Via Jordan Schachtel, I present you the case of fully-vaccinated-and-then-some Gold Coast resident Marion Carrett, who believes she has had ten documented Covid infections since 2022.
Man, the threads that emanate from this case study could fill up a seamstress store.
I just read a story about all the studies that could be done of the Amish community. Have the Amish kept getting Covid? Or did their communities develop natural immunity very early on?
We don't know. Studies of this perfect placebo group haven't been done ... for a good reason (or actually bad reasons).
The key takeaway, for me, about the Amish is how they treated each other with dignity and respect. They kept their civility and sense of humanity.
Unlike us supposed 'enlightened' whatever we've become. Hyper-secularized godless zombies. It's the Night of the Living Dead out there people! Stay safe!
It's getting harder to remain that way..... I never imagined I would attend a church service, ever. Especially not one outside in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa with-28c temps in February.
You might think you're Godless, but you aren't. He gave you your life and maintains it with the life-giving force that He created, whether you believe it or not. He hopes that one day before the life that He gave your runs out, you will recognize the gift He gave you and all of the living creatures.
So, "He" must've given us COVID-19, and the injections as well, then? I mean, "He" did create everything, am I right? How about that Satan character? That's "His" work too, so how do you reconcile that with the notion of an omnibenevolent God?
"He" gave us our life, supposedly, which is nice, but it appears "He"'s still hell-bent on bumping as many of us off as well, in a most horrible way.
My goodness, you god-botherers believe such nonsense.
He gives us choices, and it's up to us to make the correct ones. If God just gave us everything good without challenges, we would be nothing but spoiled children. Creation of a world perfect of endless candy, rainbows and unicorns is the Leftist mindset. The idea of rejecting God because there is evil in the world is like rejecting your parents when the punish you for doing something bad. If there is an all-powerful God who created the universe, do you actually believe that you would be as intelligent as God or able to reason on that level. It would be like an ant questioning why humans build a road next to the anthill.
An interview with an Amish community quite some time ago, confirmed they all got the virus very early on, going to church and sharing the cup, they got infected just like we all were with measles at school, and developed immunity. Steve Kirsch recently wrote about the Amish not having any autism or other probably jab related diseases. Unfortunately for this woman, there is no jab to make her connect the dots, and of course the fortunate doc who is living off her kind, won't teach her.
I think we were getting close to "natural immunity" kicking in by early March 2020. If this virus is as contagious as many believe and people began to be infected in, say, October 2019, how many would have been exposed five or six months later?
My "early spread" critics say this couldn't be the case because "all-cause excess deaths" would have been too large and conspicuous. But not if the IFR of this virus is really tiny.
I think the overwhelming majority of "Covid deaths" were iatrogenic and panic deaths.
Well, iatrogenic, panic, and "dry tinder". Even a simple cold will push a sickly elderly person over the edge sometimes. I think the average age of Covid deaths, at least before the injections, was greater than the average lifespan age. Something in the 80s.
Right. I think in Europe the average age of a Covid victim was 82. It was hard to find this age figure in America (Intentionally concealed). The "Covid deaths" were massively inflated to fuel the requisite fear and panic --- and the "dry tender" was all these very old and sick people. Many would have died in the next year or two anyway, but their deaths were sped up by the iatrogenic protocols and treatments. As far as I am concerned, many people were effectively murdered. And the hospitals actually profited from these "Covid deaths." It's madness. The Crime of the Century (or perhaps of all-time since the deaths are continuing).
When my father died in 2018 at 87, the doctors listed off several things he could eventually succumb to. His body was simply wearing out and becoming weak and compromised in various ways.
When taking out long-term care insurance 3 yrs ago, I was told that 'nursing homes are where you go to die'--i.e., you don't expect to stay long once arrived.
I can't answer your question about the Amish, but I agree that we had natural immunity well before the "vaccines" were rolled out. For example, the following study wasn't released until April 2021, but was conducted in May/June 2020 in the greater Vancouver area of Canada:
As a side note, more than a a quarter of the residents of that province was born outside the country, and over 40% of the population of the lower mainland, where the study was conducted, is Asian. My guess is that many had had prior exposure to SARS back in 2002-2004.
I totally agree with you, but how do you define IFR?
IFR has some relation with the characteristics of the disease, but it is most affected by the treatment used. A mild disease, if mistreated, can kill you. It also depends heavily on the specific population measured.
I believe the IFR is too theoretical to be really useful, other than to perform quick and dirty back of the envelope calculations.
With the Amish communities you mention, I suspect that both the treatment and the health status were much better than the average of the whole USA.
CFR (in the old sense of case), is useful, because you can use it as a benchmark to see if you are killing your patients. If your practice has a higher CFR than other places, maybe you are doing something wrong (or maybe your patients are of terrible quality).
Can you educate me on the main differences between CFR and IFR?
I'd just divide the number of "real" Covid "cases"/infections (the denominator) by the number of real Covid deaths (numerators).
I keep arguing we really don't know the real numerator or denominator because we didn't start counting cases until January 17, 2020 in America (the date of the first "confirmed" case in America). We also don't know how many people might have really died "from" Covid before, say, February 2020. The number wouldn't be large, but it would be some people (just not enough to stand out in excess death statistics).
The Red Cross blood study found that 2.04 percent of blood donors in Washington, Oregon and California already had Covid antibodies when they donated blood Dec. 13-17, 2020. The vast majority of these people (N = 39) would have already been infected by November 2019.
If we believe at least 2 percent of the population had alread been infected by some point in November 2019, and if we also believe this IS a "very contagious" virus, how many people would have been infected four months later? Perhaps half the population or certainly 25 percent of the population. (Here we also need an "Ought" number - the reproduction rate - number of people one infected person later infects).
Let's say "only" 10 million people had been infected by early March 2020 (just 1/33rd of the U.S. population or fewer than 3 percent of citizens). And that only 3,000 people had really died "from" Covid (all of these deaths presumably were attributed to something else and "missed" as Covid deaths). That IFR would be lower than the flu (I don't have a calculator to do the math).
That, hypothetically, would be your baseline Covid IFR. It would be a nothing burger and the vast majority of deaths would have been among those 75 and older. (I actually think a lot more than 10 million people had been infected - symptomatic and asymptomatic cases - by March 2020).
So the virus wasn't killing (many) people at all. So why did it starting killing huge numbers in April 2020? My conclusion/hypothesis: It wasn't the virus that was really killing all these people. The virus hadn't changed and suddenly become more contagious or deadly. What changed was the treatment protocols and the mass panic.
Bill, I have read your arguments in your substack, and I agree with you. Actually I have been saying the same thing since I became aware of the documented early spread. Before that, I suspected that there was an iatrogenic problem. Afterwards, I was sure. Precisely for the reasons you mention.
The point in my comment is that the IFR is really difficult to estimate, because you will never know how many people get infected (especially if you don't look, of course).
The CFR is more useful, if you adopt a sensible definition of what a case is, as it was done in the past. You reduce the uncertainty substantially, not only in the denominator, but also in the numerator, because it is easier to ascertain the cause of death.
Autism used to be extremely rare, and the whole point of being Amish is to try and live like people from 1850. No chemicals, no fluoride in the water, natural food, plenty of exercise and fresh air, no vaccination, have children at a younger age, breastfeeding babies. Contact with farm animals and dirt as children to boost the immune system, strong community. Hard to say what difference these factors make...maybe they all work together.
It reminds me of a viral video of a pretty girl with a skin condition on her face that got a lot worse after her second covid shot. She told the story about warnings after the first shot but the doctors convinced her to take a second one because the shot was safe and covid was dangerous. And then she cried about how she just did what everyone told her to do.
Stories like these are tragedies and victims like this don't deserve mockery. The people that abused their trust and institutions that failed them deserve all of the criticism.
That said, my first thoughts were this person, Marion, does not exist and the article and story is just a pharma press release cooked up by public relations people to keep the narrative going. Guess my trust in society is getting really low.
But there is a Marion Carrett on link-ed-in that looks much like the woman in the photo, works at the University of Queensland, a 14 hr commute from the Gold Coast. If that is her, the story is even harder to believe, because her job is:
"Research Contract Officer at the Faculty of Medicine, UQ"
So, not just some trusting bumpkin. Maybe she has decided to go down with the ship?
It's difficult, but on the whole I a do agree with you, and I concur that we must be compassionate.
What I don't completely agree about, and what I understand even less, is how anyone who has been alive since, well at least 2001, and has lived through all the colluding government-administered orchestrated hoaxes, false flag events, and psyops (for example, "9/11," "WMDs," Osama bin Laden, the patently false "Assad's barrel bombs and gas attacks on Syrian children and hospitals," SARS, MERS, Skripal poisoning with Novichok, etc.), and all thee while during and in the aftermath has experienced the encroaching and ever-exacerbating surveillance state, the intensifying corralling of human interactions over the internet and especially onto the Big-Tech (DOD/Pentagon/DARPA/etc.) platforms, can still believe the government and their propaganda, especially with respect to the major events.
This part, at least, is inexcusable. People that were blind-sided by COVID-19 and the injections have not only not been paying attention, they have been derelict in their citizens' duties of being ever-vigilant and informed.
Only 20% of the population are capable of holding an opinion that is different from the majority of their peers. Thinking for themselves. The sad truth is that most people are born to be followers because for most of human history VERY BAD THINGS happened to dissidents and eccentrics. You see this most in Asian cultures like Japan where conformity is prized above all else and even the rebels do so in groups as a form of cosplay. This is because they literally killed anyone who stuck their neck out for a thousand years.
Most people have a survival mechanism in their brain that prevents them seeing any reality which would bring them into conflict with the group.
The exceptions to this are higher testosterone males and people who are a touch autistic (so the play-it-safe filter doesn't work). Most people can't afford to rock the boat.
" ... for most of human history VERY BAD THINGS happened to dissidents and eccentrics."
How depressingly true, and how dispiriting that our species just can't shake-off that vice. As ineffective and accursed and foreordained to failure as it is, the totalitarians of any generation simply will not abandon it. As we're seeing at present, they're zealously - fanatically - censoring contrasting opinions and de-platforming high-profile notables that espouse them, and of course in Australia, that playground of tyrants and despots, the federal government has introduced legislation "to combat harmful disinformation and misinformation online." There are multiple brand new internment centers in every state, which came into being with the COVID-19 operation as the pretext, and looky here, gee whiz, how convenient!
"Most people have a survival mechanism in their brain that prevents them seeing any reality which would bring them into conflict with the group."
You are almost certainly alluding to this as well, but the failure to admit reality is also indicative of cognitive dissonance. In the present, the inability or refusal to acknowledge that the State, government, the venerable institutions of the establishment, and every familiar large business brand is a subsidiary of trans-global corporate commercial entities owned by an oiler-banker oligarchy, and that this oligarchy wants to, once and for all, eliminate the threat posed to them by the ordinary people, which the oligarchs of every age have always recognised. The entire western human world in conception and creation is what these unscrupulous and degenerate entities have made it to be. Western world aspirations have been defined by them and their diabolical enterprise (which has yielded perversities such as consumer culture, universal commodification, and hyper-financialization, to name a few) and the lives of everyone in the western world has been ordered by them and their enterprise. And now, after many generations of farming the people for labor, consumption, and blood for their wars, these unscrupulous degenerate entities have deemed it time to discard their human husbandry practices and administer a cull of the majority who they deem superfluous in their upcoming post-consumerist order, a Landsraad in which only the houses of the oligarchs will remain, plus or minus a few hundred thousand or so extensively attenuated humans they'll keep around as bottom wipers, or as seed stock or subjects for genetic experimentation. But I digress.
MI5 Ex-Officer on Skripal Case: Media Has Run Whole 'Russians Did it' From Start
"Sputnik: With the current political relationship between Russia and the UK, doesn’t the timing of this attempted assassination seem a little bit odd, especially taking into account he was collaborating with MI6?"
Probable Western Responsibility for Skripal Poisoning
(Craig Murray, self-described as "Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist")
"t seems to me that the reason none of the MSM are doing any investigating/reporting of the Salisbury affair, apart from official handouts, is that the government have slapped a D-Notice over the whole incident and it is not possible to report that a notice has been issued.
Here is another theory as to what happened. The Russians pardoned Skripal and allowed him to leave (spy agencies have an understanding that agents will always be swapped after an interval – it’s the only protection they have and helps recruitment). In the UK Skripal would have been thoroughly debriefed by MI6 and MI5 (his ex-handler lives near Salisbury). If at some point they discovered that Skripal was giving them false information, perhaps he was told to do so by the FSB as a condition of his release, lives may have been endangered/lost. If he also was also involved in the ‘golden showers’ dossier then elements in the US would have a reason to act as well. The whole incident was an inside job not to kill him, hence the use of BZ, but to give him a warning and a punishment. The whole thing is being treated as though the authorities know exactly what went on but have to cover it up."
Skripals likely still in the UK and working with MI5
by Victoria Ward
The Telegraph
Thu, 10 Jan 2019 19:28 UTC
"Sergei and Yulia Skripal are still living in the UK, have contact with friends and may even have been given work by the security services, experts believe.
From the moment they were released from Salisbury District Hospital in April the pair disappeared, becoming invisible not only to the public but to friends and family too, with the careful help of a London-based MI5 team responsible for the security service's secretive resettlement programme."
Realistic critical thinking helped me bypass almost all of the voodoo tricks they demanded we follow .My Doctor was one of the worst ,rushing over to me in horror and adjust the mask on my face .I needed med. for hypertension and if I would have made a scene he would have not prescribed the medicine .I dropped the mask just outside his door ,when I left .
Yea, and dumber than a box of rocks! As another poster stated, “You just cannot fix STUPID”. With all the truth out there today, it’s hard to have sympathy.
Yet, after 5 jabs, it’s a moot point, she is brain damaged and soon to be worm food.
She is not the only one with that condition .In my place I live in ,the mask wearing is now second nature ,for a thank god minority .They are no doubt brain damaged .I try to keep my distance from them ,because you never know what a retard may do next .
But it isn’t Stupidity. It is indoctrination and the amount of people with multiple degrees and highly successful careers working for The Man who have bought the Covid lie, and for that matter the Woke lie and the Climate alarm lie is mind bending. I have sympathy for such people because they seem unable to separate constructed narratives from truth and that’s chiefly because they are not brave and independent thinkers (the work for THE MAN) and not because they are stupid. Did you notice that many entrepreneurs and self starters do not fall in line with the elites narrative? Many real top scientists do not either. It is hard to vilify people who cannot see the truth because the people behind all this are fogging their minds so successfully and maliciously. I would refer you to the speech by Dr James Lindsey to the EU in March (on the YT channel New Discourses) for an assessment of what is actually going on, in my opinion he nailed it. And and also to Prof Matthias Desmet on mass formation, although by now I outlet expect most on Substack to be aware if this. And we need to know and understand this single fact, The West is indeed under existential threat, just not a naturally occurring one. Question is, are we ready to stand up against Tyranny and help free the unfortunate people like the lady featured in this piece. She is to be pitied and helped rather than ridiculed and that is the way we win back the people to truth and virtue. Because THE MAN wants us to vilify her and she to vilify us, that’s how they win.
Man, you know what’s crazy? I thought, like you noted, that small business owners and entrepreneurs like myself would be less likely to believe all this bullshit, and yet the guy down the street I’d been pleased to discover is also entrepreneurial (he invests in real estate properties and enlisted my help as an e-commerce expert to try to sell a product he had developed but lacked the knowledge to market) got his whole family, including his young kids, jabbed.
Incidentally, the 6 year old boy relapsed into the cancer he’d been cleared of not long after they posted about getting the shots on Facebook. The boy is fine now, cancer-wise anyway, but they’re such normies I doubt they’ll ever connect the two events.
Then there was the bizarre number of restaurateurs and salon owners who totally caved to their governors’ unconstitutional business closures.
yes it isn't universal, just like it isn't about smart and not or scientific and not (just look at the Woke doctors). It isn't about age either, although older people (not yet old) who had a different up bring and school system/ philosophy seem to be more questioning. Maybe there needs to be a preexisting doubt or an unresolved conflict with past acquired knowledge or values as well as an ingrained skew to critical thinking. For me, and most who I know who did resist, I am reluctant to take any medication unless absolutely necessary and I think the level if childhood vaccines is too much. I also don't believe the flu jab is useful and might be less than. There are many factors and that complexity alone tells me that most will be easily influenced by official advice. Then the issue returns to censorship and cancel culture and the corruption of public health.
Funny you say that, since I’m only 32 but have always thought the flu shot was creepy. It occurred to me a long time ago that if you wanted to fuck up the population, you’d slip something in those since nobody who takes them really knows or cares where they come from and the propaganda pushing them every year has programmed people to think they’re normal and beneficial when it’s always just a crapshoot.
Ten years ago, I had an idea for a novel where the villain used vaccines to introduce a secret mind control technology but never wrote it.
And look where we are now.
The people who’ve baffled me the most are the boomers twice my age who have had another whole lifetime of experience that should have made them more suspicious and cynical and yet they were some of the biggest sheep about the whole thing.
I never got in the way and in the cross fire of the Pfizer venom shots .I also avoid spending my holiday,vacation in the Amazon jungle .I hear the poison dart shooting is done with plow pipes .Thankfully the medical establishment did not adapt that practice ,or it would have been very dangerous walking by a med building getting plow pipe shot with out warning .with the venom .
Stupid means ignoring reality and truth. You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. I did not say it - just repeating sth I've heard.
(In reality, TDS was/is even more amped-up here than in the US, among the chattering classes and our radfem-woke-pomo-rainbow-multikulti-islamlovesgays-crowd.)
Dr. Tegnell, who opposed masking, lockdowns, and vaccinations (until it could be certain the vaccine worked and was necessary, which as we all know it didn't and wasn't) went overnight from feted hero to unperson. From one day being either in the headlines or at least namedropped in Covid-related articles in all media everywhere to not a single mention anywhere the next day.
Why did Tegnell change his opinion on the vaxx from opposition to acceptance, or even endorsement? And what about his mentor, Dr. Johan Giesecke, who was outspoken early in his opposition to the vaxx and exposed the virus as really quite benign? Why did he disappear from the scene?
True these are frightening activities .Many have been killed by lightening while changing the climate inside a cloud .I recommend you become a professional full time polar bear hunter ,where the climate is close to how we all want it and polar bears don't fart ,the seals would hear and smell him coming
So many men are changing to female ,for a better romantic life .I will change from white male to black and be a migrant female . Now I just have to look for the right border to make all my dreams come true .Walking through the Rio Grand is out for me it would wash off my black covering
Not quite sure what's going on here, but it seems to be a case of some form of brainwashing + terror management theory. These people have been brainwashed to believe that if they are unvaxxed, they will die of C0VID. Even though the vaxxes are harming them, they see the vaxxes as their savior from certain C0VID death.
For what it's worth, I think that the "vaxx till I die" crowd has more women than men, and more people over 55 than under. At least that's been my observation. Women are more emotional than men, and more easily manipulated via the MSM, and many of those over 55 have to take care of elderly parents who are already sick.
It's sad and very very Satanic. The thing that they think will save them is killing them. People are literally sacrificing themselves on the alter of C0VID vaxxines.
Us boys needs a woman so we grow up to be men. Otherwise, we remain boys.
I need look no further than comparing my unmarried or single male friends, with those who are married/in steady long-time relationships.
The single men play at everything (except those actively seeking a wife/life-mate), be it career or leisure. Everything must be top-of-the-line, exclusive, expensive, new and fresh (or rather: appear as). The exact same behaviour teenage boys display: jockeying for pack-position via tokens and totems. (And I wasno different I must point out.)
The married men, especially those who are fathers, are meticulous, honest about themselves, and rarely if ever make excuses for anything, instead opting for being straight. To quote a close friend: "Yeah, I'm heavy, because I eat too much. It's on me. On the other hand, I deadlift 90 kilo heavy curb stones at work every day so why the flying eff should I go to a gym?"
Anyways, you're bang on the money, was what I was trying to say.
Why thanks! My mother (sister of 3 boys, mother of 3 boys) used to say that a boy didn't grow up before 40. Curiously, that was the age required for the consulship in Rome. Well, under the Republic in Rome.
Noticing that young neighbor (~40 as ~age of my daughter) across the street, father of two little ones, out on driveway shooting baskets. Paying people to mow his lawn. I will be watching to see whether this goes on. Another similar next door to me. On the other hand, next door to the first, another young man--father of two little girls-- who bought his mother's house (in which he grew up), was my daughter's best friend when they were 5, does his own lawn, plants fruit trees, uses a back hoe in his yard, drives a truck which he works on......I think he and we may be the only owner-lawn-carers in the neighborhood. My own husband is always working at something, outdoors or indoors. And has as long as we have been married (51 years). I joke that he is miserable if more than 50' from his toolbox.
Do tell? transformation aspect? and you are welcome (being a Latin teacher, now ret., has benefits) But it does seem to me that Rome was pretty darned savvy. I used to tell my 7th graders that when 18th C patriots were trying to figure out just what kind of govt they wanted (remember, some wanted to make Geo Wash a 'king') they looked around, saw only kings, princes, emperors in Europe--until they went back to Rome. Elected offices (yes, even though terrible collusion and bribery--on the other hand, we don't really know what went on before ~ 100 BC). Senate and 'House'. One executive--the consul.
It's too bad they didn't have knowledge of or access to copies of our old laws, from before 1523 AD.
In Old Sweden, dating back to before written record (even before runic records), the law were based like this, simplified of course:
a) It wasn't longer or more complicated than everyonecould memorise it.
b) The laws dealt solely with practicalities, f.e. the care for and mending of fences around pastures.
c) Anyone claiming cause against another had to do so in public at the Ting or after church once christianity had become dominant in the 13th century.
d) The Ting (a council of elders) would hear testimony under oath and witnesses, all in public.
e) Any punishment was done in public, and the most common outcome was some kind of compensatory fine (which could be quite steep - triple bride pay for rape f.e. unless the victim preferred the guilty party be killed instead of receiving compensation)
f) All deal to be made in public before several witnesses, often including the priest
New laws, even the ones from any king or jarl (earl) would have to be approved of and ratified by all the local Tings to go into effect: a modern equivalent would be states in the US using direct popular referenda for any change to existing law or enactment of a new one.
I'm pretty sure the old pre-Hastings laws of England/British Isles were laid out in much the same way?
It's somehow ironic I think that what was in modern terminology a pre-christian society centered around the family, the tribe and the people was also more democratic than any modern nation-state.
This was of course due to theinability of any central power to project said power very far, instead having to use negotiation-tactics for pretty much anything, including attempts at taxation (up until the 1500s, it wasn't too uncommon for taxmen and their guards to simply disappear in the forests, should they take a too "hands-on" approach).
You are right Play Boys are everywhere ,chasing women so they can hurt them .Sorry that I'm a man now ,but when I become a women I will try and lead the endangered women to safety .
Joe (and I haven't "seen" you for a while), you are so good! Sorry to offend you, but I sure hope you are not going to make a sex change. You are too valuable just as you are.
For sure. Two of my cousins are evidence of this. One daughter at 36 is unmarried, claims she doesn't need to be. Two daughters are very well married and well-''childrened"
In my childhood, there were 3 spinster great-aunts. But they were of the WWI generation when men were in shortage. Now no such excuse. At least, not by the numbers.
There are lots of reasons for women not to be married. And men as well.
I got married very late. VERY. Late. For my entire life, I had a non-traditional female job in a male industry awash in liberal men. By the time I was ready to settle down, all the remotely decent conservative men were married with families. As a young person getting out of college, you never think: "will my values match those of the people I work with?" Well, mine did not. FYI, my husband is the first person I dated since college (mid 80s) that was NOT in my field.
Now... my stepson. 29. Has become red pilled, and leans conservative. Does not want a vaxxed girlfriend who is a liberal. Is impossible to find anyone, and we're in a purple leaning red state.
So yeah, there are lots of reasons that people can't find someone even though it is statistically probably.
It seems for a young person to find the right one is problematic .Time does not stand still and the short time one is young ,goes by fast .How can one date if masked ?When I look around now in summer tatooed skin is the norm often on young girls .If I was a young guy and looking for a mate I could not handle with tatoos it would be a red flag to stay away .
Men of all ages have unrealistic expectations as well.
Example: former co-worker. Incel virgin type, now in his early 50s. Unmarried. Is bordering on morbidly obese. Think "Simpsons Comic Book Guy." Not rich, not particularly good looking. He only wants to date pretty, petite women. He's been that way since I met him. So... he rarely, if ever, gets dates, because women don't measure up.
Man, the threads that emanate from this case study could fill up a seamstress store.
I just read a story about all the studies that could be done of the Amish community. Have the Amish kept getting Covid? Or did their communities develop natural immunity very early on?
We don't know. Studies of this perfect placebo group haven't been done ... for a good reason (or actually bad reasons).
The key takeaway, for me, about the Amish is how they treated each other with dignity and respect. They kept their civility and sense of humanity.
Unlike us supposed 'enlightened' whatever we've become. Hyper-secularized godless zombies. It's the Night of the Living Dead out there people! Stay safe!
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out, respectfully, that one can be godless and not a zombie.
You'll have to take my word for it that I don't feel like a zombie.
It's getting harder to remain that way..... I never imagined I would attend a church service, ever. Especially not one outside in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa with-28c temps in February.
Odd times we live in.
Brought to you by Pfizer the vaxxing industry .
You might think you're Godless, but you aren't. He gave you your life and maintains it with the life-giving force that He created, whether you believe it or not. He hopes that one day before the life that He gave your runs out, you will recognize the gift He gave you and all of the living creatures.
God may be all of the universe and not an old man with a white beard as shown in pictures .
At that point it's semantics.
I like to think that Christmas is a gift given to everyone, but some choose not to untie the ribbon and take off the wrapping paper.
Why don't we agree that we can respectfully view each other as being incorrect and/or deluded.
So, "He" must've given us COVID-19, and the injections as well, then? I mean, "He" did create everything, am I right? How about that Satan character? That's "His" work too, so how do you reconcile that with the notion of an omnibenevolent God?
"He" gave us our life, supposedly, which is nice, but it appears "He"'s still hell-bent on bumping as many of us off as well, in a most horrible way.
My goodness, you god-botherers believe such nonsense.
"He gave us Covid-19 and the injections."
He gives us choices, and it's up to us to make the correct ones. If God just gave us everything good without challenges, we would be nothing but spoiled children. Creation of a world perfect of endless candy, rainbows and unicorns is the Leftist mindset. The idea of rejecting God because there is evil in the world is like rejecting your parents when the punish you for doing something bad. If there is an all-powerful God who created the universe, do you actually believe that you would be as intelligent as God or able to reason on that level. It would be like an ant questioning why humans build a road next to the anthill.
My brother in Christ, you've already lost to the WEF. The globalist technocrat vision for the world is the logical endpoint of atheism.
Nor do I. ❤
Nothing wrong with being guðlauss.
You get to keep all the credit (and blame).
I had to double check the original article was from the ABC and not from The Goolag when it came up in my feed 😀
An interview with an Amish community quite some time ago, confirmed they all got the virus very early on, going to church and sharing the cup, they got infected just like we all were with measles at school, and developed immunity. Steve Kirsch recently wrote about the Amish not having any autism or other probably jab related diseases. Unfortunately for this woman, there is no jab to make her connect the dots, and of course the fortunate doc who is living off her kind, won't teach her.
I think we were getting close to "natural immunity" kicking in by early March 2020. If this virus is as contagious as many believe and people began to be infected in, say, October 2019, how many would have been exposed five or six months later?
My "early spread" critics say this couldn't be the case because "all-cause excess deaths" would have been too large and conspicuous. But not if the IFR of this virus is really tiny.
I think the overwhelming majority of "Covid deaths" were iatrogenic and panic deaths.
What was the IFR for Covid in Amish communities?
Well, iatrogenic, panic, and "dry tinder". Even a simple cold will push a sickly elderly person over the edge sometimes. I think the average age of Covid deaths, at least before the injections, was greater than the average lifespan age. Something in the 80s.
Right. I think in Europe the average age of a Covid victim was 82. It was hard to find this age figure in America (Intentionally concealed). The "Covid deaths" were massively inflated to fuel the requisite fear and panic --- and the "dry tender" was all these very old and sick people. Many would have died in the next year or two anyway, but their deaths were sped up by the iatrogenic protocols and treatments. As far as I am concerned, many people were effectively murdered. And the hospitals actually profited from these "Covid deaths." It's madness. The Crime of the Century (or perhaps of all-time since the deaths are continuing).
When my father died in 2018 at 87, the doctors listed off several things he could eventually succumb to. His body was simply wearing out and becoming weak and compromised in various ways.
When taking out long-term care insurance 3 yrs ago, I was told that 'nursing homes are where you go to die'--i.e., you don't expect to stay long once arrived.
I can't answer your question about the Amish, but I agree that we had natural immunity well before the "vaccines" were rolled out. For example, the following study wasn't released until April 2021, but was conducted in May/June 2020 in the greater Vancouver area of Canada:
As a side note, more than a a quarter of the residents of that province was born outside the country, and over 40% of the population of the lower mainland, where the study was conducted, is Asian. My guess is that many had had prior exposure to SARS back in 2002-2004.
I totally agree with you, but how do you define IFR?
IFR has some relation with the characteristics of the disease, but it is most affected by the treatment used. A mild disease, if mistreated, can kill you. It also depends heavily on the specific population measured.
I believe the IFR is too theoretical to be really useful, other than to perform quick and dirty back of the envelope calculations.
With the Amish communities you mention, I suspect that both the treatment and the health status were much better than the average of the whole USA.
CFR (in the old sense of case), is useful, because you can use it as a benchmark to see if you are killing your patients. If your practice has a higher CFR than other places, maybe you are doing something wrong (or maybe your patients are of terrible quality).
Can you educate me on the main differences between CFR and IFR?
I'd just divide the number of "real" Covid "cases"/infections (the denominator) by the number of real Covid deaths (numerators).
I keep arguing we really don't know the real numerator or denominator because we didn't start counting cases until January 17, 2020 in America (the date of the first "confirmed" case in America). We also don't know how many people might have really died "from" Covid before, say, February 2020. The number wouldn't be large, but it would be some people (just not enough to stand out in excess death statistics).
The Red Cross blood study found that 2.04 percent of blood donors in Washington, Oregon and California already had Covid antibodies when they donated blood Dec. 13-17, 2020. The vast majority of these people (N = 39) would have already been infected by November 2019.
If we believe at least 2 percent of the population had alread been infected by some point in November 2019, and if we also believe this IS a "very contagious" virus, how many people would have been infected four months later? Perhaps half the population or certainly 25 percent of the population. (Here we also need an "Ought" number - the reproduction rate - number of people one infected person later infects).
Let's say "only" 10 million people had been infected by early March 2020 (just 1/33rd of the U.S. population or fewer than 3 percent of citizens). And that only 3,000 people had really died "from" Covid (all of these deaths presumably were attributed to something else and "missed" as Covid deaths). That IFR would be lower than the flu (I don't have a calculator to do the math).
That, hypothetically, would be your baseline Covid IFR. It would be a nothing burger and the vast majority of deaths would have been among those 75 and older. (I actually think a lot more than 10 million people had been infected - symptomatic and asymptomatic cases - by March 2020).
So the virus wasn't killing (many) people at all. So why did it starting killing huge numbers in April 2020? My conclusion/hypothesis: It wasn't the virus that was really killing all these people. The virus hadn't changed and suddenly become more contagious or deadly. What changed was the treatment protocols and the mass panic.
Bill, I have read your arguments in your substack, and I agree with you. Actually I have been saying the same thing since I became aware of the documented early spread. Before that, I suspected that there was an iatrogenic problem. Afterwards, I was sure. Precisely for the reasons you mention.
The point in my comment is that the IFR is really difficult to estimate, because you will never know how many people get infected (especially if you don't look, of course).
The CFR is more useful, if you adopt a sensible definition of what a case is, as it was done in the past. You reduce the uncertainty substantially, not only in the denominator, but also in the numerator, because it is easier to ascertain the cause of death.
I doubt very much that there is no autism among Amish people. No "autism spectrum disorder" diagnosed as that is today, but never any autism ever??
Autism used to be extremely rare, and the whole point of being Amish is to try and live like people from 1850. No chemicals, no fluoride in the water, natural food, plenty of exercise and fresh air, no vaccination, have children at a younger age, breastfeeding babies. Contact with farm animals and dirt as children to boost the immune system, strong community. Hard to say what difference these factors make...maybe they all work together.
I can't say with 100 percent certainty, but I'd say that there aren't any.
They don’t have TV to tell them what to do and what to think.
Nailed it!
The Amish do not get Covid because they dont have TV or read crap MSM stuff.
From what I've read, the Amish were not vaccinated and did not get COVID. Maybe that's a function of avoiding electricity.
Yes, they did do a study on the Amish...
It reminds me of a viral video of a pretty girl with a skin condition on her face that got a lot worse after her second covid shot. She told the story about warnings after the first shot but the doctors convinced her to take a second one because the shot was safe and covid was dangerous. And then she cried about how she just did what everyone told her to do.
Stories like these are tragedies and victims like this don't deserve mockery. The people that abused their trust and institutions that failed them deserve all of the criticism.
Mocking these people is like dancing on the grave of high trust society.
good point. criticism to motivate against a bad decision must not turn into laughing at someone else's grave mistake.
That said, my first thoughts were this person, Marion, does not exist and the article and story is just a pharma press release cooked up by public relations people to keep the narrative going. Guess my trust in society is getting really low.
But there is a Marion Carrett on link-ed-in that looks much like the woman in the photo, works at the University of Queensland, a 14 hr commute from the Gold Coast. If that is her, the story is even harder to believe, because her job is:
"Research Contract Officer at the Faculty of Medicine, UQ"
So, not just some trusting bumpkin. Maybe she has decided to go down with the ship?
It's difficult, but on the whole I a do agree with you, and I concur that we must be compassionate.
What I don't completely agree about, and what I understand even less, is how anyone who has been alive since, well at least 2001, and has lived through all the colluding government-administered orchestrated hoaxes, false flag events, and psyops (for example, "9/11," "WMDs," Osama bin Laden, the patently false "Assad's barrel bombs and gas attacks on Syrian children and hospitals," SARS, MERS, Skripal poisoning with Novichok, etc.), and all thee while during and in the aftermath has experienced the encroaching and ever-exacerbating surveillance state, the intensifying corralling of human interactions over the internet and especially onto the Big-Tech (DOD/Pentagon/DARPA/etc.) platforms, can still believe the government and their propaganda, especially with respect to the major events.
This part, at least, is inexcusable. People that were blind-sided by COVID-19 and the injections have not only not been paying attention, they have been derelict in their citizens' duties of being ever-vigilant and informed.
Only 20% of the population are capable of holding an opinion that is different from the majority of their peers. Thinking for themselves. The sad truth is that most people are born to be followers because for most of human history VERY BAD THINGS happened to dissidents and eccentrics. You see this most in Asian cultures like Japan where conformity is prized above all else and even the rebels do so in groups as a form of cosplay. This is because they literally killed anyone who stuck their neck out for a thousand years.
Most people have a survival mechanism in their brain that prevents them seeing any reality which would bring them into conflict with the group.
The exceptions to this are higher testosterone males and people who are a touch autistic (so the play-it-safe filter doesn't work). Most people can't afford to rock the boat.
" ... for most of human history VERY BAD THINGS happened to dissidents and eccentrics."
How depressingly true, and how dispiriting that our species just can't shake-off that vice. As ineffective and accursed and foreordained to failure as it is, the totalitarians of any generation simply will not abandon it. As we're seeing at present, they're zealously - fanatically - censoring contrasting opinions and de-platforming high-profile notables that espouse them, and of course in Australia, that playground of tyrants and despots, the federal government has introduced legislation "to combat harmful disinformation and misinformation online." There are multiple brand new internment centers in every state, which came into being with the COVID-19 operation as the pretext, and looky here, gee whiz, how convenient!
"Most people have a survival mechanism in their brain that prevents them seeing any reality which would bring them into conflict with the group."
You are almost certainly alluding to this as well, but the failure to admit reality is also indicative of cognitive dissonance. In the present, the inability or refusal to acknowledge that the State, government, the venerable institutions of the establishment, and every familiar large business brand is a subsidiary of trans-global corporate commercial entities owned by an oiler-banker oligarchy, and that this oligarchy wants to, once and for all, eliminate the threat posed to them by the ordinary people, which the oligarchs of every age have always recognised. The entire western human world in conception and creation is what these unscrupulous and degenerate entities have made it to be. Western world aspirations have been defined by them and their diabolical enterprise (which has yielded perversities such as consumer culture, universal commodification, and hyper-financialization, to name a few) and the lives of everyone in the western world has been ordered by them and their enterprise. And now, after many generations of farming the people for labor, consumption, and blood for their wars, these unscrupulous degenerate entities have deemed it time to discard their human husbandry practices and administer a cull of the majority who they deem superfluous in their upcoming post-consumerist order, a Landsraad in which only the houses of the oligarchs will remain, plus or minus a few hundred thousand or so extensively attenuated humans they'll keep around as bottom wipers, or as seed stock or subjects for genetic experimentation. But I digress.
What's the theory on the Skripal case? British inteligence operation?
As with all sources, either online or traditional, reader discretion is advised:
MI5 Ex-Officer on Skripal Case: Media Has Run Whole 'Russians Did it' From Start
"Sputnik: With the current political relationship between Russia and the UK, doesn’t the timing of this attempted assassination seem a little bit odd, especially taking into account he was collaborating with MI6?"
"There was a rough provocation by the British special services. In my opinion, this is obvious."
Probable Western Responsibility for Skripal Poisoning
(Craig Murray, self-described as "Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist")
"t seems to me that the reason none of the MSM are doing any investigating/reporting of the Salisbury affair, apart from official handouts, is that the government have slapped a D-Notice over the whole incident and it is not possible to report that a notice has been issued.
Here is another theory as to what happened. The Russians pardoned Skripal and allowed him to leave (spy agencies have an understanding that agents will always be swapped after an interval – it’s the only protection they have and helps recruitment). In the UK Skripal would have been thoroughly debriefed by MI6 and MI5 (his ex-handler lives near Salisbury). If at some point they discovered that Skripal was giving them false information, perhaps he was told to do so by the FSB as a condition of his release, lives may have been endangered/lost. If he also was also involved in the ‘golden showers’ dossier then elements in the US would have a reason to act as well. The whole incident was an inside job not to kill him, hence the use of BZ, but to give him a warning and a punishment. The whole thing is being treated as though the authorities know exactly what went on but have to cover it up."
Here's another (there are so many more):
Skripals likely still in the UK and working with MI5
by Victoria Ward
The Telegraph
Thu, 10 Jan 2019 19:28 UTC
"Sergei and Yulia Skripal are still living in the UK, have contact with friends and may even have been given work by the security services, experts believe.
From the moment they were released from Salisbury District Hospital in April the pair disappeared, becoming invisible not only to the public but to friends and family too, with the careful help of a London-based MI5 team responsible for the security service's secretive resettlement programme."
Deserve a lot more than criticism.
Realistic critical thinking helped me bypass almost all of the voodoo tricks they demanded we follow .My Doctor was one of the worst ,rushing over to me in horror and adjust the mask on my face .I needed med. for hypertension and if I would have made a scene he would have not prescribed the medicine .I dropped the mask just outside his door ,when I left .
My doctor is still pushing it.
Now anything with the word medical on it is a warning for me to stay away
The weak are being culled.
As for criticism
You talk
They kill
But you sure can pray for her. Which I do right now!
I’m sure she is super nice. Poor dear. 🙏🏼
Yea, and dumber than a box of rocks! As another poster stated, “You just cannot fix STUPID”. With all the truth out there today, it’s hard to have sympathy.
Yet, after 5 jabs, it’s a moot point, she is brain damaged and soon to be worm food.
She is not the only one with that condition .In my place I live in ,the mask wearing is now second nature ,for a thank god minority .They are no doubt brain damaged .I try to keep my distance from them ,because you never know what a retard may do next .
I think the worms would take a pass.
I was just running that same thought through my head! 😵💫
I asked for help for her, for clarity of thought, and for her doctors as well (while you were writing, apparently)
But it isn’t Stupidity. It is indoctrination and the amount of people with multiple degrees and highly successful careers working for The Man who have bought the Covid lie, and for that matter the Woke lie and the Climate alarm lie is mind bending. I have sympathy for such people because they seem unable to separate constructed narratives from truth and that’s chiefly because they are not brave and independent thinkers (the work for THE MAN) and not because they are stupid. Did you notice that many entrepreneurs and self starters do not fall in line with the elites narrative? Many real top scientists do not either. It is hard to vilify people who cannot see the truth because the people behind all this are fogging their minds so successfully and maliciously. I would refer you to the speech by Dr James Lindsey to the EU in March (on the YT channel New Discourses) for an assessment of what is actually going on, in my opinion he nailed it. And and also to Prof Matthias Desmet on mass formation, although by now I outlet expect most on Substack to be aware if this. And we need to know and understand this single fact, The West is indeed under existential threat, just not a naturally occurring one. Question is, are we ready to stand up against Tyranny and help free the unfortunate people like the lady featured in this piece. She is to be pitied and helped rather than ridiculed and that is the way we win back the people to truth and virtue. Because THE MAN wants us to vilify her and she to vilify us, that’s how they win.
Man, you know what’s crazy? I thought, like you noted, that small business owners and entrepreneurs like myself would be less likely to believe all this bullshit, and yet the guy down the street I’d been pleased to discover is also entrepreneurial (he invests in real estate properties and enlisted my help as an e-commerce expert to try to sell a product he had developed but lacked the knowledge to market) got his whole family, including his young kids, jabbed.
Incidentally, the 6 year old boy relapsed into the cancer he’d been cleared of not long after they posted about getting the shots on Facebook. The boy is fine now, cancer-wise anyway, but they’re such normies I doubt they’ll ever connect the two events.
Then there was the bizarre number of restaurateurs and salon owners who totally caved to their governors’ unconstitutional business closures.
yes it isn't universal, just like it isn't about smart and not or scientific and not (just look at the Woke doctors). It isn't about age either, although older people (not yet old) who had a different up bring and school system/ philosophy seem to be more questioning. Maybe there needs to be a preexisting doubt or an unresolved conflict with past acquired knowledge or values as well as an ingrained skew to critical thinking. For me, and most who I know who did resist, I am reluctant to take any medication unless absolutely necessary and I think the level if childhood vaccines is too much. I also don't believe the flu jab is useful and might be less than. There are many factors and that complexity alone tells me that most will be easily influenced by official advice. Then the issue returns to censorship and cancel culture and the corruption of public health.
Funny you say that, since I’m only 32 but have always thought the flu shot was creepy. It occurred to me a long time ago that if you wanted to fuck up the population, you’d slip something in those since nobody who takes them really knows or cares where they come from and the propaganda pushing them every year has programmed people to think they’re normal and beneficial when it’s always just a crapshoot.
Ten years ago, I had an idea for a novel where the villain used vaccines to introduce a secret mind control technology but never wrote it.
And look where we are now.
The people who’ve baffled me the most are the boomers twice my age who have had another whole lifetime of experience that should have made them more suspicious and cynical and yet they were some of the biggest sheep about the whole thing.
NOPE but you can jabbed the hell out of it apparently.
I never got in the way and in the cross fire of the Pfizer venom shots .I also avoid spending my holiday,vacation in the Amazon jungle .I hear the poison dart shooting is done with plow pipes .Thankfully the medical establishment did not adapt that practice ,or it would have been very dangerous walking by a med building getting plow pipe shot with out warning .with the venom .
This is the Fix
They’re culling the weak
You can't fix stupid, but her doctors are happy to exploit it for their benefit.
Stupid means ignoring reality and truth. You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. I did not say it - just repeating sth I've heard.
Succinctly stated, nothing more needed.
True dat. 😢 See commentary.
No matter how you try.
Good for you ,The whyrusses seem to have made you poetic and more romantic ,A good outcome for a change .
Clearly it's due to:
Climate change
Cow farts
MAGA Republicans.
Those horrible MAGA, Qanon lunatics in Sweden have banned the jabs altogether. Racist pigs make me sick
Those are certainly the folks I blame. Dang Swedish MAGA maniacs.
Lilly white, racist, homophonic pricks. Every last one of them 😜
No Agenda 2035, they said after winning the election. I believe they keep that promise.
(In reality, TDS was/is even more amped-up here than in the US, among the chattering classes and our radfem-woke-pomo-rainbow-multikulti-islamlovesgays-crowd.)
Dr. Tegnell, who opposed masking, lockdowns, and vaccinations (until it could be certain the vaccine worked and was necessary, which as we all know it didn't and wasn't) went overnight from feted hero to unperson. From one day being either in the headlines or at least namedropped in Covid-related articles in all media everywhere to not a single mention anywhere the next day.
I respect Tegnell but he's pro vaccination and pro NPIs, he just wants them to be voluntary.
Now I want to get a red hat embroidered with "MAKE SWEDEN GREAT AGAIN".
Why did Tegnell change his opinion on the vaxx from opposition to acceptance, or even endorsement? And what about his mentor, Dr. Johan Giesecke, who was outspoken early in his opposition to the vaxx and exposed the virus as really quite benign? Why did he disappear from the scene?
Don't forget "Russian collusion in the 2016 election"!
And Trump. We must never forget to blame Trump.
If stumblin’ no drops a nuke, it will be Trump’s fault, doncha know......
Oh come now, so few options?!
Had to leave for everyone else to fill in.
Experts agree MAGA was the cause of 69% of dead grandmas in Australia.
True these are frightening activities .Many have been killed by lightening while changing the climate inside a cloud .I recommend you become a professional full time polar bear hunter ,where the climate is close to how we all want it and polar bears don't fart ,the seals would hear and smell him coming
So many men are changing to female ,for a better romantic life .I will change from white male to black and be a migrant female . Now I just have to look for the right border to make all my dreams come true .Walking through the Rio Grand is out for me it would wash off my black covering
Not quite sure what's going on here, but it seems to be a case of some form of brainwashing + terror management theory. These people have been brainwashed to believe that if they are unvaxxed, they will die of C0VID. Even though the vaxxes are harming them, they see the vaxxes as their savior from certain C0VID death.
For what it's worth, I think that the "vaxx till I die" crowd has more women than men, and more people over 55 than under. At least that's been my observation. Women are more emotional than men, and more easily manipulated via the MSM, and many of those over 55 have to take care of elderly parents who are already sick.
It's sad and very very Satanic. The thing that they think will save them is killing them. People are literally sacrificing themselves on the alter of C0VID vaxxines.
Speaking as a woman--women need a savior/protector. Unmarried women turn to the government to protect them.
Us boys needs a woman so we grow up to be men. Otherwise, we remain boys.
I need look no further than comparing my unmarried or single male friends, with those who are married/in steady long-time relationships.
The single men play at everything (except those actively seeking a wife/life-mate), be it career or leisure. Everything must be top-of-the-line, exclusive, expensive, new and fresh (or rather: appear as). The exact same behaviour teenage boys display: jockeying for pack-position via tokens and totems. (And I wasno different I must point out.)
The married men, especially those who are fathers, are meticulous, honest about themselves, and rarely if ever make excuses for anything, instead opting for being straight. To quote a close friend: "Yeah, I'm heavy, because I eat too much. It's on me. On the other hand, I deadlift 90 kilo heavy curb stones at work every day so why the flying eff should I go to a gym?"
Anyways, you're bang on the money, was what I was trying to say.
Why thanks! My mother (sister of 3 boys, mother of 3 boys) used to say that a boy didn't grow up before 40. Curiously, that was the age required for the consulship in Rome. Well, under the Republic in Rome.
Noticing that young neighbor (~40 as ~age of my daughter) across the street, father of two little ones, out on driveway shooting baskets. Paying people to mow his lawn. I will be watching to see whether this goes on. Another similar next door to me. On the other hand, next door to the first, another young man--father of two little girls-- who bought his mother's house (in which he grew up), was my daughter's best friend when they were 5, does his own lawn, plants fruit trees, uses a back hoe in his yard, drives a truck which he works on......I think he and we may be the only owner-lawn-carers in the neighborhood. My own husband is always working at something, outdoors or indoors. And has as long as we have been married (51 years). I joke that he is miserable if more than 50' from his toolbox.
Tks for the consulship tip, I'm including it in a speech about the transformation aspect of marriage.
Do tell? transformation aspect? and you are welcome (being a Latin teacher, now ret., has benefits) But it does seem to me that Rome was pretty darned savvy. I used to tell my 7th graders that when 18th C patriots were trying to figure out just what kind of govt they wanted (remember, some wanted to make Geo Wash a 'king') they looked around, saw only kings, princes, emperors in Europe--until they went back to Rome. Elected offices (yes, even though terrible collusion and bribery--on the other hand, we don't really know what went on before ~ 100 BC). Senate and 'House'. One executive--the consul.
It's too bad they didn't have knowledge of or access to copies of our old laws, from before 1523 AD.
In Old Sweden, dating back to before written record (even before runic records), the law were based like this, simplified of course:
a) It wasn't longer or more complicated than everyonecould memorise it.
b) The laws dealt solely with practicalities, f.e. the care for and mending of fences around pastures.
c) Anyone claiming cause against another had to do so in public at the Ting or after church once christianity had become dominant in the 13th century.
d) The Ting (a council of elders) would hear testimony under oath and witnesses, all in public.
e) Any punishment was done in public, and the most common outcome was some kind of compensatory fine (which could be quite steep - triple bride pay for rape f.e. unless the victim preferred the guilty party be killed instead of receiving compensation)
f) All deal to be made in public before several witnesses, often including the priest
New laws, even the ones from any king or jarl (earl) would have to be approved of and ratified by all the local Tings to go into effect: a modern equivalent would be states in the US using direct popular referenda for any change to existing law or enactment of a new one.
I'm pretty sure the old pre-Hastings laws of England/British Isles were laid out in much the same way?
It's somehow ironic I think that what was in modern terminology a pre-christian society centered around the family, the tribe and the people was also more democratic than any modern nation-state.
This was of course due to theinability of any central power to project said power very far, instead having to use negotiation-tactics for pretty much anything, including attempts at taxation (up until the 1500s, it wasn't too uncommon for taxmen and their guards to simply disappear in the forests, should they take a too "hands-on" approach).
They demanded equality
Here it is
Your plan is slavery to women?
You are right Play Boys are everywhere ,chasing women so they can hurt them .Sorry that I'm a man now ,but when I become a women I will try and lead the endangered women to safety .
Joe (and I haven't "seen" you for a while), you are so good! Sorry to offend you, but I sure hope you are not going to make a sex change. You are too valuable just as you are.
With all that insanity going on it is sometime a short step only to become a bit of a comedian . My wife tells me I'm still a bad boy at 87
Keep it going! I'm at 51 yrs wed with my husband.
And government kills them
For sure. Two of my cousins are evidence of this. One daughter at 36 is unmarried, claims she doesn't need to be. Two daughters are very well married and well-''childrened"
In my childhood, there were 3 spinster great-aunts. But they were of the WWI generation when men were in shortage. Now no such excuse. At least, not by the numbers.
There are lots of reasons for women not to be married. And men as well.
I got married very late. VERY. Late. For my entire life, I had a non-traditional female job in a male industry awash in liberal men. By the time I was ready to settle down, all the remotely decent conservative men were married with families. As a young person getting out of college, you never think: "will my values match those of the people I work with?" Well, mine did not. FYI, my husband is the first person I dated since college (mid 80s) that was NOT in my field.
Now... my stepson. 29. Has become red pilled, and leans conservative. Does not want a vaxxed girlfriend who is a liberal. Is impossible to find anyone, and we're in a purple leaning red state.
So yeah, there are lots of reasons that people can't find someone even though it is statistically probably.
"The odds are good, but the goods are odd."
It seems for a young person to find the right one is problematic .Time does not stand still and the short time one is young ,goes by fast .How can one date if masked ?When I look around now in summer tatooed skin is the norm often on young girls .If I was a young guy and looking for a mate I could not handle with tatoos it would be a red flag to stay away .
I am 65. Unmarried. Not religious. Nor childless.
Raised my only begotten alone, no "help" from either the guvmint nor the (deadbeat) sperm donor.
My son, who is 26, is actually meeting the other half of his gene pool, for the first time, on July 12th.
I'd pay money to be a fly on the wall, during that momentous event.
Wow. Hope it will go very well for him and for the gene-supplier.
He didn't actually KNOW he was supplying his genetic material, to be fair.
Nor did I.
When advised: he recommended termination.
I declined.
The rest is her story, eh!
Men of all ages have unrealistic expectations as well.
Example: former co-worker. Incel virgin type, now in his early 50s. Unmarried. Is bordering on morbidly obese. Think "Simpsons Comic Book Guy." Not rich, not particularly good looking. He only wants to date pretty, petite women. He's been that way since I met him. So... he rarely, if ever, gets dates, because women don't measure up.