Experts are regime court eunuchs. Unfortunately many doctors abandoned the Hippocratic oath for expert hysteria. Here is a demoralized email exchange I had with doctors in my family: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-3?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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I look at the entire medical establishment is a bunch of little Mengele's now. They've gone from forcibly injecting they don't know what into your arm to cutting off the body parts of children. These people are so sick it's unbelievable

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The thin line between compassion and authoritarianism is gone.

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I was introduced to a term a few weeks back, "malevolent compassion".

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Rename it...the Mengele establishment.

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Is there a list and explanation of Mengele's activities ?

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There have been many books written on his 'experiments'.

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lULUBELL ,Are you sure sick is the right word for it ?

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American doctors are some of the most authoritarian, unquestioning, and merciless people I've ever interacted with. It's a sort of cruel idiocy, where not only are they dangerously incompetent, they are vicious and retaliatory when called out on their errors. It's an unacceptable state of affairs. I think it's party because they know the scale of the harms they are inflicting and it troubles them.

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Canada says hold my doughnuts and beer.

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@Johnny- I live a mile from the Canadian border (Niagara Falls area). It's amazing how many Canadians come here for health care because they can't get things done in a reasonable amount of time OR they don't trust their health care providers. Helps that we have world reknown Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, a few miles away. But they're willing to pay cash for their care.

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Yup. It's a little dirty secret. Same for Quebecers going into New England/NY. The irony is that our system is supposed to be 'better' than the American system. Conversely, there's a neat scam going on where Americans (mostly minorities) with relatives here would come up for 'free' services. But this has largely been quelled thanks to....photo ID requirements.

But shhh. Don't tell nationalists or the media that. As far as clueless Canadians are concerned, we have the greatest-bestest public health system in 'da world!' It's insufferable at this point.

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Kind of tangential, but I just started watching the British television series Doc Martin which dates to the 2000s. Your description of American doctors fits him perfectly, yet it's a popular series. Ditto House MD in the US. What is it about really bad doctors that's so popular...?

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Any TV show focused on a "professional" these days celebrates the purportedly superior brains of the fucked-up.

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@Tardigrade- the protagonaist of House was a flawed medical genius with poor bedside manner. Great show. My fav memory of that show: They were in a morgue and he used a handgun to shoot a cadaver in the head then put him in a MRI machine. Morbidly hysterical . IDR why he did it but it left a lasting humorous effect on me.

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Oh, I'm a huge House fan, and I've watched the entire eight seasons several times. He would often (hugely) jump to conclusions when diagnosing. Doc Martin is the same. It just made me notice that both shows feature a protagonist who is supremely arrogant. Yet we love to watch them.

On the other hand, some people are fans of horror movies, and enjoy being terrified. Perhaps it's a similar urge, only we enjoy cringing.

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My one daughter loves horror movies. I hate them.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Mpox is an STD. End of story.

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When it became clear that:

1. It is a homosexually transmitted STD and

2. It is spread to pets and children by homosexual abuse

then it mysteriously dropped out of the corporate media.

See https://patrick.net/post/1345273/2022-05-22-gay-monkey-disease?start=183#comment-1869351 for a perfect summary image.

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That can't be repeated too many times during queer narcissism month. Faggotpox memes banzai.

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We should relentlessly refer to it as "Monkeypox Awareness Month"

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Like this, I suppose: https://imgur.com/a/P2utqHJ

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While poking around the interwebs I encountered these details which I'd forgotten:

'While smallpox was eradicated in 1980, mpox continues to occur in countries of central and west AFRICA. Since May 2022, cases have also been reported from countries without previously documented mpox transmission outside the African region...Mpox is a zoonosis, a disease that is transmitted FROM animals to humans, with cases often found close to tropical rainforests where there are animals that carry the virus." https://www.who.int/health-topics/monkeypox/#tab=tab_1

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That's a good start, but Faggotpox gets right to the point.

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Get well soon Eugyppius

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I personally recommend a small shot glass half honey, half lemon juice, stir and drink. Can loosen up the throat. Hope you feel better soon.

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My mother added a "tot" of rum to that recipe.

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Sounds like my grandmother, she recommended rubbing alcohol on the gums (for teething, gingivitis et c) and gargling it against a cough.

Can testify it works, but ware you don't get the snapps down the wrong pipe - then you'll REALLY have a cough! 😁

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@Andy- my mother used whiskey making it a Hot Whiskey Sling. Have enough and you won't care WHAt you're sick with.

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Make that pure Schnaps on an empty stomach .

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reduce the amount of honey, ditch the lemon juice and add generous amount of whiskey, hot water and cloves. Stir, drink and relax. Repeat when necessary.

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How come eugyppius gets sick so often is some one shedding on him .? It seems distancing of six feet is not enough ,seven feet will work for sure .

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It's true of every facet of the chattering classes that they promote panic and hysteria before anything else. I work outside so I'm very conscious of weather forecast and I find the whole thing so maddening because, every day, if there's going to be anything besides blue skies it's always severe! dangerous! and then the reality 99.9% of the time is a drizzle or nothing. The seriously happens almost every day it's unbelievable it's just infuriating

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Somewhere out on youtube are a couple of compilation videos showing screen shots of the exact same temperatures from years ago, and quite recently, with the video commentary included and ALL KINDS OF EXAGGERATED TERMS are being used for the weather today.

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It’s an epidemic of drama.

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Oh yeah I've seen that. And the past when it was in the 80's or 90's the weather person would show the region covered in happy yellow suns on a blue background and today it's all in red

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

And did you know that more than 12 BILLION Americans have pnemenultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconeosis, and DON'T EVEN KNOW IT?

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Scaring people is so much more FUN than rational advice. Even more FUN is scaring parents about hysterical threats to their children.

I know many, many people who now avoid doctors in favor of a sensible diet, reasonable exercise, lots of vitamins (particularly Vitamin D), and the rest is a crap shoot.

Oh, and stay the hell away from NYC and California.

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So if N.Y.C. and California is a bit shady for you ,Canada will take you with open arms ,but you must come as a Migrant .

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@Rio- anyone else notice the tv commercials pushing the vaccines for Shingles, HPV, flu and the new shot for RSV? Covid doesn't scare people anymore so they're putting other every day things out there making them sounds like lions ready to pounce. And yet there are uninformed and uneducated masses out there willing to listen. Still.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“Experts, far from being impartial oracles, are in fact self-interested careerists,...”. Yep, this phenomenon is not new, but merely an adaptation to social media technology. Decades ago we began to see such in “scientific” journal publications, albeit tempered through the process of peer review. What I believe it illustrates is not so much self interested careerists—which is true—but the mediocrity of the “experts”. Just because you have some academic credentials behind your name does not mean you know/understand your field. This I find true especially of “MD’s”, who are less scientists and more technicians these days. By technicians, I mean folks who rigorously follow a “standard of care” in patient treatment handed down from above by Boards established in their sub fields—mindlessly and without question. We saw this with Covid where hive mind mediocrity caused the deaths of 100’s of thousands.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In addition, when wildly inflating the risks for something that isn't risky, it creates a set of perverse incentives. People cannot easily call out the poor forecaster for being alarmist - one can retreat to the idea of "It was a credible threat, it just didn't materialize, but it was still important to be cautious" or the other which is "It was due to the vigorous alarm that was raised that this emergency was avoided." I genuinely would like to see a system of sort of "registering forecasts" and that when you go to opine on what the future holds, you have to register your forecast in a place that can't be deleted, and then you will be held accountable by others based on whether your forecast was accurate or not. I know this seems like it's cumbersome, but the way that people breathlessly forecast the future, when they know nothing about it, then promptly turn around and say "I was just speculating like everyone else" is horrific. Since we won't change human behavior to exploit this mechanism, I would love to see a collaborative effort to change this dynamic. When people forecast the future, tell them to stop. When people make predictions, tell them you aren't interested, but you will hold them accountable if they are wrong. If we want to have an opt in system of "people that are betting on what will happen", fine. Those folks can engage in vigorous debate with each other as to their visions of the future. But having healthcare professionals come in and spend months / years scaremongering about Zika or Monkeypox, that should have consequences for their academic and professional credibility.

In the same way that we don't listen to weather forecasters that cannot forecast the weather, why would we listen to future forecasters that can't forecast the future?

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Centralize it all to make the Ministry of Truth's job easier?

"Official Registry of Opinions that might not concur with the Approved Narrative. Government censors, look here first."

My case is unusual, but I did medical school under an assumed name for reasons I cannot reveal. I simply tell people where and when I did my studies, and that I have not practiced in 35 years. They are free to accept or reject my words. I routinely correspond with medical professionals on substack and do not pretend to know more than I do. Some things are easy: I can cite a number of sources for my input (I subscribe to the NEJM and a couple of specialty journals.) Dealing with an infectious contagious respiratory disease (e.g., Covid 19) was solved during the Spanish Flu. The basics of epidemiology have not changed, nor has organic chemistry. My family all know how to administer a basic neuro exam. My own physicians trust my knowledge through demonstration that acknowledges my shortcomings.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

this is why I do not go on twitter. How can you possibly check who is who? When Geert VanDenBosch started writing, you can look him up. He is on the site of the university where he is teaching.

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Twitter and its users are utterly pathetic and always have been.

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Why go to Twitter if you can go to eugyppius ,he is my kind of guy

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Speedy recovery, E!

Can’t believe monkey pox is still getting any attention. Given the at-risk demographic & how it is transmitted, it wasn’t just children @ “0” risk.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I’ve been conned by these dumbass experts, and retweeted doomsday crap that never came to pass. I felt foolish and stupid afterwards, and it lead me to become hypercritical to everyone and is the reason I didn’t get caught up in Covid like so many. But that was me--how many of these other retweets and likes are leading to the account holders to re-evaluate how they consume and trust information? These people are giving themselves a totalitarian mind, described by Orwell and Ray Bradbury as “we’re at war with Oceania, we’ve always been at war with Oceania” mind talk.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Homemade chicken soup, some Calabrese bread on the side, and then 2 shots of Jägermeister (56 different herbs), and then a nap.

Repeat as necessary.

Get well...

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I know of a secret Romanian witches' brew which goes as follows:

take schnapps

warm it

put pepper in

drink, preferably while lying down already

try to keep the stuff down


Seems to work, I don't know why.

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It works too!

(Though I like spiced snapps, as we spell it - wormwood-flavoured is my favourite!)

Of course Eugyppius being german, he could just gargle Jägermeister or Bommerlunder, couldn't he?

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The poor man! Already punished by fate, having been born a German, the poor man should be made to drink that evil stuff? That's adding injury to injury.


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Gonna have to try that.

The only drug involved is a bit of alcohol...

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Not a mrna thingie to be seen. :-)

But let me warn you. It tastes horrible.

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DingDing and his loathsome ilk remind of the 1 year olds screaming for attention and throwing food all over.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I had to take my eldest daughter to an N-H-S accident and emergency unit recently. All went well, until I noticed a warning dated June 2022 about the WHO Minki-pox event. A tad out of date, or as the N-H-S calls it, the future.

This is a serious disease in some parts of the world, but by no means all.

Yet another dose of incredible incompetence from those who seek to lead us all.

Who's going to tell WHO Director General of General Direction, Tedros-Tedros Adhanom Tedros Ghebreyesus Tedros?

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Tedros is a war criminal.

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The Tedros guy looks like he was monkey poxed in his face .

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Minki - LOL.. a term I haven't heard in a while... Inspector Cluseau, in a pink panther movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGb8EKwDkBE

And watching this... I realize now how prescient this movie was to the ridiculousness going on today.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

'Experts…are in fact self-interested careerists'

Case in point: Peter Hotez, in a 2018 paper about self-promotion for scientists, 'Crafting your scientist brand' https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000024

Anthony Fauci was reported to have stepped down from directorship of NIAID in December 2022, and reports had Hotez in contention as his replacement. But the NIAID website still lists Fauci as Director.

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May 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

sound like COVID cough to me. Did you get tested? Have you had COVID before?

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*irony off

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