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Clearly it's due to:

Climate change


Cow farts

MAGA Republicans.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Not quite sure what's going on here, but it seems to be a case of some form of brainwashing + terror management theory. These people have been brainwashed to believe that if they are unvaxxed, they will die of C0VID. Even though the vaxxes are harming them, they see the vaxxes as their savior from certain C0VID death.

For what it's worth, I think that the "vaxx till I die" crowd has more women than men, and more people over 55 than under. At least that's been my observation. Women are more emotional than men, and more easily manipulated via the MSM, and many of those over 55 have to take care of elderly parents who are already sick.

It's sad and very very Satanic. The thing that they think will save them is killing them. People are literally sacrificing themselves on the alter of C0VID vaxxines.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I had the feeling today watching Novac Djokovic play tennis at Wimbledon, the crowd was cheering for his opponent, a young man from Poland who played very well. It was as if all those poor vaxxed victims in the audience did NOT want that Covid vaxx decliner to win. Spoiler alert....he did💕💕💕💕👏👏👏👏

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Karentitis can be lethal. Complete collapse of mental and physical health. You cannot reason with a demoralized person, I tried to warn you.

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It's become her identity. There's no turning back now.

Being chronically ill is an increasingly popular identity. Not expected to work, plenty of sympathy, and you can say whatever you want because people won't dare argue or correct you.

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This lovely woman, Marion Carrett, is a perfect example that the covid indoctrination works, you just have to give it time and lots and lots of marketing but it eventually will stick as long as people are not left to their own devices but are guided there by well meaning hands like those of government bureaucrats and politicians.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

A lobotomy might work just as well as a fifth dose.

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It's the new paganism. You keep vaxxing because that will please the gods, regardless of how it makes you feel. Vaxhalla awaits.

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I am sure her doctor is "baffled".

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Meanwhile, I am stubbornly unvaxxed and have caught covid two (or maybe three) times

First time, right at start of pandemic, and for two weeks I was just about as sick as I could be without having to go to the hospital. Second time, a year and a half later, mild fever for 3 days and then lost my smell for a week. I _might_ have had it a third time but, if that was covid, it was over and done within 48 hours with nothing but mild congestion.

I don't understand how anyone at this point can believe the vaccines work

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius


Yes all our friends here in Devon england on their 6th or is it 7th covid injection are getting what I call forever colds. They simply can’t shake the darn colds. Coughs that go on for six weeks. Debilitating coughs. One of the multi vaxxers was just admitted to hospital with yes, you guessed it, pneumonia. Fortunately for her, they treated her with IV antibiotics and oxygen. I guess ventilators are passé (finally).

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

One thing with Australians, is that they largely were vaccinated before being infected unlike many Americans and Europeans. I think the immune outcome is much worse in that case with high probability of ADE and OAS effects.

On the other hand, I believe that side effect risks are increased if you vaccinate after being recently infected, which is of course shockingly stupid but "required" by these insane regimes.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I got some PCR tests & a tomato from my lanai tested positive. Don’t ever put the stick up your nose.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The next dose will be the one that makes everything right.

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It's a solid testament to how effective the brainwashing campaign has been, both for her, and her "healthcare providers", and it's also a real time explanation of "doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result" -insanity.

When you're this effectively brainwashed, logic just can't break through. It's purely linear thinking, gone awry.

Apparently, nobody in the equation can see clearly enough to allow the anecdotal facts to supplant the ideological programming.

Like you, I kinda feel bad for her, she's a hapless victim of mass hypnotism, although obviously not a free thinker or too bright, but her doctors, they are just Nuremburg automatons; Robots just repeating the same action over and over again, like a machine whose only function is to put a bolt in a hole on an assembly line. If any of them had a wit of sense, they'd have long since realized that what they are doing is not only stupid and ineffectual, but dangerous and deadly!

THIS is why nobody trusts doctors anymore, because they are just as susceptible to the broadcast GroupThink as any other dolt with a degree.

And we look back and wonder how in the Hell blood-letting and phrenology took hold of "the establishment"? It's a wonder they haven't tried replacing all of her blood and giving her shock therapy, because, "why not"?

At least they haven't killed her with Remdesivir and a ventilator... yet!

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