Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I can’t begin to tell you how much what you do means to so many of us. I have felt like a second-class citizen in my own country for nearly two years. I too spiraled into depression as I became more and more alienated from indoctrinated friends and colleagues. I’ve been vaccinated against my better judgement simply to continue to have an income of some sort. (I’ve suffered from side effects ever since.) But most importantly, I’ve seen my country descend into totalitarianism from the first moment this stupid virus ever supposedly reared its head. For this Canadian, you have been a breath of hope and truth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel incredible admiration and gratitude for what you do.

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thanks so much, and thanks for reading. it helps enormously to know there are many of us out there, even if not always visible.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I am very moved by your decision to share your personal feelings with us in this post. Your experience is legion and we can all relate in some manner. Your work here is priceless, both for those of us who find comfort in the truth, and for nothing less than the future of humanity.

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I would be lost without @Eugyppius and the bad cat.

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Yup, and Berenson.

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I'm one of them too, thanks for your insight and empathy.

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Exactly the same feelings from here in New Zealand. My life has probably changed permanently and I am assessing how to adjust and maintain mental health. I feel like I am in a giant communist nursing home now with a "smiling" assassin leader.

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You are now under the control of another WEF/NWO leader Jacinda Ardern. Your citizens better get prepared to fight--or they will be further enslaved for generations.

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We are. Parliament grounds have been occupied. A local Maori sub tribe have authorized this and send a letter to the speaker claiming parliament does not have clear title.

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I dare say the Truckers have inspired everyone.

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Yes indeed. There's a huge police presence now and they have started to arrest people. MSM as usual highlighting the outliers rather than the vast majority who are remaining calm and peaceful.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

A "smiling" assassin leader -- that's a perfect description of Jacinda Ardern. Your situation in New Zealand is horrific underneath the "look good." Good luck to you.

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You can see the glee in her eyes when she announces the next torture. These leaders are pure evil.

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Quite a public history of her personal, political, philosophical beliefs. Certainly was not secret what they were voting for, she seems to have always been very outspoken about where she stands.

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Remember the most evil (who ever they turn out to be ?) around the world are actually the ones who are mentally "ill", delusional, gone mad with power as it was described in times gone by. They are COUNTING on you to sink even deeper into your malaise/despair.... get up, get out, stay mentally and physically healthy, and keep resisting a lowered quality of life. Look around, things ARE changing, people are beginning to stop the arguments among themselves concerning who did, and who did not, get the vaccines. All that matters now is staying strong, dropping the vaccine "arguments", and realizing that is exactly what "they" counted on, division, family disintegration, etc. If you find yourself "slipping" into hopelessness, read Animal Farm AGAIN (and keep your copy hidden !), not a joke, sometimes just reading such a simple warning, written so long ago, is enough to "WAKE" people in a positive way !

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Great stuff. A hippie type I know has been very clear that the very thoughts we maintain are the secret.

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Kia kaha

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Me too!!

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Yep. Having seen what our reality is we now have to find someway to live within it and as part of it and without hating and denigrating...

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I feel so sorry for all of you living c0vid hellholes. I live in a red state with very few restrictions; hospitals are requiring vaxxines for workers, which I think it wrong, but the governor, who is old himself, endorses that, so it's staying. The church I frequent also requires a mask; I go along with that so they don't close it down again. The large city nearby has a mask mandate; when you walk into stores, there are big signs saying you must wear a mask to enter. Depending on the day, time and location of the business, 20% to 60% are masked. If you are NOT masked, no one bothers you. In my very small, semi- rural area, the vast majority do not wear masks, do not social distance and there are no passports. It seems normal most of the time. I hope that all of you that are living through the opposite can get to a better place much sooner rather than later.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

What state? In Houston, TX area we are very close to normal. Even in the city, there are no passports and no mask mandates for customers. Many ( mostly chain) stores and restaurants still require masks for employees. Under a third (often well under) of customers wear masks. In my experience, only health care facilities and government offices are still requiring universal masking.

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Tennessee is the same. Governor Lee finally joined the CMS lawsuit.

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From NJ, TN and TX seem like heaven. I’m glad your Gov joined the suit against the Biden admin against CMS mandates. They might have been reasonable when filed, but they serve no purpose now that the facts have come to light, and hospitals are allowing Covid infected RNs to work as long as they are vaccinated. (!)

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Vaxxoine mandates, mask mandates - that's still unacceptable. How far have we moved from 2019!

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

Canada is awakening! It's truly inspiring how you guys are turning it now. No real violent provocations so far. The European march in Brussels was awfully discredited by provocateurs from the police - there are videos around how they run towards the policemen and are let through as they shout 'colleague, colleague'

I pray for the freedom truckers to not fold and win this one!

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I just drove by the Ambassador bridge (Detroit to Windsor Canada). It is closed by salt trucks and Michigan State troopers. Please Governor Whitmer stop the tyranny and hatefulness already.

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Now there are tow trucks from Detroit going up the bridge , Michigan state troopers allowing them past barriers. Shameless

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Couldn't echo this enough. Similar case here. I live in Germany and the madness continues in NorthRhine Westfalen where 2G+ rules now exists, so you need to be vaccinated with a booster or recovered and also you have to have a same day test too. To get in to a restaurant. Including McDonalds. Utter madness. The Germans have completely lost it. I'm one of the lucky ones. I applied for a job in England as a hopeless shot in the dark and five interviews later and I'm starting my new job on Monday. I've handed in the keys to the flat, found a new tenant and moved everything into storage and will then transport it to the UK later in the year when i get myself established. The last hoop to get through is flying to the UK.

The whole thing is bitter. Most people think I'm a whack job not being vaxed to the max, but I will never take it. A government that insists on taking an experimental medicine to prevent a disease that 99.9% of people survive automatically raises alarm bells. That is your clear danger signal that something is really wrong with this vaccine, or the aim is to access everyone's DNA samples. The vaccine is just a pretext for full spectrum domination of the public through continuous micro-life management. You go to the hardware store here to buy moving boxes and you have to have your covid ID and your passport. A passport. To buy cardboard. The Germans, as I say, have totally lost the plot.

Eugyppius' blog has been a ray of light into the black soul of the East German command economy where everyone is either a civil servant or a homeless. I'm so, so glad to be out of it. I haven't had my hair cut since October or been able to buy clothes either, Yet, I'd rather learn to make my own clothes and shave my head than submit. I'm surprised they don't understand this.

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

"You go to the hardware store here to buy moving boxes and you have to have your covid ID and your passport. A passport. To buy cardboard."

That has got to be the funniest thing I've read about this whole dystopian drama since it began! Did they require any additional special clearance to purchase packing tape?

I'm guessing you're not laughing... yet.

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Congratulations on getting a job back here. I lived in Germany for several years, and have watched the developments over there with utter horror. Worse has been the eager compliance of friends and colleagues I believed free-thinking. Good luck with the logistics, and if needs be leave your stuff over there. I'm not naive enough to think it's all over here, but at least for the moment things are so much better.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

Thanks Kate. Thing is, I'm absolutely gutted. My neighbours are all elderly Germans and all great sorts. My uni colleagues and friends are all top, top people and I've just had a great time. I worked with the German Red Cross in the Ahr valley during the flooding here for four months volunteering and met the absolute best of Germany and the Germans, moments I will treasure for the rest of my life. What has happened here is unexplainable for me, but so readily accepted by the people. Those in power revel in the coercion, delight at the oppression, love the Volksverhetzung (Incitement to hatred) and discrimination, because it's all legal and according to spec. Saddest. Thing. Ever.

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Same. My two exes, one an english expat bloke there and the other a native bleeding heart progressive, bought into it all and told me I was ‘too intelligent to fall for such conspiracy theories,’ that they ‘fully trusted the authorities.’ The irony… but I am really sad to see Germany go down like that. I much prefer the Austrian spirit which seems more libertarian at this time…

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NEVER, EVER, let "them" get to you - that is they want to achieve! Chin up and soldier on - thus you are battling against them, as most of us do.

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Thumbs-up on so much of what you wrote, but I don't think I ever go the impression that eugyppius spiraled into depression. Perhaps I missed something.

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Hear.. Hear..

it would be much lonelier without you eugyppius.

it makes being an outlier easier, though i think i was born and raised, and educated to be a life-long outlier, anyway.

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I fully understand you. I felt very despairing just two weeks ago that anything would ever change here in Canada. Things kept progressively getting worse and worse, and there were no signs it would ever turn backward. Then the truckers showed up. Germany needs its own Freedom Convoy 2022. We are still not out of the woods but there are increasing signs of change.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I hope all of you, our neighbors to the north, realize how many in the U.S. support you and pray the truckers will not fold, a GREAT DEAL depends on their success; a great deal that goes far beyond the borders of Canada ! This new blow of forcefully taking the fuel the truckers paid for, and the attempts to make the resistance look "violent" was to be expected. FEAR is a powerful motivator and elected officials all over the world who are NOT responding in the best interests of their constituents, who ignore that in many locations those who favor these extreme measures are not the majority at all, are very FEARFUL. The move by "Go Fund Me" is yet another example of the extreme ends they are willing to go to stop the voices of the people. One interesting element: since many of these individuals (probably most ?) were among the first to receive the vaccines, yet, they most certainly appear to be the MOST FEARFUL ? ? Just does not make sense unless, unless...... they have no confidence in mass vaccination or masks ?

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The problem is, we have a totalitarian power grab or attempt to impose communism, under the guise of "fighting a deadly virus". The people support it because they have swallowed the lie. They cannot see it for what it is. It is hard to believe anyone can still think this is about public health, but many are very deceived.

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

Well, when you (for all practical purposes) remove the serious study of history from public schools, when you remove such required reading as Orwell, Pasternak, and so many others who tried to warn future generations through their works, when you down play American heroes, holidays, and elementary school children no longer get "coloring sheets" of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, well.... we can add to this list forever. What would one expect with those kinds of "transformational" changes ? ? A LOT of parents who can not afford private education have been "asleep at the wheel" for a long time now. And I can attest to the fact that in way too many school districts, they have been intentionally made to feel they don't quite measure up. Mechanics, carpenters, truck drivers, plumbers, and electricians are NOT the first ones people urge to run for school boards ! Their bosses (maybe), the OWNER of the plumbing business (maybe) but certainly not any "blue collar" workers. Had many years of watching how subtly that is accomplished !

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

It's very hard to resist the lie, it weighed heavy on me though I knew better, but when I lost my first close friend (who did have mild asthma, nothing life changing), then a neighbor across the street who had just played in our golf league 5 DAYS before she contracted it and was dead one week later, then another, and another, and it becomes so easy to fall into the government's campaign to "never let" such a "good" crisis event "go to waste" !

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I'm sorry about the loss of your friends. It is unfortunate that all of this became so politicized. We certainly have to remember that despite all the nonsense that sprang up around it some people did die of/with covid. I lost a friend who was only 40 and had a small child (he was very unhealthy, transplant recipient and severely overweight).

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It became a frenzy, just awful. For a period every single person admitted to our local hospital was said to "have Covid".

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What's going on has nothing to do with communism, it the totally opposit, that is faschistisk capitalism. We have have newer had any communistic country, Sovjet was just on the way, working for ending with being communistic. Iwas only that CIA in 1945 was put on infitrating the news all the World and tell about the bad communistic contrier. I a communistic counbtry, and in Sovjet the state, the people owned the medical firm, and should not patent drugs or vaccinates for earning money, up to 5,000 higher selling, than product price. Again, what now is going on are totally opposit to communism. Remember when Rockefeffer in 1913 got jeg han on health and oil in USA, and Rockefeller hvor in 1945 took ower the way in Hitler had worked, his idea of "slavery".

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Technocratic feudalism.

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Thats correxct

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Yes we are with you, Canada!!! Thank you for the courage on display. The whole world is rooting for you to break the logjam we are under!

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#🇨🇦CANADIANTRUCKERSFREEDOMCONVOY #TruckTurdeau (hehe not a transposition)

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

On my daily 4 mile walk today kept thinking about the situation with the Canadian truckers. I was struck how similar they are to our original American patriots. Many of the time must have thought them insane; the idea they could defeat a country of such size and power ! Simple farmers of the colonies with a dream; vowing to fight for freedom ! To put down field tools and take up arms against a King who (in their eyes) was the ruler of the entire world ? Unthinkable to many. But today I was thinking, those "insurrectionists" who carried out the Boston Tea Party would have been imprisoned by King George III if possible, and today our own president would (and has) done that for him ! Into my mind came the lyrics of a country music song called Independence Day. While the song is actually about a woman married to a violent alcoholic, it struck me how appropriate the refrain of the song would be as the anthem of the Canadian (and hopefully U.S truckers' freedom from masks fight:

"Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing

Let the WHOLE WORLD know that today is a day of RECKONING,

Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong

Roll the stone away, let the GUILTY PAY, it's INDEPENDENCE DAY"

The authorities are saying tomorrow is THE day of confrontation. Pray the truckers will follow MLK and Mahatma Gandhi's pattern of NON VIOLET RESISTANCE because there WILL be government "plants/shills" strategically placed to "prove" the "revolt" was violent and had to be put down "for the public good", mark my words on this. Keep your eyes on Paris, Windsor/Detroit, stay strong.

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If we are completely honest with ourselves (and I have escaped Canada in November just before I could still fly out), the only people complaining are unvaccinated, because we are crippled by these measures. Large majority of the other people is either silent (since they pretty much do anything), or in full support of measures ("safety!") or telling us: "just get vaccinated".

Germans are all about following the rules. Even if they think the rules are wrong or stupid, they'll still follow them. Rules are rules! But then in 1989 they were able to topple a dictator and they can easily get a million people gathered during Love Parade. So, it's possible.

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I agree. The most disturbing thing about this other than discovering the evil of our government is seeing the stupidity, the hatred, the evil, of our fellow countrymen. However there are many vaccinated people who see this for what it is and are standing on the side of liberty. For me this is a spiritual battle and we must pray pray pray and keep fighting. Congratulations on getting out, I wanted to but my husband did not. We are making plans to leave but I hope it will not be too late. It is hard to know which way this will turn but we must keep fighting.

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Yes, the hardest pill to swallow was the reaction of people and how divided we are. But deep down, we are very tribal, so the outcome is not too surprising.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

"Only following the rules" - "befehl ist befehl" didn't work as a defence at Nuremberg.

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Does it strike you as amazing that the unvaxed are the "complainers" because their lives are so restricted, yet, the vaxed have no complaints because they have no restrictions, they are allowed to go and spread the virus as much as they want, get the virus once, even twice, and keep on spreading it, and the explanation is always the same "BUT... they don't die as often as the unvaxed". Now it's starting to look like even that is not correct. Personally I'm very concerned at what the end result of this over stimulation of the immunity system through multiple vaccinations and "boosters" may do to optimal functioning of the immune system.

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Yes, I know. Not much makes sense about this pandemic.

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We have to go back, or is there another option?

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Think I was responding to Ivan about leaving Canada in Nov but soon we will be returning home and there's no getting out after that.

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Ooooh, okay, I "get it" now, LOL ! Perhaps things will change, it looks like a LOT is changing very rapidly now, here in the U.S. as well ! Many states dominated by "progressive" democrat party individuals are turning against their party and demanding end to masks on young children, and many other decrees that are strictly power moves, not "rooted in science" at all !

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We have to go back ? Can you explain more ? Did you mean "go back" from vaccination, or vaccination mandates, etc. What options are available are you thinking ?

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Now the Freedom Convoy needs the average Canadians help more than ever to stand against tyranny. United we stand, lackadaisical we fall!

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You are welcome to come to Houston Texas. We haven't really paid any attention to the fake plague since March 2020. Wore a mask at Jury Duty once, and nothing else. There are many frightened little CNN viewers driving around alone with masks on. But for the 'fearless' we have been free most of the time. Yee Haw. Come on over! Lots of us German-folk running around.

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Hard to enter the US without a proof of vaccination now. A friend just had to postpone his green card interview because he is not vaxxed.

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I think you just walk in over the southern border don't you?

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Yes, and then you get a paid flight on a secretly chartered plane to various undisclosed cities in the United States.

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way to go. Isn't it? We ought to be ferrying busloads of them from all over the world down to south of border... Or perhaps there's no space left in that field, already crowded by entrepreneurs..... Makes you laugh, really, the thought of all those dumb clowns all over the world filling in realms of forms and producing realms of documentation and waiting for endless months, applying for admission to the USA... a visa, a 'green card', anything.... It's like they're already second class citizens before they even get in, isn't it?

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I'm in Houston, too. So grateful to be here! I would say it's not quite as rosy as you state. We had the Harris County mask mandate til at least June 2020, maybe longer, I don't remember. Healthcare, city and county and federal facilities all require masks. Many companies are still making their employees mask up. All the national employee vax mandates apply, though fortunately local governments don't seem to be doing it much.

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Yep, I remember the mask mandate. At my small shop we adhered to it for 3 days. Then stopped. Other than one time at Aldis and when I did jury duty I never wore a mask, or got tested, or any of the other nonsense. If a restaraunted want to take our temperature they saw our backsides as we walked out. I have my own small business so I am able to do what I want. Only had a couple of customers make an issue of my not wearing a mask. I politely walked them to the door and bid them God Speed. You mileage may vary, or course. But my wife didn't have any real problems either, other than having to wear a mask a few more times, and she works at a college bookstore.

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Yeah, I wore the masks more than I probably should have. Besides mom and pop stores like yours, they all required it. The county's sneaky rule was to fine businesses if customers didn't obey, so I didn't feel like I should put that burden on them, or on the poor employees who didn't make the stupid rule but were expected to enforce it. I never had a commercial business try to take my temp. Since the county mask rule was dropped, I have steadfastly resisted wearing them in commercial businesses. My goal has been to contribute to a culture of visible faces!

I actually requested to get out of jury duty to avoid having to wear a mask all day, which is a first for me because I believe in jury duty and usually like to do it.

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Feb 14, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022

The only businesses in Virginia that have ever taken my temperature are massage parlors.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

“It is the bureaucrats in the back rooms, planning stable policies for the longer term, who might well destroy the world.”

💯 true. Dismantling bureaucracy is the key.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

localism / decentralisation

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Perhaps an inadvertent outcome, but the ruling class have rekindled and nurtured John Locke type sentiments within large segments of the world’s population… what was old is new again. It’s the ultimate gorilla battle of the unseen - both the human mind and Holy Spirit.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

Oh Dagny, love your name and love your comment... Locke, yes, what is old is NEW again, you hit that "nail" right on the head ! Did anyone see the video clip from Canada showing the police at a woman's door ? Seems the police have been searching citizen's social media activity to see who has been on sites supporting the truckers ! If you have been on such websites voicing support.... the police come to your door to "discuss" it with you ! HOW does anyone, regardless of political leaning, think that is "okay" ? Cuba ? China ? Venezuela ? Oh, what is that you say, CANADA ? What ???? Hold on truckers, hold on, if you loose this one, we all loose, the whole north American continent !

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That is surely the answer, but it will never happen until there is an all out revolution where the pitchforks come out by the millions.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thank you for sharing your own story which resonates greatly with me as it mirrors my own situation and likely many of your readers. Writing from a Canada where, despite a groundswell of support for ending all Covid restrictions by Canadians of every colour, creed and walk of life, the Truckers Convoy is billed as a racist, fascist, misogynistic and hateful insurrection by our government with the able assistance of the legacy media. If it were not for independent videographers who have spontaneously showed up to film and document the truth (much in the same fashion that you and others have taken it upon yourselves to research the data), history may have believed them.

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Yes indeed, so many of us have been marginalized for seeing through this ugly campaign and refusing to participate. I was losing hope in Canada until the truckers started this beautiful movement and I am heartened to see it inspiring good people from all over the world. I never thought I would see it, but a Liberal MP has broken ranks and denounced the divisive policies; it is working!


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It was a great speech, thanks, so glad to know there are still a few good parliamentarians

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Never trust a Canadian. The country is a menace to humanity.

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Was that sarcasm or do you just need a hug?

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deletedFeb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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It’s one of the best examples of the insanity of our leader framed against the background of the reality on the ground in Ottawa.

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As an American, I’ve been following and supporting the Canadian truckers convoy.

Your leaders are using over the top rhetoric so that can use that as a reason to use police / military.

They’re scared sh**less and will do whatever they can to shut them up and shut them down.

Our government attempted the same tactics when parents began speaking out at school board meetings.

Calling them terrorists so they could justify federal intervention— yeah right.

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we need an accusation to throw at them, is the trouble.

they can throw 'terrorist' and there just might be some truth in that somewhere, sometime, some once. It's incomfortable. It's a 'hit' inasmuch as we immediately have to scramble to 'prove' we're not terrorists.

so they score a win right there.

but what can we throw?

'lunatic' ? Well that would be good and it would be true but apparently its not a crime.. it's a job requirement by looks of things.

So we can't throw that or it does no good when we do.

But they must be doing something wrong.

Because the ARE doing something wrong. Many things wrong. They overstep their authority many times. They act without logic, without reason, without data, without science, without precedent and in the face of contray precedent.

They act without consultation, without consent or participation.

They act without assessing damage.

And so on.

So we need some bright spark to come up with the one word or short phrase that we can throw at them and which will be 'a hit' on them same as 'terrorist' is on us. Make them run for cover. Start spouting alibis and stuff.

Some smart word that somehow covers the sins they're committing all the time and which could even get them into court. I don't know. Maybe something to do with 'malfeasance' which ( I just looked it up ) is 'wrongdoing by a public official' and if we could somehow attach the idea of them being brought to justice for it....

Bit after the style of calling them 'nazis' and such but with much more polish and well away from that old WWII junk and more particularly aimed at today and what could well happen to them today.

And the best thing to happen would be for them all to be charged with 'malfeasance' except I don't know if it's a chargeable offence. Though of course it ought to be. It's of the same nature as 'treason' to my mind. A public official put there in a position of trust to enable, assist and strengthen democracy and citizen's rights going right ahead and practicing 'malfeasance', i.e. NOT doing any of that - well that's tantamount to treason to my mind.

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"Traitors" works for me

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We do not believe the media. We love what the truckers have so far accomplished.

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It’s more accurate to call the “legacy media” “state media,” which is the same situation in the US (except Fox News for the most part).

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Good point, I like that. State media - it has a real Soviet propaganda feel to it!

It really annoys me that YouTube displays a notice that ‘RT is ‘funded in part the the Russian government’ when, in fact, all media in Canada (with a few notable exceptions ) are also funded by the Canadian government. I mean what’s their point, who do they think they are kidding

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deletedFeb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Author

the corona protests here in DE bring together some of the most politically diverse crowds i have ever seen, with vegans, hippie types, immigrant minorities (what an awkward wrench in the works of the vaccinators) and even hard leftists prominently represented.

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And yet - as soon as a politician mentions them they magically transform into nazi scum....most idiotic of ploys but works like a charm on much of the populace.

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Trudeau can't engage with the trucker's actual complaints because he has nothing to say. The mandates are nonsensical and must end. All he can do is attack the "idea" of a protest.

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It's boilerplate by now--first downplay the numbers (to a ridiculous extent) then vilify. Repeat, repeat repeat ad nauseum. And it is nauseating.

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It looks hopefully like the standard script according to Gandhi:

"First they laugh at you [~ downplay]"

"Then they fight you"

"Then you win."

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I lost all my friend from university. I've got no regrets so far. I came to the conclusion I can't be friend with people thinking they are superior and smarter because they wear a N-95 mask to go to the grocery store or because they are constantly licking the boots of their favourite politician. I never thought a stupid respiratory virus that barely kills no one would divide people so much. I've recently came to the conclusion that the whole covid propaganda made some people mentally ill. They were obsessed in a non-healthy way and that destroyed the foundations of our societies. It's gonna time some time to repair the damages depending on the region, country ...

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"This pandemic has changed everything in my life. It has made me a vastly more private and withdrawn person than I was before this started. It’s alienated me from friends and colleagues I used to respect." Same. It hasn't driven me out of my city, but I have missed a few concerts and bars due to my jab status. I've also found I prefer the more carefree attitude towards masks I've found in rural areas and the U.S. South than in my Democratic city.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

We appreciate all the work you've done and continue to do, Eugyppius.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I know what you mean about changing as a person. I have changed so much in the past 24 months. Never has the notion of rights, freedoms, reason, logic, justice, seemed to trivial and quaint. The reality is we are mostly alone. Governments track our phones, can shut down our bank accounts, have a monopoly on violence, and can issue decrees and rules at whim. We are like ants.

The worst of it, is that for the most part, the people I know in EU are perfectly content to just carry on. Masks? Whatever. Passes? Sure. Movement restrictions? Whats the website. I had a much higher opinion of my fellow man.

I have been pressing my wife to take seriously the idea of moving away from the covid world. Even at home I dont get much traction.

I turned down an appearance at an event next week because they require proof of vaccination for attendees. I have taken 2 shots, but I abhor this concept so much that I told them to find someone else.

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Similar - live in Wales - no skiing in France now, no cycling events in Europe, no visits to Majorca. A tax paying harding working guy with a clean record no illness employing 25 people is now limited by decree and considered by some as not supporting the community. Usual fat twats smoking fags drunkenly telling me to get jabbed it doesn't hurt! Concept of freedoms, responsibility, courage - nah hottub, carling, 50 gm of ryo - peachy! Hope your day's improve buddy.

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So many have been willing to comply but they have to know that at some time in the future they might not want to comply with a díctate and it will be too late.

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I want to move there too. Let me know where it is.

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I'm so very sorry to read that you may be forced from your job. I'm sure that I speak for many in thanking you for your very important work in shining a light on the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of these vaccines. You have saved many. May God bless and guide you, eugyppius.

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i don't think they can very easily force me from it – it's more that i find working there and associating with this gaggle of hygiene lunatics increasingly unacceptable and intolerable.

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It must be extremely aggravating to interact with people so far lost in the BS narrative. Fortunately I work in a family business and we are all on the same page, horrified at the overreaction of so many.

Thanks again. I forwarded your analysis from the UK in Oct/Nov showing compromised immune response among the vaxxed and several of my friends refused vaccination or boosters as a result.

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I know I’m not a professor so losing a job as a chef isn’t as impactful but I actually had to quit working last year (I was in an open kitchen) when they only let vaccinated people in to eat. It made me so mad to watch people laugh and enjoy themselves while others weren’t allowed to join them. It sounds ridiculous but working in a basement baking bread was better…I just can’t shut off

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Same here-hard not be uncharitable listening to all the happy diners and travelers !! But God is good and we have a large parish, business and family of thinkers ( and skeptics-lol)

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If you can find one ally at work who believes the same thing you do, it might make it easier. That's how my husband survives in a 100% injected office. Or... simply start thinking of your co-workers as suffering from a low level mental disorder.

Or a high level mental disorder, depending on the degree of irrationality. "The functional insane."

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Its painful to see you lay open your wounds and show the suffering that you have endured through this. Mostly because it is like looking in the mirror. For me it's facing that there is a ripple of weariness and weakness under the surface, beneath this strong resolve, that threatens during times of reflection and introspection. But then I am reminded of the righteousness of this cause, the love of my fellow humans, and the need to protect our children and I find strength to continue. It has been a very long road, but there is light and hope. Thank you for your service and the encouragement and support that your substack has brought to so many.

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And the truckers help too, not gonna lie. Seeing that convoy and the stories has brought me so much joy I'm almost ashamed. I have been hungering for good news, positive stories, and a sense of community after more than two years of bullying and being pushed in a corner and told to shut up. Thank you Canada.

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I am a walking talking crying machine. I look at anything truck related and I start the waterworks. My Dutch friends are farmers and their two boys are in Ottawa now with their trucks. She updates me often and she is not worried. They are tough, strong willed boys (like their parents) and are staying to the end, whatever that may be. I have a freezer full of food for them. I’m not sure how I will react when I see them when they get back but I’m pretty sure water will be involved😂

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Sirka, trust me, I am not an overly emotional guy but seeing some of the stories and the very kind and positive way these men and women have been acting has me crying in the best possible way. Two years' worth of pent up emotion has caused tears of joy, relief, and gratitude. It's something else for sure, a release. My grandfather was a Dutch farmer and I know the ethics of those workers. So thankful, please thank them for me, for all of us.

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I promise, I will🙏

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An online friend of mine had this to say recently. Seems fitting here.

"Eventually, the great Covid scare will die down. Belatedly, some world govts are discovering that their ham-handed efforts did not improve anything. Numerous studies show the contrary, confirming what many of us said 18 months ago and were called all sorts of names for our trouble. Still, this is going to end. Then what?

I have learned some things about people I thought I knew that are disquieting. I have learned who would happily serve as prison guards to enforce the state's dictates. I have learned who would happily shut people out of society for the sake of a "vaccine" whose proponents regard as a religious symbol. Once you have seen the real measure of a person, once you have seen how they would harm friends and relatives AND do so happily, how do you ever see those people in the same light again?

You can't trust them. You can't even talk to them, not about anything more substantive than the day's weather. The idea of society going forward as in the before times is weapons-grade wishful thinking. It is impossible to once again respect or like people whose inner tyrant rose to the surface so easily, and that should make us all sad. The friendships forever lost, the family ties that are irreparably broken, the neighbors you can no longer countenance.

There is no particular joy in "I told you so" in watching the narrative fall apart. The same people and publications that ignored warnings of second-order effects from lockdowns and restrictions are suddenly reporting on the effects of lockdowns and restrictions, counting on their followers and readers to ignore their previous support of those tactics and others. And why wouldn't they? For two years, we've watched Pope Fauci repeatedly pass conjecture as irrefutable scientific fact, only to change his tune later yet be treated as an oracle in both cases.

The path forward is not likely to be pleasant. It's very likely to be ugly. And it's just as likely that the Covidians who so easily and blissfully wished harm on others will pretend they did nothing of the kind, or that they opposed the restrictions just as vocally as you did. But this is where the lesson of character comes into light: people like to say that tough times build character. Those people are wrong. Tough times REVEAL character and what many of have seen cannot be unseen."

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

It feels quite lonely now. So many marched in lockstep. But the ones who stayed straight are more precious now. Unfortunately many of them are just online buddies.

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Indeed. Such as the guy who wrote the piece I shared above. I'd go to war with that guy; I just have no idea where he is!

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Yes, unfortunately I have had to revise my default position on people from 'they're probably reasonable, thinking people who make independent decisons' to 'they'll probably just think what they're supposed to think and do what most other people seem to be doing.' Maybe I was too idealistic about human nature and this episode was a necessary corrective.

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Yes, I used to be prepared to assume that those in power may make mistakes and be incompetent but they had some level of decency. Now it feels like there is much evil abroad.

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Exactly, they'll pretend they never held those views and try to gas light your further.

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Yes! I’ve seen too much from people I used to respect and trust.

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This piece is just extraordinary.

I would dearly love to sit down with the person who wrote this and everyone here and just relax, breathe, and talk.

While I do not wish sadness and depression on anyone, it comforts me to see that I am not alone in how I feel. I cry more than I used to. How does one come to terms with seeing how easily people became tyrants, willing to utterly destroy others, these people you once loved, trusted and admired?

I can not return to who I was. I can no longer view some friends and family the way I once did. I am a nurse. So is my husband. The health care field is dead to me now - with some few notable exceptions.

I thank God for the people I have met online. But it must be said that Berenson, Eugyppius and El Gato Malo deserve special recognition for keeping me sane during the earlier phases of this fiasco, when no one else could see that these vaccines and the public health measures were disastrous, cruel and causing far more harm than Covid ever did.

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Well said

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Excellent commentary. Precisely.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Controlling Class vs. Free People

That’s the battlefield

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Liberal elite university and WEF trained ruling class vs. the 99%.

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As usual, your analysis identifies a nuance I had not considered. What you appear to be saying is that the "new normal" is the inevitable outcome, even for those who thought the whole thing was bullshit from the start. Intellectually, we know the containment policies are (and were) a fool's errand. Intellectually, we know that mass vaccination--particularly in a case where these mRNA treatments are the basis--is destined to fail. Intellectually, we know that the whole dumpster fire was never about data or facts, but politics. However, the fact that so many people we know--or thought we knew--have accepted the B.S., in some cases including attacking our intellects in the process, leaves scars that will not go away quickly, if at all. As such, the New Normal, albeit not quite the version psychotic POS Bill Gates envisioned, is here anyway! Basically, even though we knew the truth and were vindicated, we are still so screwed. As a personal example, my wife and I were "uninvited" from a annual gathering with close friends of ours, due to their "vaccinated only" policy. Do we just sweep that B.S. under the rug next year? (My wife can probably forgive. For me, it will be harder.) Anyway...

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You can forgive, but you don’t have to forget. No one needs fair weather friends, and for me, they’d have to do some sincere apologizing. Even if I wanted the same level of friendship, it would be very hard to trust again. That was pretty low.

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Your right Canny Granny , it’s the trust thing for me.

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I would have a very hard time considering those "close friends" as anything like that going forward.

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Yeah -- how do you come back from "last year you were nothing but a dirty disease carrier to us?" And from their POV -- you will forever be the selfish SOB who refused to to help "end" covid.... I'm in the same boat as well.

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There is more to it than either of those summarizations. One hopes--while I refuse to forgive assholes like Fauci and Wallensky--that I can forgive people who (maybe just by luck) missed out on the "red pill" we all happened to take. One hopes...

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I don't think there's any going back to the Old Normal, sure. But neither do I think the New Normal is here to stay, for one reason: it's not compatible with life as it has always been lived by humans. How we get to Post New Normal from here is impossible to say but it's been clear for some time that different countries are taking different paths. I suspect that

in the medium term Europe will split and that will put life in what I call the Coercion Countries (Germany, France, Austria etc) in a different light. Portugal is an interesting case and could go either way ... I've emigrated once during this crisis and am quite prepared to do so again.

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eugyppius, you have well earned any reward from your writing here. Blessings.

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Just to have an "outlet" without being censored, an outlet that seems to have a majority of intelligent people who honestly want to read and respond to a variety of opinions was so attractive to me at the depth of all this isolation...even isolation from professional colleagues !

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius, whatever friends you've lost during the past couple of years, you've gained (and then some) through this platform. Granted, we can't get together over a glass of wine, but in terms of love and support, you're not doing too badly. Sometimes I feel like we, the awake, have broken free from gravity and are free-floating, lost in space, trying to find each other. I'm so thankful for this sacred space that (for now) allows us to come together.

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A sacred space indeed, Teresa! Thanks for creating it, Eugyppius and all you posters out there, it's been a lifeline...

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Imho, this is our main problem now and henceforth.

We have to get much better at organizing meeting likeminded people in person to replace our previous circle of friends and thereby have and stay a-live.

I would look forward to a golf society of unvaxxed or 'dailysceptics' for example, but there are many more avenues and examples for this.

If we cannot get this done, our lives will be much more miserable than they have to be, even if, as and when we were otherwise ultimately 'winning', as we'd still have to live a lie.

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Spot on, Jay!

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