
I know the posting schedule has been light – transitioning to full-time substacking involves a lot of mundane tasks (like moving offices) that I'm still dealing with. In another ten days or so, my transition will be complete, and I'm going to try to make the plague chronicle a daily publication.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

We understand, keep kicking ass and naming names....we're patient, we can wait. As Stalin said, there's more pleasure in laying the trap to bag the prey this way. They are not getting away with this one; life is long and schadenfreude-justice will be sweeter this way.

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If the stuff killed our loved ones and millions are injured from it ,does that not mean they got away with murder . Often healing the injured or bringing back the dead is impossible .The poison in countless bodies is doing it's silent work that will be an ongoing death sentence for them into the future .Clots are forming in blood vessels .Some are micro clots others are two feet long .Given some time the extermination will be ongoing for years ,it may be unstoppable . I read again and again the immune system gets seriously harmed ,leaving us open for all kinds of illness .The way I see it they got away with premeditated murder .

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"Mistakes were made." This and its variations will be frequently heard in coming years.

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And always in the passive voice (grammatically-speaking).

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But for too many life is not long after the poison shots .Once injected the venom does its silent destruction .How many have paid with their life already ,like my brother ,who was murdered in cold blood in a hospital ,for profit . Please read the post of feb.2nd on the Lew Rockwell web site ,by Dr. Joseph Mercola .It will open your eyes much more .

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Canada has ordered 10 doses of the magic sauce for each of us back in ‘21. With delivery into 2024

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Very low uptake now. According to Epoch Times, a billion $'sworth of product went to the incinerator at the end of '22. Gee I hope that's an election issue...

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and you have to wonder what the environmental impact of disposing of this stuff is. do they burn it? pour it into the sea? spray it over farmland?

talk about toxic waste!

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Carolyn, your comments are spot on. If you have the time, I'd love to get your thoughts on some of pieces I've been posting. I have been scolding "authority" figures since February 2020 on their rampant stupidity in promulgating the Wuhan Hysteria. I have occasionally grown weary during this fight, but I keep on publishing and podcasting because we CANNOT let these lying scum win. People need to know how badly they were lied to. We can never let this crazy totalitarian crap happen again.

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thank you. i will subscribe and read. i understand how easy it is to have "grown weary" as you said. and lonely, having to call into question all old relationships while fearing for the future.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Why not spray it over the cities. Today in Ottawa, I counted over 15 tanker jets spraying chemicals that formed giant plumes or trails that crossed the mostly blue sky. Before the sprayers arrrived, the sky was blue with some pillowy white clouds. At the end of the day, the chemical plumes had spread laterally and coalesed turning a natural blue sky to a chemical grey color. And yet, when I point these plumes out, very few have even noticed they are being sprayed like insects and appreciate what it might mean for their health. Of course, most of these people were probably jabbed several times and trust the "science" spread far and wide by the Trudeau Regime, Public Heallth (sic) Canada and the main stream and social "media".

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Hi Wayne and thanks for your post. I had been thinking that we wouldn't be sprayed in Ottawa with so many Liberals here, but I think I'm absolutely wrong now. About a week ago the sky was noticeably grey again - I'd seen it consistently over a few days. Five days ago I came down with an horrific cold. I'm not vaxxed and I don't get sick easily. Plus I'm fortunate and can stay isolated 'til we find out if shedding occurs (as stated in the Pfizer documents). The room I spend a lot of time in does have leaks around the window. And, yes, I realize this sounds totally paranoid! However, at this stage of the game I'd rather err on the side of caution. // Changing topic... It's an uphill battle in Ottawa, particularly with the very high numbers of vaxxed. But it is heartening to see that estimated 5,000 in Ottawa showed up at the Canadian Tire Centre to hear Jordan Peterson. Communication is a large part of defeating this sadistic agenda.

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Hi Twila and thanks for the feedback. I noticed the spraying/plumes over Ottawa about ten years ago and over our "farm" in New Brunswick about five years ago. In NB, we are located over a 100 miles from a major airport in Moncton yet I have seen over 20 tanker jets spraying chemicals in one day alone. This spraying is clearly affecting the local climate and destroying the beautiful blue sky I remember growing up on this farm. What they are spraying is not well known altough nano-particles of aluminum, barium and strontium have already been identified (see: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ ). The inescapable truth is that the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we grow and consume are being deliberately poisoned. The fact that governments refuse to even acknowledge these chemical spraying programs are taking place indicates that they are engaged in nefarious deeds that do not serve our interests. As we see with the engineered SARS-CoV-2 virus and the deadly mRNA shots, our so-called "representative" government is waging a genocidal war against we the people. It is hard to believe but that is in fact what is taking place yet most people are totally unaware of the scale and maganitude of these Crimes Against Humanity. As someone like you who did not submit to injection by what are clearly bioweapons, I am also concerned about the shedding of mRNA and spike protein and the current and future harm to family and friends who trusted their government, public health officials and the Big Pharma Criminal Syndicate. But I am not a pessimist and have a strong belief that truth, freedom and justice will triumph over the dark forces of unspeakable evil who now control just about every government in the western world.

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I asked, and it is incinerated along with all medical waste, whatever that is and means... Hospitals here used to be exempt from environmental regulation; that could still be the case.

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Let's hope 'medical waste' includes a guy called A Fauci.

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If you had even a passing familiarity with the actual and potential pathogens in routine hospital waste, never mind academic or classified research, you would not at all begrudge the comparatively tiny amount of fossil fuels (gas, electricity?) used to incinerate such.

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Exactly. Enviro regulation referred to was more about the sludge dumped in landfills, affecting groundwater, and emissions into the air.

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They will dispose it in human bodies in the next scamdemic ..

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I read your post after my reply - hopefully not in the water

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Water & food. Thats why gates from hell and zuckerass have bought most of the farm land.

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Canada’s media is akin to the USSR or Cuba when it comes to the jab. No CRITICISM IS TOLERATED. Rebel news is a joke. In Canada obedience is the ultimate and prized virtue.

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I found out about rebel news during the trucker protest. I am from US. Seems like they did a good job? What don't you like about them?

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My husband and I are big fans of Rebel News as they always report the other side of the story like they say they do which the corporate media never do, nothing but spin and fear porn from them except for National Post newspaper and NP Platformed electronic newsletter.

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How do you manage to avoid the jab? Just lay low?

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Lay very low: "avoid the jab" by appearing to live exactly as our lords and masters now require. No air travel, (or in some jurisdictions, no travel - period). No visits to "public" places, like health care professionals, hospitals, or government offices. Conspicuous obedience, like masking, and never, never, question the sacred narrative.

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I haven't taken any shots. Here in Ontario, I can travel anywhere except the US and that's because the USA still closes it's borders to non resident unvaxxed. Even there, it depends on the border guard. I've heard that they usually don't ask when you're traveling by car. For a day trip, I'd take my chances, the problem is that you can't plan a vacation there that involves air and hotel bookings etc.

I recently traveled to Mexico for 10 days and it was great.

I'll be trying to get in as much travel this year as possible; every day of some kind of freedom is a gift, we don't know how long it will last

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Brings this to mind:

"It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen."

I have to wonder how the indigenous populations of Canada felt about the jabs, mandates and such given that they have very little reason to trust the race that replaced them.

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Golly - what a terrific stress and just to remain healthy. So very sad. But you still have your health now, when I'd imagine many others do not. Here in Texas, we were fortunate to have a governor who opposed all vax mandates but gave in to the idiotic masking and other measures. And he was not able to force the school boards to protect the children. The government was paying the schools huge amounts of money to enforce the feds mandates - mask the children and separate them from each other. This did irreparable harm to the children from which they may never fully recover.

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To avoid the jab is much easier for the self employed or the retired .All others are at the mercy of employers demanding masking or shots .

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As an American I enjoy a few more legal protections, at least in theory. Some of this is purely circumstance: long retired and in Florida, I avoided the worst of the petty despotism of the past three years. Although I'm not politically active, I do value my freedom of speech (e.g. online). I often mention that if things get too dire, even the best behaved citizen who thought he was a good (Communist, Socialist, Progressive, fill in the blank with your choice) is not exempt from demotion, denunciation or disfavor or disappearance in the middle of the night., whenever it suit whims of those in power. I may go, but I will not go silently, or without a fight.

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BC government definitely seems very much in sync with Trudeau Liberals, fortunately we left BC in 1998 for AB for work and we’ve never looked back. I absolutely loathe Dr. Bonnie Henry and the NDP.

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What a horror!

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If the reports of shedding are correct than avoiding the jab is useless ,we all had contact with the vaxxed ,so we are all vaxxed by shedding from the vaxxed . ?

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To receive the poison from shedding is a great deal less toxic than to receive it directly, via injection.

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At least our immune system isn't making more of the spike.

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What can we expect? Canada's MISLEADER is a Cuban .

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The US is the same, don't let anyone kid you. The US-Canada-China are the Axis of Power in the current Bioweapons World War. "Loose lips sink ships" is the mantra in this continuing war. Why do you think the US requires the bioweapon shots for foreign visitors? Just ask the DoD.

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Yes we are all under assault without doubt. Some places are somewhat safer at the moment.

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What’s wrong with Rebel News?

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What if they declare a pandemic and no one shows up?

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Lots of people have enjoyed the pandemic experience. Many don't work and get free money. Others get to "work at home" which for some is almost the same as doing nothing.

So if it happens again, many will jump right on board. Plus... don't forget the joy of virtue signaling!

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As a person who has worked at home several times, although not in the COVID time, I worked harder and longer and accomplished more than when I was in the office. I was not interrupted by office mates looking to socialize and I took no breaks.

I find myself getting impatient wtih repeated claims that people who work at home do not work. Is this projection?

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Been working from home since 2010. I agree, you get a lot more done than working in an office.

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It’s very variable I think. Some work harder - my girlfriend for example. Others take to the sofa! Some of my colleagues are unreachable surprisingly often.

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I think in Canada anyway this is big time directed at many of our federal government’s staff who just recently were told to come back to the office and off of Zoom. Trudeau even gave them raises while everyone else suffered! Meanwhile our federal government passport offices and Services had lineups around a city block.

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Sorry but it''s not our fault you were in a sub-optinal work environment. Rather than being a wage-slave, consulting on contract is a great way to leverage your superior work ethic.

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You are right. How thoughtless of me. Many people benefitted from the pandemic. Perhaps we can make the pandemic optional. "Join the pandemic! GET FREE STUFF! Be better than your neighbors!"

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Kertch ,When we run out of pandemics we will have panics . I'ts time to hide the money and stock up on tranquilizers .

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Unfortunately we the taxpayers paid for that burn pile.

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Exactly. We want accountability.

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It should not be an election issue ,it should be an imprisonment issue and by making them pay by taking away their loot and give it to the victims

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Agree. That won't happen until we liberate from the WEF and dump the smarmy PM and his minions. Our media is captured, but on-the-ground candidates can do a lot. People are hurting and few are taking any more shots. Vax damage is visible, the dollar is tanking, inflation is through the roof. A billion with a B is just one insanely wasteful line item. Unless there's another invented crisis, they are done. Then we nail them.

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I doubt it. Very few Republicans will speak out about this and of course, Trump still takes credit for the awful things.

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Huh? Is that an intentionally nonsensical post?

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I wonder if big harma just wanted to bankrupt countries.

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I've been wondering if it's part of the giant, ongoing wealth transfer.

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I have no doubt whatsoever. Technofascist control.

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Rothschild said, he doesnt care who the politicians are. Control the money and you control them.

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In that respect, they’re just getting into line behind all the *other* contractors and consultants and other institutions that have been working according to the same idea.

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In the post-industrial age of super-efficient data collection, manufacturing, logistics, and finance that's a tall order.

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It was a joke . . . mostly. : )

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Taxpayers paying of course, used or not! JT on the gravy train...

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Literally true, if the rumours are...

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And their Commonwealth cousins - Australia. I assume they all want out of the contracts but too late they cried as taxpayers money down the drain. Which makes me wonder how they will dispose of all the MRNA toxic waste- is it flowing into the waterways?


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Anyone linking up for that many doses is either very lucky( they ain't dead) or very stupid.

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Anyone lining up gor that many doses is either very lucky( they ain't dead) or very stupid.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Look forward to anything, anytime, you post

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It seems ,posting here allows us to express how we feel ,some postings may be a bit harsh or naughty ,but I enjoy all of it and do my part in writing something that is a reflection of the insane times we live in right now . Now I'm very peaceful but as a pre schooler I terrorized the entire neighborhood .I think they where more scared of me than of the Russians .Now I live like a saint because I want to go to heaven ,not today but tomorrow .

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I'm sorry but the word transition always elicits a chuckle from me these days. Happy transitioning!

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Hahaha yes!

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I did immediately think of hysterical insistence upon pronouns and copious amounts of lurid hair dye....

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Dude! 😂If I may assume.

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Congratulations on being your own boss. There’s nothing else like it!

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No need to explain; quality always trumps abundance.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Excellent. Once you're full-time will you be open to (paid) requests/commissions from us?

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i had not thought about it. i am of course always open to suggestions.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I would love for anybody to do a dig into financial payoffs, payouts, backroom deals, kickbacks and private Panamanian Bank accounts. This much nefarious activity always has money and fraud as a driving force behind it. Relationships between those with financial fiduciary responsibilites in both governments, 'private' industry, pharmaceuticals industry. I mean, gee whiz, pfizer has only paid the largest criminal fraud fine ever, but i am sure all was above board re wuhan flu clotshot they so generously provided.

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They consider the fines "cost of doing business as usual" they still make their billions profit.

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And of course, in many jurisdictions, fines and legal fees are tax deductible.

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Often the tax payer pays the entire fine .

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Good. Have been involved in many local food producers getting out of the system over the years. Key is for supporters to avoid the "customer" mentality. (Supporters) have to buy the unsold apples or help repair the milking machine on occasion, especially at the beginning.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I would not be able to repair the machine. But the apples, anytime. Been looking for locals here too, but not much to be had. Cotton, corn, peanuts, sorghum. That's it.

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perhaps cast a bit further afield in your search. In the last dozen years I have lived in TX, KS, and WA, and there have always been organic farms with subscription services or farm stores within a short drive, but they were mostly not advertised in the larger papers. If they were, it was tiny ads. I currently consume farm raised bison that is shipped frozen from MT.

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LOL yes that is part of the problem. The farms that do boxes, require you take everything, no choice, and usually way too much for single person. but I am still looking, got my eye on one that sells by the case too, but not pre-chosen. A whole bison would feed me for 2 lifetimes LOLOL

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The real question is, how many "out of date" improperly stored vaccine viles went into unsuspecting arm's ?

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Do you think the "out of date" improperly stored vaccine vials would be more harmful? I suspect the opposite

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Interesting post by The Ethical Skeptic on Twitter in terms of who might have got saline and who got the bad batches:


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I would guess many judging by all of the “unknown causes of death” worldwide.

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An article to investigate ?

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This suggestion came up naturally responding to an Alex Berenson thread: it would be interesting to dig into the question of whether or not fewer autopsies are being done and what info might be out there. In the US the trend is downward anyway (real loss of information). Just a thought.

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Oh, I was hoping for something a bit more simplistic, like a list of book recommendations- lol- but here the substack folks are showing me how its done (look at Fig Newton- cool suggestion).

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well done. but make sure you branch out into more topics. Covid hyperventilation and mouth foaming wont be around forever

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no worries. the energy crisis was slated to be my major new topic, only the winter is extremely warm so there may not be a crisis this year. but, things are so insane, i am not worried that I'll run out of things to write about.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

i just read this morning that your smartass minister is blaming everything on the climate change now. Seems like he lost his last 2 marbles. Only sawdust left now.

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Climate change has long been the all-purpose emergency they can resort to when nothing better is available to use. I find it amusing that they believe people can't see through it.

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Sadly lots of people can’t.

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so true. 2 of my former best friends ran to the jab place, and strongly believe the climate change fable.

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Wouldn't that be the dream, to run out of content?

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When would it be bad to run out of content?

When the government jails you for thought crimes and curtails all of your speech.

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"Everything is awesome. Go outside."

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Great stuff as a plague chronicle is much more specific than Whoops

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Is there a crisis or has government just decided to dismantle the traditional energy sector and embrace imaginary ("green") energy ?

Or... to put it another way... what has changed in terms of "energy" in the past five to ten years?

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Nothing the world still needs fossil fuels as much as ever.

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Climate is a good topic too. I'm a fan of Michael Schellenberger and Bjorn Lomborg.

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Warm Winter

Lots of snow

Electric snowplows failing

Wind turbines failing

Not wishing it on anyone

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one in four Europeans unable to heat their houses. Thankfully the earth is warming up, otherwise they would freeze to death.

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I'm thanking God for a warm winter, not global warming which may or may not be happening.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm afraid the covid hyperventilation will drag on for years.

Too much money to be made.

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I think it is safe to assume that son-of-covid will appear when covid is finally declared done. TPTB will not give up, although I hope that diminishing returns will disappoint them.

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Covid will not be declared done.

Not with the draconian amendments that are being proposed by the WHO which will take away decision making and sovereignty from every nation.

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I fear you are correct. The solution is to get rid of WHO. How do they justify telling us what we can and cannot do? That sounds extra-legal.

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Pedo Joe, Macron, Trudeau, Arden, whatever nutcase is in charge of UK and Australia, will do exactly what the WHO tells them to do.

Our only hope might be if some of the African nations resist, but the CCP is heavily involved in that continent.

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True enough. I wouldn't worry too much about China, though. Watching the film "Empire of Dust" is highly instructive. May still be available on YouTube. I have no particular animus against the people who live(d) on the continent of Africa, but it's an historical fact that anyone seeking to "modernize" them faces a labor of Sisyphus. Europe tried for a few centuries and quit mid-20th century. I wish China luck, but history says otherwise.

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More like "there go the children".

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Covid won't end unless the politics of covid end...its a mental disease that needs to be rooted out. Foaming at the mouth because its about freedom!

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

wrong speaker and too many reps joining the woke party.

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Why not it can go on behind masks forever .Exhaled gases mixed with a bit of snot is part of healthy living for masker cultists .

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think you should make it a book. Your early observations are of historical value.

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me or eugyppius :)

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eugyppius, but wth, why not both?

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well my post last week finally went viral

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

looking forward to it. thank you already.

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Go at your own pace! We're good! :)

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Good luck with all those ornery tasks - looking forward to seeing you settled and ready to write! :-)

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

That is really exciting! I am so happy for you!

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Get off your ass, we need substance!!

J/K....thank you again for the sanity in an insane world / country (Germany).

Gesundes Neue Jahr!

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Thank you for all your work!

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Your project is invaluable. As someone who has been taking whatever time I can to enlighten the perpetually lied-to populace, I applaud and will amplify those who are doing such yeoman's work to make sure the Truth breaks through the sea of Government and Leftist Big Tech Lies. When you get your feet under your desk, you are always welcome as a guest on https://messytimes.show May your admin tasks be light and your new offices refresh and reinvigorate you!

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Knowing that, psychopath Gates wants to vaccinate cattle to get that mRNA in you at any cost. Wonder why?

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There are a growing number of farmers who sell clean meat, many of them small and local. We found one. I hope you can too.

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We’ve been buying clean, grass-fed meat for quite sometime now. It tastes so much better!

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A friend of mine went into purely organic livestock farming in the 80s and suffered 20 years of marginal profits and a standard of living one might generously describe as primitive. Then about 15 years ago I saw him and he said "I can't believe the crazy money people are paying for free range meat these days! Now I'm so fucking rich I have to pay taxes!"

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

Nowadays and in the United States you have to be pretty well-off to pay taxes it seems. Because of Covid and all the Democrat policies, in some states you can make up $125,000 a year in government aid without working.

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Just think how much a farmer, with all his deductions and government subsidies, has to make.

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I hear reports the small farmers are struggling, and big entities are buying up the farmland.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Has anyone been able to find original watermelon that has seeds and doesn't taste unripe like the seedless varieties do? I haven't seen it for decades, except a few years ago there was a truck on the side of the road selling it, except it had twice as many seeds as it used to, for some reason.

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I have some that I believe are heritage seeds. I could send you some...

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

Thanks, I appreciate that, but I have no place to grow them. I was thinking of putting a couple of mango trees in my front yard, which isn't that big, and I don't have a backyard because of a pool and patio, but I figured being so close the sidewalk the mangoes would probably get stolen.

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I refer to him as “Gates of Hell” Billy

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excellent. I will now refer to that as well

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Gates owns much of hell already ,but I read he invests in heaven too now .So for that reason I bought a hormungas amount of put options on his heaven bay out attempt .

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Good name for someone who's pushing us to use a diet that Cain would approve of. Abel had the right idea, until Cain decided to use him as fertilizer.

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Me too

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And the evil ones will be vaccinating the bees 🐝

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This needs to be stopped before they kill all the pollinators...

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Well, on the 'pollinators' front, we ALL bear responsibility, at least here in the States. The eradication of our native vegetation and its replacement with eco-useless lawns and fields of corn and soybeans has left our insects (over 4000 native bee species) with nothing to eat. And that is independent of our love of poisoning everything green we don't like.

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There are two kinds of desert ,one brown and the other green .Lawns are green deserts .

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Not my lawn. It's a veritable salad with dandelions, plantain, purslane, clover...

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Me too

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Congrats! I turned mine into woodland about 25 years ago and then bought the neighbor's house and that is now a mini prairie with emergent trees otherwise disappeared from my region decades ago.

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And the 'brown' ones actually support life.

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A Tweet from MyCovidBubble:

NOTE: This is the company who is funding Dalan Animal Health, the biotech making the honeybee vaccine. Their client list reads like a WEF wet dream-- fake food, genetically grown food, "cell-based" lab grown seafood, indoor robotic agriculture, lab grown meat, drone delivered herbicides, plant based pet food, remote satellite sensing for assessing carbon credits





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The insanity

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Wouldn't you digest the meat and your digestive process destroy the mRNA just as it does with DNA from every single thing you ever eat that was previously living? And why does this man have this much power over our public policy? Who really runs the state anyway?

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for helpful comments and observations on what the FDA now considers to be " organic ", please consider listening to the recent Dark Horse podcast # 155 ( Bret Weinstein ) ; and don't stop listening once the Organic segment is finished.

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Thanks for the link. I'm a fan of Brets. If you haven't seen it, he did an excellent interview on Joe Rogan, #1919. You can find it on dailymotion.com (a video website).

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Ultimately, China.

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And lobbyists?

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Chinese lobbyists.

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Welcome back Rosie!

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Rosie - There you are!

Where have you been !?! I've missed you! X

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Preoccupied by an ill father (now recovered), a bad back (now recovered, and a new grandson who is a joy.

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The idea of zero population is to replace us and take the land. Less costly than a land war that would contaminate the environment for generations.

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"... why does this man have this much power over our public policy?" Maybe it can't dance and sing, but money talks. And it twists arms and, when that doesn't work ... Ask Andreas Noack

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Contrary to industry claims of gmo proteins being destroyed by digestion the claim is untrue. Shocking to imagine industry & FDA conspiring to deceive the public, eh?

2014 Study - Food. DNA from consumed food is usually not considered as

a possible source of cfDNA since during food digestion all

macromolecules are thought to be degraded to elementary

constituents such as amino acids and nucleotides, which are then

transferred to the circulatory system through several complex

active processes [3]. Though, there are animal studies, mainly

focusing on the GMO issue [4], supporting the idea that small

fragments of nucleic acids may pass to the bloodstream and even

get into various tissues. For example foreign DNA fragments were

detected by PCR based techniques in the digestive tract and

leukocytes of rainbow trouts fed by genetically modified soybean

[37], and other studies report similar results in goats [38], pigs

[39,40] and mice [5].


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I thought the same thing, because it makes sense based on what I know of human biology. But there's some data that suggests maybe not. This should be a subject of research and debate.

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It could be worse; they could be spraying us with MRNA chemtrails.

They love us.

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I totally used to laugh at the "conspiracists" claiming those white streaks following airplanes were emitting some kind of poison. Now, I simply accept it as completely in the realm of possibility, if not in fact exactly what they are doing.

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing would surprise me at this point

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I used to think the 9-11 'truthers' were nuts. Not so much lately.

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I had something called morgellons and believe it is at least partially due to the chem trails.

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Oh dear me, that was another thing I thought only delusional, bordering on madness, people believed was afflicting them. Truly, in my former life, i.e. BC (Before Covid) I was, and to a large degree, still am a hard-nosed skeptic. You tell me something is true, and I can't verify it, I reserve accepting it as true until I can verify.

Now, Rosalind, like the thick, rubbery ropes discovered in the autopsies done since Covid, I have taken a less skeptical view of almost everything I thought was just a conspiracy theorist's wet-dream. Call me naive, but all the way up to the presidency of Obama, I couldn't imagine, hardly even thought about, our government being any thing other than for we the people, and certainly not purposely against we the people. I know better now, thank God, though it brings a new dimension of skepticism to my thinking, and my little world no longer feels or even is safe.

To stay sane I follow some excellent thinkers and writers, and trust in the Lord. It's all I know to do.

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Humdeedee, exact same - BC I didn’t fully grasp the extent & reach of the malevolence or that the citizenry everywhere were the target & enemies. I was just living my little life, surrounded by the love of family & friends, having purposeful work & enjoying small pleasures. I have always been deeply skeptical tho & it’s a good survival skill. Instead of focusing on something that sounds crazy & implausible, focus on who is blathering that it is - corrupt politicians, “experts”, elites & global “organizations, celebrities, the lame street media in all formats from CNN to Google & all of them in between? Then more likely than not those “conspiracy theories” are TRUE. Look how many of them are since 2019

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You are on the money, but I mean that in the nicest possible way. It's that very gallery of liars and rogues that one must always view with a skeptical eye and trust not a word of their utterances.

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we woke up after nine 1 one. once you realize your government is murdering it's own citizens, the curtain is removed and you can see so much more clearly. wm colby, former head of cia said once the american public believes is a lie we will know we've been successful. everything we've been taught is a lie. we knew this scamdemic was a lie from the beginning because we knew the players. there was a lot out there in early 2020 (event 201 gilbates, wef, john hopkins etc., rockefeller's 2010 scenarios for the future - lockstep ). we warned family and strangers that the goal was the kill shot. didn't mask, social distance or take any jab and never will. don't use their medical system either. do not comply. 2 Thessalonias 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. God's in control and allowing this to happen to awaken folks. this country has been evil for centuries and now the evil is overt.

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Going down the rabbit holes has increased my faith inGod & I’m reading the Bible more now.

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I watched a video last night where Russell Brand interviewed Graham Hancock. There was really no talk of the bible but Mr. Hancock pretty much spoke of the great flood of the Noah's ark story. Mr. Hancock claimed that at the end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, earth temperatures warmed quickly, over a period of about 100 years, caused sea levels to rise and pretty much destroyed most life on the planet. He called it a 'reset of humanity'. It was an interesting video.

More and more, I see a lot of parallels with the bible in our every day events.

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I think that applies to many of us. In Canada, Justin Trudeau was elected as prime minister in 2015. I never liked him but in the first few years, I didn't think he was evil and I still pretty much trusted my government. I'm of a different opinion today and accept that our gov's don't have our best interests at heart. At all.

Regarding chemtrails, I have no facts about this. However, as much as there was an attempt to debunk it, it is true that Bill Gates (who else?) had a plan to spray some substance like chalk dust into the atmosphere in order to dim the sun (what could go wrong?) to cool the climate. The article I cite is from 2019 but I think I read about this a few years before that when a trial balloon was in the planning stages and a launch site was planned in Sweden. Sweden eventually came to it's senses and cancelled the launch as being too risky. I think there may be plans to do something in the US.


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I heard about Moob-man’s plan too. What could possibly go wrong if you “cool the planet” which shortens growing season or things growing @ all, permanent cold for plants, insects, animals, people. It’s astounding that such imbeciles are calling the shots right now. Do they really believe there will be no consequences for them?

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Very well stated. As an example, I paid for a consult with an alternative practitioner. Her advice was broadly good, but she put great emphasis on minimizing the (claimed) risk of RF radiation, to the point of avoiding cell phone and wi-fi in the home. I consider this "fringe." I don't want to get into an argument about that in particular. I'm using it as an example of this: Not all feared threats are real, or at least, they are of low credibility or probability.

To make a poor analogy, the tinfoil hats worry endlessly about the risk of an asteroid falling to Earth. Yes, that's happened in the distant past and will again in the future. But it's extremely rare and in any case, there is no defense against it. Meanwhile, the paranoiac fails to apprehend that he's the target of enemies launching boulder at him by catapult.

In my opinion, the broader problem is that we can no longer rely on media, corporations or government to not lie by commission or omission, as it suits their purposes.

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{{ we can no longer rely on media, corporations or government to not lie by commission or omission, as it suits their purposes. }}

We never could; that was always at best a polite fiction. But at least now more people are aware of this.

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Your opinion stated in the last sentence is it in a nutshell, and perhaps it has always been thus. I, you, nearly all of us here, are seekers of the truth, fact-based in as much as we can determine. Less and less, as I've gotten older, am I inclined to take the word of any source, professional, expert or otherwise, at face-value. My faith is in God. All else, verify.

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On this, and more, here is a video by Dr, Ana Maria Mihalcea & Harad Kautz-Vella


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Thanks! I love herald but he’s so soft spoken. Helped me with my fear when I got morgellons and strange fibers were coming out of my “ psoriasis “ spots.

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I too thought it crazy. No more. I live in Austin, TX in the hill country with big sky views. All summer long, planes left no trace. Then one day in the fall - before the F1 race - the sky was filled with chemtrails. No doubt in my mind anymore.

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Dane Wiggington has been talking about it for a while now.

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chem trails are made by smokers in the back of the plane .

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What makes you think "they" are not working on exactly that? Or maybe already doing it. The whole continent of Africa pretty much rejected the jab. A billion and a half people. Gotta get that 17% of the world's population "fixed".

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What scares me is when those chemtrails have color. And they'll go on for miles.

Yet they still say it's exhaust.

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🤬 seeing those regularly now, & I’m in a rural area

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Progress as promised

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I believe I read they are actually doing that on the Iberian peninsula.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Well, they may not be mRNA ones, but see the various podcasts of Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, e.g., https://rumble.com/v22o590-synthetic-biological-life-forms-cdb-morgellons-live-blood-findings-in-post-.html

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Not only do I fear the diabolical mind of Gates, I'm anxious for the possible adverse impact that this rot-gut could have on European cheeses, which are one of my favorite delicacies when I'm able to vacation abroad.

Not to mention milk chocolate.

(I'm only half-joking here.)

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It's already started with US GMO wheat causing huge gut problems in humans - and everything is doused in insecticides and herbicides, plus growth hormones in animal feed. Apparently in UK potatoes are sprayed 23 times! And so many chickens and pigs are just fed soya pulp. Why do we have to exploit everything to destruction!

(And I'm afraid US chocolate is nothing like good UK stuff. Sorry...)

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BEST chocolate of all time was found in Lucerne. (Laderach, milk & dark chocolate swirled together. It is extraordinary.)

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Yep, the Swiss are THE BEST! Along with the Belgians. I used to work for Fortnum & Mason, The Queen's grocers in London. Dead posh. There used to be a chocolate dept upstairs making handmade chocolate. Those were the days!

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It's not just chocolate where the Swiss are best. It's so nice and clean there. Then think about pharmaceutical companies, Swiss watches, Swiss guns., CERN, banking. Everything very precise. There is a guy with the name Sean Hross on youtube who is exposing Switzerland. Learnt a lot from his videos.

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I visited Germany & Switzerland in 2004. I was impressed with the cleanliness of Germany but arriving in Switzerland, I realized that the Swiss are obsessively clean & orderly, and put the Germans to shame.

I was in Lucerne when the clocks struck noon...in perfect, synchronized precision. You see, I lived in Boston for several years where the churches & govt bldg clocks did not synchronize their chimes on the hour: each one was 'off' by a chime or two. Yes! Swiss precision!

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I wonder if it's now the King's grocers.

(Hope to get to the UK in May/June....but will avoid London during the coronation. It will be a zoo there!)

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We could take Afternoon Tea. It's a big Thing to do at Fortnum's.

And as a staunch Republican I agree, London is no place to be. The country has gone nuts and lost its mind - just like with covid.

Let me know if you are coming to Cornwall? Good to have you back!

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I can send you some! :-) I live close to Zürich! My fave is dark chocolate with almonds, and orange.

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I traveled often through Europe and the worst food I got was in England .,except breakfast ,that was good . In P rag it's best to go on a fast ,the food is best left on the plate . Most other countries in Europe have great food . At home I cook almost all my food ,it's my hobby. Ohoh I have to run and change the climate in the kitchen ,my toast almost caught fire .

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It would seem counter-intuitive, but the worst food I had in Europe was in Paris. (I know! Seems ridiculous). The food out side Paris--especially in small-town restaurants--was excellent.

Food in Austria was wonderful. I never had a disappointing meal, from breakfast through supper. Pastry was out of this world. (It was good that I walked all over Vienna!)

Prague was so-so. Germany was not bad at all.

I've not been to the UK yet.

I've not yet been to Italy but I'm certain I'll need pants with elastic waists.

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In Austria exploring a mid sized town ,I came to a bakery ,that had about 75 different strudels in the display window . If you like pastry go to Austria ,maybe accidentally you get to the same bakery or ask some locals how to find the strudel house .The name of the town was Innsbruck .Warning to Rosi only eat one strudel at a time ,and no more milk Chocolate till next Christmas .You can see how jolly fat Santa got from eating so many cookies

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Sacher torte is a slice of heaven.

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Rosie, You'll love the UK: we've got a McDonald's & KFC in every town. It'll be just like being at home! Lol

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I don't want it to be like the US! LOL! God help me: McDonald's in the UK. What a travesty!

Little villages, with charming cottages. That's what I want!!

And I don't care what anyone says, I want to see Stonehenge.

Also to buy something with family tartan in Scotland.

My best friend & I have recruited another friend who's not afraid to drive on the "wrong" side of the road.

This trip could end up being hilarious.

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What's wrong with British food? We've got great pizza, pasta, sushi and Chicken Tika Masala is our favourite take out dish!

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We where taken on a tour of London by bus at night and had dinner in a pup overlooking the river .The food I got was a meat pie .I broke it apart and it may have had a flake of meat in it ,the rest was a watery brown soup .YAKK

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I've heard the UK is not known for its cuisine. Scotland is perhaps worse, according to others. When I first read a description of haggis, I nearly gagged.

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All "imported" food!

Like the USA: everything comes from somewhere else. At a point, some are combined.

The best pizza I ever tasted was in Bern, Switzerland. I attribute it to the cheese.

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Never joke about chocolate!

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for his well being, let us hope and pray this guy is jabbbed and booosted up to date

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Who is that guy ? I want to know who I pray for .If jabbed and boostered my prayer would be wasted ,he is a lost sole .

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Gates is a traitor and is heavily invested in China. He has allowed technology to be given to the Chinese as well. He should hang from Washington Monument.

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But Gates does not want us to eat cattle ,he wants us to eat DE bugs and green meat he makes in Frankenstein labs . Is he even planning to vaccinate DE bugs ? Schwab would know . Gates loves us sooo much he wants all of us in heaven by warp speed .

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I do not care what Gates thinks about anything. He is a stupid man who is only capable of thinking stupid ideas. He is also a creep.

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as long as he roasts in hell I don't care LOL. We will be in good company

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No one will buy it from producers that use such technology.

We can control that one !!

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stopped eating cattle years ago, when they were feeding cows to the cows and created mad cow.

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Exactly right and that's the way it has always been with the animals being abused for money and profit; "mad cow" was the animals' vengeance for the suffering caused by human cruelty and avarice; nothing has changed when we discover that such cruel experiments continue such as Fauci's involvement with those poor Beagles; but even much more than that the "mad scientists" would not be satisfied and wanted to control as much of the natural world as possible through such nefarious projects as "gain of function" and an all-out relentless attack on bacteria and viruses ; we have all been made scapegoats and expendable lab experiments and forced to bow down before the altar of fake science and medical research; the self-serving evil controllers are not real men of science but psychopaths in pursuit of self-deification and to achieve their goal they have made mankind expendable at any cost. " I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life."(Deuteronomy 30:19)

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indeed, fake science. this has nothing to do with science but with madmen !

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Kill his cattle.

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This nurse called it back in August of 2021.


August 28, 2021

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This video depicts a teenaged girl whose mouth is covered with what looks like a large bandage, sitting at a table and holding up pieces of paper, one in turn, each part of a message from her mother, who is a registered geriatric nurse in Australia.


My mum has been a registered nurse since 1994

She has had extensive experience working in many different areas, ICU, maternity, oncology, district nursing, paediatrics, coronary care, theatre and taught nursing at university

She now works in Aged Care in Melbourne and loves her job.

Since this pandemic started, the facility she works at have had no one become sick or die from 'Covid 19.'

Nearly all 120 residents have been vaccinated with the Pfizer "Comirnaty" coronavirus vaccine.

10-15% of her residents have had severe adverse reactions or have died from the vaccine. CVAs "CerebroVascular Accidents" "Strokes"

Extensive deep vein thrombosis

Purpuric whole body rashes

Shingles breakouts

Sudden unexpected death

Obvious overall health decline - > death

None of these reactions were reported by their doctors or by the facility manager

My mum reported all of these to the TGA in her own time, requesting anonymity due to fear of retribution

My mum cannot speak out because the nurses governing body "AHPRA"

Has gagged all health care workers from speaking against government recommendations

AHPRA is threatening loss of registration to work in their profession if caught


These vaccines are dangerous

These vaccines are injuring people

These vaccines are killing people

And now our children are being subjected to these experimental vaccines

(Yes... this worldwide vaccine rollout is a trial, due to finish in 2023-2025)

Our children, that have next to ZERO chance of dying of Covid 19

These vaccines DO NOT stop infection

These vaccines DO NOT stop virus transmission

To expect herd immunity from these two facts is INSANE

Side effects and deaths from these coronavirus vaccines are not being taken seriously

are not being appropriately reported

and are being dismissed as coincidental

Thousands of doctors, researchers, epidemiologists, nurses, are being CENSORED WORLDWIDE



Do not trust your government

They are hiding the truth from you

Do not trust mainstream media

They are hiding the truth from you

This pandemic is not about health and safety

This is political...

These lockdowns need to stop...

Worldwide pandemic preparedness plans have never included lockdowns

Lockdowns are destroying lives

Suicide rates have dramatically increased

Drug and alcohol use significantly increased

There have been delays in preventative health screening and treatment

Domestic violence and family breakdowns have increased

The psychological impact on society is HUGE

Not to mention the huge financial impacts on individuals and families...


I beg of you

Get off Facebook and YouTube

Stop watching mainstream TV

Go to "telegram" "bitchute" or "signal"

Listen to the silenced

Listen for the truth

Trust your intuition

Health does not come from the end of a needle

Boost your immune systems

Eat a variety of organic fresh foods -- avoid sugar and processed fake food

Get fresh air, sunshine, and exercise every day

And FFS, take off those stupid bloody masks!!


that proves community mask wearing does anything to stop you from catching a virus


If you value yours, your families and your childrens lives

Do. Not. Touch. This. Vaccine.


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Reminds me of Brandy Vaughn (RIP) telling her adult audience in 2014, "They (big pharma) are coming for you. You are their next customers"

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Here's another one no one who shelled out the $$$ was listening to-- this one is from November 2022, but this UK undertaker has been speaking out since the beginning.


JOHN O'LOONEY, Nov 14, 2022


JOHN O'LOONEY: Hi guys, so just a quickie really, quick video I wanted to do, to highlight a real issue. It's the 8th of November and I've just been into the chemists to pick up some painkillers because I'm in pain. I got a knackered disc in my back. The joy of undertaking. And I sat in the queue and a lady came in, a young girl came in, obviously she was some sort of care worker and she brought an old guy in with her, very old, he would have been in his 80s.

And she announced to the staff member behind the chemist, I'm here to bring in John in, that was his name, for his flu jab.

And I kind of listened. And I was wracked with anguish because I know what these flu jabs are doing to these people.

So I pulled her to one side, because she left this guy sitting in the chair or standing there on his own. So great carer she was. And she started having a wander 'round, looking in the aisles of this pharmacy. So I pulled her to one side and said, listen, I said, I'm an undertaker, and I said, I'm seeing loads of people die shortly after having these jabs.

She said, Oh, I know, I know. She said, but it's not my choice, I have to do it.

And I said what are you talking about?! This is someone's dad! You know? I said it's on your head!

And then to the guy [inaudible] John, I really wouldn't have this flu jab.

And I kind of left. But this what they're doing, they're ferrying these people in, these social care services, they're taking them in to have these jabs knowing that it's killing them. Knowing that it's killing them! And she admits, she said, Oh, I know, I know, she said, but it's not my choice. You know why she's doing it? Because she's getting paid to do it. Scum bag!

So for those of you who have elderly people that are in care, and I use that term care very fu*king loosely, don't allow them to take your loved ones in for a bloody jab that they openly admit they know is killing them. You know, what's the matter with these people! They're sick! Absolutely sick! And I'm so livid with rage and anger that some wicked person could do that to another human being, take them in, under the guise of it being care, for an injection they know that—



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And here's one from the UK, but there are an endless & growing number of such testimonies from all over:

Adam Rowland, Injured by AstraZeneca in the UK, Speaks Out: "You know what's going on. You know what's going on."

Vaccine Damage: Real People - Adam

by Debi Evans, UK Column

Published December 1, 2022




DEBI EVANS: It is quite utterly shocking. Adam, I want to thank you so much for being so brave and speaking out. I know this has been completely exhausting for you. But as always, it's your voice that we need to hear. I would like to give you the last words. So Adam, you've got a message for the professionals, and for the public about that. What would it be?

ADAM ROWLAND: The professionals, Debi, it's, I'm absolutely disgusted. It's horrendous how they're treating human beings that were told to do the right thing. I was told to do the right thing. I'm a professional person, I'm not misinformation. They're completely ignoring us, our government, the people that's supposed to serve us.

June Raine, you're supposed to be the chief of the MHRA*, June. I watched you laugh at us. I watched you laugh when somebody asked you a question today. I brought questions into the board meeting that I attended a public board meeting today. You laughed at us with disrespect.**

There's enough evidence, June. There's evidence on the ONS website*** warning 301 people after the covid vaccine dying within 45 days. It's irrefutable evidence. Yet you're telling me that it's all been investigated. I put a question to you. Show me evidence that you're investigating this data. Make it transparent. You didn't answer the question.

It's inhumane what I'm going through and what others are going through. You think that we can just be ignored? I'm telling you this, June and your colleagues, we ain't going to go away. When I die, you can have that on your mind. If you can sleep at night.

Well, you disgust me. You absolutely disgust me, how we've been treated. I would never treat another human being like that. I just hope you sleep well at night. Because you know what's going on. You know what's going on. We never got told about the AstraZeneca vaccine why it was pulled so you know it's dangerous because you wouldn't have pulled it. You haven't got the decency to come up and admit that you're wrong. You'd rather just sweep us under the carpet.

I tell you, I'm not going to go away for all those people who're vaccinated, until my last breath you're going to hear from us.

And for anyone else who's suffering vaccine injury I know how it feels and I'm telling you you've got to start speaking up because these people don't want us to speak up. They want to sweep us under the carpet. They want to forget about us. And they want us to die. And that's how they're treating us and it's that simple.



# # #


Read the post about this interview at:


*June Raine is CEO of the UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)


See also


** Debi Evans, nursing correspondent for UK Column, reports with clips of the board meeting starting at 1:00:34.


From the show notes:

MHRA: worst board meeting yet—insensitive, offensive, dangerous

51:47 Debi Evans introduces 15 November board meeting: exclusive full footage will be up on ukcolumn.org soon

52:29 MHRA board meeting ignores questions from several Covid vaccine-injured online attenders about safety and serious adverse reactions

"Are you realising the public are watching you?"

Unanswered question by Covid vaccine victim Charlet Crichton

Adam Rowland's unanswered questions

1:00:00 Clip: MHRA says it is difficult to present safety data to the public

Mike Robinson comment: This is sales patter

1:04:05 "Champagne on ice"—second clip from board meeting showcases the frivolity of MHRA Chief Technology Officer Claire Harrison

Wayne Cunnington’s blog on Substack [https://waynecunnington.substack.com/ ]

about the whole MHRA board meeting bursting into laughter at a patient safety question 

Account of 15 November MHRA board meeting by Wayne Cunnington

Wayne Cunnington’s past article for UK Column

[ https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/dangerous-vaccine-and-medical-failures-waynes-story ]

1:09:00 Tweets from the public show extent of rage against the MHRA

***ONS is the UK's Office of National Statistics


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A mild one.


January 10, 2022


WOMAN IN SEERSUCKER CAP: So here's the deal, OK. Months and months back my dad got the shot because he wanted to travel. OK? He ended up with blood clots. He ended up with cancer in his lung. We don't know really what caused that but it came right after the shot. They're saying it was a CPAP machine, Philips CPAP. So, either way.

Now my son is in bed sick. My son had the shot twice because he wanted to go to concerts. OK? Because of the fear-mongering. So he was like, "Man, Mom, I can't do anything or anything so I''m going to go get the shot." Typical millennial. Now he's in bed. Can't get him into the urgent care center across the way. They're completely booked, don't know how long the wait's going to be.

It's the ones that are vaccinated that are getting sick. Don't know what's in the vaccine, but it is killing immunities down where they are getting sick.

Wake up!

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August 6 , 1970 - April 10, 2021

Age 51


EX-HUSBAND: This is the message I received on the morning of April 10th. [screenshot of text message] It just says "help." I rushed up to my ex-wife's house, Stephanie Wasil, to find her on the floor struggling to survive.

Our daughter was there as well. We rushed her to the hospital and after close to four hours of fighting to keep her alive with the medical professionals there, I lost the mother of my little girls.

She will never get to see their children, she'll never get to watch them get married, walk down the aisle, hold their hand. She'll never get to text them and ask how they are each day.

She was a wonderful, beautiful person, a helper to everyone. She was my business partner, in a way my best friend, my helper. My wife of 11 years.

I'm so sad that she got caught in this trap about taking these vaccines when she just wanted to be free from all the pressure from her school telling her, you know, to go get the vaccine! Everyone's doing it. Let us know when you get the vaccine, look at all the people who've gotten the vaccine! They sent out all these flowery messages.

She was so worried about traveling. She wanted to just have everything be over. And this monster [inaudible] came into our house and stole away my wife— my ex-wife, but she was still my wife in my heart.

I miss you every day Stephanie. I love you. I'll see you soon.

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I'll stop wth this transcript. But it's a deluge.

New Zealand, Young Woman with Pericarditis


(taken from https://t.me/covidvaccineinjuries)


[I'm sharing] my story so that if something's happening to you, you don't overlook things and you get seen.

So on Thursday the 18th of November I received my second [points to shoulder to indicate injection]. And I was feeling OK, up until 5 days ago, I started having heart palpitations and when I first had heart palpitations I initially thought, you know, like, ooh, that feels different. I thought maybe it's a bit of indigestion, maybe I was just tired. And I tried to think of all the things that could be causing my heart to race. And I had feelings like my heart was jumping out of my chest. I'd have dizzy moments where I'd feel dizzy and get hot flashes and I'd start feeling real sweaty.

I actually put up a post on on Facebook just saying, you know, that I can't really sleep, and this was two nights ago and quite a few people started commenting and messaging me, saying, you need to go to the doctor, you need to be seen. But if you know me, I'm also a registered nurse, so I'm pretty stubborn. I have an auto-immune disease, I've been paralyzed in 2018.

I finally went after having heart palpitations, I started getting a bit more conscious I guess and scared when my chest started tightening and so yesterday I decided to go to the doctors. And they took one look at me and told me that I need to go straight to the hospital. So I did, and when I got to the hospital, within 15 minutes they had stripped off my clothes, were taking bloods to run blood tests, and having a ECG, a chest x-ray.

I was sent to that part of the hospital where it's allocated for those who have been [points to shoulder to indicate injection] or had the [points to shoulder to indicate injection], and so I got sent to that part of the hospital. And I was like, man, why are you guys running all these tests like I'm having a heart attack? Like, I don't really fit the criteria of someone who's having a heart attack. I'm young, I'm fit and healthy, I exercise daily, I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't take recreational drugs, I don't take any drugs. I don't take [unintelligible]. And so they were rolling out everything for me but, yeah.

They basically diagnosed me within an hour of my bloods coming back saying that I had pericarditis.

They have told me that this is because of my second [points to shoulder to indicate injection] and my heart is really inflamed, and it's swelling, and so they sent me home today with three different medications to bring down the swelling on my heart.

I'm on 24/7 watch in case I have a cardiac arrest.

The part that I guess really scared me is I was actually the seventh patient that they had seen yesterday. They say it's rare, that it's not really common that people get pericarditis or myocarditis. It's actually really common. I was the seventh person yesterday, and so that sort of freaked me out.

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Endless, endless-- another:



MAN IN CAR: You know, ever since I got the shot, and this was the third one, so, you know, I had the two and then like the booster, uh, that booster threw me into some weird situation where I just bust out in hives all the time now. And my skin is so sensitive that when I scratch my skin, like, lightly, there's an immediate red mark there. I've never been allergic to anything in my life, or I never had food allergies or anything like that. This is totally bizarre and random and out of the blue and, yeah, it really makes me regret even going through those preventative measures just because it's like, over now. You know. I don't know. Pissed.

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Are you really an undertaker ? If you are I wish you would or could talk to my wife .She took injections and also the flu shot . No matter what I say or do she will not listen to me . In all other matters she is a wonderful person ,but when it comes to injections she is like under hypnosis .Are the evil doers using mass hypnosis ??

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I am just a transcriber.

I wish I had the answers for you.

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I agree 100%. Thank you.

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From day one I was fully aware that I must go the opposite direction of the harmful and deadly protocols demanded by our enemies the state and big pharma .Long before I learned my lessons ,committing almost suicide because of government created problems in my personal domestic life .Now more than ever they have made life a living hell and for many they ended life .That means they murdered them ,like my brother .

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Thanks for this. I re-posted your comment.

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Most of the time, in the long run, free choice in a free market points to t he truth.

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So freedom doesn't kill you?

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Life kills you. That's a guaranty. But freedom guarantees the chance to become all you were meant to be, which helps everyone.

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Gravity wins in the end

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No, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, as the song says.

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Freedom is scary because it's not free.

Two generations in the US would have no idea what we're talking about.

Hope we don't have to depend on American youth to defend our sovereignty. We would get rolled.

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Slowly but surely, the tide is turning. My concern is that they KNOW enough people were duped for the overall agenda to succeed. Or at least to move onto the next stage.

It's still incredibly frightening to see just how successful they were overall, however. All for something with a 99.7%+ IFR. The social engineers learned a lot from this global experiment and will refine their approach in the future.

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Yep I just wrote a piece on climate lockdowns actually. And how they uses Covid lockdowns, and the infrastructure that was built to support that, to further advance their goals via climate hysteria. There are parts of the UK which have targeted 2024 to begin such lockdowns so we’ll see how they react to that. Hopefully they out a stop to it well before then.

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Trudeau's already crowing about how the lockdowns helped achieve some climate goals. He's starting the propaganda early.

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Haven't read that yet but I'm not surprised. The global narrative is starting to shift big time to climate lockdowns.

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I'm not Trudeau's citizen ,I'm the lone Ranger ,citizen of the universe . Trudeau is a punk ,who would need to get beat up 3 times a day like in a school yard fight .

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I don't know if people really, at least KNOWINGLY, made any type of trade though. I think you might give people too much credit haha. I think they're so dumbed down and distracted, that officials said we must do something and they asked "How high?" unfortunately.

A significant amount of people are finally questioning things, even realizing they've been duped, but generally I think many will fall in line once the officials give them the next software update.

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Well said. I think of those at the top as ancient psychologists. They know exactly how to play the masses by exploiting inherent weaknesses.

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deletedJan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023
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Yep. I don’t think many things that reach the masses is by accident. It’s largely a stage for those running the show to test things out on the masses. See what works and keep it for the next trial, and omit what didn’t work.

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In the US, I think the only way to get out of it is if there is another pandemic while a Republican is president. If an R president pushes a vaxx, the most militant of the vaxxers-- who are typically liberals in my opinion-- will not go along. And the people on the other side who have not gone along so far will not go along either. So... the tide will turn.

Too bad our elections are compromised and there will never be another Republican president who isn't installed by Democrats.

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I think the next one that's released will be a lot worse. It'll certainly test those that saw through the COVID scam and it's so-called vaxx.

D vs R is an illusion anyway. Plenty of Rs pushed the scam forward as well. The change will, and must, start at a local level. Having a good local community and ideally a good sheriff can insulate a lot of the nonsense.

One can also go abroad where it's much easier to exploit loopholes built into the system. Money talks where there's low wages and lots of bureaucracy.

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Given how the majority of us plebs merrily go along with our own genocide-by-population-replacement, can we really argue that this strata is wrong in their stance?

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Read this out to my 11 year old for the joyfulness of the message and the sheer pleasure and quality of the writing. We’re homeschooling this year (for obvious reasons),-always great to include contemporary pieces of this calibre in the curriculum : ) Thank you!

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Someday this debacle of these clotshots/deathvaxxx will be compared to the process of “bleeding”.

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While I agree, I suspect like bleeding, it will take centuries to come to our senses. I think something like 200 years passed after De Motu Cordis was published by William Harvey and the dereliction of bloodletting.

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It won’t take as long to know Gates is the modern day Dr. Mengele.

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Bleeding is still used today, quite succesfully too. So is leeching. It helps against certain types of problems with "too thick" blood where the patient cannot use medicines.

The problem in ages past wasn't the bleeding as such, but that the doctor had no good way of knowing how much was enough, and for which ailments it was suitable - anecdotal experience and guesswork (kind of like Covid-measures such as masking) was the methods employed.

Also, hygiene and food. It's almost impossible to overstate the importance of hygiene and nutrition when it comes to disease.

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God's in His Heaven and all's right with the world

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After a recent trip to Mexico, I got inspired to learn more Spanish. Me encanta tu apodo

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The amount of money wasted world wide on these worthless jabs is staggering. If these resources had been put to productive use it is hard to imagine the good that could have been done.

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Productive in a nefarious sense.

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Well unfortunately the mRNA technology will be rolled into ever more of the "classical" vaccines, thanks to the fact that the technology is now pre-approved and only the payload will need to be tested. I expect much streamlined test & manufacturing practice standards are in the works.

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Maybe people will wake up & reject ALL vaccines as I have along with others, & vaccinators will lose trillions

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I hope so but that is not what I expect: The "villain" in the jab will be publicly acknowledged to be the "spike protein" and none of the other deadly aspects will be acknowledged, such as immune degradation/tolerance etc. I suspect we will have to repeat this tragedy at least several times with the next few rounds of miracle jabs against other threats.

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Generally agree. Nevertheless, mRNA in concept probably does hold much promise. Of course, in its current form there seems to be many "bugs" to be worked out. In my opinion, the bigger issue is that Pharma greed and government and private power long ago took precedence over science and even public safety. Such products, even dangerous ones, should be available, but in my opinion, only voluntarily and with fully informed consent. That such are allowed to be mandated is unconscionable.

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An mRNA cancer treatment is in the pipeline. Think how many desperate people will be duped into that

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An mRNA cancer treatment was the original promised treatment for this technology. If an mRNA shot could prime the body to fight off a specific cancer that the immune system was ignoring without also causing massive autoimmune issues, the technology might be useful. I think this vaccine test case has shown that the pharmaceutical industry has no intention of actually developing something that would work against cancer.

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Hi Casey, of course not - where’s the billions to be made with a CURE. And up to year 2020, the animals ALWAYS died. They knew it wasn’t ready for prime time & they did it anyway. It wasn’t about “treatment” either, they did it for a depopulation agenda & it’s working to purpose

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I'll state up front that I am not knowledgeable about cancer versions of the mRNA jabs although I know they have been working on them a long time. But the Covid jab is based on making your cells produce a pathogen in order to provoke an immune response. Briefly, what would the cancer jab be based on? Is there a cancer pathogen? Or updating your DNA?

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There are some that theorize that we all have "junk" DNA that has harmful stuff in it that is just waiting to be activated. Maybe it never will be. Maybe it will. Seems like mRNA jabs activate it.

Just for fun, here are the current US cancer stats from Ethical Skeptic:


7 sigma cancer event.

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Yes. Cancer is a great scapegoat for less-than-safe treatments.

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Your expectation is exactly what is happening .

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They are doing it right now. I know someone who works for Pfi$er who manages clinical trials. She is currently managing trials for mRNA flu, pneumonia and shingles.

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May it be the nail in the coffin

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the vaccinators will just start vaccinating animals and plants.

These people are unrelenting in their need for control.

Thank you for this update.

Funny thing. Last week we had skype chat with my aunt and uncle, formerly residents of Switzerland (Chur area) life long residents! They are both in their 80s now and retired to Palma Majorca. the chat consisted of myself and hubbs (conservatives) my sister (confused liberal) and my 99 year old father (old time democrat, clueless to the party today)

At one point, at least 35 minutes into the chat, Aunt Carla asked "What do you think of your President Biden?"

I started laughing. My sister immediately dove in and said, this is such a difficult time.

THEN, their laptop battery shut down the chat

We restarted the skype but did not continue the Biden discussion. Jeez.

What do people in Europe think of this kook of a president?

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Stop buying food from the corporate sector. It's inconvenient, but we have to do this and take responsibility for ourselves. There are multitudes of ways to escape their grasp.

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I was in France back in November and the folks I spoke to said Pedo Joe was a clown and had dementia.

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So... the people in France know more than the Democrats in the USA. Good for them.

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I think most Democrats know, they just don't' care. He's a convenient tool of the party, and that's all that counts. Get elected by any means, someone else who doesn't have dementia will make all the decisions.

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I was surprised by their comments.

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Joe is an embarrassment. He’s an incompetent grifter; a lying phony.

I can not understand how he became president, but he’s a politician - I blame the Democrat party.

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He became president because he was a useful idiot for those actually in charge, and he was basically installed as president, not really elected. The idea that he got far more votes than Trump or even Obama is simply not believable given his past. His entire 50 years in government are a record of zero achievement. But he's an accomplished grifter, no doubt about that.

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Point is that he has always been a doddering disaster with handsiness and corruption thrown in

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I elected myself president over my own life ,everyone else should do the same .

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You don't see what you don't want to see.

They are OK with corruption as long as it benefits their side.

Laws for some, but not for others.

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"I seen so many things I ain't never seen before

Don't know what it is - I don't wanna see no more"

-- Three Dog Night, "Mama Told Me (Not to Come)" (1970)

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So much of this

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Hoping for expressed outrage at the mRNA “vaccines” very soon

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

By the look of it, it is coming: excess mortality is ca 15% right now, so crematoria, emergency services, and the likes currently notice it, but not tremendously.

If the trend continues and we reach 30+% excess mortality (the peak in recent years was around 26% in Nov 2021), then everybody is going to notice it and there will be no explanations that will make any sense.

Expect at that point a return of the religious measures, mask mandates, and quite possibly vaccination mandates with the army running after people to jab them.

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Nothing will ever surprise me again, someothercat

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I never believed the purported “jabbed” numbers in the first place.

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Or the deaths “of”, either

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Downhill for the vaccinators and all those manufacturing and peddling these deadly concoctions — until they’re 6 feet under.

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I just hope the vaccinators took the shots they were aiming at us. I know it’s wrong to say that but...

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Incredible when you really think about it. It’s not just the mRNA that’s wasted, it’s the millions and millions of glass vials, it’s the tens of millions of needles ordered to administer them (sure the needles can still be used but these are very long, small volume, small gauge needles, they aren’t standard use, i.e. they won’t be used quickly), it’s the energy and space required to store them in their special refrigerated containers, it’s the countless watts of energy wasted to keep those refrigerated containers humming at a brisk 2° for an entire year.... and so on and so on. And the assholes in charge just shrug it all off and move on without so much as a “whoopsie daisies!” in response.

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