“Inability to work following COVID-19 vaccination” is a modest paper just published in Public Health (paywalled, but available here as a preprint from last November), analysing data from the ‘CoVacSer’ cohort study, conducted out of Würzburg to monitor the effects of Covid infection and vaccination on healthcare workers.
Did you have this phenom in Germany where schools would shut down after vaccination because too many teachers sick? Just a sample from here in the states:
EDIT: Spreadsheet of links with backup links and notable quotes here. If anyone finds another one let me know.
As far as I know - and I do have some local inside knowledge - almost nobody felt so sick that they had to go on sick leave at schools around my location. They had mass vaccination events for staff, so almost everybody got the shot at the same time; it seems to have been different at kindergartens - maybe overworked and tired kindergarten teachers, who had to grapple with idiotic covid restrictions all the time, felt they needed some well-deserved rest and called in sick with relatively mild symptoms after vaccination, such as a headache or tiredness?
My wife, 40 at the time, impeccable shape, got knocked on her ass after the first shot (Moderna) - first time in probably 10 years she had to call off work, which as a surgeon, is a pretty big deal. Her hospital was kind to grant her waiver from 2nd dose and all boosters. At the time I thought maybe she just had a "one off" reaction.
Then, my Facebook profile started filling up with posts all saying the same thing: "Wow that vaccine really kicked my ass, but it's day 3 and I feel better - can't imagine how bad Covid must be" (I screenshotted many of these for posterity sake), and then within months, of course, they all got Covid, and with no self-awareness blogged about how sick they are from it but "couldn't imagine how much worse it would be without the vaccine" (also, I screenshotted those as well).
I did see people getting sick, and I did see at my wife's hospital staff shortages following the second shot late December 2020 (and then more shortages when much of the staff came down with Covid December 2021, a few months after booster).
I genuinely believe that these teachers were sick and not "milking it", and if you read the stories I linked (see new spreadsheet), the schools started scheduling around weekends anticipating this to happen. (How shitty is it that your employer, knowing something they are forcing you to take may make you feel like shit, purposefully put the burden on your only free days). Some schools simply planned to close the following day in advance.
I did notice that overwhelming majority of stories I found were in the Midwest, clustered around the 1st weekend of March. May mean one of two things:
1) There was a "bad batch" that went to this market
2) Due to the seasonality of Covid, these people were primed to experience worse side effects than people in other parts of the country (perhaps they recently had Covid without realizing it and their immune system reacted heavily to the shot, perhaps they didn't have Covid yet while the West/South already did, so the immune response was not strong).
My dentist missed 4 days of work following his Moderna series. His receptionist shook so bad after the first (Moderna) shot that her husband almost brought her to the hospital. Several of my coworkers have scheduled their boosters for Fridays so they have the weekend to "recover" (and yes, they've all had Covid multiple times too). An acquaintance's daughter-in-law came down with a nasty case of Covid following her first injection which required hospitalization.
They ae expressing spikes now in their exomes breathed out onto patients, effectively vaccinating them without consent. Evidence is in and masks don't stop transferral at close range with your mouth breathing through a visit under the lights at the dental office. Worse situation possible for transferal of spikes.
I know of several people feeling poorly after the vax. But I also know people who have died from SADS. I know a lot of people who were vaxed and have gotten Covid. But their comment is” If I had t had my vax I would have gotten it worse. Bull crap. They are just following the narrative. Whoever heard before Covid that when you have received a vaccine it will help you to not get the flu worse. What is a vaccine? Isn’t it suppose to prevent disease?
Those people that claim it would have been worse, I believe, are in denial. Unlike some of us they cannot fathom that the kind of evil exists that this was. That people in authority would purposefully force them to take an untested dangerous shot by evil people intent not on saving them but intent on reducing the earth's population. That, I believe is the issue here.
Glad that your wife didn't have any lasting effects! I know a few people who had thromboses, inflammation of the heart etc. after the shots.
I am not doubting any of your work or the people who said they had adverse reactions, I'm sure they did. It just didn't happen much here where I am. (As far as I remember, they had the shots on a weekday afternoon, so nice of the Powers That Be to schedule them like this! :-)
A lot of people don't talk about how they feel. They hide it.
It's politically incorrect.
I know a lot of people who got the jabs and there is a near universal symptom of thinning hair and dizzy or balance problems. and some people I know now need heart monitors.
Just getting sick and recovering, those are the lucky ones: "Gregory Poland, MD, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group in Rochester, Minnesota, remains a steadfast vaccination advocate -- even though he developed tinnitus soon after receiving his second dose of COVID vaccine.
A little more than a year ago, Poland was driving back from the hospital after receiving his second shot when he nearly veered out of his lane.
"It was like someone suddenly blew a dog whistle in my ear," Poland told
MedPage Today. "It has been pretty much unrelenting. ... He continues to receive emails from other individuals across the country and around the world who say they have also developed tinnitus after COVID vaccination."
Since then, Poland said he has been experiencing what he describes as life-altering tinnitus, or ringing in the ear. It occurs in both ears, but is worse in the left than in the right. ... Yet Poland realizes his life may never be the same, and that many others may be grappling with the same reality. He continues to receive emails from other individuals across the country and around the world who say they have also developed tinnitus after COVID vaccination. ... "What has been heartbreaking about this, as a seasoned physician, are the emails I get from people that, this has affected their life so badly, they have told me they are going to take their own life," Poland said." Source: MedPage Today March 9, 2022
Seriously, though- how insane have we become to think it was ever a good idea inject people with a vaccine that forces their cells to spit out copies of a foreign protein for weeks at a time, and then do so every six months?
'For weeks at a time' - they should be so lucky. A recent study indicates that the mRNA-vaccinated may continue to express spike proteins for at least six months, after which the study measured no further. Those little spikies might keep popping out for years after the most recent dose.
“C-19 vaccine has emerged as a key strategy to control the spread & severity....” Because so many people are sick &/or disabled from them? In what sane world is something that causes illness, damage, disability & death considered a “key strategy” (except as a depop agenda)
The scientifically honest approach would have simply said: nothing in nature works like this, so maybe we should test it in humans for a LONG ASS TIME before deploying it.
The intellectual dishonesty on part of the scientists involved in all this is striking. Intellectual dishonesty mixed with careerism pretty much defines academia these days, especially at points where industry and academy meet. Now throw in government officials and you have the definition of corruption.
I still cannot believe how many people were fine with abandoning normal testing methods (numbers, length, a control group)... I'm not a scientist. But I'm not stupid, and I know there is no reason to take such a medication or get such a shot unless the disease is horrific and you are very much at risk.
It's some kind of powerful delusion. It's the highest form of deception and it's most certainly pure evil. I don't think any of us can truly comprehend the ramifications (present and future) of this novel MRNA vaccine rollout.
There is no MOST but ABSOLUTELY evil. Blatantly obvious from the go, go. I am really Sorry for those who've been following the con plan. No matter how hard l tried to stop my loved ones, they couldn't fathom. Absolutely not. Incredible but true.
Very true. And yet it was thought so important for everybody to have their cells replicate foreign proteins that we had lockdowns for unvaccinated and all kinds of evil manipulation to enforce vaccine takeup.
I am in Ontario Canada, my family doctor gave me scripts for Ivermectin and HCQ I filled both, they are sitting in my pantry. I know of a friend that asked her DR and she told her when she needs it to call and she may call it into her pharmacy. Now to be honest there are many dumb uninformed Canucks in regards to both IV and HCQ. those are the ones that listen to our MSM CBC etc and believe what they say. I bet if I asked a random person on the street, they would ask me what am I talking about!! Sad but then our Castro had a Nazi in the House of Commons, enough said about O Canada.
I am going to play devil’s advocate here. There are some drugs, for example some anti epileptic drugs, which deliver life changing benefits with very few or no side effects for many patients.
I hate big pharma, but not everything they produce is bad.
It’s going to get worse as they’ve now set their focus on new antibiotic development.
Article in latest chemistry world magazine states how any new ones will have to have safety and efficacy acceptable to the relevant agencies, we know how low that bar has been set, expect more mass pharma damage
Several years ago a doctor prescribed me levofloxacin after a throat surgery. I picked it up from the pharmacy then read about potential side effects and called the Doctor’s office to request something else.
They need repeat customers (those with chronic conditions) in order to have profitable drugs. Many never make it over the hurdles so pharmaceutical companies need a big pay day drug to cover the cost of all the duds. And these days the drug pipelines are pretty small.
Three years ago, at the height of the hysteria, a friend told me about a neighboring family that did not leave their home. Never ventured outside the door. All necessities of life were delivered. Sanitized. Compulsively disinfected.
I thought then, "Just suppose this virus is really terrible. Dangerous. Even FATAL. And these whackos end up being the only survivors. Lunatics will be the only ones to repopulate the world."
Most of the world would have been dead in the first two weeks had there been a real plague, after two weeks of you hadn’t sussed it out like me that no family, friends or customers had died then people must have had their eyes painted on.
My "ah ha" moment was when an undertaker friend told me of going to NYC to help with the backlog of bodies the MSM showed piling up in the reefer trailers.
Come to find out, there was no processing being done.
Crematoriums, cemeteries, funeral homes, and morgues were all closed.......................due to Covid.
With about 150 souls passing away every day. on average, in the city, of course they had to stack them in reefers.
Seriously though, I can walk you through how it was clearly known at that time that it was bogus. I mean as if the fact that nations had prepaid in the hundreds of millions for "Covid 'vaccines'" somewhere around a year prior to it even unfolding wasn't enough. Yet there was more.
As I tell people, if you understand who's behind it, then it's simple, trivial in fact.
The problem, even now, is that people believe that it's the WEF etc. that are behind it, when that is simply another tool of those that are, and at least two full levels below them.
People like Soros, Gates, etc., they're paupers relative to those truly pulling the strings.
I wasn’t attacking you. If it seems so, I apologize. Still wackos. And if it had been deadly and if they had survived by some chance, they would continue to be clueless as to how things work. They would not have survived without deliveries television etc.
btw, Howard Stern is back in isolation again. His wife is so angry.
And he’s wishing death again on all the uncaccinated
These researchers (and many like them) know exactly what they are doing. The make sure the abstract/summary and conclusions toe the party line to get it through peer review. They then hide the main points they want to get across in the main body of the paper, don’t comment on them but leave it for people like yourself to publicise their findings. Just like communist Russia in the 20th century, people will always find a way to be critical of the regime while pretending to be good citizens
Note the key word in that sentence, strategy. They don’t imply whether it was effective or not. It comes across as them defending the efficacy of the jabs, but if put under a spotlight, they can just imply that public health officials considered the jabs a major part of there strategy to battle the virus. Very clever wording imo.
Evidently, about 20 percent of the population is still buying it, hookline and sinker. Check out the comments on "Your Local Epidemiologist" Dr. Katelyn Jetelina's substack. You will be amazed.
older female relative ended up in a clinic after booster number 2. whether she's had further doses is no longer a subject for discussion, but at least she never bothers me about getting vaxxed any longer.
I willingly admit to being wrong about masking and lockdowns (I was always reluctant about the shots). It's actually a really liberating feeling to admit you got snookered.
Remember that the Fauci said that if people get more than a sore arm that means that the vaccine is working in order for them not to freak out about how they got sicker than a dawg after being jabbed.
I think most people got jabbed because they would never expect that their government could be so evil. I didn’t think that they were betray us at this level.
I don’t think condemning Western Civilization makes sense here. After all, a communist regime in Asia created this with sociopaths who wanted more power too.
Condeming MODERN Western Civilization makes perfect sense.
We first have to understand how it all went into hyperdrive in the 20th Century. The creation of the Federal Reserve in the US was key, but even there, it sits underneath the B.I.S., which harbors other similar peer organizations that perform the same roles in other countries, primarily westeranized nations.
The Bolshevik Revolution was designed to eradicate Christianity from Russia, and it did a fantastic job of it, killing tens of millions of both Russian and Ukrainian Christians back then.
Liberalism (aka communism) thrived in our country and grew over time. Consider where we are today. Fascism factors in as well.
This is more than a simple substack post, but the history there is the same, the quotes from the perps themselves, essentially the Bolshevik Babylonian Talmudists, fully corroborate that, and AS THE PLAN.
What's done is in the west, is greed. Think about it. All of the key industries that are controlled are either well paid by those at the top, or essentially provide lifetime incomes regardless of how poorly they perform. (Looking at teaching here and "tenure" for example)
Again, it's more interwoven and therefore more complicated than that, but wealth/mammon has clearly become of greater import to people at large and generally speaking, than morals and integrity are. If you own a small business you know that, where it's a LOT more obvious.
This is a deeper discussion, but as Jesus said, one cannot worship God and mammon both, it's mutually exclusive.
As part of the operation, and the subversion of our Christian culture, heretical teachings have infiltrated the institutions which used to have spiritual value to people, whereby not only do they preach to the extent to make Christ out to be a liar in that way, but in their own interests as 501(c) legal entities that require income for their pastors and staffs to remain employed.
but socialism works only with compliance. Capitalism thrives on competition of skills and innovation, noncompliance and, statistically vastly more beneficial for humans and other life.
Did you have this phenom in Germany where schools would shut down after vaccination because too many teachers sick? Just a sample from here in the states:
EDIT: Spreadsheet of links with backup links and notable quotes here. If anyone finds another one let me know.
I have not seen any reports of this in DE, I presume because our press is just too cucked. This is amazing, thank you.
Expanded the list, put into spreadsheet with notable quotes, dates, and archives of every link. Might be useful for your book?
As far as I know - and I do have some local inside knowledge - almost nobody felt so sick that they had to go on sick leave at schools around my location. They had mass vaccination events for staff, so almost everybody got the shot at the same time; it seems to have been different at kindergartens - maybe overworked and tired kindergarten teachers, who had to grapple with idiotic covid restrictions all the time, felt they needed some well-deserved rest and called in sick with relatively mild symptoms after vaccination, such as a headache or tiredness?
My wife, 40 at the time, impeccable shape, got knocked on her ass after the first shot (Moderna) - first time in probably 10 years she had to call off work, which as a surgeon, is a pretty big deal. Her hospital was kind to grant her waiver from 2nd dose and all boosters. At the time I thought maybe she just had a "one off" reaction.
Then, my Facebook profile started filling up with posts all saying the same thing: "Wow that vaccine really kicked my ass, but it's day 3 and I feel better - can't imagine how bad Covid must be" (I screenshotted many of these for posterity sake), and then within months, of course, they all got Covid, and with no self-awareness blogged about how sick they are from it but "couldn't imagine how much worse it would be without the vaccine" (also, I screenshotted those as well).
I did see people getting sick, and I did see at my wife's hospital staff shortages following the second shot late December 2020 (and then more shortages when much of the staff came down with Covid December 2021, a few months after booster).
I genuinely believe that these teachers were sick and not "milking it", and if you read the stories I linked (see new spreadsheet), the schools started scheduling around weekends anticipating this to happen. (How shitty is it that your employer, knowing something they are forcing you to take may make you feel like shit, purposefully put the burden on your only free days). Some schools simply planned to close the following day in advance.
I did notice that overwhelming majority of stories I found were in the Midwest, clustered around the 1st weekend of March. May mean one of two things:
1) There was a "bad batch" that went to this market
2) Due to the seasonality of Covid, these people were primed to experience worse side effects than people in other parts of the country (perhaps they recently had Covid without realizing it and their immune system reacted heavily to the shot, perhaps they didn't have Covid yet while the West/South already did, so the immune response was not strong).
Or could mean nothing.
My dentist missed 4 days of work following his Moderna series. His receptionist shook so bad after the first (Moderna) shot that her husband almost brought her to the hospital. Several of my coworkers have scheduled their boosters for Fridays so they have the weekend to "recover" (and yes, they've all had Covid multiple times too). An acquaintance's daughter-in-law came down with a nasty case of Covid following her first injection which required hospitalization.
They ae expressing spikes now in their exomes breathed out onto patients, effectively vaccinating them without consent. Evidence is in and masks don't stop transferral at close range with your mouth breathing through a visit under the lights at the dental office. Worse situation possible for transferal of spikes.
I know of several people feeling poorly after the vax. But I also know people who have died from SADS. I know a lot of people who were vaxed and have gotten Covid. But their comment is” If I had t had my vax I would have gotten it worse. Bull crap. They are just following the narrative. Whoever heard before Covid that when you have received a vaccine it will help you to not get the flu worse. What is a vaccine? Isn’t it suppose to prevent disease?
Those people that claim it would have been worse, I believe, are in denial. Unlike some of us they cannot fathom that the kind of evil exists that this was. That people in authority would purposefully force them to take an untested dangerous shot by evil people intent not on saving them but intent on reducing the earth's population. That, I believe is the issue here.
I think it was a control thing so they can herd us like sheep
Glad that your wife didn't have any lasting effects! I know a few people who had thromboses, inflammation of the heart etc. after the shots.
I am not doubting any of your work or the people who said they had adverse reactions, I'm sure they did. It just didn't happen much here where I am. (As far as I remember, they had the shots on a weekday afternoon, so nice of the Powers That Be to schedule them like this! :-)
A lot of people don't talk about how they feel. They hide it.
It's politically incorrect.
I know a lot of people who got the jabs and there is a near universal symptom of thinning hair and dizzy or balance problems. and some people I know now need heart monitors.
I love this, esp that you saved the receipts
Just getting sick and recovering, those are the lucky ones: "Gregory Poland, MD, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group in Rochester, Minnesota, remains a steadfast vaccination advocate -- even though he developed tinnitus soon after receiving his second dose of COVID vaccine.
A little more than a year ago, Poland was driving back from the hospital after receiving his second shot when he nearly veered out of his lane.
"It was like someone suddenly blew a dog whistle in my ear," Poland told
MedPage Today. "It has been pretty much unrelenting. ... He continues to receive emails from other individuals across the country and around the world who say they have also developed tinnitus after COVID vaccination."
Since then, Poland said he has been experiencing what he describes as life-altering tinnitus, or ringing in the ear. It occurs in both ears, but is worse in the left than in the right. ... Yet Poland realizes his life may never be the same, and that many others may be grappling with the same reality. He continues to receive emails from other individuals across the country and around the world who say they have also developed tinnitus after COVID vaccination. ... "What has been heartbreaking about this, as a seasoned physician, are the emails I get from people that, this has affected their life so badly, they have told me they are going to take their own life," Poland said." Source: MedPage Today March 9, 2022
I have really bad tinnitus. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, well maybe on a dr who saw this a pushed the jabs
Unimaginable. And he'll probably get his yearly fluvid combo
Think of the unknown long term effects of Jabs 1,2,3,4,5.....
Your first chart shows some dates as 2011 instead of 2021. I checked the links and 2021 is the correct year.
Seriously, though- how insane have we become to think it was ever a good idea inject people with a vaccine that forces their cells to spit out copies of a foreign protein for weeks at a time, and then do so every six months?
'For weeks at a time' - they should be so lucky. A recent study indicates that the mRNA-vaccinated may continue to express spike proteins for at least six months, after which the study measured no further. Those little spikies might keep popping out for years after the most recent dose.
This might explain why,
Discovery identifies a highly efficient human reverse transcriptase that can write RNA sequences into DNA
Oh wow thank you for the link
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Mask Me Once, Shame On You
Mask Me Twice, Shame On Me
“C-19 vaccine has emerged as a key strategy to control the spread & severity....” Because so many people are sick &/or disabled from them? In what sane world is something that causes illness, damage, disability & death considered a “key strategy” (except as a depop agenda)
ain't that the truth.....this whole thing is beyond horrifying. When I think of the reality of what is happening, it's chilling.
Im both terrified & pissed out of my mind!
The scientifically honest approach would have simply said: nothing in nature works like this, so maybe we should test it in humans for a LONG ASS TIME before deploying it.
The intellectual dishonesty on part of the scientists involved in all this is striking. Intellectual dishonesty mixed with careerism pretty much defines academia these days, especially at points where industry and academy meet. Now throw in government officials and you have the definition of corruption.
I still cannot believe how many people were fine with abandoning normal testing methods (numbers, length, a control group)... I'm not a scientist. But I'm not stupid, and I know there is no reason to take such a medication or get such a shot unless the disease is horrific and you are very much at risk.
It's some kind of powerful delusion. It's the highest form of deception and it's most certainly pure evil. I don't think any of us can truly comprehend the ramifications (present and future) of this novel MRNA vaccine rollout.
There is no MOST but ABSOLUTELY evil. Blatantly obvious from the go, go. I am really Sorry for those who've been following the con plan. No matter how hard l tried to stop my loved ones, they couldn't fathom. Absolutely not. Incredible but true.
Very true. And yet it was thought so important for everybody to have their cells replicate foreign proteins that we had lockdowns for unvaccinated and all kinds of evil manipulation to enforce vaccine takeup.
Because it's been drilled into people: Antibodies Good.
Yancey Ward: Cover themselves with it, thus making them an immune target.
I have a “Make 1984 Fiction Again” tee
Mine is at-shirt that looks like a football shirt with 84 and then Orwell underneath :)
My FLCCC t-shirt lists all the countries that allowed physicians to prescribe Ivermectin. BTW - Canada is NOT on the list.
I am in Ontario Canada, my family doctor gave me scripts for Ivermectin and HCQ I filled both, they are sitting in my pantry. I know of a friend that asked her DR and she told her when she needs it to call and she may call it into her pharmacy. Now to be honest there are many dumb uninformed Canucks in regards to both IV and HCQ. those are the ones that listen to our MSM CBC etc and believe what they say. I bet if I asked a random person on the street, they would ask me what am I talking about!! Sad but then our Castro had a Nazi in the House of Commons, enough said about O Canada.
There was money involved, or do you think the companies provided them for free, or politicians paid them with their own money.
There is always money involved.
Fascinating that there's so much testing/studying/research done now., with results showing that the shots suck.
But never mind that. Just roll up your sleeves.
All big pharma products suck.
I am going to play devil’s advocate here. There are some drugs, for example some anti epileptic drugs, which deliver life changing benefits with very few or no side effects for many patients.
I hate big pharma, but not everything they produce is bad.
Note: I refused the Covid vaccine..!
Just like a trauma unit in a hospital is good if you’ve been in a wreck or (been shot), but avoid it if you’re ill. You die in there.
Caution needed
Pharma is bad, but mRNA on the entire population is doomsday bad
Of course.
Called as not throwing the babies with the bath water!
weed works better
Can’t comment!
It’s going to get worse as they’ve now set their focus on new antibiotic development.
Article in latest chemistry world magazine states how any new ones will have to have safety and efficacy acceptable to the relevant agencies, we know how low that bar has been set, expect more mass pharma damage
And we have been overusing antibiotics already. And so much damage by the indiscriminate use of flouroquinolone antibiotics like Cipro to people….
Several years ago a doctor prescribed me levofloxacin after a throat surgery. I picked it up from the pharmacy then read about potential side effects and called the Doctor’s office to request something else.
That was probably the first time they've heard that at the office. Meanwhile there is actually a black box warning from the FDA.
Hope you recover well. I imagine so, since you advocate for yourself.
They need repeat customers (those with chronic conditions) in order to have profitable drugs. Many never make it over the hurdles so pharmaceutical companies need a big pay day drug to cover the cost of all the duds. And these days the drug pipelines are pretty small.
My experience as well
The INDUSTRY was in tatters before PSYOP19 [ongoing].
There was more than enough research well prior to it unfolding that said the same.
Few wanted to hear about it much less entertain it then.
That's what happens in Society by TeeVee/Internet.
"Yum yum! Good! Candy delicious! Thank you!" SMH at the sheer idiocy of our world.
It's not a distant thought that we deserve to drive ourselves into extinction. LOL
Three years ago, at the height of the hysteria, a friend told me about a neighboring family that did not leave their home. Never ventured outside the door. All necessities of life were delivered. Sanitized. Compulsively disinfected.
I thought then, "Just suppose this virus is really terrible. Dangerous. Even FATAL. And these whackos end up being the only survivors. Lunatics will be the only ones to repopulate the world."
Most of the world would have been dead in the first two weeks had there been a real plague, after two weeks of you hadn’t sussed it out like me that no family, friends or customers had died then people must have had their eyes painted on.
17 < 21 and Diamond Princess made me realise covid was a Hype ^ Googolplex.
My "ah ha" moment was when an undertaker friend told me of going to NYC to help with the backlog of bodies the MSM showed piling up in the reefer trailers.
Come to find out, there was no processing being done.
Crematoriums, cemeteries, funeral homes, and morgues were all closed.......................due to Covid.
With about 150 souls passing away every day. on average, in the city, of course they had to stack them in reefers.
There was nowhere else for them to go.
LOL Indeed
Seriously though, I can walk you through how it was clearly known at that time that it was bogus. I mean as if the fact that nations had prepaid in the hundreds of millions for "Covid 'vaccines'" somewhere around a year prior to it even unfolding wasn't enough. Yet there was more.
As I tell people, if you understand who's behind it, then it's simple, trivial in fact.
The problem, even now, is that people believe that it's the WEF etc. that are behind it, when that is simply another tool of those that are, and at least two full levels below them.
People like Soros, Gates, etc., they're paupers relative to those truly pulling the strings.
But if the virus was really terrible, they would not be whackos. They would be reasonable people taking reasonable precautions to counteract a threat.
Since there never was a threat, wackos instead followed stupid orders and are still paying for the consequences (or have died).
That's what happens with surviving. Usually the most fitted do it.
Still wackos. Not a survival strategy and also would not stop a virus
I was just following what RioRosie said. That they were the only ones to survive. So whatever they did had to work.
I actually agree they are wackos, because the virus was not very lethal, and this was always known.
I wasn’t attacking you. If it seems so, I apologize. Still wackos. And if it had been deadly and if they had survived by some chance, they would continue to be clueless as to how things work. They would not have survived without deliveries television etc.
btw, Howard Stern is back in isolation again. His wife is so angry.
And he’s wishing death again on all the uncaccinated
Says the American CDC. Yeah, go get your six month old vaccinated!
No conscience
No empathy
Insane profits, Control, making intelligent people, lose their minds from Fears..
"COVID-19 vaccination has emerged as a key strategy to control the spread and severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections"
Still using that horseshit line. Who the eff do they think they are kidding?
they have to put those lines in or it well never get past peer review, impossible to say how sincerely they're believed.
These researchers (and many like them) know exactly what they are doing. The make sure the abstract/summary and conclusions toe the party line to get it through peer review. They then hide the main points they want to get across in the main body of the paper, don’t comment on them but leave it for people like yourself to publicise their findings. Just like communist Russia in the 20th century, people will always find a way to be critical of the regime while pretending to be good citizens
Note the key word in that sentence, strategy. They don’t imply whether it was effective or not. It comes across as them defending the efficacy of the jabs, but if put under a spotlight, they can just imply that public health officials considered the jabs a major part of there strategy to battle the virus. Very clever wording imo.
Evidently, about 20 percent of the population is still buying it, hookline and sinker. Check out the comments on "Your Local Epidemiologist" Dr. Katelyn Jetelina's substack. You will be amazed.
Only 20%? My local observations indicate more.
You're probably right. I probably underestimated how many are still seduced by the scam.
I had a buddy who ended up with a fever of 102 for DAYS after his second shot.
His decision to get a third dose will forever cause me to question his judgement.
older female relative ended up in a clinic after booster number 2. whether she's had further doses is no longer a subject for discussion, but at least she never bothers me about getting vaxxed any longer.
Yikes. Have you ever had anyone apologize or admit being wrong about this stuff?
not once.
I willingly admit to being wrong about masking and lockdowns (I was always reluctant about the shots). It's actually a really liberating feeling to admit you got snookered.
That takes integrity. Good for you.
I'm impressed.
Thinking more about it, I think it's a big relief because cognitive dissonance is so exhausting to prop up.
It takes guts! BRAVO!
Remember that the Fauci said that if people get more than a sore arm that means that the vaccine is working in order for them not to freak out about how they got sicker than a dawg after being jabbed.
I think most people got jabbed because they would never expect that their government could be so evil. I didn’t think that they were betray us at this level.
The banality of evil!
Obviously he squeezed his brain out one day when he went for a dump.
Nah, it was a girl.... It's always a girl...
Don’t ever trust him
No hope for the brain-fried.
This entire global drama is like watching an out of control alcoholic child go out to bars every night. Even worse perhaps.
I guess when one lives in a world of make believe ...
It's an INDUSTRY for a reason. After all, profits are the most important thing in western civilization we're taught.
I don’t think condemning Western Civilization makes sense here. After all, a communist regime in Asia created this with sociopaths who wanted more power too.
Power hungry lizard brains did this
Condeming MODERN Western Civilization makes perfect sense.
We first have to understand how it all went into hyperdrive in the 20th Century. The creation of the Federal Reserve in the US was key, but even there, it sits underneath the B.I.S., which harbors other similar peer organizations that perform the same roles in other countries, primarily westeranized nations.
The Bolshevik Revolution was designed to eradicate Christianity from Russia, and it did a fantastic job of it, killing tens of millions of both Russian and Ukrainian Christians back then.
Liberalism (aka communism) thrived in our country and grew over time. Consider where we are today. Fascism factors in as well.
This is more than a simple substack post, but the history there is the same, the quotes from the perps themselves, essentially the Bolshevik Babylonian Talmudists, fully corroborate that, and AS THE PLAN.
What's done is in the west, is greed. Think about it. All of the key industries that are controlled are either well paid by those at the top, or essentially provide lifetime incomes regardless of how poorly they perform. (Looking at teaching here and "tenure" for example)
Again, it's more interwoven and therefore more complicated than that, but wealth/mammon has clearly become of greater import to people at large and generally speaking, than morals and integrity are. If you own a small business you know that, where it's a LOT more obvious.
This is a deeper discussion, but as Jesus said, one cannot worship God and mammon both, it's mutually exclusive.
As part of the operation, and the subversion of our Christian culture, heretical teachings have infiltrated the institutions which used to have spiritual value to people, whereby not only do they preach to the extent to make Christ out to be a liar in that way, but in their own interests as 501(c) legal entities that require income for their pastors and staffs to remain employed.
look up DR TOM COWAN..."viruses" are manufactured poisons...there are none in nature
There are 600 thousand in nature, nature’s not a man best friend
I pronounce it bio weapon
Materialism and the desire to dominate are the problem, common to both regimes
but socialism works only with compliance. Capitalism thrives on competition of skills and innovation, noncompliance and, statistically vastly more beneficial for humans and other life.
if only we had Capitalism instead of neo-feudalism and it's rent seeking welfare state for the super connected.