Eugyppius, Thank you for an excellent researched and detailed analysis of the likely evolutionary pressures leading to the escape of the 'India', or Delta, variant. I personally had traveled through SE Asia and Shanghai from mid-November till early December. Immediately on returning home I spiked a 103.5 fever and had bouts of vomiting and myalgia. It wasn't till almost a year later that it occurred to me to check antibodies, which came back with very high titers indicating exposure with no intervening illness.
I say this because I tend to believe that the CCP likely, either intentionally or subsequently, utilized SARS CoV-2 as a 'Bioweapon'. And seized on an enhanced disinformation campaign to throw the Western World into mass panic and confused response. Perhaps a coordinated response with the likes of Daszak & Lord Fauci.
Yet, I have often felt that the CCP had another version of Pre-Evolved and Mutated Virus, call it SARS CoV-2/ 2.0, waiting in the wings to cripple and psychologically devastate the populations of the Western Democracies. A variant that was already 75% evolved to escape spike antibody inoculation.
We exist in a vacuum of truth from all authoritative sources, likely intentional. This leaves us prone to wild conjecture. Yet, my distrust of the 'Motives' of both the Leadership Class & their panoply of Sycophantic Experts has reached a point where my innate caution against speculative overreaction has evaporated.
Your thorough analysis is most welcome and I do not dispute your assertions, but at this juncture, there exists a strong compulsion within me to distrust nicely wrapped packages, replete with ribbons and bows... Though conspiratorial hypotheses such as these arrive without much if any supporting facts, still expecting the worst of the CCP and their Globalist Useful Idiots has become a default mindset. --Ed
As I'm reading the above excellent analysis I keep think back to a movie I saw almost 25 years ago, 12 monkeys with Bruce Willis. If you haven't seen it, the premise is someone has developed a contagion and flown to many locations around the globe where outbreaks occur almost spontaneously. It starts out slow, but is quite riveting towards the end. I've thought about how all of these variants are "exploding" in different locations and we already know that Daszak was involved with gof in or around 2018 and boriquagato on substack has a great set of evidence that he presents. Since I'm already out on a limb on this one, I get a bad feelling that if 'they" did create more than one version (variant), how many more are in their bag of tricks? Maybe it's just the vax pressure? Hope I'm wrong. /tinfoil = off
Watched it and it finished at midnight. Walked to the car totally freaked out.
The antagonist was asked to open his (empty) jars at a very busy airport and he did so, releasing the viruses contained within, which obviously infected all around him who then flew to their destinations, carrying their infections with them.
Ugh, I'll never understand, when we have such an abundance of evidence that our own rulers are complete psychopaths, and in contrast to how US 'diplomacy' only ever involves threats, coercion, and bribery, versus the Chinese model of cooperation and mutual benefit, why people come to the conclusion that the Chinese Commies are to blame for the evils of the world. The vast majority of Westerners have absolutely no understanding of Chinese culture or psychology, yet they feel eminently qualified to pass judgement on them, while simultaneously overlooking our own ruling class.
Are you suggesting western leaders are psychopaths and chinese leaders are not?
The "Chinese model of cooperation and mutual benefit" is called communism, not sure why you avoided using its name.
Chinese culture includes the concept of "face" and not losing it - something Fauci et al have strived to save as they unleash this GoF virus onto the world. A virus developed in a lab in "cooperation and mutual benefit" china that you appear enamoured of. Very cooperative, and, looking at the world's economies, significantly of benefit to the powers that be on both sides. That you would applaud this is... psychopathic.
Ok, this comment doesn't really merit a response, but I'll do it anyway. The DIFFERENCE is that the government of China has done everything in their power to foster economic growth among the PEOPLE, and has achieved some of the highest rates of home ownership, small business ownership, literacy rates, and economic growth in the world, in one generation. FOR THE PEOPLE. Conversely, in the West, the government collaborates with big finance and big business to EXCLUDE the public from these things. If you'd read my link, you'd know the difference. The "CCP", or Zhōngguó gòngchǎndǎng, doenn't even translate to "The Communist Party", theta's something the West has inferred on it. And even if it did, who gives a fuck? Believe me, I have no special love for the Chinese, but the brainwashing people are readily accepting into their minds WRT China is designed to lead, and will lead, to an annihilation we will not survive. How they govern is their own business, and by all accounts, the vast majority of Chinese citizens are satisfied with and support their government.
And your comment is a perfect illustration of my original comment about people not having the foggiest idea about the definition of Communism or where it originates from.
And you're confusing criminal conspiracy with Communism.
And you're confusing Chinese people with Japanese people...
Gwailou gigolo joe you are talking to complete strangers and ascribing attributes to them that you cannot possibly know.
I will not further engage your fantasy regarding communism, China, its governance or its citizens' alleged satisfaction.
Looking at polls in Australia, the vast majority of the people in Victoria are satisfied with their government locking them down, mandating their freedoms away, forcing them to be vaccinated or lose their jobs and using police brutality to enforce making (the basic democratic right of) protesting illegal.
This is a very interesting study done by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse. 580,000 Medicare Charts of fully Vaxx'd patients were reviewed. They compared 30,000 patients with "Substance Use Disorders". The 'Users' had a 7.3% breakthrough percentage from 1/21 thru 8/21, while the non-abusers had a 3.6% breakthrough rate.
What's of significant (incidental) interest is the two graph demonstrating that the breakthrough rate from July to August increased 5-fold and from March to August increased 20-fold.
One factor to consider is a variable related to immunity, rather disrupted immunity, upon which this infective agent is expressed. That variable is systemic, population-wide, chronic vitamin D deficiency. The immune system “runs” on vitD. Presenting a relatively inert infective agent to a healthy immune system is a non-event. Presenting that same agent to a disrupted, dysfunctional immune system caused by vitD deficiency is quite another.
That is an intriguing hypothesis. One of my Australian subscribers, Wendy Corfield, prepared an exhaustive document on the health risks associated with lockdowns (as well a second report on masks and a third on the inefficacy of PCR tests) to accompany petitions she and her partner submitted to the Queensland Government. She was previously principal research officer at Queensland Health, among other impressive credentials. I highly recommend downloading all three reports, which I’ve included in the Down Under Edition of my Recommendations Roundup (
So far, thankfully! As much as anyone is okay in Australia, that is ;-) She initially tried to keep a low profile, partly because of her past association with the recipient of the petitions, the chief health officer (hence Alan putting his name on the petitions, even though Wendy wrote them), but the worse things got, the less she felt it mattered, and thus she gave me carte blanche to share her research wherever possible so there would be a chance their good work could ultimately help others in their battles against tyranny as well.
Lockdowns contribute. I’m interested to see new studies on the fate of injected spike proteins. Do they remain localized as advertised, or spread as suspected? There is data showing they spread and accumulate in brain, testes and ovaries among other locations. I’m trying to reject the notion that the injected spike proteins are a poison, not an immune adjuvant as intended, and can’t seem to shake that suspicion.
It takes ever-increasing gobs of blind faith in BigPharma/Big Brother/BigMedia/Big Tech to believe all of this is well-intentioned in the face of astronomically snowballing levels of evidence to the contrary.
I am still having a hard time seeing a conspiracy, when self-serving orgs, at least in the west, are doing what they had already concluded, pre-ro, is 'best.' I've been stuck on the trap of the sunk costs fallacy. For example, "GOFR is good for humanity, so we can experiment and build defenses." Anyone challenging that is threatening my or my orgs work, and needs to be blunted. There will not be an introspective 'huh, maybe doing this was a bad idea, as we under-estimated the effects of a leak.'
Does it add up to being effectively malicious? Absolutely. But why would any coordinated effort of the 1% be as ham handed as they've been if they wanted to pull one over on the 99%?
Just because they’re embarrassingly incompetent doesn’t mean they’re not also abominably evil ;-) Fortunately for them, most of the public is too scientifically illiterate, irrational, gullible, ignorant, and obedient to notice the glaring inconsistencies in their constantly fluctuating narrative.
'tis truly terrifying to see how deeply 'the populace' has bitten the bait. My own mother trusts the Queensland mass media enough to shut me out because I say things that they don't.
I've read that the vax mfrs knew of the risk of the vax getting into the vascular system. And put into the vax some safeguards in case the vax escaped into the vascular system.
Knowing that the mfrs were aware of this issue, and attempted to mitigate, and considering the 100's of M of jabs, I'm having a hard time processing how a lot of jabbers and jabbees would result in the vax ending up where it was 'supposed to' based solely upon how deep and where the needle went. There's zero chance there's data on this. Even if we tried to capture the location, shot depth and musculature of the jabee
"I've read that the vax mfrs knew of the risk of the vax getting into the vascular system. And put into the vax some safeguards in case the vax escaped into the vascular system."
That would be the stabilizers, which ostensibly lock the protein in capped formation. What's interesting about the decision to use stabilizer-ed spike is that it wasn't automatic. Pfizer (really BioNTech) had three other candidates in the pre-trials that were just the naked RBD. Astrazeneca didn't use stabilizers, but Janssen did.
As no actual testing was apparently done to see if the stabilizers even lock the protein, the whole thing seems like a preemptive decision to provide fodder for "fact checkers." It doesn't seem to make any difference in the real life safety of the script-generated proteins.
I can't put my finger on something to cite yet, but I remember reading that aspiration to ensure you didn't not hit a blood vessel was discouraged. Might explain how these "vaccines" get around when they are supposed to be in just one location.
Pre ro, my Dr tested my vitD levels as part of a regular yearly wellness checkup blood panel, found them wanting, and prescribed an initial large dose regimen, followed by a regular OTC dose.
1. I'm curious if this is the norm - the test and the response. I see zero corp media talk about vitD checking
2. I've similarly not seen a longitudinal study of ro infected admissions and the patients vitD level. Curious if I've missed this, and , if not, back to my Dr testing mine as a wellness check, why not at hospital admissions. I do realize it's too late at the point of admission, but if you're taking blood ...
VitD is all about prevention. Really, the most motivated party regarding prevention is the patient, therefore, the need to understand optimizing vitD status. Anyone else...not so much. In other words, don't expect corporate media aka Big Pharma to help out on vitD's bad for their business.
Thank you for this fascinating presentation of a mystery I was previously unaware of. I was already attuned to the (brazenly ignored) warnings from scientists about the selective pressure the vaccines would put on the virus to mutate into potentially more dangerous variations (a few pertinent citations below) but had not encountered the data you presented here.
“Mass vaccination campaigns will, for the first time, put enormous pressure on SARS-CoV-2 to adapt, and will select for any strain of the virus that might be able to escape immune defences. ‘We’ve never seen a virus like this under selective pressure,’ says Griffin. ‘So we don’t know how it’s going to respond.’”
That same month, an article in Medical Hypotheses suggested evidence was emerging that natural immunity had already been achieved and the asymptomatic version of the virus was winning domination, which basically would’ve meant the end of the (manufactured) crisis if policymakers had simply let nature take its course and not introduced mass experimental injections:
“The COVID-19 positive cases are increasing at an alarming rate across the world. On the contrary, the morbidity and mortality are showing decreasing trend as time progresses. The most intriguing part is the rise in asymptomatic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) positive cases in the population, which made us speculate some kind of gradual development of immunity in the population.… Thus, we hypothesized the existence of SAMPPs mediated the development of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection, which has caused an increase in the incidence rate of asymptomatic cases and a decrease in mortality rate.”
On August 16, 2021, Vaccine published an article titled, “Playing Vaccine Roulette: Why the Current Strategy of Staking Everything on Covid-19 Vaccines Is a High-Stakes Wager” ( that elucidates many of the concerns associated with the criminally reckless (to put it kindly) policy of mass vaccinations.
There is no degree of incompetence that accounts for the level of lunacy/psychopathy associated with this policy—either based on known and anticipated factors prior to its rollout or on the exponentially mushrooming evidence of the massive damage that has resulted from these global crimes against humanity.
I forgot to include the Medical Hypotheses article link for those who would like to delve further: “Is a COVID-19 Vaccine Developed by Nature Already at Work?” (
I had no idea most of these variants had occurred pre vaccine in a relatively short time frame. It's a very interesting mystery. As is the apparent non factor of covid in China. But I recall when these variants were first getting mentioned that they were identified with geographical regions - UK, South Africa, Brazil, India are the four ones that spring to mind. I think they are now referred to as Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta respectively. Is it a relevant question to ask what was going on in those places that might have driven variation?
Back to the vaccines. There are the four ones we are familiar with here in the west: AZ, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J. But Russia, China and India all created products too that have widespread use, and they all had trials. I have no idea of where the trials were held, or the size of said trials. The VoCs aren't linked geographically to Russia or China, though Delta apparently arose in India.
Do all of these vaccines use the same technology? Seems that I read that there's one in India based on a more traditional method of using the attenuated virus?
And now we don't seem to hear much about new variants of concern. Has it stopped mutating? Or per one of your recent articles is it poised to mutate to escape the vaccines.
The most prominently trialed / distributed platform in India seems to be astrazeneca (covishield, locally). If the theory that trials drove variants is correct, that would be the most plausible factor in delta. Covaxin, the “inactivated” whole virus vaccine, was a smaller trial and a distant second in distribution. Wikipedia provides a better view than anywhere else on what various countries were doing when - - Vaccination was more aggressive than it seemed during the spring, raising questions about the wave of cases and the actual impact of the ivermectin push. At best the vaccine are a confounding factor that make certain conclusions about anything everywhere quite difficult.
In the rank ordering of likelihood of "conspiracy"-esque alternatives, I think we can rule a few out.
For this phenomenon to occur naturally, it would need to be something that involves a large susceptible population, because otherwise the variants would not be able to evolve this capability - you need a form of serial passage with enough hosts who can harbor the pathogen to develop specific resistance against these S1 focused antibodies. To target the vaccine immunity so specifically you would therefore need a large inoculated population. But no such population existed. There was a population of convalescents, but the evidence seems to suggest that they do not get reinfected at a high enough rate to allow this kind of resistance to develop. It's also not clear to me that convalescents have the relevant specific antibodies for S1, this should be something that is known at this point which I will try to investigate. That alone could certainly sink the convalescent population hypothesis.
If it required a population of inoculated people, then it seems to me that either a secret inoculation program was put into place, or that the phenomenon was not naturally occurring, and later seeded to make it plausibly appear natural.
I tend to reject the idea that there was a secret program of this sort. It would be very difficult to keep secret and we already know that the known methods of inoculation are themselves dangerous, causing many very noticeable side effects. I reject the aerosolized inoculation approach because it is too difficult to control dosage. I reject the idea of a viral inoculation (spread a different virus that spreads virally and confers immunity), because it would tend to spread to the whole population. All of these would induce a side effect profile that has been hard to ignore, and was clearly not present until the public rollout.
It seems much more plausible that someone took one or more of the vaccine candidates early in the process, and ran serial passage using small doses to evolve immunity, and then seeded human populations with various of the interim stages to make it look natural. Would someone doing this shy away from using human subjects? I don’t think China has problems with that approach, using some certain subsets of their population.
Another possible clue is whether the vaccine resistance so far effects all vaccines equally? Most of the research on antibodies I have seen seems to focus on Pfizer. I seem to recall some evidence that Moderna was more resistant to Delta and less so to Beta? If the resistance is not only focused on S1 but also even more specific to one or another vaccine, to me that is even more suspicious.
In this light, what should we make of the more recent evolution of Delta to possibly continue the escape process? Given that we *now* have a huge population of inoculated but still susceptible people, at this point nature will take its course, and it’s probably beyond anyone’s control.
"That alone could certainly sink the convalescent population hypothesis."
Add to it, anyway, the fact that Alpha's emergence in the UK didn't occur until autumn and nothing emerged from the northeastern US or Italy - all of these places would have hit the virus with Bedford's ridiculous host immunity pressure in the *summer of 2020* if his theory were valid, so he is out on quite a limb.
Pfizer-generated antibodies were found to be weaker against Beta than Delta in the Planas, D. et al. neutralization simulation. That might be what you are thinking about. Another argument against vaccine-induced escape pressure.
Intentional seeding, if true, implies a certain serial-killer like narcissism, in that the variants were all "signed" with the same obvious motifs.
I don't find it that naturally compelling. I think most of the overt, obvious "signatures" of intentionality (Event 201, the Milken summit, now the variants) are the product of indifference. The hypothetical actors orchestrating the hypothetical conspiracy don't care what we think about them, we are just genetic noise being silenced.
But, sorting out what is really true here would require a lot more work.
It seems that contrary to what one would expect in a sane world, vaccine failure only increases the market for .. more vaccines. So all of the manufacturers probably benefit from extending the crisis.
The idea that people involved with such a project are narcissists and/or serial killers would be expected I suppose (they are already mass-murderers in service of their particular niche interests). I think it is difficult for a normal human to empathize with these "people" and their indifference to suffering.
When you say they were "signed" with similar motifs, what are you referring to?
Identical simultaneous changes to S1 arrived in geographically isolated variants. I don't have a good centralized link bookmarked that charts them out, I need to look for one.
Ah, thank you.. that would seem to make this theory less credible, unless it's part of making it look natural. That's not hard to accomplish of course.
And it still leaves us with no good explanation of how this happened.
If the mutations produce a natural advantage, it wouldn't be surprising for them to arise naturally in independent situations, and if they don't produce a notable reduction in binding it can be things like optimizing replication latency, but it doesn't explain why it happened so quickly at a particular time - why not before? For it to be natural there still seems to need to be a change to the landscape.
Something like masks encouraging it to transmit through aerosol? Or greater robustness to UV in the summertime?
I would agree with your more $ to Big Pharma, but 2 things give me pause. Why are they so insistent to denounce/discredit natural immunity and forcing those of us with antibodies to get vaxed anyway? Secondly, why are we seeing evidence of "altered" immunity post vax for vax naive and sero-converted? Do they want this nightmare to continue ad infinitum for some reason other than just money? It doesn't add up in a sane world which is not the one we are living anymore.
I agree with you there doesn't seem to be an adequate explanation for any of it. I was assuming the push to vax those who recovered was initially based on some kind of hubris that it would be more robust than convalescent immunity (this is what my pediatrician claims!) and originally there was a lot of hemming and hawing about "we don't know how long CI lasts". This was no doubt complicated by the shoddy and inaccurate testing generating false positives, which translate into alleged re-infections.
Now we know CI is better in just about every way. Of course the fact that SARS-1 convalescents were immune to SARS-2 17 years later should have been a clue. And now there's increasing evidence that the vax makes things worse (suppression of immune response, TLR suppression, overall worthlessness of VI in general, and waning, not to mention side effects).
So, at first maybe it was team vaccine's wishful thinking with no real pushback from actual science.
Fast forward to now, I'm assuming a lot of people now know they were wrong and it's CYA to eliminate the control group, plus make a lot of money to boot. It's weakness writ large - don't look at it too hard and plow forward, go with the crowd, modern medicine will fix it.
Or, there is something even more disturbing afoot. At this point, profit is probably the least distressing explanation.
I looked at the paper, which figure are you referring to? I didn't find an L6.
Sorry, I meant S7 around line 727. Note the decay of S vs. Nucleocapsid T-cells in at least 6 of the subjects who were already sero-converted and then vaxed. It would've been great if we could have another post vax sample, but whatever. Given that the virus naive are showing no B-cell recall after ~ 6 months, what's going on with these folks who are showing decay of their Nucleocapsid T-cell immunity? No one is looking at this.
R9 is the only one that is post 2nd jab and then again post 2nd jab. Note: No T-cell Non-spike after 2nd test. Anomaly???
Eugyppius, you are a light in the darkness. Question: You assume the reason for vaccine failure is Delta variant escape. Is this settled? Alternative theory that I've seen is that the effectiveness (antibodies?) just wears off after 10 weeks or so. Would seem to matter for booster strategy (which is madness either way, but what kind of madness, exactly?).
Both are true. The vaxx fade over time of course, but they are also in general less effective now, because they have also selected for escape strains. This seems to have happened fairly early. The Delta variants in England were imported to Iceland by tourists, where they caused nearly equal rates of infection in vaccinated and unvaccinated even while the vaccines were quite young in Iceland.
So if both are the case, then what do you think will be the effect of the new round of boosters with the same formula as first round? Is there a variant in the wings pushing against Delta? Or do you expect Delta to remain stable until they reformulate vax against Delta?
I second your intuition. “Breakthrough” infections have nothing to do with spike escape. They are a reflection of the incompetent, blood / humoral -focused immune response induced by the vaccines. Mucosal IgA antibodies fade after ~4 months so that “sterilizing” immunity evaporated (meanwhile they seem to linger enough to blunt innate immunity, as vanden Bossche warned). You could knock the +4-month Covid-vaccinated over with the feather of the same spike they were immunized against.
Maybe, SARS-2 was designed to mutate rapidly. DNA/RNA is nothing more than coded information. Could it be that geneticists has discovered that DNA/RNA can have time based triggers that make it look like evolution is happening, when it was designed to evolve all along?
After a day of thinking about it, this is a brilliant intuition. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 manifested multiple homologous innovations at once because, self-aware of its own excessive stability in disparate geographical domains, it grew restless and anxious - leading to "preemptive" changes in strategy.
My understanding of the Delta variant, formerly known as the Indian variant, was that it arose in, well, India, at a point where the country was not undergoing mass vaccination- to my knowledge, vaccination is still hugely inconsistent there.
While everything you say makes sense, how could the vaccines have exerted selective pressure on a strain that was largely not challenged by them?
Yes, Delta emerged before October 2020, so before mass vaccination. So Delta was one of many lineages, and (in my conception) the vaccines hurt the other lineages, but Delta not as much, so Delta came to dominate.
Here I'm asking about the earlier emergence of Delta and the other escape strains, before the vaccines were deployed.
It would seem our world contains far more immunosuppressed individuals than at first glance. Whether due to low vitamin D, exposure to chemo/polypharmacy, or copious comorbities many individuals may respond with subpar innate and humoral immunity. One could imagine representatives of this demographic being found in nursing homes. If SARS-Cov2 has a history of being enriched what more ideal place for further serial passage than within the body of an individual incapable of preventing leakage from primary organ attack. In this way you literally have numerous cell lines each allowing for serial passage and then recombination events. Multiple that by fifty residents in addition to staff who likely aren’t specimens of health. Now you have, a recombination factory, or as another author put it a “swarm of mutants.”
May I add these 2 screenshots of the timecourse of the virums in Viet Nam? I find it instructive but not terribly illuminating about the mechanism. How did they go from being an island model of literally zero illness in the middle of a global pandemic to many deaths basically overnight on the heels of accepting global monies to embrace the jab?
Did their society open back up? If social activity dramatically increased in recent months, the potential for infection would increase, leading to many more cases and deaths compared to earlier.
Viet Nam Rona peaked the week of September 06 and has been declining, but experienced an average CFR of 2.44% since vaxx was introduced. They announced re-opening in the last 24 hours.
I think Geert Vandenbossche mentioned something along the lines of a "worry window" for the previously infected whereby they become reinfected before they have mounted a robust immune response to the first infection. I think we would have seen this prior to the vax campaign, too, but maybe with the vax we have millions more people having a "suboptimal immune response" (as he calls it) at the same time?
This paper compares convalescent abs and vaccinee abs, although it's unclear to me so far whether the two sets are disjoint at all. It's clear they produce radically different responses though. From the discussion: "Indeed, SARS-CoV-2 infection results in a very heterogeneous antibody response to the spike protein in terms of antibody quantity. In contrast, mRNA vaccination appears to induce a high antibody response of relatively homogenous titers. However, we also found that vaccinees generate more non-neutralizing antibodies than COVID-19 survivors resulting in a lower ratio of neutralizing to binding antibodies." It seems like that would mean that developing such a specific response is a lot less likely to happen in convalescents. But in the paper they don't show the incidence of specific abs in convalescents, only in vaccinees.
However.. one thing that stood out to me in the data: In figure 2(F) it shows the profile of vaccine induced neutralizing antibodies. If I am reading correctly, This shows *5* abs targeting NTD and 2 targeting RBD. Given that we now know that Delta evades NTD abs, does this suggest that Delta did all the "heavy lifting" already by mutating to avoid all 5 neutralizing NTD abs?? Numerically this seems like the more challenging part, but then it could also have to do with the relative levels of conservation of RBD vs NTD.
"a high antibody response of relatively homogenous titers."
Another blog pointed out that convalescents titers are significantly lower and decay much slower than these synthetic antibodies which decay around ~40%month. Had they dosed to start out at a similar level to convalescents, would the "vaccines" even worked in the few months they were trialed? Was it just a way to get around the possibility that B-cell training was not occurring. Was this intentional on the part of Big Pharma? We may never know.
"When the trials were being done last fall I found it utterly astonishing that both Moderna and Pfizer had set their dosing to produce extremely high antibody titers -- 10x, 100x or more than produced by natural infection. That looked at the time to have been a truncated series of dose:response trials undertaken in the interest of Warp Speed; that is, "be fast rather than accurate." Obviously you do not want to err on the low side (you get no protection) so if you're going to screw it up the direction to do so is on the high side, assuming toxicity at that level is reasonable It turns out the decision wasn't reasonable, however, because doing that wildly increased the risk of the above reactions, since to produce that sort of high antibody titer you needed to put more spike into the body and we now know the spike, standing alone, is dangerous."
Yes, I saw that too :) The ticker is a great source of data, if somewhat angry.
I agree with Karl that the high dosage was no accident, they must have realized it was necessary to even get partway through a 6 month trial. These trials were thoroughly gamed.
Interesting piece. Haven't read the manuscript, but June-October 2020 is winter in the southern hemisphere. Could it be something that was happening down under (e.g., Chile) and then spread, making the vaccines obsolete even before their worldwide massive roll-out?
"Conspiracy theories" being hatched elsewhere are connecting dots suggesting that Moderna had the coding for the spike protein before SARS--2 was "discovered" officially. Idea being that spike protein was the target of Wuhan Institute of Virology research, they knew virus had escaped, probably in Fall 2019, personal connections between WIV and Moderna transmitted spike protein info. Possibly had already been researching vaccines. Recall, only a couple of days passed between "we've sequenced the virus" and "we have a vaccine!" Somebody else on this list probably has better version.
yes, I think this is regarded as fact now, as there are Patent documents. Dr David Martin is the guy going after the patent crumb trail. The patents date back to 2012. See especially his appearance on the Corona Investigative Committee. Here is a page with all that collected together Just found via search, not vouching for that page.
Going a step further, this also could explain why Delta appears to impact Pfizer more than Moderna - although I don't know how good the data is on that. Perhaps Moderna and China also collaborated on the Delta variant.
I thought the vaccines target the S2 protein. I could swear I read a paper that said targeting the S1 doesn’t work or had bad adverse events like ADE or something. Sorry if I’m wrong, I’ve read so much stuff I can’t keep it straight anymore.
The coronavirus vaccine ADE meme regards the distinction between S protein and N protein. The meme was based on a misunderstanding by some "fact checkers" that only N protein-focused coronavirus vaccines led to ADE in the last two decades of failed research. Therefor, the meme went, the Covid vaccine designers "chose" the S protein because it is so much better. But earlier S protein trials resulted in ADE too.
As far as I can tell only Moderna and BioNTech, maybe only Moderna, actually "chose" spike and everyone else copied them out of FOMO. And the reason for the choice was either arbitrary (it was too early for any real-life research into immune response to inform the decision) or nefarious (they know the spike protein is both toxic and a jackpot of autoimmune epitopes).
Eugyppius, Thank you for an excellent researched and detailed analysis of the likely evolutionary pressures leading to the escape of the 'India', or Delta, variant. I personally had traveled through SE Asia and Shanghai from mid-November till early December. Immediately on returning home I spiked a 103.5 fever and had bouts of vomiting and myalgia. It wasn't till almost a year later that it occurred to me to check antibodies, which came back with very high titers indicating exposure with no intervening illness.
I say this because I tend to believe that the CCP likely, either intentionally or subsequently, utilized SARS CoV-2 as a 'Bioweapon'. And seized on an enhanced disinformation campaign to throw the Western World into mass panic and confused response. Perhaps a coordinated response with the likes of Daszak & Lord Fauci.
Yet, I have often felt that the CCP had another version of Pre-Evolved and Mutated Virus, call it SARS CoV-2/ 2.0, waiting in the wings to cripple and psychologically devastate the populations of the Western Democracies. A variant that was already 75% evolved to escape spike antibody inoculation.
We exist in a vacuum of truth from all authoritative sources, likely intentional. This leaves us prone to wild conjecture. Yet, my distrust of the 'Motives' of both the Leadership Class & their panoply of Sycophantic Experts has reached a point where my innate caution against speculative overreaction has evaporated.
Your thorough analysis is most welcome and I do not dispute your assertions, but at this juncture, there exists a strong compulsion within me to distrust nicely wrapped packages, replete with ribbons and bows... Though conspiratorial hypotheses such as these arrive without much if any supporting facts, still expecting the worst of the CCP and their Globalist Useful Idiots has become a default mindset. --Ed
As I'm reading the above excellent analysis I keep think back to a movie I saw almost 25 years ago, 12 monkeys with Bruce Willis. If you haven't seen it, the premise is someone has developed a contagion and flown to many locations around the globe where outbreaks occur almost spontaneously. It starts out slow, but is quite riveting towards the end. I've thought about how all of these variants are "exploding" in different locations and we already know that Daszak was involved with gof in or around 2018 and boriquagato on substack has a great set of evidence that he presents. Since I'm already out on a limb on this one, I get a bad feelling that if 'they" did create more than one version (variant), how many more are in their bag of tricks? Maybe it's just the vax pressure? Hope I'm wrong. /tinfoil = off
Watched it and it finished at midnight. Walked to the car totally freaked out.
The antagonist was asked to open his (empty) jars at a very busy airport and he did so, releasing the viruses contained within, which obviously infected all around him who then flew to their destinations, carrying their infections with them.
Best final line of a movie: “ I am in Insurance“.
Ugh, I'll never understand, when we have such an abundance of evidence that our own rulers are complete psychopaths, and in contrast to how US 'diplomacy' only ever involves threats, coercion, and bribery, versus the Chinese model of cooperation and mutual benefit, why people come to the conclusion that the Chinese Commies are to blame for the evils of the world. The vast majority of Westerners have absolutely no understanding of Chinese culture or psychology, yet they feel eminently qualified to pass judgement on them, while simultaneously overlooking our own ruling class.
Here, if you can stomach the satire-
Are you suggesting western leaders are psychopaths and chinese leaders are not?
The "Chinese model of cooperation and mutual benefit" is called communism, not sure why you avoided using its name.
Chinese culture includes the concept of "face" and not losing it - something Fauci et al have strived to save as they unleash this GoF virus onto the world. A virus developed in a lab in "cooperation and mutual benefit" china that you appear enamoured of. Very cooperative, and, looking at the world's economies, significantly of benefit to the powers that be on both sides. That you would applaud this is... psychopathic.
Ok, this comment doesn't really merit a response, but I'll do it anyway. The DIFFERENCE is that the government of China has done everything in their power to foster economic growth among the PEOPLE, and has achieved some of the highest rates of home ownership, small business ownership, literacy rates, and economic growth in the world, in one generation. FOR THE PEOPLE. Conversely, in the West, the government collaborates with big finance and big business to EXCLUDE the public from these things. If you'd read my link, you'd know the difference. The "CCP", or Zhōngguó gòngchǎndǎng, doenn't even translate to "The Communist Party", theta's something the West has inferred on it. And even if it did, who gives a fuck? Believe me, I have no special love for the Chinese, but the brainwashing people are readily accepting into their minds WRT China is designed to lead, and will lead, to an annihilation we will not survive. How they govern is their own business, and by all accounts, the vast majority of Chinese citizens are satisfied with and support their government.
And your comment is a perfect illustration of my original comment about people not having the foggiest idea about the definition of Communism or where it originates from.
And you're confusing criminal conspiracy with Communism.
And you're confusing Chinese people with Japanese people...
Gwailou gigolo joe you are talking to complete strangers and ascribing attributes to them that you cannot possibly know.
I will not further engage your fantasy regarding communism, China, its governance or its citizens' alleged satisfaction.
Looking at polls in Australia, the vast majority of the people in Victoria are satisfied with their government locking them down, mandating their freedoms away, forcing them to be vaccinated or lose their jobs and using police brutality to enforce making (the basic democratic right of) protesting illegal.
Mass psychosis is a thing.
So is projection, and you are sadly oblivious to the irony of your comments.
I think it's hilarious that you think "face" is an exclusively Japanese cultural affectation.
The Vaxx is state-sponsored religion.
This is a very interesting study done by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse. 580,000 Medicare Charts of fully Vaxx'd patients were reviewed. They compared 30,000 patients with "Substance Use Disorders". The 'Users' had a 7.3% breakthrough percentage from 1/21 thru 8/21, while the non-abusers had a 3.6% breakthrough rate.
What's of significant (incidental) interest is the two graph demonstrating that the breakthrough rate from July to August increased 5-fold and from March to August increased 20-fold.
One factor to consider is a variable related to immunity, rather disrupted immunity, upon which this infective agent is expressed. That variable is systemic, population-wide, chronic vitamin D deficiency. The immune system “runs” on vitD. Presenting a relatively inert infective agent to a healthy immune system is a non-event. Presenting that same agent to a disrupted, dysfunctional immune system caused by vitD deficiency is quite another.
interesting. so, an effect ultimately of lockdowns?
That is an intriguing hypothesis. One of my Australian subscribers, Wendy Corfield, prepared an exhaustive document on the health risks associated with lockdowns (as well a second report on masks and a third on the inefficacy of PCR tests) to accompany petitions she and her partner submitted to the Queensland Government. She was previously principal research officer at Queensland Health, among other impressive credentials. I highly recommend downloading all three reports, which I’ve included in the Down Under Edition of my Recommendations Roundup (
A research officer in Australia publishing against lockdowns, masks, and PCR? I hope she's okay.
So far, thankfully! As much as anyone is okay in Australia, that is ;-) She initially tried to keep a low profile, partly because of her past association with the recipient of the petitions, the chief health officer (hence Alan putting his name on the petitions, even though Wendy wrote them), but the worse things got, the less she felt it mattered, and thus she gave me carte blanche to share her research wherever possible so there would be a chance their good work could ultimately help others in their battles against tyranny as well.
Lockdowns contribute. I’m interested to see new studies on the fate of injected spike proteins. Do they remain localized as advertised, or spread as suspected? There is data showing they spread and accumulate in brain, testes and ovaries among other locations. I’m trying to reject the notion that the injected spike proteins are a poison, not an immune adjuvant as intended, and can’t seem to shake that suspicion.
It takes ever-increasing gobs of blind faith in BigPharma/Big Brother/BigMedia/Big Tech to believe all of this is well-intentioned in the face of astronomically snowballing levels of evidence to the contrary.
I am still having a hard time seeing a conspiracy, when self-serving orgs, at least in the west, are doing what they had already concluded, pre-ro, is 'best.' I've been stuck on the trap of the sunk costs fallacy. For example, "GOFR is good for humanity, so we can experiment and build defenses." Anyone challenging that is threatening my or my orgs work, and needs to be blunted. There will not be an introspective 'huh, maybe doing this was a bad idea, as we under-estimated the effects of a leak.'
Does it add up to being effectively malicious? Absolutely. But why would any coordinated effort of the 1% be as ham handed as they've been if they wanted to pull one over on the 99%?
Just because they’re embarrassingly incompetent doesn’t mean they’re not also abominably evil ;-) Fortunately for them, most of the public is too scientifically illiterate, irrational, gullible, ignorant, and obedient to notice the glaring inconsistencies in their constantly fluctuating narrative.
'tis truly terrifying to see how deeply 'the populace' has bitten the bait. My own mother trusts the Queensland mass media enough to shut me out because I say things that they don't.
because they are not as smart as they think they are.
Off topic from the article:
I've read that the vax mfrs knew of the risk of the vax getting into the vascular system. And put into the vax some safeguards in case the vax escaped into the vascular system.
Knowing that the mfrs were aware of this issue, and attempted to mitigate, and considering the 100's of M of jabs, I'm having a hard time processing how a lot of jabbers and jabbees would result in the vax ending up where it was 'supposed to' based solely upon how deep and where the needle went. There's zero chance there's data on this. Even if we tried to capture the location, shot depth and musculature of the jabee
"I've read that the vax mfrs knew of the risk of the vax getting into the vascular system. And put into the vax some safeguards in case the vax escaped into the vascular system."
That would be the stabilizers, which ostensibly lock the protein in capped formation. What's interesting about the decision to use stabilizer-ed spike is that it wasn't automatic. Pfizer (really BioNTech) had three other candidates in the pre-trials that were just the naked RBD. Astrazeneca didn't use stabilizers, but Janssen did.
As no actual testing was apparently done to see if the stabilizers even lock the protein, the whole thing seems like a preemptive decision to provide fodder for "fact checkers." It doesn't seem to make any difference in the real life safety of the script-generated proteins.
Yeah, this vaccination effort is one big clusterF!
I can't put my finger on something to cite yet, but I remember reading that aspiration to ensure you didn't not hit a blood vessel was discouraged. Might explain how these "vaccines" get around when they are supposed to be in just one location.
A recent Vitamin D metascience review:
Pre ro, my Dr tested my vitD levels as part of a regular yearly wellness checkup blood panel, found them wanting, and prescribed an initial large dose regimen, followed by a regular OTC dose.
1. I'm curious if this is the norm - the test and the response. I see zero corp media talk about vitD checking
2. I've similarly not seen a longitudinal study of ro infected admissions and the patients vitD level. Curious if I've missed this, and , if not, back to my Dr testing mine as a wellness check, why not at hospital admissions. I do realize it's too late at the point of admission, but if you're taking blood ...
VitD is all about prevention. Really, the most motivated party regarding prevention is the patient, therefore, the need to understand optimizing vitD status. Anyone else...not so much. In other words, don't expect corporate media aka Big Pharma to help out on vitD's bad for their business.
Thank you for this fascinating presentation of a mystery I was previously unaware of. I was already attuned to the (brazenly ignored) warnings from scientists about the selective pressure the vaccines would put on the virus to mutate into potentially more dangerous variations (a few pertinent citations below) but had not encountered the data you presented here.
In December 2020, Nature published an article ( expressing the following concerns:
“Mass vaccination campaigns will, for the first time, put enormous pressure on SARS-CoV-2 to adapt, and will select for any strain of the virus that might be able to escape immune defences. ‘We’ve never seen a virus like this under selective pressure,’ says Griffin. ‘So we don’t know how it’s going to respond.’”
That same month, an article in Medical Hypotheses suggested evidence was emerging that natural immunity had already been achieved and the asymptomatic version of the virus was winning domination, which basically would’ve meant the end of the (manufactured) crisis if policymakers had simply let nature take its course and not introduced mass experimental injections:
“The COVID-19 positive cases are increasing at an alarming rate across the world. On the contrary, the morbidity and mortality are showing decreasing trend as time progresses. The most intriguing part is the rise in asymptomatic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) positive cases in the population, which made us speculate some kind of gradual development of immunity in the population.… Thus, we hypothesized the existence of SAMPPs mediated the development of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection, which has caused an increase in the incidence rate of asymptomatic cases and a decrease in mortality rate.”
On August 16, 2021, Vaccine published an article titled, “Playing Vaccine Roulette: Why the Current Strategy of Staking Everything on Covid-19 Vaccines Is a High-Stakes Wager” ( that elucidates many of the concerns associated with the criminally reckless (to put it kindly) policy of mass vaccinations.
There is no degree of incompetence that accounts for the level of lunacy/psychopathy associated with this policy—either based on known and anticipated factors prior to its rollout or on the exponentially mushrooming evidence of the massive damage that has resulted from these global crimes against humanity.
I forgot to include the Medical Hypotheses article link for those who would like to delve further: “Is a COVID-19 Vaccine Developed by Nature Already at Work?” (
yes, it's definitely crime. No mistakes being made here, just reckless criminal action. In their own heads I am sure it is called something else.
I had no idea most of these variants had occurred pre vaccine in a relatively short time frame. It's a very interesting mystery. As is the apparent non factor of covid in China. But I recall when these variants were first getting mentioned that they were identified with geographical regions - UK, South Africa, Brazil, India are the four ones that spring to mind. I think they are now referred to as Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta respectively. Is it a relevant question to ask what was going on in those places that might have driven variation?
Back to the vaccines. There are the four ones we are familiar with here in the west: AZ, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J. But Russia, China and India all created products too that have widespread use, and they all had trials. I have no idea of where the trials were held, or the size of said trials. The VoCs aren't linked geographically to Russia or China, though Delta apparently arose in India.
Do all of these vaccines use the same technology? Seems that I read that there's one in India based on a more traditional method of using the attenuated virus?
And now we don't seem to hear much about new variants of concern. Has it stopped mutating? Or per one of your recent articles is it poised to mutate to escape the vaccines.
Mysteries to solve.
really excellent considerations all.
The most prominently trialed / distributed platform in India seems to be astrazeneca (covishield, locally). If the theory that trials drove variants is correct, that would be the most plausible factor in delta. Covaxin, the “inactivated” whole virus vaccine, was a smaller trial and a distant second in distribution. Wikipedia provides a better view than anywhere else on what various countries were doing when - - Vaccination was more aggressive than it seemed during the spring, raising questions about the wave of cases and the actual impact of the ivermectin push. At best the vaccine are a confounding factor that make certain conclusions about anything everywhere quite difficult.
In the rank ordering of likelihood of "conspiracy"-esque alternatives, I think we can rule a few out.
For this phenomenon to occur naturally, it would need to be something that involves a large susceptible population, because otherwise the variants would not be able to evolve this capability - you need a form of serial passage with enough hosts who can harbor the pathogen to develop specific resistance against these S1 focused antibodies. To target the vaccine immunity so specifically you would therefore need a large inoculated population. But no such population existed. There was a population of convalescents, but the evidence seems to suggest that they do not get reinfected at a high enough rate to allow this kind of resistance to develop. It's also not clear to me that convalescents have the relevant specific antibodies for S1, this should be something that is known at this point which I will try to investigate. That alone could certainly sink the convalescent population hypothesis.
If it required a population of inoculated people, then it seems to me that either a secret inoculation program was put into place, or that the phenomenon was not naturally occurring, and later seeded to make it plausibly appear natural.
I tend to reject the idea that there was a secret program of this sort. It would be very difficult to keep secret and we already know that the known methods of inoculation are themselves dangerous, causing many very noticeable side effects. I reject the aerosolized inoculation approach because it is too difficult to control dosage. I reject the idea of a viral inoculation (spread a different virus that spreads virally and confers immunity), because it would tend to spread to the whole population. All of these would induce a side effect profile that has been hard to ignore, and was clearly not present until the public rollout.
It seems much more plausible that someone took one or more of the vaccine candidates early in the process, and ran serial passage using small doses to evolve immunity, and then seeded human populations with various of the interim stages to make it look natural. Would someone doing this shy away from using human subjects? I don’t think China has problems with that approach, using some certain subsets of their population.
Another possible clue is whether the vaccine resistance so far effects all vaccines equally? Most of the research on antibodies I have seen seems to focus on Pfizer. I seem to recall some evidence that Moderna was more resistant to Delta and less so to Beta? If the resistance is not only focused on S1 but also even more specific to one or another vaccine, to me that is even more suspicious.
In this light, what should we make of the more recent evolution of Delta to possibly continue the escape process? Given that we *now* have a huge population of inoculated but still susceptible people, at this point nature will take its course, and it’s probably beyond anyone’s control.
"That alone could certainly sink the convalescent population hypothesis."
Add to it, anyway, the fact that Alpha's emergence in the UK didn't occur until autumn and nothing emerged from the northeastern US or Italy - all of these places would have hit the virus with Bedford's ridiculous host immunity pressure in the *summer of 2020* if his theory were valid, so he is out on quite a limb.
Pfizer-generated antibodies were found to be weaker against Beta than Delta in the Planas, D. et al. neutralization simulation. That might be what you are thinking about. Another argument against vaccine-induced escape pressure.
Intentional seeding, if true, implies a certain serial-killer like narcissism, in that the variants were all "signed" with the same obvious motifs.
Holy shite, that is a creepy thought.
I don't find it that naturally compelling. I think most of the overt, obvious "signatures" of intentionality (Event 201, the Milken summit, now the variants) are the product of indifference. The hypothetical actors orchestrating the hypothetical conspiracy don't care what we think about them, we are just genetic noise being silenced.
Yeah, I don't buy the convalescent hypothesis in any case.
Re Pfizer vs Moderna I think I remembered MSM reports like this one:
But, sorting out what is really true here would require a lot more work.
It seems that contrary to what one would expect in a sane world, vaccine failure only increases the market for .. more vaccines. So all of the manufacturers probably benefit from extending the crisis.
The idea that people involved with such a project are narcissists and/or serial killers would be expected I suppose (they are already mass-murderers in service of their particular niche interests). I think it is difficult for a normal human to empathize with these "people" and their indifference to suffering.
When you say they were "signed" with similar motifs, what are you referring to?
Identical simultaneous changes to S1 arrived in geographically isolated variants. I don't have a good centralized link bookmarked that charts them out, I need to look for one.
Ah, thank you.. that would seem to make this theory less credible, unless it's part of making it look natural. That's not hard to accomplish of course.
And it still leaves us with no good explanation of how this happened.
If the mutations produce a natural advantage, it wouldn't be surprising for them to arise naturally in independent situations, and if they don't produce a notable reduction in binding it can be things like optimizing replication latency, but it doesn't explain why it happened so quickly at a particular time - why not before? For it to be natural there still seems to need to be a change to the landscape.
Something like masks encouraging it to transmit through aerosol? Or greater robustness to UV in the summertime?
I would agree with your more $ to Big Pharma, but 2 things give me pause. Why are they so insistent to denounce/discredit natural immunity and forcing those of us with antibodies to get vaxed anyway? Secondly, why are we seeing evidence of "altered" immunity post vax for vax naive and sero-converted? Do they want this nightmare to continue ad infinitum for some reason other than just money? It doesn't add up in a sane world which is not the one we are living anymore. Figure L6 of pdf.
I agree with you there doesn't seem to be an adequate explanation for any of it. I was assuming the push to vax those who recovered was initially based on some kind of hubris that it would be more robust than convalescent immunity (this is what my pediatrician claims!) and originally there was a lot of hemming and hawing about "we don't know how long CI lasts". This was no doubt complicated by the shoddy and inaccurate testing generating false positives, which translate into alleged re-infections.
Now we know CI is better in just about every way. Of course the fact that SARS-1 convalescents were immune to SARS-2 17 years later should have been a clue. And now there's increasing evidence that the vax makes things worse (suppression of immune response, TLR suppression, overall worthlessness of VI in general, and waning, not to mention side effects).
So, at first maybe it was team vaccine's wishful thinking with no real pushback from actual science.
Fast forward to now, I'm assuming a lot of people now know they were wrong and it's CYA to eliminate the control group, plus make a lot of money to boot. It's weakness writ large - don't look at it too hard and plow forward, go with the crowd, modern medicine will fix it.
Or, there is something even more disturbing afoot. At this point, profit is probably the least distressing explanation.
I looked at the paper, which figure are you referring to? I didn't find an L6.
Sorry, I meant S7 around line 727. Note the decay of S vs. Nucleocapsid T-cells in at least 6 of the subjects who were already sero-converted and then vaxed. It would've been great if we could have another post vax sample, but whatever. Given that the virus naive are showing no B-cell recall after ~ 6 months, what's going on with these folks who are showing decay of their Nucleocapsid T-cell immunity? No one is looking at this.
R9 is the only one that is post 2nd jab and then again post 2nd jab. Note: No T-cell Non-spike after 2nd test. Anomaly???
Or maybe the S T-cells are so high it's "drowning out" the other T-cells that are/were "normal" levels???
Eugyppius, you are a light in the darkness. Question: You assume the reason for vaccine failure is Delta variant escape. Is this settled? Alternative theory that I've seen is that the effectiveness (antibodies?) just wears off after 10 weeks or so. Would seem to matter for booster strategy (which is madness either way, but what kind of madness, exactly?).
Both are true. The vaxx fade over time of course, but they are also in general less effective now, because they have also selected for escape strains. This seems to have happened fairly early. The Delta variants in England were imported to Iceland by tourists, where they caused nearly equal rates of infection in vaccinated and unvaccinated even while the vaccines were quite young in Iceland.
So if both are the case, then what do you think will be the effect of the new round of boosters with the same formula as first round? Is there a variant in the wings pushing against Delta? Or do you expect Delta to remain stable until they reformulate vax against Delta?
I would say they'll be less effective than the first round, but probably still increase the advantage of the escape strains that are out there.
I second your intuition. “Breakthrough” infections have nothing to do with spike escape. They are a reflection of the incompetent, blood / humoral -focused immune response induced by the vaccines. Mucosal IgA antibodies fade after ~4 months so that “sterilizing” immunity evaporated (meanwhile they seem to linger enough to blunt innate immunity, as vanden Bossche warned). You could knock the +4-month Covid-vaccinated over with the feather of the same spike they were immunized against.
I just shouted this post out in the Substack Shoutout Thread (, so you may get some newcomers :-)
Thank you Margaret! really kind of you.
Maybe, SARS-2 was designed to mutate rapidly. DNA/RNA is nothing more than coded information. Could it be that geneticists has discovered that DNA/RNA can have time based triggers that make it look like evolution is happening, when it was designed to evolve all along?
After a day of thinking about it, this is a brilliant intuition. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 manifested multiple homologous innovations at once because, self-aware of its own excessive stability in disparate geographical domains, it grew restless and anxious - leading to "preemptive" changes in strategy.
My understanding of the Delta variant, formerly known as the Indian variant, was that it arose in, well, India, at a point where the country was not undergoing mass vaccination- to my knowledge, vaccination is still hugely inconsistent there.
While everything you say makes sense, how could the vaccines have exerted selective pressure on a strain that was largely not challenged by them?
Is my understanding incorrect?
Yes, Delta emerged before October 2020, so before mass vaccination. So Delta was one of many lineages, and (in my conception) the vaccines hurt the other lineages, but Delta not as much, so Delta came to dominate.
Here I'm asking about the earlier emergence of Delta and the other escape strains, before the vaccines were deployed.
It would seem our world contains far more immunosuppressed individuals than at first glance. Whether due to low vitamin D, exposure to chemo/polypharmacy, or copious comorbities many individuals may respond with subpar innate and humoral immunity. One could imagine representatives of this demographic being found in nursing homes. If SARS-Cov2 has a history of being enriched what more ideal place for further serial passage than within the body of an individual incapable of preventing leakage from primary organ attack. In this way you literally have numerous cell lines each allowing for serial passage and then recombination events. Multiple that by fifty residents in addition to staff who likely aren’t specimens of health. Now you have, a recombination factory, or as another author put it a “swarm of mutants.”
May I add these 2 screenshots of the timecourse of the virums in Viet Nam? I find it instructive but not terribly illuminating about the mechanism. How did they go from being an island model of literally zero illness in the middle of a global pandemic to many deaths basically overnight on the heels of accepting global monies to embrace the jab?
timed pretty perfectly with their vaxx campaign too.
That is the most revolting pair of graphs I have seen yet. It must be criminal, surely? Or did their testing / data collection change dramatically?
Did their society open back up? If social activity dramatically increased in recent months, the potential for infection would increase, leading to many more cases and deaths compared to earlier.
Viet Nam Rona peaked the week of September 06 and has been declining, but experienced an average CFR of 2.44% since vaxx was introduced. They announced re-opening in the last 24 hours.
What were the Chinese spraying on the streets in those old videos early on?
They were spraying fear.
Fear and propaganda
I think Geert Vandenbossche mentioned something along the lines of a "worry window" for the previously infected whereby they become reinfected before they have mounted a robust immune response to the first infection. I think we would have seen this prior to the vax campaign, too, but maybe with the vax we have millions more people having a "suboptimal immune response" (as he calls it) at the same time?
I found this preprint that may be helpful
"The plasmablast response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination is dominated by non-neutralizing antibodies and targets both the NTD and the RBD"
This paper compares convalescent abs and vaccinee abs, although it's unclear to me so far whether the two sets are disjoint at all. It's clear they produce radically different responses though. From the discussion: "Indeed, SARS-CoV-2 infection results in a very heterogeneous antibody response to the spike protein in terms of antibody quantity. In contrast, mRNA vaccination appears to induce a high antibody response of relatively homogenous titers. However, we also found that vaccinees generate more non-neutralizing antibodies than COVID-19 survivors resulting in a lower ratio of neutralizing to binding antibodies." It seems like that would mean that developing such a specific response is a lot less likely to happen in convalescents. But in the paper they don't show the incidence of specific abs in convalescents, only in vaccinees.
However.. one thing that stood out to me in the data: In figure 2(F) it shows the profile of vaccine induced neutralizing antibodies. If I am reading correctly, This shows *5* abs targeting NTD and 2 targeting RBD. Given that we now know that Delta evades NTD abs, does this suggest that Delta did all the "heavy lifting" already by mutating to avoid all 5 neutralizing NTD abs?? Numerically this seems like the more challenging part, but then it could also have to do with the relative levels of conservation of RBD vs NTD.
"a high antibody response of relatively homogenous titers."
Another blog pointed out that convalescents titers are significantly lower and decay much slower than these synthetic antibodies which decay around ~40%month. Had they dosed to start out at a similar level to convalescents, would the "vaccines" even worked in the few months they were trialed? Was it just a way to get around the possibility that B-cell training was not occurring. Was this intentional on the part of Big Pharma? We may never know.
"When the trials were being done last fall I found it utterly astonishing that both Moderna and Pfizer had set their dosing to produce extremely high antibody titers -- 10x, 100x or more than produced by natural infection. That looked at the time to have been a truncated series of dose:response trials undertaken in the interest of Warp Speed; that is, "be fast rather than accurate." Obviously you do not want to err on the low side (you get no protection) so if you're going to screw it up the direction to do so is on the high side, assuming toxicity at that level is reasonable It turns out the decision wasn't reasonable, however, because doing that wildly increased the risk of the above reactions, since to produce that sort of high antibody titer you needed to put more spike into the body and we now know the spike, standing alone, is dangerous."
Yes, I saw that too :) The ticker is a great source of data, if somewhat angry.
I agree with Karl that the high dosage was no accident, they must have realized it was necessary to even get partway through a 6 month trial. These trials were thoroughly gamed.
Interesting piece. Haven't read the manuscript, but June-October 2020 is winter in the southern hemisphere. Could it be something that was happening down under (e.g., Chile) and then spread, making the vaccines obsolete even before their worldwide massive roll-out?
And then the roll-out making it worse (ratcheting effect)?
i like this idea. it's like with influenza: one hemisphere gets a preview of the strains that will likely be at issue in the coming winter.
What remains puzzling is the focus on S1. Is that a big factor in natural immunity? I wouldn't have thought so.
"Conspiracy theories" being hatched elsewhere are connecting dots suggesting that Moderna had the coding for the spike protein before SARS--2 was "discovered" officially. Idea being that spike protein was the target of Wuhan Institute of Virology research, they knew virus had escaped, probably in Fall 2019, personal connections between WIV and Moderna transmitted spike protein info. Possibly had already been researching vaccines. Recall, only a couple of days passed between "we've sequenced the virus" and "we have a vaccine!" Somebody else on this list probably has better version.
yes, I think this is regarded as fact now, as there are Patent documents. Dr David Martin is the guy going after the patent crumb trail. The patents date back to 2012. See especially his appearance on the Corona Investigative Committee. Here is a page with all that collected together Just found via search, not vouching for that page.
Yes, Dr. David Martin’s documentation of the patent trail is indeed fascinating. I referenced it in my first Recommendations Roundup ( and linked to the Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier (
Yes I had seen this reported as well.
Going a step further, this also could explain why Delta appears to impact Pfizer more than Moderna - although I don't know how good the data is on that. Perhaps Moderna and China also collaborated on the Delta variant.
Anyone read this stack about Dazsac and grant requests for gof as well as aerosol based delivery mechanisms?
it’s not a major focus, no. which is why, for example, natural infection produces fewer spike-specific antibodies than the vaccines.
I thought the vaccines target the S2 protein. I could swear I read a paper that said targeting the S1 doesn’t work or had bad adverse events like ADE or something. Sorry if I’m wrong, I’ve read so much stuff I can’t keep it straight anymore.
The coronavirus vaccine ADE meme regards the distinction between S protein and N protein. The meme was based on a misunderstanding by some "fact checkers" that only N protein-focused coronavirus vaccines led to ADE in the last two decades of failed research. Therefor, the meme went, the Covid vaccine designers "chose" the S protein because it is so much better. But earlier S protein trials resulted in ADE too.
As far as I can tell only Moderna and BioNTech, maybe only Moderna, actually "chose" spike and everyone else copied them out of FOMO. And the reason for the choice was either arbitrary (it was too early for any real-life research into immune response to inform the decision) or nefarious (they know the spike protein is both toxic and a jackpot of autoimmune epitopes).
They code for all of spike, but then S1 actually gets cleaved and circulates.