Mammon class against those that do not view commerce this way. I live against the creed of Capitalism; I will not weaponize money in my commercial interactions. Those that try against me will not be interacting with me.

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excellent post, very educational and concise, bravo.

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Communists just murder, enslave and starve millions, WITHOUT giving it a fancy name like eugenics.

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Yes that's truly mindboggling that both cannot see the deeper Ukraine implications, especially Friedman who has family on both sides. But I think Peterson lately came around a bit, i think he mentioned Prof. Mearsheimer etc.

But at least he is strong on the homefront


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Fridman also had Oliver Stone, but also had someone whose name I forgot, whose sole objective was to malign Stone.

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Yes, Stone together with Mearsheimer was one of the guys who made me more objective on this issue.

I think you mean Stephen Kotkin who clearly suffers from PtDS (Putin Derangement Syndrome)

Ukraine good, Russia evil.....my goodness, if it would be ever so simple.

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beware for the fools who think they can play God

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...Or think they can escape The law of Kamma.


(Fun fact: this movie plays in the distopian future of 2019!!!!

2019? Fauci-Daszac Wuhan GoF-Gods!


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I wouldn't put that behind him. That is probably what his next career step will be. That disgusting man.

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The phenomenon about which I’m most worried is how easily the serfs tolerate the diktats of the far smaller number of lords.

For THIS — not Covid — is the fundamental problem driving the world into slavery, and maybe not surprisingly, the German mindset is leading the way.

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I was going to say almost the same thing.

"We got caught, who are we going to punsh?!?!?!"

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Do as we say, not as we do, and don't to dare notice what we do.

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JC, Or go right ahead & notice, but what are you (useless eater) going to do about it?

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Ain't that the truth! Julian Assange is the iconic example w ongoing torture for embarrassing Uncle Sam with evidence of US war crimes and Iraq body counts dwarfing public numbers.

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Oh, so you knew my parents?

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This was the case in Canada with the trucker protest. It was the bouncy castles for kids and above all protesters with beers in the hot tubs on Wellington Street in FEBRUARY. Everyone who saw the pictures understood that Trudeau was being laughed at.

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Yes! I loved writing about those protests. Bonus trucker bouncy house:


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WSJ recently had a story on the disaster of flying this summer with all of the cancelations. One of the top comments pointed out vaccine mandates on pilots and air traffic control as a major factor in the current mess. The WSJ allowed it to become one of the top rated comments, and towards the end of the day they deleted it for "violating their community standards."

The regime obviously doesn't like people pointing this out, which means it needs a lot more attention.

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I've seen this sort of comment censorship (and manipulation of "likes") in online news media for at least the last 10 years, but it's gotten a lot worse since 2016. There was a time when we could just read a headline and go straight to 'comments' for the real journalism. It looks to me like establishment psyops desperately trying to plug every leak in the narrative.

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deletedAug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022
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Musk knows this. So he waits until the asset cheapens to the value it really deserves before submitting his next offer for it.

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How long before Substack gets the DARPA/ChiComm/DeepState "DNS" error?

The Hydra will find a way.....

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They will have to pay for subscriptions. :D

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From what I understand most of the hospital capacity issues are due to understaffing, which is a direct result of the pandemic response.

My neighbor is an ER nurse, worked in the covid wards, she quit due to being overworked. She said a lot of the nursing shortage was due to having to stay home with kids while they were locked out of school.

My cousin was an ER nurse who was laid off due to her hospital not being allowed to see patients. She took unemployment for 3 months, then got bored and decided to get a job at a private hospital.

Theses stories are common across all industries . . . many very experienced, skilled people taking early retirement due to pandemic stupidity with no easy way to fill their positions. We have a long road ahead of us.

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Vax mandates cause some to quit because they don't want the shots. For the people that take the shots, a small percentage are pulled out through injury or worse. It's harder to replace any of these people because mandates apply for anyone new. And then as you mention, you have people close to retirement or struggling with lockdown impacts that are not willing to pick up the slack from being woefully understaffed.

The vax mandates are a wrecking ball on civilization. Almost as awful as lockdowns, the mandate just swings slower.

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They’re hurting the ability to have enough First Responders, medics, National Guard, and combat forces. And those whi are jabbed may collapse at any time.

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Yeah. And many near retirement or otherwise really don't need work, but continue because they enjoyed their professions and/or just wanted to keep busy. The stupidity of mandates and lockdowns drove many good people permanently out of the workforce. Let alone the challenges of the younger, activist woke workforce and similar DIE ESG corporate stupidity.

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All of this points to supply crunch inflation which is one of the intended outcomes.

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Everything happening in regard of ''healthcare'' points to the fact that we are supposed to be exterminated .And the road to that goal is getting shorter by the day .How many of us will not survive the coming winter slaughter fest ?

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Here in Canada, Toronto airport has been rated the worst in the world at the moment because of our gov move to the KTDI via ArriveCan.

I recently received an email from our major airline stating that they were up to almost 80% of pre covid business.

I don't think that's common knowledge. Gov bureaucracy is so bad that even way under capacity, the seams are ripping apart.

PS: Canada partnered with the WEF for the KTDI at least as early as 2018, according to gov website but I don't think it was common knowledge at all. 'Never let a good crisis go to waste'.

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Canada seems to be run by the WEF with more than half its ministerial departments in the clutches of Klaus Schwab - or so he likes to boast.

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Your last phrase is interesting '...or so he likes to boast'.

Doesn't even matter right now because our virtue signaler in cheif IS in his clutches and we seem to be under a dictatorship at the moment.

I keep thinking about the KTDI program that was started in 2018, only 3 years into his first mandate. That means that they'd been working on it for a while before that and who knows if a previous government started it? These plans have long been in the works.

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Canada is very much so under hostile occupation by a foreign entity

It'd rather it be the yanks rather than the soulless internationalist cliques but here we are

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You see a difference between Schwab and Biden?

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Yes, Schwab has a brain even if it is an evil one.

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Crisis is the rally cry of tyrants.

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It’s funny because Amsterdam Schiphol is one of the other airports in the KTDI pilot program, and it’s been an absolute mess there as well for the last 2 years. Another coincidence maybe? 🤨

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Serfs don’t need airports! When will they figure out the WEF plan is they’re supposed to want nothing but be happy?

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And Trudeau is starting to ramp up his battle on farmers and their fertilizer. Sask PM just sent a strongly worded letter to the Feds after some farmers caught the Feds trespassing on their land, gathering water to most likely test nitrogen levels. I don't know how one doesn't see how Western governments aren't puppets to some globalist cabal as they all seem to do the same thing at the same time, regardless of how popular the move is to their own constituents.

Going to be interesting, we may get another convoy this year, but with tractors this time.

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Good for them! I hope the farmers do as they did in the Netherlands. But before starting out, withdraw all their cash from the banks so Turdeau can't pull another one of his tricks on them, as he did on the truckers.

This all goes to show why we must NEVER allow digital passports to be implemented. That would be an act of complete surrender to the corporate/government fascists.

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I see a lot of anger brewing against our dear leader. People generally fell in line with the mandates but despite that, the truckers had a lot of support. I don't believe people will fall in line with hunger unless TPTB do a bang up job of supplying frankenfood-crickets and pushing it as delicious and nutritious. Then there is the fall out from the cov shots. I've heard of people getting the shot 4-5x and having covid 3x this year. Those people are starting to ask why. A convoy of tractors might be the least of our virtue signaling leader's worries.

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no coincidence. I posted elsewhere on the page, on the gov of Canada website, the KTDI program was announced in 2018. Can you find out how long it's been in the works in the Netherlands?

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That’s why I no longer subscribe to the WSJ

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On the bright side every person who liked then noticed the comment was deleted will wonder what else is censored and what other lies are perpetuated if guidelines hide truth.

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Fauci is officially retiring from government service in December, but my guess is he'll remain in the public eye, as unflushable a turd as ever.

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Time to snake the system, call a plumber

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To Dream the Impossible Dream...to flush, the unflushable turd!

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If he's smart he'll lower his profile and go into hiding.

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he'll probably take a pfosition at pfizer or moderna

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Actually it was the government that served him.

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He'll be worth $100bil more by this time next year, like the Obama's in 2017. But if he does not take a fawning victory lap in prestige media, we will know they know the bodies are piling up.

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A year or two ago there were reports that Fauci is worth $10 million. I suspect his actual net worth is closer to someone like Pelosi's. Imagine 50 years of being able to direct billions in government funding while at the same time extracting royalties and investing in the industry. On top of that he also got to choose which drugs to promote and discourage.

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I meant to say 100mil. They will epstein him before they give him billions. 10mil is probably just the slush fund he reports. No way could they report on his actual wealth or they would have made this Covid policy appear like it was about money and power and not a virus. But I think too he would never have left that job if his overlords hadn't told him it is time to go....

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Well, he's 81 (or 82 now?) so how much more money does he need at this point?

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There are people who think they have to pile unlimited resources to their children...

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As much as he can make I'm sure, to fill the vacuum of his enormous power and ego...

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If we don't laugh we cry and for this song I cried while I laughed.

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eugyppius! Of all the people in all the world, I think only you can get as excited as me (maybe more) about the dream I articulated in this piece:

* “Letter to the German Bundestag” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-german-bundestag)

I want to get Karl Lauterbach fired. I am also asking the German Bundestag to reject the Infection Protection Act amendments and reverse all COVID legislation.

I know this is shooting for the stars, but I think it’s actually possible if we band together and make this go crazy-viral.

I would be grateful for your help getting #FireKarlLauterbach trending with a link to this letter. You have a much bigger audience than me (approaching 15k), and you are able to reach more Germans, I suspect.

Thanks so much, eugyppius! 🙌

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Moved and seconded.

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Fire is nice too. Warm. Bright.

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The US is no better. Our fearless quad vaxxed, positive tested leader is still denying entry in to the US by foreigners that are not vaccinated. That is all foreigners except those that cross our southern border illegally.

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Two weeks ago in a press conference, whats her face said they're going to change that.

Specifically, she said something like "in the coming weeks we will be working with various executive agencies to ensure that their policies are consistent with the CDC's updated guidelines", with those guidelines being the ones that no longer differentiate based on vaccine status

Granted, politicians lie all the time, but they're usually more weaselly and evasive than that. I am very cautiously optimistic that this is going to change soon.

And I say this as a foreigner in the US on a work visa. I am stranded here, I cannot cross the US border until this policy goes away, or else they won't let me back in

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Mr. Dilbert has gone viral with the following twet:

>>The lowest-awareness take on vaccinations is that the people who feared the jab were the brave ones.

The high awareness take is that everyone was acting on fear and everyone was guessing what path was safest.

No one out-thought anyone. It was just fear and guessing.


Eugyppius, perhaps your next writing endeavor should be a comprehensive study of copium addiction among vaxx cheerleaders. I fear the long term effects of extensive copioid use

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this man has become completely insufferable.

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COVID broke him. He became incredibly arrogant after the election of Trump in '16, since he was one of the first to predict that the Donald would win. I'll give him credit for that, even though I think he was right for the wrong reasons i.e. he thought that Trump was going to use hypnosis techniques to win over the populace as opposed to Hillary was the worst political candidate in living memory for either major party. I think that high made him think that he could quite literally never be wrong, so when he was so so so so fantastically wrong about COVID he just couldn't handle it.

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From the very very very beginning of the pandemic I was only afraid of the government response to covid, not covid itself. In fact, I tried to get the virus as quickly as possible so I'd actually gain acquired immunity and be the 'firebreak' for the virus that the 'leaders' told us the vax was.

It still took me 20 months and an infected vaccinated friend to catch it, and it was a moderate cold exactly as I expected -- because I was familiar with the data.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

Right there with you on first part, Commander.

In Feb 2020, I was listening to a medical researcher on my daily Radio France general science program talking about this new virus from China. This was way before hysteria was declared, i.e. he was treating the interviewer and the audience like intelligent adults and explaining everything that had been deduced from the data so far.

My distillation of his assessment was that the best thing for me (58 and in reasonable shape) was to get a little lungful of the thing and process it so that I would not be a vector to anyone actually vulnerable.

I never got "it" until May 2022 -- a bizarre illness that resembled what I remember of Lyme disease, with almost zero respiratory symptoms. But a rapid lateral flow test declared it to be the new Big C. I know the PCR is useless, but I don't know the reliability of the rapid one.

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PCR is very useful -- when used for its intended purpose. For those carrying out this crime. its misuse and abuse were key to the basis of the unlawful measures instituted by lowlifes in government -- elected and unelected. PCR could be used to enforce the abjectly absurd notion of "asymptomatic spread" or as Deborah Birx called it, the "silent invasion".

If I may, I'd like to direct you to a post I have scheduled for tomorrow on this topic at my newsletter. It's a Part III of my letter to Florida's Attorney General where I expound on the abuse and misuse of PCR as a key driver of this crime.

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You're lucky. I caught it right at the start, and it was pretty miserable. 3 days of a 103 fever followed by 7 days of a 100 fever. Slept 15 hrs a day, ate nothing, lost 12 lbs. Barely got off the couch, disgusting cold sweats all night long.

I caught it a second time in oct 2021 and that one was mild like you said. Our situations were the same, you just skipped the shitty first part

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I got it just the once, March 2020. Not too bad, had to take to the bed for a few days, tired, really tired for a week or so, list some elements of smell for quite a long tine afterwards but otherwise fine. Like others, I already had a seriously poor view of Pharma and so dug the heels in and said, no, there was no need for me to be inoculated against a virus from which I was already recovered. The Draghi restrictions for over 50s in Italy, where I live, were a bit tricky along the way but it meant I ended up having around 65 nasal swabs between october 21 and April 22 and I couldn't even a single false positive.

Anyway, it is what is and I'm standing fast. Best wishes to everybody else standing!

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I got away with only ever getting one covid test ever, and that was to get in to a music festival.

I was shocked to discover that there is no chain of custody or any verification whatsoever of covid test results. I go to the local drug store, schedule a test. They test me. They email me the results two days later, and I'm expected to print out a PDF to show people.

I'm a software engineer. I have spent almost two full years' worth of my career doing nothing but generating PDFs. Once I realized that that's all a test is, well, I can make a PDF say whatever I want. I have never tested since, and openly tell everyone (socially, not, like, when I need to show them) results. Nobody here in Texas cares

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How about the people who feared the systematic dismantlement of safety oversight and informed consent in favour of "meh, it'll be fine, the scientists hath scienced?" Even with no information about the vaccinations themselves, 'high awareness' of the track record of prior pharma scandals would strongly suggest that every corner cut in the process of making them available would be set in cement and taken advantage of again in the service of future lazier and sloppier pharmaceutical approvals.

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Scott Adams doesn't seem to understand that the number one thing that united the COVID conspiracy people was the early realization that, unless you were old or otherwise fragile, you had nothing to fear from this disease. It was not fear, it was "let's not lose our minds, people"

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When I first decided not to get the vaccine, I wasn't scared of it. In fact, when it came out, my opinion was somewhere between "it's probably safe and effective" and "they're hedging a lot in the media. It's probably safe and ineffective, like the flu shot". The only reason I didn't get it was because I'm an engineer and I know that nothing EVER works perfectly on the first go

Since then, my opinion has morphed, and now it would be accurate to say that I am avoiding the vaccine out of fear. Not fear of the medical risks (although I believe they are substantial), but fear of, for lack of better term, fascism. The events of the past two years WERE. NOT. ACCEPTABLE. I do not have the political power to change anything, and I couldn't personally shoot enough people to change anything. All I can do is protest, say "I am not getting this shot, and the only reason I'm not getting it is because you want me to. You have acted unacceptably, and this is your punishment. No matter what you do, you will never achieve your policy goal, because I will eat a shotgun before I take that shot"

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As an aside, the flu shot being "safe and ineffective", my refusal to get flu shots as ineffective was bolstered when friend got Gulliame-Barre and permanently disabled. My view towards vaccines has totally changed...

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I used to get flu shots, back when I was in a relationship with someone with significant immune issues. But I had a (mild) bad reaction to one once, and haven't gotten them since.

I seem to get the flu at almost identical rates and severity to other people my age. Those shots don't do anything, and I'm pretty convinced that the only reason they exist is for reliable recurring revenue for pharma cos

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

Similar here....Enginerd....but my take was a little bit more.... the Objective is my basis, not political Subjective blabbering....

I personally, when this all started, was taking a wait and see approach, but was data gathering the whole time.....with some basics to start....

1. Media has proven all the time that they are attention Whores and that everything is a crisis.

2. Govts pushing.....the normal lemming will only listen to and go raving mad...taking the Govt word for it.

Then....more data / intel comes out....

3. Safe and Effective* was based on a study of only N=170 out of 42,000 participants..

4. IFR was 0.05%.....not the CFR the media latches on to instill fear....where even the CFR was really low.

5. I think the final straw was when Doctors were speaking out and being silenced, AND where repurposed drugs were demonized, that was it.

NEVER will I take it.

*When someone spouts "safe and effective" and the media everywhere is pushing it, I dig in, look for details...I also had many many doubts back then about the masking parade, since I work and have experience in Inorganic Metal processing and Industrial Hygiene (IH), I know what the 95 in K and/or N95 is..... pure B.S.

Back to "Safe and Effective" ...I found that the "Safe and Effective" data was from the same company that is selling the therapy....and it was based on N=170.....out of 42,000 participants (I think it was 42k). At RRR of 95-whatever % vs ARR of 0.00000-whatever %. This was sketchy to me. But the media and every clown-show was only saying .... "Safe and Effective" and it seemed like the majority of people just toed the line....it was scary......

Then I dug into the history of mRNA therapy......about the challenge phase for earlier treatments....where all the animals died.....another red flag....

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> Then....more data / intel comes out....


> 3. Safe and Effective* was based on a study of only N=170 out of 42,000 participants..

I regret not being more diligent about documenting these things when it happened, because it is impossible to find historical news reports now that censorship and rewriting history is commonplace

But one thing I noticed is that, in the build-up to the vaccines being released, the Public Narrative™ was "once we are all vaccinated, we will be perfectly safe and immune and this will all be over"

But, starting a few weeks before the vaccines were first made available to the public, I noticed that the news coverage shifted. Out of nowhere they stopped talking about immunity and started talking about reducing death rates and the severity of disease, and they started doing this _before_ anyone had taken the vaccines and then gotten infected again anyway.

Nobody else at the time seemed to pick up on this but it really stood out to me, because the only other vaccine we have that (they say) works like that is the flu shot, and nobody takes those seriously. So when the vaccines first came out, I had a sneaking suspicion that people with inside info knew they weren't going to work, and this was pro-active ass-covering

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Almost exactly my experience as well. The switch from safe and effective and pandemic ending to 'reducing severity" was the tipping point - the same shit I heard about the flu shot...

Hang in bro...

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

Good point, I forgot about that narrative shift.

When the media shifts, you know it's all bullshit....

Additionally, most people do not know the diff in jab therapies. I didn't know at the time either....single strand therapies never work, e.g. flu, coronas, etc. Therapies for DNA viruses are more likely to succeed.

Vid-19....the biggest LIE, and this is criminal, IMO, was that the jabs would end all of it. So many took it becasue of this little lie....All are junk anyway. Toxins, etc., with NO safety follow up.

This website may have historical details....


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well said!

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Initially I was quite supportive of the vaxx and annoyed with my husband for turning down an option for an early appointment. Then someone sent me a link to an explanation of how mRNA vaccines worked on a cellular basis - I watched part of it and then went back the following day to see the rest and found it was removed as "misinformation." WHOA! A cell based biology discussion is "misinformation"? That's when I decided something was suspicious - if that discussion was wrong then someone could have easily posted an explanation of what was wrong about it. The unwillingness to allow public discussion of a biology topic was not only a red flag - it was a screaming siren that something was terribly wrong.

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There is nothing "conspiracy" about being one of the ones who didn't succumb to abject fear. Before Covid, we were already noting the difference between reality and the narrative the media wanted you to believe. Many times the media asserted the "Orange Man was a Dictator." But no one was being rounded up and put into rail cars. And the price for saying such nonsense was not a firing squad (which a dictator would do) was a boost in ratings.

The same media that still wants to convince us that inflation is good, that gas prices should be high because fossil fuels destroy the environment. and that if anything we need more government in our lives because we are too stupid to know how best to run our lives.

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Are you my identical twin?


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A powerful point. You don't need to be 'scared of the jab' to not trust Big Pharma. In fact, if you would have asked people 3 years ago if they trust Big Pharma, they would have resoundingly said no.


The pharmaceutical industry is now the most poorly regarded industry in Americans' eyes, ranking last on a list of 25 industries that Gallup tests annually. Americans are more than twice as likely to rate the pharmaceutical industry negatively (58%) as positively (27%), giving it a net-positive score of -31.

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The battle will be won when the majority looks at Pfizer much worse than anyone ever looked at a company like Philip Morris. When people can't help but wince when they hear someone they are talking to works for Pfizer.

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Then don’t go to Walgreens! The public service announcement is absolutely pathetic. It’s hard for me to even walk in Walgreens without having Touret’s Syndrome! “Brought to you by Pfizer!”

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Exactly. I wasn’t afraid of covid. Had it early. Didn’t need the shot. Wasn’t afraid of it either. (Til recently.) I am afraid of govt mandates though.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

I was incredibly afraid of covid. Then I had it early (March 10th, 2020). Then I got better and realized I overreacted.

I had hoped that once all the normies caught it and were fine, they'd snap out of their trance. This did not happen

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Yep. Me too. I was afraid at first of going to the hospital but luckily I got over it quick. But I underestimated how many hypochondriacs there are here.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

I was following the leaks and stuff on 4chan in Jan 2020 and went off the deep end prepping. I got all of the equipment necessary to give myself home care up to and including supplemental oxygen. So I wasn't scared of going to the hospital, just because I figured that if it was bad enough that I couldn't handle it myself, I was going to die anyway so why bother getting vented

I still think that freaking out in Jan/Feb 2020 was the correct thing to do given the public information, but by April 2020 I was already coming to my senses. I actually maintained a daily covid newsletter and you can see the progression in my thinking from "we're all going to die" to "I want to minecraft the government for this". http://cvdailyupdates.github.io

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

I wonder how this changed since 2019. One could see this as a massive PR campaign for a floundering, desperate industry largely Frankenstein'd through the welfare state.

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Most who elected not to get them, didn't fear them. I would say they didn't see a reason for them. It didn't make sense. We could see a difference between reality and perception.

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It is honestly dumbfounding to me how many "this doesn't make any sense" things that everyone else acted like were normal.

Like, ffs, almost every vaccine we have ever had have been perfectly and permanently protective against the relevant pathogen. And for almost every disease that exists, recovery confers life-long immunity.

We all know this. Nobody gets chicken pox twice. This is even what they said about the vaccine originally. But then suddenly overnight it was "well you'll have to get boosters every 6 months". There is no vaccine in the world that requires that. But suddenly, a month after loudly insisting that that was a conspiracy, the government says "no it's totally normal you have to get booster shots for vaccines every 6 months all the time" and no normies stopped and said "hey, wait, hold up, that doesn't make any sense"

Even if you are the world's stupidest person, even if you've never even heard of science before... even a five year old can figure out "you said this thing yesterday but today you're saying the opposite. What?"

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And then the government (I'm looking at you, Fauci) had the balls to come out and straight up say "yeah we lied, but we did it for your own good. If we told the truth, you wouldn't be scared enough to comply, and then this would be worse".

I don't believe this, but I'm willing to grant for the sake of argument that that's true, and also that the government is justified in lying. But when the government says "yes I lied to you, and I'll do it again", WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE EVER BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY EVER

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I was not fearful of the “shots”. If you had ever done any investigation into “ vaccines”, you would know they are all toxic.

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So Mr. Dilbert thinks no one acted through reason and principle? Not one person? Sounds quite arrogant to me.

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No, you were either scared of the coof or you were scared of the vaccine. There is NO other position.

The projection is just insane

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I gave up on Scott when covid started. He’s a hypochondriac. And he’s always trying to hypnotize people to agree with him.

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yeah me too! And I really got sick of his coffee

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deletedAug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022
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but it was a communist plot. The "m" in mRNA stands for "Marxism"


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It's amazing how many European politicians seem to be taking advice from Trudeau. Canada is one of the few countries in the world that still requires face diapers on planes and inter-city trains. It's not only Germany, but the Dutch government crackdown on farmers is also obviously being co-ordinated with ultra-wokist Trudeau.

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They all are installed controlled heads of states. They aren't copying off one another, they are taking orders from their owners, who are the same few people.

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Point taken.

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I can smell Barbara Lerner-Spectre's hands rubbing from here.

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Why does anyone comply???? If no one complied, tyranny would be at a standstill.

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Exactly. Sheep.

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Now people don’t have to wonder: “What would I have done in Nazi Germany?” Now you know. Did you pass the test?

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Well if you'd replace that with Bolshevist Russia, you'd be more accurate.

Maybe you should read some banned books.

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It’s a very evil entity that has prevailed over many people. And that is how evil works.

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And yet, their faith in God is non-existent. My pure faith in God has gotten me through this travesty. I lost my job after 23 years. But, my Father has saved me. He alone protects me. No man does that, obviously. Psalm 91…HE is there! Ephesians 6:10-18 The Armor of God…

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How long will the planes keep flying, aren't most pilots jabbed? This should solve itself eventually.

Also, airplane mechanics...all jabbed. Air traffic controllers, jabbed. Engineers, jabbed.

How long will the unjabbed be willing to work for the jabbed/jab enforcers?

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I don't think there's anything like a 100% fatality rate from the jab. In other words the really bad (and fatal) side effects are still relatively rare -- maybe in the 1% to 2% range. But that's still an awful safety record, and about 1,000 times higher than the FDA would have ever allowed previously. It's going to be hard to hide, and may still result in significant disruption.

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I think you're correct about the 1-2% fatality rate at the moment, however, that's not rare. 1 in a million is rare, not 1 in a hundred.

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Agree, whenever I send vax injury articles to people I point out it is a very low percentage, but not rare. If 1-2% of the vax'd die, or worse, die annually we have a massive public health issue. Let alone massive public unrest.

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That's because no one knows what a normal rate is, and 1% sounds low. I have asked many times at what injury or death rate a drug is withdrawn or a trial is stopped, and people always just say "a lot less than that!" Surely there are standards somewhere one could point people to.

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supposedly 66-75% of the population is fully jabbed up, so 220 millions; there are probably close to one million deaths from the vax, so 1/2 of 1%. There are many millions of other casualties though, and both sets will continue rising with time. The deaths from all causes are not going down.

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Thanks Danno, (cue the surf music), methinks..mental rolodex flipping about....charts...graphs...averaging....and I think its a bit wors(er). Say 3% but continuously compounding at an (as yet undetermined) rate....this is where i just draw that J shape on the

graph and walk away...but see what I mean? The holy web becoming the holey web....also,

been watching RED DWARF episodes, for context, while the world explodes. Best

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A hard ride for flyers with a jabbed pilot who becomes a VAERS statistic...

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I know they have been even tripling up on crews but I do wonder when they will give up trying to cover for the debacle....where is that off ramp...?

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yes, the mountains are lovely. Your photos are a bonus that makes our subscriptions even better. Many thanks!

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Did you hear that the well known war crimminal, floating turd and ex UK PM Tony Blair wants the UK to enforce mask wearing, especially on public transport. His justification is that the Germans are doing it, so we should too. It's Your Fault!

He may not know that your health chap is an absolute nutter but if this is his level of thinking no wonder he believed George W's fairytales about Sadam's WMDs. I reckon he's in it up to his neck with Schwab & Co and somebody will be paying him. He is living proof that there are worse things than dying of covid.

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There is a crisis of leadership in the West. In a time of need, we have learned that our leaders and representatives are vacuous implants doing the bidding of greedy and nefarious third parties. It is a stark revelation for many who believed the system to have always functioned properly. To realize differently is quite the shock.

I liken it in the linked post below to Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor's New Clothes. We are living in exactly that world today. Thankfully platforms like Substack exist, from which we can point out the absurdities and hopefully laugh them away.


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Wrong. The regime is an occupational government by the enemy. Our enemy. The enemy. Read some banned books.

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Perfect timing for an open thread. Just this morning I was wondering as I read it if you'd seen Margaret Anna Alice's "Letter to the German Bundestag":


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I was wondering the same thing!

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Enjoy the mountains before they try and take that away too.

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ALL WEFers are using the same script... Canada is no different...... narcissists ...........

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It's practically impossible to get the officials and media to admit that the masks have been completely unnecessary. Like the vaccines, it's become more a point of pride than anything. Another example of more bad decisions based on the sunk cost fallacy.

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But they don’t care. Follow the MONEY! How many kick backs do mayors, governors, politicians get for the mask bs? Someone is making LOTS of moola! Including the Fake Mask USA (awesome!).

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These clowns have the moral and intellectual superiority over us deplorables. They are truly despotic and psychotic and are making me neurotic. Wow. I need to think about that one. RESIST.

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LOL! I understand! I remember just a few months ago when a Safeway employee grabbed a bottle of vermouth out of my hand because I wasn’t wearing a mask (in line). I offered to pay for it and/or wait outside while the manager brought it outside to me. NOPE! This is one of the violations I will never forget. Despicable what human beings have become.

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That would be hilarious if not so pathetic ... sounds like you played it low key but still got no slack.

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Let’s put it this way…I left letting the entire store know how I felt. LOL!

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Nope. I’ll never be taken alive and I’ll probably take a couple useful idiots with me. These are the type of people that are scared of their own shadow, let alone touching me without hand sanitizer.

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And that’s the reality.

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