Virus transmission and the human immune system are poorly understood, and interventions to reduce human disease often have a range of unanticipated outcomes.
Vaccine trail science is very outdated. And have been for decades.
1. The end point it typically antibodies and we now know that the immune system is way more complicated then antibodies. Also, antibodies do not equal immunity. It is a very incorrect end point.
2. Also, vaccines have not been tested against a true inert placebo. EVER. Can’t be more unscientific then that.
3. Most vaccines in the past have been tested/monitored way less then 6 months. The Hep B for example was monitored for 4 and 5 days in the two trials.
4. Trials are conducted by the manufacturers. Major conflict of interest. As we have seen with the Covid vaccines, if they don’t like a result they either delete them, or change them. This has been going on for decades....
5. Safety monitoring systems are not in place. The ones they have are very hard to use and are not even taught to those giving the shots. Most doctors didn’t even know about the VAERS system until Covid vaccines came along. And now that we see signals in this system, they do nothing about it anyway. They never really have.
6. The manufacturers have no liability so there is no real consumer protection. Lawsuits are a consumer protection mechanism which is not being utilized so improvements of these products are not happening. There is no need to. So profits can be maximized because no monies are put into R&D or compensation or advertising. (Although a percentage of each shot does go into a pot for compensation. They have BILLIONS to pay out but vaccine (kangaroo) court is so defunct that no one can get compensated quickly or accurately.) Advertising is done by our government in the form of a childhood vaccine schedule and school mandates. Talk about the perfect profit ensurer for any vaccine that is put on the schedule!!
I am thrilled to see more smart people looking into the questions about vaccines. Especially the 74 doses currently on the childhood schedule. Maybe now we can take a look at true health markers like the increase of autism to 1 in 36 now vs 1 in 10,000 in the 1970’s. Allergies, obesity, diabetes, chronic health issues, asthma, cancers and so many other “now common” childhood issues can now be considered “not normal”. Let’s do a comparison of the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed. Should be pretty easy to do. Just saying ;) Keep digging.
I know the manufacturers have no liability, the question is, how do they sleep at night?
At least with tobacco or alcohol, if I worked at a distillery or worked at a tobacco plant, I know the people that use these substances know their dangers both in consumption and long term use. Yet, these came out under the auspices that they helped, but they don't.
For me, I'd be awake at night. I wouldn't be able to sleep. These substances are harming people.
I have a really hard time empathizing with pediatricians. They see babies come in and get sicker and sicker. Ear infection after ear infection. Antibiotic round after antibiotic round. Constant sickness patterns that are easy to identify once it’s brought to your attention. It’s harder for parents to see it because they only have a few kids but pediatricians see it daily with so many kids. Plus they are incentivized by insurance companies to fully vaccinate their patients. How do they sleep at night?
I think history will view pediatrics in this day and age (and the last 30 years) as barbaric and the main pushers of chronic illness.
My theory is that the Pharma industry has developed Noguiltium, a drug that paralyzes the parts of the brain responsible for morality. It seems that they have handed it out to society's elites.
This theory is not an unusual one.The thing is, we saw this Soulless" part before vaccines were available. Maybe they could claim it was another effect of Covid. Before "take the damn vaccine" was "wear the damn mask." Before "wear the damn mask" there was "stay home/stay safe/don't kill grandma."
Yes. Seeing Kennedy and Bigtree on the steps of the capital in 2019 brought me back into the vaccine fight publicly. I dove in deep and read as much as I could find and watched a ton of documentaries. I even started giving educational talks at my local library to the public and politicians before the Covid disaster. We have lots of heros these days so it’s really great :)
At last count, I could see no significant drop-off in the excess mortality numbers in those jurisdictions still reporting such things accurately. This suggests that the problem, far from going away, remains as important - if not more so - due to the 'higher-hanging fruit effect'.
Interestingly, the high excess mortality in Sweden suggests that lockdown related deaths (never a terribly plausible hypothesis) are not likely to be a credible alternative explanation to the vaxxine.
Most of the excess mortality we see now is a product of the SARS2 virus continuing to circulate in the population. The main reason it continues to circulate is because of the mass vaccination campaign.
This is the only proper explanation compatible with all the evidence. We blew any chance we had at herd immunity for the foreseeable future, the virus can continue to reinfect people with steadily more virulent versions of itself. More worrisome than the persisting excess mortality, is the brain damage accumulating in the population as a result.
My recommendation is to take good care of your health and to make sure to eat natto high in nattokinase (it needs to makea sizzling noise when you stir it), which effectively degrades the amyloid your neurons release to protect themselves as well as the SARS2 spike protein.
"...This is the only proper explanation compatible with all the evidence..." The evidence does not suggest it is due to the circulation of the virus, but to the damage wrought by the vaccine. There is no signal comparable in the unvaccinated.
You’re assuming all vaccine batches were the same. They weren’t. There were high death batches. Also you are assuming that the vaccine was properly stored. They weren’t. Also that the vaccine was injected the right way in all human lab rats. They weren’t. You are leaving out highly significant factors and drawing a wrong conclusion. The jab killed more people than the supposed virus, which has never been isolated. The vaccine was a DOD COUNTERMEASURE, a bioweapon. That is what is killing people by design.
The thing to consider is not total all ages excess mortality, but excesses in certain age groups. An increase in one age group can be offset by a drop in another. Thanks to the brilliant strategy of corralling elderly people into care homes then seeding them with disease, drugging them and denying medical care, there has been a significant carry-forward of deaths in the elderly, resulting in a lower death rate in later times. The excess deaths are happening in younger age groups.
Several hundred years ago the outbreak of witch graft was solved by torture and by burning the suspects .The same tactic is being used today ,only more refined .The suspects of harboring the deadly plague ,that is all of us ,are tortured in a very refined and civilized way ,before being burned .,I meant injected ,to stop our reckless virus habits harming the tender feelings of the chosen rightful owners of planet earth .
Yes, in that if you look at the Euromomo data for the 0-14 age group, you still see no dropoff in the most recent weeks.
However, the scales are radically different. For the kids, excess deaths are measured in the hundreds. For the oldies, it's in the hundreds of thousands.
Just checked euromomo. It is at the moment, but the spike happened around December/January. Actually, Euromomo is now saying the excess spike is lessening, at least for Week 15. Let's see what next week brings.
Hmmm. Just eyeballing the euromomo stats, the level of 2022 excess deaths looks consistent with Denmark and Finland - a little lower maybe. There may just be differences in timing of reporting?
I'm sorry for a moment I thought you where dis cussing foot ball scores .I should know by now the name of the game is who has the most injections the type of whyrusses and the countless variations .Pfizer says ,the ones dropping dead are pretending .It has been said that vaxxing will take all your sins away and let you enter heaven at warp speed .
The objective of "The Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex" is to turn the bloodstream into a "drugstream" for new cash-streams.
Isn't it curious that a diagnosis or risk of a disease becomes so much easier and prevalent (and standardized) when a new drug/vaccine is launched?
The is the greatest achievement of the Medical/Pharma Industrial Complex":
To diminish individual care by reduction of healthcare to an aperture that can only capture care through the lense of general public healthcare.
Through this myopic lense, healthcare becomes vulnerable to being captured.'s almost as if general public healthcare is defined by The Complex in order to eliminate individual care. Very similar to the common good fallacy.
The current driving force of The Complex:
A system where a physician does not have to think when a diagnosis comes rolling through as the sidecar of a new drug/vaccine - same thing with diagnostics referrals, i.e., MRI's, etc., etc.
Funny that billing doesn't require thinking either and that insurance is a driver of diagnosis. The only thinking required is what is billable.
Why do you think the first thing you do when you visit a doctor is to fill out forms with insurance information
Rotten from TOP to BOTTOM. Unfit for purpose. Hopelessly corrupt & driven by rampant profiteering, institutional corporate capture of the "regulatory" (ha!) process, & actual disregard for human health. In dire need of radical & uncompromising redesign at EVERY level. Medicine and healthcare has become the willing whore of the biopharmaceutical/military industrial complex, contractors and cartels: visible by the policies and legislation implicitly determined by the revolving door of politics/big-pharma & the inherent conflict of interest therein.
Benn and Aaby's research on non-specific effects is brilliant and revolutionary -- a generation ahead of the rest of the field. I would hasten to add two qualifiers though:
1. All attenuated live virus vaccines eventually revert to virulence. That's why none of the live virus vaccines touted by Benn & Aaby (measles by itself, oral polio, and BCG) are offered in the U.S. -- no politician or regulator wants to be responsible for causing a viral (or bacterial) outbreak.
2. Millions of children and adults in the U.S. have damaged immune systems from the current vaccine schedule and this damage makes them especially vulnerable to the potentially harmful effects of attenuated live virus vaccines.
So, at first the research on non-specific effects appears to be a sane way out of this whole mess -- a way to save the vaccine program by narrowing it to attenuated live virus vaccines (as if that were possible politically when it's not). But when you actually follow the logic all the way to the end, one realizes that all vaccines are unworkable in practice and we need completely new approaches (hello, antivirals) to health and well-being.
mmr and varicella are both live attenuated virus vaxx, afaik administered in the US. there was also (at least at one point) a nasal spray flu live attenuated virus vaxx.
while you obv can never exclude the possibility of return to virulence, you can make it more or less likely.
Benn and Aaby did not study MMR (or the more recent monstrosities of MMRII or MMRV). They just studied measles by itself. So we have no data on the long term non-specific effects of these combined vaccines. I doubt they studied varicella (and why does that vaccine exist anyway). I imagine a proper risk benefit analysis of varicella would show net harms. But I take your point and stand corrected that there are live virus vaccines on the schedule. However none of the vaccines that Benn and Aaby pointed to as having positive non-specific effects are on the U.S. schedule.
if you codon deoptimise sections of the genome, as germans did with that one wild-type sars-2 strain, you can create a very difficult mutational path back to virulence for the virus.
But now you are in completely new territory -- genetically modified live virus vaccines? Correct me if I'm wrong but we have no data on that. We know astonishingly little about the human immune system. The notion that we can just tinker with genes, inject them, and everything will turn out great, is the sort of hubris that got us into the current disaster.
Midwit technocrats see (and fetishize) vaccines as an inexpensive and miraculous public health measure. They discount the benefits of modern sewers, healthy diets, heating and cooling, food storage, etc. Too complicated for them, and they don't offer direct, invasive control.
You know, it's a funny thing. I'm old enough to have received only a few, relatively speaking, vaccines over the course of my life, but even so I've got an interesting history of auto-immune afflictions triggered by extreme stress. And one seems to vanquish the previous one. Very strange.
I've read that the fad for tonsil removal led to adult-onset asthma later, and I'm certainly a statistic adding to that hypothesis too. Lots to look at.
Tonsillectomies certainly seem to have been a fad from this vantage point! Those of my parents' generation (born 1946) seem to have all had them; no one my age (b 1978) ever did. My mom said no kids she knew had ear infections and subsequent tubes like my kids (2009 & 2013) and their peers had them. Do the bacteria change, or the treatments?
there is evidence of the bacteria changing, and that is to be expected. The dental caries in the Boomers that gave rise to use of fluoride were caused by a worldwide distribution of a bacterium that seems to have mostly disappeared.
Fluoride is actually a toxic waste. Putting fluoride into water wasn’t about teeth health and there are still many parts of North America with no fluoride in their water. (Teeth strength can’t be fixed by fluoride either and too much fluoride can break down enamel in addition to damaging the thyroid.)
Additional funny thing is that I remained susceptible to throat infections for a good portion of my life. But starting as a young adult I began taking Vitamin C and the older I got, the more I routinely took, and I manage to fight off nasty things pretty well. I might get sick but not so badly.
I'd guess bacteria do their damnest to try and win. My kid got lots of ear infections (thank God no tubes were necessary) though I gave him lots of Vitamin C too. Hylands used to make nice tiny dose dissolvable tablets that even infants and toddlers could consume without danger of choking. They were great to have handy.
My kids are older now and thankfully don't get sick often. My daughter had covid for 2 days and my son seems impervious to it (unvax of course). But I think the repeated antibiotics my daughter took as a baby/toddler for her ear infections have adversely affected her stomach/digestion. Probiotics seem to help (when she remembers them).
>Viruses and their human hosts together form complex systems, which do not react in predictable ways to simplistic interventions.
Yeah, this is correct and important, but it goes much further than you might expect. Many of the childhood infections like measles are consistently associated with reduced risk of cancer later in life for reasons not well understood, but likely to include proliferation of NK cells. Vaccinating against them, particularly with inactivated vaccines, may lead to increased risk of cancer later on in life.
The effect has even been observed for influenza, which is often linked to reduced risk of lung cancer and increases life expectancy in lung cancer patients upon infection:
There are also adenoviruses found to reduce our risk of type 2 diabetes, probably by increasing adipocyte proliferation.
Essentially all of this follows from applying the holobiont theory to the human organism: As humans we're host to a wide variety of organisms that together make our consciousness possible. We have a population microbiome we need to keep intact if we wish to keep our population healthy.
Of course if a bunch of low grade morons decide to experiment with a sarbecovirus in humanized mice and gaslight the world after the whole thing blows up in their faces that virus won't fit into the holobiont model.
Interesting how the old adages hold up. I had an extreme case of Pneumonia in 2010. Ever since, whenever I get sick is lasts two or three days tops. Previously, I would get severe bouts with the flu yearly. If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger.
I had my last flu vaccination some 14 years ago. (Yes, I got the flu)
Have not had the flu since.
As an occasional optimist, as this Covid-19 story unfolds, and vaxx long-term effects become more apparent, will people reject the next fix for the next scare??
Sadly, probably NOT. In the UK ooze-paper the Daily Mail yesterday, there was an interview with a guy whose BBC presenter wife had died after the FIRST dose of the astrazeneca clot-shot, the which was on her death certificate and given as the cause of death. He
went on to have TWO MORE shots, having swallowed the incredible lie, repeated by the Daily Mail, that the statistics of the likelihood of death from his wife's vaccine related mortality was 66 in 10 million (& no, her employers the BBC did NOT report on either her death OR it's cause). He rationalised his folly by merely switching from the AZ clot shot to the only marginally LESS deadly Pfizer jabs. What a clown. And he's now sullied his wife's memory by allowing himself to be used in a propaganda piece stating "there's still only a 66 in 10 million chance you'll die!" An egregious falsehood of the lowest order.
2) daughter and her husband took AZ early on--I fear for them and their children. Strongly suggested she choose potential guardians just in case--but used their upcoming flight to US as the reason for my concern.
Hi V.V.V.! I'm sorry to hear of your daughter's decision. I too tried EVERYTHING in my power to talk my parents out of the same folly. They would NOT listen to me and my Dad lost his life as a direct consequence. I now STRONGLY recommend that EVERYONE who has taken ANY number of the depop-shots đź’‰ to urgently study the emerging research, studies and recommendations of AUTHENTIC, conscience driven clinicians and physicians who urge that the jabbed
begin regularly availing themselves
of Glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, Quercetin, vitamins C and D and the
B vitamins, and attempt to source Hydroxychloroqine and Ivermectin from wherever they can (all readily sourced EXCEPT for the HCQ and Ivermectin). Also, much study of the
likes of La Quinta Columna & Drs.Pablo Camera and Delgado, who have cracked the "entire case" as it were, proving the utter fraudulence and complicity in the assertion of there EVER having been a "pandemic" and demonstrating that the shots are part bioweapon and part invasive, transhumanistic biotech and contain graphene oxides & hydroxide, self assembling nano-matrice technologies and R.F.I.D. transmitter/receiver materials and horrifyingly- PARASITES with all the appearance of being Hydra Vulgaris or the synthetic variant Hydra Lineas. Urge them to study the sites
of La Quinta Columna and and some of the content of this sixth sense channel on bitchute. Worse still, the UN-jabbed children of jabbed parents (or ANYONE in constant exposure to the jabbed!) ARE now indisputably demonstrating the (blood) clotting patterns and injuries of the jabbed from the ALSO
now proven "self spreading" graphene oxides exhaled aerosol droplets đź’¦ dispersal. Truly, truly shocking, a terrible, terrible crime against humanity. Even we wise pure-bloods ARE now, & likely sooner than later, going to end up in the SAME shape AS the jabbed unless we adhere to a STRICT separation from their society, but, even at THAT, the graphene oxides HAVE now been being discovered in FOOD,
the WATER supply, the SOIL, & many
OTHER allopathic pharmaceutical "medicines", including antibiotics, local anaesthetics like novocaine, & even O.T.C. headache medications!!!
The Glutathione I mentioned above allows the body to purge, dissipate & get RID of the graphene oxides. I would urgently recommend it's use, & perhaps STOCKPILING too, seeing
as it IS now inevitable that they WILL come for the holistic treatments too. Stay safe!
Thanks for your reply--as you may imagine, given that it was AZ, said daughter is in your homeland. I suspect that her parents in law were involved in the decision-making. Also, for myself, have been dealing with knee/hip (too much really heavy gardening/forest clearing last year), had arthroscopy (not much choice when the alternative is living on crutches), but have refused even any OTC pills for at least a month; never even took cap off prescription pain-killer given by surgeon. Just out of sheer cussedness am I doing this.
Yep, here in the UK (Scotland) my mother is suffering from chronic knee pain necessitating an op, & my
aunt also is in the interminable and bottomless queue for a knee op, which, judging from the incredible waiting list, it's likely both may die before EVER approaching the front of the queue. I also have THIS contention regarding the wholly counterproductive lockdowns and ludicrously fallacious, erroneous and alarmist "computer modelling" that provoked them: that these lockdowns were an INTENTIONAL strategic initiative to allow for the presentation of the tidal wave of human wreckage, death and misery caused by the jabs to be disingenuously attributed SOLELY to "lockdown deaths" and lost opportunities for medical checks and treatment resulting in the now horrendous waiting lists that they CONTINUE to milk as being THE largely SOLE cause of the of course continuing jab đź’‰ horrors. Although I know little about the subject personally, (but AM trying to research and "catch up & on"), I would massively recommend that EVERYONE, jabbed or not, begin to engage in the enthusiastic study of holistic and "alternative" medicine and healthcare, and wherever possible, from NOW ON, exhaust EVERY potential remedy in that much, but wrongly maligned field before EVER resorting to the nefarious pharmaceutical faux-medicinal interventions of the allopathic healthcare racketeers and D.N.R. deliverers. Can't hurt, & even if not greatly effective in any given specific instance, at LEAST keeps you safe from the "killing fields" that all modern hospitals HAVE now undoubtedly become. Just last week, there was a story in the local rag/ooze-paper about a 50yr old woman in the local hospital
for something non serious or life threatening, who, having strenuously REFUSED to sign the D.N.R. documentation, nevertheless then discovered that a FORGED SIGNATURE had been applied to the
document to instead PUT her ON the D.N.R. order!!! THIS is where we are now with hospitals in the UK, and doubtless most everywhere else. Good luck with the hip/knee friend, take care! 🙏
I imagine that the very long-term effects aspect will completely blind them to the connection between vax and effect, thus keeping them securely in the (locked) vax cage.
These folks are in a cult. Nothing will wake them. Not even their own children or spouses dying. But please remember, we are the crazy morons who hate science.
"As a society, we’ve concluded on the basis of simple, unsophisticated studies that vaccines are absolutely great, and then proceeded to use them so widely, that we’ve lost much of our ability to detect their drawbacks."
You will also have to look at how the "non specific" studies were done. If these are observational rather than randomized, as I suspect, then differences in mortality can be due to a whole host of obvious and less obvious confounders.
The data on mortality difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated for covid is being systematically suppressed world wide, which is frankly enough to tell us about what the raw numbers are, but these suffer from the same effects.
There is also the argument that as the covid vaccines prevented a certain amount of (covid) mortality (I think this is actually a true claim in principle but not to the _extent_ claimed, with BS modelling showing millions of lives saved in Europe) the covid vaccinated population is actually at elevated all-cause mortality risk relative to the unvaccinated population (which has already had covid-susceptible selected out to a certain degree).
Putting numbers on all of this is hard. The excess mortality is modest but real. It's small enough that it will not get anecdatally noticed. How much of it is down to 3 years of destroyed life versus vaccines is going to be very hard to tell.
The reduction in birth rate, and the fact that it is still ongoing, is a greater concern to me as there is more than just circumstantial evidence pointing at the vaccines.
It truly is so utterly outrageous that pharma and the regulators deliberately destroyed the control group for the most consequential trial in history, and on such a laughable pretext.
I think they knew in advance it was likely that efficacy would be good against infection for only a short duration, and longer-term data would have shown this.
After all this is what we expect from the influenza vaccines.
Unfortunately we also lost the ability to see if there is longer-term efficacy against actually clinically relevant endpoints like severe course and death.
The basic premise of vaccines is to limit severity of a natural infection by presenting, ahead of time, a milder version (either attenuated or partial antigen) to the immune system so it can respond more swiftly when exposed to the real thing. Unfortunately, the immune system's response and vaccinal response have been distilled into the "mo' antibodies, mo' betta" immuno-bridging tagline which is used to paint a broad brush across multiple pathogens with multiple routes of entry and highly differentiated immune responses (NK cell, Tcell, innate, adaptive etc.)
While one would have to recognize that, in theory, the attenuated exposure to a pathogen, should work, the measurement of the vaccine efficacy, the complexity of the immune system signaling cascade, the highly variable immune responses (and side effects) from person to person etc.. have been reduced to "vaccines work" ,"they give you antibodies" or "they're safe", despite legitimate concerns of our understanding of this process and its variability.
The blatant yearly push of ineffective flu vaccines and labelling mRNA transfections as "vaccines"
and the broad assumption that intramuscular shots can prepare for a mucosal (gut, lung, skin) infection should rightfully raise fundamental questions about the entire vaccine 'program'.
While one might consider it unfortunate to question the entire basis of vaccination based on recent developments (shenanigans), I think it is only fair. Who knows? Maybe there isn't a baby in the bathwater, after all. Or we might have to admit we have no effin' clue what we're doing.
The blatant yearly push of ineffective flu vaccines and labelling mRNA
transfections as "vaccines"
and the broad assumption that intramuscular shots can prepare for a mucosal (gut, lung, skin) infection should rightfully raise fundamental questions about the entire vaccine 'program'
The least understood part of our lives today is Medicine & Health, the public is far far behind the curve on this and simply trusts the experts... the folks in white coats with diplomas on the wall. Yes I am talking about diseases and infections real or imagined ( mental affliction ) and the medical systems response to this. The methodology, the drugs, the protocol established it's all a puzzle to JQ Public.
The second part. The corruption of the Medicine & Health system is also not understood by the public even now after the C19 Scamdemic revealed the rot in the system. The control from the top is complete disobedience will not be tolerated.
People forget that all of us come into this world equipped to survive and live to procreate. All the other critters microbic and super sized came along too. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Don't.. and the team with the diplomas and dressed in white coats will treat you. But not half as good as your own body if kept at optimum operation.
I thought it was because okay, maybe it does actually reduce symptoms, so you go Coviding around town spreading it unknowingly. My husband and I got it almost definitively from a vaxxed person at a large party; who goes to a party while not feeling well?
There's a Cleveland clinic paper showing an inverted dose response curve when following 35k of their staff, the more mRNA shots one had, the more likely they were to be infected. One theory is related to an outcome seen in at least two papers now (science immunology for the first) where B-cell class switching was observed from IgG1 to IgG4 Ab protection, suggesting immune tolerance (the paper showed neutralization in vitro still but this is a very unexpected result that doesn't occur even in other repeatedly administered vaccines)
To gain a broad and deep understanding of the issues raised by vaccine clinical trials and to understand why you should question widely-accepted claims of safety and efficacy, read "Turtles all the Way Down: Vaccine Science & Myth." The information in the book is credible and clear.
banned for a week for repeated unpleasant comments and unwarranted hostility.
just because other people on the internet don't cite your favourite sources and authors doesn't mean they don't know about them or haven't thought about the arguments they make.
Don't know how it is in Germany, but here in the United States there are an insane amount of vaccines that doctors administer to children. Along the same time, childhood pathologies have skyrocketed, and he methods the FDA uses to test vaccine safety is to test it against not saline solution, but other vaccines.
If you try to look at comparison studies between fully vaccinated children and completely unvaccinated children, I don't think thy exist. I knew several families hat have eschewed all vaccines because of the lack of serious long term studies not allowing thm to make a proper risk assessment.
Tragic, because these aren't conspiracy nuts, but reasonable people who smell something is wrong. It's clear the results will be some vaccines are positive while some are detrimental in the long-term, and in modern terminology, that's being an anti-vaxxer.
I don't remember the doctor's name. He lost his license in 2020(?) for analyzing vaccine outcomes in his pediatric practice and refusing to retract it. He was originally in trouble for not pushing vaccines, and his own small study was a way to defend his deviation from "best practice." His evidence, which includes an unimpeachable cohort of non-vaccinated children, was not well received by regulators. He is suing, I think.
Paul Thomas's vaccine journey is interesting. He was very influential in my evolution on the subject after my daughter's reaction to a DTaP shot. I read his book "The Vaccine Friendly Plan." This book details which vaccines he deemed worth the risk and which were not. Since coming forward as an "anti-vaxxer" his practice attracted families that didn't vaccinate their children, providing a "control group." I'm sure there is some bias in the data, but his findings were shocking.
Vaccine trail science is very outdated. And have been for decades.
1. The end point it typically antibodies and we now know that the immune system is way more complicated then antibodies. Also, antibodies do not equal immunity. It is a very incorrect end point.
2. Also, vaccines have not been tested against a true inert placebo. EVER. Can’t be more unscientific then that.
3. Most vaccines in the past have been tested/monitored way less then 6 months. The Hep B for example was monitored for 4 and 5 days in the two trials.
4. Trials are conducted by the manufacturers. Major conflict of interest. As we have seen with the Covid vaccines, if they don’t like a result they either delete them, or change them. This has been going on for decades....
5. Safety monitoring systems are not in place. The ones they have are very hard to use and are not even taught to those giving the shots. Most doctors didn’t even know about the VAERS system until Covid vaccines came along. And now that we see signals in this system, they do nothing about it anyway. They never really have.
6. The manufacturers have no liability so there is no real consumer protection. Lawsuits are a consumer protection mechanism which is not being utilized so improvements of these products are not happening. There is no need to. So profits can be maximized because no monies are put into R&D or compensation or advertising. (Although a percentage of each shot does go into a pot for compensation. They have BILLIONS to pay out but vaccine (kangaroo) court is so defunct that no one can get compensated quickly or accurately.) Advertising is done by our government in the form of a childhood vaccine schedule and school mandates. Talk about the perfect profit ensurer for any vaccine that is put on the schedule!!
I am thrilled to see more smart people looking into the questions about vaccines. Especially the 74 doses currently on the childhood schedule. Maybe now we can take a look at true health markers like the increase of autism to 1 in 36 now vs 1 in 10,000 in the 1970’s. Allergies, obesity, diabetes, chronic health issues, asthma, cancers and so many other “now common” childhood issues can now be considered “not normal”. Let’s do a comparison of the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed. Should be pretty easy to do. Just saying ;) Keep digging.
Turtles All The Way Down - a book. Explains the nefarious activities of bigpharma.
This has been happening since WW2 ended.
That is a fantastic book and it does include it all! Thank you for mentioning it ;)
Also the book "Dissolving Illusions."
Dr Suzanne Humphries is a hero. If you don't know how she is, I've captured a page for her:
Yes! There are so many!
Nice summong up. Well said
I know the manufacturers have no liability, the question is, how do they sleep at night?
At least with tobacco or alcohol, if I worked at a distillery or worked at a tobacco plant, I know the people that use these substances know their dangers both in consumption and long term use. Yet, these came out under the auspices that they helped, but they don't.
For me, I'd be awake at night. I wouldn't be able to sleep. These substances are harming people.
I have a really hard time empathizing with pediatricians. They see babies come in and get sicker and sicker. Ear infection after ear infection. Antibiotic round after antibiotic round. Constant sickness patterns that are easy to identify once it’s brought to your attention. It’s harder for parents to see it because they only have a few kids but pediatricians see it daily with so many kids. Plus they are incentivized by insurance companies to fully vaccinate their patients. How do they sleep at night?
I think history will view pediatrics in this day and age (and the last 30 years) as barbaric and the main pushers of chronic illness.
My theory is that the Pharma industry has developed Noguiltium, a drug that paralyzes the parts of the brain responsible for morality. It seems that they have handed it out to society's elites.
Interesting theory. I wouldn’t put it past them
This theory is not an unusual one.The thing is, we saw this Soulless" part before vaccines were available. Maybe they could claim it was another effect of Covid. Before "take the damn vaccine" was "wear the damn mask." Before "wear the damn mask" there was "stay home/stay safe/don't kill grandma."
Actually it was tongue-in-cheek humor, but who knows what these psychopaths are capable of. I just like ribbing you a little Jimmy because I like you.
I got that from the "noguiltium" they probably take it along with "virtuesignatol."
And now they are putting this sh** in our food supply!
Best answer in this section. Thanks. I know from all my research that what you have said is 100% true.
Thank you :). I’m so excited to see more people get involved in this discussion. It’s long overdue.
Do you follow Robert Kennedy Jr and Naomi Wolf?
Yes. Seeing Kennedy and Bigtree on the steps of the capital in 2019 brought me back into the vaccine fight publicly. I dove in deep and read as much as I could find and watched a ton of documentaries. I even started giving educational talks at my local library to the public and politicians before the Covid disaster. We have lots of heros these days so it’s really great :)
Totally agree.
I've attempted to capture data points for those who choose to explore further
The Pfizer Doc are really revealing
Dr Pierre Kory - has woken to the lies he was told
Feb 14, 2023 interview
At last count, I could see no significant drop-off in the excess mortality numbers in those jurisdictions still reporting such things accurately. This suggests that the problem, far from going away, remains as important - if not more so - due to the 'higher-hanging fruit effect'.
Interestingly, the high excess mortality in Sweden suggests that lockdown related deaths (never a terribly plausible hypothesis) are not likely to be a credible alternative explanation to the vaxxine.
Most of the excess mortality we see now is a product of the SARS2 virus continuing to circulate in the population. The main reason it continues to circulate is because of the mass vaccination campaign.
This is the only proper explanation compatible with all the evidence. We blew any chance we had at herd immunity for the foreseeable future, the virus can continue to reinfect people with steadily more virulent versions of itself. More worrisome than the persisting excess mortality, is the brain damage accumulating in the population as a result.
My recommendation is to take good care of your health and to make sure to eat natto high in nattokinase (it needs to makea sizzling noise when you stir it), which effectively degrades the amyloid your neurons release to protect themselves as well as the SARS2 spike protein.
"...This is the only proper explanation compatible with all the evidence..." The evidence does not suggest it is due to the circulation of the virus, but to the damage wrought by the vaccine. There is no signal comparable in the unvaccinated.
If it was some direct impact from the vaccine, you would not see the excess mortality come and go in waves that correspond to SARS2 RNA in sewage.
It's mostly down to an indirect impact, an interaction between negative efficacy vaccines and the sarbecovirus.
You’re assuming all vaccine batches were the same. They weren’t. There were high death batches. Also you are assuming that the vaccine was properly stored. They weren’t. Also that the vaccine was injected the right way in all human lab rats. They weren’t. You are leaving out highly significant factors and drawing a wrong conclusion. The jab killed more people than the supposed virus, which has never been isolated. The vaccine was a DOD COUNTERMEASURE, a bioweapon. That is what is killing people by design.
It’s both. The unvaccinated are not suffering unduly from Covid.
"... in waves that correspond to SARS2 RNA in sewage" ???
- I read a fair amount of stuff. Never heard anything about this.
You’re wrong, the excess mortality is not from the alleged virus, it is from the vaxx, which is a bioweapon. Read Steve Kirsch on Substack and get
the statistical breakdown.
You are wrong.
I thought excess death in Sweden was low, right?
The thing to consider is not total all ages excess mortality, but excesses in certain age groups. An increase in one age group can be offset by a drop in another. Thanks to the brilliant strategy of corralling elderly people into care homes then seeding them with disease, drugging them and denying medical care, there has been a significant carry-forward of deaths in the elderly, resulting in a lower death rate in later times. The excess deaths are happening in younger age groups.
Several hundred years ago the outbreak of witch graft was solved by torture and by burning the suspects .The same tactic is being used today ,only more refined .The suspects of harboring the deadly plague ,that is all of us ,are tortured in a very refined and civilized way ,before being burned .,I meant injected ,to stop our reckless virus habits harming the tender feelings of the chosen rightful owners of planet earth .
Yes, in that if you look at the Euromomo data for the 0-14 age group, you still see no dropoff in the most recent weeks.
However, the scales are radically different. For the kids, excess deaths are measured in the hundreds. For the oldies, it's in the hundreds of thousands.
Just checked euromomo. It is at the moment, but the spike happened around December/January. Actually, Euromomo is now saying the excess spike is lessening, at least for Week 15. Let's see what next week brings.
Scratch that - Week 15 Z-score is actually 3 for Sweden. So they are back in the excess death red zone.
Ah, I didn't know that. But what then would explain that it took Sweden so long, compared with other countries to get significant excess deaths?
Hmmm. Just eyeballing the euromomo stats, the level of 2022 excess deaths looks consistent with Denmark and Finland - a little lower maybe. There may just be differences in timing of reporting?
I'm sorry for a moment I thought you where dis cussing foot ball scores .I should know by now the name of the game is who has the most injections the type of whyrusses and the countless variations .Pfizer says ,the ones dropping dead are pretending .It has been said that vaxxing will take all your sins away and let you enter heaven at warp speed .
The objective of "The Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex" is to turn the bloodstream into a "drugstream" for new cash-streams.
Isn't it curious that a diagnosis or risk of a disease becomes so much easier and prevalent (and standardized) when a new drug/vaccine is launched?
The is the greatest achievement of the Medical/Pharma Industrial Complex":
To diminish individual care by reduction of healthcare to an aperture that can only capture care through the lense of general public healthcare.
Through this myopic lense, healthcare becomes vulnerable to being captured.'s almost as if general public healthcare is defined by The Complex in order to eliminate individual care. Very similar to the common good fallacy.
The current driving force of The Complex:
A system where a physician does not have to think when a diagnosis comes rolling through as the sidecar of a new drug/vaccine - same thing with diagnostics referrals, i.e., MRI's, etc., etc.
Funny that billing doesn't require thinking either and that insurance is a driver of diagnosis. The only thinking required is what is billable.
Why do you think the first thing you do when you visit a doctor is to fill out forms with insurance information
One of my favorite quotes from The Big Bang Theory:
Leonard: You don't go into science for the money.
Bernadette: Speak for yourself. Last month my company both invented and cured restless eye syndrome. Ka-ching, ya blinky chumps!
Rotten from TOP to BOTTOM. Unfit for purpose. Hopelessly corrupt & driven by rampant profiteering, institutional corporate capture of the "regulatory" (ha!) process, & actual disregard for human health. In dire need of radical & uncompromising redesign at EVERY level. Medicine and healthcare has become the willing whore of the biopharmaceutical/military industrial complex, contractors and cartels: visible by the policies and legislation implicitly determined by the revolving door of politics/big-pharma & the inherent conflict of interest therein.
Fauci's/Hancock's all the way down from the very top to your local school board.
Never trust the guy who got wedgies in high-school with your health. That should be a lesson people learn.
The technocrats and bureaucrats had been waiting for this day all their lives.
Ha! Revenge of the Wedgie Nerds!
Good one!
I've written a bit about non-specific effects here:
Benn and Aaby's research on non-specific effects is brilliant and revolutionary -- a generation ahead of the rest of the field. I would hasten to add two qualifiers though:
1. All attenuated live virus vaccines eventually revert to virulence. That's why none of the live virus vaccines touted by Benn & Aaby (measles by itself, oral polio, and BCG) are offered in the U.S. -- no politician or regulator wants to be responsible for causing a viral (or bacterial) outbreak.
2. Millions of children and adults in the U.S. have damaged immune systems from the current vaccine schedule and this damage makes them especially vulnerable to the potentially harmful effects of attenuated live virus vaccines.
So, at first the research on non-specific effects appears to be a sane way out of this whole mess -- a way to save the vaccine program by narrowing it to attenuated live virus vaccines (as if that were possible politically when it's not). But when you actually follow the logic all the way to the end, one realizes that all vaccines are unworkable in practice and we need completely new approaches (hello, antivirals) to health and well-being.
mmr and varicella are both live attenuated virus vaxx, afaik administered in the US. there was also (at least at one point) a nasal spray flu live attenuated virus vaxx.
while you obv can never exclude the possibility of return to virulence, you can make it more or less likely.
Benn and Aaby did not study MMR (or the more recent monstrosities of MMRII or MMRV). They just studied measles by itself. So we have no data on the long term non-specific effects of these combined vaccines. I doubt they studied varicella (and why does that vaccine exist anyway). I imagine a proper risk benefit analysis of varicella would show net harms. But I take your point and stand corrected that there are live virus vaccines on the schedule. However none of the vaccines that Benn and Aaby pointed to as having positive non-specific effects are on the U.S. schedule.
>All attenuated live virus vaccines eventually revert to virulence.
Is this really true? What if you simply delete a bunch of genes linked to Interferon suppression? No stop codons, just deleting chunks of the genome?
if you codon deoptimise sections of the genome, as germans did with that one wild-type sars-2 strain, you can create a very difficult mutational path back to virulence for the virus.
??? What you are describing is not a live virus vaccine. Right?
assuming the virus is still replication competent after the deletions, why not?
But now you are in completely new territory -- genetically modified live virus vaccines? Correct me if I'm wrong but we have no data on that. We know astonishingly little about the human immune system. The notion that we can just tinker with genes, inject them, and everything will turn out great, is the sort of hubris that got us into the current disaster.
I'm not at all suggesting we do this, or even that it's advisable, just pointing out that gene editing is one way to attenuate a virus.
Amen Toby!
Midwit technocrats see (and fetishize) vaccines as an inexpensive and miraculous public health measure. They discount the benefits of modern sewers, healthy diets, heating and cooling, food storage, etc. Too complicated for them, and they don't offer direct, invasive control.
You know, it's a funny thing. I'm old enough to have received only a few, relatively speaking, vaccines over the course of my life, but even so I've got an interesting history of auto-immune afflictions triggered by extreme stress. And one seems to vanquish the previous one. Very strange.
I've read that the fad for tonsil removal led to adult-onset asthma later, and I'm certainly a statistic adding to that hypothesis too. Lots to look at.
Tonsillectomies certainly seem to have been a fad from this vantage point! Those of my parents' generation (born 1946) seem to have all had them; no one my age (b 1978) ever did. My mom said no kids she knew had ear infections and subsequent tubes like my kids (2009 & 2013) and their peers had them. Do the bacteria change, or the treatments?
there is evidence of the bacteria changing, and that is to be expected. The dental caries in the Boomers that gave rise to use of fluoride were caused by a worldwide distribution of a bacterium that seems to have mostly disappeared.
Fluoride is actually a toxic waste. Putting fluoride into water wasn’t about teeth health and there are still many parts of North America with no fluoride in their water. (Teeth strength can’t be fixed by fluoride either and too much fluoride can break down enamel in addition to damaging the thyroid.)
Additional funny thing is that I remained susceptible to throat infections for a good portion of my life. But starting as a young adult I began taking Vitamin C and the older I got, the more I routinely took, and I manage to fight off nasty things pretty well. I might get sick but not so badly.
I'd guess bacteria do their damnest to try and win. My kid got lots of ear infections (thank God no tubes were necessary) though I gave him lots of Vitamin C too. Hylands used to make nice tiny dose dissolvable tablets that even infants and toddlers could consume without danger of choking. They were great to have handy.
My kids are older now and thankfully don't get sick often. My daughter had covid for 2 days and my son seems impervious to it (unvax of course). But I think the repeated antibiotics my daughter took as a baby/toddler for her ear infections have adversely affected her stomach/digestion. Probiotics seem to help (when she remembers them).
>Viruses and their human hosts together form complex systems, which do not react in predictable ways to simplistic interventions.
Yeah, this is correct and important, but it goes much further than you might expect. Many of the childhood infections like measles are consistently associated with reduced risk of cancer later in life for reasons not well understood, but likely to include proliferation of NK cells. Vaccinating against them, particularly with inactivated vaccines, may lead to increased risk of cancer later on in life.
The effect has even been observed for influenza, which is often linked to reduced risk of lung cancer and increases life expectancy in lung cancer patients upon infection:
There are also adenoviruses found to reduce our risk of type 2 diabetes, probably by increasing adipocyte proliferation.
Essentially all of this follows from applying the holobiont theory to the human organism: As humans we're host to a wide variety of organisms that together make our consciousness possible. We have a population microbiome we need to keep intact if we wish to keep our population healthy.
Of course if a bunch of low grade morons decide to experiment with a sarbecovirus in humanized mice and gaslight the world after the whole thing blows up in their faces that virus won't fit into the holobiont model.
Interesting how the old adages hold up. I had an extreme case of Pneumonia in 2010. Ever since, whenever I get sick is lasts two or three days tops. Previously, I would get severe bouts with the flu yearly. If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger.
Great post!
I had my last flu vaccination some 14 years ago. (Yes, I got the flu)
Have not had the flu since.
As an occasional optimist, as this Covid-19 story unfolds, and vaxx long-term effects become more apparent, will people reject the next fix for the next scare??
Sadly, probably NOT. In the UK ooze-paper the Daily Mail yesterday, there was an interview with a guy whose BBC presenter wife had died after the FIRST dose of the astrazeneca clot-shot, the which was on her death certificate and given as the cause of death. He
went on to have TWO MORE shots, having swallowed the incredible lie, repeated by the Daily Mail, that the statistics of the likelihood of death from his wife's vaccine related mortality was 66 in 10 million (& no, her employers the BBC did NOT report on either her death OR it's cause). He rationalised his folly by merely switching from the AZ clot shot to the only marginally LESS deadly Pfizer jabs. What a clown. And he's now sullied his wife's memory by allowing himself to be used in a propaganda piece stating "there's still only a 66 in 10 million chance you'll die!" An egregious falsehood of the lowest order.
1) like your term 'ooze-paper'
2) daughter and her husband took AZ early on--I fear for them and their children. Strongly suggested she choose potential guardians just in case--but used their upcoming flight to US as the reason for my concern.
Hi V.V.V.! I'm sorry to hear of your daughter's decision. I too tried EVERYTHING in my power to talk my parents out of the same folly. They would NOT listen to me and my Dad lost his life as a direct consequence. I now STRONGLY recommend that EVERYONE who has taken ANY number of the depop-shots đź’‰ to urgently study the emerging research, studies and recommendations of AUTHENTIC, conscience driven clinicians and physicians who urge that the jabbed
begin regularly availing themselves
of Glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, Quercetin, vitamins C and D and the
B vitamins, and attempt to source Hydroxychloroqine and Ivermectin from wherever they can (all readily sourced EXCEPT for the HCQ and Ivermectin). Also, much study of the
likes of La Quinta Columna & Drs.Pablo Camera and Delgado, who have cracked the "entire case" as it were, proving the utter fraudulence and complicity in the assertion of there EVER having been a "pandemic" and demonstrating that the shots are part bioweapon and part invasive, transhumanistic biotech and contain graphene oxides & hydroxide, self assembling nano-matrice technologies and R.F.I.D. transmitter/receiver materials and horrifyingly- PARASITES with all the appearance of being Hydra Vulgaris or the synthetic variant Hydra Lineas. Urge them to study the sites
of La Quinta Columna and and some of the content of this sixth sense channel on bitchute. Worse still, the UN-jabbed children of jabbed parents (or ANYONE in constant exposure to the jabbed!) ARE now indisputably demonstrating the (blood) clotting patterns and injuries of the jabbed from the ALSO
now proven "self spreading" graphene oxides exhaled aerosol droplets đź’¦ dispersal. Truly, truly shocking, a terrible, terrible crime against humanity. Even we wise pure-bloods ARE now, & likely sooner than later, going to end up in the SAME shape AS the jabbed unless we adhere to a STRICT separation from their society, but, even at THAT, the graphene oxides HAVE now been being discovered in FOOD,
the WATER supply, the SOIL, & many
OTHER allopathic pharmaceutical "medicines", including antibiotics, local anaesthetics like novocaine, & even O.T.C. headache medications!!!
The Glutathione I mentioned above allows the body to purge, dissipate & get RID of the graphene oxides. I would urgently recommend it's use, & perhaps STOCKPILING too, seeing
as it IS now inevitable that they WILL come for the holistic treatments too. Stay safe!
Thanks for your reply--as you may imagine, given that it was AZ, said daughter is in your homeland. I suspect that her parents in law were involved in the decision-making. Also, for myself, have been dealing with knee/hip (too much really heavy gardening/forest clearing last year), had arthroscopy (not much choice when the alternative is living on crutches), but have refused even any OTC pills for at least a month; never even took cap off prescription pain-killer given by surgeon. Just out of sheer cussedness am I doing this.
Yep, here in the UK (Scotland) my mother is suffering from chronic knee pain necessitating an op, & my
aunt also is in the interminable and bottomless queue for a knee op, which, judging from the incredible waiting list, it's likely both may die before EVER approaching the front of the queue. I also have THIS contention regarding the wholly counterproductive lockdowns and ludicrously fallacious, erroneous and alarmist "computer modelling" that provoked them: that these lockdowns were an INTENTIONAL strategic initiative to allow for the presentation of the tidal wave of human wreckage, death and misery caused by the jabs to be disingenuously attributed SOLELY to "lockdown deaths" and lost opportunities for medical checks and treatment resulting in the now horrendous waiting lists that they CONTINUE to milk as being THE largely SOLE cause of the of course continuing jab đź’‰ horrors. Although I know little about the subject personally, (but AM trying to research and "catch up & on"), I would massively recommend that EVERYONE, jabbed or not, begin to engage in the enthusiastic study of holistic and "alternative" medicine and healthcare, and wherever possible, from NOW ON, exhaust EVERY potential remedy in that much, but wrongly maligned field before EVER resorting to the nefarious pharmaceutical faux-medicinal interventions of the allopathic healthcare racketeers and D.N.R. deliverers. Can't hurt, & even if not greatly effective in any given specific instance, at LEAST keeps you safe from the "killing fields" that all modern hospitals HAVE now undoubtedly become. Just last week, there was a story in the local rag/ooze-paper about a 50yr old woman in the local hospital
for something non serious or life threatening, who, having strenuously REFUSED to sign the D.N.R. documentation, nevertheless then discovered that a FORGED SIGNATURE had been applied to the
document to instead PUT her ON the D.N.R. order!!! THIS is where we are now with hospitals in the UK, and doubtless most everywhere else. Good luck with the hip/knee friend, take care! 🙏
I imagine that the very long-term effects aspect will completely blind them to the connection between vax and effect, thus keeping them securely in the (locked) vax cage.
I was being blindly optimistic.
Sadly, I have to agree with you.
These folks are in a cult. Nothing will wake them. Not even their own children or spouses dying. But please remember, we are the crazy morons who hate science.
You know, it's kinda funny, as an unvaxxed Canadian, that people call me a "conspiracy theorist".
I wear that like a badge.
I posted here, some time ago:
Q: What's the difference between a conspiracy theorist and the truth?
A: About 6 months.
I was just corrected by 2 replies, one stating "3 months", and the other claiming, "more like 6 weeks".
I'm more than happy with the corrections...
Yes, I first heard that from Russell Brand, but the speed-up is coming to be the reality.
As one entranced by language, may I ask if Sarapuu is Finnish?
Good guess, but across the Baltic Sea to Estonia.
You can imagine the jokes about my last name growing up...
Maybe it toughened me.
Also---daughter and SIL and children are "Unvaxxed in Toronto" --that's a movie title, isn't it?
Christine Stabell Benn did an interesting video on the same subject which I discuss and transcribe here
"As a society, we’ve concluded on the basis of simple, unsophisticated studies that vaccines are absolutely great, and then proceeded to use them so widely, that we’ve lost much of our ability to detect their drawbacks."
Well, that can't be good.
You will also have to look at how the "non specific" studies were done. If these are observational rather than randomized, as I suspect, then differences in mortality can be due to a whole host of obvious and less obvious confounders.
The data on mortality difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated for covid is being systematically suppressed world wide, which is frankly enough to tell us about what the raw numbers are, but these suffer from the same effects.
There is also the argument that as the covid vaccines prevented a certain amount of (covid) mortality (I think this is actually a true claim in principle but not to the _extent_ claimed, with BS modelling showing millions of lives saved in Europe) the covid vaccinated population is actually at elevated all-cause mortality risk relative to the unvaccinated population (which has already had covid-susceptible selected out to a certain degree).
Putting numbers on all of this is hard. The excess mortality is modest but real. It's small enough that it will not get anecdatally noticed. How much of it is down to 3 years of destroyed life versus vaccines is going to be very hard to tell.
The reduction in birth rate, and the fact that it is still ongoing, is a greater concern to me as there is more than just circumstantial evidence pointing at the vaccines.
generally agreed, but my priors against 'non-specific effects' existing (in both directions) are pretty low
It truly is so utterly outrageous that pharma and the regulators deliberately destroyed the control group for the most consequential trial in history, and on such a laughable pretext.
I think they knew in advance it was likely that efficacy would be good against infection for only a short duration, and longer-term data would have shown this.
After all this is what we expect from the influenza vaccines.
Unfortunately we also lost the ability to see if there is longer-term efficacy against actually clinically relevant endpoints like severe course and death.
They did it for every vaccine. The Covid jab is not a vaccine. It’s a bioweapon.
Great comment Viv
bang on
The basic premise of vaccines is to limit severity of a natural infection by presenting, ahead of time, a milder version (either attenuated or partial antigen) to the immune system so it can respond more swiftly when exposed to the real thing. Unfortunately, the immune system's response and vaccinal response have been distilled into the "mo' antibodies, mo' betta" immuno-bridging tagline which is used to paint a broad brush across multiple pathogens with multiple routes of entry and highly differentiated immune responses (NK cell, Tcell, innate, adaptive etc.)
While one would have to recognize that, in theory, the attenuated exposure to a pathogen, should work, the measurement of the vaccine efficacy, the complexity of the immune system signaling cascade, the highly variable immune responses (and side effects) from person to person etc.. have been reduced to "vaccines work" ,"they give you antibodies" or "they're safe", despite legitimate concerns of our understanding of this process and its variability.
The blatant yearly push of ineffective flu vaccines and labelling mRNA transfections as "vaccines"
and the broad assumption that intramuscular shots can prepare for a mucosal (gut, lung, skin) infection should rightfully raise fundamental questions about the entire vaccine 'program'.
While one might consider it unfortunate to question the entire basis of vaccination based on recent developments (shenanigans), I think it is only fair. Who knows? Maybe there isn't a baby in the bathwater, after all. Or we might have to admit we have no effin' clue what we're doing.
Hi... you little authoritarian
This part of your comment really caught my eye.
The blatant yearly push of ineffective flu vaccines and labelling mRNA
transfections as "vaccines"
and the broad assumption that intramuscular shots can prepare for a mucosal (gut, lung, skin) infection should rightfully raise fundamental questions about the entire vaccine 'program'
The least understood part of our lives today is Medicine & Health, the public is far far behind the curve on this and simply trusts the experts... the folks in white coats with diplomas on the wall. Yes I am talking about diseases and infections real or imagined ( mental affliction ) and the medical systems response to this. The methodology, the drugs, the protocol established it's all a puzzle to JQ Public.
The second part. The corruption of the Medicine & Health system is also not understood by the public even now after the C19 Scamdemic revealed the rot in the system. The control from the top is complete disobedience will not be tolerated.
People forget that all of us come into this world equipped to survive and live to procreate. All the other critters microbic and super sized came along too. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Don't.. and the team with the diplomas and dressed in white coats will treat you. But not half as good as your own body if kept at optimum operation.
So, not only does the Covid vaccine *not* prevent transmission, it actually makes transmission *higher*? Wow.
Also makes infection rates higher.
I thought it was because okay, maybe it does actually reduce symptoms, so you go Coviding around town spreading it unknowingly. My husband and I got it almost definitively from a vaxxed person at a large party; who goes to a party while not feeling well?
There's a Cleveland clinic paper showing an inverted dose response curve when following 35k of their staff, the more mRNA shots one had, the more likely they were to be infected. One theory is related to an outcome seen in at least two papers now (science immunology for the first) where B-cell class switching was observed from IgG1 to IgG4 Ab protection, suggesting immune tolerance (the paper showed neutralization in vitro still but this is a very unexpected result that doesn't occur even in other repeatedly administered vaccines)
A person that is so stupid as to get vaccinated in the first place?
To gain a broad and deep understanding of the issues raised by vaccine clinical trials and to understand why you should question widely-accepted claims of safety and efficacy, read "Turtles all the Way Down: Vaccine Science & Myth." The information in the book is credible and clear.
banned for a week for repeated unpleasant comments and unwarranted hostility.
just because other people on the internet don't cite your favourite sources and authors doesn't mean they don't know about them or haven't thought about the arguments they make.
Don't know how it is in Germany, but here in the United States there are an insane amount of vaccines that doctors administer to children. Along the same time, childhood pathologies have skyrocketed, and he methods the FDA uses to test vaccine safety is to test it against not saline solution, but other vaccines.
If you try to look at comparison studies between fully vaccinated children and completely unvaccinated children, I don't think thy exist. I knew several families hat have eschewed all vaccines because of the lack of serious long term studies not allowing thm to make a proper risk assessment.
Tragic, because these aren't conspiracy nuts, but reasonable people who smell something is wrong. It's clear the results will be some vaccines are positive while some are detrimental in the long-term, and in modern terminology, that's being an anti-vaxxer.
I don't remember the doctor's name. He lost his license in 2020(?) for analyzing vaccine outcomes in his pediatric practice and refusing to retract it. He was originally in trouble for not pushing vaccines, and his own small study was a way to defend his deviation from "best practice." His evidence, which includes an unimpeachable cohort of non-vaccinated children, was not well received by regulators. He is suing, I think.
Paul Thomas in Portland. His articles have been "cancelled"- a more accurate description than "retracted."
Needless to say, the first page of Google results for Paul Thomas, MD, did not feature his biography!
Paul Thomas's vaccine journey is interesting. He was very influential in my evolution on the subject after my daughter's reaction to a DTaP shot. I read his book "The Vaccine Friendly Plan." This book details which vaccines he deemed worth the risk and which were not. Since coming forward as an "anti-vaxxer" his practice attracted families that didn't vaccinate their children, providing a "control group." I'm sure there is some bias in the data, but his findings were shocking.