Hang in there. All of us, even us non academic types, feel this way. So thankful that people with your knowledge and expertise have fought the good fight. We still need to keep it up!
Not sure about this approach. As Jordan Peterson says, academic institutions are beyond repair, but can be replaced. I'm in a more commercial field, but am waiting for new and real ventures to replace the fakes (and want to be a part of that).
Being back at work has given me the opportunity to spread the truth about the vax. Just imagine how gleeful I am inside when, asked if I'm vax'd, I answer "hell no" with utter disdain.
Me too. I just grin and say "No, the '61 model came with an innate and adaptive immune system, plus a cerebral module capable of accommodating a basic science education".
Sometimes I'll add "My science teachers ruined all the fun for me when they taught me how to think".
I'm 68, and travel a lot: I probably pick up most bugs going, and just 'take the hit'... the only serious illness I ever had was shingles, and that was shortly after taking the double Hep B jag that my Scottish NHS hospital trust insisted on, despite the fact that as a pen pusher I had zero direct contact with patients or bodily fluids.
Yep, the 3-dose Hep B shots have been a huge revenue source. Which is why, starting some years back, they worked their way down through kids of all ages, until now the first dose starts with NEWBORNS. Because, you know, so many babies were dying of Hepatitis B...NOT.
exact same answer LOL. And they - NO? And then I give them a few sites to watch. A few woke up and are now scared. I did not want to do it, but they did it to themselves. The sites were there before this craze
Yes! A puzzle as to why they are so bent on deceit after being exposed already. We all know they are frauds.
That Washington bubble is difficult to escape- the mind virus takes over critical thinking skills and numbs response time to extremes, eh? Your boy will either fold right on in or not- it is his journey…sorry it sounds like he is up to his eyeballs in it. All you can do is love him.
The one sliver of light in all the darkness is the screen names of many of these readers! If I could be so clever…
For hospitalizations, 82.5% fully vaxxed in province with 81% population fully vaxxed
For ICU, 80% fully vaxxed, again in population 81%% fully vaxxed
For deaths, easy to argue that currently, hardly anyone dies of covid (as opposed to with covid) so it is impossible to make any claims - too small a sample size.
Official data clearly shows that the vaxxed are becoming or already are more susceptible to illness. UK data is just as damning.
I have a friend who was so incredulous when I showed him this, he wouldn't believe it but I kept saying: this is official gov reporting. Even he HAD to eventually see it.
Early on, everyone & the kitchen sink (e.g. total strangers) were sanctimoniously asking me if I’d had my vax - as if they had a right to know. Being in the medico-legal field, I would snap that it was none of their damn business, which probably made it patently obvious that I most certainly was not, since the jabbed were very proud to proclaim their status to “protect” others. I haven’t had anyone ask now in a very long time & Im hopeful that’s because the nincompoops have realized they jumped the gun & may be in real danger. Esp after the 3rd round
At least 2 of my jabbed friends woke up, one did not mention much, but the other is very scared. Others stay silent and avoid the subject, so I think the dawn is breaking for most.
I finally told my most progressive friend how angry I was about the last two years. She’s been a big fan of all the lockdowns, mandates, vaccines, and such. She backtracked a bit and reiterated that she believes in “my body, my choice.” She’s someone who always has to have the last word. She just listened this time. I count that as a win.
I've noticed that the outraged ones, are now quiet and listen, sometimes with a whimper, which one kindly detonates with conversational knowledge /references, then throw in a little more knowledge to hopefully titillate the grey matter. so that next time they really pay attention. BUT there is no more conceit from these jabbed people.
This is a trial run in Belgium & Italy. and Sweden. "They" choose various psychological and other factors when and where these Evil doers start their next "activity" on their Agenda.
Thats great to hear, an awakening! I simply can’t broach the subject of whether my friends of family have regrets now because that would probably be as offensive as anyone asking me if I’d taken the jabs. I would absolutely discuss if THEY brought it up though.
Maybe the more appealing approach is to urge when you can in conversation that we all need to stand together against mandates and coercion to take the vax, because we know that will happen again.
My sister is the only one who, after getting the first two jabs, remained open-minded and continued to research and discuss; she then decided no more shots. Everyone else I know just gives me a blank stare and changes the subject when they learn I didn’t get jabbed.
In fairness, altho Im unvax’d & dodged the WuFlu for almost 2 years, I ended up w/ it + pneumonia b4 Christmas 2021. In the office where I work, none of the support staff were vax’d & most of us ended up getting it, to various degrees of severity (mine was pretty bad). I STILL would never regret holding to my bodily autonomy for something w/ a 99.8% survivability for the absolute unknown short & long term consequences of what these people have done to themselves
At the time was so irritated to be asked that I just spit it out. After a double take by the asker, he changed the subject. I took that to mean he got my message - loud and clear.
I didn't make a big deal about it until all my siblings started to announce their jags on our WhatsApp group, as if they had done something to be proud of.
I told them that I wasn't in the least bit interested in their jag status, and thats when the sh*t hit the fan: I had never realised that this was actually a new religious cult.
Indeed they are. Mark Oshinskie wrote a very good piece about it. They don't think, they accept the narrative as dogma. Thinking is forbidden. If you do not obey you are a heathen. Luckily I already knew that, our pastor told me that when I was 16 LOL
I await the latest Agenda imposition on society in Autumn., as that is the pattern after society has been "rewarded" with no masks nor Passports. How kind of these Psychopaths' to "allow"hte majority to do what is a basic right. I suppose "THEY"are counting on mutations in that time, and who knows what shall be released. Read something about MARBURG last week being a favourite.
In the last week, in Bologna, ITALY, and Brussels, BELGIUM, have introduced the social credit system. You know, the one where we have to earn points and then we are rewarded with being able to buy certain goods at certain shops.
SWEDEN, 7-10,000 people have had "pellets"inserted into their hands., said the 5G affects those pellets. Sweden is mainly a cashless society now.
And don’t forget it is OK for one billionaire/oligarch - Gates to run our medical lives but not OK for another - Musk to strike a big blow for Freedom.
My elderly Chairwoman went off for her 4th jag after our meeting today: she is such a sweetie, but she knows that I am a Jaggy Dodger: I don't hide it. I just hope her faith isn't misplaced: there are many decent people out there who honestly think they are doing their duty: try not to be too harsh on them.
Agreed. The goal is to awaken, not judge. One of my tactics is that my tone of voice matches the strength of my conviction that the vax is ineffective and dangerous. And I don't say, "I think the vax is dangerous." I say, "The vax is dangerous."
I would be very tempted to answer "If the CDC cannot decide just what a vaccine is I can hardly trust their assurances that the shot is in fact a vaccine. If they ever make up their minds I'll take it under advisement and place it in the appropriate circular file."
I can send you links re the 4 times Pfizer jabbed Israeli people and the overwhelming number of those people who THEN fall ill with Covid FLU, also details the death statistics.
(Pfizer are building a new Factory in Israel, its the only Country in the World with COMPLETE from Birth to Death MEDICAL RECORDS, i.e. an experimental "LAB" for Pfizer).
You know, THE Pfizer that has been convicted & fined over years, but no one is jailed - the same as this Covid Fraud (where's Fauci?) - money buys people off) of lying and killing people. Telling Brazil and other poor countries that they can pay for their "Jab supplies, by singing over the Countries assets to Pfizer.
Thanks, I agree, but that’s not the point I was trying to make here. I know all the statistics and harmful effects of these jabs! But for some people, arguing such facts doesn’t make a dent. Just expressing doubt — doubt that can’t be argued with — can sometimes open a door.
Appreciate your reminder re different reactions/responses from people. Totally agree with your statement here. One has to assess and speak/react accordingly. ALL those years of "conditioning" by various sources makes it that much more difficult for some more than others to "take it all in".
A friend had a standard reply to such "Nonya's" questions. "Do I sleep with you? Do you pay my bills?" From what I witnessed it shut intruders up right quick. The other way of handling such questions is with a completely nonsensical reply. "Are you boosted?" "I think penguins must get tired of snow." A furrowed brow that shows the plight of penguins trapped in snow day after snow day should send the person without boundaries backing away.
Most Docs wouldn’t dare warn them over threats of losing their licenses . They dont inquire further because once they are vaxxed they would rather not know what could lie ahead. Ostriches !
I get it 100% I am not an academic like you but in my sphere since Masking has dropped I can not forgive those who continue to perpetuate this fraud. They are “friends” who continue to greet me like everything is FINE and all should be FORGIVEN. I can’t.
I can forgive the little old man or lady who were deceived into thinking they could trust corporate media. But anyone under 60 with a brain and access to the internet... Not so much. Anyone who went along with any of this out of irrational fear or "to get along" have helped destroy the incredible world we lived in and I have a heck of a time mustering any forgiveness for them. They went along with blatantly obvious evil. And I hate evil.
So people who took the shots only so they could enjoy their favorite restauraunts, take their fancy European trip to and attend a big party would chap you? Yeah. My parents. Vichy. Spit.
Yes, you’re correct. The time is ticking by - everything I read demonstrates what you point out. The price for willful ignorance looks to be quite costly.
All those people who are sick are asking their MDs if it “might have been the vax” and the docs say, “Nothing to see here” in so many words. As we go along and more and more odd illnesses develop, there must be a tipping point. (We hope.) And then hell to pay. I never wanted the Vax’d to suffer like they wanted us to die - most were innocent lemmings. But those on the front of the line ought to have some consequences for willfully creating chaos, illness & death.
I’m likely old enough to be your mom and I sacrificed all the trips restaurants and etc. because I live in a thinking world. Thank you for growing up to be on our side.
Hey Rob I'm a ''little '' old man of 86 and knew from day one the scam being sold to the general population .Do you think all ''little old men'' as you call us are stupid ? How old are you ? And how dare you? I could teach you a thing or two ,but you may learn that when you are 86 if the virus did not swallow you before that .
Preach it, Joe! My 85-year-old mom chose not to get vaccinated, and the way my vaccinated siblings treated her was appalling. It was as if they thought she was a child and didn’t know any better; they didn’t even bother to ask her if she wanted to be vaccinated. It was genuine objectification and a complete denial of her autonomy. Meanwhile, she’s extraordinarily healthy as a result of *decades* of good decisions regarding her health! As far as I was concerned, nobody had any business telling her what she ought to do. Not to mention the fact that she was obviously better educated about the situation than every other member of my family who chose to get vaccinated, including a sister who vaccinated her 7-yo daughter who had already had covid. Anyway, it’s been horrible for her and I hope you’re not having to deal with that sort of crap in your face-to-face life.
Be fair: the dice were loaded all the time: all the MSM and social media were censoring anything that didn't fit the narrative: you need to be a real 'digger' to know what is really going on. Most 'normals' think that questioning the vaxx is like being a flat earther, or tin foil hat wearer. And to be fair, we do have a few whacky folk in our ranks , whom I would dearly wish to dump in the Marianas Trench with a large lump of concrete wrapped around their necks.
Probably not. Some of them just see a bandwagon, and want to get onto it: they also believe in flying saucers, lizards, 5G mobile masts causing cancer, deep state conspiracies, the Masons/ Cognoscentii, and ritual child abuse by organised gangs of Royalty, persons of Israeli extraction, and so on .
Basically, a bunch of fantasists and nut-jobs.
So when this one hit the headlines, they all piled in with their own Loony Toons therories, and frankly, that seriously confused the landscape: if Donald Trump and David Icke are both singing from the same tinfoil hat hymnsheet, then that is a bit of a turn off to most reasonable folk.
And how do you feel about these 20 or 30-something hot shots who will run outside with a mask and shame you when given the opportunity? Those twats disgust me. I go out of my way, with young men, who have masks on, and ask them how long they plan on wearing their diapers. Then I say "are you a mouse or a man, take your mask off or live with being a coward". I think the young men need to be called out directly.
I've been exposed to people smarter than me all my life. Some much smarter. Some are insufferable, some are fine people who compensate effectively for the differences, often to my benefit. I've also been exposed to people dumber than me. Some much dumber. I try not to be insufferable. Sometimes even dumb people have good ideas, often to my benefit. We need to always remember not to become that which we dislike. Those who always want a fight can usually find one. That's usually not to anyone's benefit.
A friend asked me to take her to Bath and Body Works on the weekend. We went into the store both maskless and she was in there for 5+ minutes when suddenly loudly said oh no I forgot my mask. She scurried to the outside door to put it on... While I'm standing maskless in the store. Comes back with it on and then lowers it to smell 20+ Candles. How do we respect our friends and family after this. It's ruined everything no matter what "side" you're on.
This morning as i walked to my car just outside our apartment a tenant of the apartment coming from his car all masked up with a black mask said good morning as he walked past me. to the apartment .I turned and said I don't say good morning to bank robbers . He may be too retarded to get what I meant to tell him . It is types like him who keep this scam going . I only feel disgust when I see them . I would not be surprised if he keeps the snout pouch on in the shower and in bed .
Different approach - I was threatened by a doctor relative for (as they assumed) me not being vaccinated. (I’m not vaccinated) I just replied by complaining it wasn't my fault the fourth booster wasn’t yet available.
Yes, the overwhelming loss of respect is what I feel, incredible disappointment. Zero critical thinking...zero! But on a positive note, I now fully realize how dim witted so very many of my fellow denizens actually are. I try to take that into account when I encounter one of them, despite feeling an ongoing sense of revulsion. Not healthy, that.
I have had these exact thoughts, yes! Used to run my own business and would be crippled with doubts and comparing my offerings to others. Now I realize how dumb my competitors were. Def gonna start a new biz in the next two years. You're so right.
What galls me is that very good information pointing to the ineffectiveness of mask was already out there. This had been studied. Those studies along with personal observation and knowledge of health care providers and such are why we were told "No Masks!" were necessary and even discouraged. But instead of people being willing to question the abrupt turn about they just sheeped up and bleated along wit the latest fear mongering.
The mask studies which were clearly showing that they wern't effective in surgical environments and that were available in 2019 have disappeared from the internet. That tells you all that you need to know.
I try to remember the time I did a video on Facebook showing that masks work to stop droplets... The difference is I then looked into the literature and discovered that they were entirely useless against a virus,and so was able and willing to change my mind. That seems too difficult for a lot of people?
Eugypius, very similar situation here. Writing something while thinking almost the same. But I want to feel like 2 years ago, I won’t stop trying. It is my duty, I have to contribute to get out life back.
I try to think that there are people like us among the audience. And I am planning to include one Easter egg in my presentation: when I need to include the picture of a random guy I am including a picture of Peter McCullough, for example. Who knows, perhaps someone comes to me after I am finished.
This is the fundamental puzzle to be solved- how do we link up in person, to combine our energy and focus it on tangible victories, however small? Even if we are only 5% of the population, that is millions of motivated people. We know the hypocrisy and incompetence and dishonesty of our elites and public functionaries, no need to confirm this anymore. How do we combine our energy and forge a movement? I convinced we need to meet each other in person.
Many people are NOT informed, they simply do not spend time on deeper Research., or know what sites are reliable. SO how to get relevant links and a site where they can readily access valid information? thats one area that must be addressed in a calm and rational way.
THe fact that the MAJORITY are not in control MUST be reversed, and how to pull the majority into combined positive action. My fantasy is that all people throughout the World stop working for one week (obviously absolutely crucial work must have a skeleton staff in that week),
make people aware that they are being controlled NOW by wearing masks, salivating when tehy are allowed to go without a mask and into cafes etc. without Green passes. and while they may have a job now, that they more than likely won't when it suits the purposes of the CONTROLLERs.
TO Psychopaths human beings mean nothing, they are a a means to an end, as a Psycopath must always WIN, and they can have amazing patience to obtain their Agenda, but also be so childish if things do not go their way, as they are emotionally damaged childish beings, though Psychopaths can be very charming and in odd ways plausible.
In my blue karenstan, I haven't heard a peep from anyone else likeminded. How indeed. I know from experience that I will be derided or worse if I put out feelers. Maybe "we" can come up with a "code word" by which to identify one another. Though we know that sort of strategy has infiltration problems. Is it really all that bad? I know so.
Where's Tiffany Dover is how Gonzalo Liro would start his broadcasts from Kharkiv and report on the facts of Ukraine.
She's the Tennessee nurse who took the first vaccine on camera and promptly collapsed and is suspected to have died but her death is being hidden from public news. Gonzalo's point is we should never forget Tiffany Dover and what THEY did to her and her family.
I am in the same boat. I am close to retiring and wish I could now but its not a good idea to wish the years go by any faster. Find people who have your views and spend time with them and just do what you have to to get by I guess. I really dont have the answers - maybe someone on this post will help me as well with their words.
Have no fear! I retired last March because of the forced testing/jab. I simply knew in my heart WITH God’s given grace, that I could not have any part of this evil. I retired 3years early. For me, it was a blessing in disguise! I couldn’t even imagine retirement after 23 years. I look back and see that God led the way. I’ve never looked back!
Jen, please find comfort in the fact that you adopted your position and held your ground based on the best information you could find. There is nothing ignoble in that. In fact, it is not only correct to do so, but ultimately moral as well. Even if the jabs were 100% sterilizing against the virus (they aren't even close) and the side effects were nil (also, not even close) it is your right to refuse. Even if you simply "prefer not to". To do other than your preference in such matters is to forfeit your agency and ultimately your humanity. Your refusal to be kowtowed should be worn well and with honor.
I think about ancient Egypt, and the rule of the Pharoe claiming to raise the waters of the Nile, assuming gods-like powers, and the servant-slaves growing food and building monumental tombs. I think now most humanity is like that, living out a role, ensconced in a caste, a profession, and a false worldview that is comfortable and familiar; and obedience, conformity, and echoing their rulers is acceptable, if not a pre-requisite for position, status, and advancement. It is a bit odd to see the world this way...
I hear that. The number of Zoom meetings I've endured over the last two years in which my narrowly intelligent but broadly very stupid colleagues preened about their latest vaxx, expressed outrage over others refusing to get v'd, or proclaiming that no way would they go back to teaching in person unless the admin forced the v on the students ... I'll never look at any of them the same way.
I understand and identify 100%. It is enraging and it is barely possible to tolerate the useful idiots who so willingly became totalitarians over this.
I was a perfectly happy permanent resident of New Zealand until this idiocy. I was never going back to the US. I fled New Zealand in July 2021 after Medsafe (NZ's version of the FDA) shut down one of my businesses (making an unapproved medication which is legal in many jurisdictions) and deprived me of $40k income in another one due to lockdowns. The move also added considerable financial burden.
On top of this, I can never return to New Zealand unless mandates are revoked, as permanent residents cannot enter the country unless "fully vaccinated." Whatever that even means anymore. 3 jabs? 4? 5?
My two young cousins have had to endure 3 jabs to receive their degrees at one of America's ivy league unis.
My work producing the first ever immunotherapy vaccine for cancer, which no one else makes, was technically legal, but I was shut down anyway. When I got my lab on a freighter out of New Zealand and left the country, I started to get louder. I started to use my real name. Then I decided to go public with my story.
I realized that trying to stay small and hidden had not gained me anything, anyway. Eventually I will move to Mexico if I have to (one of the only countries where it is used -- Germany is another one as they have a very active hyperthermia association). I don't care if I die in this, because the life they want us all to live isn't worth living.
I will never, ever, ever forgive or forget, and I am full of rage at the death and destruction wrought by these useful idiots. And now they may kill hundreds of millions more through starvation wrought by artificially created food and fuel shortages.
When I read accounts such as this, it makes my sacrifices over the last couple of years pale by comparison. (I too gave up a lot, but at least I am still in the country I was born in and want to live in) As painful as it may be to deal with all of this, I thank you and any others who have genuinely given up the lives they were used to to stand for liberty. You have my respect.
Well said. My guess is that, over the next 10 years, at least 300 million people die as an indirect result of mankind's myopic hubris during this atrocity. Did any of these virtue signalers, ever give a thought about the unfortunate souls who live in squalor in, lets say, the ghetto's of Mumbai or Sao Paulo? I don't think those folks were too worried about covid. There's a lot of those people on earth. Shit rolls down hill. They're at the bottom. And they will pay the price for those who have the luxury of being self-righteous at the expense of those who are uncertain where their next meal comes from.
Not only the current poor. It will be our own children of the West who will be paying the price of our cowardice and stupidity. Covid, 'green/climate' mania, transgender lunacy, the response to Russia/Ukraine... all these acts of self-destruction will make our rich countries unrecognisable 20-30 years from now. Expect slums.
No, they definitely didn't think about slums in Mumbai or Sao Paolo. Some of the lockdown enthusiasts really were scared poopless, though. I know some of these people. Others actually enjoyed the lockdowns, at least for a while. This (enjoying the lockdowns) seems to have been mostly a feature of professional women with families and large, comfortable homes. They suddenly got a chance to spend much more time with their kids, while working from their home offices and receiving a full paycheck. They loved it for a while, before getting sick of it.
But no, they certainly didn't think about third-world slums.
Grounded kiwis won their case today - that gives me hope. I get very sad…I’ve been excluded from a lot and even though domestic vaccine passes were lifted here….I’m angry I was ever excluded and I dont want to go places. I am still excluded from the office and although I ended up being able to keep my job….it still hurts that I can’t go in.
I had to opt out of two live conferences lately for lack of you-know-what, and expecting to have to opt out of one more. Can't believe they still require proof of vax for attendees.
Same. Every time a conference invite comes in I ask if there are vax requirements or mask mandates and there's always some restriction - except in Florida. I let them know my displeasure and that I'm not going (again, except in Florida).
I would be curious to see which industries have the highest vax rates, including boosters. Will be interesting to see how the world and economies adapt to the impact of booster compliance rates.
In the US we have experienced first hand the negative impact vaccines have had on airline pilots. Airlines forced a bunch into early retirement during Covid lockdown, some were sidelined with vaccine injuries, others quit over force vaccine mandate. So airlines like Jet Blue cancel flights because they don’t have enough pilots.
The media occasionally highlights the employee shortages, but won't mention the vax mandates. There is a story recently of an American Airlines pilot that had a heart attack a few minutes after landing. I wish there was an airline that guaranteed no vaxxed pilots.
Discussed that exact topic a few evenings ago with a colleague - over a glass or seven of wine. We determined that academia and the civil service must lead the race. As former academics, we feel competent to declare that academia is the environment infested with the greatest number of very stupid smart people. Bureaucrats, of course, just had to keep their jobs. We may never have meaningful stats to compare loudest squawks of outrage with vax compliance, but we all have personal experiences that support the theory.
PLease read my comment here today 28/04 re ISRAEL and you shall discover that this is the Ciuntry that has Medical Records from BIrth to Death on ALL their citizens. Pfizer is bbuilding a new factory there and Pfizer is hte ONLY Jab used in Israel - An agreement forged when Netanyahu wasin power - removed in an Election - after Jabs started.
I feel sorry for younger people if they travel ,or plan to .I'm glad I did all my travels before the virus "PLAGUE" I n some cases travel must be a nightmare now . All I have to look at what they do in Canada .If travelling by bus plain ,train or boat even inside of Canada you must be vaxxt ,plus the snout pouch of course .Otherwise no go . If one is not vaxxt to the hilt one can not get on a plain to leave Canada . If we are so loaded down with deadly viruses I would think they should be glad if we get out and never come back .
Hopefully change is possible, even in Canada. Here in Western Australia most restrictions about to be lifted, including most masking requirements and vaccine mandates for travel and hospitality. Still some occupational vax mandates (which will look increasingly irrational) and still some international travel restrictions (controlled nationally not at provincial level). So change is possible, although many scars will remain.
Queensland has lifted any restrictions on international entry which when I think back to a year ago and Paluzschuk's insanity at the time, I have to wonder how come these came off so easily. Did we win?
Your Premier is the second most insane leader in Australia only outperformed by Gunner. His press conference with the Aboriginal woman translating into pidgin was a classic.
All the best to you eugyppius. I left my job in the fall of 2021 for not being vaccinated, and I've been asked by a few friends and family if I would return to work. I worked in a lab and felt burnout pretty early on in my job. However, after everything that has gone on I've really questioned wanting to return to science. I love science, I hate what science has become. It's hard to describe this to others- they don't quite understand why I have my misgivings or that I may be lazy or too paranoid to want to return to lab work, so it's nice to see other people who at least have similar sentiments as me.
There's a lot more of us than you'd expect. Like our host, I haven't yet extricated myself, but I'm dealing with the same cognitive dissonance you are - a love of science, seething hatred of The Science, and howling frustration alternating with dejection at the vast number of scientists who can't see the difference and don't see the problem.
Yes, I think you put it very well John. It was difficult working with people who were really bought into a lot of what was going on without much criticism. It's a shame that so many people wore their adverse reactions as a sign that the vaccines were working. That make me feel really uncomfortable and I guess that also further validated by reasons for not getting the shots. I do hope science can recover, but we're having people who believe that immune systems are not a thing without vaccines. I think many people have been indoctrinated and now we may suffer years of trying to pull people out of the hole current science has dug.
Yes... If they could actually take the time to research the topic as many do with their regular projects, maybe they wouldn't be doing all that nonsense...
But the issue is probably more of a lack of character and values than anything else...
I don't think propaganda can achieve such ''marvelous'' results without these prior conditions...
This is a question that really demands a close analysis - why do otherwise intelligent people keep falling for obvious nonsense? The problem clearly isn't brains.
My take: low pain thresholds arising from soft living.
Yes, low tolerance to pain is a factor... I observed it in their expressions when they refuse to even look at graphs... Fear, a (twisted) sense of loyalty...A commentator in my country argues that guilt is a factor affecting everybody... At least western liberal democracies have this vision of humanity as the scourge of the earth... If you feel like that why would you want a better treatment? Just trust the science, or in this case your fellow crooked colleagues, moron!...
Unfortunately even many medically/scientifically trained individuals will not look that deep into the studies. They'll just look at the relative reduction rate and call these a success. I'm guessing that's what a lot of people did and just further validated this idea by constant reiterations by the FDA and CDC.
I feel the same way -- I have been doing my best to disengage myself from the social aspects of academia since before the pandemic even, because so many of our colleagues have become such odious creatures that every interaction is potentially hazardous. And in any case, the cost of attending these things is exorbitant, not to mention the irony of flying thousands of people from all corners of the world to complain about carbon emissions...
That being said I do have a few genuine academic friends scattered over the globe that I was looking forward to seeing again at a conference this summer, for a professional society that I have faithfully served with volunteer service for over a decade, but guess what? Gotta have three shots -- plus wear a mask -- to attend the conference. To hell with all of them; I'm with you, I try to be a forgiving person, but I can't get over what they've done to me, my family, and the whole damn world.
Right there with you, man. I haven't been to my office on campus for two years; even when the uni re-opened, you needed the V, and you needed to mask, and I wasn't doing either. I can't take any of my colleagues seriously on anything outside of their sub-domains, and outside of a very narrow handful of like-minded dissidents I don't even particularly feel like being around them anymore. The university has become just a place that deposits my paycheck (though they tried to fire me for not getting jabbed). Professional activities I used to love are so polluted by all of this that they've degenerated into a chore I have to drag myself into doing.
You are not alone my friend. I work as a senior creative in health care marketing. A category that has become absolutely abhorrent. Hang in there and I'll try and do the same.
I'm a freelance proofreader/copyeditor. Because of the sentiment you express here, I began to make the decision not to work anymore in "healthcare" (Pharma) -- which as we all know is where the money is -- about two years ago. And these last two years was all I needed to solidify that decision.
Forgetting (and forgiving) what Team Reality has endured in the past 2 years is the worst thing any of us could do. You know who cowered and hid. You know who left you out of holiday celebrations, suggested separate classrooms for your children or requested vaxxed only team meetings. You know who called you a "plague rat", "anti-vaxxer", "grandma killer", etc. Those holier-than-thou folks have been marked in my mind. I will not forget who you are.
So, speaking of conferences, I was in Salt Lake City this weekend for my wife's weightlifting competition and also in the facility was a Solar installer get together and a biotech conference, which is my professional world. Not surprisingly, the lifters and the solar people were maskless & not required to be vaccinated. Not so for the scientists, who should have been the smartest people in the building. I pointed out that their vaxxes don't stop transmission or infection, which a couple of scientists I talked to agreed with. I also pointed out to them that they would be sharing the air, concessions, and bathrooms w/a bunch of unvaxxed heathens. At this point, I'd have to say that these scientists were the least intelligent folks in the building.
Hang in there. All of us, even us non academic types, feel this way. So thankful that people with your knowledge and expertise have fought the good fight. We still need to keep it up!
Not sure about this approach. As Jordan Peterson says, academic institutions are beyond repair, but can be replaced. I'm in a more commercial field, but am waiting for new and real ventures to replace the fakes (and want to be a part of that).
Being back at work has given me the opportunity to spread the truth about the vax. Just imagine how gleeful I am inside when, asked if I'm vax'd, I answer "hell no" with utter disdain.
Me too. I just grin and say "No, the '61 model came with an innate and adaptive immune system, plus a cerebral module capable of accommodating a basic science education".
Sometimes I'll add "My science teachers ruined all the fun for me when they taught me how to think".
LOL!!!! The ‘63 model did as well!!!! God makes great models!
The ‘53 model was the prototype. Runs good, as they say (with incorrect grammar).
I have one of them too. Oddly enough, I fount out yesterday that only 13% of us born in 1953 are not on long-term medication.
49% of those aged 60 are on five or more medications... I kid you not!
I'm one of the 13%, and so is my wife, who is a 1952 model., and still has a splendid fender and lovely fins!
A 57 model with working brain here ! (well at least most of the time LOL)
'52...I win!
52 here too!
Another '57 model still in fine fighting form!
'55 Classic doesn't want to be messed with either.
'66 model, gas powered and still kicking!
Ease up on beans!
That's great!! I'm gonna put that quote in email signature slot.
LOVE this!!! The '55 model is a great one, too. Maintenance is key!
Lol! Same model, same features here.
grammar school, many moons ago used to do that for you.
Pretty good, pretty good!
I'm 68, and travel a lot: I probably pick up most bugs going, and just 'take the hit'... the only serious illness I ever had was shingles, and that was shortly after taking the double Hep B jag that my Scottish NHS hospital trust insisted on, despite the fact that as a pen pusher I had zero direct contact with patients or bodily fluids.
Yep, the 3-dose Hep B shots have been a huge revenue source. Which is why, starting some years back, they worked their way down through kids of all ages, until now the first dose starts with NEWBORNS. Because, you know, so many babies were dying of Hepatitis B...NOT.
except for the unexplained recent rise:
exact same answer LOL. And they - NO? And then I give them a few sites to watch. A few woke up and are now scared. I did not want to do it, but they did it to themselves. The sites were there before this craze
What sites scared them off? They all seem immune to the truth
I usually just mention Substack. And there is always Vaers.
And the DOD data....
Didn’t the DOD make a ridiculous excuse for those numbers? My son who lives in the Washington bubble would believe that excuse. I’m out of ideas
Yes! A puzzle as to why they are so bent on deceit after being exposed already. We all know they are frauds.
That Washington bubble is difficult to escape- the mind virus takes over critical thinking skills and numbs response time to extremes, eh? Your boy will either fold right on in or not- it is his journey…sorry it sounds like he is up to his eyeballs in it. All you can do is love him.
The one sliver of light in all the darkness is the screen names of many of these readers! If I could be so clever…
Everyone I know dismisses anyone who disagrees as a conspiracy theorist. Sub stack included. Which articles other than this?
Several doctors who post on substack, and the Cats of course
I usually use official gov site:
For hospitalizations, 82.5% fully vaxxed in province with 81% population fully vaxxed
For ICU, 80% fully vaxxed, again in population 81%% fully vaxxed
For deaths, easy to argue that currently, hardly anyone dies of covid (as opposed to with covid) so it is impossible to make any claims - too small a sample size.
Official data clearly shows that the vaxxed are becoming or already are more susceptible to illness. UK data is just as damning.
I have a friend who was so incredulous when I showed him this, he wouldn't believe it but I kept saying: this is official gov reporting. Even he HAD to eventually see it.
Early on, everyone & the kitchen sink (e.g. total strangers) were sanctimoniously asking me if I’d had my vax - as if they had a right to know. Being in the medico-legal field, I would snap that it was none of their damn business, which probably made it patently obvious that I most certainly was not, since the jabbed were very proud to proclaim their status to “protect” others. I haven’t had anyone ask now in a very long time & Im hopeful that’s because the nincompoops have realized they jumped the gun & may be in real danger. Esp after the 3rd round
At least 2 of my jabbed friends woke up, one did not mention much, but the other is very scared. Others stay silent and avoid the subject, so I think the dawn is breaking for most.
I finally told my most progressive friend how angry I was about the last two years. She’s been a big fan of all the lockdowns, mandates, vaccines, and such. She backtracked a bit and reiterated that she believes in “my body, my choice.” She’s someone who always has to have the last word. She just listened this time. I count that as a win.
I've noticed that the outraged ones, are now quiet and listen, sometimes with a whimper, which one kindly detonates with conversational knowledge /references, then throw in a little more knowledge to hopefully titillate the grey matter. so that next time they really pay attention. BUT there is no more conceit from these jabbed people.
Same experience here.
In which Country is your abode?
This is a trial run in Belgium & Italy. and Sweden. "They" choose various psychological and other factors when and where these Evil doers start their next "activity" on their Agenda.
Thats great to hear, an awakening! I simply can’t broach the subject of whether my friends of family have regrets now because that would probably be as offensive as anyone asking me if I’d taken the jabs. I would absolutely discuss if THEY brought it up though.
Maybe the more appealing approach is to urge when you can in conversation that we all need to stand together against mandates and coercion to take the vax, because we know that will happen again.
My sister is the only one who, after getting the first two jabs, remained open-minded and continued to research and discuss; she then decided no more shots. Everyone else I know just gives me a blank stare and changes the subject when they learn I didn’t get jabbed.
Yes, it was a hot topic where I work too. It’s been suspiciously quiet since they all got covid anyway.
In fairness, altho Im unvax’d & dodged the WuFlu for almost 2 years, I ended up w/ it + pneumonia b4 Christmas 2021. In the office where I work, none of the support staff were vax’d & most of us ended up getting it, to various degrees of severity (mine was pretty bad). I STILL would never regret holding to my bodily autonomy for something w/ a 99.8% survivability for the absolute unknown short & long term consequences of what these people have done to themselves
I tried this and it worked: “ When was the last time you got laid?”
😂 in most cases I probably wouldn’t want to know, altho that would be a great conversation killer!
Of course the person might just enthusiastically answer your question, not omitting details ... obliging you to then answer their question, too 😉
Touche’. The chances are slim but if so, I am ‘up to date’
At the time was so irritated to be asked that I just spit it out. After a double take by the asker, he changed the subject. I took that to mean he got my message - loud and clear.
I didn't make a big deal about it until all my siblings started to announce their jags on our WhatsApp group, as if they had done something to be proud of.
I told them that I wasn't in the least bit interested in their jag status, and thats when the sh*t hit the fan: I had never realised that this was actually a new religious cult.
Indeed they are. Mark Oshinskie wrote a very good piece about it. They don't think, they accept the narrative as dogma. Thinking is forbidden. If you do not obey you are a heathen. Luckily I already knew that, our pastor told me that when I was 16 LOL
That crazy NY mayor even said, get jabbed for Jesus. As if He ever said you needed to be vaxxed !
Yeah, what a nutcase she is.
Taking a medical procedure to protect others is called moral hazard (Ive read it somewhere lol)
I await the latest Agenda imposition on society in Autumn., as that is the pattern after society has been "rewarded" with no masks nor Passports. How kind of these Psychopaths' to "allow"hte majority to do what is a basic right. I suppose "THEY"are counting on mutations in that time, and who knows what shall be released. Read something about MARBURG last week being a favourite.
In the last week, in Bologna, ITALY, and Brussels, BELGIUM, have introduced the social credit system. You know, the one where we have to earn points and then we are rewarded with being able to buy certain goods at certain shops.
SWEDEN, 7-10,000 people have had "pellets"inserted into their hands., said the 5G affects those pellets. Sweden is mainly a cashless society now.
And don’t forget it is OK for one billionaire/oligarch - Gates to run our medical lives but not OK for another - Musk to strike a big blow for Freedom.
We all need to do this.
My elderly Chairwoman went off for her 4th jag after our meeting today: she is such a sweetie, but she knows that I am a Jaggy Dodger: I don't hide it. I just hope her faith isn't misplaced: there are many decent people out there who honestly think they are doing their duty: try not to be too harsh on them.
Agreed. The goal is to awaken, not judge. One of my tactics is that my tone of voice matches the strength of my conviction that the vax is ineffective and dangerous. And I don't say, "I think the vax is dangerous." I say, "The vax is dangerous."
I tend to take a more oblique and theatrical line:
"Of course the vax is safe, darling: I mean the Government told you so, and they are always right, aren't they?
Except a LOT of people apparently believe that...
Darwin had a word for people like that....
Maybe, but I'm no fan of that guy.
I am going to the hairdresser tomorrow for the first time since November, I need these ideas to deal with the question of where have I been.
(Haircuts were only allowed for the injected.)
Just turn it around: "Where have YOU been, sweetie" ??!!
My favorite answer to all stupid questions! Thank-you for letting me know I'm not alone.
I would be very tempted to answer "If the CDC cannot decide just what a vaccine is I can hardly trust their assurances that the shot is in fact a vaccine. If they ever make up their minds I'll take it under advisement and place it in the appropriate circular file."
Well, "they" have proved once more that Vaccines for viruses do NOT WORK.
Then tell them that unvaxxed you had covid and it was very mild.
and a look(S) of disdain combined with utter pity and the - your a nutter look!!
I got asked today , not if I’m vaxxed, but rather am I boosted . I need a witty and pungent reply !
“Aren’t you scared to get boosted? I’ve heard some awful things happening to people.”
I can send you links re the 4 times Pfizer jabbed Israeli people and the overwhelming number of those people who THEN fall ill with Covid FLU, also details the death statistics.
(Pfizer are building a new Factory in Israel, its the only Country in the World with COMPLETE from Birth to Death MEDICAL RECORDS, i.e. an experimental "LAB" for Pfizer).
You know, THE Pfizer that has been convicted & fined over years, but no one is jailed - the same as this Covid Fraud (where's Fauci?) - money buys people off) of lying and killing people. Telling Brazil and other poor countries that they can pay for their "Jab supplies, by singing over the Countries assets to Pfizer.
Thanks, I agree, but that’s not the point I was trying to make here. I know all the statistics and harmful effects of these jabs! But for some people, arguing such facts doesn’t make a dent. Just expressing doubt — doubt that can’t be argued with — can sometimes open a door.
Appreciate your reminder re different reactions/responses from people. Totally agree with your statement here. One has to assess and speak/react accordingly. ALL those years of "conditioning" by various sources makes it that much more difficult for some more than others to "take it all in".
No, they are my own breasts.
say "i'm up to date".
A friend had a standard reply to such "Nonya's" questions. "Do I sleep with you? Do you pay my bills?" From what I witnessed it shut intruders up right quick. The other way of handling such questions is with a completely nonsensical reply. "Are you boosted?" "I think penguins must get tired of snow." A furrowed brow that shows the plight of penguins trapped in snow day after snow day should send the person without boundaries backing away.
I have been saying the same as well and take note of the puzzled looks that come afterwards but they never dare to follow up to ask why
I love that! Brilliant!
Great response! I usually tell them, “ No! I’m a pharmacist, I sold vaccines”…..
Or “Hell no. I really into health.”
And my doctor (functional medicine MD) actually DID advise against the shots.
Most Docs wouldn’t dare warn them over threats of losing their licenses . They dont inquire further because once they are vaxxed they would rather not know what could lie ahead. Ostriches !
Important to wake them up before the WHO tries the same trick again.
I get it 100% I am not an academic like you but in my sphere since Masking has dropped I can not forgive those who continue to perpetuate this fraud. They are “friends” who continue to greet me like everything is FINE and all should be FORGIVEN. I can’t.
I can forgive the little old man or lady who were deceived into thinking they could trust corporate media. But anyone under 60 with a brain and access to the internet... Not so much. Anyone who went along with any of this out of irrational fear or "to get along" have helped destroy the incredible world we lived in and I have a heck of a time mustering any forgiveness for them. They went along with blatantly obvious evil. And I hate evil.
So people who took the shots only so they could enjoy their favorite restauraunts, take their fancy European trip to and attend a big party would chap you? Yeah. My parents. Vichy. Spit.
Yes I know some younger people that took it just’to go back to normal.’
In life you always pay a price., and that is what so many still do not realise as it takes time for Signs & Symptoms' to develop.
Yes, you’re correct. The time is ticking by - everything I read demonstrates what you point out. The price for willful ignorance looks to be quite costly.
All those people who are sick are asking their MDs if it “might have been the vax” and the docs say, “Nothing to see here” in so many words. As we go along and more and more odd illnesses develop, there must be a tipping point. (We hope.) And then hell to pay. I never wanted the Vax’d to suffer like they wanted us to die - most were innocent lemmings. But those on the front of the line ought to have some consequences for willfully creating chaos, illness & death.
I’m likely old enough to be your mom and I sacrificed all the trips restaurants and etc. because I live in a thinking world. Thank you for growing up to be on our side.
Hey Rob I'm a ''little '' old man of 86 and knew from day one the scam being sold to the general population .Do you think all ''little old men'' as you call us are stupid ? How old are you ? And how dare you? I could teach you a thing or two ,but you may learn that when you are 86 if the virus did not swallow you before that .
Preach it, Joe! My 85-year-old mom chose not to get vaccinated, and the way my vaccinated siblings treated her was appalling. It was as if they thought she was a child and didn’t know any better; they didn’t even bother to ask her if she wanted to be vaccinated. It was genuine objectification and a complete denial of her autonomy. Meanwhile, she’s extraordinarily healthy as a result of *decades* of good decisions regarding her health! As far as I was concerned, nobody had any business telling her what she ought to do. Not to mention the fact that she was obviously better educated about the situation than every other member of my family who chose to get vaccinated, including a sister who vaccinated her 7-yo daughter who had already had covid. Anyway, it’s been horrible for her and I hope you’re not having to deal with that sort of crap in your face-to-face life.
Be fair: the dice were loaded all the time: all the MSM and social media were censoring anything that didn't fit the narrative: you need to be a real 'digger' to know what is really going on. Most 'normals' think that questioning the vaxx is like being a flat earther, or tin foil hat wearer. And to be fair, we do have a few whacky folk in our ranks , whom I would dearly wish to dump in the Marianas Trench with a large lump of concrete wrapped around their necks.
It would be better to do that to Bourla, Fauci and Trudeau in my opinion.
You are right. But sometimes I wonder if at least some of these 'whacky folk', as you say, are trolls planted by the vaccinators to harm our case.
Probably not. Some of them just see a bandwagon, and want to get onto it: they also believe in flying saucers, lizards, 5G mobile masts causing cancer, deep state conspiracies, the Masons/ Cognoscentii, and ritual child abuse by organised gangs of Royalty, persons of Israeli extraction, and so on .
Basically, a bunch of fantasists and nut-jobs.
So when this one hit the headlines, they all piled in with their own Loony Toons therories, and frankly, that seriously confused the landscape: if Donald Trump and David Icke are both singing from the same tinfoil hat hymnsheet, then that is a bit of a turn off to most reasonable folk.
But Trump is pro vax. Huh. May be a lizard then. 🤔
I couldn’t have said it better!
I agree. I cannot forget nor can I forgive.
And how do you feel about these 20 or 30-something hot shots who will run outside with a mask and shame you when given the opportunity? Those twats disgust me. I go out of my way, with young men, who have masks on, and ask them how long they plan on wearing their diapers. Then I say "are you a mouse or a man, take your mask off or live with being a coward". I think the young men need to be called out directly.
I've been exposed to people smarter than me all my life. Some much smarter. Some are insufferable, some are fine people who compensate effectively for the differences, often to my benefit. I've also been exposed to people dumber than me. Some much dumber. I try not to be insufferable. Sometimes even dumb people have good ideas, often to my benefit. We need to always remember not to become that which we dislike. Those who always want a fight can usually find one. That's usually not to anyone's benefit.
You sir are on your way to Heaven. I mean it sincerely.
A friend asked me to take her to Bath and Body Works on the weekend. We went into the store both maskless and she was in there for 5+ minutes when suddenly loudly said oh no I forgot my mask. She scurried to the outside door to put it on... While I'm standing maskless in the store. Comes back with it on and then lowers it to smell 20+ Candles. How do we respect our friends and family after this. It's ruined everything no matter what "side" you're on.
All your other friends are perfect? Everyone I know seems to have some issues. And redeeming qualities. Best we can hope for is balance.
That pisses me off. Pretending nothing happened. Like we're stupid. Please.
I just mock them. Relentlessly. I have lost a fair many. Those that have remained are closer now than ever. I will totally trust them with my kids.
There is no forgiveness without repent... They don't acknowledge their faults
Exactly. You can't just 'go back to how it was' knowing that a significant chunk of who you thought were good people would have turned in Anne Frank.
Some of my own relatives would have turned us in, and are disappointed they no longer have a hotline to call.
This morning as i walked to my car just outside our apartment a tenant of the apartment coming from his car all masked up with a black mask said good morning as he walked past me. to the apartment .I turned and said I don't say good morning to bank robbers . He may be too retarded to get what I meant to tell him . It is types like him who keep this scam going . I only feel disgust when I see them . I would not be surprised if he keeps the snout pouch on in the shower and in bed .
You just made my day.
Different approach - I was threatened by a doctor relative for (as they assumed) me not being vaccinated. (I’m not vaccinated) I just replied by complaining it wasn't my fault the fourth booster wasn’t yet available.
It really grinds on me that they will NEVER see this great analogy!
Yes, the overwhelming loss of respect is what I feel, incredible disappointment. Zero critical thinking...zero! But on a positive note, I now fully realize how dim witted so very many of my fellow denizens actually are. I try to take that into account when I encounter one of them, despite feeling an ongoing sense of revulsion. Not healthy, that.
Denizens or dense-iens !
Some of them seem a bit sickly. They do make me feel healthy and vibrant, and it's easy to do the better in witty repartee.
I have had these exact thoughts, yes! Used to run my own business and would be crippled with doubts and comparing my offerings to others. Now I realize how dumb my competitors were. Def gonna start a new biz in the next two years. You're so right.
Same thought... being willing to think an uncomfortable thought or not d things the “safe” or “smart” way.
I see the same thing. It’s as if we’re living in different realities. Aren’t facts reality?
Humans struggle with rationality. Rationalization, however’s a strength.
What galls me is that very good information pointing to the ineffectiveness of mask was already out there. This had been studied. Those studies along with personal observation and knowledge of health care providers and such are why we were told "No Masks!" were necessary and even discouraged. But instead of people being willing to question the abrupt turn about they just sheeped up and bleated along wit the latest fear mongering.
The mask studies which were clearly showing that they wern't effective in surgical environments and that were available in 2019 have disappeared from the internet. That tells you all that you need to know.
I try to remember the time I did a video on Facebook showing that masks work to stop droplets... The difference is I then looked into the literature and discovered that they were entirely useless against a virus,and so was able and willing to change my mind. That seems too difficult for a lot of people?
That is very disturbing isn’t it.
i don't even recognize some of my friends. callous indifference
Eugypius, very similar situation here. Writing something while thinking almost the same. But I want to feel like 2 years ago, I won’t stop trying. It is my duty, I have to contribute to get out life back.
I try to think that there are people like us among the audience. And I am planning to include one Easter egg in my presentation: when I need to include the picture of a random guy I am including a picture of Peter McCullough, for example. Who knows, perhaps someone comes to me after I am finished.
Artistic license w political skew. Michelangelo used the Sistine Chapel put a Bishop in Hell
What a beautiful idea! It inspires me to think about being there and seeing his pic.
This is the fundamental puzzle to be solved- how do we link up in person, to combine our energy and focus it on tangible victories, however small? Even if we are only 5% of the population, that is millions of motivated people. We know the hypocrisy and incompetence and dishonesty of our elites and public functionaries, no need to confirm this anymore. How do we combine our energy and forge a movement? I convinced we need to meet each other in person.
For our own social and spiritual well-being, if nothing else...
Please, always refer to the ELITE CRIMINALS.
Many people are NOT informed, they simply do not spend time on deeper Research., or know what sites are reliable. SO how to get relevant links and a site where they can readily access valid information? thats one area that must be addressed in a calm and rational way.
THe fact that the MAJORITY are not in control MUST be reversed, and how to pull the majority into combined positive action. My fantasy is that all people throughout the World stop working for one week (obviously absolutely crucial work must have a skeleton staff in that week),
make people aware that they are being controlled NOW by wearing masks, salivating when tehy are allowed to go without a mask and into cafes etc. without Green passes. and while they may have a job now, that they more than likely won't when it suits the purposes of the CONTROLLERs.
TO Psychopaths human beings mean nothing, they are a a means to an end, as a Psycopath must always WIN, and they can have amazing patience to obtain their Agenda, but also be so childish if things do not go their way, as they are emotionally damaged childish beings, though Psychopaths can be very charming and in odd ways plausible.
In my blue karenstan, I haven't heard a peep from anyone else likeminded. How indeed. I know from experience that I will be derided or worse if I put out feelers. Maybe "we" can come up with a "code word" by which to identify one another. Though we know that sort of strategy has infiltration problems. Is it really all that bad? I know so.
Good idea... Sometime I thought of a slide with just pictures of these scientists in case I need to represent it as a profession...
Don’t know her! But, at least where I live, if someone recognizes McCullough or Malone, 100% sure he is one of us
Where's Tiffany Dover is how Gonzalo Liro would start his broadcasts from Kharkiv and report on the facts of Ukraine.
She's the Tennessee nurse who took the first vaccine on camera and promptly collapsed and is suspected to have died but her death is being hidden from public news. Gonzalo's point is we should never forget Tiffany Dover and what THEY did to her and her family.
She, or rather her name, has become a symbol of sort, or synonym of kovid era mysterious disappearance, or something
I am in the same boat. I am close to retiring and wish I could now but its not a good idea to wish the years go by any faster. Find people who have your views and spend time with them and just do what you have to to get by I guess. I really dont have the answers - maybe someone on this post will help me as well with their words.
Have no fear! I retired last March because of the forced testing/jab. I simply knew in my heart WITH God’s given grace, that I could not have any part of this evil. I retired 3years early. For me, it was a blessing in disguise! I couldn’t even imagine retirement after 23 years. I look back and see that God led the way. I’ve never looked back!
Jen, please find comfort in the fact that you adopted your position and held your ground based on the best information you could find. There is nothing ignoble in that. In fact, it is not only correct to do so, but ultimately moral as well. Even if the jabs were 100% sterilizing against the virus (they aren't even close) and the side effects were nil (also, not even close) it is your right to refuse. Even if you simply "prefer not to". To do other than your preference in such matters is to forfeit your agency and ultimately your humanity. Your refusal to be kowtowed should be worn well and with honor.
I think about ancient Egypt, and the rule of the Pharoe claiming to raise the waters of the Nile, assuming gods-like powers, and the servant-slaves growing food and building monumental tombs. I think now most humanity is like that, living out a role, ensconced in a caste, a profession, and a false worldview that is comfortable and familiar; and obedience, conformity, and echoing their rulers is acceptable, if not a pre-requisite for position, status, and advancement. It is a bit odd to see the world this way...
I like your thoughts!
Ditto. Not relishing the return of the conference circuit. Plus, I now have contempt for most of my simpering colleagues.
I hear that. The number of Zoom meetings I've endured over the last two years in which my narrowly intelligent but broadly very stupid colleagues preened about their latest vaxx, expressed outrage over others refusing to get v'd, or proclaiming that no way would they go back to teaching in person unless the admin forced the v on the students ... I'll never look at any of them the same way.
I wonder how many actually got vaxxed themselves, vs posturing or getting fake vax cards? 🤔
From personal experience, I only know two guys who got fake vaxx docs.
I understand and identify 100%. It is enraging and it is barely possible to tolerate the useful idiots who so willingly became totalitarians over this.
I was a perfectly happy permanent resident of New Zealand until this idiocy. I was never going back to the US. I fled New Zealand in July 2021 after Medsafe (NZ's version of the FDA) shut down one of my businesses (making an unapproved medication which is legal in many jurisdictions) and deprived me of $40k income in another one due to lockdowns. The move also added considerable financial burden.
On top of this, I can never return to New Zealand unless mandates are revoked, as permanent residents cannot enter the country unless "fully vaccinated." Whatever that even means anymore. 3 jabs? 4? 5?
My two young cousins have had to endure 3 jabs to receive their degrees at one of America's ivy league unis.
My work producing the first ever immunotherapy vaccine for cancer, which no one else makes, was technically legal, but I was shut down anyway. When I got my lab on a freighter out of New Zealand and left the country, I started to get louder. I started to use my real name. Then I decided to go public with my story.
I realized that trying to stay small and hidden had not gained me anything, anyway. Eventually I will move to Mexico if I have to (one of the only countries where it is used -- Germany is another one as they have a very active hyperthermia association). I don't care if I die in this, because the life they want us all to live isn't worth living.
I will never, ever, ever forgive or forget, and I am full of rage at the death and destruction wrought by these useful idiots. And now they may kill hundreds of millions more through starvation wrought by artificially created food and fuel shortages.
Lampposts. Lampposts through and through.
😡 😡 😡
When I read accounts such as this, it makes my sacrifices over the last couple of years pale by comparison. (I too gave up a lot, but at least I am still in the country I was born in and want to live in) As painful as it may be to deal with all of this, I thank you and any others who have genuinely given up the lives they were used to to stand for liberty. You have my respect.
Well said. My guess is that, over the next 10 years, at least 300 million people die as an indirect result of mankind's myopic hubris during this atrocity. Did any of these virtue signalers, ever give a thought about the unfortunate souls who live in squalor in, lets say, the ghetto's of Mumbai or Sao Paulo? I don't think those folks were too worried about covid. There's a lot of those people on earth. Shit rolls down hill. They're at the bottom. And they will pay the price for those who have the luxury of being self-righteous at the expense of those who are uncertain where their next meal comes from.
Not only the current poor. It will be our own children of the West who will be paying the price of our cowardice and stupidity. Covid, 'green/climate' mania, transgender lunacy, the response to Russia/Ukraine... all these acts of self-destruction will make our rich countries unrecognisable 20-30 years from now. Expect slums.
No, they definitely didn't think about slums in Mumbai or Sao Paolo. Some of the lockdown enthusiasts really were scared poopless, though. I know some of these people. Others actually enjoyed the lockdowns, at least for a while. This (enjoying the lockdowns) seems to have been mostly a feature of professional women with families and large, comfortable homes. They suddenly got a chance to spend much more time with their kids, while working from their home offices and receiving a full paycheck. They loved it for a while, before getting sick of it.
But no, they certainly didn't think about third-world slums.
Grounded kiwis won their case today - that gives me hope. I get very sad…I’ve been excluded from a lot and even though domestic vaccine passes were lifted here….I’m angry I was ever excluded and I dont want to go places. I am still excluded from the office and although I ended up being able to keep my job….it still hurts that I can’t go in.
Ugh. 🥺😭
It's the great awakening. It is difficult engaging with those that spent the last two years screeching their heads off. I empathise. Writing helps.
I had to opt out of two live conferences lately for lack of you-know-what, and expecting to have to opt out of one more. Can't believe they still require proof of vax for attendees.
I live in Las Vegas and I still can't go to many shows or concerts - they still are requiring the vax card!
Good to know. I’ll take the destination off my list-even though I like visiting.
I've skipped events because of the restrictions. Turned out I didn't miss much.
Same. Every time a conference invite comes in I ask if there are vax requirements or mask mandates and there's always some restriction - except in Florida. I let them know my displeasure and that I'm not going (again, except in Florida).
I would be curious to see which industries have the highest vax rates, including boosters. Will be interesting to see how the world and economies adapt to the impact of booster compliance rates.
In the US we have experienced first hand the negative impact vaccines have had on airline pilots. Airlines forced a bunch into early retirement during Covid lockdown, some were sidelined with vaccine injuries, others quit over force vaccine mandate. So airlines like Jet Blue cancel flights because they don’t have enough pilots.
The media occasionally highlights the employee shortages, but won't mention the vax mandates. There is a story recently of an American Airlines pilot that had a heart attack a few minutes after landing. I wish there was an airline that guaranteed no vaxxed pilots.
The Great Resignation - look to the shot mandates.
Discussed that exact topic a few evenings ago with a colleague - over a glass or seven of wine. We determined that academia and the civil service must lead the race. As former academics, we feel competent to declare that academia is the environment infested with the greatest number of very stupid smart people. Bureaucrats, of course, just had to keep their jobs. We may never have meaningful stats to compare loudest squawks of outrage with vax compliance, but we all have personal experiences that support the theory.
PLease read my comment here today 28/04 re ISRAEL and you shall discover that this is the Ciuntry that has Medical Records from BIrth to Death on ALL their citizens. Pfizer is bbuilding a new factory there and Pfizer is hte ONLY Jab used in Israel - An agreement forged when Netanyahu wasin power - removed in an Election - after Jabs started.
To think that these institutions are where our collective knowledge is SUPPOSED to be preserved... How can discovery now take place there?
I feel sorry for younger people if they travel ,or plan to .I'm glad I did all my travels before the virus "PLAGUE" I n some cases travel must be a nightmare now . All I have to look at what they do in Canada .If travelling by bus plain ,train or boat even inside of Canada you must be vaxxt ,plus the snout pouch of course .Otherwise no go . If one is not vaxxt to the hilt one can not get on a plain to leave Canada . If we are so loaded down with deadly viruses I would think they should be glad if we get out and never come back .
Hopefully change is possible, even in Canada. Here in Western Australia most restrictions about to be lifted, including most masking requirements and vaccine mandates for travel and hospitality. Still some occupational vax mandates (which will look increasingly irrational) and still some international travel restrictions (controlled nationally not at provincial level). So change is possible, although many scars will remain.
Queensland has lifted any restrictions on international entry which when I think back to a year ago and Paluzschuk's insanity at the time, I have to wonder how come these came off so easily. Did we win?
Your Premier is the second most insane leader in Australia only outperformed by Gunner. His press conference with the Aboriginal woman translating into pidgin was a classic.
All the best to you eugyppius. I left my job in the fall of 2021 for not being vaccinated, and I've been asked by a few friends and family if I would return to work. I worked in a lab and felt burnout pretty early on in my job. However, after everything that has gone on I've really questioned wanting to return to science. I love science, I hate what science has become. It's hard to describe this to others- they don't quite understand why I have my misgivings or that I may be lazy or too paranoid to want to return to lab work, so it's nice to see other people who at least have similar sentiments as me.
There's a lot more of us than you'd expect. Like our host, I haven't yet extricated myself, but I'm dealing with the same cognitive dissonance you are - a love of science, seething hatred of The Science, and howling frustration alternating with dejection at the vast number of scientists who can't see the difference and don't see the problem.
Yes, I think you put it very well John. It was difficult working with people who were really bought into a lot of what was going on without much criticism. It's a shame that so many people wore their adverse reactions as a sign that the vaccines were working. That make me feel really uncomfortable and I guess that also further validated by reasons for not getting the shots. I do hope science can recover, but we're having people who believe that immune systems are not a thing without vaccines. I think many people have been indoctrinated and now we may suffer years of trying to pull people out of the hole current science has dug.
Science will recover. It's as old as humanity and never really went away.
Institutional, academic/corporate science? It's done.
It is not as old as humanity. We have understood the idea of falsification only recently.
I sure hope it's done. Well, at least I am done with it.
Same here, still cannot picture myself working in something different....
Me too. Healthcare.
I hope you are doing well Constance. These have been trying times for many.
> that's to be expected is that a study of 40k from the general population is under-powered to detect deaths in a disease as mild as covid
If I'd been drinking milk it would have just squirted through my nose. Funny but also as you note, ruthlessly and unavoidably correct.
And yeah - I've had very similar experiences. The programming is too strong to break through. Intellect has nothing to do with it.
Yes... If they could actually take the time to research the topic as many do with their regular projects, maybe they wouldn't be doing all that nonsense...
But the issue is probably more of a lack of character and values than anything else...
I don't think propaganda can achieve such ''marvelous'' results without these prior conditions...
This is a question that really demands a close analysis - why do otherwise intelligent people keep falling for obvious nonsense? The problem clearly isn't brains.
My take: low pain thresholds arising from soft living.
Yes, low tolerance to pain is a factor... I observed it in their expressions when they refuse to even look at graphs... Fear, a (twisted) sense of loyalty...A commentator in my country argues that guilt is a factor affecting everybody... At least western liberal democracies have this vision of humanity as the scourge of the earth... If you feel like that why would you want a better treatment? Just trust the science, or in this case your fellow crooked colleagues, moron!...
Unfortunately even many medically/scientifically trained individuals will not look that deep into the studies. They'll just look at the relative reduction rate and call these a success. I'm guessing that's what a lot of people did and just further validated this idea by constant reiterations by the FDA and CDC.
You are in my prayers…. But thanks for the work you do. We are grateful.
I feel the same way -- I have been doing my best to disengage myself from the social aspects of academia since before the pandemic even, because so many of our colleagues have become such odious creatures that every interaction is potentially hazardous. And in any case, the cost of attending these things is exorbitant, not to mention the irony of flying thousands of people from all corners of the world to complain about carbon emissions...
That being said I do have a few genuine academic friends scattered over the globe that I was looking forward to seeing again at a conference this summer, for a professional society that I have faithfully served with volunteer service for over a decade, but guess what? Gotta have three shots -- plus wear a mask -- to attend the conference. To hell with all of them; I'm with you, I try to be a forgiving person, but I can't get over what they've done to me, my family, and the whole damn world.
Right there with you, man. I haven't been to my office on campus for two years; even when the uni re-opened, you needed the V, and you needed to mask, and I wasn't doing either. I can't take any of my colleagues seriously on anything outside of their sub-domains, and outside of a very narrow handful of like-minded dissidents I don't even particularly feel like being around them anymore. The university has become just a place that deposits my paycheck (though they tried to fire me for not getting jabbed). Professional activities I used to love are so polluted by all of this that they've degenerated into a chore I have to drag myself into doing.
You are not alone my friend. I work as a senior creative in health care marketing. A category that has become absolutely abhorrent. Hang in there and I'll try and do the same.
I hope for both of you and others like you, that you may find another job that really appreciates your knowledge and expertise
From your mouth to God's ears!
Has never crossed my mind! 😉 (And I'd be real good at it, But I'd be let go)
without severance pay
I'm a freelance proofreader/copyeditor. Because of the sentiment you express here, I began to make the decision not to work anymore in "healthcare" (Pharma) -- which as we all know is where the money is -- about two years ago. And these last two years was all I needed to solidify that decision.
Been contemplating the same dilemma in a slightly different field.
Forgetting (and forgiving) what Team Reality has endured in the past 2 years is the worst thing any of us could do. You know who cowered and hid. You know who left you out of holiday celebrations, suggested separate classrooms for your children or requested vaxxed only team meetings. You know who called you a "plague rat", "anti-vaxxer", "grandma killer", etc. Those holier-than-thou folks have been marked in my mind. I will not forget who you are.
So, speaking of conferences, I was in Salt Lake City this weekend for my wife's weightlifting competition and also in the facility was a Solar installer get together and a biotech conference, which is my professional world. Not surprisingly, the lifters and the solar people were maskless & not required to be vaccinated. Not so for the scientists, who should have been the smartest people in the building. I pointed out that their vaxxes don't stop transmission or infection, which a couple of scientists I talked to agreed with. I also pointed out to them that they would be sharing the air, concessions, and bathrooms w/a bunch of unvaxxed heathens. At this point, I'd have to say that these scientists were the least intelligent folks in the building.