They will come for Substack sooner or later. The clock is ticking. We will have to build a new Internet eventually. We should call it Parallel, with no connections to the legacy net. Completely autonomous and decentralized, powered only by users around the world. Surveillance and datamining proof with a monetary tokenized system that adds value to content based on attention-labor. Censorship resistant would mean that nations would have to go full North Korea to shut it down by literally shutting down the power grid. It would drive governments mad! That's the future we should be building.

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We cannot keep moving on to the next platform. There are too many of us. Substack is making money and increasing readers. If the "actors" spreading "misinformation" are removed from Substack, then we leave too, along with our money and support for the platform.

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Yep. Here is the place to make the stand.

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If making money is the goal here Substack has already failed by embracing the existing hierarchical structure ?

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In what way do you feel is a realistic and healthy way to dismantle or soften the current hierarchical structure?

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022

Abandon the Internet and cell phone /tracking devices , discard currency and credit cards . Stop paying taxes and rent . Live outdoors and off the land as much as possible , minimalize your food intake immediately . And most of all "don't work on Maggie's farm no more " to quote Bob Dylan many decades ago . Probably going to happen anyway in the near future as our civilization hurries toward extinction ?

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Check out IPFS, get some Zcash, and export your mailing list regularly. Brave Browser is also on the right track as well, imo

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Dr Robert Epstein has knowledge in this field … See Joe Rogan podcast.

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Quick call Ted Nelson, before he is gone.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Amen to that.

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Exactly correct, Good Citizen. This is why I’m advocating for a new nation. A NewSA.

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I can almost guarantee you that the next Big Thing that will happen is an Incident - possibly by "domestic terrorists" - that will force Govt and Big Tech to reboot the internet - with control.

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this is exactly what north idahoans expect. many small groups learning how to use CB/short wave radios now. i sorta think carrier pigeons should come back in style, lol. people here have been working on backups of backups for power because just being in north idaho paints a target on us.

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Yep. "Domestic terrorists" spelled CIA.

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Yes, I agree. No big expert here but his may be of interest:


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husband is an IT guy and has some playtime experience with mesh networking. however, mountainous geography hinders it here. it's great in the flats though.

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any other things to recommend?

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"Censorship resistant would mean that nations would have to go full North Korea to shut it down by literally shutting down the power grid."

Not true, Good Citizen. It would be necessary only to know the location of servers, the identies of network managers, the structure of the addressing system, defects of protocols used, personal weaknesses of the network managers, security flaws (both physical and sw), and so on. This knowledge could be exploited to degrade standards, corrupt service, plant kiddie porn, and so on.

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Surveillance and datamining proof with a monetary tokenized ..... Wait a minute isn't that what little Bill Gates and his posse of Fauci's are already promoting as the great reset ?

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Imagine the halfwit making a monthly donation to this outfit. Prince Charles probably does.

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i know, right?

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If it's true to most leftist donation collection schemes, 1/2 the money will go to Hillary's re-election bid in 2024. Or, for Joey's upcoming lobotomy...but I do believe you need a real brain in place for that procedure.

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At best a quarter-wit (and that's on one of his good days).

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The ESG racket gets corporations to fund civilization destroying groups like this.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thank GOD they cocked up the vax so badly. Biggest whitepill for me.

Imagine where'd we be with autonomy, passports, speech, all of it -- if they'd actually cooked up safe and effective potions.

All due sympathy for the maimed and slaughtered. Truly they took one for the team after all.

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Agree. In case of a good vaccine we would have been screwed. They would try to mandate any kind of shot in the near future that would never end. The "Ahmed CEO of CCDH" of this world would be cheering all over the place. True nightmare.

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With all the failed prior attempts, the new tech provides cover that they figured it out. Reality is they just skipped years of testing.

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That was fast to make for sure. This was new and somehow people like new stuff. Financial markets as well... IMO I tend to avoid new kind of medical interventions but the hype was there.

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Your doctor was a brilliant man, as well as a true doctor.

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And these days, rare.

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Here's a fun little fantasy for the denouement to this tragicomedy:

A long vax syndrome emerges. It's pretty bad and ubiquitous. It rolls out over time such that They™ do the quadruple-down denial / gaslighting / censorship rampage again—beyond credulity save for the truly possessed.

And then it turns out that IVM or HCQ is a panacea for the widespread and undeniable LVS.

The anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist deplorables magnanimously share their stockpiles with the recently come-to-Jesus in-laws. (Some have more fun with the rites of passage than others.)

That's how I'd write the ending anyway.

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More importantly we can all be thankful they went mask-off in pretending they had actually succeeded rather than quietly move on and protect their hold over us.

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YES. Critical.

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Remember: The man-made virus was never a REAL threat to begin with if we'd been allowed the cheap, effective medicines that were maligned and/or outright banned.

No, the 'virus' was a means to a very diabolical end of a needle and so much more... It ain't over yet...unfortch.

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022

The fact that it wasn't really "safe and effective" saline shots for all, and not just NBA ballers and politicians speaks volumes. Murder and disease from a small % of these poisons therefore was part of the plan. There's a lot more than BigHarma profit going on here, a LOT more. These evil people at the top are not stupid, don't ever make that mistake.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

As eugyppius is the favorite of about 15 substacks I read, 10 I subscribe to, I hope he does make millions. He offers a treasure chest of truth, intelligence, and hope. In fact now that I think of it, the opposite of hate. You mr imran, on the other hand offer nothing that has any value at all. The same old lies all dressed up in a mantle of arrogance..nose in the air, feet in the mud cowering at the thought of debate with those clearly your intellectual superiors.

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I was all worked up and ready to launch The Center For Countering The Center For Countering Digital Hate. But after this brilliant summary, I've changed my mind. Imagine being this guy! Imagine prostituting yourself intellectually to the point where you are willing to join the cabal recommending experimental gene therapies which don't work and kill/maim people just to make a buck. Instead, I am seriously considering launching The Center For Creating Real Jobs For People Desperate Enough to Work at the Center For Countering Digital Hate. Hang in there, Imran, help is on the way.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Language purist that I am, I have come to (somewhat) calmly accept that the definitions of "misinformation" and "disinformation," as with the word "literally," have come to mean the exact opposite of what they once meant.

It comes as no surprise to me that the "center" run by Imran Ahmed, CEO, and his associates, Ahmed and Ahmed, lumps together "misinformation" with "hate." The woke argument includes an underlying assumption that facts = hate speech. What is important isn't the truth or the (mis)information that could help you make determinations about what is true. What is important is that you are exposed to the pre-determined conclusions so frequently (and in such high places-- the university! the legacy newsroom! the presidency!) that they begin to seem true, logical, and unassailable.

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The term misinformation seems derive from a distortion of what philosophers call uniqueness--that a given body of evidence justifies at most one proposition (or theory) among competing alternatives. Except in this case it isn't genuine epistemic authorities who decide what that unique proposition is, it is instead octogenarian bureaucrats and their remora.

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This post is misinformation - Imran is one of eight identical brothers. To keep things simple they all use the same name. Stop spreading lies.


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1,000 thumbs up...

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if his name was mohammed i would go for it ... but somehow, doubt it all are called ahmed. peace - good blog btw :)

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I laughed so much at the "our people" picture, 8 pictures of the same guy, all written "CEO" under it. How full of yourself you must be.... His linked video has 188 views, while Robert Malone on Joe Rogan podcast has more than 25 millions views I think. These people probably believe they are on the "right side" of history and will be remembered as heroes, but no, people are waking up day by day and the covid woke will be humiliated and mostly forgotten.

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I was surprised he wasn’t wearing a mask in each of his 8 pictures.

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Or showing a photo of himself getting his "shot in the arm," as all true "virtue signalers" do!

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I'm STILL laughing at the "our people" picture. Also not to be missed on this website:

The advice to contact him using Tor, Signal and VPNs. Apparently he hates software companies that enable the free spread of subversive writing, until he needs them to find fellow travellers, then he can't encrypt hard enough.

The tweet where he tweets his surprise and amazement at the amazing quality of his own research: https://twitter.com/Imi_Ahmed/status/1486676170917691393

"Wow. Great research from @CCDHate but shocking from @SubstackInc."

The terrifying example of the sort of things "hate actors" demand: "we have found seemingly disconnected actors tweeting simultaneously (including bot activity) about giving the £15 million raised by Comic Relief for overseas aid instead to the NHS." 😂

Immediately followed by "CCDH is uncovering evidence of the stress induced by COVID-19 activating latent authoritarianism in members of the public" 😂 😂

The jobs section that simply says "CCDH currently has no vacancies open" (I wonder why not).

I can't even sum up in words how stupid this website is.

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Humorous Ridicule is the best weapon.

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That's gold stuff.

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Such a perfect illustration of the absurdity of the moment.

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Funny for now, but if western democracies keep electing the enablers of these fools, Ahmed and Selena will be the gun toting political prison guards and executioners.

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Or at least will have no trouble looking the other way... and smiling.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I've never been as convinced that the entire concept of "scientific consensus" is absolute dogshit and should arouse suspicion and mistrust whenever it's uttered.

Science without Philosophy is worthless.

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The inability to question science is itself misinformation. The very basis of science is to question. This guy is an example of those with no ability to think critically. He wants to keep the wizard behind the curtain.

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 29, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Your last two paragraphs. THIS. It's what I've been saying for over a year now. These TV dinner experts are enjoying their fame a tad too much - it's a bad sign when you know their fricken names. Here in Canada it's people like Boguch, Furness, Juni, and a few others (mostly from McGill and the Univ. of Toronto) like an infectious disease doctor who I hold in special contempt named Oughton from Montreal - who continue to fray the civil order. As recent as December Furness was STILL calling for lockdowns. Juni wants passport expansion. NEVER presenting evidence for their continued insidious cowardly madness. These people aren't scientists. They're propagandist opportunists preying on people's fears. They only see things through the prism of Covid and nothing else. Essentially, they're using Nero's fiddle. My distrust of epidemiologists and their utterly disastrous recommendations is such that I consider their 'germ chasing' to be one notch above astrology. No offence to astrologers. I'm sure there's value in it somehow, someway but I'm too ignorant to think more of it than that. I digress. Cheers.

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epidemiology is a science in the same way that africana studies is humanity.

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As I have said before elsewhere, there is simply no 'misinformation' . There is only 'information', which may be factual or not and/or subject to debate/interpretation. The term 'misinformation' is short for 'misleading information' which implies you need to be 'led' in the first place. Well, no you don't. Unless you WANT to be a sheep.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The Our People section gave me a much needed laugh as I sit here on my Coronavirus convalescent bed getting natural, long lasting antibodies.

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You are a brave man, Eugyppius. I heard that "noticing things on the internet" has been illegal throughout Europe for some years now. Soon the U.S. will be fully cloaked under the same regime.

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I'm imagining how grotesque the Eight-Fold Ahmed would be as a mythological creature of lore: 8 heads, 16 arms on a tiny little body with only a single leg that kicks itself in the ass as it tries to walk.

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🤣 Thanks for my first big chuckle of the day!

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One of the "loser monsters" only mentioned in passing. Herakles just laughed when he encountered it.

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Corona has not fried his brain, but is just a business opportunities for the wokerista of the Western world. It was anti-racism yesterday, today it is Corona, tomorrow it will be climate again, or whatever issue is showered by government and WFE money.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The last thing I expected from the title was to read a work of comedy - thank you for that.

And a gem of a writeup!

Congrats Ahmed - next job can be CEO of Loser, Inc

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I think you mean all 8 CEOs of Loser, Inc. 🤪

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