Dec 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

For the record, I am 100% looking at you and judging you if you're wearing a mask in public.

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oh yes, anyone masking anywhere where it’s not mandated - i see you and, yes, i’m thinking exactly what you think i’m thinking

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Mandates are not laws. Do not comply

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Even if it were to become law, I cannot comply. I used to be an nurse in the OR and after reading the studies looking at masks and rates of surgical site infections (lower rates in the unmasked group), I had to leave the Surgical-Medical Cult.

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YES! My favorite answer when someone says "well would you be ok with your surgeon not wearing a mask?" is to say "yes! I've read the studies and my infection risk is lower if my surgeon isn't masked, but I will require they carefully scrub in!"

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But masking is not only done in O.R. settings ,it starts at the door when a mask is handed to you or me ,and asked to put it on .I know masking is harmful with no benefit .So if the crew running the place don't know it what else don't they know ,or don't want to know .Like I wrote before entering a hospital with anything flu like is the most risky act one can do ,it killed my brother in a short time .Well it was not his entry that killed him .It was the treatment protocol with remdesivir ,ventilators and general mistreatment ,that is really murder ,because they know what they do kills ,often with warp speed .Most hospitals now are not much different than Auschwitz

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What really kills is the reimbursement rates on a COVID diagnosis and treatment with Rundeathisnear. Yes some people die but with the payoff, ty worth it.

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The pay off should go in my account ,so when I die I have money to hound the'' run death is near killers .

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The "medical crew" just follow protocols, whatever they're told to do, which makes them extremely dangerous.

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The medical treatment protocols are designed to kill ,to murder .It seems the playbook for that program is written by multi billionaires ,like Gates , Soros ,the entire Pharma gang , Fauzzi the mega criminal ,who enriched himself on the blood he murdered and is still doing as long as he lives .A monster can only act like a monster .To stop it requires cutting off the head of the dragon ..

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I'm so sorry for your loss. This exact scenario happened to someone close to me. I will never forgive, nor forget what they did.

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Thank you Peggy for sending me that note .Yes I keep thinking of that crime many times a day .what hurts me most is that I did not know he went there .I had no chance to even warn him to stay away from that place ,because we lived 800 km.apart and no one told me anything ,until after his death . Thank you again JOE .

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Spot on

If more people followed integrity none of this covidian cult would have taken hold

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Tyrants don’t take over without our compliance.

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With help from their uniformed thugs who, for a paycheck, will violate basic human rights at the drop of a hat.

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Nazism hasn’t died. It just waited for an opportunity to raise its head.

Unfortunately, we submitted to their insanity.

The big question, why?

Why are we allowing the sovereignty of our country to be violated and destroyed by WEF and WHO?


Why are we allowing insane Climate Crisis BS? Same propaganda as Covid.


Open AI just opened last weekend.

Automated everything. Displacing 40% of jobs.

Who wants AI destroying human interaction?

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In so many cases, people just keep voting the tyrants in....and back in.

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But you have so much so much choice... Tyrant A or Tyrant B!

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I think it, darkly. But my inner angel wonders if they might perchance be suffering from an outbreak of cold sores, or wait-listed for some sort of facial reconstructive surgery.

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Or perhaps just fugly, lol.

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Did you know that a blue whale vagina is large enough to fit six grown men?

It's the second biggest pussy in the world after dudes still wearing masks.

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Zing! You just won the internet today!

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I know it, I know it: "Oh, what a responsible citizen you are!"

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Yup. Same here in "America", the "land of the free and home of the brave," the "exceptional nation," the "shining city on a hill."

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With liberty for "just us", NOT all.

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Yes. Where, in the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.

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Indeed, I am thinking (makes woo woo gesture).

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Medical masking should not be mandated anywhere for any purpose. Contagion is a myth. Germophobia is a mental illness.

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I walked past people standing in the ocean at Mona Vale beach Sydney..with masks on...the idiocy runs deep here :)

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Did you notice the police killers are being promoted as "anti vaxxers" to smear anyone with critical thinking and by defacto..anyone against mandates/masks etc.."supports the killers"..I have already seen people demanding groups that are built anti mandates are having fruitcakes demanding "we" apologise...

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Yep. I'm staring at you. If we pass closely and you look at me, I will use the super powers of a fully-exposed human face to register my contempt.


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I have been working hard to perfect that sneer for some time.

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Among all primates the most important feature of a sneer (a facial expression of contempt marking a dramatic loss of social status) is the raising/curling of one corner of the upper lip (usually your dominant side). Our chimp brain knows EXACTLY what it means when we get one.

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Fortunately, I've had decades of practice at my "contemptuous sneer". Being 6'5" and built like a linebacker means I typically get to *literally* look down on them while giving it as well. 🤠

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Thank you for using "literally" in a non-gratuitous manner.

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Some man tried that on me because I wasn’t wearing a mask. I’m a little thing so I just smiled and breathed up at him. You can smile down on me anytime if I can see your smile.

Btw, he practically ran away with me close on his heels.

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Haha! I'd love to have seen that!

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I use an eye roll.

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An audible snicker is another effective tactic.

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usually I cannot help but giggle. After that I say hi. But they know what I did LOL

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I find eye-rolling a good response.

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Too risky for me ,what if the eye rolling does not stop ?

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You will turn into a teenage girl.

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Good lord ,my warning came too late ,now I see people in super markets ,with rolling eyes .Some super smart observers told me ,it could be of the new high prices not the whyrusses or snot pouches .

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The raised eyebrow and a slight titch sound slightly while slowly moving the head (leave it on) up and over away has long been a method used to communicate astonishment at the unbelievable failings of others. In family situations the hand raised in the universal "stop" gesture may be included while the words "I know you didn't!" are spoken in clipped tones.

As always the cut direct is reserved for very serious matters and should not be used against a public mask wearer unless the person in question committed an unforgivable personal offense against you.

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They are help it to make it possible for them to muzzle us all again. That frightens and pisses me off

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My resting face is disappointed disbelief so people feel judged without any effort on my part.

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I suffer from a medical condition known as: Resting Bitch Face.

I can empathize with this.

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I just say it. 'Last mask standing eh?' Or 'Still doing the mask thing eh?' Or 'I can't believe some employers still make employees wear masks' to which they say 'I'm not required' which allows my 'Really? That look must make you irresistible to the face pierced ladies'.

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My brother loudly says, "wow, we still doing this?"

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Sometime at a store paying for groceries I alarm and shock the girl when I suddenly point and say look ,watch out the virus just ran over your feet and is now hiding in the cash register .The girl is in a panic by now and afraid to touch the cash register .Can some one tell me how long I have to wait ,not able to pay ,before I can walk out without paying ?

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Thank Brothermouth for me. I'll steal that one!

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My standard line:

Are you keeping the fear alive, or just virtue-signaling?

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"I think it's great that idiots are wearing obedience muzzles to identify themselves."

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I'm just sad for them and that's what shows on my face

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I'm done with pity.

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They're going to get the same amount of pity they were willing to show in 2020.

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I started out with a glance of pity, now its the hard core losers in full-force and on display, so I’ve evolved into a dead stare accompanied with the thought “dipshit incoming!”.

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Funny. I have had the opposite reaction.

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I honestly think a lot of it has to do with what region you live in. I was right nearby NYC until just recently (the mania made me move- it wa further impetus)- and the amount of controlling, negative in your face types telling you how to live your life daily gets to you. I’m mellow by nature, but seeing their infants with masks outside on the streets in the summer gets under the collar. This is a particular sub sect of society. I feel much more pity for the elderly who were frightened out of their minds and are now freezing this winter too. And the children, of course, who are being taught to fear everything and have no control over anything. The opposite of critical thinking and self-empowerment.

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Seeing masked children makes me mad. That has not changed since the beginning.

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A couple of months ago I was annoyed when I saw someone with a mask. Now, I am sad. Poor gaslighted people, I think.

I don't know how will I feel in a couple of months more ...

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I walk out of a building, see some clouds and, among the masked woke, loudly exclaim one of several favourite lines:

“OMG its gonna RAIN!”

Or “Take Cover, NOW!” or,

“ We’re All Gonna DIE!” Then walk forward enjoying the beautiful life-giving droplets from heaven.

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Sometime I feel I would like to point my naked but at them ,if they point the masked visage at me .

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I have seriously considered producing shirts that say boldly "Masks don't work !" and wearing it on my next trip - business or personal, although my wife would not be amused . . .

And yes, for the record, I AM looking at you- and the disgusted look on my face ?- that's because you're wearing that face diaper.

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A friend, an attorney, had a shirt made that says, in large block letters, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WEAR ONE, EITHER." He wore it through all the lunacy, and never wore a mask, anywhere.

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Perhaps we should demand mask people also wear diapers in public to protect us from their farts.

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Makes just as much sense!😂

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Think too of all the dogs that would no longer have to be kicked and blamed for those SBDs.

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For maskers a better idea is if we could insert a trumpet in their but , Than we would have virus fighting with music .

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Snort. You owe me a screen saver.

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Paula ,you owe me a booki wooki dance

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Shhh. You want the Baptists to put a target on me?

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I actually have a friend who travels frequently and she has a shirt that says "masks don't work..." I love it! LOL!

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A friend saw a guy in an airport wearing a T-shirt with a photo of Fauci with a big, red CLOWN NOSE.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yes! LOL!

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Lord forgive me but so am I. I just rejoined the gym and have been challenged to practice loving kindness to the people wearing masks. The constantly removing, replacing and readjusting!

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It is an exercise from the Lord in getting my thoughts to show kindness.

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Rich is not who is in possession of riches ,but the one who is happy without .

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Ha Ha. My wife and I have made an effort not to judge (I'm trying trying to ignore or pretend they are all just truly terrified), cause judging makes me angry, but we both totally judge everyone wearing a mask. I can't help it. I'm broken I suppose. I especially judge the lone masker in the car. I live in Southern California, in Los Angeles County, which means I'm judging all day long! Glad to know I'm not alone!

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HA! There is an element of compassion that should be shown towards these folks. I think many are genuinely terrified, which is a tough way to live your life. I drove by a neighbor on Monday who was wearing a mask outside, alone, while shoveling snow. Mind boggling...

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I'm working through it in myself because I do want to let it go.

Someone said to me the other day, "explain it to me like I wear a mask alone in my car." Now that is what I will say.

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Often it’s one’s significant other that demands the masking

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She demands masking even if you are in honey moon ? Poor Bootsorourke .Mine demands I take everything off ,that's why I never go in honey moon in Alaska in winter .

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Lone masker in the car? Be nice to the Uber drivers! Now if the car is 20 years old...

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Thank you. I need to remember things like this!

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I'm actually smiling and shaking my head at them. I'm close to telling them to take it off and based on the responses I am not alone. So happy to hear it! Freaks! lol.

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I was just going to say that stupid study quoted by the doctor is so wrong. I think masks are the world's "idiot identifiers" - now we know who is stupid by sight.

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Several months ago the local supermarket stopped enforcing the one-way aisles and the mask requirement. BUT most shoppers clung to their masks and continued to observe the one-way aisles.

I did not.

I was occasionally accosted, going the "wrong" way, by a masked shopper. My response was "Kool aid is on Aisle 8."

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When a Phd is so incompetent he can't even read and comprehend the clear as day conclusions of numerous studies on mask inefficacy, you have to assume his research is total garbage.

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Lisa if every one would take off the masks ,we would never know who is retarded or not .

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My response to this crazy masking is “bless your heart. I hope you feel better soon” 🤣

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I like that and will use it!

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I came here to say that too.

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The ones that really perplex me are wearing masks, even when its not mandated...but they're wearing the mask below their nose. Whose side are they on??

People like these make me doubt humanity's long-term viability.

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If I had a spotlight, I would in fact shine it on them. It wouldn’t be an illusion.

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Same. Saw someone masked alone in their car (driving like a fucktard, go figure) and immediately judged them to be an idiot.

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Those lone maskers in cars are dangerous ,with only half a brain .

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Hmmm....half a brain? I was thinking it's more like a quarter brain or even less. Or a brain full of mush.

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I think if a monster has a full brain ,he can do more harm ,than if he had only half the brain capacity ,a half brain .

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I judge men more than women. I think of them as babies, totally unmasculine. Masked men with children are the worst, that's their fearless leadership - the kids are doomed. I am disgusted by those fathers.

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It's an easy 'tell'

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Jason says "wearing a mask is a no-brainer". Excuse me for my poor English, but does it mean the same as no-brain?

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Yes. Or "nob brain" for our tea-swilling friends across the Atlantic.

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In this case, yes.

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In that context it should

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The expression "no-brainer" means some that this so obviously true that you do not need to expend any thinking power. In this case, however, your assumption is on target.

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In the UK there have reportedly been many more cases of Streptococcus A infections, including a number of fatal infections in school children.

I know that the parlous state of our healthcare system is probably the main contributing factor to the cases where bad infections have led to deaths (one 5 year old girl died in my city after being sent home twice from A&E with her father being told she was just dehydrated).

However, I do wonder to what extent wearing masks in schools is contributing to bacterial infections in the mouth and throat. It seems very unhygienic to wear a mask all day.

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The poor thing probably had her immune system systematically destroyed by you-know-what.

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"Not being exposed to pathogens at an age critical to the development of the immune system"? I mean, I'm sure the jab didn't help, but our species did not evolve in a sterile environment.

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Masking and sterile environment ? You mean as sterile as a restaurant toilet or the inside of a snot pouch .?

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Very unlikely in the UK where very few primary school age children were vaccinated let alone under-5's, which this poor child would have been last year.

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In my line of work I see a considerable number of otherwise well children with anxious mothers. I have considerable patience with this group because:

- I respect mothers who worry. Not about their neuroses but about their children. They are doing their jobs as mothers and protecting their children at their own expense. This is the reverse of that which was done during corona

- I like kids and find them an interesting group of patients. Paediatrics is good medicine.

None of that matters to my point, I just like telling stories. My point is that I always tell the mothers that it is not just necessary but positively healthy for children to catch a battery of bugs and viruses when they are small. Indeed, some diseases are numbered as well as named e.g. roseola infantum is also known as 'sixth disease' due to the order in which it is usually caught. Some e.g. measles have a vaccine which is wise however my point is that it has been normal for children to catch these illnesses for eons.

Let it happen! Not doing so has ended up with these strep A deaths.

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Yes! Mom wisely made us play with the polkadotted kids to rescue us from chickenpox and its severe future consequences. Just another day in the backyard.

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I was very worried when by the age of 6 my daughter still did not had chicken pox. I knew it was much more serious to get it as an adolescent or adult. You better believe when her cousin contacted I arranged for them to spend time together.

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Her nervous system thanks you, she thanks you, and i thank you. Mama knows best.

Your physician sees you. In the mirror.

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When I was a kid, parents had chicken pox parties so that all the kids would get it at the same time and then be done with it forever.

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"...one 5 year old girl died in my city after being sent home twice from A&E with her father being told she was just dehydrated."

By the Rood that torques me. It is never "just" dehydration in a young child. Moderate to severe cases should be treated as a medical emergency . A very simple to alleviate emergency. They frigging make bags of stuff to hook up to IVs just for such emergencies. Also she was likely presenting with other symptoms are her dad would not have gone to A&E. Whatever happened to good old fashioned clinicians or is it all "Well the test did not show anything else." these days.

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>Moderate to severe cases should be treated as a medical emergency . A very simple to alleviate emergency.



Healthcare is breaking down, children are dying because of it, but people just don't want to see it.

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That is very alarming. I am not in England so forgive my ignorance in this question. Do you think that healthcare would have broken down at some point even without the pressure of COVID? Either the illness itself or the effects of the vaccine.

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One of the mantras or phrases parroted was that we prevented the NHS from being "overwhelmed". If a system is at 95% capacity and another 15% of demand comes along then dumping 10% of the original workload is failure of that system. In short I believe not doing anything with corona except extra NHS emergency funding would have caused less overall damage to our health than lockdowns etc. Yes, it would have suffered a notable drop in performance with the corona burden on top.

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To be fair, children of the age who are dying from Strep A won't have been masked. Even at the height of mask insanity, the UK wasn't forcing masks on kids that young. My son, nearly six, has never worn one.

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Our school in the US forced masks on toddlers 2+

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Utter cruelty.

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There is nonsense and there is evil. Masking toddlers is the latter.

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Not only schools ,lots of parents force it

on two year old's ,I see it every day .

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Is it still going on?

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What kind of going on are you looking for?

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The masking of the children.

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a colleague knew the s.e. London schl teen who died of strep a from her teen's sport team. (he was probably masked and jabbed i guess). the jabs are available to children, (now from 6months up being sought). it WAS said to be a one off " offer" under 12 ( well under 15 in NHS site and under 12 in govt site ( or vice versa?) deliberate confusion. Also said to be included on children's NHS jab schedule. I know lots who have had scarlet fever rash/ coughs/ throat/sickness/ headache, stuff circulating. I'm not allowed to know the jab status of the unfortunate ones who succumbed of course.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

my child hasn't masked but school allowed it, and many did buy in to the whole thing, and parents jabbed, and some have while pregnant or breastfeeding. I know some babies who have been pretty sick anecdotally. ( not to mention all the other maimings and killings 1st hand.

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When a woman is pregnant and vaxxed ,does she not pass the vaxxed blood on to the unborn ? When a mother gets vaxxed her unborn is always vaxxed at the same time . So lets not pretend vaxxing starts at six month old . Oh I never thought being a doctor is sooo easy .

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They weren't required but I once saw an entire family: mother, father and children wearing masks in my village's square. It was a warm spring day and they were all wearing summer clothes. The worst thing about it was the children's masks were branded, probably with some cartoon nonsense. The idea of the children picking a 'fashionable' mask is nauseating. We Anglos can't even have a pandemic without making a few quid from the bloody thing.

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Or maybe your immune system starts breaking down when you're infected three times in a year by a sarbecovirus. That's the only thing we have scientific evidence for at least.

But most people will watch as their children die and continue simping for the people who created a bioweapon and the ones who covered it up on their behalf after Fauci started handing out that sweet sweet grant money.

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If everyone would just do more of what isn't working, it would work!

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The traditional long/held agreed-upon definition of Insanity. Reversed, like everything else of real value.

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Would a sense of common sense work ? Sorry I used the word WORK ,I'm retired .I hope my pension does not get cut off now .

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Yep. With just a bit more focus (I'm looking at you Starshine!) the Yippies would have gotten the Pentagon off the ground!

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They weren't allowed to complete the circle around it. What on earth could the pentagon have feared?

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Perhaps the Amazing Kreskin had gone radical.

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Just one small change - If everyone would just do more of what CAN'T work, it would work!

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Uhh that sounds like too much work for me ,I'm retired .

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Hate to break it to the mask fanatics but I have personally chosen not to work with different attorneys and physicians when I see them in a non-clinical non-business settings wearing a mask. Highly revelatory and tells me much more about the person than they could possibly imagine. They think it shows 'science', I think it shows a lack of cost/benefit analysis skills, a predisposition to fear, and weakness towards social signaling that makes me question their ability to synthesize knowledge across disparate fields... And screams 'next!!!!' in my mind as I interact with them.

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Same here - we changed Drs, Dental offices & subcontractors who come into our home to conduct work-we explain that we will not be using them if they have not actually become “aware” of the true data & science. They ALWAYS have some entity to blame instead of their own misinformed or misguided notions & “beliefs”. So, for us it simply comes down to a “dollars & cents” (‘Sense’) issue.

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Sadly the health people are forced to signal what was, in my case, some fake compliance with college/regulatory agencies. The powertrippers who run the asylum this world has become. At least in Chinada.

So, i quit early. Retirement suits my desire to drown in the laughter this platform provides. That is, until the warlord pussy Trudeau cancels it. Its not a country folks, its a fuking corporation to which i do not concede my brain.

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Conversation with a prospective piano tuner in January 2022:

Me: “Hi, I found your name in (publication) and was wondering if you could tune our piano?”

P.T. “OK, where are you located?”

Me: “(Suburb) name”

P.T. “Yes, I can do that.”

P.T. “What make of piano is it?”

Me: “(Brand) name.”

P.T. “Excellent. And when was it last tuned?”

Me: (Provided an estimate)

P.T. “Good. And one last question. Are you vaccinated…?”

Me: “Like Novak Djokovic, I can neither confirm nor deny my vaccination status.”

(Silence for four seconds.)

P.T.: “In that case I can’t come.”

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I had to do that to someone, but in reverse:

(Answering job ad, a couple of email interactions in, going to interview, no mention of vax or masks...)

Arrive at interview, she hurries out the door to meet me, "Odd," I think, but "OK, maybe that's just her." We chat generally for a moment-"Did you find us OK?"-that sort of thing. Then she drops the bomb:

"Are you vaxxed?"

Now I know I should have been more clever, but honest no one had ever even asked me that before and all I could think was "Oh shit."


She whips out a mask from her pocket, "That's all right, but you'll have to wear a mask until you do, I can give you one today if you need it..."

At this point I am backing away and she is giving me the oddest look, but I must have been giving her weird looks too. "I'm sorry, " I stammer as I get struggle to get back into my car," This won't work out, I can tell right now this won't work out, sorry to waste your time." She just stared at me as I drove off, looking just a little perplexed.

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Yes. The “Don’t Hire” signal. The new Dunce Hat.

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We hire subs that openly refer to themselves as “purebloods” - it is amazing how here in a very blue state (“ILL”inois) - that once you get outside of Chicago - how many people actually critically think & question (but, our media avoids or censors).

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Cities are the plague. Thats why TPTB want us all corralled in them. Rural people have to think to survive and thrive. Cityfolk have sadly lost any such skill.

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> “I may feel that everyone’s staring at me because I’m wearing a mask, but chances are that’s like the 11th thing on their list to worry about,” she said.

Maybe it's different elsewhere, but I would like to state definitively and fo the record:

If you're the only person in a room wearing a mask where I live, we ARE all staring at you, and we ARE all judging you, and we DO all hate you, and you SHOULD feel bad

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

I don't think we hate them. Just think they're pathetic. Being hated might be better than being looked down on.

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For me it's both disdain and hate.

Particularly parents who muzzle children. I absolutely hate them.

I pitied them a few years ago but there's just no excuse for ignorance now.

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> I don't think we hate them.

We do things a little differently here in Texas

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Quite, there's no need for hate. Adults are free to do as they please. Seeing little kids with masks on is something else though.

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Nope. They’re normalizing masking and must be shamed

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

Hate? These maskers are just scared individuals, victims of the media fear campaign. Why would you hate them?

They might even be nice people, just a bit misled by institutions they foolishly trust.

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> Why would you hate them?

Because lockdowns were so traumatic on me that I had a very detailed and real plan to kill myself in mid 2020. And if I lived in a polity that actually enforced serious lockdown rules, instead of the fake pretend basically-voluntary ones they did here, I would have gone through with it.

Not one of those 'scared individuals' gave a fuck about _my_ life when they screamed about saving lives. They're lucky that all I do is hate them. They tried to kill me. I am morally justified in retaliation, I simply choose not to

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

I am so sorry to hear what you went through. I know how hard it is to let go of hate. Especially justified hate. I too was depressed and alone through this. I still feel alone. But there is hope! Please remember that Jesus was hated and despised - unjustly - just like you and I were. As we enter into the Christmas season, know that He knows how you feel more than any other person could possible sympathize. He loves you more than you can imagine! He wants you to follow Him. Trust in Him for in Him alone can peace be found! You can find peace!

Know that the only reason I tell you this is that I love you and I care about you! We are all sinners. We need Him and He died for us, paying our debt. If you follow Him and accept Him as your Lord you will have freedom from the curse of sin!

I pray peace and prosperity for you in Jesus name. Please don't think of hurting yourself again. There is always hope! You are loved! You are cared for! You are not forgotten, ever! God bless you! :)

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I wish I had your faith. In any case Merry Christmas!

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

Merry Christmas dear friend.

I didn't always. I was a rebellious and suicidal person for a long time. Alcoholism, womanising and porn addiction crushed the hope out of me. At the time, only music soothed my soul. But the Lord is "long-suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

He redeemed me. I have no faith but which God has, in His boundless grace, given to me. I am nothing without Him. This is what you too must realize. "Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

It was through pain and suffering that He brought me back to Him. But I always had a way out. It just took me a long time to repent. Because I'm stubborn! But oh what a sweet thing it is. I still suffer. Heck, I can barely recognize my life these days. I've given up so much and I know The Lord will always want more. But it's not as if I give with a closed fist. Yes, sometimes it is difficult, but I know it is simply because He loves me enough He wants ALL of me. And so I will (try to) give up everything He wants me to give up. This is what Christianity is all about. Do you love God? Well. Love is sometimes firm and demanding. But it is always love.

Peace found in an oasis or the eye of a Hurricane is far more valued than that found in a bedroom. The trial makes you stronger and the peace you find in the midst of it is so much more valuable that that found without. You are never alone. Call on the name of The Lord. If you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him. :) "All who call on the name of The Lord shall be saved."

O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer

Our spirits by Thine advent here

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night

And death's dark shadows put to flight.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel.

"Emmanuel" means "God with us." And He is. Always. Rejoice. :)

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Sorry to hear that. Lockdowns didn't bother me much, I actually had a splendid time in March and April 2020. No work, lovely weather and lots of time for my children.

I would probably have a different attitude towards the maskers if the lockdowns had ruined my life or my career.

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I don't know you. But I am glad you are still here. I too am sorry for the toll the lockdowns took on you.

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But surely the ppl to hate are the ruling criminals who pushed this "pandemic", not your fellow victims (though of course the ruling criminals are no doubt very grateful to you for forgetting about them and hating your fellow victims instead).

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of course, there's no reason that you can't hate both the billionaire fascists, and the compliant idiots, simultaneously. if it weren't for the idiots, the existence of the billionaires would be impossible.

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I tell you maskers are bastards .I was confronted by them in stores mostly .No they are not innocent victims we are,not they . I'm sure if Auschwitz was still open for business ,it would be maskers who work there .

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You could have said the same thing about collaborators with the enemy in any other circumstance in history.

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Or you could ignore history, which has proven to be a solid strategy when dealing with the present.

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I apologize. I completely misread the context of your comment and thought you were saying the opposite of what you were

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Oh not a problem, after I made my response I realized you probably thought I was replying to you rather than the person to whom you were replying. We appear to be of the same mind on the subject. :)

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They would be the first to call the authorities on you

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The 'victims' I see are the elderly and children. The smug hipsters who wear them are another kettle of fish. They are not afraid, they are virtue signalling their correctness. At least they are all vaccinated too.

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“At least they are all vaccinated “

You mean that it’s good they’re obedient or it’s good so they won’t be around much longer

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Dear charlie ,The children are victims ,the elderly had enough time to learn and inform them self I,'m elderly at 86 ,but I knew from day one the deadly game that is played on us .Elderly don't watch T.V. read what the Doctors who lost their licence because they say the truth ,have to say ,than you are also well informed .

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Early in the pandemic when everyone was still masking (and I had been for a few weeks) I came to the realization (or finally came out of my fear funk) that the masks were theater only and a form of control. I decided to not wear a mask at the grocery store. I entered ("masks required") fully expecting someone to call me out and ready to leave my cart and walk out, but they didn't. One guy I saw gave me a funny kind of look though. Later while I was shopping I saw him again and he had removed his mask. That was my proudest moment in the entire pandemic and it occurred to me how change and resistance is possible. I had hope that day

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You gave that man courage to do what he wanted to do. Bravo!

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Thank you, truly. I'm no kind of hero. It was actually very empowering and kind of an emotional moment. Then again *everything* was emotional then. I never wore a mask again except when I traveled by plane. Very thankful for that lone stranger and his quiet affirmation.

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Sometimes people are just waiting for someone else to be first. There is psychological safety in numbers.

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If you traveled by plane you must have been fully vaxxed . After that the mask was a minor concern .

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Hmm, I traveled in-country (Florida to visit kids) and a vaccine was not required. That was Nov 2021 and my wife and I did get covid after that trip (3 day cold, no fever or loss of taste, must have been omi). I did go to Paris this summer but the vaccine requirement was dropped. Amazing city. Also noted very few masks there.

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BTW we knew it was covid because my wife was required to test regularly for work. She ended up losing her job because she would nit be vaccinated. I've never tested positive. No test, no covid, but if I'm sick I stay home

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If only courage could be half as contagious as fear.

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fear can be overcome; the real problem is stupidity.

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Someone in the office always found a reason, in conversation, to remind those in earshot that You can fix broken, but you can’t fix stupid.

It was always pleasantly delivered and lighthearted in intent.

Delivering for the local pharmacy, and hailing from a family of similarly nice people, it turned out they were all totally brainless covidiots themselves. The phrase was their virtue signal, of sorts.

I used to like that line. Alas, it has fallen out of my lexicon.

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All true progress depends upon the unreasonable man. Was it Einstein?

Here’s to The Unreasonable Man.

I raise a glass to you, good sir.

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George Bernard Shaw, from his "Revolutionist's Handbook". It was attached to his play, "Man and Superman."

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way to go!!

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Is masking like communism? "It has never been properly tried".

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Lol yes! Communism will surely work if we all wore N95s! If not then, we need N96! (I have no idea if n96 is a real thing)

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There *are* N99 masks. The number refers to the percentage of particles of a given size that are filtered out.

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I recommend the gas masks every German solder had on his belt .It seems they where never used unlike in w.w. 1 .I f these gas masks are made available to the word population and worn 24/7 by every one the whyrusses would need some one else to cosi up to . For new born's there must be mini gas masks made .

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Amazing insight lollll

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The people who read the NYT and believe it are not going to read this Substack. Do not despair for those midwits.

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