Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"Lockdowns weren’t a one-off; the vaccinators don’t just vaccinate. The enemies who have oppressed us these past two years are appendages of a much broader system. Climatism, anti-racism, transgender lunacy, Corona, and now the Ukraine: They are all of them expressions of the same malign force; they are all of them the same thing."

Very well said.

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Like watching Zelensky's face go from comfortable, smug little puppet to WTF over the last couple of weeks. Guess he misunderstood the puppet part until now.

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Can't wait until Trudeau realizes the same.

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Don't hold your breath, though. He's not the quickest.

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That will be delicious.

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Trudeau is just doing what his father would have wanted.

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From WEF to WTF 😬

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No shit. “Hey - guys? Where’s the help you promised in those backroom meetings? You remember, the verbal promises in low, whispered tones? I could use them now. Guys? Guys?”

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Who knows what that hand up his rear end is doing, but it can't be comfortable.

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deletedMar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Oh yeah, by now it has occurred to him that sacrificing him at any certain key juncture could win them some considerable brownie points.

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Especially when it becomes obvious he's about to be captured and put in a Russian prison for the rest of his life.

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yes .. although they have manipulated so many good people .. there are good ideals at the heart of caring for the planet, acknowledging the harm of institutionalized racism, and respecting all identities (although I'm horrified at encouraging children to think of biological-sex-changing-medical-procedures as simple & benign). Even sacrificing to protect each other and those who believe in that are not bad things.

The tragedy is when the manipulators use those threads of compassion to gaslight and make people think that something not at all protective is, and that there's only one way to think of diversity, and that gender (software) being fluid means there is no such thing as biological sex (hardware), nor is that the most important thing in the universe.

Interesting connections between the same people pushing transsexual-get-used-to-changing-biological-sex-like-its-changing-clothes, and the people pushing transhumanism, and also these injections.


Much respect for your wisdom and work ...

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‘ The tragedy is when the manipulators use those threads…’

The tragedy is inventing these ‘threads’ where they do not exist and gullible people are sucked in. The inventors deal in abstracts not specifics.

Manipulation only works where crass ignorance and naiivity abounds… alas no shortage of those.

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> The tragedy is when the manipulators use those threads of compassion to gaslight and make people think that something not at all protective is

We're seeing mass variation of Münchhausen syndrome by proxy.

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'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.' There's a reason this homily has stood the test of time.

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Good ideals only remain good when they’re *consensual* and implemented *voluntarily*.

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There's no maligned force other than human frailty giving way to collective hysteria, the same thing responsible for all historical catastrophic madness, although Satanic influence cannot be ruled out. As boring as this may be, the derangement is ideological, a common thread linking all of humanity, particularly the billion or so collectivist elites scattered across the world. Collectivist ideology is responsible for human society. It's the spirit of community, cohesiveness and cooperation. Of course there's a dark side, which is born out of anxiety, desperation and blindness, which is what we're witnessing on a massive scale. When the madness reaches a certain point, I suspect the objective is no longer collectivism, but destruction, which might result in genuine collectivism arising from the rubble. I strongly believe the culprit is widespread addiction to personal electronic devices, resulting in social isolation and a breakdown of societal cohesion, which collectivists need for psychological stability. Thus, digitally induced hyper-individualism has created an ideological vacuum desperate to be filled with some form of collectivism. The desperation has reach a point of madness where the subconscious takes over, leading the conscious mind into a state of selective delirium, willing to detach from reality where ideology is involved. The point is, the ideological vacuum still exists. It doesn't rest. It's method of disruption is anxiety, advancing through ever desperate and more dangerous phases. Covid hysteria was a product of the vacuum, also climate change. What could be next?

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"What could be next?"

I fear the answer is written not only in the history books, but in the heart and guts of every human being who hasn't already fallen under the spell.

What's next is pogroms, mechanistoc oppression, genocides and civil wars, of the most nihilistic character ever conceived.

But what's also next is a great spiritual awakening, and a rebirth of sanity and virtue. That tends to come hand-in-hand with calamity.

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Maybe we (humankind) would be better off, if they just ripped the Band-aid off for us and pushed the nuke buttons. It would be a lot less painful, and those who survived could be reborn much sooner.

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I keep praying for that asteroid. Apparently God still has hope for mankind, unlike the dinosaurs.

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I’m hanging out for a coronal mass ejection.

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This cheerful song may appeal to you!


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Spiritual warfare has led to the religion of Me-Too Freakoutism. The economies are next. The destruction of the world will happen through a global economy meltdown. This war, covid freakout, etc. is just a precursor to what is going to happen economically. The dark side just could not implement the social credit system fast enough and now they will lose. God wins in the end. Always.

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I avoid equating ‘collectivist ideology’ with ‘spirit of community’. The first is a toxic belief system which destroys individual thought, freedom and morality, and thereby founds totalitarian societies. The second is akin to an instinct or natural morality for the common human good which is hijacked and exploited by the first.

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They are yin and yang-- parts of the same whole

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One is imposed top-down; the other is built from the ground up.

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Add to that malign program : open borders, price controls, kangaroo courts, AI-assisted mass surveillance, protection rackets in the form of "social credit scores", Ponzi scheme monetary policies, debt slavery and - of course - plenty of bread and circuses to distract us from all the epic ruin.

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Don’t forget the great replacement, which may in fact clash with a more recent globalist project, the great reset. Those naughty immigrant communities, refusing the jabs...

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What’s the goal of this evil system?

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Totalitarian plutocracy. It's the same destination as Marxism and other species of communism even tho the path taken is very different, as are the appearances.

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Great question. Feudalism to serve their every whim?

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Consolidation of control to the fewest people.

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No goal. Just chaos. Evil is chaos.

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Evil is total control, which is the opposite of freedom.

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And of chaos.

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Same as ever: total power and control.

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Same as ever: total power. The modern variant is the Great Reset: depopulation, destroyed economy and digital slavery.

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Neo-aristocracy. The world’s aristocrats have chafed under individual liberty for a thousand years, they’re about to finally get rid of it, along with a great percentage of the world’s population.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

A perfect summation of the situation. The forces that are trying to whip up instinctively patriotic people into a frenzy are the same ones that have been stomping on your head for the last 2 years (or most of your life really). Step away from the emotional manipulation and look out for your own home & hearth instead of their deranged global-liberal interests.

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Enlightenment is personal. Small villages used to get by on their own. Very little wealth indeed, but no poverty. Globalism enriches the rich and starves the poor. These rich people think the poor can just be omitted. They will be very surprised to find, that it is the poor who are working the fields and harvesting the crops. Can you see the likes of Gates harvest beans that are still wet with the poison that has been sprayed on them?

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Recall Bloomberg, who certainly is not Gates, while campaigning speaking about farming. Anyone can throw a seed on the ground. Michelle Obama had brief stint like that as First Lady, gardening at the White House, just throwing seeds on the ground. Anyway, they know damn well who harvests crops, illegal immigrants and GPS guided combines. It's the middle class they are after, not the poor. Medicine, transportation, communications, all very simple too. They won't find out for another thirty years when Gen-X is gone or done contributing that innovation and creation does not occur in a totalitarian environment. It's easy to make people not think, as they have been doing. But you can't really make them think, especially out loud. Agriculture and these and many other complex fields are worked by the laborers and robots, but it's those of us with decades of experience that keep them productive in an unpredictable world.

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The scene at the end of "Don't Look Up" nailed it perfectly.

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Ironically, in real life, most if not all around that table are atheists who support the left's work to destroy faith.

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The globalists dream of fields tended only by machines.

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Define globalism.

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I'd like to see that.

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I have to keep reminding otherwise rational friends and acquaintances that the outrage they’re expressing over this situation is being stoked by the same people who brought them every lie they’ve heard for the past two decades. Why are these people choosing to suddenly believe these professional liars *now*?

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It’s not just the patriotic who get whipped up into a frenzy. Think of all those leftists who hate racism getting used by BLM or Anti-fa Marxists to destroy cities and pull down monuments. Or all those who love nature getting recruited by radical green groups, or the countless millions who fear sickness manipulated into ‘needing’ useless lockdowns, masks and dangerous jabs. Basically, our feelings are fuel for tyrants and elite groups who know exactly how to stimulate them by using the mass media and popular culture, so capturing our hearts and overriding the critical minds that keep us free of their control.

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We used to call it Fascism, but now it’s called Liberal Democracy… but then ‘liberal’ isn’t what it used to be.

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And neither is "democracy".

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It hasn’t been democracy since the word was first used.

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The same people flying to fight in the Ukraine are the same people who got triple jabbed.

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Because they are for freedom - in the Ukraine but not at home.

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they probably think the jabs will protect them from being killed

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You are dead on. Humanity has outgrown the quaint notion that we need protection rackets to protect us from the sociopaths. Invariably, the sociopaths are the ones who end up running things. In the USA, the framers of our founding documents intuitively understood this. The wealth & largesse that sprang forth from people being free to pursue whatever they wished to do (as well as to suffer for their failure to do the right thing) created wealth beyond anyone's dreams. Over the past 150 years, an endless parade of sociopaths has infested one government after another, with each succeeding wave of criminals believing it was their turn to tell everyone else what to do. In reality, wrapping theft & murder in a pleasant wrapper doesn't make it anything less than what it is. The sociopath class has overstayed their welcome and we are either going to form a new age of decentralized freedom or most of us are going to end up dying from war, disease, starvation or a combination of all three. It's time to see things for what they really are.

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Agreed. I find it odd that they are actively out to destroy the very civilizations and economic system that has made them wealthier than the pharaohs. They must have immeasurable faith in the technologies of control (for us) and immortality (for them). They certainly have the same obsession with immortality the pharaohs did. But somehow I think a digital aether is a lot less durable than a pyramid

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The mindless pursuit of treasure is a sickness, especially among those who steal it, vs earning it with honest effort. These people are anti-life and only know how to destroy things. We’ve allowed our nations to be captured by these demons and only we can reset the board.

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Those who mindlessly pursue treasure make excellent tools for those who mindfully pursue power and control. Hitler, Stalin, Mao et al didn’t seek treasure. Nor do Gates, Schwab et al.

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Agree with you, well said!

Rhetorical questions:

What if said sociopaths were colluding, enabling the ascension of other sociopaths at the expense of the more meritorious? Wouldn’t that be indistinguishable from current reality?

What if “sociopath” actually meant “infected with evil”? Indistinguishable once again, no?

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I think what you observe is their ultimate undoing.

“ Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

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Wow! Good description of the current administration.

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Arendt could have added ‘lack of empathy and morality’.

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Bingo. We have reached interesting times.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Notwithstanding promises to the contrary, the US expanded Nato up to the Russian border, sponsored a coup by supporting unalloyed Nazis who have waged a war against a civilian population since the coup was completed. Said Nazis have since been integrated into Ukrainian military. US has apparently developed Bio-Weapons inside Ukraine. (No surprise there though. If it works don't fix it.)

Right sector Nazi's are now portrayed in western press and woke circles as damsels in distress. Meanwhile US invades and destroys countries on a whim, (shall we list them?) and kleptocrats in both Ukraine and DC keep up the looting.

I could puke.

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Just wait for the Ukraine bio weapon/gas attack that is going to happen any day now and is going to be blamed on Russia/Putin. Another 'false flag' event to draw the US into WW III.

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I'll bet you a dollar of near-useless fiat currency it's the cyberpandemic comes first, gets blamed on Russia/Putin. Looking at Mar 19 or 20, myself--TPTB love to initiate attacks when the Sun moves into Aries--ruled by Mars, God of War.


Mar 19 2003--Us initiates war on Iraq.

Mar 19 2011--"114 Tomahawk missiles launched by US and UK warships destroyed shoreline air defenses of the Gaddafi regime" (Wikipedia quote)

Mar 19 2020--Newsom orders his subjects to "stay at home"

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Since the stabbing of Julius Caesar on March 15, beware the Ides of March…

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Beware of Purim (Lots), too. This year's celebration of bloodthirsty Semitism occurs this very week. The Feast of Esther and Purim eve. is on Wed, the 16th.

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hope that you are wrong, but fear that you are right.

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USA as usual. Supporting the bad side, putting a puppet in place of the legal ruler, and then having to defend the puppet. Because, of course, puppets don't fight.

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I read a great article on skwealthacademy about the looting. Very insightful, I think he's new to substack.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Great stuff as always Eugy

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thanks bro

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Just imagine what our reaction would have been to media blasting tragedies of the Iraq war over the airwaves............

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I have wondered this. I have also wondered how our population would feel about suggestions they should be exiled from the currency system and made into international pariahs. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think the best thing that could happen would be that Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Starbucks leave the US like they did Russa, but Google and ApplePay shutting down in Russia so people can't even get home from work, that should be a big flashing red warning here.

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And drives Putin into the arms of China

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Putin is a war criminal---but US president G. W. Bush killed over 620,000 Iraqi civilians and nothing is said. Could it be the Bush crime family are on team Globalism?

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Uh, yeah, this is widely known. GHWB openly discussed the New World Order like it was a good thing. W carried on his work with the Patriot Act, codifying the abuses we've become so familiar with.

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And given all that we've seen in the last 2 years, does anyone now doubt that 9/11 was a Globalist/CIA project?

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Brilliant insight. Some observers seem to think there's an evil mastermind coordinating everything, silly schwab often mentioned. But it's impossible to coordinate grand plans successfully even on local scales, much less globally. This is just a confluence of opportunists trying to take advantage of turmoil elsewhere to support their own objectives locally. Corruption is contagious.

As the great Ernest P. Worrell taught us, "Is that a rabbit?" In the US, old Joe definitely needed distractions from his serial failures. Got it. I suppose Germans need scapegoats to account for the impending doom of their energy deficit, caused by internal fetish but exacerbated by the Russia feud. Got it. China needs a distraction for their declining customer base for cheap trinkets. Got it. Vlad's playing the world. Dangerous game, but it might work. He'll probably outlast old Joe.

The Ukes thought the world would want to come to their aid, thereby preserving their kleptocracy. They don't deserve to succeed. Maybe the good outcome from the recent disasters will be the growing realization that no government can be trusted. People everywhere tend to be complacent. They're learning that complacency kills.

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Boy is that ever the truth. Especially the trust part. These last two years have certainly demonstrated how governments, media, institutions, doctors/scientists/medicine in general....not one of them deserves instant trust. My motto is to always verify before trusting.

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Eugy speaks of a ‘malign force’. That wouldn’t exactly coordinate everything, but surely it might fuel and drive the various elements of a collective seeking totalitarian control on the basis of its shared globalist ideology. I find it impossible to deny the existence of this ideology, or of the WEF and its puppet leaders, all loyally pursuing build back better and the great reset. Nor can we ignore the decades of planning and elite networking needed to implement the plandemic, digital identity and currency, etc etc. No, this is about much more than a ‘confluence of opportunists’. It’s a deep and long-term conspiracy against humanity and freedom.

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Sounds supernatural.

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Don't you suppose there a handful or more of Mastermind wannabes trying to control everything. We, the little people, tend to bundle them all together in to the WEF or something like that. But they are not who they are, because they are not competitive. I'm sure that many of the undercurrents of global events are attempts by uber elites to gain the upper hand on their peers. We're pawns in their wars against each other. Someone told Putin he could conquer Ukraine in three days. Someone told Zelensky NATO had his back. Maybe the same entity. They're pawns, too. Maybe Putin was not a pawn at one time, but now he just looks like he's being played.

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It is probably both--lots of nefarious stuff is organized in Ukraine-- human trafficking , drugs, gangs, lots of money laundering-- where does the millions that countries give to Ukraine-now and before the war- go? Why is it such a poor country 🤔

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Correct. Did you see Romney's reaction to Tulsi Gabbard's comments about the US backed bio labs in the Ukraine? Scum like him and Biden are neck deep in Ukie corruption.

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There are always a few who think they can pull it off. Small scale thieves, up to national coups. They usually get caught and punished. Society is usually smarter than individual psychos. Sometimes they get away with it for a while, never for long. Don't forget zelensky was a career comedian. Might have started it as a prank. Clearly didn't think it through.

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This brings to mind Trudeau & his little gf Freeland with the bank account freezing thing. Clearly out over their skis, until somebody quickly told them to scoop up their marbles and head home with tails tucked. "Oh, and we'll gin up a war real quick, so everybody forgets what idiots you two are..."

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A prank-- are you serious? How about just protecting his billion or the money laundering/drug centres --ie Cuba for the Americans in the 50s. Also he needs to make sure the info about Romney, Pelosi, Biden etc. kids sucking Ukraine dry gets protected.

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Pranks are never serious until somebody gets hurt. He could have protected his billions by simply assuring vlad he's not interested in nato, and stopping bombing donbas. He got arrogant.

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Um, some coordination is possible.

Before dementia sets in, at least.


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Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This war started a long time ago (in earnest in 2014). Where were Western governments and various warriors (mostly keyboard) when Donbass was

relentlessly shelled for 8 years. Gut wrenching documentary made in 2016:


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yes, exactly Ivan.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

A nice piece of soviet-style propaganda you have here Ivan. I don't think it did even cost very much. Serious journalists have long since demonstrated that it is bogus. But there will always be people to believe it: because they see pictures and hear unverifiable testimonies, it must be true. Stalin would be proud.

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Like all propaganda there are elements of truth, some half-truths and a narrative.

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Yes, saw it earlier today. Sad.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I can't help but agree with you. I give an example of something from Auckland, New Zealand. A local cook book business has organised a bake store using local chefs and bakers to donate food. All funds to go to "cook for Ukraine". I know the owner and she is a good person. I do not doubt her heart is in the right place https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018832939/bake-sale-to-raise-funds-for-ukraine-cookforukraine

However, we are in a pseudo lockdown in Auckland. Our brainless and dictatorial prime minister insists anyone who catches Omicron must isolate for 7 days and unless you are a "privileged business" (like a cafe but also a supermarket) all of your close contacts must also isolate. My son has just got covid so in theory I must stay at home until he has a clear test in 7 days, so must his brother. They have already missed over a year of school in the last two years. Both have been forced to vaccinate to go to the movies with friends or play football for their clubs. My wife owns a bakery so she can keep working until she tests positive.

Yet there is very, very little sympathy of the unvaccinated in this country, and any criticism of masking or lockdowns is met by "conspiracy theorist"

As you can imagine these isolation rules have resulted in a lockdown by stealth. Our government gets to keep it's promise of "no more lockdowns" while at the same time the streets are dead, schools are closed or children are not going everyday and business is dying. My wife's business is somewhere around 60% down and is slowly going bankrupt. This is repeated for all food businesses in Auckland. Yet now those same people are meant to step up and raise money for a war in a far away land, that few of us have any connection with? They already have little left in reserve but the pressure to....virtue signal I guess, remains high.

When the US left Afghanistan in an absolute shambles recently no one batted an eye in this country. There were no cakestores.

Currently there is a war in Ethiopia involving an ethnic group called the Tigrays. It started in 2020 with somewhere between 20k-100k casualties in 2020, between 8k-20k last year and around 500 this year. There are various reports of massacres and atrocities.

I had no idea this was happening until I was digging into this awful paper http://www.thelancet-press.com/embargo/COVIDexcessmortality.pdf that used modelling to say that there have been 200k excess deaths in Ethiopia mostly due to covid apparently (they apportion nearly 2 million extra deaths to Sub Saharan Africa a "significant" number of which caused by covid). Thanks once again Nature.

In any case there are no cakestalls here for the Tigrayans.

Perhaps it is the nuclear confrontation that makes this more salient. Perhaps the David vs Goliath story is an easy sell. Perhaps Putin is a convenient punch bag that everyone is already familiar with (I have no love for Putin). Perhaps this is a convenient pivot away from the covid clusterfuck. Perhaps it is none of these things. But the response is bizarre to me, far eclipsing other events.

I have lost faith in governments, the west, experts, and the media in the last two years of covid insanity. I've read enough about covid, done enough research, have enough background to know that we have been lied to repeatedly.

I have not dug into the Ukraine situation with any depth, but it feels the same as the covid hysteria. It feels the same. Whatever that means!

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Greetings from Wellington, Tim! It feels the same because it is the same BS applied to a different situation. By the way, bureaucrats down here don't care about businesses or people, they just demand that you follow their nonsensical 'system'. Husband and I are in covid jail right now. I'n unvaxxed, he's vaxxed.

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Hi Carol Ann. Yeah I'm unvaxed as well, but it really worries me that my wife and kids were forced into it never mind my friends and family.

The more time passes the worse the vaccine looks. Who would have thought that you can't predict long term effects until you have had some long term.

We can expect nothing from our Dear Leader, she is arrogant and a but unhinged I feel her refusal to talk to the protestors was disgraceful.

The problem is the opposition aren't any better right? Who would you vote for now, I thought Act, but old Seymour, supposedly a libertarian said that everyone should be forced to download the tracer app because covid represents an "existential threat".

Not a peep on lockdowns. Or mandates. Some libertarian.

Hard not to feel like we are completely screwed in our quant little hugs fascist backwater........

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My husband was angry with me for not getting it and I did wonder if I was being foolish but now I'm relieved. Gradually, he's come around and ended up coming to a march and visited Freedom Village with me. It was amazing to see the range of people there, working and playing together. The last two years has caused so much distress and fragmentation and it was time for something like this. We are at retirement age and plan to get debt free and buy a caravan. So, living as freely and as joyfully as you can may be the best escape for now.

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What a great story. Relieving to hear that people do come around. Good luck with the caravan hunt!

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I don't know how things work in New Zealand, but I found my life becomes much easier if I refuse to be tested and I refuse to communicate with any government official.

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Yeah I have never scanned in anywhere, never had the "tracer app" on my phone, and I'm not vaccinated.

Which means I can't go to the pub or the movies, can't go into my own cafe, can't even go and camp in a national park!!

But I am lucky I'm employed by a company overseas and my boss couldn't care less what our Prime Ministers rules are. My wife could not go to work in our bakery cafe if she did not get vaccinated. My son would not be able to play football this season and already missed a trip at the end of last year with his football team to a local theme park. He was 13, healthy and did not need nor want a vaccine.

Many, many New Zealanders shared the same fate. And our Prime Minister was almost gleeful. She was also in the WEF young leaders program.

Covid has turned people crazy.

It has certainly illustrated the thin veneer between supposedly intelligent modern people and the snarling crazed animal lurking underneath.

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Im about to lose my job so great to hear you're not. Like you we can't go anywhere but we go to the beach and other lovely places and cook our own meals etc. We've saved quite a bit of money. Are you able to watch you're boy play?

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I'm genuinely sorry thar you are about to lose your job. Let's hope the facade has crumbled before that happens....in theory you have to be vaccinated to attend games as a parent......well see if they enforce it or not. I've coached teams for the club and I often run sidelines for the ref.....pretty dangerous to have an unvaxed person, for a boadly harmless respiratory disease running up and down a sideline, outdoors.......

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Our glorious leader is making an announcement on Monday. Hopefully the issue about school children, sport and parents will be addressed. Im fighting being sacked as best I can.

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Yes, I agree but covid has allowed government to intrude more and more into your life. It's getting difficult to ignore them.

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I always knew there were lies on all fronts, but I have been gobsmacked at the extent of it. What blind fools we've all been, apparently. But no more!

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

As a veteran, I would strongly suggest that anyone thinking to get involved in this as a foreigner very carefully read and think about Convention III of the Geneva Conventions, Article 4, Section 2.

Specifically, you must meet the following four conditions to qualify for POW treatment:

a) that of being commanded by a person responsible for his


b) that of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a


c) that of carrying arms openly;

d) that of conducting their operations in accordance with the

laws and customs of war.

Failure to meet those conditions may allow the Russians to consider you a spy / saboteur and therefore subject to summary execution instead of internment. In short, if the Ukrainians do not provide uniforms and officers, you are in grave jeopardy of not qualifying as a lawful combatant. A foreigner bearing a weapon (or hiding one), without a uniform, lacking a lawful chain of command, or caught violating other parts of the convention is in extreme danger.

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I don't think many countries are still following the Geneva conventions.

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Indeed. Those illegal US invasions of Libya, Syria and Iraq. All those DoD biolabs set up around Russian borders...

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Couldn’t agree more with you Eugy. Anyone who is mad at you for “not supporting Ukraine” needs to have their head examined. Lunacy is a good word for it. Lots of ultra right wingers/actual Nazis and a helluva lot of wokesters, want to go fight in this war, from all over the world or lend support to the fighters. Stupid is, as stupid does. Hunker down, people- it’s gonna be a rough next few years if they don’t Armageddon the planet and its precious peoples and animals, flora and fauna. Keep a cool head, stock up on non-perishables, and if you are a praying person or a meditator, then meditate and pray that sanity will ultimately win the day.

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They want to fight by sending others' sons and daughters to die. Hell no.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Excellent insight. A refreshing reprieve from the constant cheerleading from the msm. The media has omitted important aspects of the war. Propaganda by omission. We are being deceived again. Here is a description of some of that deception:


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Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thank you Eugyppius for the truth. You were the first one I found on Substack, and I am so grateful for all your coolheadedness throughout this ordeal. Don't stop writing please.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by eugyppius

It boggles the mind that someone would be so stupid as to actually enlist and travel to fight for some corrupt government on the other side of the world. I thought people were naive for following health advice from Big Tech and Big Pharma and accept being used as guinea pigs.

Turns out that people are even dumber and will cheer high prices, the destruction of world economy and even accept a world war, in the name of "the Ukraine".

I think there is a general malaise going on, and it goes even deeper than just globalism. We are witnessing, in the modern West, what Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben recently described: "a world that has embraced a more or less conscious self-destruction".

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Which is called socialism. Socialism is the practical outcome of nihilism, and its underlying goal is death.

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Assume the globalists ultimate goal is to destroy our society to 'rebuild' it - with them in control - of course. We have thousands of examples, through thousands of years of history to tell us that won't work. At least not for long. So all of the effort, all of the suffering of millions of people are so a select few can exert absolute power for a few brief years. (months?)

I simply can not fathom how the people who have created this insanity think they are somehow exempt from the consequences. Totalitarian governments are always destroyed from within. They eat themselves. Always!

Perhaps we need to coin a word to adequately describe this new [?] form of mental illness that appears to totally eliminate the ability to think rationally.

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There is a word to describe it: socialism. It is a spiritual sickness of willing death that springs from nihilism.


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You sure startled me with that "Enoch Powell" tweet. But anyway: wars have always been at least partially a handy way of culling the purposeless excess population. Professional mercenaries really enjoy finding any sort of legal permission to use their particular skillset, but far too many people without any meaningful job just like play-acting until they get too close to the real thing.

I'll confess with shame that years ago I thought "globalist" was a more evolved way of seeing the world. Smack me back to my place. Or to say another way: experience sure trumps naivete.

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The Enoch Powell thread on Twitter is worth being read in its all entirety. I could give a hint that it does not support Eugyppius narrative, at least not on the part of Ukraine's Foreign Legion. https://twitter.com/MogTheUrbanite/status/1503207784334204928

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Not an American Proxy War at all....the US and Western Europe were the previous battlegrounds laid to waste and Human carnage. As the data builds and the Pizer Docs get released the enemy has moved on to carnage in Ukraine to distract us from the massive profits at the expense of people's health and lives as a result of COVID policies...

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Putin picked his timing perfectly, indeed.

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