Two weeks ago, a court forced the Robert Koch Institut to release the internal protocols of their “Covid Crisis Team” meetings between January 2020 and April 2021, and the fallout continues as I type this.
“I for one am enjoying Lauterbach’s public humiliation and hope that it continues indefinitely.“
Meanwhile, here in the states, not a whisper of wrongdoing. We need the same ridicule. But then people would have to admit they have been bamboozled and apologize. File that under “every single one of the Pfuckfaces would rather literally die first”. Here the story is: “We twied weally weally hard. We just so happened to get everything ass backwards. Pure coincidence I assure you!”
Yeah that myocarditis doc is really restoring trust. I have a FAR left buddy who waves off every “conspiracy theory”. Everything is vunderbar, a D is in the White House you see. And sometimes things need to remain classified. He describes himself as a moderate. Meanwhile, if an opinion that wasn’t state approved entered his sphere, his head would literally explode.
In a government by and for the people, what needs to remain classified? The only thing I can think of off the top of my head are policies and ideas that are not "for and by the people."
We need to reverse the transparency: full transparency of (almost) all government functions. Plus an office of accountability. With actual accountants.
I think it's not so much love of gov't as fear of the truth that gov't / globalists via gov't puppets is/are intentionally harming you with bioweapons +++ and brainwashing you into agreeing to inject them into yourself and your kids. The truth of this betrayal of trust is harder to process than lying to yourself.
See, I am at the "adult in the room" level of what is going on here. Which means that we are the office of accountability. And that transparency is come and gone. Really, we're all responsible to one degree or another. I am the adult in the room, I should not have let it go on so long... Let me illustrate, and see if this sounds familiar. Maybe it isn't, I could be wrong.
You hear crying and fighting in the next room, and you walk in and your two sons are fighting and their room consists of forts and a whole mess. You can tell they've organized an imaginary environment in their room. The one brother is yelling about how thus and such rule the other made was broken, and now it's disrupted into chaos.
Does there really need to be transparency? Yes, we can take the debris in the room and try to make sense of it, but a lot of it won't matter because it is just a lot of marks on pages, and complete gobbly gook. You even see that one brother has written all his rules in code so that the other one can't recognize, not only what the rule is, but when the other brother has broken that rule.
No, as quaint as the forts are in the room, as imaginative as the rules are in their coded language, it's time to end it, because the younger brother is in tears, and the older brother has been continually egged on by the younger one. Neither are without sin or vice. Yes, the older one should have known better, and the younger one should have known to stop poking the bear. But here we are.
The room is a mess. I suppose we could get to who started it, and really all parties involved, including those supervising, are at fault.
As some one who hates breaking down people into different generations, I was thinking maybe us Gen X'rs are the problem in all this. The millennials and the boomers seem to call one another out in all this, while we the Gen X'rs just wanted to be left alone. We didn't like it when our parents were the adults in the room and so we have been loathe to do that, but clearly when people were playing "fake pandemic" we should have walked in, taken the masks, turned off the mics, and told everyone to "calm the f down." When they started taking out the needles and demanding everyone play the game, we should have realized this isn't going to end well.
Instead, we thought that there were adults already in the room. I was wrong.
Similar to the experience I had in 1982, when I had a curiosity of the Holocau$t:
1)The Balfour Declaration reveled itself to be blatantly fraudulent -
Colonial Occupied Land given to a Non-Sovereign political entity, without the consent of the occupants.
Without saying, needs to be rescinded;
2)If 65 - 70 million died in WW2, why does one "ethnic" group have the only privilege to extort billions of $$ from the alleged barbarians.
From here the inquiries led to:
3)German Jews were involved in Medical experiments; Israeli Jews are involved in Medical Experiments;
4)The Allies post WW2 established crimes against humanity in their treatment of German POWs and civilians - estimated that 8 to 13 million were victims;
5)the nature of the alleged German atrocities against Jews mirrored that of the massacre of Jews by Bandera Ukies (Waffen SS) at Baba Yar;
6)Canada rescued 5000+ of these f**kers...
So the only other items I have are:
A)All it takes is the willingness to inform oneself;
B) One can only be "adult" when the issues are dealt with first before the emotion.
C) Neither need post-secondary ejumakaishkun.
D) Utter contempt towards all authority that knew the truth and Knew better than to perpetuate lies is permissable!
E) Apply A-D to the CoronaPrank perps.
My wife's doctor when recently asked for thoughts on Ivermectin was told, "It is an effective medicine for seasonal communicable illnesses!"
My wife, "So what was the reason for the criminal illegality in preventing it's use 4 years ago..."
Doc: "I think the Practitioner/client relationship has ended!"
My wife, "You are a stupid woman - we live in the same small town, divided ~ 50/50 on the CoronaPrank."
Doc: retired 10 weeks later! No idea if my wife had any effect on that decision.
Some of us realized early on that it wasn't going to end well. do you remember the Canadian Trucker Freedom protest? We still have people waiting for trial behind bars and others on trial. Same in the USA with Jan 6 folks. I must admit that I got tired of banging my head against the wall at times; then other 'life' problems got in the way. I don't know what else to say except Happy Easter.
To anyone who doesn't see the depth of the battle that's going on, take a look at this video by Cardinal Raymond Burke and the next one by an exorcist, Fr. Ripperger. Too many similarities to ignore.
This is why 9/10 they end up muting or blocking you. On Twitter it is this process:
1. Ad hominem attack and throwaway study allegedly proving they are right.
Here they hope to derail you by making you stop and read studies...or what they think pass as studies. Yesterday I read a "study" on estimates of those who were "saved" by the vaccine. Also read another "study" about ED from Covid sufferers (that extracted the vaccination data from the study).
2. Appeal to experts, condescension, more ad hominem attacks.
3. Sometimes threatening doxxing.
4. More demoralization, then you are called a "snowflake" if you call out the ad hominem attacks.
Truth be told, I am used to getting called names all the time, the reason I point it out is each time they use them it contaminates the quality of their arguments.
5. Eventually they have a call to action, announcing the conversation is over and then they mute/block you.
Folks like that are “moderate” only in the sense that they are now more careful in their public expression of gleeful hope for the rest of us to die agonizing deaths.
You shoot your self in the credibility there where you claim that you have a FAR left buddy who is content that Genocide Joe is representing the smiling side of One-Party-Two-Faces. I’d take your friend at his self-assessment word, because there is no such thing as a far left supporter of neoliberalism.
Stop being silly. If you have actual points to make about the pandemic, they’re lost because no one can take you seriously if you lead with…erm, I’m going with:
There is an incurious silence from most politicians and the media. Our few brave Senators are the exception. Questions are from the brave few everywhere else.
All anyone cares about in the States are their paychecks. That is why they did not act and followed the nonsensical mandates. Depressing. I never knew this nation would fold like it did, but it did. Cowardice to the highest degree.
If any one of these fools with the PHA's finally come forward and admit all of it was a farce and coordinated globally, they'll lose more than their membership in the "club"...
Oh, there are whispers of wrongdoing. Ron Johnson (or is it Jim Jordan?), who I previously loathed, is doing yoeman's work in Congressional committee investigations. The Democrats on the committees turn the whole thing into an Orange Man Bad circus, and the press pretty much ignores it. So most of the regular people know nothing about it.
I was watching a You Tube the other night featuring an Indiana R congresswoman who was showing clips of horrendous injuries to female athletes when trans 'girls' were allowed to participate. A couple of the clips ended in the screaming of the injured girl or her teammates at the extent of the injuries. The rep then implored quite emotionally for the cessation of boys in girl's sports
She was interrupted by some house muppet who asked why these films were being shown as they just showed 'kids having fun doing sports'. They totally ignored that these girls were screaming in pain, shock and horror. They are sick bastards.
There was no pandemic we have no evidence of spread just PCR induced panic and changes to protocols.. denial of antibiotics & ventilators & misclassification of cases based on ridiculous testing & bonus payments for cases created an illusion of an event.
From a strict definition sense, yes, there was a pandemic (multiple chains of transmission of a virus in multiple countries at the same time.) You don't need a PCR test to recognize that there is a pneumonia that is hospitalizing specific people. (flu falls into pandemic classification at times too - it's just not reacted to this way.)
I think it's really important to not get so caught up in some of these micro-details and to rather very clearly say it doesn't matter if there was a pandemic or not - the governments of most of the world and the public health agencies that advised them acted outside the bounds of democracy and in anti-scientific ways.
It doesn't matter how horrible an illness might be sweeping the world. Locking it down and taking away basic rights was never the answer and was never capable of changing anything.
You are correct that the possible illness is irrelevant to the abuses of freedoms and rights. However, the spreading idea that an RNA molecule can threaten global health and spread like pink snow in Cat in the Hat is dangerous mythology that gives these liars a tool to spread fear about an unseen threat & that lie must be debunked.
In the US the fact that a huge payout went along with every step of the way once Covid was diagnosed. Gee🤔 I wonder if that 🙄influenced anyone’s decision making, nawwww never🤥
it does if the narrative was both intentional harm and false. Pandemics do not exist. They cannot. That in itself is a lie. The fear generated by this fabricated lie was what enabled everything else. And it points to the real actors and real culpability behind this. And their policies to force iatrogenic deaths to keep the illusion of this narrative going. And we must stare at it until we process it.
indeed, there is a very good interview with Sasha Latypova, who states pandemics don't exist and explains how come. Not even the 1918 flu was pandemic. It was broadcast about2 weeks ago, with Dr Malik. There was no pandemic, no isolated virus (the one they presumed to have was the 2003 version so it seems). There was just a Panic-attack, blown up into a zeppelin by the media, and cleverly played by the DoD and the pharma, to illegally test an illegal product on as many guinea pigs as possible. Testing on humans is forbidden, as you know, but how do you test your crap otherwise? In the meantime these pharma became stinking rich, as did the gates and co, who were in the know, bought humongous amounts of stock before the rollout, and immediately resold it when the jabs were at a height.
I think it goes beyond that to a depopulation agenda and this was long planned. It wasn't merely cleverly played, it was very well orchestrated and intentional harm. They knew what the product would do. They knew the casualties to expect.
True. It was a Plandemic, just follow the patents, the money etc. Operation Lockstep. Course, it would never have happened without docile and compliant masses.
I had it, never been so sick in my life. Fever 103+, loss of smell and taste, brutal headache like I’ve never had (and I’m pretty robust, rarely sick, headaches really my only relatively common ailment). Oxygen level down near 90%.
It’s real. Regardless what they got right and wrong, COVID is not a hoax.
I had "it" too, in February of 2020. I thought it was pneumonia and was sick as a dog for 3 or 4 days. Never got tested because the tests weren't widely available and I'm not someone to go to a doctor right away. It was a month later when COVID hysteria was in full swing that I finally put two and two together and figured that's what it was. I never was afraid of the coof after that because I assumed that I had natural immunity. But, come to think of it, it may well have been pneumonia after all.
Not a fan of Sasha she recycles too many other folks work w/o credit and some of her facts muddied.. imo she's somewhere between opportunist & meddler not a source worth my time.
Mike Yeadon is the consummate expert & true hearted source listen to his perspectives.. support primary source & whistleblowers not posers waxing informed!
Whatever helps but my background is Washington career from Watergate to Poppy Bush & dirtbag tracking w Monsanto- Gates focus since 1997 so lots of what they discover is old news or mangled by limited grasp.. Sasha & side kicks have an attitude of certainty about their flawed conclusions that gives me a big time cramp.. twenty years ago it would be worth my time to try to correct them now it's only worth the time to say take this source w huge grain of salt.
My references to their findings there is second hand but fatally flawed imo when DTRA is under State Dept and Pompeo went from CIA to State for pandemic launch & they attribute Covidian madness to DoD.
😊 gold star. I've been trying to make #IntentionalHarm trend on twitter for two + years. (I'm severely shadowbanned. Have been since 2016, but that's beside the point.)
There was no pandemic. There was a pre-written narrative and symptoms triggered in a few places (caused by whatever agents they needed to use ... chemicals, drugs ... ) that launched the narrative rollout by defense departments around the world who declared, virtually in unison, a "state of emergency" existed, which legally enabled the rest of the agenda.
It's all in black and white in court documents in the US where Pfizer revealed the whole scheme to defend itself against fraud lawsuits:
"Translation: “we are a US Government agent, and are protected by the Sovereign Immunity of the US Government. The US Government decided to poison all of you, people, and gave us contracts for a lot of money to make and ship the poison, and instructed us on how to lie about this operation, and we did exactly as we were instructed! Stop bothering us with these politically motivated lawsuits, because it is very evident from your silly complaint that YOU CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH”." ...
"Pfizer points at the real criminal - the US Government, the DOD and HHS, and that’s exactly who is the head of the criminal cartel responsible for poisoning men, women and children in this country and worldwide."
Her post isn't necessarily BS . . . but you make a good point. Best to steer away from the more sensational allegations and theories because the in-your-face obvious facts and most plausible theories are still being ignored by the MSM.
The true attack on "democracy" (defined as any form of government supporting the status quo of the elites) was this "pandemic." The people were getting too loud and demanding and had to be silenced. What better way than to isolate them, mask them and then force them to poison themselves? Good-bye Brexit, good-bye MAGA, good-by AfD and any other populist movement demanding accountability from your government. We'll tell you how to live and you'll like it.
"The ignorant rabble, conversing freely, may thend to express that subset of dangerous, prejudicial, and deeply unauthorized opinions known as "hate." --eugyppius
When I read the first paper on the isolation of the alleged SARS-Cov2, and noticed that there was no definite source of the "contagion", but was elucidated by off-the-shelf primers using computer algorithms. Nature: January 11, 2020
Human beings have existed in various evolutionary forms for hundreds of thousands of years and the ability for us to combat seasonal communicable illnesses without Medical Industry Heroics is legend... this is why there appears to be limits to the overall death from 'flu/cold.
Covid1984 was a Military/Media/medical/Political Industrial complex public relations scam larger than the Holocaust exaggerations.
The scandal is bursting out everywhere, and as the volcano explodes, the journalists and public health officials are scurrying about trying to sweep up the evidence of exploded lies that lie everywhere before too many people see it. It appears that many people still want to remain ignorant, perhaps finding the evidence of their own folly too hard to countenance, so the cleaners don't have to work too hard to cover up. Will there be a point where the whistle is blown, where the perpetrators push too far, and where we have a a moment such as the one which ended McCarthyism in the U.S., where someone such as Senator Joseph Welch did in 1954, brought the deranged McCarthy down by saying, "Have you no decency, sir?" Truly, these liars and murderers have no decency, and they need to be called out for it. It's truly morally reprehensible.
Australia’s Senate just passed legislation to investigate the excess deaths that are happening there beginning in the year the mRNA shots were forced on their populace. The shite is going to hit fans around the world, and it is about time. We were bamboozled and now they want to play that they are ‘baffled’ by these stats.
The Liberal Coalition Party under Scott Morrison was in power during Covid and they took a beating in the last elections for their totalitarian management of Covid. The now in power Labor Party is seeking answers about everything Covid. At last. This is what EVERY Country must do. We need answers.
Um, I think you’ll find labor was in charge of most states during ‘all things covid’ and their ministers/senators block every effort to investigate ‘all things covid’. This current investigation (if that’s what it is even truly going to be) is not one iota to do with the wonders of the labor party …..
I am referring to National Party’s. The Liberals were in power for 22 years, ending in 2023 and now the Labor Party is in power. And they want answers to what happened during Covid under Morrison.
Morrison was completely gutless during covid and handed power to the states. Those states, mostly labor-led, created their own draconian responses to covid that they gleefully forced upon their populations. Only a handful of Senators (none labor that i know of) are rallying for accountability for the covid crimes. Labor has voted down the inquiry into excess deaths 3 times, it eventually got over the line DESPITE labor, not because of it.
Thank you for your heart-felt outburst! Eugyppius has a way of getting us going hasn't he? Sometimes it seems human decency is in deficit... I want to share this interview far and wide. I think it's fit here. Dr Kulldorff is a dignified example of someone standing with proven science, respectful discourse and yes, decency.
"It appears that many people still want to remain ignorant, perhaps finding the evidence of their own folly too hard to countenance, so the cleaners don't have to work too hard to cover up."
I always have to remind myself that this is the default position of mankind. It is so frustrating to see it unfold. It starts with indifference; first in tiny, virtually imperceptible steps and eventually in "imperceptible" giant steps.
First indifference. Then apathy.
Then manacles
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage" - Alexander Fraser Tytler
McCarthy was right about everything & he drank himself to death in despair, not shame. The Roosevelt administration had literal card carriers at the highest levels of the executive bureaucracy, reporting simultaneously to the US president & their NKVD handlers, since the 1930s.
If anything, McCarthy underestimated the issue. We know this because of declassified files from the Soviet Union.
I sometimes think the Powers That Be are attempting to replicate the decades of the Cold War, substituting climate for nuclear war, and fear of the far right, the deplorables, the racists, the white supremacists, the raging rural white people for fear of communists. Like a sort of political plagiarism, copycating, as we know these people have no creativity whatsoever.
The problem is that most German politicians participated gladly and loudly with the Corona policies.
It was easy to stop McCarthy, because he was alone and personified those policies.
IMO, health minister Lauterbach did the same mistake, personifying the Corona policies. But if he'd go down, too many others in the establishment would go down with him.
This idea that any redactions in cases like these are justified is absolutely ludicrous. If a public agency has ANY jurisdictional power over citizens either directly or by proxy, those citizens cannot possibly consent to governance unless they know who, what and why. 'Sensitive information' in these cases means nothing more than a way to commandeer others whilst remaining incognito.
Outside of someone's personal address or phone, there's nothing that should be redacted. Don't get me wrong. I understand the risks of reprisal and the attempts to limit that but removing all concern of any reprisal allows political figures all manner of opportunities to institute horrible things on other people without any real accountability. Losing your political office and retiring with a fat tax-payer pension is hardly a stick for political sociopaths.
Pictured at the top of the article: "Lothar Wieler, veterinarian and head of the Robert Koch Institut during the Covid pandemic"
The head of Pfizer was a veterinarian, too, and now I'm starting to wonder if it's a good idea or not to give unlimited power to docs who only tended to patients that never complained and if they died were replaced by free puppies anyway.
Governments have been lying about pretty much everything since the Spanish-American war, and if anything, the lying has been put on steroids...Yet, the western population keeps lapping it up....
Here in the US, mainstream media is “baffled” by the increase in cancers in the young. It won’t even suggest the possibility that it could be jab related. My own personal experience: my recent, rather innocuous comment to a WSJ article about RFK, Jr., —to a woman who clearly still believes in the efficacy of the jabs, was removed as a “violation of community guidelines.” (I saved a screenshot and wish I could attach it.)
“I for one am enjoying Lauterbach’s public humiliation and hope that it continues indefinitely.“
Meanwhile, here in the states, not a whisper of wrongdoing. We need the same ridicule. But then people would have to admit they have been bamboozled and apologize. File that under “every single one of the Pfuckfaces would rather literally die first”. Here the story is: “We twied weally weally hard. We just so happened to get everything ass backwards. Pure coincidence I assure you!”
The sad thing is, we in the states see redacted documents and think...well that's all folks.
Yeah that myocarditis doc is really restoring trust. I have a FAR left buddy who waves off every “conspiracy theory”. Everything is vunderbar, a D is in the White House you see. And sometimes things need to remain classified. He describes himself as a moderate. Meanwhile, if an opinion that wasn’t state approved entered his sphere, his head would literally explode.
In a government by and for the people, what needs to remain classified? The only thing I can think of off the top of my head are policies and ideas that are not "for and by the people."
We need to reverse the transparency: full transparency of (almost) all government functions. Plus an office of accountability. With actual accountants.
The greatest trick ever played has been to change the meaning of transparency into traitor.
The American public loves the government so much now The Truth would be one part shocking and one part unsettling much so; it would be ignored.
Love of government is conditioning for love of gulags.
I think it's not so much love of gov't as fear of the truth that gov't / globalists via gov't puppets is/are intentionally harming you with bioweapons +++ and brainwashing you into agreeing to inject them into yourself and your kids. The truth of this betrayal of trust is harder to process than lying to yourself.
That last line would make a great t-shirt.
There is no creature so dangerous or loathsome as a federal bureaucrat.
See, I am at the "adult in the room" level of what is going on here. Which means that we are the office of accountability. And that transparency is come and gone. Really, we're all responsible to one degree or another. I am the adult in the room, I should not have let it go on so long... Let me illustrate, and see if this sounds familiar. Maybe it isn't, I could be wrong.
You hear crying and fighting in the next room, and you walk in and your two sons are fighting and their room consists of forts and a whole mess. You can tell they've organized an imaginary environment in their room. The one brother is yelling about how thus and such rule the other made was broken, and now it's disrupted into chaos.
Does there really need to be transparency? Yes, we can take the debris in the room and try to make sense of it, but a lot of it won't matter because it is just a lot of marks on pages, and complete gobbly gook. You even see that one brother has written all his rules in code so that the other one can't recognize, not only what the rule is, but when the other brother has broken that rule.
No, as quaint as the forts are in the room, as imaginative as the rules are in their coded language, it's time to end it, because the younger brother is in tears, and the older brother has been continually egged on by the younger one. Neither are without sin or vice. Yes, the older one should have known better, and the younger one should have known to stop poking the bear. But here we are.
The room is a mess. I suppose we could get to who started it, and really all parties involved, including those supervising, are at fault.
As some one who hates breaking down people into different generations, I was thinking maybe us Gen X'rs are the problem in all this. The millennials and the boomers seem to call one another out in all this, while we the Gen X'rs just wanted to be left alone. We didn't like it when our parents were the adults in the room and so we have been loathe to do that, but clearly when people were playing "fake pandemic" we should have walked in, taken the masks, turned off the mics, and told everyone to "calm the f down." When they started taking out the needles and demanding everyone play the game, we should have realized this isn't going to end well.
Instead, we thought that there were adults already in the room. I was wrong.
Brilliant sir!
I’m 50 and have 3 boys. Your illustration is all too familiar and is going on as I type these words. Will have my first girl in about a month…
Similar to the experience I had in 1982, when I had a curiosity of the Holocau$t:
1)The Balfour Declaration reveled itself to be blatantly fraudulent -
Colonial Occupied Land given to a Non-Sovereign political entity, without the consent of the occupants.
Without saying, needs to be rescinded;
2)If 65 - 70 million died in WW2, why does one "ethnic" group have the only privilege to extort billions of $$ from the alleged barbarians.
From here the inquiries led to:
3)German Jews were involved in Medical experiments; Israeli Jews are involved in Medical Experiments;
4)The Allies post WW2 established crimes against humanity in their treatment of German POWs and civilians - estimated that 8 to 13 million were victims;
5)the nature of the alleged German atrocities against Jews mirrored that of the massacre of Jews by Bandera Ukies (Waffen SS) at Baba Yar;
6)Canada rescued 5000+ of these f**kers...
So the only other items I have are:
A)All it takes is the willingness to inform oneself;
B) One can only be "adult" when the issues are dealt with first before the emotion.
C) Neither need post-secondary ejumakaishkun.
D) Utter contempt towards all authority that knew the truth and Knew better than to perpetuate lies is permissable!
E) Apply A-D to the CoronaPrank perps.
My wife's doctor when recently asked for thoughts on Ivermectin was told, "It is an effective medicine for seasonal communicable illnesses!"
My wife, "So what was the reason for the criminal illegality in preventing it's use 4 years ago..."
Doc: "I think the Practitioner/client relationship has ended!"
My wife, "You are a stupid woman - we live in the same small town, divided ~ 50/50 on the CoronaPrank."
Doc: retired 10 weeks later! No idea if my wife had any effect on that decision.
We Xers--like DeSantis--need to start governing. No more Boomers.
Some of us realized early on that it wasn't going to end well. do you remember the Canadian Trucker Freedom protest? We still have people waiting for trial behind bars and others on trial. Same in the USA with Jan 6 folks. I must admit that I got tired of banging my head against the wall at times; then other 'life' problems got in the way. I don't know what else to say except Happy Easter.
To anyone who doesn't see the depth of the battle that's going on, take a look at this video by Cardinal Raymond Burke and the next one by an exorcist, Fr. Ripperger. Too many similarities to ignore.
Pipe dream.
2 words: Julian Assange
To use that famous line.
Someone thinks.
Because you can't handle the truth.
Well they can't would be more accurate.
This is why 9/10 they end up muting or blocking you. On Twitter it is this process:
1. Ad hominem attack and throwaway study allegedly proving they are right.
Here they hope to derail you by making you stop and read studies...or what they think pass as studies. Yesterday I read a "study" on estimates of those who were "saved" by the vaccine. Also read another "study" about ED from Covid sufferers (that extracted the vaccination data from the study).
2. Appeal to experts, condescension, more ad hominem attacks.
3. Sometimes threatening doxxing.
4. More demoralization, then you are called a "snowflake" if you call out the ad hominem attacks.
Truth be told, I am used to getting called names all the time, the reason I point it out is each time they use them it contaminates the quality of their arguments.
5. Eventually they have a call to action, announcing the conversation is over and then they mute/block you.
Folks like that are “moderate” only in the sense that they are now more careful in their public expression of gleeful hope for the rest of us to die agonizing deaths.
You shoot your self in the credibility there where you claim that you have a FAR left buddy who is content that Genocide Joe is representing the smiling side of One-Party-Two-Faces. I’d take your friend at his self-assessment word, because there is no such thing as a far left supporter of neoliberalism.
Stop being silly. If you have actual points to make about the pandemic, they’re lost because no one can take you seriously if you lead with…erm, I’m going with:
Same in Australia...follow the (redacted) $science$...
There is an incurious silence from most politicians and the media. Our few brave Senators are the exception. Questions are from the brave few everywhere else.
All anyone cares about in the States are their paychecks. That is why they did not act and followed the nonsensical mandates. Depressing. I never knew this nation would fold like it did, but it did. Cowardice to the highest degree.
If any one of these fools with the PHA's finally come forward and admit all of it was a farce and coordinated globally, they'll lose more than their membership in the "club"...
They'll be Suicilenced
Ryan, In an appropriate tribute, the new way to describe this is "They'll be Epsteined". Gotta keep up with the times.
I’m going to recommend “swampy-ed”, in honour of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett, RIP.
“Swampy” was this Louisiana engineer’s nickname.
Is "clintoncided" out of date?
perhaps i was trying to be too clever by half
I see what you did there
Oh, there are whispers of wrongdoing. Ron Johnson (or is it Jim Jordan?), who I previously loathed, is doing yoeman's work in Congressional committee investigations. The Democrats on the committees turn the whole thing into an Orange Man Bad circus, and the press pretty much ignores it. So most of the regular people know nothing about it.
Yes, I am well aware. Our demonic press can’t suffer enough misery IMHO. Actual demons as far as I can tell.
I agree. They’re horrible. They seriously have mental illness, I think.
I was watching a You Tube the other night featuring an Indiana R congresswoman who was showing clips of horrendous injuries to female athletes when trans 'girls' were allowed to participate. A couple of the clips ended in the screaming of the injured girl or her teammates at the extent of the injuries. The rep then implored quite emotionally for the cessation of boys in girl's sports
She was interrupted by some house muppet who asked why these films were being shown as they just showed 'kids having fun doing sports'. They totally ignored that these girls were screaming in pain, shock and horror. They are sick bastards.
Classic gaslighting going on there. It is sick and evil too.
agree. It is infuriating.
It just means there are a lot of knives positioned in various backs.
It's getting more and more difficult for me to believe that this pandemic wasn't intentionally started and then inflated for political purposes.
There was no pandemic we have no evidence of spread just PCR induced panic and changes to protocols.. denial of antibiotics & ventilators & misclassification of cases based on ridiculous testing & bonus payments for cases created an illusion of an event.
From a strict definition sense, yes, there was a pandemic (multiple chains of transmission of a virus in multiple countries at the same time.) You don't need a PCR test to recognize that there is a pneumonia that is hospitalizing specific people. (flu falls into pandemic classification at times too - it's just not reacted to this way.)
I think it's really important to not get so caught up in some of these micro-details and to rather very clearly say it doesn't matter if there was a pandemic or not - the governments of most of the world and the public health agencies that advised them acted outside the bounds of democracy and in anti-scientific ways.
It doesn't matter how horrible an illness might be sweeping the world. Locking it down and taking away basic rights was never the answer and was never capable of changing anything.
You are correct that the possible illness is irrelevant to the abuses of freedoms and rights. However, the spreading idea that an RNA molecule can threaten global health and spread like pink snow in Cat in the Hat is dangerous mythology that gives these liars a tool to spread fear about an unseen threat & that lie must be debunked.
In the US the fact that a huge payout went along with every step of the way once Covid was diagnosed. Gee🤔 I wonder if that 🙄influenced anyone’s decision making, nawwww never🤥
So easy to see, right?!
Incentives always determine behavior.
Here's Toby Rogers on Perverse Incentives in the US. Can't imagine it being much different elsewhere.
Thanks for this link.
"Follow the money" is a 4000 year old truism!
And "Reward behaviours of which you approve, and punish those you would have them, (the students) shun" was a early Victorian schoolmaster's axiom.
Always. But paradoxically, rarely as intended.
"Can't prove a negative" is fertile ground for unintended consequences
it does if the narrative was both intentional harm and false. Pandemics do not exist. They cannot. That in itself is a lie. The fear generated by this fabricated lie was what enabled everything else. And it points to the real actors and real culpability behind this. And their policies to force iatrogenic deaths to keep the illusion of this narrative going. And we must stare at it until we process it.
How has this never hit my radar before today? flippin adore that tyvm!
indeed, there is a very good interview with Sasha Latypova, who states pandemics don't exist and explains how come. Not even the 1918 flu was pandemic. It was broadcast about2 weeks ago, with Dr Malik. There was no pandemic, no isolated virus (the one they presumed to have was the 2003 version so it seems). There was just a Panic-attack, blown up into a zeppelin by the media, and cleverly played by the DoD and the pharma, to illegally test an illegal product on as many guinea pigs as possible. Testing on humans is forbidden, as you know, but how do you test your crap otherwise? In the meantime these pharma became stinking rich, as did the gates and co, who were in the know, bought humongous amounts of stock before the rollout, and immediately resold it when the jabs were at a height.
yes! I posted the link in my comment. Here it is again.
I think it goes beyond that to a depopulation agenda and this was long planned. It wasn't merely cleverly played, it was very well orchestrated and intentional harm. They knew what the product would do. They knew the casualties to expect.
With the modern pharmacopoeia and a will to use repurposed drugs, pandemics are obsolete.
True. It was a Plandemic, just follow the patents, the money etc. Operation Lockstep. Course, it would never have happened without docile and compliant masses.
Which is exactly why the peeps will resheep.
Blow it out your other end.
I had it, never been so sick in my life. Fever 103+, loss of smell and taste, brutal headache like I’ve never had (and I’m pretty robust, rarely sick, headaches really my only relatively common ailment). Oxygen level down near 90%.
It’s real. Regardless what they got right and wrong, COVID is not a hoax.
Since 1977, I have had a serious respiratory infection every ~ 10 years that if I remember correctly, only 2019 required antibiotics. (1999 AS WELL)
So, you got sick... we all do... some seasonal communicable illnesses are a bitch.
Only in the Media/Medical/Political/Military Industrial complex is there a alleged contagion known as CoVid.
I call it CoVid1984.
I had "it" too, in February of 2020. I thought it was pneumonia and was sick as a dog for 3 or 4 days. Never got tested because the tests weren't widely available and I'm not someone to go to a doctor right away. It was a month later when COVID hysteria was in full swing that I finally put two and two together and figured that's what it was. I never was afraid of the coof after that because I assumed that I had natural immunity. But, come to think of it, it may well have been pneumonia after all.
I can't quite buy that, but it's actually plausible.
Not a fan of Sasha she recycles too many other folks work w/o credit and some of her facts muddied.. imo she's somewhere between opportunist & meddler not a source worth my time.
Mike Yeadon is the consummate expert & true hearted source listen to his perspectives.. support primary source & whistleblowers not posers waxing informed!
Sometimes her writing style and reasoning are too opaque for me, but I'm still a (unpaid) subscriber for the other times she connects the dots.
Whatever helps but my background is Washington career from Watergate to Poppy Bush & dirtbag tracking w Monsanto- Gates focus since 1997 so lots of what they discover is old news or mangled by limited grasp.. Sasha & side kicks have an attitude of certainty about their flawed conclusions that gives me a big time cramp.. twenty years ago it would be worth my time to try to correct them now it's only worth the time to say take this source w huge grain of salt.
Sasha’s strength is teaming with Katrina Watt to lay out the legal framework of the EUA experiments on humans
My references to their findings there is second hand but fatally flawed imo when DTRA is under State Dept and Pompeo went from CIA to State for pandemic launch & they attribute Covidian madness to DoD.
😊 gold star. I've been trying to make #IntentionalHarm trend on twitter for two + years. (I'm severely shadowbanned. Have been since 2016, but that's beside the point.)
There was no pandemic. There was a pre-written narrative and symptoms triggered in a few places (caused by whatever agents they needed to use ... chemicals, drugs ... ) that launched the narrative rollout by defense departments around the world who declared, virtually in unison, a "state of emergency" existed, which legally enabled the rest of the agenda.
It's all in black and white in court documents in the US where Pfizer revealed the whole scheme to defend itself against fraud lawsuits:
"Translation: “we are a US Government agent, and are protected by the Sovereign Immunity of the US Government. The US Government decided to poison all of you, people, and gave us contracts for a lot of money to make and ship the poison, and instructed us on how to lie about this operation, and we did exactly as we were instructed! Stop bothering us with these politically motivated lawsuits, because it is very evident from your silly complaint that YOU CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH”." ...
"Pfizer points at the real criminal - the US Government, the DOD and HHS, and that’s exactly who is the head of the criminal cartel responsible for poisoning men, women and children in this country and worldwide."
More BS. There were no special agents and drugs, it was a respiratory virus that nearly took me down.
Don’t confuse public health missteps and/or overreach with tinfoil hattery, or no one will listen to your actually valid points.
Her post isn't necessarily BS . . . but you make a good point. Best to steer away from the more sensational allegations and theories because the in-your-face obvious facts and most plausible theories are still being ignored by the MSM.
The true attack on "democracy" (defined as any form of government supporting the status quo of the elites) was this "pandemic." The people were getting too loud and demanding and had to be silenced. What better way than to isolate them, mask them and then force them to poison themselves? Good-bye Brexit, good-bye MAGA, good-by AfD and any other populist movement demanding accountability from your government. We'll tell you how to live and you'll like it.
"The ignorant rabble, conversing freely, may thend to express that subset of dangerous, prejudicial, and deeply unauthorized opinions known as "hate." --eugyppius
When I read the first paper on the isolation of the alleged SARS-Cov2, and noticed that there was no definite source of the "contagion", but was elucidated by off-the-shelf primers using computer algorithms. Nature: January 11, 2020
Human beings have existed in various evolutionary forms for hundreds of thousands of years and the ability for us to combat seasonal communicable illnesses without Medical Industry Heroics is legend... this is why there appears to be limits to the overall death from 'flu/cold.
Covid1984 was a Military/Media/medical/Political Industrial complex public relations scam larger than the Holocaust exaggerations.
The scandal is bursting out everywhere, and as the volcano explodes, the journalists and public health officials are scurrying about trying to sweep up the evidence of exploded lies that lie everywhere before too many people see it. It appears that many people still want to remain ignorant, perhaps finding the evidence of their own folly too hard to countenance, so the cleaners don't have to work too hard to cover up. Will there be a point where the whistle is blown, where the perpetrators push too far, and where we have a a moment such as the one which ended McCarthyism in the U.S., where someone such as Senator Joseph Welch did in 1954, brought the deranged McCarthy down by saying, "Have you no decency, sir?" Truly, these liars and murderers have no decency, and they need to be called out for it. It's truly morally reprehensible.
Australia’s Senate just passed legislation to investigate the excess deaths that are happening there beginning in the year the mRNA shots were forced on their populace. The shite is going to hit fans around the world, and it is about time. We were bamboozled and now they want to play that they are ‘baffled’ by these stats.
They will soon be doing damage control for the sloppily conducted damage control.
So Australia's government is going to investigate Australia's government?
The Liberal Coalition Party under Scott Morrison was in power during Covid and they took a beating in the last elections for their totalitarian management of Covid. The now in power Labor Party is seeking answers about everything Covid. At last. This is what EVERY Country must do. We need answers.
Um, I think you’ll find labor was in charge of most states during ‘all things covid’ and their ministers/senators block every effort to investigate ‘all things covid’. This current investigation (if that’s what it is even truly going to be) is not one iota to do with the wonders of the labor party …..
I am referring to National Party’s. The Liberals were in power for 22 years, ending in 2023 and now the Labor Party is in power. And they want answers to what happened during Covid under Morrison.
Morrison was completely gutless during covid and handed power to the states. Those states, mostly labor-led, created their own draconian responses to covid that they gleefully forced upon their populations. Only a handful of Senators (none labor that i know of) are rallying for accountability for the covid crimes. Labor has voted down the inquiry into excess deaths 3 times, it eventually got over the line DESPITE labor, not because of it.
Thank you for your heart-felt outburst! Eugyppius has a way of getting us going hasn't he? Sometimes it seems human decency is in deficit... I want to share this interview far and wide. I think it's fit here. Dr Kulldorff is a dignified example of someone standing with proven science, respectful discourse and yes, decency.
"It appears that many people still want to remain ignorant, perhaps finding the evidence of their own folly too hard to countenance, so the cleaners don't have to work too hard to cover up."
I always have to remind myself that this is the default position of mankind. It is so frustrating to see it unfold. It starts with indifference; first in tiny, virtually imperceptible steps and eventually in "imperceptible" giant steps.
First indifference. Then apathy.
Then manacles
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage" - Alexander Fraser Tytler
Short very interesting read: "The Fate of Empires" by John Glubb.
thx Andy! I've been looking for a good book to read. i checked it out just now. looks great.
Glad to be of service, RG.
**Tips tinfoil topper**
McCarthy was right about everything & he drank himself to death in despair, not shame. The Roosevelt administration had literal card carriers at the highest levels of the executive bureaucracy, reporting simultaneously to the US president & their NKVD handlers, since the 1930s.
If anything, McCarthy underestimated the issue. We know this because of declassified files from the Soviet Union.
Pushed too far?
Define too far. Too far for me was "Let's do what China did."
Too far for me was "Lockdown."
I sometimes think the Powers That Be are attempting to replicate the decades of the Cold War, substituting climate for nuclear war, and fear of the far right, the deplorables, the racists, the white supremacists, the raging rural white people for fear of communists. Like a sort of political plagiarism, copycating, as we know these people have no creativity whatsoever.
The problem is that most German politicians participated gladly and loudly with the Corona policies.
It was easy to stop McCarthy, because he was alone and personified those policies.
IMO, health minister Lauterbach did the same mistake, personifying the Corona policies. But if he'd go down, too many others in the establishment would go down with him.
Vote SMOD™.
lolol. the sweet meteor of death!...:)
I'm hoping for Cthulu, personally. It might offer some much deserved schadenfreude before my soul gets devoured.
just waiting on the astroid
This idea that any redactions in cases like these are justified is absolutely ludicrous. If a public agency has ANY jurisdictional power over citizens either directly or by proxy, those citizens cannot possibly consent to governance unless they know who, what and why. 'Sensitive information' in these cases means nothing more than a way to commandeer others whilst remaining incognito.
Outside of someone's personal address or phone, there's nothing that should be redacted. Don't get me wrong. I understand the risks of reprisal and the attempts to limit that but removing all concern of any reprisal allows political figures all manner of opportunities to institute horrible things on other people without any real accountability. Losing your political office and retiring with a fat tax-payer pension is hardly a stick for political sociopaths.
Well stated! You nailed it!
Pictured at the top of the article: "Lothar Wieler, veterinarian and head of the Robert Koch Institut during the Covid pandemic"
The head of Pfizer was a veterinarian, too, and now I'm starting to wonder if it's a good idea or not to give unlimited power to docs who only tended to patients that never complained and if they died were replaced by free puppies anyway.
Valid point.
Very valid point yes
Governments have been lying about pretty much everything since the Spanish-American war, and if anything, the lying has been put on steroids...Yet, the western population keeps lapping it up....
Here in the US, mainstream media is “baffled” by the increase in cancers in the young. It won’t even suggest the possibility that it could be jab related. My own personal experience: my recent, rather innocuous comment to a WSJ article about RFK, Jr., —to a woman who clearly still believes in the efficacy of the jabs, was removed as a “violation of community guidelines.” (I saved a screenshot and wish I could attach it.)
Cardiocoincidental incidences.