You mean Plandemicists, right? I am astounded at the utter idiocy of people. I was on a Teams call earlier when one of my colleagues expressed great concern that her 14 year old daughter who is double jabbed has a cold. She was so frightened that she gave the child a Covid test, and so relieved when it came back negative. I don't know how much more I can take at this point. No wonder I am reaching for the gin & tonic on a nightly basis.

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So many people are doing this now--testing "just to be sure." People are so weak. When did we ever track colds and flus so obsessively (which at this omicronish point, is what Covid is, basically)? Dare I even brag about all the days I worked anyway, when sick, once upon a time? Dare I even recall a time when doing so was respected? Or is that heresy, now?

Dashboard world--I've delegated all rationality and bodily attunement to my app, TheScience (TM), now please tell me I'm okay until my next test in 20 mins, or please even better tell me I'm NOT okay and give me like 8 things to purchase to make me okay, because my life is SO PATHETIC I have no problem upending it to go get like, quintuple boosted and buy attractive and up-to-the-moment-logoed new PPE. Thank-you can I have another?

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It is Munchausen by proxy on a global scale.

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The testing regime came first, as part of the planning and preparation for this holocaust. The testing regime was introduced about ten years ago under the name of Wellness. Before Wellness, patients decided when they were sick, and sometimes went to a doctor for help. Wellness means that the doctor has FULL AUTHORITY to decide that you're sick, whether you think so or not. You are NOT ENTITLED TO KNOW any of the information. This regime was copied directly from Sprenger and Kremer's inquisition methods.

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Interesting you should mention this. My second year under Medicare I realized the worthlessness of the annual wellness appointment to my health and saw that it served primarily as an intrusive governmental data-gathering exercise. I haven't gone to one since.

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I would have to double check but I believe studies have shown that these so called preventative checks don't lead to better patient health nor are they cost beneficial. In short most patients or their insurance end up spending a lot of money to find out nothing is wrong. This drives up health care costs. Money that would be better spent.

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Agree Paula! They serve only to funnel one into a System, which mostly is not needed, in search of a series of Treatments. For stuff you could have lived with anyway, without ever knowing about or being affected by. Some "preventatives' (mammograms) are inherently contraindicated. If the technician has to leave the room during your "checkup" you may want to question the greater picture/motive. Sadly, a lot of employers are going down this path, preventative equals lower cost to the employee, but ultimately greater costs to the employer and insurer. Which drives up the cost even more.

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The first and only time I was told at a doctor's office that I was not supposed to be reading my own chart (I was looking at it before the doctor came in) I gave them a rather haughty eyebrow lift and went right on reading it. Because I knew damn good and well that I was indeed entitled to know the information. If anyone tells you otherwise call them on it.

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Interesting. When I was seventeen I was hospitalized with double pneumonia. After several days, very bored, when a nurse left a thermometer in my mouth and disappeared, I took a peek, and she happened to return and see me doing it . To my shock, she became very angry. I asked her what the problem was about. It was, after all, MY temperature. She had no explanation. Lost my respect for the whole game right then and there.

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What makes it "double" pneumonia? I've never heard that before.

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I think it means infection noted in both lungs.

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We should also remember that, without it being forced on us by government agencies, as thinking adults, we often and of our own accord did stay home when truly ill. Sadly, the era of thinking adults is fast ebbing.

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If testing weren't free, it would end immediately. Thank the Democrats for the ongoing hysteria. They funded free testing.

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Brilliant! Love this

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I'm finding myself becoming strangely detached .. almost serene. It's like the COVIDIANS/Pandemicists have jumped in a boat together and are floating off into the distance and getting smaller and smaller .. increasingly I don't even notice them. They have ventured off into their own fantasy world and I'm going to stay in mine .. perhaps my own fanatasy

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El gato malo said something recently about this that stuck with me. He described this phenomenon as a sort of societal Münchausen syndrome by proxy. Caring parents and, a fortiori, helicopter parents, enjoy the idea that they were right to worry about the children all along. They don’t want to look too closely at the “danger” in case they are forced to acknowledge it is not that bad. Then all their protective efforts would be for naught!

Taking this a grotesque step further, they will probably find a sense of fulfillment in caring for their vaccine-injured kids down the road. They will also be able to enjoy feeling righteously outraged at the bad guys who lied to them. They will never blame themselves.

Me, I’ve ordered this, and will enjoy wearing it in Massachusetts this Christmas. https://bob-moran.co.uk/products/roller-sweatshirt-stand-firm-stand-firm-tshirt-logo-black-tshirt-logo-black

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You mean Maskachusetts 😂

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One fallout problem is that you can longer just “get sick” with anything without your school or employer requiring a negative test to return - doesn’t matter your symptoms or your certainty it’s not Covid. Every sniffle necessitates a test - and it’s getting harder and harder to get a timely test - most testing sites are booked at least a day or two ahead, then it takes days to get a result. It blows up days and days of a life.

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It's a recipe for encouraging people NOT to report when they are sick, and just hide the symptoms. Simple cause and effect: make "being sick" a more painful thing to admit, and fewer people will admit to it.

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In parts of Germany we've been told that you currently don't need tests if you are triple vaxxed (previously this applied to double vaxxed). Because there has to be some benefit to subject yourself to a booster, right? And the vaccines work, right?

I know someone who is 3x who went to maskless meetings with lots of hugging, dinners in restaurants, traveled, all while having sniffles which turned into COVID. I'm sure she spread it to a lot of vaccinated people. Maybe this explains Omicron spreading among the vaccinated.

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I've become really fond of Nordes gin which I first sampled on my one and only trip "off the continent" over to the UK in 2019! Very botanical and aromatic. Everyone I know that loves gin has loved it!

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I have to put a plug in for Hendrick's gin. From Scotland, like my forebears. With a slice of cucumber (no, really).

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The only way it's meant to be drank (drunk?)! Cheers

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yes all the covidians do the test now whenever they have a sneeze,sore throat, headache or whatever, Good conditioned little bunnies

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Quinine good move

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Recent estimates are children at about 15% vaxxed despite weeks of availability and the most coordinated propaganda push ever. Many of the parents that rolled up their own sleeves have awakened. The tide is turning.

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I think vaccine takeup for kids 5-11 is similar all over the place - the superscared 10-20% of parents clamor for vaccines for kids, then...interest wanes quickly.

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Gupta's stint on Sesame Street will continue until until kids start putting the clotshot on their Christmas list.

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Here, it's quite openly said why parents have their children vaccinated: bc the kids won't have to quarantine if a kid in kindergarten or school tests positive; bc the child will have "more freedoms" - these are accepted reasons to vaccinate your child, nobody seems to stop and think: Wait...don't we usually, you know, use vaccines for medical reasons?

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Exactly. And every single time somebody says that, we need to scream that it's not the virus that makes the child quarantine, it's the idiotic rules that don't actually help when it comes to the virus.

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Yes, I've heard this too, and it also comes from parents genuinely tired of teaching/monitoring their kids during the lockdown phases. I know a guy, he was first in line to get his kid jabbed, could not wait to stop having to "babysit."

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If they mean blackmail they should say blackmail. At some point I pray parents will challenge the constant on again off again quarantines of healthy children on the bases such a policy denies the child to his or her right to a free and equal education. I do not know how it is in G.B. or Europe but in the U.S. most states include such a provision in their state constitutions.

Constant interruptions and back and forths between in class learning and virtual learning do not facilitate a equal education. This is because it is shown that students who are already disadvantaged and struggling in class are very likely to fall further behind in their studies. This is one area that maybe the race card should be pulled out.

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This is all the "Medical Deep State" -- an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy that works most diligently in its own preservation. Covid has been a godsend to them, and, alas, the damage is done. Draining such a swamp is well-nigh impossible.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control gets a $9 billion budget. Admittedly it's a drop in the federal bucket. But what exactly are we getting for our nine billion? They fumbled this pandemic as badly as anyone, hasn't discovered one new strain, and kept the initial tests from coming to market in the early days of the pandemic. Why isn't anyone holding them accountable?

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..and about time..

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And they're pushing it quite HARD, also..I'm flabbergasted at this as well..I'd have thought it would have been an outrage to even think about vaxxing kids...there's no more limits to this, now..and, most of all, this shitshot doesn't even work

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No they don’t access literature, they see in America ads on Tv with Dr Sanjay Gupta seducing children to get the shot . When was this made legal?

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There are parents that should be locked up in a lunatic asylum. https://voxday.net/2021/11/01/guilt-to-carry-to-the-grave/

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For what it’s worth, here’s what I think.

1. Covid 19 is a mutation of coronaviruses that have been circulation for ever (at least millenia).

2. People don’t seem to realise CCP has Think Tanks similar to West.

3. Covid 19 was first identified in China, whether natural or man-made is immaterial. There are dozens of coronaviruses circulating at any one time, if not hundreds, and considering mutations, an infinite number.

4. In revenge for Trump restrictions on Chinese trade, CCP think tank advised CCP to trick West into overreacting about Covid 19 into harsh restrictions, and succeeded via propaganda i.e welded up doors, people dying on streets etc.

5. Herd resistance to such a virus as Covid is achieved within two years regardless of any interventions such as vaccines.

6. Politicians have never yet seen a bandwagon they don’t want to jump on and eagerly accepted advice from “experts” that would fix the problem, experts knowing that covid would die out in two years. The scare already is over in USA (apart from a few hold-out states). Scare will be over in Europe by spring 2022. By summer 2022, nobody will ever admit to having heard of Corona, due to short attention span of average public.

Kudos to eugyppius for getting it mostly right. Much respect!

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Don't forget that China's factories were open while we were closed, they gobbled up Hong Kong while everybody was distracted, and got Trump out of the White House and Biden in. On top of it all, the gain of function paper trail leads right back to us -- and they knew it.

Sure is 'lucky' for them if they didn't plan it.

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"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

Sun Tzu

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You can skip the whole subduing bet if the enemy just goes ahead and surrenders for their own good.

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Tell that to nurses who will likely either quit or be fired in NYC now that there is no religious exemption. People like to fixate on the past or predict the future. The present day situation is what matters.

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I know it isn't easy peasy for people to pick up and move, but tens of thousands have been relocating to Florida every month. They're gonna need a lot more healthcare workers down there...

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I grew up in Florida in the 50/60's and lived/worked there on/off several times over the last 30 years. It was a beautiful place long ago and has since been turned into a s***thole. True Floridians( people born and raised there) can't stand people from NE who move there especially the snow birds who live their from Nov thru April. 30% of the population is transitory. I lived in Broward county for a few years not long ago. 60 % Democrat and they bring the same crap with them they pretend to escape. Remember Brenda Snipes, the cheating election supervisor? She should have been jailed. Best time in Florida is in the off season when all the snow birds leave. I hope Florida survives the influx of Yankees. DeSantis' next move should be to put restrictions on how many of them can move in. Unfortunately with no state income tax, they need the revenue via assessments and fees on other goods and services.

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"If it's called a Tourist Season why can't we shoot them?"

I admit to getting a perverse pleasure from newcomer's expression when he or she finds out that gators can climb a chain link fence. They also never appreciate my cheerful explanation that it is great if there are Black snakes in their yard because those will kill rattlers.

Not a native only been here 51 years but my late husband was a native. So I like to think I have some claim.

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Microbesrus, is your avatar Jack Nicholson in the Cuckoo's Nest? Forgive me, as I don't really follow popular culture to that extent. Regarding nurses in NYC, they should hold out. Their employers will relent once they realise how many are going to quit. Failing that, and despite their trade union, they might consider to demonstrate, demonstrate, demonstrate and get like minded public involved. Respectfully, just a suggestion.

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It's from The Shining (1980)

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"Heeere's Johnny!"

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There still may be a religious exemption once the complaint moves through the courts. It is a shame that SCOTUS refused to issue an injunction as one was clearly needed and justified. Cowardly custards.

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About 5: unless the vaccines are not durably destroying people's ability to create robust natural immunity. Maybe not the base scenario but definitely the preferable one for big pharma.

I am truly happy to hear that the scare is over in USA and totally buy it because Alex Berenson, El Gato Malo are also pointing to it. There is so much more hope if there is at least one sane spot in this world.

They will need a distraction / cover up though and it won't be pretty. War in Iran/Ukraine, runaway inflation ... we honestly do not know. It is crucial however that we insist and work towards that all the emergency powers of the executive are revoked. We should push to install checks and balances so that there is no way ever in the future that the politicians even start talking about mandating medical procedures, or have the powers to limit our rights.

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(1) The vaccines are destroying people's ability to develop robust natural immunity. (See Alex's stack) (2) These are flu viruses- RNA- like all flu viruses, the population doesn't develop herd immunity like, say, a more deadly virus... flus just flu- you get them over and over again... maybe mutations, maybe the same virus after a time.

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I don't think vaccines are doing that, but distancing and hiding at home certainly is. You have to catch viruses to maintain natural immunity. People who hide from viruses for years will find that they are unusually susceptible to the next one that comes along. And a lot of the same people who get 3 vaccine shots are still scared enough to hide from crowds and other places where they might catch some flu or cold.

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We're seeing this here in Germany - children's wards at the hospitals are overwhelmed with kids that have RSV virus - immune deficit caused by contact limitations last year seem to be the root of it all.

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Georgi, I'm sorry to say that on reaction propaganda (anti-vaccer) side is just about as bad as the perceived pro vac wisdom. All my friends, colleagues and family who have had the vaccines (3) are fine. As regards reactions only a sore arm is admitted among them and to contrast that I still have a sore arm from a tetanus shot over 30years ago! WTF?

Yes, Covid scare is over in USA.

Regarding war in Ukraine, I beg that the USA doesn't underestimate the forebearance of the Russians, you will live to regret it.

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Well nobody who is opposed to the mass vaccinations and the mandates wants to prevent a willing person to get vaccinated, isn't it? It's the pro vaxxers who want to vaccinate everybody. I hope you see the absolutely crucial asymetry here

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Not quite sure what you mean?

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Well the pro vaxxers really want to mandate the vaccines to people who do not want to take them. They push for mandates.

The opposing team just wants to retain the bodily autonomy so that everybody can decide for themselves if they want to take it.

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Got it now, thanks

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I know dozens of people who got the shot with as near as makes no difference, zero reactions.

I also know one death and one lady who has been hospitalized for months since the day of the vaccine.

Different batches are no doubt largely responsible for the massive discrepancy in reactions but I'm sure there's other factors too.

It should also be noted that the soccer players all felt 100 per cent for months after their jabs before keeling over on the pitch. It's possible that the extreme situations athletes face are accelerating the problems many (all?) recipients will experience at a later date.

You do make a good point though. Whilst this vaccine is particularly horrific, we should never forget that all vaccines are useless and dangerous.

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Hello 4RH, I haven't had time to look in detail about athlete's deaths due to Covid vaccine but what i have gleaned is that athletes have always died in the same proportion before Covid vaccines as after. I'm willing to be corrected but will challenge anecdotes unless they are verified by substantiated stats. Bring it on!

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You think that above is a fake story?

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Hmm... Is that the Steve Kirsch founder of the covid19 early treatment fund? https://aaronkwittken.com/brand-on-purpose/covid19-early-treatment-fund-steve-kirsch

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In above link you can watch the findings from autopsies and eyes doctors connecting with these "vaccines "

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You are absolutely spot on about number four. I hope for all of our sakes number six is just as correct. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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Wrong the democrats along with communist china developed produced and released this on purpose all with goal of destroying America and the last bastion of freedom..

Either that or it’s simply the flu rebranded

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SARS-CoV-2 named as COVID-19 to obfuscate the issue, was produced with NAID funding and gain of function research at UNC Chapel Hill by Dr. Ralph S Baric between 2003 -2007 after the first SARS outbreak in Asia circa 2002/2003 https://jvi.asm.org/content/jvi/82/5/2274.full.pdf

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Have you read Michael Senger's book? Pretty much exactly what you've laid out here and is the most compelling narrative I've heard yet

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It's now on my list for reading, thanks for the tip. I guess the gist is here https://ccpgloballockdownfraud.medium.com/the-chinese-communist-partys-global-lockdown-fraud-88e1a7286c2b Pretty much what I have thought from the beginning based on my dilettantish research. But devastating to read about in detail. To consider, among other things, that CCP has tens of thousands of operatives individually steering western opinion on social media. How do you combat that? Western security agencies not doing their job properly. Several Sun Tsu quotes are relevant here. It looks like war right enough.

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I sooo want you to be right!!! I now am triggered just at the sound of the word 'vaccine'

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The US is China's biggest customer. Sabotaging the American company doesn't seem to be a very smart think for a Chinese think tank to recommend.

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It was a matter of survival for the CCP. If you look at the economic data in the months leading up to C-19, China was in a serious downward spiral due *primarily* to Trump's trade war. Whether or not C-19 was a planned op from the get go or if they simply took advantage of the situation and implemented major psyops against the West in order for them to ruin their economies as well is immaterial at this point.

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I agree. Trump had Xi Jinping by the balls, and Xi ordered the virus released to change the game.

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Vanishing Tribe, I don't agree that it is immaterial. You are looking at it from an "American" point of view. Before Trump, China and USA made certain agreements. Trump abrogated them. Now, depending on your political persuation, you may agree with what Trump did (and in any case it doesn't seem to be any different to what Biden is doing) but Trump abrogated prior agreements. Now, I, in the UK and you in the USA are showered with items at more than an affordable price due to Chinese enterprise. And I don't mean just toys and other frivolous items, but material hardware to do with the functioning of our households. What do you suggest if we don't want the Chinese to make our everyday goods. Do you suggest that we bring the manufacture of such back to our respective countries? Do you think that there are people willing to do the work at the wages applicable. Will you be willing to pay the price of these goods manufactured here?

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I did not mean to imply the fact that conducting a psyop against the West is immaterial, rather whether it was a long-planned operation or simply a matter of taking tactical advantage of a situation. The result to the West would have been the same either way.

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Hello again. I didn't notice before that your avatar was that of a native American, forgive me. I sholdn't dwell on that, as it is not relevant to the pesent thread about Covid but I will be retuning to the treatment of native Americans on some or another forum. Stay tuned .You ask if it a long planned operation? - well, in my opinion no, Chinese reaction was to Trump abrogation of previous agreements. Please understand that I am not against Trump in general, only that not everything he did was correct, in my opinion.

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Then you're playing checkers while everybody else is playing chess.

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Hello HLG, with all due respect you are looking at things through an "American" persespective. American businesses have sold their equitity to Chinese money. Forgive me for asking but do you have a 404 investment? Do you want it to do well? If Chinese equities do as well or better than US ones, will you be pleased?

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What is, "herd resistance"?

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Herd immunity. "Resistance" was referenced on Ethical Sceptic's site.

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I don't see herd immunity happening anywhere with this respiratory virus. Like the flu, it's here for good.

Be curious how herd immunity happens given animal reservoirs and mutating virus variants.

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nobody is fixated on the Chinese beyond noting they sucker punched us a beauty and we fell for it - and are still falling for it - entirely, hook, line and sinker.

Nobody even knows if it is really true that they did that.

That's not important.. The effects are entirely as though they did. That's what matters.

i.e. We've been had. That's the message people are trying to get through.


Not 'western authority figures'. We. Us.

In our much vaunted Western paradigm we shove down the throats of the Chinese and anyone else at every opportunity 'western authority figures' cannot do what you suggest without the will of the people! That's our boast.

Clearly a hollow, silly, meaningless, untrue boast.

The Chinese knew that.

For decades they've been saying we are corrupt, decadent.

We've thought perhaps they meant on some abstruse philosophical level wherein it is 'corrupt' or 'decadent' to foster universal suffrage and love of free speech and the arts or something.. ?

And that those wicked Orientals were in favour of rigid controls and harsh measures and a total absence of any 'human rights', 'humanity' as we see it.

So we discounted, ignored, what they said.

But they are fairly dispassionate and objective people.

Simply pointing at a truth that we now can see.

Perhaps as some sophisticated high level joke they did this thing. Perhaps not.

If not then it's hard to explain a picture of two white hazmat suited individuals apparently about to remove a supine business suited corpse (?) from a city street.

Or tradesmen welding up an apartment door.

What else could they have been but jokes?

And how did we receive them? In our blundering corrupt stupidity?

And a thousand bed hospital in 10 ten days? Which they never used. What was that? Not a joke. A sneer. Not even a challenge. A flaunting.

The point is that it "is as though". They will see that whether or not they did it.

Like a war game. It has been played out "as though".

They don't have to wonder about the stability and integrity of our internal systems. The strength of our internal democratic practices, safeguard, methodologies, the honest, integrity, merit and mettle of our leaders, business, education, political, medical..

It has all been displayed. Is being displayed.

All of this is not being fixated on China. It is being fixated on a fundamental truth: apparently in the face of what well might have been nothing but a colossal joke we fell to piece, crumbled to dust, died where we stood, dissolved, decayed, blew away..

The whole intelligent world can see this.

There is intelligence out there you know.

We can see we have none.

And we thought we had it all.

But now perhaps we begin to understand there's intelligence out there.

In all those quiet nations keeping their heads down and going their own way whether we like it or not. Observers of the international scene and in particular observers of the USA and it's relations with the other 'great powers'.

And what do you think they see?

They see a farce and a revelation of a colossal weakness within our nations that they'd never have thought possible.

That's not being 'fixated on China'. Nothing remotely like it. Quite the opposite.

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Excuse me boys and girls ... have we totally discounted the 'By deceit we wage war' group? It is now an open secret that Tony Fauci and Ralph Barich, et al; used the lab in Wuhan to manufacture their 'gain-of-function' boi-weapon, using American tax-payers money. Doing it in China has enabled them to kill two birds with the one stone. Elementary stuff, Dear Watsons. Follow the money ... hmmm! GSK, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, etc. etc. Did somebody mention Blackrock, Vanguard et al?

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Arthur, I don't quite agree that the Chinese, "see a farce and a revelation of a colossal weakness within our nations that they'd never have thought possible". I don't think the CCP Think Tanks go into that in those terms. I believe that they are entirely pragmatic. They want to trade with the West including the USA. They are annoyed that Trump abrogated mutual trade agreements, accepting also that Biden is endorsing these abrogations. If you in the USA want manufacturing to come back stateside, then so be it. Are your people willing to do the factory work, are you as a consumer willing to pay the prices for goods that this will entail?

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Fabulous post. Sorry it took so long to read it through. I obviously saw it before but didn't register the quality of it. Too much alcohol, haha

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Kathleen, I have much respect for the Chinese, after all we, (at least in the UK) appropriated some of their technology, for example in China earthenwear and for a time dominated the world with it (Wedgewood). Now, we criticise the Chinese for appropriating our technology even considering that they paid a market price for the it. The western sellers are now living in the lap of luxury on the back of Chinese money. I don't mean to criticize you personally, after all I don't know you, but is the purchaser at a market price not entitled to gains of their purchase?

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The age of Peak Karen is upon us. Fortunately, as with all excesses, it's all downhill for Karen Nation from this point on. Everyone is seeing the deranged look in their eyes and it has become quietly apparent to all critically thinking individuals that these people are morally corrupt, stupid and plain od batshit crazy. A good example would be New York's governor, the truly scary Kathy Hochul. The United States is firmly dividing into hardened, armed patriots who have had enough, coupled with normal people who understand that crazed lunatics have hijacked their country and mentally & physically ill lunatics who could not create anything of value without using force or fraud. The lawsuits from this period of lunacy will last for decades. Expect a number of conservative US states to pass a truckload of new legislation forcing future lunatics into holes they can't climb out of.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Joseph - what are you seeing that makes you confident that we will see the type of lawsuits and legislation you are describing?

I am in a red state and I would be shocked if there were lawsuits. Believe me I want them. I want these people to pay for the damage they have wrought. But I am worried this is all going to fade away. They won’t be held remotely responsible.

I would love to see people who were coerced into being vaccinated due to job mandates sue their employers.

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Large blocks of college educated individuals have invested a good amount of time into understanding their rights under the law since Biden's first round of bloviating related to the illegitimate mandate. Droves of lawsuits have already been filed and many more are coming. Notice how the cowardly mega-corporations & large, non-scientifically driven hospital systems all backed off on their mandates as soon as they realized that coercing individuals into getting jabbed with a poison they don't wish to take is seriously illegal. When precedent is set that Employer A is responsible for damages for vaccine injury and/or death, expect a stampede of corporate lobbyists attempting to con Congress to pass laws shielding employers from their actions. With the makeup of the legislature changing dramatically over the next few years, expect these lobbyists to fail. While the blanket liability that the pharmaceutical companies shields them from their lying and all of the vaccine injuries & deaths, employers receive no such liability relief. The legal profession has been sitting back, watching this entire mess to unfold. The avalanche of lawsuits coming will make the tobacco litigation look like a small claims suit over unpaid rent.

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Problem is that the Blue state governments, such as California, Oregon and Washington, are still terrorizing their own residents. These governors will never back down, because that would be tacitly admitting to creating harmful procedures, for which they would be criminally and civilly liable.

If the West Coast wants out of this terror, we'll have to fight our way out.

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Yeah seriously, I'm in CA and lawsuits? Crickets. Got a new mask mandate effective tomorrow and today I ran a bazillion errands in advance of it, and in the PO some woman was all kindly to me, "Do you need a mask?" I had to bite my tongue on several replies before I just told her there's no state or local mandate, today. I was one of 2 unmasked compared to about 20 masked. People in my and surrounding towns are the hardcore sheep.

I cheer the previous court verdicts but today, did we not just see another pathetic 6-3 SCOTUS ruling upholding a state's mandating powers?

I am dirt poor--how can I sue? Surely there is one rich person in CA who is as pissed off at Gavin as so many of us are, and can take him and his mandating BS to court?

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It was this, so reads like it was the whole court, w/dissenting opinions and all.


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Nah. Just let them leave. As soon as possible :). Join me here on a way forward:


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I so want you to be right. The silence from the legal profession simply stunned me.

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When this is over I want public health people to be too frightened to make recommendations for the next 100 years.

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I see in the paper today that Hochul is facing a rebellion from a bunch of outlying counties who have said they will refuse to enforce.

Meanwhile in CA Newsom has announced a "new indoor mask mandate" a propos of nothing at all really. At this point I didn't even pay attention when the previous mandate was removed, nobody changed anything they all just kept it on. I suspect there will be no rebellion on this coast. People love Vaccine Consumerism here. The old California spirit is dead and gone.

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It's about 13 counties so far, out of 62. That have said so explicitly, anyhow. Will probably be a lot of "smile and nod," and token participation counties upstate, too.

She's said she won't even force the counties to enforce it. So far this move is coming off pretty desperate and weak, unless there's some forthcoming iron fist hiding under the velvet glove.

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Yeah, we r f@cked out here.

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Agree completely. Those that have that spirit have moved South. We are seeing them arrive daily.

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Dave Rubin made a big announcement this morning that he, all his employees (about a hundred) and businesses are pulling up stakes and moving immediately to Miami. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmKPFD_3PoQ&t=2360s

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Shapiro had 100 employees he moved out of CA. Rubin's operation is smaller but he has a business called Locals which is already based in Florida.

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So excellent and true: "The age of Peak Karen is upon us."

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I'm watching the Parliamentary debate in the UK live streamed now. I haven't been watching long but the gist is;

OMG Omicron


Masks Work

Vaccines Work

The "debate" seems to be simply a host of speeches where they rush to agree with one another.

I haven't heard a single original thought, never mind an opinion against the orthodoxy.

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has there ever been an issue of such towering public importance that was discussed with so little originality or sophistication, beset by so many falsehoods, everywhere all at once? “well, you need to be vaccinated or you’re going to lose your job. and for more on why, here’s mr bumbleburger with his crayons to draw some shapes for you”

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I have concluded that original thought and logic among politicians is a rarity.

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Andreas Stullkowskijust now

I think the smarter politicians - very few of them left anyway in today's political funhouse - know that they would have to outright lie if they want to keep the pandemic going, and the desired increase of authoritarianism.

But lying is somewhat embarrassing, and might even backfire when if the Zeitgeist may change.

So they tend to not say anything, just go along.

E.g. you can see it here in Germany with someone like Kubicki (FDP), who is one of the few in the Bundestag who can boast an IQ above 95: just says nothing, and agrees with every infractions of our rights and freedom.

But he doesn't have to say anything. Let the Lauterbachs and Scholzes do the heavy lifting, while Kubicki can rest silently, and plan on the next election in four years, where he can either tell us he was always against the Corona politics, or always for it. Whatever may be opportunistic then.

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Good rule of thumb is : look up David Davis's contribution and you're done with the collective intellect of the UK political class basically

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Well, if you've seen one circle jerk you've seen them all. (Not that I ever have.)

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The 2022 mid-term elections in the US will confine the pandemicists to the dustbin of history. The Republicans and their anti-lockdown, anti-vax mandate position will win the day (and the House and Senate). The repudiation will be so strong that the Democrats will quickly disown the pandemicists and slink away.

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One can only hope. But the right-left teeter totter never seems to completely end anything. Usually things just get hidden and come back down the road when the teeter totter goes the other direction. I'm on your side HLG, but in my humble opinion (even though a flushing of some of these politicians would be a good start) we need to prop up our local communities, cities and states with people who err on the side of sanity if we are to have any hope for any decent long-term freedom from this madness. (IMHO) (I hope I'm wrong about everything and the flushing works... this time)

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The political realignment currently underway in America will break the teeter totter for a generation.

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If Latinos really vote 50/50 or higher for the GOP the whole Democratic long term model is in the trash for a generation. But then as other commentors point out, the GOP will need to have the courage to actually use that political muscle and constrain slash throw out the elites that are ruining life for the rest of us.

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100% this. Because evil does not die. It changes form.

These people will move off into the shadows. Rest. And they will try a different approach.

I am considering volunteering to help with local elections. I am not one to get involved but look what that did to us. We need eyes on these people.

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A happy fiction, HLG.

The RINOS - which dominate the GOP- have no intention of cleaning up dead voter rolls, eliminating mail -in balloting, eliminating ballot harvesting, installing paper ballots and non-partisan hand counts and enforcing citizen voter id.

The Uniparty will fight any and all efforts at both the state and federal legislature to do so.

They are as pleased with the 2020 election results as are the corrupt Dems.

They do not want voters to actually determine elections any more than the Dems do.

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Not just the national elections. I see a good eight or nine governorships and state houses flipping. Some of the midwest states in blue hands have managed to dodge any voter roll reforms but hopefully with Republicans in charge most of the midwest will lock down voter ID requirements. Some activist judges will try to unilaterally throw it out so it's not a lock yet though. At that point for sure, the pandemic politicians and their media will have to start backpedalling and reconning.

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There was a Fauci interview where he stated that people want to be told what to do clearly and without confusion. For many, this is undeniably true. I know perfectly capable people who for whatever reason cannot think and would prefer to be told what to do. I used to believe that they don’t WANT to think rationally – that is, they don’t want to expend the effort or they’re a part of the “mass formation” or whatever. But now I am wondering whether they have lost the ability to think rationally. As a matter of fact, I believe that they actually DO want to think rationally, but they can’t. This cannot be fixed by elections. I mean defeating the mandates will be HUGE, but there are underlying problems that strike me as unfixable. (I’m having a pessimistic day…)

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I doubt the elections will be on the up and up. How could such wannabe despots like Gavin Newsom allow people tonthrow him out of office and the hold him accountable, both through criminal and civil court? We are in it for the long haul out here on the West Coast, between the general populace of pharmazombies and "leaders" who won't give up power.

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I have a theory that both NY & CA political leadership is owned by the Chinese. Their goal is to so thoroughly destroy their states that anyone with any kind of backbone or intellect leaves, resulting in plummeting real estate values of what should be incredibly valuable property (ports, lakes, farm land, etc.). The Chinese will swoop in, buy it all up, and then re-establish law and order, with a firm grip on militarily and structurally crucial US real estate.

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NY political leadership is owned by various Wall Street factions, for a long time.

Some of those factions are certainly owned by others, but the first-level dominance of NY politics is Wall Street. They're a huge chunk of the tax base, and of course their contribution ability is massive.

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Brava. It seems to be taboo all of a sudden in this crowd to suggest China is doing anything wilfully destructive or evil to us. Cultural differences and all that. Just ask a Uighyur.

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MD, DE, VA, and OR, WA are their second-tier targets. Hopefully, VA has been won back.

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Never count chickens before they hatch. Predicting an election a year in advance is always a fools errand. If the Midterm election was held today the Democrats would get destroyed. But it will actually be held 11 months from now. A lot can change in that time.

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You're right, of course. In 11 months the Democrats could walk away from their lockdown/mandate stances, disavow the trans madness, reverse their inflationary policies. The price of oil and gas could dramatically come down. They might enact policies that reduce crime. And they might stop calling everyone who opposes them racist.

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And monkeys might fly out of my unvaccinated butt.

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I remember when this madness started a couple of years ago, there were all kinds of new job openings in my state for any specialty with "-oligist". I knew right away this was a long-term plan. I am still disgusted that all of a sudden we need everything that we never needed or used for probably hundreds and hundreds of years of human history. I, for one, am sick of it. These "professionals" (pandemecists) often advise so-called "leaders" and have insane amounts of power to steer "rules" and other despotic policies (not to mention stirring up irrational fear). I completely agree... this has got to stop. Now.

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We did a big hole...a really big hole...and push them all in. Alternatively, we could use reverse psychology on them and convince them that the viral apocalypse is upon us and recommend they all flee to underground bunkers until the coast is clear...and then we forget all about them and live our lives. These are some of my nicer solutions. ;)

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I like the way you think 😆

In my “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant), I advised them to do just that:

“That isn’t a threat. It is a report from the frontlines. It is the retribution YOU are unleashing.

“I suggest you flee to your underground bunker and let the people get busy restoring the planet you have taken a wrecking ball to in the name of saving it.”

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"Oh dear, the door appears to be realllllly stuck. I wish we had a key. I will go get help wait here."

"Hello, is anyone up there? Where could they be? We're almost out of masks! Why would Saint Fauci abandon us? Maybe an underground building was not a good idea after all."

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I would add that once they are in that underground bunker, put a padlock on it so they can't get out again, because these people never learn and never change.

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Be ungovernable. Masks don't work and never have, don't wear them even if there is a sign on a door. It's not hard - I haven't worn one this whole time. Say NO to all of it. Stop using Big Tech, ditch the toxic garbage from your life. There are other platforms / email systems / search engines to use. Be honest with people in conversation and don't make it easy for them to propagate the lies by asking simple questions like, "if your vaccine works why is it so important that everyone else get a vaccine?" Same with the masks. Poke holes in the logic at every opportunity.

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There is a strange parallel between the growth (metastasis) of pandemicists and diversity/inclusion/equity staff in academia, which is, perhaps, not surprising, given that wokism is the forerunner of covidianism. Even less surprising when one understands that both are narrative machines that manufacture consent for GloboCap.

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And note that out of all the “First World” governments, the Japanese government—the least “diverse and inclusive” by a long chalk—is also the most sane re Covid. They just issued a stern warning NOT to discriminate against the unvaxxed, and have publicly drawn attention to vaccine dangers.

This is because of the language barrier vs English more than anything else. That said, the ESG camel’s nose is unfortunately under the tent already.

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I'm hoping Joe Rogan's recent podcast with Peter McCullough thrusts the issue more into public consciousness. It could be devastating to the status quo.

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And how many people listen to McCullough? I'm surrounded by around 100 academically trained people. No one of them suspects any fraud. They line up for boosters like sheep on their way to the slaughterhouse, offspings at hand. This week, Germany triumphantly rolls out its vaccination program for children aged 5-11. Demand won't be small.

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This is what continually amazes me on one level, yet I can say that 45 years ago when I was in grad school, I became painfully aware that you could be academically trained to the hilt and still be really, really stupid, thick, dense, however you want to describe it. Some of the dumbest, most unaware and dim-witted people I've ever met were in higher education, sad to say. My experience burst my previously held bubble that academia was full of great thinkers and knowledgeable people. Quite the opposite, actually.

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Matters will worsen as the ones who dare to speak their mind will be (or already have been) muzzled.

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As sad and inhumane as this might sound, this is natural selection unfolding right in front of us.

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Here in Italy kids 5-11 start on the 16th..in my region only, media says they had 4k bookings in the 1st morning where booking was possible...😓 msm has been ruthlessly efficient

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I suggested on twitter many moons ago that the goons that gleefully terrorize society with this madness would absolutely stoop to unthinkable treachery by releasing another pathogen. That is my biggest fear at this point. In the states, people are slowing awakening and joining us sane people that have been screaming into the void for almost 2 years but all it would take to pull those people back into the matrix of fraud, deceit and tyranny is another virus. These people are sick, demented and cruel. There is no end to their evil.

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If China releases another one, they won't be playing around. It will either be an H5 influenza or a Nipah modified to be more transmissible. COVID was a dress rehearsal. The next one will be for real.

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I just love your use of language - " she's sure of all this is absolutely necessary , even though she doesn't know why".

The same is true of politicians , and sadly most so called Doctors, all transfixed by wilful ignorance and the need to do something.

Add to that list computer coders, modellers, politicians, big pharma, biotec, and the MSM.

Covid has been a godsend, engineered or not.

May they rot in hell for eternity. May they own everything - and be unhappy....

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This can all go away overnight if the silent majority stops self censorship.

The fear or cancel, doxx and arguing plagues most people, me included,that prefer to stay silent instead of participating in meaningless debates with uninformed people that have no interest in expanding their knowledge but just live to prove you wrong.

This silence is criminal since it amplifies the echo chamber.

I started debating under aliases and boy oh boy are people completely clueless to the realities of this situation. I'm a strong believer in the viral effect so I urge everyone reading this comment to start being vocal.

The time to stay silent and wait for this to magically go away is long gone. Start acting and talking even if it hurts your profile. People are afraid to articulate their arguments. Let's start a Spartacus movement. We are way more than you think and from all walks of life.

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Ugh, they are a plague of locusts on the land, and the Canadian headquarters for these unelected health fascists and commissars is the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.

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The notion that we haven’t “had a goal” is wrong. The issue is the goalposts have changed every single time.

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Yep! It went from 'flatten the curve' to 'zero covid' once the antibody tests proved that the virus was already widespread and we had been living with it for months. That doesn't remove Trump from office, so they had to move those goalposts.

Now they are paying for the new placement because obviously Biden can't 'shut down' the virus.

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I thought that the end-game was to get all of us on "VaxxPasses" so that we could be digitally tracked and controlled, as the Chinese with their "Social Credit Score." Damaging our immune systems so that we will need recurrent boosters is either a side-effect or a quid pro quo to ensure permanent profitability for BigPharma, who effectively own the US congress and regulators.

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My quibble with your first line of thinking is that it doesn’t seem necessary for TPTB to go to the lengths of manufacturing a global pandemic stunt in order to implement digital IDs. It could be done gradually, starting with digital drivers license etc, and just incrementally grow from there. Most people wouldn’t bat an eyelid over it, or just grumble a little. We’re halfway there anyway.

I have the same criticism of the idea that vaccines are part of a depopulation agenda: surely the kind of nefarious types who would theoretically do this to humanity could find a much easier way that doesn’t draw so much attention, resistance, and risk of being discovered.

While there certainly might be much more to it, it still seems the mundane cluster**** (or confluence, or juggernaut) theory is at minimum partially if not entirely correct: big pharma’s owners with $ in their eyes and the moral code of crocodiles; reckless techno-optimists in highly specialised fields of medicine and science getting overexcited; colonies of careerist bureaucrats, politicians and media types who are basically malfunctioning and out of control; mass behavioural psychologists advising them all how to very effectively and cynically prey on human cognitive biases; and a public that largely trusts authority by default when terrified.

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Certainly looks more and more like that every day. But they're still paying for the lying -- look at some D approval numbers.

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God save us from those bureaucrats trying to save us.

This crisis, brought about by their unhelpful response, could have been avoided had they heeded this sage advice: "Don't DO something, just stand there."

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Well, they aren't really trying to SAVE us.

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