
Still doing some heavy lifting on book, but I'm going to try to regularise posting despite this after the coming week. It can be hard to get one's head out of one topic and into another in the space of a few hours, but with some discipline I will make it happen.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm very excited that there is a book.

Is the subject and/or title still a secret?

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is not secret, but I am not totally sure of title. it will be on 'pandemicism' and gather in one place my theories about how the Corona response came about and what it says about the nature of modern administrative state.

right now 'book' sounds almost a little too grandiose. it's envisioned to be a fairly short booklet, I think at first in German for the 'Kaplaken' series by the Antaios press. I'll release via some channel or other a much expanded English version after the German one appears, that I hope will more resemble a proper book. maybe also I'll post the four chapters of the booklet here for subscribers, as a kind of preview.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Pandemicism! 💥

A new word for a newish religion?

I know I'll snap up anything we get in any form.

Seems it will be unique in its gestalt view of all this f*ckery.

And, because it's you, thorough.

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cant wait for the book. what about your allergies? did you follow my instructions?

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i did, they were helpful, thank you. also whatever i was allergic to seems not to be in the air anymore,.

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great.look for any food you're eating that is bad for the gut biome. the more i look into the food industry the more i think this is all deliberate

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"If the German state really wanted this to stop, the protesters would all be in jail..."

And the jail sentences would be appropriately long. Years, not hours.

Yes, it is perfectly clear that the State lacks the will to stop this destructive criminal activity.

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It's not will. They are paid. It's planned destruction, come on air dog.

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Easy to demonstrate as well. Get a group of antiabortion / anti-Ukraine / pro-gun / anti-trans / "anything the left opposes" protestors to go block traffic and see how fast the police drag them out of the road.

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I'm curious to know if they glue them self to the pavement with the bare but .If it is gorilla glue half their ass will stay behind on the road when they pull them off .Would it not be better to build a detour around them and leave them there as decorations ,in place of statues ??

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Honestly, the government and/or business should give them what they want, at least for a while. Stop delivering food to grocery stores, shut down air traffic, turn off the lights, and see how wonderful a low-carbon lifestyle really is. Because at the end of the day, this is what these folks are begging for.

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Look kids: Big Ben. Parliament. Stupid protestors glued to the road.

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Since it's a half-assed protest that would be an appropriate outcome.

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Like, You tore it down, you replace it?

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I think you are right RLM. These people are pions in a bigger plan. I hope the german govt fares the same as the dutch

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I'd bet all my money. It's happening all over the world. the elites are paying everyone with all the money they keep stealing!

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people are paying with their taxes to be harassed and betrayed

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They're paying even more with inflation caused by governments borrowing and borrowing, seeing their savings go up in smoke while cost of living rises so insanely high only the helicopter money issued through CBDC can keep them alive. This is full out war on regular, free people. We're the last of the bunch - will take generations after us to regain freedom.

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I think you are right. The children of today will be poor again. We are probably the last generation to have had a good living. When a child, my family was poor too ( I am 65) but I never really noticed that. There was always food on the table, and a 5 year older aunt took me shopping for clothes, because I would wear her clothes a few years after. We had a great time.

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Using our taxes to push us into communism.

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Now i know what to do with sriracha sauce filled balloons.

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this would not be possible without the worthless fiat money system.

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Of course. 1913, the creation of the fed was the beginning of the end. It's a never ending trail of stolen money as well. Ukraine my ass.

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State-sponsored terror. Just like the George Floyd protests three years ago.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

Exactly - in the UK the trajectory was and is very clear: the beginning of hugely disruptive and obnoxiously pure "protests" were carefully calibrated in time and intensity to help gain acceptance for the narrative of draconian legislation to limit and remove rights to gather and protest etc etc

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I don’t know what I don’t know, but I believed it was more to do with government allowing the plebs to blow off steam in smaller issue based demonstrations rather than let things get to a point where a govt threatening Revolution got underway. But then again, we have tides.

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The State are the criminals. No? If they are complicit then they are accomplices.

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A lot like the Weimar Republic really: A government utterly helpless (on the face of it) to control dangerous elements.

Both that, and what followed, sponsored by the same occult, devious tribe... 🤔💩

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Allowing treachery to continue so the government can propose a "solution" of their own choosing and the people will gladly follow it?

Uh, isn't that how Hitler came to power and some of the reviled classes of people were put in prison camps?

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Hitler didn't "come to power": He was put there -- by the same creatures that gave us the French and Bolshevik revolutions amongst other things.

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Because of the new electric revolution we in Canada have electric lightening strikes that strike only in forest areas ,even on clear sunny days .

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Any number of powerful individuals and organizations you dare criticize not above a whisper and even then, only with people you trust intimately.

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Doesn't matter if they're getting paid. If the authorities we're willing to douse the glued body part with an approprite solvent (to separate it from the concrete), I guarantee that behavior would stop pretty quickly.

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And I can guarantee, with absolute certainty, that if a few of said protesters were simply lifted off the pavement with a forklift, that behavior would indeed "stop pretty quickly".

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a snowplow would clear this up real quick

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Roger ,because of global warming Germany outlawed snowplows long ago .Canada still has some snow plows ,but since they are all electric now they most often don't start .

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You have a captive audience with those dimwits glued to an object. An excellent opportunity to lecture them on any subject you want. Torture them by getting a group of Jehovah's Witnesses to surround them and lecture them on Jesus, and sing religious songs to them.

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Jehovah's Witnesses are too polite. Get some teenage LDS Elders to reach out to them, a pair for each protester.

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Or Hare Krishna.

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That'll stop the gluers right there.

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while traveling in Germany I did notice many roads are still paved with cobble stones .So if demonstrators get up from protesting ,they will have cobble stones glued to the bare butt ,that they pull out of the ground .Modern AI glue is so strong now ,that many planes and cars are put together with crazy glue or gorilla glue .The military emergency in the Ukraine forced Germany to glue the Panzers together in a hurry with gorilla glue ,so they get to the front in time for victory of blitz Krieg .

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In the meantime, perhaps the citizenry can fight back against this using humour. Hit them with pies, or something.

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That’s the answer.

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As Eugyppius mentioned, they also got a spot in the state media at prime time..

Which means the State seems them favourably.

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News Flash! The State is directing these useful idiots, at the behest of the George Soros and Friends cabal.

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In fact, this serves the State, as it is currently formed.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The spoiled rich kids who think they know better than anyone else.

It's always the ones doing things they see are for our own good. It's elitism. It's disgusting.

And my thoughts and prayers are with the people in the car accident they caused.

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It will be interesting to see how these "young activists" survive with one hand amputated.

Or, as we say in America, F**K Around and Find Out.

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It's really hard to believe that amputation would need to be performed. At most, removing a layer of skin. Caveat: I haven't read the article so maybe that's explained.

I wish I could find a glue that effective. I find a lot of glues to be disappointing.

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Your comment made me smile.

Somewhat concerned about amputation, but mostly, disappointed about the quality of modern glue. LOL.

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To be more precise, I'm *jealous* of their glue.

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Well said. They have a mean kind of vacuity.

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They should have been arrested @ bolt cutters heading towards the fence. Looks like tax recipient government bodies failing again to provide the basic services they were established for.

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indeed, I'd be very surprised if you can even approach the fence without triggering all kinds of alarms and showing on surveillance cameras.

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Part of me selfishly wished it were on US Soil in so that we could establish what a cent sucking failure the TSA is. This to me, breaking into an airport, is absolutely insane and unacceptable. They allowed it to happen, much how many allowed riots in 2020 to happen (thanks for the mail in votes.) Political theater.

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I don't think it's theater. It is being allowed to happen for a reason. We just haven't been told that reason.

Compare/ contrast BLM riots to Jan 6.

There are reasons behind this. My guess is NWO, one world government.

/sorry to sound all crazy paranoid

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Its a pincer movement. Create the problem. Stir up the angst and pay the activists. Harvest the results. Repeat as many times as needed. We are witnessing a gigantic agenda in operation that is designed to get us to a predetermined outcome.

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And we all have an idea of the predetermined outcome, aka "The Great Reset."

I suppose our betters have forgotten how people react when they have nothing to lose.

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Oh it 's theatre far as they're concerned. Consequences for us are often deadly. But it's theatre nonetheless.

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not understanding your pov. what we are witnessing is words of the elite that are openly saying 'we need to transform humanity' (aka global death and destruction). Actions will have real consequences unless we can emotionally and psychologically resist and not comply and physically fight back.

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It's real. But it's theatre.

It takes a lot of reading of certain books, and watching of certain movies and documentaries, listening what sounds at first like really kookie people on strange radio shows in the middle of the night; to begin to grasp it... Where to begin? I guess with "The Truman Show" but better: "The Matrix". "Coast-to-Coast AM" is another place to start. Read George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"; G. Edward Griffen's "The Creature from Jeckyll Island", also Ellen Brown's "The Web of Debt". Go to James Corbett's website, "https://www.corbettreport.com/"; the most important documentaries to start with are "Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve" https://www.corbettreport.com/federalreserve/ and "The World War One Conspiracy" https://www.corbettreport.com/wwi/, but also take in "Meet Bill Gates" https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=meet+bill+gates. "Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter" is also useful, it will chill you to your core. https://www.corbettreport.com/charles/

Get a copy of "High Treason: The Death of JFK and the Case for Conspiracy" by Harrison Edward Livingstone and "Towers of Deception" by Barrie Zwicker. "Whale" offers a lot of uneven information: http://whale.to/

Finally let me recommend, the single largest Red Pill I have ever taken: Wade Frazier's gargantuan website, "A Healed Planet" https://ahealedplanet.net/home.htm

If you'd like more titles or websites, let me know.

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Hard not to become a conspiracy realist lately

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Without a doubt. And the absolute calm of the bolt cutter girl. No nervous body language. Just the certainty of officially encouraged delusion.

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they literally rode up to it in these clunky city bicycles, brought photographers with them to document the whole operation, in total confidence nobody would do anything.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Kinda reminds me of the recent Greta arrest--all theatre for profit.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

inside job.

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a few journalists bothered asking how this was even possible and it was all "no comment" from airport officials

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius


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"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin

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Lots of us care, but here in Illinois our state and national legislators are Democrats. Write to them and get a nonsensical form letter back. Protests, however peaceful, might land you in jail or at least bankrupt you with legal costs.

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Well in all honesty, the sheer inaptness, disinterestedness and plain laziness of anything remotely connected to the state is breathtaking. German efficiency and hard labour is an absolute myth.

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Strategic laziness. For a genuine AfD demonstration you can expect peak efficiency for state response.

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Since most Germans have retired ,airport security and traffic control is now run by migrants .The migrants controlled the traffic from the Congo to Germany ,first class .So the same goes for airports ,they are in complete control .

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I worked as a security guard at our local International Airport. Part of the gig involved "patrolling" the perimeter, ie, driving around it, once or twice a shift. Getting onto the airfield was a simple matter of parking the car anywhere you liked... and walking onto it... No fences... No guards.. no cameras.. no nothing...

Of course 9/11 should clue in anyone with a brain what a farce and a hoax "airport security" truly is. In one day, FOUR hijacks? They managed to get guns across the security checks?

Not that it matters in my case, because with pilots dropping dead at the controls left and right, I'll never get on an airliner again.

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Erm... 9/11 was committed with box cutters, not firearms. Which is a whole other level of pathetic, but not relevant to this point.

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Yes, you're right. Pardon me.. It was 20 years ago, my memory has become a bit distorted.. An airplane full of people too gormless to put a stop to the proceedings? Pitiful.

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well, there was one plane where they fought back, heroes.

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*That* is absolutely true. Though to be fair, it was the first time hijackings hadn't just been "We're taking this plane to $THIRD_WORLD_COUNTRY" and were instead used as weapons. Some measure of "go along to get along" made sense at the time. I doubt anyone would let hijackers take over a plane now.

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Especially after the last three years of pathetically, nakedly obvious fraud? If there were any truth to the Pandemic Hoax I should know of dozens dead by now. I've yet to encounter ONE credible case, of "Covid-19"...

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true. and we have seen some people get duct taped, which always makes for entertainment.

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Don’t forget that the planes were allowed to fly uncontested over the most secure airspace in the country for well over an hour. Apparently the jets were doing a drill for that scenario at the time. Just like there was a drill during the Boston Marathon bombings and during the London subway bombing and…..

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If pilots drop dead left and right ,then it's time to switch to self flying plains ,like self driving cars .All passengers must be outfitted with jump suits ,before flying .

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That right there is proof that they are being allowed to do whatever they want without any serious consequences.

But if this group was serious about their goals then they would be targeting the corporations and especially the militaries everywhere that contribute the most to climate change. Instead they are targeting the people who have no actual say in what their government does. Why punish the little people instead of the sociopaths that are ruining the world?

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They would be targeting the billionaires who consume vastly more than the average citizen and are funding sycophants like these birdbrains.

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Because they are paid by the same wealthy sociopaths to do their antics. Most of the antifa types are criminals at large and professors (also criminals at large).

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Occam's razor says that airport was in on it. The law enforcement there were very likely told to stand down and let this happen, that edict coming from somewhere very high up. Just like riots happen in America because they authorities WANT them to happen. I bet you there's security camera film of this happening. Well there was, by now it's all been deleted.

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Oh shut up you ravening Conspiracy Theorist! 😘

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No need for security cameras. They brought their own photographers and made sure they had the correct angles and the coolest footage.

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Since iam no Twiiter user, have they provided photos where they show a hole in the fence and where they go through it onto the airfield ? Or does someone let them in ?

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Get a directed sound speaker and point it at them blasting heavy metal music. A known CIA torture tactic.

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"Their insane demands allow radical politicians like Robert Habeck to pose as moderates, while they fight to impose climate legislation opposed by three-quarters of the citizenry and a majority even of their own party".

This is precisely on point. There is a playbook that gets deployed in different countries at different times. In the UK, "Just Stop Oil" are doing exactly the same thing. It allows them to keep the Overton window such that insane 'death cult' deindustrialisation / pauperisation policies can be pushed through as being the negotiated middle ground.

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Just Stop Oil funded by some of the very same people as Letzte Generation, it's the same astroturf nonsense everywhere.

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astroturf nonsense


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It does seem that the People in Charge want to lead society down the garden path toward a Neofeudal Dark Age, girded by technology and transhumanism, instead of castle walls and institutionalized christianity. The irony is that neither ideology has anything to do with saving anything, except wealth and power for a privileged few.

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Exactly Jennie! A tip o' the tinfoil topper. The "pandemicists", [thank you Eugy], were merely another, very successful, salvo in the continuous barrage attacks on we 'useless eaters'. We see, in almost every country, around the world, massive, concerted attacks on our fundamental freedoms.

In many jurisdictions it is illegal to heat our homes with fossil fuels. Governments around the world are legislating the end of the freedom of movement enabled by the introduction of the automobile over 100 years ago. And now we face a series of “medical” crises, each one engineered to strip the great unwashed of the few freedoms that remain.. And that continue to enrich the “privileged few”.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

Very well said.

Illustrative and dark

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First take away everything and then supply it anew, but with the difference of total dependence or enslavement, however one might call it. These green puppets are what the Russians call 'Useful Idiots'

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“... even the most naive and inexperienced university students can just break into these terror-proof airfields...” Maybe the US Capitol Police were guarding it. They are very welcoming!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

because that was planned too

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

By pretty much the same people!

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good point

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Kinda sucks for the detainees three years later..

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Much like the rest of the Left, they really hate people. It stands out strongly.

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you hit the nail on the head ..they are unhappy and want you to be so also

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I was on the runway in dusseldorf for 2.5h because of those dipshits

I dont understand what they are hoping to achieve. But I agree with you, that they are not being treated like the terrorists that they are suggests a hidden agenda

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Well, they're certainly getting attention, which is no doubt one of their goals.

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Exactly who's agenda though?

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Start running them over. See how fast it changes.

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a truck driver did this a few days ago in Stralsund; the activists weren't hurt, merely pushed out of the way, but police seized his license and he's almost surely going to be charged


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When the police start protecting criminals, that means they aren't legitimate law enforcement any longer. And should be treated as such.

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it is breeding a situation where a certain type of people will take action into their own hands. And the tptb wants this as well. This is one gigantic honey trap operation to draw the dissenters out into the open. But it could backfire...

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I think it's the higher ups.

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I'm pretty sure "I was just following orders" isn't going to to be taken very well as an excuse from the German police...

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

that is a very clear signal to the great unwashed who wish to drive their cars

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Look no further for evidence of complicity.....we are all on the list you know

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Yeah I am aware of this. You can't act like a normal person??? You've got to have a force of men and women who took an oath to this country and go out and handle it. Not do it with a license plate while you have a job. We need to find where these people live, where they work, we need to do WHAT THEY DO TO US!!!!! WE ARE DOING ALMOST NOTHING BUT TYPING AND BLOGGING! FAWK!

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Posts like this serve no purpose other than trying to get forums for dissent shut down. Thank you for your service Ray Epps.

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And just how are the charges justified?

I'm quite certain that a severe injury will eventually happen to the "gluers".

I don't wish this, but, it is inevitable..

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The 'severe' Injury will happen to them later when they realize that they were duped and the WEF and UN/WHO have taken their freedom away for the rest of their lives.

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they got paid for their efforts. please no squawking from useful idiot fodder.

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But that would entail just a wee bit of critical thinking, or god forbid, logic, before gluing your butt to an airport runway, or highway.

My take...

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Many gluers had to leave the balls behind when they got up .So from now on only ladies will sill risk the gluing trick .

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I hadn't thought of that, but you're right.

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This is pretty much my take on the problem. Either they'll stop, or they won't. Either way, there will be fewer of them.

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The Letzte Generation website appears quite professionally designed and the photos of the protestors look quite polished. Some of the activists could have developed these skills individually. However, there's a polished level of coordination to it all, which seems to indicate that it is backed by powerful monied interests, if not the state itself. The 'values' section, especially, seems full of government legalese and doublespeak, rather than a straight forward statement of purpose for a group with a coherent vision.

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Thank you for highlighting the contrast of what happens to travellers inside airports - taking off shoes and belts in addition to restrictions on liquids - compared to what any determined person can do to breach airport perimeters and access runways etc.

Remember that almost exactly 23 years ago, on 25 July 2000, an Air France Concorde crashed after taking off from Roissy airport, killing 100 passengers (of whom 96 were German!), 9 crew and 4 people on the ground. The reason: the tyre of the accelerating jet was peirced by a peice of jagged metal on the runway, and exploded. The flying rubber got into the engines and ... etc.

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“even the most naive and inexperienced university students can just break into these terror-proof airfields with nothing more than standard tools available at every home improvement store”

Clearly we are being led by Top. Men.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

If they really wanted them to stop they'd hardly let them leave up an online recruitment form. I at least expected you had to be tapped on the shoulder by a studded purple haired recruiter not fill in an online form like applying for a job on LinkedIn.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023Author

totally right. no political group involved in overtly, highly illegal actions could just recruit openly on the internet, they'd be swamped with police informants in five minutes. they surely have some kind of protection/support.

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>no political group involved in overtly, highly illegal actions could just recruit openly on the internet, they'd be swamped with police informants in five minutes. they surely have some kind of protection/support.

You've clearly never been to these activist groups. I have. You're not allowed to join the "high risk" actions, if they don't already know you from the "low risk" actions. It's generally invite only. Any police officer who wants to join a high risk action would first have had to make themselves useful to the movement by joining a low risk action like a road blockade and being arrested in the process.

There's also constant paranoia about the police. I went to a meeting where they were so paranoid about police infiltrants they first asked everyone to confirm they know any particular person present from previous protests, before we discussed anything at all. Then halfway through they became paranoid again because someone left during the meeting itself.

Extinction rebellion specifically has police informants who join the group chat to gather intel. There's no other activist group in the Netherlands that has happened to, it has only happened to terrorist movements before.

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It was that way back when I was active, in the 1980s - paranoia coupled with no small amounts of grandiosity as to the impact of a couple of dozen people blocking an intersection in Stockholm City for 20 minutes.

It would smash global capitalism and shake the people awake, you understand, if traffic was held up in the city's busiest intersection at noon.

Expect the police informant (not an actual police most of the time) to be someone involved with keeping the notes for each meeting, or something similar: an administrative or organsiational position, rather than an executive one.

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Interesting perspective. I can remember once being invited, by a friend who led a pro-Palestinian group I attended around 1990, into a leftist student organization that he belonged to. Lots of hard and suspicious looks there, and him having to explain that I was a good person. Other political groups, in my experience, have generally been friendly and welcoming.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Usual billionaire globopsychohomopedos are writing the checks for this.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Their privileged white lives are totally the result of our oil based civilisation. And I bet they've had some nice holidays abroad, by plane. They are just the Useful Idiots of destructive Marxism, all working for China like good little puppets.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I thought people breaking through airport perimeters could be shot on sight. They are potential hijackers.

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International airports should be treated as every bit secure as a military base. Invade a military base by bike and see how far you get. You’ll be lucky if they fire a warning shot.

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