Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

For months, since the European enthusiasm for the Ukranian war skyrocketed, I have been observing Europeans in the U.K., Germany, Italy....we are old, overweight, addicted to phones and we claim that we are ready to go to war? Never seen such a bunch of people so detached from reality....and don’t forget that for 3 years we were scared of a respiratory virus with an IFR of 0.0009%...so ridiculous

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I am a bit puzzled why it's always the same group that develops an enthusiasm for the current thing. Most normal people just want to be left alone, I think.

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I'm in shock ,now how can Germany defend itself against it's main enemy,the one occupying Germany since the last great war ? Germany needs allies ,China and Russia come to mind . I live in Canada and need all my shrinking Ammo defending against the never ending bear attacks .I wanted to send some shot gun Ammo ,but was not sure if I should send it to Germany or to the .Ukraine .Now that Germans .enemies know Germany is defense less .Germany is toast .Poor Babies

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Think i read some time ago one of Germany's major economic partners was Iran, if so maybe they can get ammo from Iran that we of course funded. But that means that Germany would have to agree to either join in an attack on Israel or stand down. Germany couldn't be a major player in WWIII, could they? How prophetic.

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Germany is great in fighting blitz krieg .Bitz krieg happens so fast that ammo for one day is enough to win .

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Why do you claim that Iran would attack Israel, my dear Zio lover? Oh, you've been fed that BS from Zionist-run media, I see. Meanwhile it's Israel that is even now bombing Syria, that gave al-Qaeda in southern Syria shelter and air support, that has been bombing and invading Lebanon, that is taking more and more land from the Palestinians. Israel has used the Marxist MEK guerrilla to murder physics professors, technicians and managers in Iran and Iraq. Israel's lobby and its tentacles in Congress demanded that Trump murder Iran's diplomat Soleimani, the man who did more than any other to stop ISIS, in exchange for calling off Israel-loyal congress members in the Trump impeachment process.

And it's Israel that has demanded the sanctions that have ruined the lives of tens of millions of people in Iran. And before that, they demanded, and got, a US-funded Iraqi invasion of Iran that killed half a million Iranians at minimum, and devastated Iran's western cities, and destroyed ancient historical sites. But sure, Iran is the aggressor.

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😭. And you'd be an anti semite. Just come out from under your rock? Iran never pledged to wipe out Israel either i spose. Know your Bible prophechy. And your history.

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I respectfully disagree. Most people want to belong to something outside of themselves. Absent anything truly meaningful to resolve free floating anxiety we get mass formation.

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I'm sure this is the case - it's people looking for meaning and belonging. But why are the people who are susceptible so susceptible and others aren't?

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Are you familiar with Mattias Desmet?

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I know about his concept of mass formation and I found what I know about it very helpful in explaining the baffling madness that gripped people. But I must admit I found the whole subject too depressing to immerse myself in it. Should probably do it, though.

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Yes, it’s terrifying to contemplate and I believe any one of us is potentially susceptible. Navigating what has become modern life demands critical thinking, staying tuned into signal while filtering out noise, and courage.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

That's for youngsters, Alex Jones. 0.4% seems more plausible.

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Front line life expectancy for Ukrainiaj soldiers currently 4 hrs combat I believe. I'm sure they not too worried about covid in those foxholes...

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I might agree, the bunch of people so detached from reality deserve to go to Ukrainian foxholes, esp. if they can't tell 0.4% (perhaps as low as 0.15%) from 60% or 0.0009%. But they aren't Christian, and Zylenskyy only sends Christians to those foxholes. Why did you conflate innumeracy with the Ukrainian debacle? Enjoy your Pissident Biden in a (latex) mask!

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Zelensky has also sent mostly Russian-speaking conscripts to be killed by the artillery in Bakhmut, according to some sources. That goes well with the general ban on the Russian language in schools and all media, and now they'll even rename all geography "to remove the language of the oppressor".

The socialist newspaper The Guardian writes that Russian-speaking Ukrainians are eagerly supporting this, as they no longer want to "speak the language of the oppressor". This is a kind of propaganda we've seen over and over again in history. I'm sure the Hutus said something similar about the Tutsis.

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Let's be exact with that statement. It was a U.S. mercenary who told a U.S. reporter that life expectanzy at the front, the front in Bakhmut, was four hours. Which sounds extremely short. But it could very well be about one day - more likely.

Some time before that, a Ukrainian officer had said "four hours," so that's likely where he got the number. But I doubt anyone has calculated it so precisely, and it sounds like they'd run out of soldiers immediately. Again, more likely that it's "around one day" in the front line in Bakhmut.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Weird. They told us those new socialist-green solar powered mortars and wind powered missiles they would replace old stockpiles with were really going to scare the pants off NAZO's enemies.

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yeah I thought the future of land battle was sail-powered tanks and bicycle infantry

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Don't forget transing the troops instead of training them. Why use bullets when you can overpower the enemy with revulsion?

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I read that one of five mtf Trans jn the USA is exmilitary. ???

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I doubt that since the explosion is in the age group not old enough to join the military or if they are old enough to join, they aren’t old enough to have finished their service yet.

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And confusion

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

back to the good old times. Pitchforks and axes ! oh wait there are no pitchforks anymore??

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those are dangerous. I remember back in the day we could bring our pitch forks in our cars to school. Now, oh my gosh.

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Bring back the Lawn Jarts!

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Yes. Start a movement! Lawn Darts for the People!

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Pitchforks are bad because they are used to make nice straw beds for those bad methane-farting cattle.

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What became of them? They had them in 1977.

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oh they still exist ? I thought it was all machines now !

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I bet you the pitch forks where all send to the Ukraine .The farmers in Holland and else where have no more use for them since Bill Gates labs need bugs not pitch forks for food making .All former farm land is now reserved for wind mills .

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Ingrid the next world war will be fought with sling shots .I.m well trained already ,because as a kid you would never find me without a sling shot .Where I lived the replacement of window glass was big business ,thank's to me .Now I'm 87 and all the glass fixers went out of business .

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I used to play with bow and arrows made from beaches by granddad. Will need some training but would not hesitate to shoot a drone out of my yard

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Ingrid there are training camps for arrow shooting in the Amazon jungle . Problem is the natives are short of poison for the arrows ,so they advise you bring your own . Pfizer has a sale on for left over poison ,that can be had very cheap ,because lately the poison business is a bit slower . Pfizer claims after a fantastic start ,there seem to be too many cowards all of a sudden .

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ROFL Joe, you made my day ! Did you see the news, Fox laid off Tucker Carlson. May be we can take him, too ! to report on our progress.

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I know from experience that women can fight more determent than men .So dear Ingrid keep your powder dry for the next battle .

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I literally picked up a slingshot last week just for that purpose should it arise.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Bicycle cavalry

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Bicycles! - an unwarranted luxury.

No, the cavalry of today must be a mass troupe of drag queens on unicycles. They will drive Putler back all the way to Vladivostok.

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If Napoleon would have had electric horses ,,France would now have its headquarters in Vladivostok ,not Paris .

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That's not inclusive enough. You need a bike built for 4

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Progress demands that all tanks must be electric .Before war is allowed to start ,the front lines must be equipped with charging stations .Germany will get the electric by wire from France ,or wind mill must be build on all front lines in advance for electric charging .Gasoline destroys the planet ,so all wars must be fought electric to save the planet from now on .

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It's high time ,Germany build an all female storm trooper shock army .I can tell you as a terrified hubby ,nothing is as devastating as the attack of an enraged female . If the war starts I will be home singing my baby to sleep ,while my wife's fury wipes out the last Russian hiding in Siberia

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Bicycle infantry did turn out to be fairly effective against Singapore

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That's also a joke. I was on an LdS mission starting in 1976. Saw plenty of old bicycles (earlier model Markenräder) with machinegun mounts.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

bicycle infantry got me. i chuckled. those would be some entertaining pictures. their weak point would be their battery pack…

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Putin stands no chance

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Best comment!

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Sadly, you could be describing the whole of Europe. The UK isn't in any better shape. Years of post-war prosperity, assumptions/guarantees of US protection, declining educational standards, cheap poor quality food, over-medication for the slightest sneeze, a total unawareness of affairs in the rest of the world, complete ignorance over how the world really works and how we all got to be so rich. I could go on! Definitely, NATO should have been disbanded when the Soviet Union disappeared but there were too many vested interests. We are all going to hell in a handcart (obviously due to the fact we are all Green these days and can't been seen using combustion engines) and nobody seems to care/realise/notice.

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If we divested ourselves of a useless and outdated Medieval Monarchy .. you know, the pillaging lot, the colonisers and the slave traders who enjoy, l hear, a seat at the top table of the Satanic cabal .. along with the aristocracy too and the ruling elites .. hand power back to the real people - sort out our crazy immigration nightmare .. look after OUR elderly and OUR vulnerable and elderly and of course our Veterans .. became a NEUTRAL COUNTRY .. divested ourselves of EVERYONE who was complicit in the mass murder and genocide of the people of Britain - and that’s the NHS down the drain .. build a better, fairer society based on our more traditional values and standards that have been horrifically diluted by the mass immigration problem .. then, only then, may we begin to re-build a broken nation .. and lastly while l am venting .. sort out this nightmare sexual gender neutral or LGBTQ+ issue too - there are men and there are women! Back to the deck chair and another glass of Bolly under my Willow tree! I wish all you brave people who are prepared to speak out well! May God protect you and keep you safe 🙏🏻

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I would add lose the windmills and fields of solar panels, take back our fishing rights, tell the police to protect the population not bully it, renationalise water and energy

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From my experience the police is the body guards and hit man of the evil doers . I would have a story to tell in that regard ,as it happened to me .

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

Regarding your first sentence maybe the Visegrad Group is the exception?


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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

German self-destruction is only slightly ahead of America's. We're on similar paths to the same result.

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Given that Germany is little more than an American vassal the trajectory should be similar, yes

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I think the UK is in there too. My country feels necrotic, moribund.

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It is a shame Biden didn't send all the equipment he left in Afghanistan to Germany. Even CNN admits it. I guess he would rather arm the Taliban.


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The abandoned munitions & equipment in Afghanistan continues to set my hair on fire. I doubt it will be an issue in a future presidential debate because 1. it is "ancient history" and 2. there are so many other ridiculous & dangerous governmental screw-ups to debate.

Oh, and it's likely the demented president won't remember.

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As the first commenter implies it's a feature not a bug. The governing elite is puzzled by the idea that leaving billions of dollars worth of stuff behind is a problem. More arms to make and sell with plenty of government funds to grift on.

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haven't you heard, it's a rapid unanticipated disassembly.


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The only reason that it won't be an issue is because the lamestream media refuses to do or say anything that would harm the Democratic Party.

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I stopped watching mainstream media. Now it's podcasts and Substack. To be honest, I feel better informed now than ever.

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Same. I stopped watching/listening to MSProaganda right after the plandemic hit, too much crap to handle. I do watch alt-media, James Corbett is the absolute BEST, Whitney Webb suggested him.

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In the war we are in,not watching and listening as to what the enemy is up to is bad advise .In all wars spying is very effective in winning .The Te Ve tells us sometime of their next attack ,that get more devastating if they win .What it is all about is our extermination ,by many different means .They made a good start already ,so stay tuned and lets look at ,what's left of us after ten years of this .They put the enemy of human life inside of us with venom injections ,that keep doing progressive harm and death ,many of us will not be able to escape from .

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As in Know Your Enemy right? I get it.

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I stopped watching MSM after 9/11 and came across Corbett in my 9/11 research. He did that hilarious video "9/11 - The Truth in 5 Minutes". Through Corbett I then discovered The Last American Vagabond, and that's where I first saw Whitney Webb three years ago.

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Not watching the enemy is a bad mistake .Watching him does not mean we go over to his side .He is watching every thing we do .If we hide our head in the sand ,he will make mince meat out of our but sticking out of the sand .

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Another zinger........the US also paid a bit more than 300k Afghani soldiers and other „military“salaries. Feeling smug that the withdrawal would have a chance. Only to find out that a fraction of the 300k were actual soldiers. Most were „ghosts“. Signed up for the pay and retreated back to their caves.

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Those are body double actors in Joe masks. You say they're also demented?

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Bet he doesn't remember draining the former strategic oil reserves either. But we won't need them with our new all electric armor (good for 2 hrs then a parlay)! Put Bootyjudge in charge with Admiral whatever it is and we be fine

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No evil doers should have arms ,not Biden or the Afghans . Biden has his hands full holding his ice creme and lick it before it melts .

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Can he do that and walk at the same time? We know steps are out of the question. That should be a prerequisite for his qualification to run again

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Biden is hardly able to walk ,how can he run again ??

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The objective isn’t to arm Germany with our old stuff but to make them buy our new stuff. The fact that you missed this point and would rather take a cheap shot is just a little sad.

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I don't know about "cheap shot." But you are correct: about feeding the military-industrial complex beast.

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Germany is still occupied since the last war .What is an armed Germany supposed to fight ? All the weapons Germany might have or not are useless against the invasion that is in progress for the last few years .The Russians went home some thirty years ago .On a visit to Berlin I saw Russian uniforms for sale at former Berlin border crossings ,from ordinary soldier up to general .Too bad I did not buy any ,since they would come handy wearing them ,to scare the living hell out of masked shoppers in nearby stores .

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They’ve been selling it all over the world. To whom? Guess we will find out …

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Maybe the plan is for the Taliban to attack the Commies from the rear? Or attack the Germans? Or Europe in general? Or China? The possibilities are endless...

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I've read that much of the weaponry left in Afghanistan has made it's way into the United States via the southern border. So, perhaps they are going to be used to attack the United States?

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And I have a feeling that a lot of the weaponry the West is kindly giving to Zelensky will be making its way back into the West in different hands. May you live in interesting times. As they say.

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Maybe that's why the American establishment wasn't worried about leaving behind the equipment -- they knew it would find its way home soon enough.

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You only attack Commies from the rear if you are a homo .

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I reckon the Commies would deal pretty harshly with you if you tried that tactic! As a character in an old sitcom used to say, "They don't like it up 'em".

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

So basically, the members of a local gun range in Tennessee could take Berlin in 2 days.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I hear similar things here in the USA. What’s astonishing is we “enlightened” “western” citizens do nothing thanks to much of the chilling that has occurred. I wonder if people would even be brave enough to understand their duty and obligation and use their 2nd Amendment rights if it came to that. I really am beginning to wonder if they would rather pile onto a train going to an unknown place.

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The issue is you would be fighting a giant, sophisticated intelligence - police- military complex which as far as I can tell would be at somewhat amenable to attacking enemies of the Democratic National Committee, since they surrender or can’t retain control everywhere else they fight. Whats the plan? What’s the goal? Most people with a brain recognize what’s going on, but that’s still a minority of the population. What we really want is change of the people running the government, not civil war. What’s the best way to accomplish this?

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Certainly- NO CIVIL WAR! My point - duty and obligation- to root out enemies within our government which has become apparent we have dangerous many.

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We all feel the same way. And as you can see from this thread, same nonsense everywhere in the West. While most of us have been busy trying to be productive, honest citizens, raising families and contributing to our local communities, the weasels have been infiltrating every institution at every level to undermine our lives. Now we have woken up over the last (take your pick) 5-20 years and see the extent of the problem. We’ve all been gamed. There’s no easy solution. The idea that if you vote for Republicans you’re doing the right thing doesn’t really work, does it? Because most of them are in on it. That’s how it got so bad so fast. So you need to take care of yourself and your loved ones and figure out how to bring in new factors to the equation. The incumbents are fine with destroying everything because they think they are immune to the consequences. You have to make them understand that they can lose their seat at the table. There are ways to do this nonviolently, but not sure if our country has the will any more to stand up. Unfortunately it probably has to get a lot worse before that happens.

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Not sure the country could withstand it, and not sure the willful blind could even see it happening- although agree that after catastrophic change people would want “the good old days”. I agree, the infiltration is massive and the rose colored glasses even rosier. Exactly why we are where we are - those rose colored glasses.

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Convention of States, Article V. Get 'er dun!

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The wind needs to change quickly! How to do that??

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Thanks for your confidence. However, I listen to Steve Cortes almost every day, an exceptional economist, and the decline has been occurring for a couple of years now. Many things like the repossession of vehicles. These things are not reported in the”news” - propaganda- and so people think they are the only ones it is happening to when it is actually a terribly large statistic right now, among many others.

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I often hear the expression 'slowly at first then all of a sudden'. I think the 'slowly at first' part is approaching the 'all of a sudden' point. I'm not even sure there needs to be a big reduction in quality of life. How many people got the covid shot in order to travel, eat out and go to movies, theatre's and sporting events?

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Exactly! Health seems to have been last or of no concern. But, on the other hand, I must agree with Gdoc in that most trusted the medical and health institutions in place, they trusted the propaganda. Not being in that line of business for decades to know inside horror stories, they had that Right to trust. The institutions knew they would and exploited that trust. That is crime No. 1, but NOT the “Trusting’s” fault. It’s becoming almost like a religious cult. I don’t know how to reach them anymore.

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The medical profession is now hostile to human life .It was and is guided and forced into that position by the personification of evil ,we call the elite .

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Like take away the kids phones? After throwing fits they will join with China when the commies hand out US created Apple phones like candy.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

History indicates that awakening from the late-stage republic stupor only happens after catastrophe.

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I don't think the start of the catastrophe is far away...sovereign debt...finances around the world are very shaky and the current global hegemon is starting to sunset. How this all works out and for how long it plays out remains to be seen.

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That catastrophe is here and in action .The exterminators can now relax and sit back ,as the venoms in the body of billions does its life ending job .That is happening over a time period of about ten years ,many de licenst doctors and scientists predict .It could even get out of control of the elites to keep a few of us as slaves and depopulate the planet of humans 100% .Infertility and shedding may cause that .

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It is not just the German military .Living on the Dutch German border I have seen the decay of Germany society slowly unfold for 50 years. So this has started well before Die Wiedervereinigung.

The contrast between Germany and the Netherlands always baffles me. In many aspects Germany and the other big European economies like France and Italy are at least a decade behind the curve, something that hits home every time I travel around Europe.

Considering that those nations pretty run Europe, I fear that any meaningful reforms cross-Europe are a lost cause. Europe's ruling caste doesn't want a change to a status quo that is working out just fine for them, to the detriment of the majority of Europeans.

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The EU is basically Socialism-lite, but moving to be more authoritarian. The whole construct of the EU is dumb. It’s on its way out. The closer it gets to collapse, the more vicious it will get.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

There appears to be no shortage of crises, and no prospect of awakening in time to avert real disaster. All by some glorious design or accident.

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deletedApr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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I think it was Konstantin Kisin that made a similar remark in an Oxford Union debate (starving kids focusing the mind...)

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If the jabs work out as planed ,and it seems they are ,there will be no starving or well fed kids around in the near future .

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The Bundeswehr has been not properly funded or had properly trained soldiers for as long as I can remember (so I guess exactly as you pointed out- the fall of the wall). But why is the German media purposefully ignoring the elephant in the room- a lot of blame lays at the feet of Merkel and her partnership with Obama. The 2 of them wrecked havoc on NATO and the EU, with these fruit loop kind of utopian ideas of one globalist army/order. It really seems like the trend with the leaders is to erase national identities and create one big homogenous love fest- which is quite obviously, wholly ridiculous. I actually think Germany has is slightly worse than the US right now, we have unmitigated illegals swarming the southern border (already in excess of 6 million in the last 3 years with Biden), but the large majority are Spanish speaking and catholic. Germany has to try and integrate middle easterners who are largely illiterate, read from right to left with an entirely different alphabet, and are predominantly Muslim requiring all sorts of cultural adjustments, including but not limited to the role of women in modern society. I don’t know how it can be best done, but Merkel and Obama acolytes need to be openly mocked and jeered into oblivion.

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I know that Germany and basically Western Europe is a stone’s throw from embracing Sharia.

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A good friend of mine, a bachelor making GREAT $ in the car industry, could see what was going on and escaped to Thailand (🙄) 2016. He’s told me back then how bad it was with the immigration

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<i>It really seems like the trend with the leaders is to erase national identities and create one big homogenous love fest- which is quite obviously, wholly ridiculous.</i>

The whole point of liberalism -- which, of course, is the animating philosophy of the modern west -- is to remove every constraint on human behaviour in the name of liberation. Removing the constraints of culture and national loyalty is an obvious and inevitable part of this programme.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I guess thats why they didnt say a peep about the act of war perpetrated on them by the US. What are they gonna do with no ammo? Give Biden a stern talking to?

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they have some leverage, probably they could demand the military bases be withdrawn, but It's pretty sad and it's also clear that the political establishment has never been so atlanticised as now.

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deletedApr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Very well stated.

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They didn't say a peep about Biden blowing up Nordstream, because the German government is complict in this whole thing. They are all onboard with the World Economic Forum "Great Reset", which is prelude to United Nations "Agenda 21 / 30"

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I think it has to have been complicit. Blowing up the pipeline was the only way the gas was going to stop powering German homes and businesses. If it hadn’t blown up, the German people would have demanded they keep buying gas from Russia. It seems to me that all western governments are treating their electorate like shit. Even the people I know who got jabbed and supported lockdown are starting to complain about the lack of democracy here in the UK.

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The irony is thick. The jab and lockdowns were a big symptom, and a significant warning, of the reduction of democratic ideals, yet the people who got jabbed and supported the lockdown (mostly) thought it was a swell idea at the time. Too soon old and too late smart, as they say.

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So sorry, but we're past the tipping point. Your country is doomed, so is mine(US). I'm making a new life in Central America.

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Central America might be fine, might be a disaster. Lots of crime, lots of corruption, lots of social ills and bad infrastructure. If you’re an off the grid type and handy, might be fine. Most of these places are about as safe as East St. Louis. El Salvador is doing some interesting things to improve their lot. Costa Rica has lost some of its luster. Panama may be the best option.

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I live in Guatemala. Have you spent time / lived anywhere in Central America?

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A ti tambien...

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I’ve spent time in Guatemala. I did charity work there in Guatemala City, surgery on indigent kids, at a military hospital. ( Yes, it was a little weird.). I’ve spent time in Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, DR, Mexico. One side of my family lived in Colombia for 60 years. Antigua is beautiful. The countryside is beautiful. The coffee is good. The history is pretty sad and the same small group of elites continuously run the country, just like here.

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OK. I live in Antigua and feel safer here than any metropolitan area in the US. I avoid Guatemala City. Yes, Guatemala is corrupt. More or less than the US? The difference IMHO is the lack of hypocrisy. We all know the corruption and don't pretend it away. We just act accordingly. In fact, in some ways it makes life simpler.

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The stuff is probably more tolerable as an expat, because one is less likely to be emotionally invested in the politics of a country other than one’s own homeland. Antigua is very nice and at least when I was there, a bit more sophisticated than the rest of the country. I hope you are enjoying your new life there.

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Gracias. Buen dia.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I realize it is no consolation to you or any other European but we in the USA are racing right to the bottom with you. It just feels, just like you write, that all of this is idiocy is being enacted with no real thought or plan for the future. Unfortunately, this gives many the idea that there is some big conspiracy. I think it is just a lot of really stupid, ignorant people who tricked enough people nto voting for them. Of course you have to add in the life long bureaucratic appointees. Good luck and keep writing.

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Add open borders.

America was mostly British plus some Swedes, Germans, Irish and a few others.

They all pretty much the same. Not so much is evident today.

For example,

now, Minneapolis this week passed an ordnance allowing Muslims to broadcast their call to prayer five times a day. Blaring their rants five times a day!

No where to hide.


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Let me tell you, Canada looks like India and I don’t say that lightly. I’m half German the othe Chinese, I get wanting a better life but damn .India is taking over my town and all the gas stations with it

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"Years of chronic under-funding"?

Germany spends $ 56 bn per year on defense, which makes it #7 in the world.

we spend almost as much as Russia, who are able to fight a WW1-style industrial war with it, and come up with the most modern weapons in the world.

What would more money for the Bundeswehr get us? More committees deciding on the correctly gendered names for our panzers. (What is the female for Leopard?)

And who should attack us, and for what reason. To take over our windmills and pride parades?

We are destroyed from the inside. I am glad that at least our elites don't have an army to make any mischief. They would use it only against their own citizens anyway.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Author

germany’s seemingly high ranking (not so high when you consider we are number 4 in GDP) more expression of how disarmed much of world is.

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IMO, it is a sign of corruption.

With the same money, Russia is armed to the teeth and has an extremely capable military.

The UK does not spend much more than us, and has at least a sueful military.

Israel spends less than half, and fights it's eternal war, and has a capable Iron Dome.

Poland spends lest than a third than us, and has the only useful army in Western Europe.

If you think about the last three or four defense ministers we had: they spend a lot of money to destroy the Bundeswehr. It is not that we spend enough money; we spend far too much.

The more money our bureaucracies get, the more destructive they are.

Conquest's 3rd law:

"The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies."

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yes, corruption is also a terrible problem. we could field a more effective and powerful yet simpler & less defence-industry friendly army for less than we’re spending now.

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I always like to study the Israeli army, much smaller, incorporates women in an intelligent way (would be nice to draft women so that creatures like Hillary and her ilk wont be so quick to war, sending others sons), and the success of the Dome.

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I like your optimism, but I suspect women in war won't hinder the Hillarys of the world. The military industrial complex, to whom the Hillarys of the world owe allegiance would be just fine sending women and children off to war, just as the men who run the show don't mind sending our sons to die in foreign lands for no good reason.

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Exactly. It's like being the world's tallest midget. The US is now in a similar situation. We've sent so many military resources to Ukraine that we are now out of ammunition. Last I heard, if we ever need to "defend" our position in Taiwan, we'll be borrowing ammo from South Korea. Pitiful and sad.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

And look at the US!

Billions of dollars worth of equipment abandoned in Afghanistan.

Depletion of the strategic petroleum reserves

But the US military has loads of maternity flight suits and cross-sex hormones for the "transgender" soldiers & sailors who enlist for the free castration "benefit."

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The money that the US used to bailout Silicon Valley Bank came from (I don't remember the proper name) the fund that is used to support a flagging currency so it's not just the petroleum reserves that were depleted.

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