My daughter got Covid in November 2020, and had a loss of smell for several months, and then it gradually improved. After a time she said some things just smelled weird, not their usual scent. For example, she thought coffee had a burnt type smell to it. She now feels her sense of smell is almost completely back to normal, so this is 16 months on from being sick.
I started losing my hair after Covid. My hairdresser said she has 50-75 other clients in the same position. Also lost sense of taste & smell. Still not right after 4 months.
"They stalk the earth with a bag full of terrifying, life-altering solutions, looking for problems just like Corona." Global technocracy needs constant nails cause all they have are hammers. Now humans are nails and they won't stop swinging. Ironically I just finished Season 4 of Dexter.
I live close to the ocean and people are wearing N95 masks alone! You can’t get much fresher than clean, salt air! In fact, sea salt (with food grade hydrogen peroxide, distilled water, humidifier) cures many respiratory ailments. Of course Big Pharma doesn’t want you to realize that! They’d lose their cash cow.
The masks are meant to demoralize a person. I’m in CA as well. It breaks my heart to see children with these muzzles on. It’s evil on so many levels. I’ve never seen children “sacrificed” like this before. The adults are suppose to protect the children!
Ocean air. We have it here too, same ocean in fact. And the maskers walking along the boulevard while the waves pound below and the wind blows. And Jacinda is about to ramp up the mask mandates as compensation for having to back away on jab jab.
There will always be crazies (I don't care if they want to walk around in full chemical protection gear) ... the problem is when they want to tell everybody else what to do to alleviate their psychoses
And making their poor children wear those things. I think, on the most visceral level, this has been the thing about this entire business that has bothered me the most: regularly having to see children wearing masks. It's disgusting.
At Newman Hall Holy Spirit Parish in Berkeley, CA, my brothers and sisters in Christ still douse their hands in sanitizer before receiving Holy Communion. Be not afraid.
I stopped attending mass with my son for this very reason. We recently found a non-Vatican II mass that eschews this evil cult and at which the priests speak more or less openly against it. Very refreshing.
Because I couldn't sing in choir or attend Mass on Sunday, I now go to Mass at an SSPX church. They go through the basic requirements (there's a sheet to sign in if you want) but never turn anyone away. The bishops appear to have totally missed that many who refused the vax or who are not prepared to go to segregated Masses tend to be committed and active parishioners. They have refused to engage with us in any meaningful way. (Because: safety!!)
The Society of Saint Pope Pius X was established in the early 1970's to continue the traditional latin Mass. They are considered 'irregular' within the wider church but their Masses are licit. You can find out more at this link if you are interested:
My Buddhist meditation group requires the vaccine-free to wear an N95 mask to attend anything in-person at their Centre. Needless to say, haven’t been there in the last year.
It won't matter if it's 1 in a million; they'll just say, "Why not take precautions to avoid that tiny risk?" Especially when the risk they think they're reducing is to others, since that raises the virtue points.
This thing has completely destroyed many people's ability to judge day-to-day risks, at least as regards viruses. If they applied the same logic to the risk of car accidents or slipping on the stairs, they could never leave their homes again.
These people will say they believe the CDC, but they appear unaware of the May 2020 CDC study that concluded that C19 doesn't really spread from surfaces. It was one of several early "oops" moments that should have ended the whole charade immediately (none of the MASH type field hospitals or the Navy ships ever used, the retracted asymptomatic Shanghai/Munich story), but instead were simply ignored.
With PCR tests up to 45 Cts pumping out meaningless results, I am convinced that if everyone were tested every day for the past 2 years, all 7 billion people on the planet would have "had it" several times.
Corona is special because no other cold virus was mucked around with by psychotic gain-of-function researchers prior to being released, accidentally or on purpose, from a shoddy biotech lab located in a country that is the only potential near-term challenger to US military supremacy.
Origins notwithstanding, somebody told the traveling Wuhanese that is was OK to get on planes and fly around the world, but NOT travel anywhere in China.
i kind of read it the other way around – that informal knowledge / suspicions in certain circles played a large part in prompting the over-reaction – but i have also thought about this.
I’ve thought for a long time that world leaders’ over-reaction was triggered by back-channel tips to the effect that “OMG guys, that scary bioweapon they’re working on in China? IT GOT OUT. We’re all going to dieeee!”
According to Epoch Times (I couldn’t read the whole article cause I’m poor and can’t subscribe) but the headline implied the Chinese government is suing Moderna for Covid19 itself. That came out yesterday. If they are, I find that great. Too much finger pointing by people who are responsible themselves.
Also, as a GOF virus they may not really know exactly how it will behave as it's a Frankenstein virus, and its future behavior is unknown and unpredictable. That could partly explain some of the extremism from people like Fauci, and I would imagine the scientists involved were freaked out by what they had unleashed.
Thank you, interesting! I agree it makes a pretty shitty bioweapon. My default assumption is that GOF is a lot harder than they thought it was, and this was just where they had got to by 2019. So what got out was by no means a finished product. But I don’t see how it helps them to emphasize the lab leak narrative. They tried damn hard to shut it down to begin with. It reveals their incompetence, which does not engender trust in their solutions.
It's this alarming incompetence-( I mean just listen to Fauci- does he strike you as supremely intelligent?) why I think all Gain of Function research needs to stop immediately. They could accidentally end up eradicating millions due to rank stupidity. Any virus that is transmitted from animal to person should not be allowed to be altered to make it transmittable from person to person. Or penalty by 50 years in SuperMax. That should be a reasonable message for the dumber ones (with incredible hubris eg Fauci et al).
I'm reading the Scott Atlas book and the overwhelming impression he had, shockingly, was the lack of scholarship, lack of knowledge, the lack of critical thinking and scientific inquiry, the level of utter mediocrity and incompetence exhibited by all the scientists in the Task Force who were involved in this. The worst of them all were of course Fauci, but also Birx and Redfield. As I read the book, I'm astounded that this is the caliber of the people running this whole scamdemic. A lot of it is like high school, and everyone was apparently afraid to disagree with Birx (who was the biggest force behind the lockdowns). Childish overall. And if these are representative of other parts of our government, be afraid, very afraid.
The weak bioweapon opened the door for the real one, and possibly more. Yes, GoF must be hard since they have only managed to manufacture the most pathogenic bit of the alleged virus, not the whole blueprint.
I agree, it is too early to form a conclusion on the effectiveness of this bioweapon. There are a number of factors that could be in play and there may be multiple goals by multiple parties simultaneously. Some of those goals may include:
- Sell a product to a very large market and have the gov pay for it while incurring no liability for adverse events
- Increase the rate of chronic health issues to sell more drugs
- Put the first mRNA product out in the world to see what happens to advance gene expression/editing tech
- Reduce the unproductive population
- Reduce fertility
- Establish public acceptance of a regular schedule of shots, then introduce the 'real' bioweapon which could be geographically, genetically or individually targeted, depending on how far the digital registration agenda is advanced and how much genetic information has been gathered.
- The goal at that point could be one of more of the above or microchip/nanobot insertion or quackcination passport implementation to regulate participation in the economy
If COVID-19 was so terrible, would they have 1) suppressed and demonized early treatment, 2) run PCR tests at such a high CT as to cause a 90%+ false positive rate, 3) allowed the BLM riots to go forward in the name of whatever it was they were claiming, 4) let millions of illegal migrants into the US with no documentation, medical exams, etc? I’m sure I could go on.
The virus is no where near as dangerous as the various “cures”, particularly the clot shots.
There is no doubt that cell debris has been observed in the process of cell culturing looking for the virus. If they want to call that genetic debris a virus, have at it, but now prove that it is replicated inside healthy cells.
And that it floats into those cells via the mouth, nose or eyes from close and far. Or that you can get it off a door handle or a kitchen bench. It really is quackery.
Right on! I have read extensively on this topic, and don't recall a single instance in medical history when research and/or treatment were forbidden since the primacy of the Spanish Inquisition.
I think you're absolutely right, but I'm afraid you don't go far enough in your analysis. Covid became a 'problem', not because it is particularly virulent or special, but because like many novel technologies or illnesses, it provided a new way of dying. And death is the problem.
Death is the final failure of technological medicine. Death is materialism's acknowledgment of the purposelessness of life. Death is the end of the pier for those who cannot swim or even see the ocean around them. Let there be just a sliver of light from that realm where we all truly belong, to which we return after our earthly sojourns, then none of the madness of the past two years would have happened. A true and human science of medicine would have accepted a new pandemic as a challenge for humanity, not an enemy to be eradicated.
When you read stories of a grandparent aged 97 "cruelly snatched away from us by this awful disease", you know they live in a terror utterly disproportionate to the reality we all faced. Missing all through the pandemic were two things, sensible treatment protocols for those ill at home with covid, and spiritual counselling for that vast majority of western humanity who have lost touch with death as a fulfillment of life.
Great comment. With the gift of hindsight, we shouldn't be surprised that the reaction of so much of humanity has been truly pathetic. If you look at what we have valued, spent our time and money on, and come to believe in over the last 30 years, it was obvious that most people were going to behave like pathetic sheep.
Beautiful! As someone of Irish heredity, bring back wakes in the home, where the deceased stayed in the home, in the coffin, in the living room for two days before burial. Bring back death as a part of life.
I just read a local news article which described "the global pandemic which has killed 6 million worldwide and 300 in our county alone." Our county has around 250,000 people. Just looking at that sentence it seems totally absurd. We upended life here for 250,000 people due to a disease that killed 300? Most of whom might have been taken out by a flu or infection anyway? No. Covid wasn't that special.
what is the annual death rate where you are, 1% or thereabouts? that's roughly the number for US. so you'd expect 5k deaths from all causes in your county over two years of pandemic, and some of those 300 would have died in any case ...
I agree with the rebranding theory; but the ulterior motive is the narrative that vaccines can cause Long COVID, so as to deflect from the true diagnosis of vaccine injury.
Rebranding. We’ve combined post viral syndrome with an umbrella of diseases we’ve debated origins (or whether they entirely are psychosomatic) and rebranded as Long Covid it seems.
Long term this could be helpful, perhaps we find out for example that Crohn’s disease (which have no idea of cause) is a result of a specific viral infection in childhood.
We just need to be careful with our scrutiny and take a very slow cautious and skeptical approach (basically do the opposite of what we’ve done last 2 years)
Our bodies always thought the virus was way less 'novel' than the media did.
My body thought it so boring it hasn’t even bothered with it.
That's been my experience. Never tested, never jabbed, never sick nor any symptoms.
Early on, I added some FLCCC prophylactic protocols to my daily regimen. FWIW.
It would be interesting if some research were carried out to count and record details of those Hong mRNA treated and who did not contract CoVid.
A coworker lost his sense of smell long ago as in years before the panic from a cold.
Yes, but not unique.
Have you considered any other options for your missing smell and taste?
Ivermectin has helped restore senses of smell and taste for my patients.
My daughter got Covid in November 2020, and had a loss of smell for several months, and then it gradually improved. After a time she said some things just smelled weird, not their usual scent. For example, she thought coffee had a burnt type smell to it. She now feels her sense of smell is almost completely back to normal, so this is 16 months on from being sick.
I started losing my hair after Covid. My hairdresser said she has 50-75 other clients in the same position. Also lost sense of taste & smell. Still not right after 4 months.
"They stalk the earth with a bag full of terrifying, life-altering solutions, looking for problems just like Corona." Global technocracy needs constant nails cause all they have are hammers. Now humans are nails and they won't stop swinging. Ironically I just finished Season 4 of Dexter.
I still live in a locale where the grocery stores and restaurants make a big deal of wiping down counters and keeping up pieces of plastic.....
We must end this now!
And I live in a city where people are still wearing masks outside alone and in their cars
same same
psychos and cultists
Or trauma victims from military grade psyops. I pity the people still behaving like this.
I have no pity for them. They are helping to prolong and deepen the assault on our freedoms.
I live close to the ocean and people are wearing N95 masks alone! You can’t get much fresher than clean, salt air! In fact, sea salt (with food grade hydrogen peroxide, distilled water, humidifier) cures many respiratory ailments. Of course Big Pharma doesn’t want you to realize that! They’d lose their cash cow.
The West (Pacific) Coast continues to be vulnerable to nuclear radiation from Fukushima, Japan. I doubt any mask can protect you from that.
I'll bet if these people were told that they would be wearing gas masks all the time!
The masks are meant to demoralize a person. I’m in CA as well. It breaks my heart to see children with these muzzles on. It’s evil on so many levels. I’ve never seen children “sacrificed” like this before. The adults are suppose to protect the children!
It's depraved beyond belief.
Ocean air. We have it here too, same ocean in fact. And the maskers walking along the boulevard while the waves pound below and the wind blows. And Jacinda is about to ramp up the mask mandates as compensation for having to back away on jab jab.
There will always be crazies (I don't care if they want to walk around in full chemical protection gear) ... the problem is when they want to tell everybody else what to do to alleviate their psychoses
And making their poor children wear those things. I think, on the most visceral level, this has been the thing about this entire business that has bothered me the most: regularly having to see children wearing masks. It's disgusting.
I live in a nation where the jockeys in the horse races wear masks.
At Newman Hall Holy Spirit Parish in Berkeley, CA, my brothers and sisters in Christ still douse their hands in sanitizer before receiving Holy Communion. Be not afraid.
Covidism rituals infect the church. Even Solomon, in all his wisdom, diluted his faith with pagan ritual. God smacked him hard for that.
I agree with you wholeheartedly! I observed churches closing, masking congregations, even refusing some entrance to join in services.
Hmmm…I don’t think Jesus Christ would approve. I look at a person’s actions. Many churches failed miserably.
I stopped attending mass with my son for this very reason. We recently found a non-Vatican II mass that eschews this evil cult and at which the priests speak more or less openly against it. Very refreshing.
I would suggest going into nature with peace and quiet and reading Psalms. It’s amazing.
The Kingdom Of God is inside you. I know.
He doesn't approve. When in the temple he made a whip of cords to drive them out, saying "you turn my father's house into a marketplace!"
Berkeley. Of course there.
Because I couldn't sing in choir or attend Mass on Sunday, I now go to Mass at an SSPX church. They go through the basic requirements (there's a sheet to sign in if you want) but never turn anyone away. The bishops appear to have totally missed that many who refused the vax or who are not prepared to go to segregated Masses tend to be committed and active parishioners. They have refused to engage with us in any meaningful way. (Because: safety!!)
I've never heard of SSPX churches. Thanks.
The Society of Saint Pope Pius X was established in the early 1970's to continue the traditional latin Mass. They are considered 'irregular' within the wider church but their Masses are licit. You can find out more at this link if you are interested:
Don't you all drink from the same chalice?
Lol! Great point! I left the Catholic religion DECADES ago. I choose to worship my Father without man made religion as the “middle man”.
You’re missing out on the sacraments- can’t get that at home!
Your last sentence = my whole life.
Not necessarily. Its optional, some churches don't offer the practice at all.
Thank-you. I did not know that. (I'm not Catholic.)
WOW! What’s the purpose of that? And I had Catholic school for 12 years-lol!
My Buddhist meditation group requires the vaccine-free to wear an N95 mask to attend anything in-person at their Centre. Needless to say, haven’t been there in the last year.
Covid 1984 is truly the all of humanity killer.
Show them the CDC statement on fomite transmission, which puts infection risk at 1 in 10,000. I printed a couple copies to give to local merchants.
I mention that same study all of the time! They stare at me like zombies...
It won't matter if it's 1 in a million; they'll just say, "Why not take precautions to avoid that tiny risk?" Especially when the risk they think they're reducing is to others, since that raises the virtue points.
This thing has completely destroyed many people's ability to judge day-to-day risks, at least as regards viruses. If they applied the same logic to the risk of car accidents or slipping on the stairs, they could never leave their homes again.
These people will say they believe the CDC, but they appear unaware of the May 2020 CDC study that concluded that C19 doesn't really spread from surfaces. It was one of several early "oops" moments that should have ended the whole charade immediately (none of the MASH type field hospitals or the Navy ships ever used, the retracted asymptomatic Shanghai/Munich story), but instead were simply ignored.
Poison by excess of disinfectants.😆
Agree, 100%. I may or may not have had it. Will never know. Don't care.
^ this ^
With tests that can't distinguish between seasonal flu and Covid, how can we ever know?
Exactly. They can't even distinguish between Covid & other coronaviruses. Of which there are many. 🤷
If Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR test) were still alive, he would say that we can't know. The tests don't diagnose anything.
With PCR tests up to 45 Cts pumping out meaningless results, I am convinced that if everyone were tested every day for the past 2 years, all 7 billion people on the planet would have "had it" several times.
The rapid tests have piss poor specificity. The pcr super duper hypersensitivity.
Using The Science®, that averages out to accurate, precise results in Fauci's universe.
Didn't someone get a positive test on a vegetable of some sort?
The only reason for "Corona is a problem to solve" is to take the mind of the masses off of the REAL issues they have
Please don't say peak oil...
Why not? It's among the list of challenges.
And for the last month Ukraine has served the same purpose.
Also, humanism is the religion of "only humans can solve the world's problems."
Corona is special because no other cold virus was mucked around with by psychotic gain-of-function researchers prior to being released, accidentally or on purpose, from a shoddy biotech lab located in a country that is the only potential near-term challenger to US military supremacy.
Origins notwithstanding, somebody told the traveling Wuhanese that is was OK to get on planes and fly around the world, but NOT travel anywhere in China.
i kind of read it the other way around – that informal knowledge / suspicions in certain circles played a large part in prompting the over-reaction – but i have also thought about this.
I’ve thought for a long time that world leaders’ over-reaction was triggered by back-channel tips to the effect that “OMG guys, that scary bioweapon they’re working on in China? IT GOT OUT. We’re all going to dieeee!”
According to Epoch Times (I couldn’t read the whole article cause I’m poor and can’t subscribe) but the headline implied the Chinese government is suing Moderna for Covid19 itself. That came out yesterday. If they are, I find that great. Too much finger pointing by people who are responsible themselves.
Can you please post the link? I bet we can find an archived copy somehow.
I think I misspoke when I said they “sued” but they are definitely pointing fingers at Moderna.
Also, as a GOF virus they may not really know exactly how it will behave as it's a Frankenstein virus, and its future behavior is unknown and unpredictable. That could partly explain some of the extremism from people like Fauci, and I would imagine the scientists involved were freaked out by what they had unleashed.
Perhaps, thinking of it as gain-of-lethality might orient your suspicions in the direction you surmise...
Please elaborate.
Thank you, interesting! I agree it makes a pretty shitty bioweapon. My default assumption is that GOF is a lot harder than they thought it was, and this was just where they had got to by 2019. So what got out was by no means a finished product. But I don’t see how it helps them to emphasize the lab leak narrative. They tried damn hard to shut it down to begin with. It reveals their incompetence, which does not engender trust in their solutions.
It's this alarming incompetence-( I mean just listen to Fauci- does he strike you as supremely intelligent?) why I think all Gain of Function research needs to stop immediately. They could accidentally end up eradicating millions due to rank stupidity. Any virus that is transmitted from animal to person should not be allowed to be altered to make it transmittable from person to person. Or penalty by 50 years in SuperMax. That should be a reasonable message for the dumber ones (with incredible hubris eg Fauci et al).
I'm reading the Scott Atlas book and the overwhelming impression he had, shockingly, was the lack of scholarship, lack of knowledge, the lack of critical thinking and scientific inquiry, the level of utter mediocrity and incompetence exhibited by all the scientists in the Task Force who were involved in this. The worst of them all were of course Fauci, but also Birx and Redfield. As I read the book, I'm astounded that this is the caliber of the people running this whole scamdemic. A lot of it is like high school, and everyone was apparently afraid to disagree with Birx (who was the biggest force behind the lockdowns). Childish overall. And if these are representative of other parts of our government, be afraid, very afraid.
The weak bioweapon opened the door for the real one, and possibly more. Yes, GoF must be hard since they have only managed to manufacture the most pathogenic bit of the alleged virus, not the whole blueprint.
I agree, it is too early to form a conclusion on the effectiveness of this bioweapon. There are a number of factors that could be in play and there may be multiple goals by multiple parties simultaneously. Some of those goals may include:
- Sell a product to a very large market and have the gov pay for it while incurring no liability for adverse events
- Increase the rate of chronic health issues to sell more drugs
- Put the first mRNA product out in the world to see what happens to advance gene expression/editing tech
- Reduce the unproductive population
- Reduce fertility
- Establish public acceptance of a regular schedule of shots, then introduce the 'real' bioweapon which could be geographically, genetically or individually targeted, depending on how far the digital registration agenda is advanced and how much genetic information has been gathered.
- The goal at that point could be one of more of the above or microchip/nanobot insertion or quackcination passport implementation to regulate participation in the economy
significant in this regard that the lab leak first gained traction in the shadow of the vaccination campaign.
If COVID-19 was so terrible, would they have 1) suppressed and demonized early treatment, 2) run PCR tests at such a high CT as to cause a 90%+ false positive rate, 3) allowed the BLM riots to go forward in the name of whatever it was they were claiming, 4) let millions of illegal migrants into the US with no documentation, medical exams, etc? I’m sure I could go on.
The virus is no where near as dangerous as the various “cures”, particularly the clot shots.
🎯 Nailed it!
If the virus is even transmissible and pathogenic. Yes, quackcination and the other measures as well as fear of infection are the real culprits here.
If it is even a virus ...
There is no doubt that cell debris has been observed in the process of cell culturing looking for the virus. If they want to call that genetic debris a virus, have at it, but now prove that it is replicated inside healthy cells.
And that it floats into those cells via the mouth, nose or eyes from close and far. Or that you can get it off a door handle or a kitchen bench. It really is quackery.
Right on! I have read extensively on this topic, and don't recall a single instance in medical history when research and/or treatment were forbidden since the primacy of the Spanish Inquisition.
Yup. What a tell! These people are lousy poker players.
I think you're absolutely right, but I'm afraid you don't go far enough in your analysis. Covid became a 'problem', not because it is particularly virulent or special, but because like many novel technologies or illnesses, it provided a new way of dying. And death is the problem.
Death is the final failure of technological medicine. Death is materialism's acknowledgment of the purposelessness of life. Death is the end of the pier for those who cannot swim or even see the ocean around them. Let there be just a sliver of light from that realm where we all truly belong, to which we return after our earthly sojourns, then none of the madness of the past two years would have happened. A true and human science of medicine would have accepted a new pandemic as a challenge for humanity, not an enemy to be eradicated.
When you read stories of a grandparent aged 97 "cruelly snatched away from us by this awful disease", you know they live in a terror utterly disproportionate to the reality we all faced. Missing all through the pandemic were two things, sensible treatment protocols for those ill at home with covid, and spiritual counselling for that vast majority of western humanity who have lost touch with death as a fulfillment of life.
Great comment. With the gift of hindsight, we shouldn't be surprised that the reaction of so much of humanity has been truly pathetic. If you look at what we have valued, spent our time and money on, and come to believe in over the last 30 years, it was obvious that most people were going to behave like pathetic sheep.
Beautiful! As someone of Irish heredity, bring back wakes in the home, where the deceased stayed in the home, in the coffin, in the living room for two days before burial. Bring back death as a part of life.
I just read a local news article which described "the global pandemic which has killed 6 million worldwide and 300 in our county alone." Our county has around 250,000 people. Just looking at that sentence it seems totally absurd. We upended life here for 250,000 people due to a disease that killed 300? Most of whom might have been taken out by a flu or infection anyway? No. Covid wasn't that special.
what is the annual death rate where you are, 1% or thereabouts? that's roughly the number for US. so you'd expect 5k deaths from all causes in your county over two years of pandemic, and some of those 300 would have died in any case ...
It's also a lower number than the thousands of low income kids who will probably never get a proper education now.
But what if the other 249,700 get Long Covid?
Chronic disease has been a problem for a long time. Is there definitive proof that this is a new type of chronic disease, or just a rebranding?
I agree with the rebranding theory; but the ulterior motive is the narrative that vaccines can cause Long COVID, so as to deflect from the true diagnosis of vaccine injury.
Rebranding. We’ve combined post viral syndrome with an umbrella of diseases we’ve debated origins (or whether they entirely are psychosomatic) and rebranded as Long Covid it seems.
Long term this could be helpful, perhaps we find out for example that Crohn’s disease (which have no idea of cause) is a result of a specific viral infection in childhood.
We just need to be careful with our scrutiny and take a very slow cautious and skeptical approach (basically do the opposite of what we’ve done last 2 years)
I vote rebranding too!
Oh weren’t you joking? If not I’m still going to laugh. Reason: Right now MSM is constantly blaming EVERYTHING on long covid.
I'm half joking.
Post Viral Syndrome is real. Every infection, whether viral, bacterial, or fungal origin, carries some slight chance of h