Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

You actually see how far down the dictatorship road the society in Germany is. Infiltrating social media and inciing violence in order to discredit the platform and the groups? Police doing the work where the politicians are not convincing?? I grew up in a totalitarian Soviet block state and can smell it from a mile. Ordinary Germans have no idea that they are basically enabling a new nazi state with their brainles virtue signaling. They think they do it for the society, to save the health care system ..WTF

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exactly, a lot of western euros just have no experience with these tactics and are incredibly credulous about all of this.

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"incredibly credulous about all of this"

Also credulous are people who understand that these tactics are being deployed, but in denial that the situation can -- theoretically -- become rapidly worse. So bad in fact that the citizens are compelled to defend themselves physically as a last resort.

The American formula fully comprehends that the institutions we cherish -- well-run government, a fair judiciary, an independent truth-seeking press -- are fragile and might fail due to a sudden (or in the current situation, prolonged) assault by anti-democratic actors. So far the simple fact that Americans are armed and prepared to repel a tyrannical government has prevented tyranny here (unlike in so many other great nations during the same era).

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>are fragile and might fail

They have already failed. Our government is not well-run. Fair judiciary? No way. People are treated differently based on their politics. Truth-seeking press? No comment.

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Which is exactly why many are afraid of impending armed conflict in the US. My bet would be that a schism is far more likely, with red and blue zones comprising effectively separate states by 2075 or so.

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2075!!!!! Steve. Check the rate of change from 2019 to now! California used to be in the very recent past a wonderful jurisdiction. Geography here is not the issue. Mindset is. People need to stand and fight. Do you think the people leaving California for Texas or Florida or Idaho are saying oh, gosh, we really made a mistake voting for Newsom, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff etc etc? We are going to leave and correct our mistakes and do better? NO! They are saying, boy life is untenable here now, who knows what happened, I am going somewhere else and I am taking my stupidity with me. Have a look at Austin or Boise. Nevada has already been, some say deliberately, taken off the board. I have little sympathy for runners. Stay in your jurisdiction and take back what you let go.

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>take back what you let go.

Ain't gonna happen. Not until things become so bad that people are left with no choice.

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>Which is exactly why many are afraid of impending armed conflict in the US

I'd say the probability is low, but real. And since the stakes are extremely high prudent men should prepare.

>My bet would be that a schism is far more likely

I have a close friend who is of the same opinion. I do not see it that way, but I only lived in deeply blue places, therefore my opinion on the matter is poorly informed.

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Those who govern least govern best is an absolute truism , never more obvious than today.

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Maybe. But Switzerland is also well armed. So are we here in NZ.

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Many countries are well-armed. Canadians and Swedes are both heavily armed countries. None of these places are founded on the recognition that it is altogether possible for government to go off the rails to the extent that armed resistance is necessary, and that therefore the citizens should be prepared to provide such resistance in extremis.

Most other nations, alas, will simply go trembling into the darkness.

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Don't know about Canada, but here in Sweden we are 450 000 hunters with weapons at home, out of 11 000 000 citizens.

It is theoretically possible, though highly unlikely (think Clinton not lying unlikely) that we could pull an Afghanistan scenario off.

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It has been estimated that approximately 2.5% - 3.0% of a population is sufficient to disrupt and topple a nascent tyranny. Also don't forget that it is highly likely a substantial portion of the army and police would join the rebels.

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Switzerland is the billionaires whore existing to service them alone.

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Further in Switzerland assisted suicide is legal and very expensive but only if you've had all your shots ?

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It's insane. Switzerland is not though just for billionaires. We spent an enjoyable several months there about 8 years ago.

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Since the 1960s dissenters with leadership potential have been killed , jailed , slimed , or blackmailed into silence at home and abroad . The masses will not find such leaders on the Internet , which is an information gathering marketing business that provides entertainment of sorts aimed at shaping the chosen narrative of our ruling elites.

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Yes they will Jim. You're one, I'm another.

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Armed yes. Prepared, no. The most willing defenders of our Revolution are almost all over 60 years old. More like 70 really. One important exception might be the military personnel being dishonorably discharged, stripped of earned benefits and humiliated by the current president.

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Mil only just stopped being a fighting force in earnest recently. They're woke and jabbed, ready to turn on the insurrectionists, transphobes and white supremacists, but no longer trained in warfare and now, too weak to do much anyway, thanks to the vax. TONS of vets are much younger than 60 or 70.

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What's that East German thing of coming into your house and moving things about? A Swiss guy once told me about that, thinking... that I might be a victim of it.

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Try that in Texas. You'd be ventilated pretty quickly. Seriously though, if a people cannot or will not set hard limits on what the state is allowed to do, then the state will proceed without limit. And not in a good way.

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Most of Europe and several other "European" nations (e.g. Australia, Canada) have always had more desire to have a Big Brother state. This pre-dates the pandemic by many decades, most of the 20th century in fact. It's no exaggeration that the EU and the "me too" nations are well down the road to ever-increasing socialism working towards totalitarianism. The USA is freer, yes. I'm not sure how much of that is just my native pride speaking. We are on the same road, just further behind. We also have certain vestigial rights, like strong protections on speech, or to keep guns, that horrify the more "civilized" Europeans. These will slow down, but it's not clear that they'll prevent an incipient tyranny.

Do I sound like a ranting paranoid right-winger? Well, let me ask you a simple question, no matter what nation you live in. When is the last time your government repealed or rolled back any major government program? I'm not talking about the pandemic and lockdowns. I'm talking about restoring a right, or repealing a tax, that had previously existed. I'll bet you can't think of a single case, can you? Now, this exercise of course doesn't prove that your nation will turn into Stalin's Soviet Union next year, but doesn't it tend to support the thesis that government power grows and very rarely shrinks?

Left unchecked, I think it is a real possibility that much of what we used to call the "free world" will adopt some form of communist dictatorship, quashing what remaining rights still exist, and pronounce a "victory" over "fascism" by which they mean individual freedoms that, to the best of my knowledge, were born in Europe and have never existed to a large degree anywhere else in the world, any time in history. Oh well, it was a nice few centuries while it lasted.

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I agree with what you say.

Always more governing not less.

Yes, good reference to the MeToo, movement.

And all the feminism nanny state.

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I'm a big fan of feminists. We need more of them. For example witches medicine is better than pharmaceutical medicine. You could possibly argue that one is feminine (natural) and the other is masculine (warmongering).

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It was something the secret police did in the USSR. They'd break in and move things around to fuck with you. Solzhenitsyn wrote about it I believe.

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In the US, the police are more blunt about that middle of the night stuff. They batter your door down, shoot your dog, handcuff your kids to the toliet, drag your nightgowned wife outside for the local camera crews and trash your house. It's usually the wrong house though. They just lack nuance.

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The FBI did that here with the guys in Michigan who plotted against the Gov. It was FBI plants who started the whole thing.

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That's a cold war tactic from the rotary phone era that's long gone; the manpower required makes it worthless in a digital age when "intelligence" operations can target your devices instead. Putting resources on the ground is limited to high value targets and Hollywood dramas.

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Charlie Manson used to do that on creepy crawly raids on hollywood. I wonser where he got the idea.

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Tell me more. I love a clever analogy.

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Just go to sleep next to a door. That normally puts a stop to it.

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Also ask and ye shall find.

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What's our excuse in the USA?

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Same thing. The vast majority of Americans aren't used to having these tactics used against them. In fact, part of how the country (and the West) defined itself in the past, particularly during the Cold War, was that it didn't do this kind of thing. In addition, there's normalcy bias at work: the West hasn't previously descended into a totalitarian surveillance state, so it won't now. It all combines to render the current situation and its dangers seemingly impossible, and thus people ignore in their own backyard what they'd denounce in a history book.

And that's on top of the usual devils of propaganda, cowardice, conformity, etc.

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Candis - we've been so fortunate in the USA for so long, but we've been taken care of more and more by the govt..... I often think of the quote made in the 1700's, when life was MUCH more dangerous: "Those who desire safety over liberty deserve neither."

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Not an excuse, but rather an explanation: creeping atheism. Atheism necessarily breeds existential terror deep within the psyche -- it is absolutely ruinous to any human civilization *whether or not it is true*.

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Atheist here. You are free to have any -- or no -- religion in the USA. I have no dispute with a religion as long as it stays in the church and out of government. Our nation has existed peaceably (more or less) for over 230 years despite diverse religious traditions. A fervent religious belief, or a State sponsored religion, are no guarantee of a government's success. History is littered with examples. In fairness, I concede that an officially atheist nation (Soviet Union) had its issues too. My point is that a society's decadence and ruin is probably driven by factors having little to do with belief in God, or lack thereof.

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Great quote from Thessalonians 2:11-12 --- "For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." A friend and I talked for three hours last night, and part of what we were doing was trying to figure out why people are believing in things that make zero sense. We settled on the above quote as a reason why.

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The memes showing atheist world fantasy vs. atheist world reality are perfect. Every day a little closer to hell on earth.

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the main stream stasi media. Obama's Army

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Ireland too is "concerned" about Telegram. Ireland's Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) is monitoring: https://www.thejournal.ie/covid-19-anti-lockdown-movement-ireland-groups-isd-report-5630709-Dec2021/. God forbid a voice against the Narrative takes root.....Ireland has only MSM to feed their news. One voice, one march, lockstep. Currently they are in a frenzy over the latest variant. Sad because only 100 years ago Ireland won their freedom from the British Empire, after 400 years of occupancy. Sad to see how freedom is long forgotten.

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Sadly they (I can only really speak to Germans and Swiss, specifically) are credulous to the point of being stupid. I hail from there originally, and when I speak to my family in Germany and Switzerland, it breaks my heart. They are nearly all slavishly devoted to the official narrative. I am thankful not to live there now, and perhaps I may never go back.

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We had a German student staying with us last year. Her father was disbelieving immediately. Not even a day of belief.

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From the get-go, I was absolutely in disbelief at the utter idiocy of the direction being taken the world over, and I made no secret of it. One day I phoned my uncle and his girlfriend, and upon hearing my opinions, they immediately sent me a ridiculous video about showing solidarity with Covid patients by properly distancing and going along with all "necessary" measures. I was annoyed, but I admit, I hoped that they weren't representative of most Germans. In the beginning of 2020 (and even somewhat into 2021), there were still some prominent voices that were pushing a more rational approach, but they have been silenced or have self-censored. Perhaps they will come out strong, the more tyrannical things get, or perhaps not.

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Depends how strong they think the opposition is.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It's not just virtue signaling. I know quite a few people who have been vaccinated because they want to live their lives as "normally" as possible i.e. shopping, restaurants, sports, vacations. They categorically refuse to see the larger picture. It infuriates me, because their fundamentally selfish behavior will make it worse for us all.

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The people you describe are what convinces me, this ain't no pandemic, it's an IQ test. Just suddenly wondered; your infectionated friends obviously have 'rich social lives' which they just could not give up, but I wonder, has anyone checked stats to compare this "just make it all normal again" attitude against actual Will To Live? I suddenly have the inkling of an insight, that we, the opposition to this genocide, might just actually enjoy life, see a purpose, not just living for the good times? The purposeless vaccine junkies have excitement for the future only if it contains gifts and presents?

Few can actually define Nihilism, but most people today just don't see any point in trying...

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Less an IQ test than a seriously spiritual test. Wheat from chaff. Eyes that see. Stuff like that.

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IQ test

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Definitely not an IQ test. Every "smart" person I know has taken the jab.

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Not everyone did their research which wasn't too "smart." Others didn't have a choice even knowing the ramifications. Smart for everyone going forward is to say no to more.

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You radically cut to the quick! The Wonderful Life enjoyed by the masses is 21st century Bread and Circus! We are all half blinded in its thrall, but many sence the danger and resist in order to preserve our shredded freedoms.

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Come on, people don't only get vaccinated bc they want to go to a bar. If you have children, for instance, they won't be able to go to a museum or theatre or swimming pool of soccer training or gym unless they are with somebody who is vaccinated. Not everybody can team up with somebody who is vaccinated so that their children can have a semblance of a cultured upbringing. People's reasons to get the vaccine don't have a lot to do with decadence, but with getting through the day with the least hassle possible.

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None of what you've listed are necessities. I know, life is not so easy without those things, especially for your children but just think how different thing might be if we were a little patient!

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So, it makes sense to poison yourself and your children, to retain the privilege of socialising with other poisoned people?


Would you send your daughter to a school where the security guard demands a blowjob before she goes in? Why accept a supermarket that demands she injects herself with a substance nobody is willing to tell you what's inside?

But then, a good percentage of people have for years been happily feeding their kids Ritalin and similar meth-amphetamines on the say-so of primary-school teachers, sooooo.....

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It's also an IQ test that selects for wealth.

Not such a great IQ test then.

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To my experience, the ONLY thing it selects for is trust. If you trust that you are being protected by a benign government, you'll get vaccinated.

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In that the wealthy can avoid it, it also selects for them.

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In the spring of 2021 I was involved in aistuation with about 30 people who had to decide whether to take the vaccine.

at least 24 got vaccinated. One of them because she was scared of COVID. One because she felt "she wanted to give back to society". Everybody else either hoped it would make life "become normal again" or had a specific aim in mind (go to Italy without having to quarantine). It's not that they REFUSE to see the bigger picture, for them it doesn't exist at all.

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And I have felt like a noose has been tightening around my neck since early March 2020. I recall saying to friends and family (after buying food and water prior to the first lockdown): "I'm more scared of the government than of corona." In October 2020, I bet them October 2021 would be much worse and nobody believed me.

But what I completely underestimated is how the majority of people would behave. I thought many more would become like me i.e. see the inconstancies and become critical. I would never have expected that nearly all my highly-educated colleagues would (still) be suffering from what I now know is called "mass formation psychosis".

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You must be an INTJ.

I never put much stock in that stuff in the past. but the INTJ personality type does seem to be way overrepresented in the resistance.

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That's really interesting, as it is one of the rarest types. Yet here I am :)

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Instigated by minor formation psychotics (i.e. billionaires)

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One because she felt "she wanted to give back to society".


Ironic, because the only thing she can ACTUALLY do to help is get the virus and get over it without spreading it...........

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Agree! And this is so wrong: the government does not give you the right to do all those things. It is your intrinsic right and the government should not be in the position to restrict it.

Also some, even in my closest family, find it reasonable for the government to lock me down to reduce the strain on the health care system. Because as unvaxxed I have a higher probability of occupying the hospital and taking the place of somebody else who has a more eligible reason to be there, like a heart attack or sth. This is just such a slippery slope: let's then lock down the obese cause they have severe covid more often.

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"... reduce the strain on the health care system..."

I wrote you a long thing showing how there is no crisis of overrun hospitals, but erased it all, to tell you the spellchecker would not allow UNVACCINATED, it recognises "vaccinated"but not "unvaccinated"?

That says more about our overlords' powers and omnipresence than a book full of conspiracy theories.

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Upon reflection, maybe it will accept "non-vaccinated", seeing as we have yet to figure out how to filter the interstitium of a vaccinated victim. Spellchecker accepts the grammatically correct non-vaccinated, but, like the idiot injectors, it seems unaware of the existence of a major body organ, the interstitium, the reason the dreck spreads to all organs without the blood's aid.

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Here in Canada where I live, there was a large sporting event attended by 10's of thousands just a few days ago (presumably fully vaxxed). That was OK but omicron is now being used as an excuse to further lockdowns, just in time for Christmas.

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You are correct about the outcome. So they got the jab and are going to be getting a jab every 90 or 120 days. That sounds like a failed Vac. to me. The restrictions remain for the masses, yet they were told if you get the Vac. you will be free. Free to follow more dystopian BS. They leak and wane so what’s the point but for the old and infirm? I was shocked at the world as they just blindly accepted the path we’re on, and after going on two years, we are going to repeat what we already know is a failed endeavor. Insanity!

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Many of the East Germans, who grew up as part of the eastern block, are quite aware.

Here in West Germany - where we were educated/indoctrinated into the myth of the benign state - blind obedience and faith in our government is much stronger.

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And what surprised me most is how my ex-Hippie parents, who spent much of MY childhood protesting the government and criticising "the system", and my left-wing extremist brother, who once went to jail for opposing both, now bow their heads to the all-benevolent gods of the system, while my sister and I, formerly shunned for "adapting to the system" aka marrying and having children and stuff, are the ones not buying into the Magic Potion and the rulers' good intents.

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Geez, It's mindbogglingly strange what's happened to the aging New Left generation globally. I know some elderly Germans who oscillate between homeopathic medicine (Bach Flower Remedies) and ignoring the evidence the vaccine is probably the riskiest public health intervention since Thalidomide, just because that evidence comes from "alternate" sources (ie., you would have to use the Internet like it was meant to be used - actually search - to find it, and not just treat the Net as a vector for CNN/The Guardian/FAZ etc,).

It turns out that manipulating these people was child's play. Just spend 4 years ginning up the threat of "fascism" (AfD/Trump etc.) and tell them that they are the bulwark of Science and Liberalism against the new right wing anti-capitalism. All of a sudden they love capitalism, Big Pharma, the whole package. This could well be why the pandemicists saw their opportune moment 3 years into Trump's term.

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yes definitely

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I hope this myth crumbles rather soon. For the sake of all German citizens.

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Most of the WWII Allied countries have an annual ceremony where some variation of "Lest we forget" is prominent. The real lesson we should learn is that Americans, British, French et al *people* are no different than German people. We are all capable of what happened in Germany (indeed, similar things have happened since in places like Rwanda). The assumption is widespread in the West that "it could never happen here", with the tacit assumption that "we're different than those Germans". We're not, and it can.

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Yes, you are right, people are people.

But while the Western world became much more homogenic after WW2 (we all took the culture of the USA and to a lesser extent Britain), I still think there are some cultural differences left.

It seems to me the US citizens on average are more willing to fight for their freedoms, while here in Germany we are much more obedient.

The gun laws are a case in point. Or the different dealings with Covid, as we see in Florid or Texas.

I think the difference is due to our German history of being educated by the Prussian school of making little obedient soldiers and workers; that system started more than 200 years ago. Those courageous, independent people tend to go to the New World, and thus the US citizen stems from courageous people.

And then we had two world wars where those with courage and valor tended to die in higher number, or left the country, than those who were able to conform and be successful bureaucrats. The German Nazi apparatchiks were mostly doing quite well after the war.

Not to overdo that point, but I would have much more hope that the USA will get through this crisis, than Europe.

Or better: I lost all hope for Germany, but have some left for many states in the US.

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Well said. I'm American but of 19th century German ancestry. I lived there for 2 years (does Army count?) as well as visited in 1990s. Beautiful nation, very fated and fateful for complex reasons. I recently read essentially all of Nietzsche's works. Your thoughts on German history and education (he specifically writes about those) echo many comments Herr Fritz made. Among his many criticisms, was that the German and to a large extent all Europeans of his day, had become so civilized and homogenized that they had become domesticated animals. He was no fan of liberal democracy (although it's unclear that the Third Reich was an improvement). All this, from a man who wrote nothing after 1889!

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Yes, Nietzsche was a great writer, very much in the German Romantic tradition. But it also shows: either you are the little cog in the German wheel, or you break free and go insane.

Or in the 18/19 century: go West and make a new life.

This seems to be only starting in the 19 century though. The German artists, writers, thinkers, musicians of the 16/17 and early 18 century seemed to be immensely rational yet creative; realistic yet positive.

If we have stopped at the time of J.S.Bach or Haydn, we would have been a happy nation.

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We've stopped thinking that we live in an Empire but we do. The problem isn't at provincial level, it's at Rome.

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I do not think you mean "dictatorship". The word you are looking for is "tyranny". The first one is a technical term that essentially means "the power of one". The progressive oligarchy that currently rules us managed to assign a very negative connotation to that word. The word itself is neutral.

"Tyranny", on the other hand, is all connotation and very little denotation. You can have the tyranny of one, or tyranny of many.

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Absolutely, yes! It is totalitarian dystopia where one idea becomes the unquestionable axiom of the society. There are actors that make use of it to gain power, but this is not dictatorship.

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Democracy is perhaps the worst system once the people in charge get rid of the bill of rights. Even worse when they choose companies like Dominion to run the elections.

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Well, real democracy - in the sense of "rule by popular representation" - is impossible. (For a short, but serviceable summary see https://www.realclearhistory.com/articles/2021/01/12/skeptics_of_democracy_and_defenders_of_freedom_656142.html).

It's a myth. It is only good as long as it helps peaceful transfer of power and avoiding civil war. Now people are starting to see through that myth. That is probably unfortunate; but, as certain NFL coach is used to saying "it is what it is".

Democracy in the sense of the subjects enjoying liberty is possible. We know that because in different countries people have different degrees of liberty. Unfortunately that also is slipping away...

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It's even worse. They think everybody who's not on board with the measures and the vaccines IS a Nazi. They think by calling the police on people who, say, invite two friends in (was forbidden last year as "contact limitation" measure) THEY ACTUALLY HELP FIGHT right wing extermism because they have been told for months on end that criticism of corona measures = Nazi. They think they are being the good ones, fighting the bad nazis who not only don't want to get vaccinated, but also want to overthrow democracy.

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The Nazis always think they're the good guys.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

― C. S. Lewis

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Wonderful quote, thanks so much.

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I’ve found the same attitude from some of the people around me. We can’t just agree to disagree, they cut off all contact like my choices and opinions will infect them. Meanwhile, they go on with their false sense of superiority spreading their Covid as they go. Many are falling Ill and it will be interesting to hear the “vaccine splaining” coming soon. Probably as we start to emerge from this round of winter illness caused by the acts of China and American Gov. officials messing with Pandora.

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Yes, this is really baffling. No matter how great the crisis, there used to be this sense of "we can agree to disagree". No longer. There is one accepted way of thinking now, that's it. And people are really scared - yesterday, I found a fellow "dissident" at work accidentally. We found that we both think the vaccines are overrated. We were in a very large meeting room with two other people at the other end. The fellow dissident and I were basially whispering, and still he looked over his shoulder every three minutes to make sure nobody was listening. I ask you.

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Exactly! This is so weird. I guess it always has been like that - you always fight on the right side. At least in the beginning until you maybe realise you've been had.

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Well, Stasi was one of the flagships of communism's secret police forces in the East block

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First of all it should be obvious that we are as of yet a long, long way from a scenario where violence against a tyrannical government can be justified. But for goodness sake, of all people on this planet the Germans should understand that forceful short-circuiting of a deeply malevolent, powerful regime is preferable to allowing that regime to flourish and persist -- should things ever again descend to such a state of affairs.

If in fact the government is currently acting as agents provocateur in Telegram and elsewhere, then we're dealing with a government that is already in the early stages of tyranny.

While I adamantly condemn any talk of assassination at this stage of history, perhaps the government should ask itself why it is that a formerly peaceful people is now drive to the point where some citizens are entertaining such thoughts. If my behavior changed over two years to the point where I was getting death threats from my normally peaceful neighbors, I'd be advised to first examine and evaluate my own behavior. (If I turned out to be a true dangerous psychopath, then the neighbors are advised to make whatever plans may be needed).

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"we are as of yet a long, long way from a scenario where violence against a tyrannical government can be justified" - Depends where you live. Austria and Germany are passing laws saying that you can be FORCABLY injected or locked up until you agree to take an irreversible, experimental gene therapy injection.

If war crimes like that don't justify it then pray tell what would? Sorry man, but we passed the point where violence was justified a ways back.

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Come on! Their parents and grandparents literally did the same thing to MY grand parents! Ostensibly for the same reason, "to contain contagion" "for health and safety."

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

In a similar vein to your post, but on a much grander scale than just Telegram

The majority of the plots they foiled would never have started without the FBI instigating them, pushing them forward and paying cash.

The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism

A groundbreaking work of investigative journalism, The Terror Factory:

Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism exposes how the FBI has, under the guise of engaging in counterterrorism since 9/11, built a network of more than 15,000 informants whose primary purpose is to infiltrate Muslim communities to create and facilitate phony terrorist plots so that the Bureau can then claim it is winning the war on terror.

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Project Censored top under reported stories had this as #4 in 2012 https://www.projectcensored.org/4-fbi-agents-responsible-for-majority-of-terrorist-plots-in-the-united-states/

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Does Project Censored even take on stuff like that anymore?

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Yes they are alive and well and do a weekly radio show it's just increasingly difficult to have critics of the powerful turn up in search results. If you don't subscribe to news or seek out specific sources the Internet searches deliver little more than PR and fluff.

They are also on Twitter https://twitter.com/ProjectCensored


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Well, as far as Covid goes, Project Censored has been way more concerned with getting more government mandated experimental gene therapy vaccines into third world countries and minority communities in the name of "equality" than they are with challenging government narratives and motives regarding the mRNA scam in the first place. That tells you all you need to know about the "forever blinders on' Project Censored. They are just another facet of the mass formation.

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Thanks for that I will check it out, that is very disturbing. Unfortunately it can't be today but my history of working with them goes from like 2010 to 2017 and they aren't folks you buy. I will assume it's misguided or misinformed but not a case of a corp influence. Folks like Peter Phillips, Andy Lee Roth and Mickey Huff wouldn't sell out their life's work. It's just not in them any more than Abby Martin who graduated their media program. Everyone makes mistakes but muckrakers never flip into bed with the enemy.

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Maybe they just fell for the PsyOp campaign.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Reminds me of the protest in Brussels last week. We were all marching along peacefully and in our midst you could spot thos small group - no signs, dressed in balaclavas - who had come for one purpose alone. Sure enough they managed to get the water cannons flowing. Whether agents provocateurs or just plain meatheads, they clearly weren’t there for protest pruposes.

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I've noticed a pattern: every time the police show up with a water cannon it gets emptied on the protesters, no matter what.

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Nah, only if it is a protest the government doesn't like. The water cannon is not emtied if it is violent protests the government likes (i.e. anything for a progessive cause like climate, BLM, etc.)

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100% this.

In Australia police arrested anti-lockdown protestors in 2020, and harassed people at home as to their attendance.

The same police took the knee at the equally illegal BLM protest.

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Well, they don't bring a water canon to an approved protest in the first place ;-)

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In Germany, they do

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I think we are misunderstanding each other. I mean "approved" as something the government supports (FFF, antifa, etc).

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Rich, you are very young to have such a mature head, judging by your avatar.

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Hi Rich,

Gearing up for the march on parliament tomorrow.

Trying to think of a good placard. Any ideas?

I have twice done "Pharma Sheep", but things are more serious now.

I quite like "Stalin with hair", which an American politician said about Cindy.

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Ja Cinder

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also get a chant going, rhymes with let's go brandon

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How about “Anti-Pfascism”?

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"How many shots?" or "Until what?" maybe? Something that causes regular people to ask questions.

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Find out how many additional shots your government has already ordered, and put that on the sign.

An incredible sleight of hand for them to be buying years of boosters while at the same time continuing to pretend the population just needs one more.

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Today was officially the last day of the year that NZ parliament was sitting. Funny the quick change to make yesterday the last day.

Public servants were told by MSM and their bosses to stay inside and away from the windows while the march was going down Lambton Quay.

And we were so unscary really!

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Antifa causes billions in damage globally and terrorizes the public, and the political establishment does nothing to shut them down. Antifa was just beating people on German trains for not wearing masks. They are goons for the oligarch class terrorizing ordinary people.

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We see the same kind of action in USA only they are much bolder and come dressed in battle gear, shields and weapons. Rarely do the police do more than observe. Some how, the few that get arrested are always out of jail and on the streets the same day or night. The “how” can be directly traced back to our Vic President’s own words and actions. She and other communists are funding a bail pool for these rioters. Over 500 riots in the summer and fall of 2020. No federal action on any of them. There were many people killed, thousands of police and citizens injured, and billions of dollars in fire damages and luting.

But because the Trump rally in DC had a protest/riot on 1-06-21 that ended up inside the capital, it’s being treated like the worst and only incident in years. One person died directly related, she was climbing through a window unarmed. She was shot by a Capital Police person. My point is, now it’s coming out that the Gov. was involved on many levels. They’re on a roll and if not checked it will get worse in a short time. Plandemic is starting to be more than hyperbole.

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Dec 15, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

As evidenced by the (edit) January 6 capitol hill "insurrection" - the elected government is nowhere near as pervasive and carcinogenic as the unelected government (police, CIA, FBI, to mention well known variants).

A binge watching of a season or two of Yes, Minister should be required political education for all.

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The Fourth Branch of Government, composed of unelected bureaucrats and enforcers, is running everything in the U.S.

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"is running everything in the U.S."

in the world

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The Globalist Elites recognize that the U.S. Republic must be destroyed for The Great Reset to succeed ~ The Fourth Branch of Government is doing its part.

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An attack on the great American middle class. It has been 50-60 years in the making.

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It's been ongoing for at least 60. The most obvious sign was 30 year mortgages. Debt slavery for most of your working life, for what was once practically the marker of the middle class.

When I started looking, the bank was gladly trying to get me to borrow twice what I considered maximum budget. There's a reason for that.

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Ruining not just running

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and from my relatively removed position here in Australia, I would posit that most of the Western world follows the US. Our local version of the FDA (TGA) is about as useful as tits on a bull and toes the FDA line re approvals and dismissal of adverse events.

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Do you mean January 6th?

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Yes! Jan 6th. Thankfully people understood despite my errors. Thanks.

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It's a day we will all remember forever!!

Did you know Washington Post actually pays ad money to promote their January 6th stories on social media because the interest is so low?

They could probably save money if they ever choose to write the truth about Ray Epps and others like him.

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"The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime," wrote Sir Edward Grey on the eve of the cataclysm that dealt a shattering blow to Western Civilization. It seems appropriate to use them here, after contemplating the widespread trampling of human rights going on in Europe.

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I've also been thinking of that sentence a lot. And, now as then, the lights are going out while masses of people cheer that it's getting darker.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Seems like anyone who suggest violence is working for the government. Just like how they turned the January 6 protest in to a death and violence - of course it was the innocent protestors and Trump supporters who were killed.

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One protester was killed, unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt shot by Capitol police.

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What about Rosanne Boyland, beaten to death by the Capitol Police in the tunnel?

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In most US States, if a person had broken a window in my front door and was crawling in through it, a resident of that home would have been entirely within his rights to shoot and kill the intruder. In most cases, he's not obligated to stop and inquire as to the nature of the breaking and entering, nor whether the trespasser is armed or not. This may seem barbaric to more "civilized" cultures, but that is our common law concept of the right to defend our persons and our property with force, up to and including deadly force.

Now, put yourself in the shoes of the policeman on January 6, 2021. You are tasked to protect high government officials. Some crazies are breaking things and crawling into protected spaces. What are you going to do, get out your pepper spray? I realize the circumstances are different, but the point is that he was acting in accordance with his training.

If you're going to protest, do so legally. Have some conception of the consequences of your actions. Crossing certain lines can come at a dear cost.

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You are making the case to the wrong audience. NYPD can handle a million drunks in Times Square every New Year's Eve. NYPD manage to have regular motorcades with world leaders visiting the UN and they secure wide areas with the same planning and thoughtful staging of manpower.

What happened at the Capitol was a fiasco and security planning failure that's inexcusable. Members should thank their lucky stars FBI was part of the operation because failure to manage the equivalent of a rowdy concert crowd doesn't make the trillions we spend for defense and intelligence is worth %$#@ when they can't get ahead of a planned event with their preparations.

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It was 4 or five. One was stomped and beaten by police. Others died from the police and government operatives violence, maneuvers and along with the gas.

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And more are in custody bejng tortured and killed by the DC police.

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Yes their pre-trial detention and extreme abuse for political purposes is horrifying and disgusting but hardly unique to these victims. There has been a war on whistleblowers since Obama and prosecutions are totally political.This is against everything we hold dear as Americans just not the exception it's the rule that's gone so far most of us see it now.

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Tucker has been my main source for that since he is rare in being honest and he counted one. If you have another reference I'm happy to stand corrected just hit me with the links.

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It's amazing how consistent they are in inverting the truth.

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Anybody who states that under no circumstances would they ever engage in violence to stop an evil regime, no matter what, is frankly begging for another historic catastrophe.

No sane person wants violence. Anyone who understands our species knows that we must be prepared to use it in extremis. I don't want my house to burn down -- and it's extremely unlikely to happen -- but I still purchase fire insurance.

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I often hear the same people bemoan substack, too. Wouldn't be at all surprised if they insert a few spicy actors to shut down this place, too.

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We're the control group...

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That's what a Fed would say.....(!)

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Well that's what a Fed would say. Especially if they knew it was 3am where I am and that I should be in bed.

Otherwise you're joking or paranoid. I dunno.

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Ha ha I was joking 👍

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The problem with this whole concept is that you're establishing the conditions where the vice is tightened on ALL unapproved speech, not just incitements to violence (direct incitements to actual violence are crimes everywhere -- discussion of the role of potential violence in defense of liberty are not crimes -- or should not be -- anywhere).

Once we've accepted that any "extreme" statements on substack or telegram are simply planted by the government, then we'll become enmeshed in a rapidly tightening net that eventually chokes off all debate.

A little over a year ago virtually every leader on the planet earnestly declared that the government would never contemplate mandates, for they are immoral and illegal.

Don't underestimate these people. And do not cede control of this or any other forum to them by allowing their divide and conquer tactics to work.

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Don't forget the "plot" against Whitmer. Planned, supplied, and prodded by the FBI, with two dupes brought along for the ride.

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this stuff about kretschmer is almost certainly the same sort of thing

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I don't dpubt it. This is the decade (at least) of the false flag. Gotta feed the narrative.

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Two decades?......

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I'm really hoping it isn't century, so went down a notch. : )

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What was it? 13 feds and 2 "Oswalds"? LOL. A new record for the FIB

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That one was impressive even for them. An old saying comes to mind - The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Excellent advice, thank you. I usually remove myself from anything where violence is suggested, but making a statement avowing one's non-violent position is more assertive (and instructive to others). Heeded.

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In many ways I deeply admire your commitment to peace. I really do. However virtually everyone I know who professes pacifism would not actually live a truly pacifist life, if it were possible. The liberals in my area who adamantly refuse to own guns in order to defend themselves and their family against intruders will -- without exception -- dial the police as soon as there's someone trying to enter their home late at night. In other words, they expect and desire that *other people* with guns will come and deal with it, however that plays out.

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You obviously live in a place with more freedom than most of the world. Many on here are living under tyrannical regimes that seem on the brink of making hate speech laws for speaking badly about the shots. The types of discussions you are encouraging here gives those tyrants the perfect excuse.

Eugyppius made his stance clear, so why not keep this focused on figuring out what's going on and helping break the spell for others? We are almost two years into this, there must be better places to do fed posting than here (or maybe we should call it pfizer-posting now?)

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Yes. I think all avenues for changing the spoonfed discourse and exposing the insanity of what is happening need to be exhausted. I truly hope this will win out.

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I hear you. The topic is complex. With respect to dissent, I tend to be an admirer of the more Satyagraha philosophy of passive resistance. I think that it has enormous power to hold up the mirror to tyranny, and as a public display of resistance can be extremely effective. I also think it can be self-defeating to anticipate or threaten violence when contemplating or discussing resistance, as it plays into the hands of those who would preemptively seek to de-legitimise valid and compelling dissent.

Having SAID that, though, when it comes to personal protection (as opposed to public resistance), I would not hesitate to defend myself or my family in the face of attack or physical aggression and without any recourse to immediate assistance. The instinct for survival is hard-wired, and I don't know of any legal system that does not make provision for self-defence.

So I'm not sure if that makes me a pacifist in the true sense! In fact, it doesn't - more aspirant, than anything. I'm not of saintly stuff, sadly.

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Good advice but this is not a new problem or limited to Telegram. Feds have infiltrated every public discussion platform since message boards began. Anonymous servers were infiltrated to target WikiLeaks in 2010 and hactivist Jeremy Hammond who liberated the Stratfor collection was nailed by FBI snitch Sabu using IRC chat logs. The surveillance State sucks up everything and to assume you have privacy on any digital device is naive and dangerously poor opsec.

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Wikileaks was infiltrated.

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My comment was a specific reference to WL sources and Anonymous IRC but WikiLeaks had their own saboteurs. Siggi is the best known this from 2013. https://www.wired.com/2013/06/wikileaks-mole/

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This is some crazy stuff. When I was stationed in Germany I used to hear my German friends (some) about how tired they were with all the blame from WWII, ‘it’s all behind us, it’s not like that could happen again, let’s just move on from the whole thing.’ It would see that maybe the blaming a particular individual - Hitler - or group - Nazis - may have blinded everyone to an extent. Do Germans, or anyone for that matter, really understand the METHODS employed by the Nazi’s to take power? We have lost focus on the HOW of the Nazis, which is evident when we have so called anti-fascists essentially establishing fascistic methods to fight…fascists. Or when, as you mention here, we allow governments to drum up fear and then further allow them to use special action via laws or decrees to solve a seeming never ending problem. The success for the West has been for not. We, especially higher education, have completely failed.

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Great points. I'd add that we haven't yet as a culture processed the contributions of Rene Girard. His profoundly important work on the role of mimesis and scapegoating (at an anthropological or "species" level) should make us infinitely more cautious than we are. The assumption in Europe and elsewhere that "it could never happen here (again)" is radically ignorant of these fundamental mechanisms deeply rooted in our evolutionary inheritance.

There is some nascent understanding in intellectual circles -- talk of mass formation and such. But the understanding of how deep this runs in our species has been lost. It was grasped at one time through Christianity (and probably other religions?) but we've cast off that wisdom and now plow blindly forward. The result is what you see around you: friends, colleagues and family who seem almost zombie-like in their delusions.

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Interesting Steve, which aspect of Christianity are you referring to?

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I haven't studied radical tactics in any depth. However, I doubt the Nazis invented the tools. They were heir to at least, the Soviet revolution of two decades earlier, and the French Revolution of ~ 130 years earlier. Less obvious are the effects of suppressing certain forms of speech or even thought. Germany's (and other nation's) outlawing of Nazi imagery, ideology and apparently, even discussions of history and philosophy, however noble and well intentioned, cannot but have the effect of granting privileged status to the once-oppressed group (the Jews and perhaps other minority) . How can this not eventually breed resentment at the privileged entities? In the worst case, the very forbidden status of old traditions may draw the curious, threats of punishment notwithstanding.

The same analysis may be drawn for laws that attempt to restrict "hate speech." In the USA, we are still relatively free, but there are powerful forces of censorship at the academic, corporate and even social levels. The general purpose word to demonize someone in USA today is to call them a "racist" or a "white supremacist."

Question to ponder: Just how far can the dominant power go in marginalizing a large fraction of the citizenry, until he perhaps starts to wear the epithet as a badge of honor? "Perhaps," he may think, "being a racist, or a Neo-Nazi, is not such a bad idea after all."

This is the stuff that dictatorships -- or perhaps revolts and outright revolutions -- are made of. As many dissidents say, "We aren't going to vote our way of this one."

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I would assume here too, no?

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in principle, of course, everywhere

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As always and forever, you should never fedpost online. Nobody who does so has your best interests at heart and you gain NOTHING from doing so.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I think this will be more pronounced in western EU. In the East people remember communism and how to deal during oppression. Also, learn arabic! There is a purely logistical reason 99% of all people targeted by "thought police" are indigenous europeans - much easier to run an operation when everyone speaks the same language. Imagine the logistics involved when 20+ suspects speak both euro-pidgin arabic and idiomatic arabic.

Fighting oppression is as much about logistics as anything - make control progressively more expensive and damaging to the powerstructure. This is actually easier thorugh peaceful means, hence the need to paint opposition and samizdat as violent and deranged.

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agree, we need to be smarter than they are. as a student I've lived in a country under an american-backed military dictatorship and I remember the extra sense one develops to recognise impostors, agitators, snitches and corruption (which ultimately became its downfall). be well, GB.

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Learning Arabic is quite the commitment. Also after 20 years of the "global war on terror" the Five Eyes probably have more Arabic specialists than you and me. What ever happened to good old e-mail and GNU GPG/PGP? Anyway, the problems discussed above are more human intelligence (HUMINT) than signals intelligence (SIGINT) methods.

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Sorry, Professor e, I'm not gonna do that. Self-censorship is exactly what bad agents of the State want. I will continue to write and say exactly what I want to write and say.

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i don’t want you to self-censor, i want you not to get arrested (or get others arrested) for imprudent commentary.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I find the Telegram name quite disturbing.

General Paceka tells this story in his book Disinformation: in Russia, when they wanted to arrest someone, the secret police would come to their door early in the morning, yell "Telegram", and take you away in your pajamas when you answered.

The Telegram service was started by Russian engineers...

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