You cannot confine, repress, terrify, and coerce an entire nation for three years, and afterwards maintain any hope of returning to the world as it was before.
First Easter since 2019 with family, and this is interrupting your regularly scheduled programming a little more than I anticipated. Thanks nevertheless for your patience, and I wish all of you a happy Easter.
No easter with family for me because I parted ways with them after they all proved completely worthless and useless when it counted the most. Media zombies the lot, none of them would even reply whenever I started to provoke a discussion or when I told them openly how much the prospect of mandatory vaccination for people aged over 60 troubled me. Im still in disbelief what has become of my siblings and their families, and I have little doubt that they will swallow anything the media will feed them, like self-destruction to "save the climate" or to be nice to everybody including millions of parasitic invaders. They have lost all remnants of survival instinct or survival intellect. They have no future.
Feldheld I'm in a similar situation .No doubt this happens more often than most realize .For many the harm done will last a lifetime . Happy Easter to you all .
Good news finally in BC. After wearing a mask non stop 24 7 . for three years ,my wife told me the news said we are allowed to take it off if we want to . The first thing I will do now is eat a meal ,humans used to eat before the masking .For three years I could not eat ,because I had to wear the mask .Venom injections kept me alive all that time .
Sorry I must take the good news back ,the bad news are still in force .Yesterday me and my wife went to a big store to shop for food . My wife went in and I decided to wait in the car outside ,because it is one of the best places for people watching .To my shock and hopeless feeling about 60%of the shoppers came and went fully masked .Some drivers alone in the car had snot pouches on from ear to ear ,from head to toe .That observation is proof that I must now live out my miserable live on a crazy planet .
Death by faux altruism for those media zombies. Virtue-signal after virtue-signal du jour, the walls close in around them, for the greater good, of course. And they do not see. The recommended procedure at this point is to give up on trying to make them see, and take care of your own house.
Fortunately, it's not 75% of humanity, it's 75% of late-stage western civilization. Maybe 15% of the world's population. I have had the good fortune to travel to some non-western countries over the last year and I can tell you, most of the world is still sane.
Perhaps we should start local social clubs for those of us who have been ostracized from our families due to COVID skepticism. Instead of being isolated we can celebrate holidays and other occasions with a new 'family' of like-minded adults (and any government agents sent to spy on us).
You are not alone my friend! I sadly came to the conclusion long ago, that this long fight ahead of us, is hard enough, so I don't need idiots and cowards on my side in the "trenches". I can't trust them ever again. I didn't directly ditch any of my vaxtard family and friends, but I also didn't hide my opinion about the scam. Now that the shitshow it is seemingly (temporarily) over, their silence is deafening...
I gained new friends and allies from some very unexpected places. I appreciate and care about them a lot.
Celebrating with family should always be paramount. Societies used to recognize that as essential to the morale of the populace. Populace needs to fight to get that recognition back.
Lucky for me, most of my family gave the big middle finger to the "VIRUS " rules. We had our birthday parties and holidays together, mostly without masks (there were some in the beginning) . I did get thrown out of many stores though!🤣🤣🤣 I justlove being a pain in the ass!
May the risen Christ bless you and your family Eugyppius! Happy Easter, and thanks for all you've done these last few years for cause of human freedom and sanity.
Happy Easter. Also my first with family in 4 years - and, just what I need right now, if I told you what precise, exact, down to the very molecular details, type of pharmaceutical product, for what precise, exact, indication, the sponsor of said product in all seriousness asked me to work the long weekend on their trial of, you would call me a liar. But it's true.
The one reward is it is fascinating peering at the entrails of a clinical trial that looks, well, without giving too much away, exactly like certain others. Truly fascinating.
Ah, but Jesus Christ told us He did not come to deliver peace, but to divide the sheep from the goats.
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ "
-Matthew 10:34-36
“I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning!"
I've been saying this for the better part of three years:
"Corona Virus will come and go, but government will NEVER forget how easy it was to take control of everyone's life; to control every sporting event, classroom, restaurant table, church, and even whether and when people are allowed to leave their homes."
Next time will not be nearly as easy for them. We now have an army of people looking for them to do the same awful things. We will have a lot more people calling out killer protocols right from the start because we know that is in their playbook. They torched all of their credibility and goodwill.
Less optimistic than you. Look at Canada - they can’t seem to pass censorship bills fast enough and Dem governors in the US (NY, CA & MI) won reelection so there’s a lot of people who want more of what we had. How about the agreement to give the corrupt WHO more power?
Exactly I think 80 % of the population feels that what happened in the last three years was a measure to save lives and honestly they don’t even realize how their freedom has been dwindling .
I think they do. But they perhaps think it's a price worth paying if they are "looked after" like children by their socialist states. Less to stress about, nice comfort zone.
And I have a big beefy health-nut friend, 39, who EVEN NOW won't take his mask off indoors unless he's home alone or for those few minutes he needs to gulp his food down in a restaurant. The only thing that will make him change is if he marries and his wife has a different method. But who will marry a guy like this who isn't herself just as bad.
I agree - but its funny how *obviously* wrong these masks are worn: several have bushy beards their masks go over, and others never cover their nose with their mask.
It's like they're trying to appease someone, but they don't take it seriously. I think my friend's subconscious wants out, but his conscious mind won't let it happen. He kept saying that sometimes he removes it to take a "gulp" of air. We don't gulp poison. We gulp something we can't get enough of.
Health nut? Any self-respecting health nut such as myself learned a LONG TIME AGO that anything coming from the mainstream is wrong, dead wrong or just plain dangerous.
Eating organic while putting big pharma poisons in ones body are incompatible positions and incomprehensibly stupid.
I meant exercise-nut, but he tries to eat healthily as well. He did not get vaxxed. But his family is very domineering in the Old World kind of way AND he went to MIT, so he thinks he knows how to read data better than anyone AND he still thinks authorities have the answers. It's a complicated picture. I agree with your take-away regarding the mainstream, mostly because the people I know who believe it don't think for themselves and don't look after themselves.
No, although he went back to live with his family for the 3 years and they all took it. The problem was that they scared him regarding his killing the whole family if he left the house. And so he didn't.
I was terrorized by the deep state stuff. But I have now worked through that fear as well. I still need to work through my anger and grief. No matter how much I process, there's more left, so I can only imagine how much the people who bought into all this will need to eventually work through.
I am not optimistic as to that. Because they are not going to start out by doing the same awful things. They are going to dress up power grabs a bit differently, the posters are going to have different slogans on them, and maybe we'll miss the early signs.
The latest ‘thing’ that the public-health Karens will exploit is fentanyl. Unlike Covid, it’s exceedingly deadly ... but also unlike Covid, it’s exceedingly easy to avoid.
Dunno who noticed, but ‘the usual’ neocon warmongers are now using fentanyl poisoning as a pretext for US military intervention on Mexican soil. That would be RINO pirate Dan Crenshaw, Lindsey Graham and disturbingly MTG.
When all of the vestiges of control, the millions, billions of dollars spent on population control infrastructure, the plexiglass barriers, facial recognition, the medical records with unvaxxed red flags, vax passport technology, mask/vax mandates *anywhere*, when the entire system of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, tyranny is pulled out by root and branch from every space of existence that support the outrageous infringements on human rights, liberty and dignity, and tossed on the biggest bonfire in human history, the earth under it salted so nothing can ever grow from that toxic imagining of "good stewardship" governance, when that happens is when the world can return to normalcy. And if and only if that project is done effectively will humanity be able to "build back better."
And how they breathe, what they touch, where they stand and sit, and whether or not they hug family and friends. I often pointed this out to people who said we were not being controlled and not one could see what is evident to everyone here.
I doubt the gov, despite its incompetence, would test the population now that they are awakening. General strikes, blocking infrastructure, all kinds of ways the gov will fall on Its knees to the God-given will of the people.
Solutions for wrongs the people engage in hurts the people more then the politicians .I don't see how strikes or demonstrations can hurt the evil ones .It may even entertain or amuse them .A march on the street should lead strait to the hiding places of the terrorists and bring them out in the open . However it is well known that the army and police is always the enemy of the people and on the side of politicians and dictators .
Suffering may well be the cost of freedom: how often has that price been paid on our behalf by those of courage who selflessly fought for the freedom of people of the future.
Here in chinada we have a group grown beyond the needed 300k now 2M people, the Canadian Voters Assn. with the means to boycott airlines, wokeass hockey leagues, political parties etc. much work to do, yes. More of us than them. Keep your spirits up! Trudeau the tyrant and the cabal puppets will fall. Eventually. I may be dead by then but that doesn’t matter to me. Our task is to do the right things and stand our ground in the face of death. Bonhoeffer inspires us to this day!
My wife told me our female torture masteress will allow us to take off the snot pouches ,for the first time in three years ,if we behave .It was on the tee vee news last night .However it is not time to celebrate .The dictatoress in B.C hinted she may make breathing air taxable .Exhaling will be a separate tax on top ,because of the carbon /dioxide emissions humans carelessly practice in .On top of the two new taxes there will be a fine for doing any of the above .
That government officials would gladly erase human freedom was not surprising. That whole populations would surrender their freedom so enthusiastically was shocking.
The damage to the social development of children born just before and during The Plague Era won't be so easily reversible. If we thought we'd had a few abnormal generations before...
It still amazes me, how many people followed suit. At first, shame on me, I did too, because it was only said to be a few weeks. But then the carnival began, and the jabs were a no no from first, since they contain so many harmful ingredients, and so many unknowns. I told friends and family I wanted to wait until the end of the test fase (end of this year) and since they all took it, they would be protected anyway (and I seldom get sick). So here we are, facts proven, no one apologized, and my 2 closest friends trying to get back to me, will stand there until. The only one I kept in contact with is my hair dresser, since one needs a hair cut, and a friend dog lover, because one needs a reference when the dog gets ill. And she never treated me like the enemy either. The rest of my friends are unjabbed like myself.
Yes, almost all of my friends here in Insane Francisco are unjabbed, and most of them I met during the last 3 years. The normies are creeping back onto my calendar. What should I do with them? Ask them to apologize for harming themselves & demonizing others? Maybe a more gentle approach?
I tried with one, but she is still all into the story. Does not want to know any harm from the jabs, did not read up on anything, woke as can be. Got her old illness back after being fine for over 10 years, but the jabs are not responsible. Gave her a BD present but will distance myself. The other "good friend" did not call for 8 months, then was surprised I still had a phone line.... gave her a present 3 years ago, and never received anything from her. Done.
I’ve got two friends that I would say the pandemic affected our relationships. They may not know it, but it certainly influenced my views of them. I’ve tried not to cut them off or do anything like that, but it now feels like the time to slowly move on has come. One friend spent the first two years endlessly complaining about people who don’t wear their masks correctly or “do the right thing.” She’s absolutely convinced that the reason the pandemic wasn’t over in two weeks was because people just didn’t care about their fellow man enough to stay home forever and wear masks. She also got vaccinated multiple times and for some reason thinks I’m vaccinated too. She’s just never asked and I never get a word in edgewise. I just go with it now. I’ve slowly allowed her to drift out of my life. It’s now been months since we’ve spoken, and I hear from another mutual friend that she is just as crazy and angry as she was.
The second friend was my best friend for many years, despite the fact that we sit on opposite sides of the political spectrum. Over the last few years, she’s become crazier and crazier, buying into every new woke fad. She once invited me to a celebration party with her at a restaurant. At that time, they were requiring vaccine passports. I told her I couldn’t go because I wasn’t vaccinated. She just replied “oh!”, like she was really surprised. She never invited me again and that kind of hurt. I’ve started reaching out less and I feel she has too. The thought that one day she might not be my friend anymore doesn’t really hurt as much as it did. I’ve just lost a lot of trust.
I’ve also come to realize that many people are living on the edge of crazy, and covid pushed them over. My best friend, who was always someone who could tell the funniest stories and jokes, has been exposed to me as just another liar. She was always the type of person who exaggerated stories to get laughs, and I knew that about her and it didn’t bother me. Now she just completely makes up stuff about herself - no basis in fact or truth. I can hardly be around it, it just makes me cringe. My sister left her twenty-year marriage to move in with another woman. She abandoned her children. Another acquaintance hasn’t left the house in years. These people were probably living on the edge before, kept on this side the line by routine and a robust social circle. Covid tore all that up and they fell off quickly. When I think back on it all, it makes me want to cry.
somewhat similar story. So sad. To think we trusted these people, I considered one like the sister I never had. In a way it is good, because now we come to see the truth about them we otherwise never would have known. Somehow truth after being deceived for so long, hurts. xxx strength dear STew
Yes. On the plus side, I think I’m a stronger person than I was. I’m more cautious in relationships, but I’m also much, much more willing to speak the truth and not stay quiet to keep the peace. I’ve also found new friends and our loyalty to each other is so much stronger because we found each other in times of trouble. I feel like I know who the true friends are and that because of that, this next part of life will have some wonderful people in it.
Divide and conquer has worked for the plandemic creators. I have fallen out with friends and family. It is impossible to find common ground. Very close family - we just avoid this topic. Really messed up world now.
A very good question. My first thought (not always the best) is that a friend is both kind and honest. Maybe we’ll say the carrot and the stick. After all, we too have been fools. So, be friendly, try to forgive, tell them about your anger at the loss of freedom. Make them face the facts. Friends help friends...see how stupid they have been. A reminder from your mother: don’t be a boor about. Figure out how to do it creatively. ....some thoughts. May it be that with God’s inspiration they are helpful.
Yep, pretty common lingo among our freedom groups to describe the people who followed the COVID narrative hook, line & sinker, including getting the jabs. There were plenty of non-normies who got the jabs because their employers mandated it, though, & I'm still friends w/a few of them.
Ingrid when I went to the barber for a haircut he was so worried that someone would see me in his shop without a snot pouch .So I decided to cut my hair in the front and my wife cut my hair in the back .Since then I look better than ever .no more need for the barber .From day one I rejected all the tyrants demanded .Previous encounters and experiences with politicians primed me to go right when they demanded I go left or vice versa .That policy served me well .
unfortunately, I got only a dog, she won't be able to do the service LOL. And although my barber is somewhat woke, he never required the face diaper, although he wore one for a short while. How can you wash someone's hair if they wear one?
I have cut my husbands hair for 42 years. He now cuts mine. Best hairstylist I have ever had, and he’s NOT a girlie-man either, and my hair is medium
(I forced him to cut my hair......and he was amazed that he could do it!)
One cutting I did not allow ,was cutting my hair on my chest and eye brows .That cutting is really what my wife desires to do .I have to be extra careful when I'm sleeping .
COVID has made me an objectively worse person: less trusting, less happy, etc. I wonder if the damage can ever be undone, not just for me, but for everyone. I'm afraid I already know the answer.
I’ve been reflecting on this too. I’m not unhappy, but Covid made me an untrusting person and very skeptical. I also went from loving where I lived to always looking at other locations with envy. The ties that would have kept me here are no longer as strong. I’m ready to go whenever the door opens. It’ll be a relief.
Sorry there was so much needless trauma… the communists din’t care at all, the way they go about Using minorities for their political power trips. And money. Let them have it, i say.. they will be their own undoing and God can see to the punishment. Meanwhile, you are a child of God, i know that, and you deserve to be free of the burdens of our limited tome here in terra firma. What matters is, as you know, not this corruptible material existence. Its the experience you gather and the love you radiate, the source of earthly joy.❤️🙏🏽
I am still shocked at how quickly the American public scampered to “shelter in place”, swath themselves in masks and douse themselves with hand sanitizer after a couple of health department demands for compliance.
Even more insane than this was that I live opposite a very large country park, and the local government closed down the vehicle access and the swing park for the kiddies.
What kind of 'park-keeper' mentality was behind that arrant nonsense?
That was insanity. It was either all about control or it was government in panic mode, afraid that if someone caught covid and died after a visit to the swing park, they would be blamed for not doing enough. Never mind the non-existent threat to most people and being outdoors and all that.
First Easter since 2019 with family, and this is interrupting your regularly scheduled programming a little more than I anticipated. Thanks nevertheless for your patience, and I wish all of you a happy Easter.
No easter with family for me because I parted ways with them after they all proved completely worthless and useless when it counted the most. Media zombies the lot, none of them would even reply whenever I started to provoke a discussion or when I told them openly how much the prospect of mandatory vaccination for people aged over 60 troubled me. Im still in disbelief what has become of my siblings and their families, and I have little doubt that they will swallow anything the media will feed them, like self-destruction to "save the climate" or to be nice to everybody including millions of parasitic invaders. They have lost all remnants of survival instinct or survival intellect. They have no future.
Feldheld I'm in a similar situation .No doubt this happens more often than most realize .For many the harm done will last a lifetime . Happy Easter to you all .
Good news finally in BC. After wearing a mask non stop 24 7 . for three years ,my wife told me the news said we are allowed to take it off if we want to . The first thing I will do now is eat a meal ,humans used to eat before the masking .For three years I could not eat ,because I had to wear the mask .Venom injections kept me alive all that time .
Sorry I must take the good news back ,the bad news are still in force .Yesterday me and my wife went to a big store to shop for food . My wife went in and I decided to wait in the car outside ,because it is one of the best places for people watching .To my shock and hopeless feeling about 60%of the shoppers came and went fully masked .Some drivers alone in the car had snot pouches on from ear to ear ,from head to toe .That observation is proof that I must now live out my miserable live on a crazy planet .
Death by faux altruism for those media zombies. Virtue-signal after virtue-signal du jour, the walls close in around them, for the greater good, of course. And they do not see. The recommended procedure at this point is to give up on trying to make them see, and take care of your own house.
The media have become their church, literally. Imagine 75% of humanity joining scientology, only way more nutty, way more self-destructive.
With most of them it's clearly just cowardice.
Fortunately, it's not 75% of humanity, it's 75% of late-stage western civilization. Maybe 15% of the world's population. I have had the good fortune to travel to some non-western countries over the last year and I can tell you, most of the world is still sane.
I sympathize with your situation.
Myself, I added a new middle name: "IDGAS".
All around me are multi-vaxxed, and frown on my non-vax status.
98% of those have had Covid-19, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. (common Flu)
I haven't, as I take care of my immune system, as we all should.
EUA = Zero trust.
Just sayin'
To all a Happy Easter!
You are not alone! Not by a long shot!
Perhaps we should start local social clubs for those of us who have been ostracized from our families due to COVID skepticism. Instead of being isolated we can celebrate holidays and other occasions with a new 'family' of like-minded adults (and any government agents sent to spy on us).
You are not alone my friend! I sadly came to the conclusion long ago, that this long fight ahead of us, is hard enough, so I don't need idiots and cowards on my side in the "trenches". I can't trust them ever again. I didn't directly ditch any of my vaxtard family and friends, but I also didn't hide my opinion about the scam. Now that the shitshow it is seemingly (temporarily) over, their silence is deafening...
I gained new friends and allies from some very unexpected places. I appreciate and care about them a lot.
You are not alone by any means.
They sound just like my family...
Celebrating with family should always be paramount. Societies used to recognize that as essential to the morale of the populace. Populace needs to fight to get that recognition back.
In this day and age, an individual could probably identify as a family.
Yes, 'they' can!
Lucky for me, most of my family gave the big middle finger to the "VIRUS " rules. We had our birthday parties and holidays together, mostly without masks (there were some in the beginning) . I did get thrown out of many stores though!🤣🤣🤣 I justlove being a pain in the ass!
Anyone who got thrown out of s store for not wearing a mask, THANK YOU!!! And Happy Easter, too.
May the risen Christ bless you and your family Eugyppius! Happy Easter, and thanks for all you've done these last few years for cause of human freedom and sanity.
Love and respect from Canada,
Well, good for you and Happy Easter, Eugyppius!
Frohe Ostern.
frohe Ostern, Wolly.
Happy Easter. Also my first with family in 4 years - and, just what I need right now, if I told you what precise, exact, down to the very molecular details, type of pharmaceutical product, for what precise, exact, indication, the sponsor of said product in all seriousness asked me to work the long weekend on their trial of, you would call me a liar. But it's true.
The one reward is it is fascinating peering at the entrails of a clinical trial that looks, well, without giving too much away, exactly like certain others. Truly fascinating.
Happiest Easter to everyone. Let's hope it brings some kind of peace.
Ah, but Jesus Christ told us He did not come to deliver peace, but to divide the sheep from the goats.
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ "
-Matthew 10:34-36
“I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning!"
-Luke 12:49
Happy Easter to you! 🙏
All the best to you and your family.
And thank you for your tireless work.
Happy Easter to you too and to all here.
Happy Easter. Let us pray for the Lord’s deliverance. May we find it in our hearts to fight them, but also to forgive them.
And to you too.
Frohe Ostern, eugyppius!!
Frohe Ostern
I've been saying this for the better part of three years:
"Corona Virus will come and go, but government will NEVER forget how easy it was to take control of everyone's life; to control every sporting event, classroom, restaurant table, church, and even whether and when people are allowed to leave their homes."
Next time will not be nearly as easy for them. We now have an army of people looking for them to do the same awful things. We will have a lot more people calling out killer protocols right from the start because we know that is in their playbook. They torched all of their credibility and goodwill.
Less optimistic than you. Look at Canada - they can’t seem to pass censorship bills fast enough and Dem governors in the US (NY, CA & MI) won reelection so there’s a lot of people who want more of what we had. How about the agreement to give the corrupt WHO more power?
Yes, the WHO agreement! Did we get to vote on that 🤔?
Would it matter if you did?
Exactly I think 80 % of the population feels that what happened in the last three years was a measure to save lives and honestly they don’t even realize how their freedom has been dwindling .
With a little courage Trump could do something about that while he still has an audience.
I think they do. But they perhaps think it's a price worth paying if they are "looked after" like children by their socialist states. Less to stress about, nice comfort zone.
Dems "stole" re-election in every US state where a Dem is now in office. FIFY.
And I have a big beefy health-nut friend, 39, who EVEN NOW won't take his mask off indoors unless he's home alone or for those few minutes he needs to gulp his food down in a restaurant. The only thing that will make him change is if he marries and his wife has a different method. But who will marry a guy like this who isn't herself just as bad.
Several co-workers at my office continue to mask; the irony is none of them wear their masks correctly.
There is no way of wearing them effectively, even if they do manage to wear them correctly.
I agree - but its funny how *obviously* wrong these masks are worn: several have bushy beards their masks go over, and others never cover their nose with their mask.
There's even one who literally just keeps it around his chin - never actually covers his face with it from what I've seen.
It's like they're trying to appease someone, but they don't take it seriously. I think my friend's subconscious wants out, but his conscious mind won't let it happen. He kept saying that sometimes he removes it to take a "gulp" of air. We don't gulp poison. We gulp something we can't get enough of.
Security blanket?
Is he one of those people who doesn't have a chin and the face diaper makes it look like he has one? That would be the only logical explanation.
But they do score massive virtue signalling points. You however want grandma dead.
Please thank them for protecting you.
It's just a fashion accessory at this point! 🤣🤣🤪
Always was. The bell bottoms of the face. The fashion trend for both lasted about the same amount of time - 3 years.
Lol, bells are making a comeback ya know!
Health nut? Any self-respecting health nut such as myself learned a LONG TIME AGO that anything coming from the mainstream is wrong, dead wrong or just plain dangerous.
Eating organic while putting big pharma poisons in ones body are incompatible positions and incomprehensibly stupid.
I meant exercise-nut, but he tries to eat healthily as well. He did not get vaxxed. But his family is very domineering in the Old World kind of way AND he went to MIT, so he thinks he knows how to read data better than anyone AND he still thinks authorities have the answers. It's a complicated picture. I agree with your take-away regarding the mainstream, mostly because the people I know who believe it don't think for themselves and don't look after themselves.
Behaviors like this reflect how deeply people have been terrorized. Did your friend also fall for the shots?
No, although he went back to live with his family for the 3 years and they all took it. The problem was that they scared him regarding his killing the whole family if he left the house. And so he didn't.
I was terrorized by the deep state stuff. But I have now worked through that fear as well. I still need to work through my anger and grief. No matter how much I process, there's more left, so I can only imagine how much the people who bought into all this will need to eventually work through.
I am not optimistic as to that. Because they are not going to start out by doing the same awful things. They are going to dress up power grabs a bit differently, the posters are going to have different slogans on them, and maybe we'll miss the early signs.
I’m not optimistic either. People are stupid.
The latest ‘thing’ that the public-health Karens will exploit is fentanyl. Unlike Covid, it’s exceedingly deadly ... but also unlike Covid, it’s exceedingly easy to avoid.
Dunno who noticed, but ‘the usual’ neocon warmongers are now using fentanyl poisoning as a pretext for US military intervention on Mexican soil. That would be RINO pirate Dan Crenshaw, Lindsey Graham and disturbingly MTG.
Oh you sweet summer child.
Let us hope.
When all of the vestiges of control, the millions, billions of dollars spent on population control infrastructure, the plexiglass barriers, facial recognition, the medical records with unvaxxed red flags, vax passport technology, mask/vax mandates *anywhere*, when the entire system of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, tyranny is pulled out by root and branch from every space of existence that support the outrageous infringements on human rights, liberty and dignity, and tossed on the biggest bonfire in human history, the earth under it salted so nothing can ever grow from that toxic imagining of "good stewardship" governance, when that happens is when the world can return to normalcy. And if and only if that project is done effectively will humanity be able to "build back better."
And how they breathe, what they touch, where they stand and sit, and whether or not they hug family and friends. I often pointed this out to people who said we were not being controlled and not one could see what is evident to everyone here.
Yes! How someone can look at a circle on the floor that says "stop the spread, stand here" and not see they are being controlled is beyond me.
I doubt the gov, despite its incompetence, would test the population now that they are awakening. General strikes, blocking infrastructure, all kinds of ways the gov will fall on Its knees to the God-given will of the people.
Solutions for wrongs the people engage in hurts the people more then the politicians .I don't see how strikes or demonstrations can hurt the evil ones .It may even entertain or amuse them .A march on the street should lead strait to the hiding places of the terrorists and bring them out in the open . However it is well known that the army and police is always the enemy of the people and on the side of politicians and dictators .
Suffering may well be the cost of freedom: how often has that price been paid on our behalf by those of courage who selflessly fought for the freedom of people of the future.
Here in chinada we have a group grown beyond the needed 300k now 2M people, the Canadian Voters Assn. with the means to boycott airlines, wokeass hockey leagues, political parties etc. much work to do, yes. More of us than them. Keep your spirits up! Trudeau the tyrant and the cabal puppets will fall. Eventually. I may be dead by then but that doesn’t matter to me. Our task is to do the right things and stand our ground in the face of death. Bonhoeffer inspires us to this day!
God bless you...and we fight together, in spite of the many braindead, media-trusting, moronic Canadians.
Let’s bring them onside! They will soon hate the suffering their evil masters put them thru. Patience…🇨🇦🙏🏽❤️
My wife told me our female torture masteress will allow us to take off the snot pouches ,for the first time in three years ,if we behave .It was on the tee vee news last night .However it is not time to celebrate .The dictatoress in B.C hinted she may make breathing air taxable .Exhaling will be a separate tax on top ,because of the carbon /dioxide emissions humans carelessly practice in .On top of the two new taxes there will be a fine for doing any of the above .
Hanging everyone who mandated the dangerous and ineffective vaxx is the only possible way that we can ever fully recover our freedom.
Until then, they laugh at us little ants, insects that they can step on at any time.
Not unless we jail those responsible, which I'm not going to hold my breath for.
That government officials would gladly erase human freedom was not surprising. That whole populations would surrender their freedom so enthusiastically was shocking.
The pandemic leveraged healthcare and science, the most highly respected and trusted institutions western society had left.
After the covid debacle, many trust these institutions as much as politicians and media.
Which is “We do not trust them at all!)
The damage to the social development of children born just before and during The Plague Era won't be so easily reversible. If we thought we'd had a few abnormal generations before...
It still amazes me, how many people followed suit. At first, shame on me, I did too, because it was only said to be a few weeks. But then the carnival began, and the jabs were a no no from first, since they contain so many harmful ingredients, and so many unknowns. I told friends and family I wanted to wait until the end of the test fase (end of this year) and since they all took it, they would be protected anyway (and I seldom get sick). So here we are, facts proven, no one apologized, and my 2 closest friends trying to get back to me, will stand there until. The only one I kept in contact with is my hair dresser, since one needs a hair cut, and a friend dog lover, because one needs a reference when the dog gets ill. And she never treated me like the enemy either. The rest of my friends are unjabbed like myself.
Yes, almost all of my friends here in Insane Francisco are unjabbed, and most of them I met during the last 3 years. The normies are creeping back onto my calendar. What should I do with them? Ask them to apologize for harming themselves & demonizing others? Maybe a more gentle approach?
I tried with one, but she is still all into the story. Does not want to know any harm from the jabs, did not read up on anything, woke as can be. Got her old illness back after being fine for over 10 years, but the jabs are not responsible. Gave her a BD present but will distance myself. The other "good friend" did not call for 8 months, then was surprised I still had a phone line.... gave her a present 3 years ago, and never received anything from her. Done.
I’ve got two friends that I would say the pandemic affected our relationships. They may not know it, but it certainly influenced my views of them. I’ve tried not to cut them off or do anything like that, but it now feels like the time to slowly move on has come. One friend spent the first two years endlessly complaining about people who don’t wear their masks correctly or “do the right thing.” She’s absolutely convinced that the reason the pandemic wasn’t over in two weeks was because people just didn’t care about their fellow man enough to stay home forever and wear masks. She also got vaccinated multiple times and for some reason thinks I’m vaccinated too. She’s just never asked and I never get a word in edgewise. I just go with it now. I’ve slowly allowed her to drift out of my life. It’s now been months since we’ve spoken, and I hear from another mutual friend that she is just as crazy and angry as she was.
The second friend was my best friend for many years, despite the fact that we sit on opposite sides of the political spectrum. Over the last few years, she’s become crazier and crazier, buying into every new woke fad. She once invited me to a celebration party with her at a restaurant. At that time, they were requiring vaccine passports. I told her I couldn’t go because I wasn’t vaccinated. She just replied “oh!”, like she was really surprised. She never invited me again and that kind of hurt. I’ve started reaching out less and I feel she has too. The thought that one day she might not be my friend anymore doesn’t really hurt as much as it did. I’ve just lost a lot of trust.
I’ve also come to realize that many people are living on the edge of crazy, and covid pushed them over. My best friend, who was always someone who could tell the funniest stories and jokes, has been exposed to me as just another liar. She was always the type of person who exaggerated stories to get laughs, and I knew that about her and it didn’t bother me. Now she just completely makes up stuff about herself - no basis in fact or truth. I can hardly be around it, it just makes me cringe. My sister left her twenty-year marriage to move in with another woman. She abandoned her children. Another acquaintance hasn’t left the house in years. These people were probably living on the edge before, kept on this side the line by routine and a robust social circle. Covid tore all that up and they fell off quickly. When I think back on it all, it makes me want to cry.
somewhat similar story. So sad. To think we trusted these people, I considered one like the sister I never had. In a way it is good, because now we come to see the truth about them we otherwise never would have known. Somehow truth after being deceived for so long, hurts. xxx strength dear STew
Yes. On the plus side, I think I’m a stronger person than I was. I’m more cautious in relationships, but I’m also much, much more willing to speak the truth and not stay quiet to keep the peace. I’ve also found new friends and our loyalty to each other is so much stronger because we found each other in times of trouble. I feel like I know who the true friends are and that because of that, this next part of life will have some wonderful people in it.
Divide and conquer has worked for the plandemic creators. I have fallen out with friends and family. It is impossible to find common ground. Very close family - we just avoid this topic. Really messed up world now.
A very good question. My first thought (not always the best) is that a friend is both kind and honest. Maybe we’ll say the carrot and the stick. After all, we too have been fools. So, be friendly, try to forgive, tell them about your anger at the loss of freedom. Make them face the facts. Friends help friends...see how stupid they have been. A reminder from your mother: don’t be a boor about. Figure out how to do it creatively. ....some thoughts. May it be that with God’s inspiration they are helpful.
You call those that got the jab ‘normies’????
Yep, pretty common lingo among our freedom groups to describe the people who followed the COVID narrative hook, line & sinker, including getting the jabs. There were plenty of non-normies who got the jabs because their employers mandated it, though, & I'm still friends w/a few of them.
Ingrid when I went to the barber for a haircut he was so worried that someone would see me in his shop without a snot pouch .So I decided to cut my hair in the front and my wife cut my hair in the back .Since then I look better than ever .no more need for the barber .From day one I rejected all the tyrants demanded .Previous encounters and experiences with politicians primed me to go right when they demanded I go left or vice versa .That policy served me well .
unfortunately, I got only a dog, she won't be able to do the service LOL. And although my barber is somewhat woke, he never required the face diaper, although he wore one for a short while. How can you wash someone's hair if they wear one?
What I did only works for men .Ladies have more civilized habits .
I have cut my husbands hair for 42 years. He now cuts mine. Best hairstylist I have ever had, and he’s NOT a girlie-man either, and my hair is medium
(I forced him to cut my hair......and he was amazed that he could do it!)
One cutting I did not allow ,was cutting my hair on my chest and eye brows .That cutting is really what my wife desires to do .I have to be extra careful when I'm sleeping .
COVID has made me an objectively worse person: less trusting, less happy, etc. I wonder if the damage can ever be undone, not just for me, but for everyone. I'm afraid I already know the answer.
I’ve been reflecting on this too. I’m not unhappy, but Covid made me an untrusting person and very skeptical. I also went from loving where I lived to always looking at other locations with envy. The ties that would have kept me here are no longer as strong. I’m ready to go whenever the door opens. It’ll be a relief.
I'm suffering from PTSD and I wonder if I ever return to my pre-pandemic self. Which at the end maybe also not a bad state.
Sorry there was so much needless trauma… the communists din’t care at all, the way they go about Using minorities for their political power trips. And money. Let them have it, i say.. they will be their own undoing and God can see to the punishment. Meanwhile, you are a child of God, i know that, and you deserve to be free of the burdens of our limited tome here in terra firma. What matters is, as you know, not this corruptible material existence. Its the experience you gather and the love you radiate, the source of earthly joy.❤️🙏🏽
I am still shocked at how quickly the American public scampered to “shelter in place”, swath themselves in masks and douse themselves with hand sanitizer after a couple of health department demands for compliance.
Home of the brave. Lol.
and those people who even sanitised their home deliveries and groceries ... it was a true zombie apocalypse.
I know someone who wouldn’t bring packages in the house for several days after delivery or purchase because COVID. This went on for at least a year.
If you think that wiping down a porous cardboard box with a Clorox wipe will rid it of cooties, I’ve got a nice box of paper masks for you.
Even more insane than this was that I live opposite a very large country park, and the local government closed down the vehicle access and the swing park for the kiddies.
What kind of 'park-keeper' mentality was behind that arrant nonsense?
That was insanity. It was either all about control or it was government in panic mode, afraid that if someone caught covid and died after a visit to the swing park, they would be blamed for not doing enough. Never mind the non-existent threat to most people and being outdoors and all that.
I think it was a combo of both control or fear.
And the mail - pick it up with gloves, then let it sit a day before opening it because it might have been contaminated in transit.
And many switched from drinking beer ,to drinking Lysol .