This is exactly why we have never successfully developed a vaccine for a coronavirus. To choose mass vaccination for this virus, hoping that this time, original antigenic sin would magically not happen, was the most arrogant mistake- or evil choice. We had data in animal studies to confidently assume this outcome, yet we proceeded anyway. Perhaps this is why nations 'seem' to be overreacting about Omicron...

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Exactly, arrogance (so often displayed by bureaucrats) or planned evil (possible), but since most people have had to just try to manage their own jobs and families through all of this, few, if any have had the time, or even the education, to question, to understand, the processes and path of viruses.... however, our chief virologist surely "should" have known, SHOULD have KNOWN ...... ? ?

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Which implies that this story is leaning toward planned evil...

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I am not given to emotional conclusions, my career has tempered any tendencies to emotionalism, but, ruling out planned evil is getting very difficult !

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It's all about control by digital ID and these bastards use fear to get it, sadly with success it would seem.

It is pure evil. May they rot in Hell.

Kids, for god's sake.

Bigpharma want us all vaxxed so there is no control group left {their wet dream}.

Governments and those issuing the instructions want control.

What could go wrong?

We can hope for a Nuremberg 2, but if not I want a ringside seat when they face their maker.

If I were them I'd be a little bit worried.

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Frankly, I see (with only a few exceptions) a political class that have little regard for the spiritual in any form. I personally doubt they have any fear what so ever of "meeting their maker". I could be wrong, but most (again not all), seem to believe there is nothing past life here on this planet. Holding those beliefs would help explain the lack of "fear or worry" about some type of eternal regret through all of time and space. Just one possibly "theory" for the seeming lack of any moral guilt or responsibility of their actions.

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I agree, my concern is what’s their plan b if this falls apart? Marburg, smallpox or something new

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If this is actually going on, the question is always "who are the "THEY" in control of it all? How many are there, in how many countries? Supposing there actually is a group orchestrating all this madness, eventually there will arise one or more in the group who are then driven to get total control over the rest of the group because there are those who will never have "enough" power, they always want more, and more, and more. So they will start going after each other at some point. I can't see any warm and fuzzy kumbayah going on for very long, if it ever has.

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One answer (in fact many many answers) to the "who are the 'THEY'?" question can be found in Robert Kennedy Jr's book. Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci figure quite prominently in the list, but they're certainly not alone.

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There's no group orchestrating my local member of parliament who won't lift a finger to get ivermectin for me. I can get it myself. But he doesn't know that and doesn't care. As far as he's concerned I can die. A vaccine alters nothing, of course, for it could well be that treatment with ivermectin during an illness and after a vaccine would still save a life. According to Dr Kory and others it is just so.

So he's quite obviously either tragically ignorant and imbecilic or downright callously evil.

He's beholden to his political party, we could say. Is that the 'evil cabal' that's telling him what to do? Well yes, but no one is telling them what to do. They are working it out for themselves, I'm sure. And I'm equally sure they're doing the working out simply by copying what they see overseas.

Three things:

From ignorance they copy what's happening elsewhere.

From excess of ass-protecting caution they always go excessive.

From sheer delight at throwing their weight around they go excessive.

That's the only conspiracy we've got going on.

Driven, if your want to find a villain, by the mammoth drive of big pharma in the USA there which set the tone for everything..

The bullies in the schoolyard recognise each other and divide up the territory.

And adopt all the same practices.

And it's all our fault. We trusted them to be sane, sensible, and work in our interest.

We now see clearly they are not sane, not sensible and couldn't give a damn for our interest.

We need to pull our socks up. Lift our game.

We have to do it all. We are not supposed to be citizens of totalitarian dictatorships. We are supposed to be free citizens of democracies. So we should be far more pro active and concerned with the daily doings of all our reps.

Look at us here now: two years into this thing and we don't have a simple focal point where the indisputable facts and figures are presented. A resource we can all use to disseminate the truth.

Persuade the vacillating. Confront the politicians with.

I'd say there's fewer facts freely available to me today to confront people with than there were six months or more ago.

For six months and more ago I could produce graphs and charts from Ivor Cummins, Tom Woods etc. that they'd culled for me from the govt figures showing the total ineffectiveness of all the govt measures.

Now we're mired in this vaccine insanity - dose no 5 in Israel for god's sake - and all handy graphical presentations like that seem to have dried up.

But they ought to be tidily sorted out and available in some repository, shouldn't they?

We have Sunetra Gupta's collateralglobal which should be THE hardest hitting and most significant venue in the whole word. Go look at it. collateralgrobal.org. Just look. The front page is competely without drama, focus, impact, not a single graph, chart, data list. One bland compilation of little boxes the investigation of any one of which reveals something like: 'an american college student shares her experience...'

While MILLIONS according to that same Sunetra Gupta are in dire straights even unto death.

Can I drop in there and handily grab a compilation of facts and figures, indisputable data showing the ineffectiveness of all interventions and the crippling costs they've imposed domestically and abroad?

No way.

Can I provide the link and feel when someone goes there they'll quickly get hit between the eyes by some dramatic truths they won't be able to deny, escape from?

No way.

Go and have a look at it. It is not shocking, hard hitting, dramatic, explosive, confrontational, unpleasant. It is pastel shaded pleasant is what it is. Tastefully designed.

I wrote them and mentioned that kind of thing and got a supercilious reply asking archly if I 'have expertise in the subject..' which I took at face value and responded naively to. Got no acknowledgement of my response at all. Which, of course, betrayed the fact I was being sneered at by some urbanely pastel coloured tasteful twat with 'expertise'.

But that's all we have. What else is there?

Our lives depend on this and I reckon we're doing a piss poor job of defending them.

Our children's lives depend upon what we do. This original sin thing could prejudice their lives henceforth.

There's various things I've read recounting the harm being done them here and now especially those amongst them that are in need of special care right now for all special needs like that are being disrupted aren't they? Treatments not given. Diagnoses not made, etc.

Well I've raved enough. Time for breakfast.

But I reckon everything I've said is very true. It is a total national, international, global shame that we don't have repository of incontrovertible truths.

So yep, I'll put up if I can. Send me your incontrovertible truths, facts and figures, charts and graphs, links, and I've got a couple of sites. I'll clear one out and put all that stuff there.

Might be a step in the right direction while we wait for someone more professional and able to get up and do it.

Should I provide a link to me somewhere, somehow? I can if you wish. But right now I could read links off posts on this forum couldn't I?


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Another interesting conversation ! Who ARE "they", we've heard the rumors and rumblings for decades, but instead of fading, with each decade we seem to have more reason to think this kind of "fantasy" might actually be true. A world dictator ? So far fetched of course for the very reasons you highlight... eventually "they" all begin eating their own.

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You know 'evil' is a subjective word. Hitler didn't think he was being evil. Perhaps if we consider from the point of view of those who really think they'd be doing the earth and its peoples a service an 'evil' conspiracy might not seem so far fetched?

For instance right now according to Sunetra Gupta's collateralglobal millions - yes, millions - of people all over the world are facing intense privation, starvation, even death because of the effects of our Covid policies. Hence they would see our policies as totally 'evil' - yes?

But we know, to our sorrow, that most of our fellows and all of our governments see them as almost saintly.

For those people to accuse us of an evil conspiracy to kill them by the millions, by the hundreds of thousands, would be ludicrous, wouldn't it? Yet, at the same time, perfectly true. Except to us it's a mere side effect not worthy of notice. As a matter of numbers, proportion, we can safely say effectively none of us give a damn.

So perhaps it is not 'planned evil' is the thing so much as 'planned good' with too narrow a focus.

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Perception of evil is certainly subjective, however evil itself is not. That way lies utter madness. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

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Absolutely, PERCEPTION is everything. If perceived as an "evil", as I would personally view it, that would make it my personal "truth". The effects our measures have had on the entire world are, of course, "real", and yes, I also agree the measures we take/took in the name of "protection" certainly have repercussions on the lives of others. Not a new story. Wondering..... thinking of the discussion here, and thinking of the countries of the world as the "haves" and the "have nots", how many have read Raspail's Camp of the Saints, or any other his other thought provoking books; Who Will Speak for the People and others ? So of course, there could be "evil" results from "planned good", but, that would be more in a category of what we might call "unintended consequences"... on the other hand, the entire pandemic may indeed be a carefully planned "evil".... "evil" meaning from ANY perspective, without regard to social or economic circumstances. As voiced on this site, the perception evil can be "subjective" of course, but could also simply be "evil", not a perception of evil. So MUCH to consider and investigate, a giant "stew" of egos, arrogance, well meant intentions, pseudoscience, economics, greed, opportunity and political expediency; what will the final determination be ?

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I have read Camp of the Saints, but not any others. "who will speak for the people" sounds good.

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Murderous thugs on such a scale must have some inkling that they're playing for the other team. Just saying.

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I have come to see Fauci and Bill Gates as true believers in this experiment on us........if only we would stop interfering! They go forward at lightening speed seeing nothing of the pain they bring to the global population.

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I'm certain that if Fauci and Gates had their way - they would have a custom mRNA shot for each variant and since they got their mRNA technology over the hump - they would say it's safe and effective - no need for any testing. Just do it. It's same business model as crappy software, that need constant support, patches and upgrades.

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1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.

2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.


Conventional Oil peaked in 2005 http://www.euanmearns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/C-Cdec141.png

Shale in 2018.

According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources


Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times. https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25

THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/

“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://www.ft.com/content/9ac5eb8e-4167-4a54-9b39-dab48c29ac6c

Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/

The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html

Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/fed-repo-overnight-operations-level-to-increase-to-120-billion.html Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed

Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.

Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…

What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.

Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’

A pandemic is the perfect cover.

End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous.

“Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.” https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/

French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.

The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries? https://thehighwire.com/videos/vaccine-expert-warns-of-covid-vaccination-catastrophe/

The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.

The PTB understand all of this and that is WHY every leader is on board with the Injections. There is NO way out of this --- so they have decided to mitigate the suffering as much as possible by putting us down and here is the mechanism https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/why-the-ongoing-mass-vaccination-experiment-drives-a-rapid-evolutionary-response-of-sars-cov-2.

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Fascinating read. Daunting task to now start going through the links looking to see if there's any credibility to it.

Got this reservation from the beginning: such a scenario kills them as well as everyone else does it not, from virus?

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I can vouch for almost all of it as it just the facts Maam. Peak Oil is not a theory, even if it called a conspiracy theory.

very good summary of what's going down.

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It's Evil, Fast Eddy. You make the case that it's a "Necessary evil", or perhaps a "Lesser evil", but it's Evil, nonetheless. The same so-called leaders have poisoned and weakened us for more than a century in their ongoing effort to stay on top by pushing Our Best down, and thus have held back the emergence of solutions beyond fossil fuels. What you label as civilizational death by fossil fuel starvation, I argue is death by parasitic overload induced failure to thrive, ha ha!

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I highly recommend watching Planet of the Humans if you think there is an alternative to fossil fuels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZsXyDkyrCk

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It's not evil - it is necessary - unfortunately

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Same! The thing about evil is that you should never fully rule it out

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And have you noticed how that, as a construct (evil) is not even recognized, let alone taken seriously, amy more ? Forces such as "good" and "evil" seem to be the bastion of the "uninformed and unsophisticated" masses. Interesting just how secular we have become; we will sue ourselves ( city, public library, school, etc. for any display such as Minorrah, manger, etc.) related to anything of spiritual significance. ALL of these things, values, perceptions, morality, honesty, how we value life, how we treat our elderly, religious tenants or lack thereof, all of these and more make up our "culture"; which is changing at lightening speed and few e an notice !

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LOL.."planned" on such a grand scale amongst hundreds of thousands of bureacrats across hundreds of countries (without any leak of the "plan" ever) is not possible.How do they communicate this secret plan?..It falls apart at the start...Parsimony suggests money/power/wilful ignorance/cowardly politicians/idiot media and a brain washed compliant population..which is an even scarier idea than a mere "secret cabal pulling the strings"

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Have you not noticed that they ALL use the same phrases and buzzwords. It was even more pronounced with climate change stuff. World leaders are certainly being coached in what their responses should be and that alone suggests that they are under someone elses control.

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Yes..because they are coached by media teachers and sociologists and their "specialist advisers..all of which are bound by group think and consensus paradigms...The CSIRO in Australia for instance will give the minister exactly what they want to hear that fits by amazing coincidence with the govt beliefs...Its a self reinforcing echo chamber...Another perfect example of that is The Nudge Unit in the UK..their staff were sent over to Australia to coach our public servants into shaping poublic opinion to the govt policies."Someone else`s control" is a wink wink allusion to "the secret cabal"...which again..falls apart under even a tiny amount of research, or works if you ignore group think/consensus and the madness of crowds...the control mechanism is actual the words and ideas..thats binding them.

"People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.

— Carl Jung(supposedly)

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all true but you are a fool if you can't see that there is a need to know hierarchy and this is certainly planned and executed. People turn out to be easy to control. But that doesn't all flow together by accident.

Ask who the WEF Young Leaders are?

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Fauci, Moderna, Eco Health Alliance, Bat Lady at Wuhan and Ralph Barrick at UNC. There is plenty of evidence in emails and patents to show planning.

Politicians, local health authorities and hospital administrators (assuming they make up the hundreds of thousands who suggest as impossible to coordinate) are not involved in the planning. They all simply went off of self interest, profits, campaign contributions, kickbacks, government reimbursements, etc. The shitty side of humanity is to capitalize on and manipulate.

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Your confabulating 2 different things.

The first is Fauci/eco/bat lady etc show the level of corruption at the core of the pandemic/vaccines...

Which are larger versions of the same tricks govt/private corporations have been engaged in for years.

I have "studied" institutional corruption in academic and govt for over 40 years as a crazy hobby.

I am interested in the sociology of groups(Noble cause corruption) as well as the use of propaganda to manipulate the general public.

None of your first part is any different to anything I seen before.

The difference now is, some sections of the media and more members of the public are aware of it.

For instance..this neatly segues to "science and public policy"-The virtuous corruption of virtual environmental science by Aynsley Kellow.

Same things we talk about here just a a different arena.

I have never seen any emails and patents that show a cabal of people planning the global takeover of the world with insane and idiotic public policies designed to steer us in the direction all countries of the world are going I now.

I agree with your second assertion about public health authorities.. :)

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Ahem. WEF. The greate reset. They are not hiding it.

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WEF - have you missed that evil?

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You only need a few corrupt people to control entire bureaucratic organizations. Everyone else follows the "official position". Very easy to manipulate. It gets easier when you can manipulate the perception externally through the media and social media.

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The Trusted News Initiative is a coordinated group of "approved" propaganda outlets, including FB and Google all over the western world, working to shape opinion, work the population into covid hysteria and pound down any suggestion of early treatment, in favor of these manna-like vaxxes. Pharma money helps pay the bills. Someone is choosing the message. Look it up and decide.

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Have you not even heard of the WEF Mike?

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Of course. There is zero chance this was planned. The pandemic response shaping up like event 201 is because the response to a novel pandemic (which was assumed to happen) was planned. The government can't be inept and perfectly competent at the same time.

I'll put my money on incompetent.

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This is no mistake nor is it incompetence.

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"Should have", but almost certainly didn't. In 1949 David Asher wrote of the "Seven Deadly Sins of Medicine", which includes 'Arrogance', but also 'Over-specialisation'. This sin has grown hugely since 1949, through not only Medicine, but every learned profession. Those who rise highest in their profession are typically those with the narrowest of focus, knowing everything there is to know about the tree on which they wrote their doctoral thesis, none seeing the forest.

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The tendency of increasing and deepening specialisation: the move towards knowing more and more about less and less until ultimately one knows everything about nothing.

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Very learned specialists usually have intellectual curiosity like we do here. Bureaucrats got us into this, according to Scott Atlas, Birx, Fauci and Redfield we're the dumbest, worst excuses for "scientists" imaginable. The real specialists are speaking up, they are just drowned out by the baboons.

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Is this like knowing a lot about MRNA vaccine development and knowing very little about SARS-CoV-2?

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When your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail . Specialisation narrows the path .

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The specialization of so many scientists makes Fauci look like a great carpenter.🔨

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We are all pondering recent decisions made in the medical field. Knowing nothing of the scientific details, my basic question is: I heard the virus itself doesn't cause the dangerous complications, but the pneumonia brought on by the virus does. Would a vaccine against that type of pneumonia not be an alternative to the MeReallyNotAgree jab? We already have some vaccines against particular strains of pneumonia.

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The pneumonia shows up after the viral phase is mostly cleared. From what I've heard from doctors who treat this, it's more of a inflammatory or organizational pneumonia. See p.43 https://www.aidsreviews.com/resumen.php?id=1567

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Good info, thanks

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This is actually a good thing, unless you like the taste of worms?

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I ascribe my mild Covid (at age 71) to the worms (Necator americanus) in my belly.

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hey, you tawkin' about Dr Feces?

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A possibility for sure... LOL ! And, some lesser knowns too perhaps !

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Oh, he knew alright😡

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Ah, another fortunate citizen of our free (so far) state without internment camps and forced re-education ?

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It's also why we should rethink the concept of "vector" vaccines that just teach our bodies to see one part of the virus rather than the whole virus. And, guessing where you're going with the "seem" to be overreacting, is that they are starting to realize (or always knew) what this would do. We're just lucky that the "Moronic" variant is so mild.

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Interestingly I just read an article that said - get this - because of the “success” of these current vaxxes we will enter a period of “vaccine renaissance” as we discover all the amazing benefits of vector vaccines. Methinks these people are completely, utterly delusional.

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Like art critics gushing over a banana taped to the wall.

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You said it all in very few words !

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I saw Moderna's disappointing flu mRNA vaccine candidate results yesterday. They will push out vaccines for every virus, cancer and autoimmune disease. $$$$$$, especially for the overweight, sick, yet wealthy western nations.

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Their whole business model relies on liability waivers.

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Well then, that's our target isn't it?

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governments grant the waivers, without due diligence. They assume this the liability. the only experts they liste to are the ones pushing them the waivers lol

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Science and medicine are no longer focused on the good of mankind, we are surely loosing our moral base ? It's perfectly fine if a miracle discovery, like penicillin for instance, is a moral victory and, along the way, happens to make some "profit", but we have turned that completely around to working feverishly to develop drugs and vaccines at breakneck speed. Does anyone notice the number of never heard of "diseases" now actually advertised on TV and followed with an urgent plea to CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR now to ask about the "treatment" of this condition or disease you never heard of (usually an acronym of some kind) ? Should we even advertise Rx drugs and controlled substances on TV and in magazines (most pages in magazines any more are nothing but advertisements for drug you must have a Rx to obtain... doesn't anyone see that and think it strange ???

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And then a few years later, lawyers show up in TV ads touting class action lawsuits, urging everyone who was "damaged" by this or that drug to become part of the lawsuit. These lawyers are the vultures who come in after the pharma and doctors are done.

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Yes, we are certainly a very litigious culture ! Our TV (any network) is constant ads for those harmed by the plethora of Rx drugs churned out daily. Do people actually LISTEN to the 50 MPH speech listing all the possible side effects from the string of new drugs that seem to appear monthly ? Will the vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate and the boost trend one day turn out like the thalidomide tragedy ? How would anyone ever know what the "rest of the story" will be ? Our vice president made it clear she was not buying into the vax, vax, it's perfectly safe. Could there be OTHERS who also just pretended to get the vaccination as a public stunt, but who privately had the same reservations as our Vice President ? Will we ever know ? Does anyone know (for certain ?) if Dr. Fauci himself has actually been vaccinated... not really, how could anyone know for sure ? I suppose this would be called a "conspiracy theory" also, but at least we know our V.P. didn't fall for it, and possibly, many others. Of course, what they did or do medically is not our business, I realize that. When you consider the alternatives, actually NONE of us should be making it our business what anyone else chooses to do about any kind of legal medical treatment.

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Define "Better."

You at least have some pushback in the courts, we just have more lockdowns and suppression. If you are in the US compare the useless mask compliance in the NHL hockey rinks between Canada and USA.

Most of the canuck population benefits from US drug advertising campaigns.

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No, they do not seem to be handling it any better ! Agree.

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We have worked out way from leading the world in literacy, to what, now 37th, 38th in the world. We have now worked out way down to an average under 50% of high school graduates. Of those who do graduate from high school, how many of those are equipped to understand how viruses act, and exactly what vector vaccines are ? OF COURSE they are "utterly delusional", most people are trying to just make a living, the RELY on the government THEY work to support to understand such things and "do the right thing". One most important "right thing" would be to be working day and night on the ORIGIN of all this and exactly who was involved... seems any interest in that has now completely waned ! ?

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Now that petting a cat or going on a bike ride are "vaccines" per the CDC, I suppose the statement is axiomatic.

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Right. Under the CDC's new definition, Vitamin D is a vaccine, too. And getting a good night of sleep.

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Great, so if I vax daily according to the new definition does that mean I can keep my job after they require boosters?

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Unfortunately, no.

The consumer must consume brand product. Otherwise, the consumer will be removed from its role in the network of production relations.

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"SUCCESS" ??? Success ? Just when I think the "media" can't get any more ridiculous, the outdo themselves in both print and audio !

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My thinking is that this is not a next 5 years type of problem, but rather something that shortens the life spans of anyone who has received the 'vaccines'. Have we learned enough to stop at this series of jabs and not press forward with variant specific mRNA boosters?

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some of us have, the ones making the decisions probably haven't

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But, the next one may not be.

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And that's the really big issue. That's why this matters so much.

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'Evil choice' is my preferred option (having just finished Robert F Kennedy Jr's book)

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Brena! You are right about the "seeming" overreaction to Omicron! This milder version has not YET started killing off the vaxxed en masse, but it begins to expose the vaxxes as the terrible mistake they are.

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https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/ Fail... but within a year of covid we have success!!!

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Timely and fantastic work as always eugyppius. The folks with whom I shared your earlier posts on this topic still went ahead and jabbed their young children. One would think that the prospect of maiming ones child for life would at least elicit a subconscious revulsion to this but apparently the fear of social exclusion or being called an antivaxxer trumps all biological imperatives.

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Social pressure to vaccinate kids, and soon toddlers, is going to be massive. Most people, even highly educated, with PhDs and stuff, will not know about Original Antigenic Sin and will label it as a conspiracy theory. This is a fairly easy prediction.

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Absolutely. This despite the fact that OAS is a well-known phenomenon among the very people from whom the "highly educated" take their advice, and is still Googleable as such. It should be on all vaccine consent forms, because the people behind these products knew of it as a possibility and what they ARE willing to say suggests that their solution for it appears to be "targeted boosters ad infinitum." Likely one of the (multiple) reasons they were so myopic about mRNA vaccines in many parts of the world-- IF OAS happens, they may have reasoned, we can very easily and quickly reformulate these without having to go through a lengthy approval process.

From what I can tell they've been massively successful among a small sliver of the population who is already resigned to treating this like an annual flu vaccine and who have been conditioned to believe that an annual office visit, along with the immunizations or prescriptions it provides, is part of preventative healthcare.

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While I know and know of a lot of vaccinated people, I also know and come across a great many who refused the vaccine. I like to think that's a good sign, that perhaps fewer are vaccinated than they are letting on. In my own family, all my siblings are vaccinated, although one brother is now having some doubts about the boosters. I'm grateful that my two children and two of my grandkids are not vaccinated and are very against it. My third grandson saw the light and is now refusing further vaccines. But it seems I'm continually meeting people who are adamantly refusing all vaccines...they just aren't open about it.

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Dec 12, 2021·edited Jan 27, 2022

"because the people behind these products knew of it (OAS) as a possibility and what they ARE willing to say suggests that their solution for it appears to be "'targeted boosters ad infinitum.'"- i.e. a protection racket.

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I'm still one who has relatively low cost health care and sees MDs multiple times a year for preventive maintenance and to manage a few modest (at the present anyway) conditions. I'm in my early 60s so just as with an old car, stuff is going to start breaking eventually. If nothing else, the past two years have taught me to be skeptical of the medical profession, especially as regards recommendations that I try unproven drugs. For the record, not one person has recommended I ever take the jab, only inquired if I've gotten one.

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Which boggles the mind, but yes, I have them for parents.

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I call it BFD (Blind Faith Disorder)...a continued belief in authorities who have been very wrong and have not acknowledged their errors, mistakes, or lies. Those authorities have EVD (Ethics Vacancy Disorder). It's a sort of dyad, a dysfunctional one.The two disorders dance with each other.

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It's amazing professor. I am shocked that we have this many people in the population that now take medical "advice" and "mandates" from mostly *politicians* who listen to just one "doctor" and their favorite news channel and don't do ANY of their own research before waving their magic edict wands. I'll never get over it.

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When modern day Moloch asks you to offer up a child as a sacrifice to prove your belief, Moloch wasn't kidding...he wants your kid, and he wants you to be the kind of person that would offer up whatever Moloch demands.

We are still at root a deeply flawed species immune to seeing the most common truths before us with our own eyes and minds.

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We’re up against a population of people who have embraced an alternate reality - meaning a belief and acceptance of something that runs counter to fact and truth, and denies absolutes…the idea of relativism that we find so pervasive today. All of this is predicated on a blind trust of institutions and individuals that is not challenged.

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They just won't believe it until they see it, until it happens to them personally.

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Even then they may continue to delude themselves - like the US House Rep AOC who is now saying that the rampant looting in California (that followed the be-easy-on-crime laws) is being faked by Walgreens and other retailers. At the same time, I don't know if one can do this sort of thing when the problem hits close to home - this is something to look out for.

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Hopefully these people who are poisoning their children will do the right thing and purchase a rope and find a strong branch....

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Geert Vanden Bossche states that innate immunity is the most important part of our defences in defeating this virus, and yet it is being damaged by the vaccines. The spike specific antibodies produced by the vaccine, overpower the innate immune response (albeit temporarily as they don’t appear to hang around for very long). But this scenario, and the one you write about Eugyppius, is without doubt very concerning, especially in children.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The hospital staff study was smart. Reassuring to see actual science is still occurring.

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Well, due to the vaccination rates in most Western countries, the... Unwanted effects of OAS coupled with the artificial evolutionary pressures towards immunity escape variants seem to be entirely inevitable.

I mean, it now seems almost inconceivable to prevent the resurgence of covid, and then we're also structurally locked into vaccination as a response, which will kick the can further down the road. It's a self-reinforcing cycle at this point.

How and when does it end?

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Great money making machine isn't it? Someone once observed that the vaccine producing business is the only one that prospers where their products are serial failures.

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I'm seeing a lot of anecdotal posts from people saying cases in schools have dramatically increased since the vaccination roll out for kids aged 5-11 in the US. The numbers from my local schools even support this. I understand testing is off the charts but is that because kids are more symptomatic when they actually get covid now...which leads to more testing? It's making me wonder if the lower dosage these kids are getting is actually causing ADE or caused by OAS. I'm not seeing any analysis or investigation into this yet. This article is the closest yet.

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Are you certain that you are seeing infections? You may be seeing "vaccine" injuries due to circulating spike proteins, if you do PCR tests for spike proteins how could you discriminate? As well, the actual omicron spike is apparently less reactive to the Wuhan spike probes.

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Moral of the story: no matter how hard we try, we are NOT God, and we never will be.

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While I agree in a way, the bigger moral is that if you don't completely understand the situation in its big picture form, you can do more harm than good. We've seen this over and over in science. In this case, we never should have banked on "stopping" the virus. We should have used the vaccines on the most vulnerable and then worked as hard on finding therapeutics as we did on locking everyone away and shaming them for asking questions.

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You still believe that vaccines are totally benign. That is part of the real power of this "PsychOp" as a lecturer described it last evening, that these chemical injections have been redefined as "vaccines." The spike protein is an endothelial toxin, whether attached to a virus, or as a result of self-synthesis after your mRNA injection.

The vulnerable do not need a toxic injection.

They should have been managed with Vitamin D, and Hydroxychloroquine/zinc or ivermectin, even prophylactically.

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I don't disagree with you, but if you're going to talk to most people, you can't dump them down the rabbit hole right away, no matter how right you think you are.

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Yes, I agree. Mainly we are trying to pull their heads out of the rabbit hole. This far down in this thread I believe that most of us are at least peeking out.

I came up with an even more obnoxious thought this morning-" Would you take this injection if it was called "Chemotherapy" rather than "Vaccine?"

I also spoke with a lady who didn't know the word or implication of "Newspeak" and hadn't read "1984."

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At least "chemotherapy" would be more honest, so is "gene therapy."

I haven't read 1984 either, but I am well aware of what "Newspeak" is. However, we have a lot of culturally and historically ignorant people in our country, so I am not surprised.

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And the answer is I haven't taken it when they claim it's a vaccine.

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We didn't need to 'work hard' to find therapeutics: they were there with multi-decade success stories. The hard work (if you can call it that) was done by the 'health' authorities in suppressing those very same cheap, readily available, prophylactics. The EUA justification (and billions of dollars of revenue/profits) depended upon their 'disappearance'.

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Personally, I don't think "God" is a concept of many any more. From what I've experienced on campus, many are much more familiar with the concept of Santa Claus as a force for good, and (origin ? of life itself ?) than "God" ? ? Now for two years, those with a spiritual foundation have been kept from their respective religious worship long enough to weak spiritual roots even more.

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Oh, that is certainly true. It’s strange to me that the concept of “absolute truth” has disappeared at almost every level. As though what we believe is what defines truth. The basic foundations of logic have been so deformed that we can no longer even understand true rationality.

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So (sadly) true ! Yes, the term "absolute truth" is not used in academia any longer, and will surely be forever out of the lexicon when the baby boomer generation is all gone. Truth, like gender, and many other terms, will be a vague, fluid, concept. What we know as "logic" and "rationality" will have been redefined permanently. Many things we once thought "entertaining science fiction" will become the the ONLY known foundation. And those of us who believe that will not be in the best interests of the world in general, will be laughed at for all time to come, like those who thought the world flat and those who believed the great plague came only on the evening breezes, not through lack of sanitation, bacteria, viruses, etc. etc.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Interesting, thank you.

Geert van Bosch, in a recent article, actually thinks omicron evading vax-induced anti-spike antibodies could be the way out of the current predicament, since it wouldn't even elicit the suboptimal antibody response at all, and instead give the body the chance to respond and build full-spectrum immunity to all parts of the omicron variant.


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I was hoping it'd be true, but why are almost all new infections those with multiple shots??

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I'd guess because once it escaped the vax-induced anti-spike antibodies, their immune system was naive. Good news is omicron thus far seems to be milder, so it's an easy way to get proper immunity, should that strain come to dominate.

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Possibly because the shots impaired their innate immune response, which was then able to be overwhelmed.

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That's what I'm dreading, since almost all my immediate & extended family has taken every shot. 🥺

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Encourage prevention protocol & immediate treatment on 1st symptoms. Ivermectin disrupts virus on multiple levels, from binding to replication.

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Only if you're lucky enough to get your hands on IVM. Difficult to get through your doctor.

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and completely prohibited in many countries such as mine

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Depends on where you are. A neighbor's kids ate at college in a car red state. Walked into a compounding pharmacy & walked out with iver & protocol for entire family. No script, no id, no questions asked.

America"s Frontline Docs can help. Also people have gotten it through india mart & other intl channels. The protocol is published in a # of places.

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Much obliged 👍

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This excellent! It is amazing to me that people are still calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am completely confused by this. I have read many studies showing many folks have pre-existing T-Cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 from past exposure to coronaviruses -- a good thing, not a bad thing. Take me, for example: I have avoided the mRNA shot and have never gotten sick, despite going on with my life normally and being out and about constantly. I have assumed I either have pre-existing T-Cell immunity, or I was infected with SARS-CoV-2 and never knew it.

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yes, t-cell immunity is a separate matter. it is also an important component of immunity - but so are antibodies

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Many thanks for your reply; and to all the others for the discussion that follows.

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That's because this paper doesn't support OAS. Look at figure 5 in the pdf. No association between pre-existing antibody levels and severe outcomes. i.e., no OAS.

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ignoring once again the mice component of the study.

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Ignoring once again the portion of the study that directly looked at infection outcomes in actual humans...

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i wish it was a larger study with more severe outcomes. i don’t think using sars-2 antibody levels as a proxy for degree of virus replication is as unreasonable as you’re making it out to be, given the plausible mechanism and many other studies showing correlation with severe outcome.

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While excluding non-severe antibody levels? Plenty of generic antibody kinetics studies with mild cases show antibody levels all over the map; any sampling of mild cases should include some high antibody generators.

It should be expected that severe + recovered have a lot of antibodies (whereas opposite for severe + dead https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abj5629), that doesn't mean that mild infections don't routinely result in high antibodies. It's a very unreasonable correlate and directly contradicted by the actual outcomes recorded in the study.

Conspicuously the authors do not provide any heat-map or kinetics for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, no way to know if high end point is preceded by slow onset as they misleadingly portray in their graphical abstract.

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Take https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2456-9 for instance - anti-RBD is "higher" in the hospitalized cohort but there are still more "high" anti-RBD in the outpatient cohort overall. Note that this does not use a standard days from SO for different patients, only one snapshot per patient with different days from SO.

Or the lovely https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-020-00813-8 - plenty of black (non-severe) high anti-RBD generators in Figure 1. It's lowness that is a sign of mildness, not highness a sign of severity.

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Is it possible that there's some sort of bimodal response depending on the size of the infectious dose or inoculum? That is, perhaps those with pre-existing immunity are more likely to fend off an attack from a small dose of virus. But if an infection does take hold, it's more likely to result in a severe case. Otherwise, I am at a loss to explain the contradiction between these studies, and the earlier ones Rick mentions.

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Good point you bring out !

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The paper is talking about the antibody response only, not the T-cell mediated branch of immunity.

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You are not alone.

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Great article and fantastic that it can be understood by a layman like me. It is difficult to fathom that we can move so far away from nature so quickly. Natural immunity has been the answer all along. Don't have to be a genius to recognize that fact. Question is are some of the actors in this travesty antagonists attempting to prolong their power and control as long as possible, even through harmful or nefarious means?

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it's a big game that goes back centuries. They have killed millions before and will again. They seem to be carrying out such a slaughter even as we speak. You need to look at the big picture as well. There's an oft-shared doco going round called "Monopoly, Who Owns the World" that should be required viewing (or an analogous doco, because there's been quite a lot of good ones) if you want to start to try a grasp the overall play.

I'll even go look for it.


StopWorldControl is a great source for info, that's who made this video with Tim Gielen.

James Corbett and the Corbett Report could keep you occupied for a few weeks and give you an education that money can't buy.

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Hi Palo, I appreciate the effort you go to to include links.

Haven't looked at them yet but I trust you.

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A little complex for the scientific lay person (me) but well done. Bottom line - long term, the vax is going to harm, not help you. Unless you are very old (long term then becomes a relative term) or very high risk (same as old) you should not take the experimental vax. Sadly, our young minds have been coerced into worshipping the Covid cult of lies and manipulation. But why would our government leaders want to force such an previously unknown but increasingly known bad thing on everyone? Because they are sociopathic liars and evil to the core. Everything I just read over the last few months coming from American government and scientific leaders has been at minimum twisted truth tailored to a specific agenda or at worst, an outright lie to move us in a bad direction we would never take on our own. Something wicked this way comes. Very dark days are ahead and I believe the unvaxxed may be the only ones strong enough to resist the coming global reset. This is the foundation of vax mandates. You must be either reduced to groveling or completely eliminated to facilitate the great reset. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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I continue to believe it has to do with the contracts between governments and biotech vaxx companies.

I still remember the mad scramble to secure doses ASAP and how the concept of EU was completely sidelined for a few weeks, for example.

Locally, there was a request to have the contracts published and it was immediately denied. One little article in a single newspaper was published and nobody noticed.

The contracts have been leaked and its straight up out of Bladerunner. Completely dystopian

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Leaked where? Link?

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I've seen a few of those and I have my doubts. The corporation demanding complete and total indemnity makes sense strictly from a liability standpoint. A sovereign nation pledging its military bases and other public property as security to a multinational corporation, not so much. 😁 As Abraham Lincoln said, "Don't believe everything you read on the internet."

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it also makes sense not to rapidly disbelieve things that seem far-fetched at first. Neither one extreme nor the other

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Thanks for explaining this so well. I’ve been reading about Original Antigenic Sin but this is the first time I’ve finally “got it.”

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Does it follow (can you help my thinking)..that older people have been exposed to the two coronoviruses mentioned, and therefore have a worse response to Covid/Sars2? Could that information be teased out of a blood test? Does that mean we can protect those who show exposure to the two other Coronoviruses?

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Yes, you've got the idea. Basically all humans everywhere have some level of antibodies to these common human coronaviruses. But, it looks like people with severe SARS-2 infections are more likely to have high levels of these antibodies. Antibodies are only one part of the immune response, so this kind of unproductive cross-immunity will be only one part of the explanation, why people have severe infections.

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I was infected 4/9/21. First Antibody test 4/29/21. Positive 14.39(greater than .80 is positive). Second Antibody test 8/31/21. Positive 367.6. Third Antibody Test 12/9/21. Positive 734.6. Eight months after infection my Antibodies have increased by 51x. I am running my own personal experiment but wonder if this type of info is being tracked elsewhere or deliberately concealed because it does not fit the narrative. BTW daughter just texted me and said since vax allowed for kids Vax is spiking in all the grade schools in suburban Minneapolis.

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"since vax allowed for kids Vax is spiking in all the grade schools in suburban Minneapolis."

- Did you mean to say "virus is spiking?"

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Yes. Oops

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Funny though because the "Vax" creates spikes of a different kind.

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The senerio you describe would be very unlikely for an Unvaxxed person. Perhaps your test results are wrong. I'm sure your results are being tracked. Antibodies usually go down after infection!

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Labcorp inside Walgreens. Blood draw. Just reporting the results. May or not be “very unlikely “.

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Your rather large sample of "anecdotal" evidence only supports the claim, even admitted by the Estabilsihment so far as I know, that the vaxxes do NOT protect (much?) against infection or transmission. The vaxxed when infected become super-spreaders because the infection remains mostly in the upper respiratory; the vax gives the rest of the body protection but not the first line of attack (nose, lungs) for reasons I don't grasp.

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Thank you for your clarification. A lot of this is over my head tho I am trying my best to grasp it all.

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And I must add, I so don't like where this is leading......

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Question: Won't this be the case for people that are naturally infected too? That is, a C19 infection will serve just the same as the vaccines and thus a future exposure will result in the same problem for the vaxxed and unvaxxed (but previously infected) alike?

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no, and it wouldn’t be a concern for people getting the chinese coronavac either.

the problem is our vaxx elicit antibodies against only. thereafter, a) it seems upon natural infection your antibody response to other proteins is attenuated, and b) your antibodies are primarily directed at the vaxx spike protein.

spike, it turns out, is the most rapidly evolving SARS-2 component. so the vaccinated will likely have fewer antibodies against the rest of the virus, and their antibodies against spike will become less and less effective.

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they elicit antibodies against spike* only, i meant

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Isn't it really the case that there would in fact be a measure of OAS from prior infection given that path dependence seems to be an unavoidable aspect of adaptive immunity? But that the difference with vaccines is that they accentuate the negative consequences of path dependence via the narrowness of vaccine-induced immunity?

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When vaccines for covid were released, my first thought was more trust in the traditional approach of a dead or weakened virus compared to the new tech approaches.

Coronavirus vaccines have been in development for decades and none made it through the regular safety process, until the liability waivers gave an excuse to skip long-term studies.

The traditional approach to vaccines for coronaviruses should be recognized as probable failures. With the new tech, nobody knows what will happen over time with or without added boosters. But for the old tech, I assume companies like Pfizer already know what's going to happen, and it's not going to be good.

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Thank you. This is very grim indeed. Eugyppius - I found your perspective on this not being an evil plot very persuasive but I am having a hard time understanding how the "authorities" of western governments do not see what is happening. Why is this being ignored? When will someone of prominence in govt/public health stand up and yell "STOP!"?

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You can point to lots of things in the natural and social sciences that the authorities “refuse to see” - for ideological reasons, from profit motive, from cowardice, from pure evil, take your pick. They’ve been blind for decades about a lot of things. For them even to admit error, or identify and punish the guilty, is extremely unlikely.

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Thank you for explaining. I was confused about vaccine vs prior illness.

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Follow on - I understand that not everyone will get infected naturally... and that is contra to a worldwide vax campaign < is that the principal reason why a mass vax campaign is so ill advised?

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It's my understanding leaky vaccines with a narrow focus like the spike protein create huge pressure for new variants, and it also works against the natural pressure for viruses to become less dangerous. Geert Vanden Bossche is the resource to dive deeper into this.

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I am completely uneducated medically but these are some observations I gather from my reading of this article. I am not certain I am correct but if so...

This explains why kids show little effect from Covid. It also explains why the vaccines are basically useless. They are looking like they are dangerous to us all now. The vaccinated will be the source of new epidemics. People have a false sense of security.

There are a few points I would bring out.

One is that our medical advisers are really and truthfully complete idiots.

Two is that if they are not complete idiots then they are as evil as anyone we have ever seen because if they know what this article says and they insist on vaccines nevertheless they are setting everyone up for the follow thru which will be new and more constant variances. In which case this entire thing was an intended massacre of the population. Which now as before seems totally probable.

Three: the vaccinated are now permanently dependent on the pharmaceutical companies and their government in order to survive because they at best can now only fight off the original version of Covid. Even it seems a common cold may become a new pandemic if their original corona antibodies have been deceived as to which is which. Their bodies may no longer be able to distinquish between 19 and a cold.

Four: Yet the possibility remains that they have reset their immunity to a naive position in which case they will function like kids and be doing great when exposed to Covid. It all depends on how much harm the vaccine may have done to the total immune system. The test will come with things like measles, mumps, diptheria, tetanus etc. if we start seeing recurrences of those diseases amongst previously immune people then we will know the vaccines took out their immunity. This resetting of their immune system also explains why their symptoms when attacked by a covid variant are small. It is because they have been reset and act like children in confrontation to a new occurrence. The vaccinated may be good for short term Covid variants but watch out when the Governments come out with something totally new. At this point smallpox, measles or whooping cough could wipe out the vaccinated people and leave the rest of us to starve. This is really a mess and yet again shows what happens when mankind thinks they are all of a sudden Gods.

Fifth: The reason the evil ones want to vaccinate kids so bad is that they gain control over them by damaging their immunity to future attacks. This way they have the entire world under their control. At this point the original idea that they were putting chips into peoples bodies seems small change compared to what they actually have done. So they are either completely stupid or evil as all hell. This is now the point to ponder because an arguement about that could easily made for both perspectives and it will reveal whether this has been a strategy or not.

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I’m unvaxxed and my kids will never get the vax. It’s important to give the devil his due. These vaccines are *NOT* useless. They are actually very effective if we used them correctly. In the long run there will probably be a price to pay for getting them. However, if you are at high risk of dying from your first infection (90 yo with 6 comorbidities) then get the vaccine (if you want) and get boosters every three months. It’s the inappropriate pushing of the vaccine that is disgusting.

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I did not mean that they were totally useless against Covid but useless in the sense that they have possibly done something more extreme then intended and in doing so have made of themself a thing of negative impact in the longer term and that in the shorter then expected protection against the virus they have created a sense of false security. Maybe one survives Covid but the time bomb of secondary problems is ticking.

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Ah makes sense

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Great analysis, great explanation of where we are and unfortunately where our politicians are “leading “ us with mass population vaccines.

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