Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

“I for one am enjoying Lauterbach’s public humiliation and hope that it continues indefinitely.“

Meanwhile, here in the states, not a whisper of wrongdoing. We need the same ridicule. But then people would have to admit they have been bamboozled and apologize. File that under “every single one of the Pfuckfaces would rather literally die first”. Here the story is: “We twied weally weally hard. We just so happened to get everything ass backwards. Pure coincidence I assure you!”

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Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

It's getting more and more difficult for me to believe that this pandemic wasn't intentionally started and then inflated for political purposes.

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The scandal is bursting out everywhere, and as the volcano explodes, the journalists and public health officials are scurrying about trying to sweep up the evidence of exploded lies that lie everywhere before too many people see it. It appears that many people still want to remain ignorant, perhaps finding the evidence of their own folly too hard to countenance, so the cleaners don't have to work too hard to cover up. Will there be a point where the whistle is blown, where the perpetrators push too far, and where we have a a moment such as the one which ended McCarthyism in the U.S., where someone such as Senator Joseph Welch did in 1954, brought the deranged McCarthy down by saying, "Have you no decency, sir?" Truly, these liars and murderers have no decency, and they need to be called out for it. It's truly morally reprehensible.

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This idea that any redactions in cases like these are justified is absolutely ludicrous. If a public agency has ANY jurisdictional power over citizens either directly or by proxy, those citizens cannot possibly consent to governance unless they know who, what and why. 'Sensitive information' in these cases means nothing more than a way to commandeer others whilst remaining incognito.

Outside of someone's personal address or phone, there's nothing that should be redacted. Don't get me wrong. I understand the risks of reprisal and the attempts to limit that but removing all concern of any reprisal allows political figures all manner of opportunities to institute horrible things on other people without any real accountability. Losing your political office and retiring with a fat tax-payer pension is hardly a stick for political sociopaths.

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

Pictured at the top of the article: "Lothar Wieler, veterinarian and head of the Robert Koch Institut during the Covid pandemic"

The head of Pfizer was a veterinarian, too, and now I'm starting to wonder if it's a good idea or not to give unlimited power to docs who only tended to patients that never complained and if they died were replaced by free puppies anyway.

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Governments have been lying about pretty much everything since the Spanish-American war, and if anything, the lying has been put on steroids...Yet, the western population keeps lapping it up....

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Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

Lauterbach Europe's dumbest health minister?

I think Matt Hancock's gonna sue you for libel.

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Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

Killing it lately E. Excellent journalism.

Thank you!

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Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

Louderbark is as dumb as our own Hopeless Hancock, who has just lost his attempts to have Andrew Bridgen's case against him dropped.

A small victory ,but worth it:


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Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

Just about everything in Blighty now is stupid and contradictory, with our establishment leading the way.


The Great Jabberwocky car boot sale, soon to be available over the counter for anyone over 12 years of age.😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

I'm waiting for a BOGOF : buy one get one free.

Every day, in every way, the madness, the corruption and the unblievable stupidity spread: April Fool's Day; Stasi- land awaits, as the Scottish Hate Crime bill goes live.

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

Great sentence: "When it comes to lockdowns and mass vaccination, the incuriosity of our journalists knows no bounds."

The R-number - the number of people one "infected" person will subsequently infect - is crucial information. If I'm correct that "early spread" happened and this virus was indeed quite contagious (but NOT "deadly"), it would follow that officials wanted to conceal the real R Number (or make people think the virus only began to infect others - "spread" - in, say, mid-February 2020).

If the R number was 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 - before February 2020 - this virus had already galloped around the world.

I think that's why we didn't have wide-spread PCR tests or widespread antibody tests before March 1st, 2020. The officials didn't want the public to know how many citizens had already been infected (with nobody even noticing!)

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Were the “journalists“ incurious? Or were they simply following orders from their owners?

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Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

Another "criminal-vet" posing as a health care professional…Holy Bourla Batman!

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I think people who go into "Science" are natural bullies. All of history proves this hypothesis. And popular fiction has always been full of the struggle between the ethical young [insert field here] trying to save lives despite the arrogance of the head [insert title here] too grand to listen to reason from the hierarchically-handicapped. I was only a kid when I read AJ Cronin's "The Citadel" and was shocked by the scene where the eminent surgeon got tired of trying to tie off a cyst and punctured it and the patient promptly bled to death. You guys can look up the publication date of that book which was old by the time I was born.

So OK. We're too fancy ourselves now to get out the torches and pitchforks after what's been done to us? I am not a person of easy courage; I get the fear-sweat and the flushing face and the pounding heart and the drop of the stomach whenever I have to confront Big Authority.

Except for when my kid's wellbeing has ever been at stake. Then I get the thrumming in the ears and the red mist behind my eyes and you should maybe for your own good get out of my way, and I ain't a big woman by any means. Fortunately for me being able to continue sleeping in my own bed until I die, my kid was a fully-grown adult by the time The Plague Era arrived and we weren't in NY no more neither.

How much more evidence do we need before we stop posturing on comments threads and take these vile morons down?

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Top notch reporting - thank you for that!

Must ask, do you mean "errant" and not "arrant" where it says "...forced their arrant minister to stop embarrassing an already widely loathed government."?

Arrant works too, of course, it's just that it doesn't mean errant and is (as far as I know) rather obscure a word; it means "very bad" or "nonsense", so it does fit.

Here in Sweden, Covid is such a non-issue even people who are "in the know" have moved on. Meanwhile, our governement has been courted with delegations from the WHO, the EU, and the WEF for two years now, demanding laws are changed so that we will act in line with "The Science". Even von der Leyen herself came to have a classified and unscheduled meeting with the PM on Gotland last year.

Here, it's all Ukraine, our daily bombings and shoot-outs among the blacks, arabs and other such [insert pejorative of choice here], and climate change. That 2/3 of all armoured vehicles donated to the Ukraine are currently wrecked or disabled and stranded in no-man's land is "Putinist propaganda".

Someone ought to inform Forbes they are spreading consiprary theories.

I just had to mention that last bit for a simple reason: being able to read Substacks and foreign news sources is now an act that marks one as a potential "Abweichsler", but the free debate in articles and comments is like air to a seal under the ice.

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Mar 29Liked by eugyppius

When are the next elections?

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