Congrats on getting near the finish line. Any superspreaders? Big conference in my field had a huge breakout - despite everyone being v'd of course. Shockingly, none of my colleagues commented on this remarkable turn off events.

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so far nothing, and there's no real testing requirements, so even if there is superspreading it probably won't come to light. would be hilarious though.

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You have no idea how hard I laughed when I heard the news from my quarantined colleagues.

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Voluntary quarantine? Not trying to dox, just curious about the state of conferences and attendees in general at the moment.

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(Luckily, mass attendance events are a thing of the past for me. Much like a vampire, I cannot perform my services in the light of day.)

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Hire someone to put up a voluntary testing booth, "for safety". What do a bunch of Chinese tests @ amazon cost anyway ;)

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It only matters if it’s a Trump rally, motorcycle rally, truly peaceful protest of people wanting to be left alone.

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And it especially doesn't matter if everyone is triple-jabbed with Doctor Fauci's Patented "Safe and Effective!"™ Healthful Tonic.

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This must be visually meme'd ASAP. I'll get right on it.

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Get er done!

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However, state-sponsored rioting and looting gives you temporary immunity.

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Of course. Some are soooo much more privileged than others. And the “virus” knows who is who

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AA flight attendant and Engineer(govt contractor) friend here in DFW both vax'd and sick the last 2 weeks! I've Never been vax'd and haven't had it since a suspected cold Nov '19.

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I like your recognition that coronaviruses are still coronaviruses. The gain of function element was novel, but we are fortunate the immune system is better than the evil scientists and oligarchs allegedly trying to save the world.

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Exactly. We should have left everything alone and our God given immune systems would have been fine with this cold. But what our immune systems cant handle is continual poisoning from the shots.

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I have a feeling that our immune systems will keep most of us safe from the weaponizers for centuries -- with the possible exception of those whose immune systems have been weakened by the jab.

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They can be glad they got the magic juice - they'd be dead otherwise, all of them!

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“They” are STILL flogging all of the same crap (mask, vax, lockdown, passports) that failed so laughably & damagingly (not sure that’s a legit word) the 1st time around & in the face of REAL scientific evidence. That’s why I’m so worried for what’s to come

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It's especially maddening if your child is forced to be in their awful schools. I have written repeatedly to my son's school nurse that I don't want him masked, etc. She simply ignores me. Where the HELL is the accountability?

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Where it has always resided: With you, the parents. Unfortunately, if you don't want your son subjected to this abuse (and general abuse) by the sociopaths running most public (and many private) schools, you will need to remove him from the toxic environment.

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The problem is he has a mother who is not on board with my desire to do this. He also has friends. This is highly complicated. I would do what you suggest immediately if I could.

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You're right it's very complicated. While I think all parents should band together and make their schools refuse to impose masks, as a group teachers and administrators seem among the most convinced that masks work. When other parents also want masks, it makes things difficult for parents who understand reason, science, and disease to make headway. It's hard enough to say "Why yes, I do think the CDC and FDA and Biden administration and our state health officials are wrong" when it comes to yourself -- but when dealing with parents, teachers, principals, and school boards about other people's children??? Not to mention a child's friends and friends' parents...

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Exactly. These people are true believers. They are utterly captured. It is essentially impossible to have a "pleasant" conversation with them without telling or at least being complicit in a series of absurd lies. The truth would simply make them angry and prevent our kids from playing with their kids. I'm not ready to do even more damage to my kid's childhood than these monsters (atop us) and their stupid, credentialed, latte-sipping enablers among us have already done. It is extremely troublesome. (If my son's mother were more aware of this evil, it would be a different story. We'd be outta here!) And all that is just the Covid insanity! Never mind the propaganda about race and gender and all the rest of the nonsense these good people seem to believe in or at least otherwise tolerate in our schools.

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I am very glad my husband and I have been on the same page throughout this. However, our children are adults now. I don't know if we would have agreed on how to handle it if we still had children in school. We like to think that we'd agree, but who knows? It's easy to guess what you WOULD do, but not easy to know what you really would have done. In my case, as the mom and as someone who always worked from home, I know that I wouldn't have hesitated to homeschool if I couldn't find a decent private or parochial school I could afford. We did take our children out of public school and put them in Catholic school -- for a variety of reasons, of which the growing gender ideology stuff was one. But if my daughter had been in high school, she would have done anything to stay in school and maybe I would have let her (she's an extremely outgoing person who thrives in a group). I sympathize with all parents today.

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us school districts have been incentivized with billions of CARES dollars to promote muzzles, lethal injections and have to pay it back if they don't comply https://thehighwire.com/videos/covid-19-following-the-money/

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In a marriage, you have to be 100% willing to blow everything up in order to get your way.

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Encouraging or forcing the shots and masks onto healthy kids is physically dangerous and damaging. And if kids can get through that, they are increasingly damaged by soul destroying CRT and sexual grooming. The mental damage the left seeks against children is just as serious as the physical damage.

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Agreed 100 percent. A success story (of someone not succumbing to their vile filth) will be a cynical and angry youth who always verges on becoming a sociopath. If this is their goal somehow, it's a win-win for them.

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Check out Malone's recent article on the harms of masking.

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I'm in the UK where vaccine passports seem to be a thing of the past. Some time ago I decided to look at the publicly available board minutes of some of our public health agencies. I noted they knew by at least August 2021 that vaccination did not reliably stop transmission or infection, and that therefore a vaccination requirement for workplaces or entry to venues made little sense. One regional public health director (Northern Ireland) wanted rapid testing rather than vaccination as the basis for certificates on that basis.

Regardless, the UK did end up implementing a domestic vaccination passport regime in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland over winter 21-22 despite the leaders of the public health bodies knowing there was no basis for this.

All this is openly verifiable from published minutes, press statements and reports. But I've not seen any accountability either for the politicians who legislated for vaccine passports or the civil servants who failed to alert the politicians that there was no justification for vaccination as a condition of entry. Some of the public health officials, again from published minutes, welcomed them not as an infection control measure, but as soft coercion on the unvaccinated to take the vaccine. Again - where's the professional accountability for going against the ethical standards of the UK medical bodies by endorsing coercion in the context of vaccination?

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I am in New Zealand….and there is some evidence that’s come to light through information requests that our national health ministry did not recommend domestic vaccine passports for anything but events. That still puzzles me as like you said the evidence was there months earlier than that recommendation the vaccines didn’t stop transmission and also waned. Domestic vaccine passports were put in place for almost everything when they were introduced (I could enter a retail store and that was about it). Michael Baker 1 of the govt experts here (lol) admitted they were a tool to coerce vaccination in an interview speaking in the context of this within our traffic light system of restrictions..but that still seems odd as when they were introduced we hit 90% 2 doses 2 weeks afterward i.e. very high 80% when they were introduced….so it nudged a tiny tiny amount of people maybe? I have a lot of unanswered questions that I guess I’ll never get an answer to…meanwhile they were dropped largely in April and we have and had til then 1 of the higher case transmission rates in the world…

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Do you think vaccine passports will also be a thing of the future there? I am from the UK but live in the US. I refuse to go back to Scotland if testing, let along a vaccine pass (which, being unvaccinated, I do not have), is a condition of entry or of living normal life.

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I don’t know if they’ll come back…they’re still in use in some places and only valid if you’ve had a booster….but I think this is largely due to so much of the workforce being under mandates and needing proof. International visitors must be vaccinated still and everyone requires a negative test still….New Zealand lags behind the rest of the world…

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Why do progressive goodwhites from Europe and North America imagine they (would) love it there so much?

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When a politician is not yet absolutely convinced he/she will get away with a Kristallnacht, a bunch of useless NPIs may be the only way he/she can flex his/her muscles.

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Nowhere. Do you think any of these monstrous *unts will ever be prosecuted?

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When he has only a wagonload of doubtful and unefficacious products to move, what else is a snake-oil salesman to do?

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The medical community seems to have backed away from the worst of it (forcing the jab on children). I can't wait to see what happens if they dare to lock horns with school administrators.

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Didn't they just authorise the poison clot shot for even very young children (babies and toddlers)? I haven't seen them backing away as such.

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Indeed they did. That was at the behest of Big Pharma, whose clotshot sales have cratered in the past several months. I'm a subscriber to Dr. Berenson's Substack. He published a request for readers' personal experiences with their doctors and hospitals regarding the subject of vaccinations, and got a huge response, some accounts came from doctors and medical personnel. Nearly all reported that the most recent visits to their doctors (and childrens' pediatricians) were no longer accompanied by pleas to get vaccinated. Some of the doctors themselves reported seeing an alarming rise in what they presume are some very serious side-effects of the jab, and will no longer recommend it.

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I had my first positive Covid test last week. I had the same experience I keep hearing from everyone else, at least this time around. It is tough to clear. I have been at 90%+ for days. I am still not at 100%. Anyway it was just an unpleasant, slightly distinctive head cold otherwise.

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vaxxed / unvaxxed (if you don't mind saying)?

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I got the J&J vax but my family did not, and we are all having the same trouble clearing it.

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How long ago? The claimed effectiveness period for these shots is 4-5 months at most(?) If you got the shot more than 6 months ago, you are effectively unvaxxed. And that's if you believe it is effective at all.

I had omicron a few months ago, unvaxxed. I took ivermectin and it was a light cold for about 3 days. Unclear if IVM helped or omicron is typically that mild for most healthy people. I take care of my health to the point I was actually disappointed to have experienced any symptoms.

Dr. Kory and the FLCCC have a full protocol for long covid, consider checking it out if having a tough time getting over symptoms.

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Similar for me, in early April. A trivial 4-day 'cold'. I'm 68 so I expected some symptoms if I did get it ... some people seem immune; vacd. or unvacd. they've had nothing since Octo. 2029. (The Diamond Princess told us this was likely.)

I did take IVM. I've no idea if it made any difference to me personally.

That leaves 'Russian flu' 1977 as the only respiratory disease I've ever had that I'd describe as nasty. Looking it up, there are suspicions that it too was a lab leak. Plus ca change.

Also Russian flu preferentially affected the under-25s. Far worse than a disease which, as a friend puts it, mostly affects the 'nearly dead'.

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Sorry, that should read 'Oct. 2019'. There seems no edit facility.

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Makes no difference! We got infected at a party as a group of 15 triple vaxxed individuals in March 2022. All of us had minor symptoms, it was a fairly normal cold. I had hardly anything, just a congested nose and two days of minor fatigue and a slight headache. My unvaxxed friends reported exactly the same symptoms. These mRNA vaccines are simply useless, they make no difference.

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They actually are worse than useless - they are poison. People are poisoning themselves for no health reason. They are poisoning themselves to partake in society only.

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i got covid 2 weeks ago from a double vaxxed and boosted friend who asked if she could come over and use my sauna as she was feeling poorly. i woke up with fever, body aches and a massive headache on monday and tested positive (home antigen test, not reported) on tuesday. by wednesday i felt fine and the following wednesday i tested negative.

i am almost 69, 5'2", 104 lbs, lift weights and use my HIIT bike everyday. i've also taken for almost a year now, a small weekly dose of IVM which i increased to a daily therapeutic dose the minute i felt unwell and took that for 5 days even though i felt completely fine after two days. i took hot epsom salt & essential oil baths, used my sauna and kept hydrated.

my BF, who is 74 and probably 30 lbs overweight, much to my dismay, started to feel bad on wednesday when i felt all better. for him it was 5 tough days. he also takes IVM and upped his dose when he got sick. he also tested positive. he never had a fever but suffered with a terrible sore throat. he called his doctor who advised him to come right over to start paxlovid (!) but we ignored that terrible advice. i made him a 1% food grade hydrogen peroxide saline solution which he nebulized once per hour for a day. on alternate sessions, i added one drop of lugo's iodine. and on some sessions, i used colloidal silver instead of the hydrogen peroxide saline. he fought me on the idea- men are such terrible patients!- but once i got him to do the first round, he had a sense that it was helping him and was completely cooperative after that. on the second day, we spaced his nebulizing by 2 hours and by 3 hours on the third day. by then he was fine. he has a bit of fatique but not bad and he tested negative yesterday.

my only regret is that i didn't think of the nebulizing until he was on his third day of sickness and didn't think of it for myself. i'm sure he would have been out of it sooner had we started immediately. just for general health, we are committed now to nebulizing at least once a day and of course, we are back to our small weekly dose of IVM. it really is a life saver. i have 4 friends who were in dire straights, almost to the point of going to the ER, when they started IVM and were 50% better after a single dose. two of them actually used the horse paste formulation which works just fine.

i am filled with rage that so many people died while government bureaucrats suppressed, demonized, ridiculed and virtually outlawed these safe effective generic drugs and went after doctors who advocated for them. this is murder, plain and simple. all to convince people that there was no alternative other than these awful "vaccines."

and in case anyone was going to ask, we are both completely unvaxxed and both lost our jobs because of it. well, my boyfriend retired quietly without telling his co-workers way so he didn't have to endure their ridicule, but i was let go from a job i've had since 1980 in a most ungracious fashion.

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Your crazy. I bet you use horse water to take your horse pills. A sane person would have relied solely on an untested, unproven human vaccine developed by a multi billion dollar corporation.

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yes who've been sued for billions for fraud over and over. I've seen more than a few ppl eat crow over making fun of horse paste. They'll look even more silly when their vax'd ailments get more and more prevalent.

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You took Ivermectin for a year? I would advise against that, Covid19 is really not dangerous enough to warrant taking anything as a preventative measure. Maybe Vitamin D or zinc, but not a powerful anti worm drug.

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no, we took a very small dose and only once a week as per the FLCCC preventative protocol. now that we've actually had covid, we'll stop it and rely on our natural immunity. i will always keep it around though since i suspect it will work well on any garden variety flu. it has a well established 40 year safety profile

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Does it work on smallpox?

I've just been told by a source from WEF/WHO that some people have been monkeying around with that one ...

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certainly worth a try. it has anti-viral properties

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Even the CDC admitted last year that the PCR tests were never accurate. And I highly doubt there is any testing method that can reveal the truth. You likely have the flu or a severe cold, just like it would be called in the days before the fake pandemic. Be well.

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Hence why I specified positive Covid test. But, no one in my house has tested positive before, my wife and I both did, it is definitely a distinctive and unusual cold, and I know swarms of people also testing positive who also can't clear this thing. I'd say the odds it's C19 are pretty good.

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the tests are to keep the masses in VICTIM MENTALITY...worrying and testing at any sign of sniffle. That's why they just announced another round of tests to be mailed out. Obamacare and the current admin has created a serious snowflake--narcissism outbreak.(mass psychosis). In normal times ppl took care of themselves and NEVER went to the doctor unless they were cut or dying. You go in enough and they'll convince you to get on the pharma train. Creating doubts in your mind. God gave us the best immunity.

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A womens environmental group that I (used to ) hike with is still requiring vaccinations to join in on their hikes... day hikes... in the woods... I am SO over this.....

Trying hard not to be discouraged. Yeah, I can find new hiking buddies, but why don't they see how ludicrous their policy is ?!?!? Do I send them an email (to try to get them to understand) or just walk away from the group? Sigh...

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I've been culling those types from my life for several years. Finally waking up to their narcissism and after 55 you get weary of superficial drama queens. No God in your life and that's what you get.

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Hey, atheist Covid skeptics do exist...

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And I know many covidians full believers...

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I would still show up and hike. Start 20 feet behind them and see how fast you can make them hike.

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haha- yes!!

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Send them an email and then walk away. I did that with my ex-church. No regrets whatsoever. The truth is the truth and people should hear it.

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100% right. Truth needs to be proclaimed, always.

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Introduce to the informal leader (the real leader) the idea that vaccinations while they may ease the risk and severity of infection actually doesn't stop the spread and therefore creates sense of false security. Do it in such a way she comes round to thinking it is her own thought, and asks you for advice on the issue. Then gently lead her to lead you to suggest that you quietly drop the requirement without any hoo-hah or fanfare, and that if anyone asks just refer them to state, federal or similar authority not having any vaxx-pass requirement for similar activity.

This plays into her trusting the science and her implicit trust in authority without evoking the fear of being "a wrong'un" or any other socially unacceptable sceptic, and instead lets her take the lead (in reality: let's her feel that she's taking the lead) in following the science.

Actual facts such as AEs etc. are not to be brought up. Only refer to studies et al if explicitly asked, and have an easy to understand one from a well-known credited source available.

Some blog or stack or other will not work, it needs be something mainstream like NJMS, The Lancet or such.

This may well seem manipulative but consider this: if you went at it full frontal, with a pamphlet summing up all the wrongs re: the vaccines, would they listen or wuld they just shut their ears and ostracize you?

Best of luck!

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Omfg.... 😂🤣

Please tell me you’re in the Pacific Northwest or New Zealand or I’ll lose all hope for humanity.

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Haha! Yes! I'm in the PNW.. but thankfully in a rural area, where we have pretty much lived normally throughout the entire pandemic. We only noticed the craziness when we'd visit the larger towns near by.

The headquarters of this group is in Durango, CO... an upscale smallish town. A local (vaccinated) good friend of mine who introduced me to the group, agrees that the policy is ludicrous, but seems to have no problem going along with it. Others in the group are from those fear-infused larger towns near by... Argh... blind followers...

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Canadastan Gone Rogue - Ontario Paying Doctors to Push the Injections and Track the “Un-vaxxed”

… Rebel News


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The CDC does not conduct a true peer review of what is published in the MMWR. "The content published in MMWR constitutes the official voice of its parent, CDC."

The review process is clearly biased: "Although most articles that appear in MMWR are not "peer-reviewed" in the way that submissions to medical journals are, to ensure that the content of MMWR comports with CDC policy, every submission to MMWR undergoes a rigorous multilevel clearance process before publication. This includes review by the CDC Director or designate, top scientific directors at all CDC organizational levels, and an exacting review by MMWR editors. Articles submitted to MMWR from non-CDC authors undergo the same kind of review by subject-matter experts within CDC. By the time a report appears in MMWR, it reflects, or is consistent with, CDC policy."

Is this fair? science based? unbiased? Dr Hoeg's excellent work probably did "not comport" with the CDC's policy on masks. I will add many of the MMWR study reports published by the CDC are poorly designed and as published would probably not pass a true peer review.

Here is the link to an MMWR written on what MMWRs are...


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thanks, helpful.

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In several of these MMWR studies the statistics are severely flawed. Given that within the NIH there have to be competent people, the internal reviews can't be happening. External critiques often arrive but are harder to find. Not sure if the NIH ever retracts a study.

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Of course. All of the bureaucratic fiefdoms within leviathan need their own personal "ministry of truth". Can't have countervailing opinions and interpretations of data leaking out now, can we?

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I worry about the long term effects of such blatant fraud and hypocrisy. I now assume that anything I hear in the mainstream media or “medicine” is 180 degrees backwards. I know that I am not alone. There is virtually no societal cohesion. If a true emergency ever struck, we would be in trouble.

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Stew with butter and garlic or use to remove impediments?

I remain pleased with myself that I never bought a mask. Crocheted two of 'em, with inside pocket for disposable coffee filter, and am gonna unravel and use for another project...

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Best dirty trick I pulled on a mask-dupe so far:

"I'm sorry, I'm hearing impaired. Could you please remove your mask so I can see your lips? Or you could write using this pad and pen here."

Mask off in 100% of cases. Apparently, the woke programming that you must immediately abase yourself for anyone displaying or claiming a "disability" (whatever happened to "equal treatment", hm?) is so strong it trumps their belief that cloth and paper stops a virus.

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Love it!

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How you dare to say that refusing to publish a paper that refutes your preexisting conclusion is publication bias!

Wait ... that is precisely the definition of publication bias. Oops.

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The Covidians will never stop with their drivel.

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narcissist is easily interchangable with covidian

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Peer review is about reaching consensus. Science is about searching for truth. Not exactly the same thing.

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Well, I'm still going to triple mask and wear a condom when I drive in the car all by myself to McDonalds to get a Big Mac three times a day. I take my health seriously. Don't worry, I wear gloves when I eat.

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Last time I checked, that could be called fraud, misrepresentation, and falsifying data.

No one should be surprised if that is the ultimate conclusion when & if the prior study is carefully analyzed.

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