The comedy writes itself, and that picture and diagram totally scream the word "idiot with degrees."

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And Eu's writing is just brilliant, well done Eu

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This is why we will RUE the day we accept masking as optional in society.

Who do you think will be those who make it mandatory to check feces to determine when you wear a mask?

That's right; bat shit crazy people like this person.

Very dangerous people; people that expect you to subject your life for their neurosis.

How dangerous are these people when they believe you are the subject of endangering their life?

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Funny you should mention bat shit.

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PLEASE RESPECT SCIENCE ,the vaccines are mostly made of bat shit .Testing and tasting stations are now available at all Mc. Donald counters in Canada for free and it comes with catch up .

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Sponsored by Pfizer!!- LOL, he is one of those guys that will have sponsor stickers on the side of his casket! You know, Like this funeral sponsored by Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Kotex!

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For sure! Lolol!

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Too dangerous to be allowed in public

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All of our systems have been corrupted. No one trusts systems of government, media, food, medicine, academia, voting, or even science anymore. This is the most important solvable problem on Earth. Here is how we can fix corrupt government it in 3 simple steps: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true

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So very true, Pyrrus, and the degree of idiocy on display is neatly diagrammed.

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Classic example of failing upward DumbFeckery in the corrupt medical kleptocracy.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by eugyppius

He is best described as neurotic. I would not argue with anyone who also described him as insane.

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LOL reminds me of the people buying clear plastic paint tarps and rolls of duct tape after 9/11. Like that stuff is going to save you from what?

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It ranks right up there with people thinking white lead paint would protect them against the radiation from a nuclear weapon, during the Cold War.

Or that buying fruit from Guatemala when you live in Europe is "good for the climate" because the packaging is labeled "Ecological fruit".

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Rosemary B it’s like the uk government during the Cold War telling us to hide under the kitchen table if a nuclear bomb went off.

Of course the total nonsense is to appease the masses while they scuttle off to their bunkers, which incidentally I pointed out that they’d have been in if the coof had been dangerous and life threatening.

Instead we had three stooges every night on tv giving us an update so a ban on mixing didn’t apply to bringing us propaganda

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If you are not near ground zero getting under a piece of furniture could protect you from flying debris.

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or Bari Weiss admitting she washed off her Pringles cans-

(and not being the slightest bit embarrassed)

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I must confess that briefly, I did launder my money and wipe off my groceries. The panic was exciting at first, it made me feel like we were in a real-life Hollywood thriller. Then I regained my senses.

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the only thing I believed was that the jab was like a flu shot.

I took the first two (really!!) so that I could enter my 97 year old father's community (fancy Ashby Ponds Virginia) and I thought it would just be okay.

The second shot gave me inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis. It will not go away. I never wore the masks or gloves. Seemed dumb bc I used to be an RN and we did not do this shit for a virus.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

Yes, really, if you mean, wiping off groceries etc. It became apparent fairly early on that phone lights were not a thing.

I got the initial shots only so that my friends and neighbors, who are all elderly like me, would be more comfortable around me, but I was smugly confident in my robust low-carb immune system. Well, it worked for four years. Infection was inevitable, and I now have Covid. First time I've been sick in almost 14 years.

'we did not do this shit for a virus.' Absolutely true! Nobody seems to remember ancient history, five or more years ago when these kind of things were par for the course. Even if we came down with a cold or what we thought was the flu, we'd take some Sudafed and drag ourselves to work.

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Money laundering?

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Yes, literally. I did see the humor in it.

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That's nothing, washing Pringles cans. I went to the health food store in a get up worthy of a postmodernist plague doctor---white nonrecyclable bridal veil of trash bags, scuba goggles, double masks, a plastic yellow transparent raincoat and two pairs of gloves, the latter of which I tore off on exiting, whereupon I washed my hands from a thermos.

These days I do think the Diagnostic Treatment Manual needs a new category for covid narcissism with secondary OCD, plus full on mall cop officiousness, but since psychology has been taken over by the oppressed/oppressor white privilege busters, we might need a whole new treatment manual. Euggipius could make some get out of Dodge (https://grammarbrain.com/get-out-of-dodge/ American Idiom) cash by authoring that!

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I'm impressed. I saw some interesting behavior early on, but yours beats all of them hands down 🤣

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Full respect for your honesty.

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All zoos in the world must also display to the public whyrusses ,besides lions tigers and walrusses so we know what they look like in case we meat one on the street and can make a wise move by crossing to the other side of the street .

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

I remember reading that people were taping up their windows and all ventilation, and that at least one person suffocated in their home as a result. I think this was during the Anthrax scare. I'm surprised we didn't see this behaviour from covidians.

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My husband opened all the doors and windows on a freezing cold night.

I came home from work one night to find the house freezing and asked my husband why the doors and windows were open, he was sat there so smug answering that our daughter had tested positive after not feeling well so he’d opened them to let the viral load out.

Bear in mind she was upstairs in her bedroom with the door shut and he was sat downstairs in the cold.

I went effing ballistic telling him if the three darts he’d had didn’t protect him then he needed to give his head a wobble.

I promptly then went upstairs to attend to our daughter taking her some water and fruit she needed and asked for, believe me he felt my wrath that night of leaving our daughter when she needed looking after, he didn’t repeat the process when our son wasn’t well a couple of weeks later.

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Actually, though, ventilating a space was probably the MOST sensical thing of all the ridiculousness advocated by "the experts" to do with circulating virus.

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Eugyppius always cheers us up out of our covid depressions

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It reads as the pathology of a patient with severe schizofrenia, who instead of cleaning their home sorts all the stuff in various piles. Paper go there, meaning every paper from commerical ad-leaflets to bills to old newspapers. Glass go there, meaning lightbulds and eyeglasses and... you get the idea.

Meticulous, highly organised and utterly pointless to an external objective observer.

Professor Doctor Bob needs help. I'm sure six months of outdoor manual labour would do him good.

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One week of farm work would be a start; the 'scaredy cat' people are afraid of soil; a million years of touching the earth daily thrown out the window. Earthing is helping me, when I make myself do it. Homemade grounding mat for the computer in the works. Best from OR

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Yes, these "scaredy cat" people are also big climate change fanatics. My diagnosis is that they have a dysfunctional relationship with the earth.

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That theory is so simple it's elegant. Lmao dude!

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

"the 'scaredy cat' people are afraid of soil"

Yup. As the famously neurotic TV detective Adrian Monk used to say, "Nature is dirty!"

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Mucking out the barn and the chicken coop would be a good start

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And when mucking out, wearing a mask actually helps you! Breathing in dust laced with feces-particles is decidedly unhealthy in its own right, plus there's the risk of "sorkfeber" (vole-fever; epidemic hemorrhagic fever, prev. known as nephropathia epidemica) - it is prevalent in the feces of rodents, mainly.

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…right after firing him from his job…

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Sounds a bit like Mao's purges of the intellectuals! But probably actually justified in this instance.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

Have to disagree, R. Many unfortunate souls, like "Professor Doctor Bob" and his ilk are beyond help. There often comes a point, in the course of severe illness, when the caregivers must face reality, when they must acknowledge that the patient is terminal.

Far too many of the "Doctor Bob's", afflicted with that horrifying mental illness, covidianism, are so deeply infected, so committed to their cause, that they can not be nursed back to health.

I do agree that "six months of outdoor manual labour would do him good". As a matter of fact, that prescription might be the solution to MANY of the problems that plague our modern world.

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How about six years of outdoor manual labor.

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Eve better!

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Much like the frantic run on toilet paper. I'll never understand it.

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Exactly. These are the same people who went out and bought 200 rolls of toilet paper for 15 days to slow the spread. They're always going to need "help".

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Yes, that was indeed a puzzle

I grew up with an "outhouse".

We used old catalogs

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At the outset of the "pandemic" when toilet paper was scarce, and the media was doing such a terrible job in even telling us what to expect with the virus, I thought surely diarrhea was symptom given the shortage. Nope. Just humans being gullible and stupid.

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Such a good comment.

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I was barely able to stop savoring the opening sentence, but I gradually worked my way beyond it.

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Yes that estrogen analogy was so....gratifying and obviously true.

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He sounds like he would fit right in with the members of the city council of your fair town of the City of South Pasadena! I savored this article in the same way I savored the articles you have written about them!

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by eugyppius

You have become a comedic tour de force!! My favorite line:

"Prof. Dr. Wachter has been on Twitter since 2011, but for some reason I can’t find any pre-pandemic tweets on necessity of avoiding restaurants during flu season. I’m sure it is a problem with the search algorithm."


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Indeed. One wonders (if one is at all still thinking clearly amidst all the confusion) what is or was so unique and threatening about COVID, as opposed to any other disease out there in the world, that made it necessary to go to this level of 'precaution' - and then to report on it, as if others couldn't do think things through for themselves. I for one didn't see a novel threat, and still don't. As with the author, I'm compelled to question Wachter's logic - at the risk of being called a science denier.

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the laptop class is very concerned with indoor vs outdoor dining because they don't know how to cook

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

As I recall, in 2020 "outdoor dining" often meant bathroom-stall-sized plastic tents. How is that any better than being indoors? Unless, I guess, there's a touchless pass-through so the server can stay outside.

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It’s all farcical.

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The entire stupid episode was a farce.

I assume that millions who fell for it are now too ashamed to even talk about it.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This is great! 😂

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Imagine being jabbed up to the eyeballs and still scared shitless of catching it, these people are fruit’n’ nuts.

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they STILL catch it (after 3, 4, 5 jabs). “would have been so much worse w/o the jabs,” though...

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LAnoncompliant well I like rubbing salt into the wounds whenever a repeat infection is mentioned, I tell them I’ve zilch since autumn of 2021 even with the latest never ending cough and colds doing the rounds that they’re succumbing too I’ve avoided.

Some of those I work with have noted the difference between us regarding theirs and my own health.

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They try very hard to become dust and ashes .

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Yours is the best comment of all of them - I have been laughing so much I have had to start the reply over 4 x .

Thank you and it is perfect for all the sheeples.

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I am not too modest to declare that this Our Plague Era has been wonderful for my self-regard. Morons of Medical Expertise have so, so validated my youthful decision to say "fuck that Bachelors Degree nonsense" and just try to make it on common sense (I had to boost it from time to time) and a congenital inability to be overly told what to do.

By the way, I hope I may keep my marbles in my head long enough to be able to enjoy reading and further that I may be high on the list for a first edition signed copy of your first satiric novel which I further hope you've already begun to write.

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Me too, me too <pant pant>.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

Why would Eugyppius spend time writing a satiric novel, and risk getting zero payback for all the hours he sank into it . . . because how could any novel surpass the satiric nonsense of today's real life events?

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Here’s my graph:


Heart is beating = No Mask.

Heart not beating = IDGAF anymore.

Grumpy Geo

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The picture of the bin made me lol. Not only is he dumb enough to chronicle all this tomfoolery, ineptitude and nonsense but he provides pictures, too.

In all seriousness, does it get tiresome having to report on these utterly insane people?

I do enjoy the sarcasm though. They thoroughly deserve it.

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wachter is the only covidian i really keep up with any more, esp. since yaneer bar-yam blocked me on twitter. posting about him is a rare enjoyment.

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It's enjoyable for your readers, too!

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What is so beyond tragic is recollecting how utterly mad the whole world went during the entire Feardemic exercise.

And it’s still there, though less visible, percolating just beneath the surface, like a totally paranoid, jumpy person who’s constantly looking over their shoulder, waiting for something to leap out at them!

It was the most indescribable mass mind-altering event, I believe, to have ever taken place in history!

And The reason it still lingers to this day, in dark recesses of so many peoples consciousness, is that there have never been any consequences of any type, for any of the now exposed blatant lies or incalculable evils perpetrated by EVEN ONE of the legions of criminals who still to this day refuse to acknowledge their part in it.

The simple fact that the vaccine - which is not now, nor ever was a vaccine - is STILL being pushed upon people, after indisputable evidence has demonstrated that it is not only wholly ineffective but downright deadly, reveals they never will relent on their mission to control and manipulate the masses until they are absolutely forced to do so, in the most extremely harshest measures available.

I doubt such judgment will ever come from us, but it will most assuredly come from God.

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oh it’s still there, & quite visible (in vax mandates that persist in some City workforces & colleges, for example). some organizations seem to think doubling down on “The Science” will get them thru, & time will prove them Right. i don’t think it’s tenable, but so far it’s working for them...

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The latest Pfizer shots are being taken by virtually nobody in the USA this fall/winter.

The invisible hand of the marketplace is finally working.

These shots are pointless, at best.

Americans have figured it out.

But we desperately need a "national conversation" about the unbounded harm visited upon us during the virus hysteria.

Never Again.

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well, he wrote this all out to share. I think he wants others to take his advice to the letter! because he is a "doctor"

I want to know where are all of the bright red bins for hazardous materials like gloves and masks and those paper suits and gowns, where are the huge dopey face shields going?

We are supposed to be recycling like mad, and having anxiety about what to do with old batteries and tin foil pie pans, but no one has brought out the large red bins for all of our covid molecule infested "protective" gear.

I went to nursing school a long time ago and every nurse usually has a 4 month rotation clinical in sterile environments and contamination prevention.

this entire shit show is a daily insanity I refuse to join

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Universities have become cadre schools of total insanity. This man needs a padded cell and a clean, white straitjacket.

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His colour based warning system is not nearly detailed enough to capture the necessary nuances of protecting oneself from a dangerous, deadly bout of dangerous, deadly covid.

Between yellow and red should be level orange, wherein he can have the fries, but not the burger.

In front of the green should be blue, wherein covid is not dangerous whatsoever. The threat level will never reach blue though, its just there to provide hope.

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Kind of like the color-coded alerts of Dubya's Homeland Security Advisory System back in the day.

When they finally retired it in 2011 (just in time for the Benghazi fiasco, IIRC) never had the threat ever dipped below yellow (the scale went from low to high, green-blue-yellow-orange-red).

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