It’s all irrelevant because human immune systems hardly respond to spike. Instead our immune system generates antibodies and cytotoxic T-cells against stable parts of SARS-CoV-2. There seems to be a near obsession with circulating IgG antibodies, when immunological experience teaches that, for respiratory viruses, antibodies in blood play a secondary role in host defence.

Secreted IgA antibodies are a different matter but almost no one studies these.

What has been studied in depth is the repertoire of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. No question, cross-immunity from beating somewhat related viruses leaves most of us with some cross-protection. It’s possible that ADE will make infection worse, but I’m not concerned about these breathy pieces telling us the sky is falling. It’s not.

The exit is simple except the elites are interested in mass depopulation. That exit is to halt mass PCR testing & lift all restrictions. Within weeks the position would be indistinguishable from any other autumn.

Remember, there are around 200 other respiratory viruses. In almost no case can illness be unequivocally ascribed to a specific virus. It’s just lies to misuse the PCR mass testing system. Helps no one.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Excellent response. I have found is curious that no one makes much mention of sIgA. Agree 100% in all likelihood most of the global population retains some immunological memory from prior exposures to OC43 and other respiratory viruses as you mentioned. Therefore I second your notion, stop all testing and lift all restrictions. Never should have happened in the first place.

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Thank you. In practise, it’s impossible to explain this to anyone who has bought the narrative. I don’t try. What I do try though is simply to publicly express doubts about the official stories. Just by stating publicly that I’ve lost all confidence in official measures which look to be net harmful & massively disproportionate. No one can persuade me the measures are reasonable. They’re just not. Hence DOUBTS, publicly spoken, is the best catalyst I can suggest.

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Dr. Yeadon. I can’t express how grateful I am for your bravery and insight. I think your advice on expressing doubt is well taken. I have at times talked to people about the effects of lockdown: The skyrocketing rates of depression, the doubling in the rate of increase in pediatric diabetes and obesity, the delayed surgeries,and even with my health care colleagues, they clearly think it is all worth it. I despair but we must keep pushing.

I wish you the best Dr. Yeadon. Again thank you for everything.

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My strength sometimes feels too little, and kind feedback like this really lifts me. I’m just like everyone else, frightened & furious all at the same time.

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x2 - thank you Dr. Yeadon! Question.. besides active non-compliance, how can we all push to remove restrictions and stop pointless testing? Besides "voting them all out".. what steps can we take for immediate and impactful change?

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I only know of trading on doubts publicly expressed. We’re mostly too polite. I’ve read that publicly expressed doubts are the best catalyst for others to speak about their doubts.

I don’t expect any legal or political move to help, as the perpetrators will have closed those off.

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As Dr. David Martin said, "I have yet to meet in my life someone who allowed a fact to overwhelm a belief. Once you’ve adopted a belief, facts are not welcome because what they do is, they not only indict your belief but they indict the energy that you hold that says, “I have to believe what I’m told.”"

My strategy is not to debate the 'vaccine' safety because the vaccinated refuse to listen. Instead, I share the clinical trial data that shows all the vaccines' absolute risk reduction measure is < 2% (vaccine effectiveness), which neither the vaccine manufacturers, nor the FDA, disclosed to the public, ignoring the FDA's reporting guidelines. So here we are, injecting billions of people around the world with 'vaccines' that reduce the risk of infection by <2% for a virus with a 99.95+% recovery rate. If they finally begin to suspect malfeasance, they will hopefully realize our healthcare agencies are otherwise motivated.

Thank you Dr. Yeadon for your tireless work to get the Truth out.

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Here are three articles:

A study published in The Lancet confirms all the shots' absolute risk reduction measure (vaccine effectiveness) is < 2%.

Pfizer .9%

Moderna 1.4%

J&J 1.8%

AstraZeneca-Oxford 1.9%

"Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness - the elephant (not) in the room"


Dr. Ronald Brown's article reports the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reduce the risk of infection by .7% and 1.1%, respectively (the absolute risk reduction measure, ARR). The FDA, Pfizer and Moderna did not disclose the ARR to the public, ignoring the FDA's reporting guidelines. Brown used the clinical trial data that Pfizer and Moderna submitted to the FDA for EUA authorization.


Peter Doshi, Associate Editor of the BMJ, also reported the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines' ARR were less than 1%.


Also, this article was just published in the BMJ about a researcher who blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial and then gets fired. https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635

Hope this helps and good luck!

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that's what I've been saying all along. since first weeks. after reading John Ioannidis. And then following along everything that happened. No scientist, me, no really knowledgeable layman, either, but I had these facts presented to me again and again from reputable quarters and I never saw any reason to change my mind.

But because I'm just who I am there's always a secret uncertainty within me.

So I'm very heartened to see you are saying the same thing. Don't know your credentials but I've a very strong feeling they're very good, you know what you're talking about and your audience is much the same.

So all in all that little sentence of yours would be the best thing I've read in the last year maybe. :)

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Years ago I worked as graduate student. Our lab introduced single amino acid mutations to evaluate for change in bacterial toxin configuration and activity. It was amazing how such a small change could result in a wide variety of outcomes, sometimes that being enhanced toxin activity. Protein folding is a sort of molecular ballet.

I seriously doubt anyone considered the caveats of protein folding before they took the jab.

Within nature there seems to be a sort of purity. Like that of fire, it burns away the refuse of virtue signaling and lays waste to the fear of dying. Nature has all the time it needs to prove its might.

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^great comment

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Thank you. Also thank you for all the time and effort you put into this endeavor. Finally thank you for providing thought provoking discussions. I really enjoy it.

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As someone with a medical degree, 5 years of neurology/Parkinson's training, and a Ph.D. in Literature... I find your posts remarkably insightful, of great value & elegantly written. I'm fleshing out a substack account of my own with a number of articles & perspectives on the entwining of this Pandemia with multiple other exploitations perpetrated by the Preverse Practitioners of the Great Reset. 18 months ago I would have gleefully referred to attempts to tie all this together as 'Conspiracy Theory'... but one must acknowledge more than the Hand of Fate is at work here. As Thomas Pynchon said in his 1973 Opus "Gravity's Rainbow": 'Paranoia is the dawning awareness that everything is connected to everything else.' There are Hills Worth Dying On... WELCOME TO THE BARRICADES... WELCOME TO THE FIGHT...

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I’m the same, and as Reiner Fuellmich says, if you’d told him two years ago what he now knows, I’d have recommended “You really need to see a doctor!”

Like Reiner & perhaps you too, was such a normie. And as a result, the shock is all the more intense.

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I believed Fauci in the beginning. But in an early press conference, when asked about Dr. Didier Raoult's early successful (albeit small) HCQ trials, he quickly dismissed them as "anecdotal." I was shocked. I thought here we are, facing a possible pandemic to a novel virus with no known treatment and he quickly dismisses Raoult's study as "anecdotal?" HUGE red flag. I immediately thought Fauci must have ties to big pharma. That was the beginning of my extensive research and connecting all the dots. I read Oxford's RECOVERY trial and the WHO's Solidarity trial which used toxic high doses to intentionally kill trial participants to perpetuate the false narrative that HCQ was harmful. They encouraged hundreds of hospitals in dozens of countries to participate so they could control the deadly protocol and prevent other independent trials from proving HCQ worked. That made me realize how far they would go to suppress the truth, no matter how many lives it cost. Once you know their agenda, you can almost predict what they'll do next. Biggest crime against humanity. Thanks to you, Reiner Fuellmich and others, I know the Truth will be revealed and more people are waking up. The globalists have over played their hand and awakened a sleeping giant. People are protesting all over the world. We outnumber them and we will never comply.

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It seemed at the time (and still does) like a total failure in risk-benefit analysis. You have a cheap and totally safe medicine which might or might not work. What did anyone have to lose? Why not try it?

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I was also reading that the placebo in one of the trials was folic acid? So that would skew the results?

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I'm not sure which study you are referring to, but I read a prophylaxis HCQ study by Dr. David Boulware where the placebo was vitamin B. And yes, that would skew the results. Why he didn't use a sugar pill seems to indicate his bias against HCQ. The study was a joke. The administrators never met with any participants, who were recruited over social media. The placebo or HCQ was shipped by mail and taken up to 4 days AFTER suspected exposure. The loading dose was also high, so that unblinded the study as participants had side effects (nausea, GI upset) and some participants didn't continue taking the HCQ. So of course, the results showed HCQ did not help prevent Covid. But Marcio Watanabe conducted a statistical analysis on Boulware's results and reported HCQ did show prophylaxis benefits. https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.09477

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The former triumvirate of mathematics, logic and science has now been usurped by a young - and false - pretender named "The Science". The powers that be have relied on the vast majority of even so-called "well-educated" members of the public having little to no grasp of any one, let alone all three, of these disciplines.

I first encountered Dr Mike Yeadon on tw@tter when making a mathematician's observation regarding "SAGE"'s elementary extrapolation from covid's first season's Gompertz curve to produce the outrageously inaccurate second season's predicted apocalypse. A simple magnification comparison of the respective early stages of the two seasons appeared to be the overriding basis for the risible threatened death rates.

MIke responded with the observation that a mathematician known to him had made the same remark about this being glaringly obvious mathematically.

At every stage an uninformed and largely disinterested public has been given bafflingly illogical instructions, unproven and unscientific theories postulated as accepted facts, and butchered mathematics coupled with a shamelessly misdirectional abuse of statistics.

This is "The Science".

Governmental propaganda and fear-porn has feasted on a banquet of public ignorance, with a liberal accompaniment of Chateau Apathy.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Please notify eugyppius when you develop your substack. If you write like he does, I am interested in your work too.

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This pandemic seems to affect people who don't know math, which is the real pandemic. Statistics show covid is only a minor concern, if at all, for the vast majority who still have reasonably healthy innate immune health. A competent and honest medical industry would be teaching how to restore and maintain natural immune health, not pushing patent medicines like street drug dealers. But corrupt medical industry is another pandemic, enabled by the ignorance pandemic mentioned above. The solution for this panic, like most panics, is education.

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cue Mark Twain "I never let schooling interfere with my education"

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An education is Kryptonite to the neo-aristocrats who seek to rule us, which is why they spent 80 years destroying the education system. They will never willingly reverse this effort.

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Especially percents and probabilities.

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And the critical thinking to know which are relevant and which are being abused to mislead us, and why. The old saying that figures don't lie, but liars figure, has been attributed to Mark Twain, but he may have heard it elsewhere. So it's an old thought that dishonest people will use numbers to build their scams. It's our duty to understand enough to know when we're being bamboozled. Don't let them fool us twice.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Great report! Yet, somehow the unvaxxed are villified. Those who have not been vaxxed need to remain so to provide a viable control group for when this debaucle is fairly analyzed.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

You are right. I do believe there are honest scientists who remain dedicated to unbiased investigation. In the way, in time, the story will come out.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Who do you look to for unbiased coverage? Besides eugyppius, of course.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

On substack, I will read Alex Berenson. I also read a blog by Karl Denninger. Though I will say the both have some spin. So far eugyppius is the most transparent I’ve encountered. We don’t gain anything from propping up a reality or outlook based on political or emotional motivations. The scientific literature on the subject is vast and as a result daunting. That said, I find sticking to the abstract helpful as it provides a summary of the paper. What about you?

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Denninger had an interesting post with regards to ACE2 binding of the spike protein being interrupted with some other OTC meds in a study out of Spain that didn't garner much attention.



"All of our patients evolved satisfactorily and were recovered at the beginning of June. No adverse effects were recorded in any patient and no one required hospital admission. At the end of June, 100% of the residents and almost half of the workers had positive serology for COVID-19, most of them with past infection."

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Dr Shankara Chetty (South African rural GP and biochemist) started treating patients with antihistamines in 2020 as he recognized the dyspnea phase of COVID as a hypersensitivity reaction. He has no hospitals and limited O2 at his disposal and obtains fantastic results - no hospitalization/deaths and no long Covid.

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Can you explain this to me in layman's terms?

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The cell is like a balloon. On the surface are a variety of proteins. Some of them act as points of contact with substances dispersed in the blood stream for example. Like antennas. So say someone takes Benadryl, it enters the bloodstream, and lands on a protein antenna know as histamine 1 receptor (H1). Once the molecule of Benadryl docks with H1 it causes a certain signal inside the cell. For Benadryl is prevents the release of histamine. Something like Pepcid used for acid indigestion does something similar in the stomach but it binds to histamine 2 receptor (H2). What I was going on about is that occasionally some of the molecules of medicine are quite large. They also at times cause changes one the surface of the cell. This may partially obscure covid from docking to another cell surface protein receptor known as ACE. Some studies have noted that Benadryl and Pepcid are helpful during early infection. It may also be that theses medications just help you feel better.

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I saw that post. It is interesting. It would make at least theoretical sense that interactions at the H1 and H2 receptors might change or obscure the ACE receptor site.

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Thanks for the recommendations! I have been kind of listening to a lot of different perspectives but, unlike you, I don't have a scientific background. I basically have to rely on others who can translate these kind of papers into layman's terms. Obviously that means that I'm getting biased coverage, at least in most cases.

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It makes sense though right? My parents are lay people. They turn to the mainstream media because it give the illusion of informing. Someone else is doing the work of milling through dense scientific literature to give you the cliff notes. It’s so easily digestible in that way. It reminds me of a book I read once where the author reported that the restaurant chain Chili’s actually researched the ease at which food could be stuffed in the mouth. That’s how I see the mainstream media, highly platable, predigested goop. Also it took me time to find this substack. For others it just a matter of turning on the TV.

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Good point. Still, to EMB’s point, it feels like turtles all the way down. I can’t digest the original scientific data, so I rely on others to do that for me, who I am trusting are doing an honest assessment. I’m not at all critiquing Eugyppius’s reliability. But realistically, I have no way to assess his biases or accuracy—or anyone else I read. A few rungs of turtles away, people are relying on MSM and the government for an assessment and think they are getting accurate information. I can see the biases and misinformation they can’t because I am following more honest and smarter people and put a lot of time into it. But I fear only people a few turtle rungs away from me in the opposite direction have the ability to see what I can’t.

It all brings up an interesting question of how do we assess the credibility of something? Or perhaps by just being curious about that question you’re immune from the Chili’s face-stuffing manipulation.

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Same here.

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Highly recommend: https://boriquagato.substack.com/ , https://ianmsc.substack.com/ , https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic , The Great Barrington Declaration, Bret Weinstein are all valuable sources of information. You might doubt me but in terms of balance and rational discourse/perspective - Russel Brand is my top choice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfxnKgCN3OY

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Thanks for the recommendations! And I actually like Russell Brand videos a lot. He tries to be objective and approach people with empathy. I don't agree with him on everything but he's got a good perspective and he's not a jerk (which is so increasingly rare).

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If nothing else so that we can donate blood!

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Yes, I agree about the control group. I saw an article from John-Hopkins asking for unvaxxed participants and I almost volunteered but then I got scared and backed out.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

With the breakthrough cases mounting and early indicators of antibody dependent enhancement already present, I fear it is inevitable that our experiment will end badly with complete escape and helping hand antibodies. Add in the fact that this virus has a human imprint from lab manipulation, of which the extent is unknown, and you can only anticipate a dark outcome. Idiots.

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These breakthrough cases...has it been studied how this rounds out a person's resistance to future infection...since the body has then experienced the whole virus instead of just the spike...? It may turn out that the vaccines were worthwhile after all, providing a less-dangerous path through inevitable infection. Anyone?

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Sure, you could be optimistic that the body would have gained a more balanced antibody profile through a breakthrough case to prevent severe disease from further infections. However, we are starting with a virus that has been altered in a lab and we've vaccinated people with a narrowly focused aim that creates specific antibodies. The antibody profile is deranged, even before 'natural' infection occurs. The result is something that never would've occurred in nature. All I can think to do is look at the failed attempts from the SARS and MERS vaccine attempts testing and hope this magically works differently, due to, or in spite of, the human interference in the sequence.

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Just did another sweep of pubmed, and not really, not as far as I can tell, except for one - https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.28.21261295v1 which is from end of July. Results suggest that "breakthrough" infection (there's not really any infection efficacy to "break" through after 4 months) leads to at least some broadening of the spectrum of memory response, namely antibodies for N protein:

"There was no difference in the proportion of individuals who seroconverted with the anti-N assay in week 1 (vaccinated 7/68 (10%) vs unvaccinated 11/107 (10%)) or week 2 (vaccinated 2/11 (18%), unvaccinated 4/20 (20%)."

I see no reason not to at least hope that "breakthrough" infections correct for deficiencies in Covid vaccine-induced immunity. And since severe outcome efficacy hasn't dropped, there's no valid theoretical reason for boosters, yet (unless "double down on the myocarditis" is a reason in someone's book).

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Are "public health experts" in Singapore actually competent experts? (Unlike the U.S.) Please read, but don't hurt yourself with excessively vigorous eyerolls. Could I also point out that Singapore wasn't really seeing virus transmission UNTIL they started vaccinating?


<<Many of the patients with Covid-19 have avoided severe illness and will gain further protection against future infection as antibodies fight the virus, according to Teo Yik-Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore. "Case numbers may remain high for a few months, but the 'vast majority' will be well protected by the vaccines and won't fall seriously ill", Teo said.

"For these people, infection will not have any short-term or long-term consequence to their health, but may additionally trigger a natural immune response which reduces the chance of subsequent infection," he said in an email.>>

<<Letting the virus transmit slowly through the population is "not necessarily a bad thing," said Ooi Eng Eong, a professor in Duke-NUS Medical School's emerging infectious diseases program.>>

<<"If we get a natural infection, our immune system will be able to recognize a larger part of the virus" as opposed to just the spike protein, Ooi said, adding that it could make a person more resilient against future variants.>>

<<When asked if widespread transmission of Covid could lead to new variants emerging, Ooi acknowledged that it's difficult to predict what will happen...I think the wise thing to do is still to be prepared that something fitter than delta could eventually emerge, or that the new variant could escape the immunity produced by vaccination," Ooi said.>>

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I think there must have been some relaxation in lockdowns in the summer, but I haven't looked into it. For example, in the winter and spring Singapore was still shoveling all test-confirmed "infected" patients into the hospital system by default. Are they still doing so? No idea. And the article does reference some measures being re-implemented.

Either way, like Israel, their wave (whether sparked by "reopening" or not) is going to coincide with a long-rolling drop in infection efficacy, implying that it will be sustained for months (and it's too late to suppress with another lockdown, obviously).

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This is a bit of a simplification of an extremely dense and insularly-written paper, which elides the key flaws in the paper.

To flesh out your quote of the authors, for example:

"We analyzed these 16 [post-natural-infection derived monoclonal] anti-NTD neutralizing [according to our own previous, highly-virtualized trials] antibodies, and found that none of the anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies could recognize Delta spike [in our new, highly-virtualized trial] … In contrast, when we analyzed the binding of the anti-NTD infectivity-enhancing [according to our own previous, highly-virtualized trials] antibodies … eight out of ten anti-NTD enhancing antibodies bound to Delta spike at levels comparable with wild-type spike [in our new, highly-virtualized trial] …

Based on confidence in their own conclusions, the authors then proceed to *extrapolate* from their conclusion by challenging cells with custom-mutated "Delta" (actually a different virus mutated to express the mutated Delta protein), to see how well Covid-vaccinated plasma fares. (While describing the conclusion correctly, you leave out what is actually the most interesting part: that when the donor sample was *more* concentrated, the pseudo-virus did better at infecting test cells).

Naturally, by this point the authors were well beyond trying to *disprove* their conclusion, rather than just confirm it everywhere they could look.

They never thought to see what would happen if they tested the mutant Delta pseudo virus against non-vaccinated donor plasma. In other words, they did not include a control.

Pending such a control test, they failed to demonstrate anything at all about the Covid "vaccines."

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thanks for your comment, I added an update.

I sat on this paper for a month, before deciding I just wasn't prepared to throw out their findings on neutralising and enhancing NTD antibodies as you seem to be.

The rising infectivity across increasing immune sera concentrations makes me less worried about the lack of an unvaccinated control.

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I would instead say it makes including a control even more important - the donor samples have thousands of other antibodies, not just the Pfizer vaccine-induced one, that could be influencing the cellular entry of the pseudo-virus in their virtual trail. A control (partially) rules those out.

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yes of course, but we have 20 donor samples, and markedly distinct responses to their Delta 4+ and Delta 4x/wild-type NTD across the board (excepting PFZ 15). it's just hard for me to imagine how anti-NTD antibodies, in all likelihood, aren't implicated here. but yes, controls always preferred.

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Thanks as well for engaging and discussing with my humble critique.

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Well, that gets into another difference in how we've read the paper. I don't think it's plausible that the vaccine is eliciting two different types of NTD antibodies. Rather, if the NTD antibody is a problem, all the vaccine-induced NTD antibodies are "enhancing," and all binding by the NTD antibodies that out-competes anti-RBD antibodies is bad. This raises the question why the wild type mutant wasn't as enhanced as Delta's - how can Delta be more "enhanced" by an NTD antibody than a spike with the NTD that the antibody was designed for? The author's, again, just take this as another confirmation of their prior conclusions and state that Delta is somehow "leaning into" the advantage conferred by anti-NTD antibodies prompted by challenge with the wild-type spike. They're out on quite a limb. Doesn't mean they're wrong, just that they've become tunnel-visioned.

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well, the vaccines (and infection) elicit a variety of antibodies, a subset of which bind to NTD, and this subset have different properties among them. l don't see any prima facie reason why some might not bind in disadvantageous ways.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Impressive response. What was the design of the trials? Was it done as computer modeling? Or neutralization assays?

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It's all nested in references to their prior papers. The monoclonal antibody "enhancement" paper is paywalled (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867421006620) and their other referenced paper for antibodies actually involved convalescent and vaccinated sera neutralization assays (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867421007558), so...?

But for the vaccinated sera "enhancement" trail in this paper, the key one they forgot to include a control with, it was neutralization assays. However, they are vague about the construction of their pseudo-virus (as opposed to the novel design of their mutant delta spike protein). Is a lentivirus? Is it Indiana vesiculovirus? They've used different things in different papers. They're a wild crew.

In general I find neutralization tests are moronic.

Immunity ≠ Antibodies.

Even ADE ≠ Antibodies.

In a real infection, antibodies would ramp up, which might or might not compensate for deficiencies in binding due to antigenic drift. That can't happen in a neutralization assay.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Excellent points. Protein expression may vary given the chosen viral vector. Not only that but is epitope confirmation and display conserved as compared to wild type virus?

Also, you’re right. Neutralization assays are quite isolated assays. A+B = C

Obviously as you mentioned antigen response is not so simplistic.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Hi Brian. What do you think they would have found if they did include the control group...the naive, unvaccinated plasma?

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Well, ideally they could have looked at unvaccinated naive and convalescent. I wouldn't put my money on any particular result. So, 50/50 that the Pfizer-ed plasma is actually unique in its "enhancement" in the neutralization trial.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Yeah, hard to make a solid argument when appropriate controls are not deployed. Perhaps unvaxxed naive sera could produce confirmational changes creating enhancement as well. This is where science can absolutely fail if rushed.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Fascinating. I can only imagine how politicized it will be when a new deadly wave sweeps through those of us who did receive the vaccine.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I ask myself, what does all this almost impossible to understand biology and human intervention mean? This looks like humankind's first mass biological blunder.

Blunder, in that the "vaccine" countermeasures don't seem to work, and don't cause more harm than doing anything.

Blunder, in the release of the virus, was only accidental and not intended.

I hope a different word is not needed in the future to describe a vastly more serious outcome than what we have today.

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It’s quite deliberate. I wish it wasn’t but there are innumerable facts which tell us it’s not as described, it was anticipated, planned for (eg Event 201 & a dozen tabletop exercises prior) & public health responses were both coordinated globally (still are) & are utterly useless. Almost all countries put aside their pandemic preparedness plans & adopted eight or so lies. Statements which, to the majority of moderately trained biological scientists were obviously stupid at first blush.

For example they kissed us that this was very novel & incredibly dangerous. That the virus killed indiscriminately. That asymptomatic transmission was epidemiologically relevant. That cheap masks attenuated transmission. That lockdowns reduced transmission (it did almost nothing despite the mind boggling costs). That as performed, PCR mass testing readily identified clinical infections from irrelevant genuine positives & false positives. That those surviving infection are immune to clinical illness in response to the same virus & all its variants. That variants are all but identical to the Wuhan sequence. Even now, after 20 months, the core sequence of delta is still 99.5% identical to Wuhan. That rushed, gene-based vaccines were safe and not responsible for 60X normal death rates post vaccination & leads to 400X the rate of pulmonary embolism. They also told us nothing was useful as early treatments.

The non-pharmaceutical interventions do not work. All had stupendous burdens.

Compare U.K. & WHO’s 2019 pandemic preparedness plans with what we’ve now got. The former only recommended quarantine for the sick & hand washing. Nothing else. Not mass testing of the general population. Not masking, lockdowns, vaccines, social distancing & business closures. No closing of international borders. C

Now we know what works & what doesn’t, we appreciate how wise were the 2019 plans (which were designed to cope, with minimal societal disruption, with a virus at least 10X more severe than this.

We definitely don’t need vaccine passports which add precisely zero to public health & are solely a control measure.

Those who will not review the last 18 months of events, statements & has their fingers in their ears & are presumably wearing their masks over their eyes, cannot see the rapidly encroaching totalitarian tyranny all but upon us.

I tell you this: I am certain that if VaxPass is installed & widely accepted in order to access food, fuel & money, its the END OF HUMAN FREEDOMS FOREVER.

United non-compliance, even by the vaccinated, it’s essential & will work, provides enough of a minority rejects them at first presentation.

Best wishes,


Dr Mike Yeadon


If each of you takes a small risk to speak publicly & openly about your doubts, you grant permission for anyone who also harbours doubts to publicly express them, too. I acknowledge Julius Ruechel for this.

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Thank you, Dr. Yeadon, for standing up to this ascendant evil, in spite of the vitriol you receive for taking a stand against the narrative (I have seen you described as a "former Pfizer employee" ...). I have shared your videos with everyone I think might be receptive to it. Sadly, to use a New Testament reference, it has been like casting pearls before swine for some of my acquaintances. Fear and propaganda have short-circuited critical thinking for many people, it seems.

I work in health care and look for every opportunity to insert statements calling into question the government's nonsensical, unscientific, freedom-destroying policies when interacting with my patients. Hopefully, some of these seeds of doubt will find fertile soil.

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The Graphic of the Protein looks like the outline of Africa... Hmmmm!!! Conspiracy Theory?

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

At this point, I could care less about the vaxxed. What does this mean for the unvaxxed?

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nothing, really, except that the vaxxed will be truly horrendous superspreaders when this happens, worse than they already are.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

All the more reason to get/stay healthy and look after your natutal immune system.

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What does it mean for the unvaxxed, Covid-recovered?

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The Covid-recovered have antibodies against more than just the spike protein. They'll almost certainly be fine; escaping NTD and RBD antibodies isn't enough for Delta to do well in these people. But, it's enough for in hosts who only have the very narrow vaxx-conferred immunity.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am new to your substack. Apologies if already answered. What is the impact for those recovered and later vaxxed?

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probably not substantially different than unvaxxed Covid-recovered.

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I am also new here. Analytical chemist at a major vet Diagnostic Lab. In my early 70's. Flew to idaho at Xmas. Returned and lost sense of smell/taste. 100.1 fever for 1 day. Some fatigue for a week. Tested - before flying, pos 10 days later. Got both jabs of the Moderna vax in April/May. Both times ended up in a deep narcosis like sleep for 30 of the next 34 hours. Followed advice at Medcram pertaining to vitamin D/C, zinc/quercetin and N-acetyl cysteine at symptoms.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Perhaps the 6 month waning of vaccine “effectiveness” will mitigate this problem?

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

If what we know about immunity is correct, your body will produce a wide array of antibodies to numerous protein sites produced by the virus during infection and recovery. This wide array allows your immune system to neutralize the virus through several means. As mentioned in the journal article the vaccines create a more focused antibody production based on select site of the spike protein. It’s akin to a factory that produces a wide range of pottery for a community vs one that only produces plates. You never know when your going to need a bowl for cereal.

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The Law of Unintended Consequences will get you *every single time*.

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I had to Google that, and I'm glad I did! Instructive (and funny) lil' read:


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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

this the right TLDR? :

1. Geert Vanden Bossche hypothesis was accurate

2. Since so many have natural immunity, especially the young, for the majority of the population, it'll be fine. See: packed stadiums all the fall, non bat shit crazy universities are open, partying and doing college stuff, and are fine

3. papers like this will be suppressed, as they're saying: you're fighting todays battle with yesterdays weapons.

4. we can expect boosters to be required as evidence of vaccination ...

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

thank you for the confirmation @eugyppius

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It’s a good thing we have all those control group placebo arms out there…oh wait.

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This specifically mentions Pfizer, is the same true for Moderna? What about J&J?

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They only demonstrated enhancement in vitro with serum from donors who had received BioNTech/Pfizer vaccines. *If* the authors are right, this effect would most likely be observed across all vaccines, which are all based more or less on the same spike protein.

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What about the whole attenuated virus such as the Valneva trial or the much anticipated Novavax

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This seems to be the case “in life” here in the U.K. vaxxed population over 40 currently have around double the infection rate of unvaccinated people over 40. Gov.uk stats on the vaccine efficacy PHE document

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