The Great European Peasant revolt of 2024 is about to kick off.

German farmers will play a key role in said uprising.

Populism of this sort is here to stay, regardless of what the “regime” says.

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Peasant Revolt has such a nice ring to it & captures the spirit. It's impossible to guess what it may entail but turning some tables on ruling class long overdue..

This reputational attack on the German farmers is almost identical to Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy. WEF lackey Trudeau w legacy media went full tyrant w Nazi accusations built on PR team pic w one flag then honored an actual real life SS Nazi and arming Nazi tattooed Azov forces. All in for 2024 Peasant Revolt!

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Am quite sick of the cherry-picking, massaged messaging narrative of the bent globalist bootlicking media..the mess in Canada (Trudeau/Freeland WEF installed globalist useful idiots) has as yet to date never been held accountable for their abuse of the Canadian truckers and the entire covid jab scam.... the Dutch and the German farmers need to hold the line and expose and dethrone these globalist installed government criminals .

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Ultimately the Peasants feed everyone, so if they choose to go that route:

All one really needs is Mass Civil Disobedience. REFUSE to feed 'useless eaters' (i.e. White & Gold Callers who don't contribute meaningfully to society.)

If Farmers stopped working, the whole country would SHUT DOWN.

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Big Gates would love it ,if farmers shut down farming so he could supply all of Germany with tse bugs menu .

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Two more things:

If anyone in the German farmers' demonstrations has watched what has happened to Tamara Lich and Chris Barber in the Canadian kangaroo courts, we understand why they are reluctant to stand up and deal with the press;

Anyone who has not watched The Epoch Times' documentary "No Farmers, No Food" should make time as soon as possible, and share it widely.

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And the Dutch farmers too.

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I think the word 'populist' is incorrect.

This protest is a deep reverberation from within any state, and when it comes the politicians need to take cover. The corrupt 'Prime Minister' Rutter of the Netherlands thought he could out-run this, and he was wrong.

This is the right path, rather than 'populism' - and I agree, it's here to stay regardless of those who seek to impose their will.

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In other words, it's populism.

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This word is used mainly as a smear. That's why we should not follow the MSM path.

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Screw 'em. Let's adopt it with enthusiasm.

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So is Right wing, doesn't stop us admitting to it.

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I think we should stop using "right wing" too. It has long been used by the left to insinuate that we are somewhere halfway along a spectrum that ends with Hitler.

We are supposed to believe that the "socialism" in "National Socialism" was just a joke. We are supposed to forget that Mussolini had been the head of the Italian Socialist Party, and that he worked out his ideas for fascism from Lenin's New Economic Policy. We are supposed to forget that eugenics was a great cause of the left (and remained as the policy of the Swedish Social Democrats from the 1930s to the 70s until the conservative party finally won an election). And so on.

Today, we have free-market Javier Milei, who supports Israel, and we're told that he is a populist, a right-wing danger to democracy, Argentina's Hitler. All this, while the left today supports a Mussolini corporate-state economy and proudly marches alongside people who chant "Death to the Jews".

No, it's time to give up on "right wing". Nobody today is going to hear the phrase and think of the layout of Louis XVI's Parlement.

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Nazis were Socialist AKA Left Wing.

Mussolini's favoured synonym for Fascist was Corporate Socialist, a perfect description of the EU.

Right wing is Libertarian - as I regard myself.

Just because a collection of deluded semi-literates don't understand the meaning of words doesn't mean I have to pander to their misconceptions.

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I'm with Rocio on this. They've been using it to apply to moderates (and liberals!) who don't drink their Kool-Aid. The elites are the Bush-Clinton neo-cons dressed up with progressive language.

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As opposed to "unpopulism", do you mean?

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Like WEF/Soros/woke kleptocratic culture....

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I am deeply heartened by all the 'hearts!'

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of meanderings, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone for all the 'hearts!'

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Freedom Convoy media coverage all over again.

Serious Deja vu vibes.

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

Identity theft is their weapon of choice. Change the farmer protester identity to far right nazis to take away the right to protest and respond with a heavy hand.

Fly the gay flag or else you're a nazi seems like a new level to clown world.

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It is a form of 'fealty' to the regime. That being said, their grip in power is not what it was pre-COVID. It has buckled considerably post-Ukraine War.

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That's why every time the German Farmers plant Sauerkraut it causes global warming .,from the farts .

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They will try their drivel; but Regime Propaganda will be far less palatable since the Peoples' suffering is far graver today in Europe than it was some 4-5 years ago.

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At some point we need to stop calling them journalists and admit they are simply propagandists adhering to and promoting the narrative.

I'm getting the Freedom Convoy vibes too, it's snowing here! Just not -25c, man that was COLD, but it was




Worth every minute of it even though I probably got put on various gov't watch lists.

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If you're not on a gov watch list by now you aren't trying hard enough LOL.

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But if you wear a full face mask ,the watchers can't watch you .

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Many already do so. I for one have not watched any 'official' press-titute media in over a decade. & I intend to keep it that way, given the Regime propaganda they espouse!

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

In the US, as in Germany (and much of the West), the elites and their media mouthpieces can never admit that they're unpopular because their policies are stupid. It's always got to be that they're unpopular because the people are stupid.

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It's more than that:

The people are "Outright Evil." Most of them are now making movies & Netflix shows about how 'Raw Sewage' (that's the term Obama used) being put into the Public Discourse by the "Evil Racists & *insert 57 different terms here*" ... is a 'threat to democracy' (read: 'Our Managerial Oligarchy').

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Of course nearly all the "raw sewage" is from the oligarchy itself, inserted for the purpose of discrediting and vilifying legitimate criticism.

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Completely off topic, but I’d like to know how one pronounces your middle name. 🧐

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It's the Principal Skinner meme on every single issue 'Could I be out of touch? No, it's the people that are wrong'

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

Well then allow the supporters to eat food from the farmers and the non-supporters don't need any food from the farmers. This will lead to more food for the supporters anyway.

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Farmers keep things running in society. They are far more virtuous than the average 'white collar worker' since they Feed a lot of 'useless eaters' out of a sense of Moral & Civic duty.

The day they snap, & that benevolence ends is the Day of Reckoning.

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Great solution

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Mr Eugyppius - I’ve got a podcast, am a trucker, was at Freedom Convoy, etc etc

Do you know any Farmers or truckers involved in Germany who would speak on my show? Unfortunately I don’t speak German, so would need someone that can speak English fairly well.

If you know, email me here gordilocks@protonmail.com

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

Mainstream characterization of resistance to plutarchy is always framed as extremist. In Canada we regularly saw "trucker" protesters using swastikas to describe the state in protest, and of course the MSM claimed it was how protesters represented themselves. There is apparently no limit to the dishonest bad faith used to implant propaganda.

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

'When mass demonstrations and tax strikes did not work, some turned to terror. In the end, the Nazis profited.'

So Godwin's Law even applies in Germany. Or maybe, especially in Germany? As an outsider, I can't say which.

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especially in Germany. the NSDAP has not existed since 1945 and yet, to judge from the press, no party remains so central to German politics.

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In essence they are admitting that the Austrian Painter Beat them:

Since his ideology is still around & theirs is evaporating rapidly.

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Even more so. Everyone who is a bit right wing is immediately a nazi according to the deranged left and their sock puppets in the media. And this from a foreign observer. It's all so tiring.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

In the US the government has had to resort to inventing nazis, with laughable results: https://www.businessinsider.com/neo-nazis-parade-swastika-flags-florida-chanting-we-are-everywhere-2023-9

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Kinetics is what one gets when peaceful means (via the ballot box & jury box) are all spent.

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I don't live in Germany ,but I don't think Germany has any Nazis left they all moved to Israel .

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

But it is Deutschlandfunk who bring the pièce de résistance, in an interview with “extremism researcher” Matthias Quent. He demands that the protesters more clearly distance themselves from the right, perhaps by carrying signs saying “Nazis get out,” or by painting LGBTQ rainbows on their placards. He believes that these will drive out right-wingers, I guess in the same way that garlic repels vampires. 👏👏

Thanks for the update and last paragraph laugh.

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Court scribes ye shall always have with you, whatever form the court takes. Add that to any list of eternal truths.

Having learned to milk a cow during my tenure as a tour guide in a NYC children's petting farm, I can identify as a farmer at will, so let me cheer on my people and vouch for the cleanliness of their souls.

And isn't it sad to learn that in German "funk" merely means radio or wireless? And here I was getting all excited about Deutschlandfunk. What a letdown.

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SCA says: "And isn't it sad to learn that in German "funk" merely means radio or wireless? And here I was getting all excited about Deutschlandfunk. What a letdown."

No, there's no letdown, just a boogie-on-down. Surmounting the potential confusions, Germany does indeed have Funkrundfunk, such as this station:

"80s80s Funk & Soul: Von Kool & The Gang, über Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Prince, Sister Sledge bis Tina Turner - In unserem neuen 80s80s Radio Funk & Soul laden wir euch ein in eine Sound-Welt die von Clubbeats bis Herzschmerz alles zu bieten hat. Can you feel it?"

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You've saved my day. Thought I'd have to keep "Fly Robin Fly" on loop until I'd felt better.

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There was more than "Fly Robin Fly" going down in 70s Germany. Can you dig this?


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Oops, you didn't see that. Try this instead:


A solemn warning to German youth. Funk was and is a notorious gateway to crime.

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Too late. I did see it.

This is very, very enjoyable...

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No, because it means my old radio box Unimog was a "Funkwagen". 😁

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I love words of all languages and the mischief they get up to.

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Same. If I were suddenly transposed into the me of my youth with my current set of knowledge, I'd probably be a linguist my second time through life.

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My impediment is the terminology. "Future pluperfect." "Agglutinative." [Runs for the aspirin bottle and then sits down crying, locked out of the fun stuff again.]

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Well, that's why I'd want to go to school for that instead of computer science, if I got to take a second pass at things.

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I salute your courage.

During the college years my kid came home on break with those of his textbooks he'd finished with, knowing that some might be of interest to me. The best was "The Origins and Development of the English Language." But you know that phrase "broke my brain?"

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

I only wish it was closer to 90%...

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It may well be.

Depends on the desired survey results, what questions are asked, and who’s asking them.

This one was done by INSER for Bild - whether that’s good or not is for readers to decide.

Regardless, it’s hard to believe that 22% of the country doesn’t want to eat, or that the likes of Ms Baumgart comprise that percentage.

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It's not that the 22%, don't want to eat. It's just that they know food comes from supermarkets these days, so there's no need for silly farms.

This was the line of argument from some youngish female politician in the US - it wasn't AOC, but she'd probably agree.

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Ye Gods!

Would be funny were it not that she might have been elected rather than installed. Yikes.

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Agreed, I was thrown by the 22%

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

'a long intensely anecdotal piece'

Thank you for giving me a phrase to describe what appears to be a recent trend in journalism. I can see the point of including some personal experience anecdotes, but extensive articles with n=1 or n=2 don't really illustrate, or demonstrate, much of anything.

It just seems like a ploy to draw in readers whose interest can be held by a (frequently emotionally-manipulative) story, but who have limited patience for serious analysis.

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Suggested edit: "but who have limited capacity, or the patience, for serious analysis".

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I am impressed that you and other SS contributors read these muckrakers. I feel like you are taking one for the team. The idiotic nonsense they call journalism is nothing more than muckraking and they don’t do that well either. Their bias is so obvious.

I support farmers and miners, tradies, and the working man and woman everywhere. Go the farmers.

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> State-media broadcaster tagesschau turned instead to “protest researcher” Saldivia Gonzatti to explain that the farmers are suffering simultaneously from “instrumentalisation” by the right (I am getting very tired of typing this) and from their own “fear of the future.”

I hate the level of smug condescension implicit in things like this.

Let's say, hypothetically, that the farmers are in fact "suffering... from their own 'fear of the future'". THAT IS A PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE THING TO BE UPSET ABOUT AND TO PROTEST OVER

If the fears are legitimate, then that is self-justifying, somewhat tautologically.

If the fears are not legitimate, then the correct way to address them would be _to actually address them_, to acknowledge them, to acknowledge why someone might reasonably fear them, and then to explain how those fears are not actually going to happen.

But they don't do that. Instead they use it as a weapon to mock and belittle: AHAHA LOOK AT THESE FARMERS THEY'RE FUCKIN SCARED.

That is not the tone of someone with morality on their side

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

And thus, 31% of Germans are ratards.

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Yeah who wants food anyway. The experts will provide for all. Hahahahaha

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Jan 9Liked by eugyppius

When eugy wrote about the German farmers strike the other day, I looked up how things were going in the Dutch farmers strike. It did not sound encouraging. But then, there's always the question of how much to believe of what you read…

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Where does "read" fit on the spectrum of "nothing that you hear, and only half of what you see"?

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Was that rhetorical? :)

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