Not to mention that Ukraine is not part of NATO either. No pundits working through that little puzzle ... I now consider the media to be unfriendly forces. They are armed with weapons just as powerful as guns. Wonder how their physical keyboards would fare against the physical arms they summon?!
Personally I believe it is a "draw", a tie, but... am certainly not going to argue the point with you...LOL ! I am open to either taking the # 1 enemy of the people position. It's the "media" now hyping the newly elected Senator from Pennsylvania, one who has not yet served a single term, as one of THE MOST PROMISING future PRESIDENTS ???? Do you ever wonder if you are one who has gone insane when you wake up to talking "heads" hyping such a "prediction and proclamation". It does actually seem the world has lost all ability to make a rational decision. What is the true cause of all this ? Do people just feel it is hopeless, that there is no alternative ?
That was a shock. Drain bamaged (nod to Cosby who was prosecuted in PA) with a Type A wife, how will he serve the people of PA? Although Biden set a low bar. The whole thing is a joke. I keep saying, we are living in an inverted mirror world.
Alice down the rabbit hole... I think the nightmare has arrived ! Two DAYS and Fetterman is already being touted as the next best presidential candidate: brave, example that in America a disability is not a barrier to any dream, touting how a "common man of the people" can rise to the highest office in the nation if he/she sets their sights high, and as for his wife, she has wasted no time in publicly pronouncing her own ambitions. So, no mystery to any of that situation.
Watching neutral non-NATO Ireland tie itself into a complicated bow over this. Neutral by Constitution, but the media there is feeding the fire of outrage, while quiet on the new Ukrainians in town wearing Prada and driving Beemers. Irish media deserves a Pulitzer for the fiction they have written these past few years. So very sad to witness in my lifetime.
Possibly.... the pen (words of the mass media around the world) may not be "as powerful as guns", just might be MORE POWERFUL than guns !!! Many examples through out history. But then, we're getting close to an entire generation who were not taught history, or even critical thinking skills, not taught analysis, and not taught how to recognize "propaganda" which by the way, can actually be "good" or "bad" depending on the philosophy/beliefs of the recipient !
In Canada the female sickness Kommissars are claiming the yrusses are back in force ,making masks and lock downs mandatory again . They claim there are more sick than ever before ,even though most people are vaxxed to overflowing . My thinking is that the poison shots are doing its job ,not any yrusses . Honest Doctors talked about the consequences of the voodoo injections ,making people sick and than killing them .I believe that is what we are seeing . There will be more and more of that ,called Genocide .
My greatest fear surrounding the "vaccinations and multiple boosters" has been focused more on the future. My concerns were, of course, for immediate side effects and reactions, but my long term concern was for the possibility of "helping" the virus become more resistant to any treatment(s) in much the same way we began developing "super germs" (bacteria) when we made the marketing decision to add "anti bacterial agents" to ANY and EVERY possible consumer product. Not to say mankind has not benefited from the development of cleaning products that kill bacteria... but in the name of selling MORE (spelled money, greed), we began adding such agents to every possible consumer product, every bar of hand soap, shampoo, dish soap, body wash, household cleaning product, until... we began to recognize the monsters ( "super germs" ) we had created. It took years to begin to wane, to begin to disappear from at least a few products. Then Covid is unleashed on us, and people (who could not tell you the difference in bacteria and viruses) can't use enough sterilizing and/or sanitizing products. Again, NOT to say our lives are not blessed by development of such products, but the insane obsession displayed by so many. Was it fear ? The madness of crowds ? "Tulip mania" in action ? Now, with a well known TV personality (Woopie Goldberg), coming down with Covid, the media drum beat is thundering: It's coming BACK, it's coming BACK, get boosted as soon as you are eligible for your next shot... do NOT hesitate ! Again, would education help ? Or, are most human beings hopeless ? Beautiful day today, bright sunshine, perfect 75 degrees, spent part of the afternoon at a huge, beautiful OUTDOOR garden center picking out some southern "winter" flowers. The number of individuals outdoors, shopping for flowers on this perfect day, and wearing MASKS...many of them young and very healthy looking, was shocking ! But the media beat is.... it's coming BACK, do something NOW, don't get used to going maskless, etc. etc.
It's started in the USA also.... California (of course) the first to begin beating the fear drum, mandatory masks ON at any indoor space... how long until masks on outdoors too ? Will the people be allowed to at least be free outdoors until Christmas... will families be allowed to hold a holiday gathering in their own homes without LIMITS on how many family members can attend ? Will this go on forever now... is this the "new world order" ? And the "emergency" situation of hospitals being overwhelmed with seriously ill young children with "upper respiratory infections" ? Can any of that be traced to Covid ? Is any of this the price to be paid for masking even babies, keeping children indoors, not allowing interactions, play, or school ? A LOT to think about, and seems we've learned NO lessons from all we have done wrong all over the world !
Yes. This will go on forever. At least that's the plan. When the NWO is established you can expect more restrictions than ever. You can thank your local Covid karens for the Hell on earth their willful stupidity and cowardice have created.
We have at least one in my community (more of course) who is a regular on a community blog/board, and proudly... STILL TODAY, nearly 2023, signs her name and adds every time "PROUDLY fully vaccinated and boosted" ! All I could think was, if I HAD done that, I would sure not be wanting others to know, I'd be keeping pretty quiet these days !
If my neighbor (from Calif. but has home here in Florida and spends 4-6 mos. here each year), is correct, Los Angeles and I believe he said San Diego schools and all indoor gatherings too, including concerts, movies, restaurants, etc. They were unsure about the "north", like San Francisco, etc.
And the funny (not funny) thing is that a lot of the uber-rich in the US managed to get their kids in college (communications degrees!) and public health / gov agencies, rather than face the draft. And here we are ...
I guess its OK to spread misinformation after all. Why aren't they being labelled as terrorists, and taken off line, like the doctors who give you true data on covid and vaccines?
The first highly trained technocrat human slaves to technology. This forum is no different and is clearly making their choices. Having a forum on which to discuss these things is like existing within a hubris infested matrix. We who discuss these things are surely being marked by those who believe they own us.
Here in the U.S. Fauci was idolized, when Covid broke out, people right here in my community, "regular everyday people", all started acting as if they KNEW who Fauci was, just as they knew the names of many sports stars, film stars, and singers. Truth is, none of them had any knowledge of him other than a few of us "academic types" who were aware of his previous record in regard to Aids research, and some of his other work. When neighbors began praising him as if they were as familiar with him as major league baseball's most valuable player of the year, and I would look puzzled, and say "but what about ____ " this he was involved in, or "what about ___" that, they would look at me in total "deer in the headlight". If I mentioned gain of function research, you could tell immediately, if I was not on campus with colleagues, just with neighbors in my community, that they had NO IDEA what gain of function even meant ! And my neighbors are intelligent, educated people ! Maybe such topics as gain of function were never of interest to the "media" ???
Everyone is spreading misinformation ,so I want to do my part and tell you that in Vancouver Canada I filled my V.W. Diesel and paid $ 9. 60 A Gallon or 2.40 a liter as it is here . In the morning my wife asked me to take very small bites of the egg ,she paid $10.20 .a dozen . For butter 15 dollars .So my American friends please send Care parcels for Christmas . A liter of diesel would be nice .
Many many Canadian friends here in my community for the "winter", the best people ever, kind, optimistic, loyal and good natured, even when we "discuss" who were the greatest hockey players of all time... LOL ! But my heart truly aches for what they are going through, thought it could not be worse than it is here, at least (so far) their country is not being completely over run by illegal from every country in the world, but I wonder how long it will be before we will be so driven by the human desire to survive that we invade our friends to the NORTH just to seek a precious liter of that vile fossil fuel called "diesel", or enjoy a $5 (CD) egg. After all, those vial chickens are nearly as detestable as cattle in that they also destroy grass and grains, and emit "waste" in the form of "gas". UNLESS.... we could, perhaps, make diesel from that gas ? No, that would not be acceptable, beef BAD, gas BAD, coal BAD, humans being fed and kept from freezing... BAD, bad for the environment, bad for the world, bad for LIFE. Planet would be much better off without humans. It's the "new think".
Love it ! That says it all ! Can you imagine it there had been a "Trump laptop", or a "De Santis Laptop, a "Greg Abbot laptop", a ________ laptop....just fill in ANY name of a conservative person, if a person has even ONE conservative view, their "cancelled".
Yes, as long as it is the CORRECT misinformation AND fosters the march toward the ultimate GOAL... that new World Order ? The great Reset ? There has to be a goal in all this somewhere !
Woke up and saw MSM coverage of the “Russian missile” killing 2 in Poland, then took kids to private intl school in Vienna and once there we walked behind 2 teenage Ukrainian refugee students, one with 3/4 length fur coat and Gucci bag and the other with gorgeous black Prada boots and a magnificent looking bag and coat (didn’t see the brand). They had exited their Tesla with Ukrainian plates. Walked past shiny white Porsche and a black Range Rover and Mercedes with Ukrainian plates. Then get home and see the headline that Brandon has asked Congress for $37 billion more for Ukraine. Every day just feels like a giant FU to normal people.
The connected wealthy flee while the Biden regime and Zelensky are ready to throw endless waves of average Ukrainians to their death while trying to concoct ideas on how to escalate this to a wider conflict. In the meantime as Lindsay Graham put it, the US government will send weapons to the last Ukrainian.
And, in the spirit of profit, will Amazon also get in on the act ? Order up anything the federal government does not supply ...LOL ? Funny funny ! Hey, in addition to weapons, are we exporting the booster vaccines to Ukraine and their military, the ones that are NOT prompting long lines at Walgreen's and CVS ?
And keep in mind.... NO ONE forced that on us, we cheerfully and enthusiastically, elected these folks. And just last week elected MORE of them, unskilled, inexperienced, some very elderly way past their working years, some so ill they can not perform even the minimum of expected tasks (such as speaking, or writing), some just frightened to death at the prospect of having to get a job on their own merits in the private sector, and yet others just mortified at the thought of NOT being re-elected and LOOSING their premium health care, private planes and chauffeurs, exotic vacations in the "name of the government", and their private chefs, gyms, beauticians and barbers, and all the other "perks"... inside tips of where a stock is headed ? Yes, it is WE who create the Brandon's who in turn supple the billions and trillions to those Ukrainian students in their Furs and designer clothes... As an aside, LOL, I think in their culture, animals were created for man by God, and should not be "wasted", even the skin/fur/or feathers should be used ! ? Same sort of outrageous thinking as held by those "deplorable" native Americans ! ?
Last week we elected the dead - the literally dead, functionally dead, brain dead, and morally dead. And we re-elected, (honestly or otherwise), as we always do, many exemplars of cupidity and stupidity, A.K.A. "professional politicians".
Jefferson paraphrased de Maistre, "The government you elect is the government you deserve.” And Jefferson was seldom wrong. About anything.
And one of the most shocking facts is the small percentage of people who are willing to do the (admittedly) hard work of researching the judicial behaviors and decisions handed down by judges, even LOCAL judges who have direct responsibility to the residents in a community. People simply do NOT CARE ! Once a judge is "in", it is very rare that anyone votes to NOT "retain".... they just routinely mark "retain", "retain", "retain"... ! ! ?? Their judgments, knowledge of the state and federal constitutions as it pertains to judicial law is of no consequence to the "average" American in any way, shape, or form. And those running for a position as "judge" at any level, KNOW THIS !
Brings to mind Franklin's often quoted answer to what KIND of government do we have ? To the woman (I believe it was a woman named Powell) he replied: " a republic.... IF you can keep it". Hummm ? That seem to indicate, as the recipients of a republic, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to be intelligent ? ? Might put that detail back into the public school curriculum also... along with other disciplines I've suggested ?
Watching the compilation videos of SADS deaths, I was struck by the similarities to those of the people dropping dead in the streets, ostensibly from covid.
Or their sources pointing to Russia for destroying the Nord Stream pipelines, or firing a missile at a train station full of people in Kramatorsk...
Neither of those need to be investigated anymore, apparently, now that the absurdity of claiming Russia would blow up their own pipelines, or fire a rocket with a serial number only 2 higher than the serial number from a known Ukrainian missile of the same type that was fired at the Donbas years ago, has dawned on most people.
I just keep going back to the fact that schools have dropped emphasis on teaching thinking, analyzing, discerning, skills. When you do that, and the majority of people do not go beyond the point of free public education, you get a population upon which VERY LITTLE "DAWNS" on them !
They most definitely do ! And a LOT of individuals, and INSTITUTIONS, are making obscene amounts of money mutilating young people. The world seems to have lost any moral compass, while they have been busy with their infighting about what and whose religion is "best" ! People, PEOPLE, will you NEVER LEARN ? ? Divide and conquer.. it never fails, NEVER NEVER, NEVER... please begin teaching HISTORY AGAIN ! History, that "useless" subject, that the press began to portray as such a waste of "needed" money in public school districts, listed as one of the outdated and least useful subjects to "our students we MUST begin preparing for the future". I remember this starting as far back as the late 1980's ! Along with the steady drum beat to drop all the other "useless" classes: civics and economics in high school (secondary school), such a WASTE the told us. Dropping wood working/carpentry, drop metal shop, auto mechanics, drop agriculture and home economics classes (that curriculum was not just "cooking and sewing", it included budgeting, managing the finances of a family, mortgages and major purchases... all things the parents and the students turned AGAINST, and the media took up the mantle of "war" against classes like these in public schools because they just "waste" of much public money and "things kids just don't need".
I was reading a parenting book this summer named “Hold on to Your Kids” by Gordon Neufeld and it was an Eureka! moment for me on the state of the worlds we live in.
The author talks about several generations of kids in the US growing up peer attached rather than parents attached. When peers matter more than parents, kids don’t learn core values: empathy, critical thinking, bravery, creativity.. All these can only be passed down from adults to kids, not from kids to kids. Because kids are not yet capable of unconditional love they can’t provide it to each other and thus learning of the aforementioned core values doesn’t happen. Kids to kids can only teach each other simple imitations and fitting in. Which is why a peer attachment culture is so dangerous. And it’s the culture we all live in.
This is a result of several generations grown up in a peer attached culture (originated and hailed in the US in the 1960s and spreading across the western world). The political and other leaders we are having are all the so called “peer-attached” grown-ups, unfamiliar with core human values such as empathy, critical thinking, creativity, bravery.
The two books that can best explain the phenomena of the world we live in are “Hold on to Your Kids” by Gordon Neufel and Gabor Maté and “The Collapse of Parenting” by Leo Sax, PhD.
Why yes commrade, you are so right, we HAVE wise people who can tell us poor huddling masses what we need to know, think, and do. DO NOT throw away your masks, stay out of dangerous environments like churches, gyms, schools, and even beaches (in some states), the usual places where Covid tends to congregate/accumulate, and above all, vote early and OFTEN.
I actually saw a picture on Twitter yesterday, one of those original photos of a man who died in a Chinese street, and it was attributed to a photographer. I wonder if anyone has ever followed up on information like that. Incidentally, the photo was presented as an example of staged propaganda by the Chinese government in early 2020.
That is indeed one of the biggest risks I see in the granting of a Covid Amnesty. We need to hold to account everyone who allowed panic and zealotry to cloud their reason to the point of breaches to the Nuremburg Code. Because if we do not, we are allowing these same, now well-trained, muscles to be exercised in the direction of what could very well be the end of humanity as we know it.
That's the REAL question, WHO ? Is there sufficient collective conscious, foundational ethics regardless of race, culture, political philosophy, or skin color, to agree on the total lack of moral conscious and inhuman actions as occurred all over the world as a result of "Covid" ? Or, as a result of "SOME world wide goal" ? Yes, WHO is the question, WHO believes accountability is even necessary ? After all, the world will go on regardless.. won't it ? (tongue in cheek)
The more substantive issue here is when will European citizens declare they have had enough of the Luciferian cabal that is bent on destroying them? It sure does appear that the number of rational thinking people diminishes daily. At a certain point, it makes more sense to simply work to protect yourself and your family than it does to convince those hell-bent on their own demise that joining a death-cult isn't conducive to long-term health.
Yes...and when you see the numbers of people who have been taught rational thinking, actual "thinking skills" as a process, shrinking month by month, year by year, and no one seems at all alarmed ? No one sees a need to look into educational CURRICULUM ? No one traces this back to abandoning mandatory free public education laws (once stringently enforced in the United States but rejected by students and parents), it eventually takes a horrific toll on the masses as a whole. Eventually, it is not out of the realm of possibility that a nation could build an entire population of simple human ROBOTS. Robots who fear any deviation from the official "line".
Is that the same Kraftwerk ,that makes the Kraft cheese ? The warning must be ,that they will run out of cheese .Sorry if I still not understand high politics ,I still mess around in my sub stacks .
Wir Sind Die Roboter. 1978. Spacelab (B side) was more optimistic. Nothing to do with the cheese. Nothing to do with high politic either. Just prophets, I guess you had to be there.
It is! "Extreme dissident material" - as you so accurately state. I passed on part of an extremely well written post to a former colleague last spring. (It was a perfect description of his professional persona). He tried to have me arrested! The officer in charge of our local detachment, one of my hunting companions, declined to do so - after he finished laughing.
An AP photographer helped stage the maternity hospital atrocity hoax. The media is a bad actor in this conflict and we should have a running list of the hoax atrocities and false flags as they keep trying to escalate the conflict.
And that is exactly the heart of it;, it's a "moving feast", and ever changing daily news landscape, it's a "bombshell" news story today... tomorrow, "poof", gone, no memory, not just that everyone "forgets" (lead by our president who forgets everything from where he is to what time it is), but no one even cares. I suppose KEEPING a list of such atrocities would be akin to racism , or considered anti-democratic, or just plain MEAN ! Also, always a danger that SEEING them all at once, in print, in black and white , could "trigger" complete rebellion in the masses ! ?
A rocket from Ukraine….the Ukrainians are to blame! Did they apologize? Or was it done to purpose to get MORE MONEY from Western Governments especially US where Americans are sick and tired of providing money to Monster, demanding Zelensky!
I agree with Julian Assange that the wars created are simply to wash money out of the tax bases in the US and Europe, into funding military conflicts and back into the hands of the transnational security elite. It is essentially a wealth transfer.
Add Camp of the Saints by Raspail to that list...oh, yes, that's right, that book is nearly impossible to get any more unless you have at least $700 extra dollars for a paperback version ! Don't look for it in your public library any more, it's "gone", got to make room for new volumes constantly of course. the land of the (sort of) Free !
True ! Can anyone remember far back enough when Raspail was called completely insane for writing a "science fiction" book like that ? A theme of the Western world being taken over not with bombs and gun fire, but with the simple idea of just invasion in such mind boggling numbers, such hoards from every corner of the world, that western civilization could disappear ? ? ?
Humm, I respect your comments, absolutely, but check out the United State's southern border. Thousands per day, not hundreds, over run hospitals, schools, border guards far out numbered (and even chastised for DOING their job responsibilities), federal employees doing important jobs in D.C. being "re-assigned" to work as personal "aids" for illegal immigrants... fetching snacks for them, ordering medications and picking them up for them, all kindnesses yes, but at the expense of the legal citizens, the homeless living on the streets and in alleys because they were let go from their jobs for refusing "vaccination", those in the military who were let go for the same reason, and subsequently lost their homes, their automobiles and in some cases, denied even the welfare programs extended to even non citizens. Then, there is the shameless condition of veterans who fought for freedom for U.S. citizens, also being homeless, hungry, and without any medical care. Yes, I know Western Europe is living it, we ALL are ! And the only "fight" we have in us, it to "fight" for Ukraine ! ?
Yes, the US has it in many case worse. And you are already more down the road.
Which probably is also a white pill: maybe you reached the bottom already, and will be on your way up. E.g. you may be re-industrialize in the coming years, wile Europe is de-industrializing.
Why the book is more typical Europe: our politics and society is taken over. We are getting destroyed not only economically, but spiritually.
What is so very notably with our European western society is the lack of vitality, the wish to commit suicide. This seems to be specific to the old world.
In the USA you probably will have something like a civil war. You will get angry.
But in Europe we have just given up. We are just tired.
I'm not sure the USA even has the will any more, the culture is so deteriorated, the free public (and in many cases also private) education has deteriorated to the point where the curriculum is dominated by social instruction (thus a student going into secondary school can not tell you the difference between bacteria and viruses), the numbers of people on drugs, both legal and illegal, is absolutely astounding, and the numbers dying daily, DAILY, from fentanyl has surpassed Covid at it's height. Just tonight, for the first time, the news finally reported the alarming number of attacks and assaults on churches of every denomination; figures that have been kept out of the news until recently. It seems people are "drifting", have no spiritual grounding, see no future, many believe that climate "warming" will be the end of civilization VERY soon, and people seem nearly hypnotized by their cell phones...often nearly being hit by autos, or running into buildings and even fountains, entire families sitting at tables in restaurants without ever talking or looking at the others, just "texting" to other members of the family sitting at the SAME TABLE ? ? It is truly bizaar ! Today, the young hostess at a local restaurant checked us in, picked up menus, and took us to our table without EVER ONCE LOOKING AT US OR LOOKING UP FROM HER CELL PHONE (which she held in her other hand). We watched as she returned to her podium at the front door, she would say "welcome" as customers entered, but without ever once looking at them.
Swedish pundits and mainstream media joined in the fun yesterday and today, excaliming that it is Russia's fault anyway, since they invaded Ukraine in the first place, prompting the missiles to be fired at all. Calls for war-crime trials against russian leadership too.
Commenters remarking that if that's how blame is to be apportioned, it puts other conflicts in a whole new light. For a start, we'd have to prosecute the peace prize "winner" Obama for his indiscriminate drone warfare.
This is immediately waived away as "Putinism" and any allegation that it was a ukrainian missile gone astray are labeled russian disinfirmation and conspiracy theories - despite what NATO and Poland has stated.
It simply /must/ be Russia anyway, period.
On the "plus" side, we no longer have to wonder how people could be whipped into war-frenzy in 1914: we've got front row seats to the whole thing from start to finish.
In ancient Rome, it was a popular method to hire agitators to work the plebs with selcted and curated news/information before elections, so we can back-date the whole thing to the birth of the Roman Republic.
Sure am glad I am on the non-European side of the Atlantic. I seem to recall all the European "leadership" looked down their noses and over their Chablis glasses at Trump and loved it when Biden stumbled into the White House. Trump would probably have tried to negotiate and would have been called Putin's puppet, and of course Biden has decided to fight on to the last Ukrainian but in the end, the result will be the same, Russia will secure the regions they have targeted but with Biden's approach there will be a mountain of corpses.
And thousands of contracts for rebuilding going to Democrat/Biden-aligned US corporations, who will hire ukrainian companies loyal to Zelensky, who will get foreign aid from the US to pay the US corporations with, sans corruption's toll.
Yep. That's the main reason the Thirty Years War lasted thirty years or so: the moneylenders and financiers of the war in many cases also owned interests in the production of materiel for the war.
Smedley Butler didn't grab his words out of thin air.
General Butler was simply doing that which our media has long since forgone in favour of narrative presentation. He was observing events, and reporting what he saw. And he saw a lot.
Yup. Trust the man who's been in at the sharp end before you trust a deskjockey, always.
Doesn't mean he's always right or that one has to do what he says, but always trust his assesment since its based on experience people working deskjobs haven't got.
If it's leading troops into battle or being in the planning staff makig sure there's winter gear, or being at home making tin cans or a street sweeper - the one doing the job is the who knows how the job gets done.
That was the secret behind the improbably succesful swedish armies of yore (especially during the Thirty Years war): the man on the spot had final say and made any calls once the action got going. That way, whatever forces were at hand could respond immediately instead of being bogged down while runners were trying to locate staff, get someone's attention, and the get back alive with orders.
" Trump would probably have tried to negotiate and would have been called Putin's puppet..."
Putin wouldn't have dared attack Ukraine if Trump had been allowed to stay in office.
If Trump were as buddy-buddy with Putin as the MSM and Democrats make him out to be, the invasion would have taken place in 2017 or 2018 or 2019. Instead, it happened on Biden's watch, just as Crimea and Donetsk/Luhansk were sliced off Ukraine in 2014 when another Democrat was in office.
Weakness and vacillation invite aggression. When Russian mercenaries tried to attack an American outpost in Syria in 2017, they got their heads handed to them. On the other hand, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan indicated to Putin that the U.S. was in "retreat at all costs" mode: this was in effect the green light for the invasion of Ukraine.
You repeat a whole slew of MSM tropes which don't even make any consistent sense if considered together. A big undercurrent driving everything is the utter corruption of the US 'democratic' system. Though Trump ran as an 'outsider', you don't really get into power without the help of at least one major power group within the system. His first cabinet was stuffed with generals, so you can figure out which faction backed him - and why the other lobbies started to howl in protest.
The US military industrial complex is cognizant of it's strengths and weaknesses, and getting over-extended around the world was not good. They wanted to grifting to continue.. The revolving door for Pentagon generals to become defence contractor employees after 'retirement' requires quid pro quo. The MIC needs some ongoing excuse for the budget money to be funneled there, so small wars and the ever-going war on terror suits. Going against a peer power reveals their weaknesses... so no they don't really want a real fight against Russia or China, as that would end the gravy train, if not the world as we know it. But the deep state/intelligence appatus/neocons have swallowed their koolaid, since they have overt control over MSM (which you have repeated in your post, so I know you read it), and thus we are where we are now.
There's been too many instances in the past year, where some Russian 'atrocity' was announced by the political administration.. and then later clarfied as misinfo or walked back by defence 'intelligence' sources... Simply put, US MIC wants to continue the grift, not be exposed as a paper tiger. Heck, US is commited to paying god-knows-how-many billions for weapons and ammunition which is no longer possible to be produced onshore / domestically... as the US economy has been too hollowed out by financialization (driven by the other competing power interests in the US).
Hmm, let's see. The MSM trope is that Trump is Putin's buddy/puppet. I wrote above that Putin wouldn't have dared attack Ukraine if Trump were still in office, which suggests that reality is the opposite of the MSM's narrative.
Another MSM trope is that Trump annoyed our allies and abandoned U.S. commitments, making the world safer for dictatorships. I wrote that weakness and vacillation invite aggression, and gave an example of how it was Democrat weakness, and not Trump, that emboldened tyrants.
When Trump proposed to redeploy American troops from Germany to the front-line NATO countries, the foreign-policy AND military Establishment gravely warned that this imperiled the Western alliance against Russia even though in fact it was aimed at deterring Russia. Now that -- thanks to the Establishment's fecklessness -- Putin has tried to take another bite out of Ukraine, the "experts" have come around and NATO is finally moving to shift troops to the front-line NATO countries.
The destruction in Syria of the Wagner Group mercenary force was a one-night story, quickly put on a shelf since it didn't fit the MSM narrative of an isolationist Trump doing the Russians' bidding.
Look, the whole Establishment opposed Trump and anything he did internationally was twisted to make him look incompetent or irresponsible. Meanwhile, these so-called experts for years opposed providing lethal aid to Ukraine, and it was Trump who finally started supplying them with more than MREs and night-vision goggles. But then Brandon came into office and repeatedly suspended military aid to Ukraine, for heaven knows what reason. (Did the MIC grifters just happen to oppose selling arms to Ukraine when Obama was in power, then support it when Trump was president, and then oppose it again when Biden got into the White House?) The Russians interpreted this as a sign of weakness, which was not there during Trump's term.
The tone of the BILD piece is also notable. It sound like something Der Stürmer would have written in 1944. Hysteric, abusive, propagandistic. "Der irre Tyrann"
Unfortunately, at least until the summer this kind of thinking seems to have been very pervasive with German citizens.
However, I am not very scared about a NATO attack on Russia.
Who could do it?
The biggest and most capable NATO army is (was) the Ukraine, which already has numerous soldiers from Poland and the USA actively fighting with it.
What else could NATO throw at it?
NATO is already low on weapons, having send much of our stock to the Ukraine.
The USA has no real groundforce, neither have the British.
Who else is left? Germany's army is non existent. France's is not much better.
Then blessings in disguise.....Our foul government doesn't want the war to go hot, they just want to keep sending USA taxpayer dollars to the money laundering sink in Ukraine.
Nailed it. The media, either on their own or on orders from their owners, are trying their absolute hardest to start WW3.
Just doing what they are paid for, DISINFORMATION (aka PROPAGANDA)
Not to mention that Ukraine is not part of NATO either. No pundits working through that little puzzle ... I now consider the media to be unfriendly forces. They are armed with weapons just as powerful as guns. Wonder how their physical keyboards would fare against the physical arms they summon?!
Media is not just unfriendly... media IS the number one enemy of the people. Way more evil, corrupted and powerful than most politicians.
Personally I believe it is a "draw", a tie, but... am certainly not going to argue the point with you...LOL ! I am open to either taking the # 1 enemy of the people position. It's the "media" now hyping the newly elected Senator from Pennsylvania, one who has not yet served a single term, as one of THE MOST PROMISING future PRESIDENTS ???? Do you ever wonder if you are one who has gone insane when you wake up to talking "heads" hyping such a "prediction and proclamation". It does actually seem the world has lost all ability to make a rational decision. What is the true cause of all this ? Do people just feel it is hopeless, that there is no alternative ?
That was a shock. Drain bamaged (nod to Cosby who was prosecuted in PA) with a Type A wife, how will he serve the people of PA? Although Biden set a low bar. The whole thing is a joke. I keep saying, we are living in an inverted mirror world.
Alice down the rabbit hole... I think the nightmare has arrived ! Two DAYS and Fetterman is already being touted as the next best presidential candidate: brave, example that in America a disability is not a barrier to any dream, touting how a "common man of the people" can rise to the highest office in the nation if he/she sets their sights high, and as for his wife, she has wasted no time in publicly pronouncing her own ambitions. So, no mystery to any of that situation.
Being obviously brain damaged, others will obviously tell him how to vote. Also who knows what influence his ambitious Marxist wife will wield.
Watching neutral non-NATO Ireland tie itself into a complicated bow over this. Neutral by Constitution, but the media there is feeding the fire of outrage, while quiet on the new Ukrainians in town wearing Prada and driving Beemers. Irish media deserves a Pulitzer for the fiction they have written these past few years. So very sad to witness in my lifetime.
Poland is next. They’ll be partioned again before this is over.
Lol , those Ukrainians are living it up on American tax money.
I heard some rich Afghans need a home too, any room?
Possibly.... the pen (words of the mass media around the world) may not be "as powerful as guns", just might be MORE POWERFUL than guns !!! Many examples through out history. But then, we're getting close to an entire generation who were not taught history, or even critical thinking skills, not taught analysis, and not taught how to recognize "propaganda" which by the way, can actually be "good" or "bad" depending on the philosophy/beliefs of the recipient !
In Canada the female sickness Kommissars are claiming the yrusses are back in force ,making masks and lock downs mandatory again . They claim there are more sick than ever before ,even though most people are vaxxed to overflowing . My thinking is that the poison shots are doing its job ,not any yrusses . Honest Doctors talked about the consequences of the voodoo injections ,making people sick and than killing them .I believe that is what we are seeing . There will be more and more of that ,called Genocide .
My greatest fear surrounding the "vaccinations and multiple boosters" has been focused more on the future. My concerns were, of course, for immediate side effects and reactions, but my long term concern was for the possibility of "helping" the virus become more resistant to any treatment(s) in much the same way we began developing "super germs" (bacteria) when we made the marketing decision to add "anti bacterial agents" to ANY and EVERY possible consumer product. Not to say mankind has not benefited from the development of cleaning products that kill bacteria... but in the name of selling MORE (spelled money, greed), we began adding such agents to every possible consumer product, every bar of hand soap, shampoo, dish soap, body wash, household cleaning product, until... we began to recognize the monsters ( "super germs" ) we had created. It took years to begin to wane, to begin to disappear from at least a few products. Then Covid is unleashed on us, and people (who could not tell you the difference in bacteria and viruses) can't use enough sterilizing and/or sanitizing products. Again, NOT to say our lives are not blessed by development of such products, but the insane obsession displayed by so many. Was it fear ? The madness of crowds ? "Tulip mania" in action ? Now, with a well known TV personality (Woopie Goldberg), coming down with Covid, the media drum beat is thundering: It's coming BACK, it's coming BACK, get boosted as soon as you are eligible for your next shot... do NOT hesitate ! Again, would education help ? Or, are most human beings hopeless ? Beautiful day today, bright sunshine, perfect 75 degrees, spent part of the afternoon at a huge, beautiful OUTDOOR garden center picking out some southern "winter" flowers. The number of individuals outdoors, shopping for flowers on this perfect day, and wearing MASKS...many of them young and very healthy looking, was shocking ! But the media beat is.... it's coming BACK, do something NOW, don't get used to going maskless, etc. etc.
It's started in the USA also.... California (of course) the first to begin beating the fear drum, mandatory masks ON at any indoor space... how long until masks on outdoors too ? Will the people be allowed to at least be free outdoors until Christmas... will families be allowed to hold a holiday gathering in their own homes without LIMITS on how many family members can attend ? Will this go on forever now... is this the "new world order" ? And the "emergency" situation of hospitals being overwhelmed with seriously ill young children with "upper respiratory infections" ? Can any of that be traced to Covid ? Is any of this the price to be paid for masking even babies, keeping children indoors, not allowing interactions, play, or school ? A LOT to think about, and seems we've learned NO lessons from all we have done wrong all over the world !
Yes. This will go on forever. At least that's the plan. When the NWO is established you can expect more restrictions than ever. You can thank your local Covid karens for the Hell on earth their willful stupidity and cowardice have created.
We have at least one in my community (more of course) who is a regular on a community blog/board, and proudly... STILL TODAY, nearly 2023, signs her name and adds every time "PROUDLY fully vaccinated and boosted" ! All I could think was, if I HAD done that, I would sure not be wanting others to know, I'd be keeping pretty quiet these days !
Where in Calif are masks required again?
If my neighbor (from Calif. but has home here in Florida and spends 4-6 mos. here each year), is correct, Los Angeles and I believe he said San Diego schools and all indoor gatherings too, including concerts, movies, restaurants, etc. They were unsure about the "north", like San Francisco, etc.
According to the major networks (CBS, NBC, etc. etc.) L.A. county was the first (last week) to initiate the masking again. Hope it's not true, but ?
Agreed. Hopefully more awake and non-boosted will get a chance at life after all. 🙏
The awake need to stick together. Safety in numbers.
And the funny (not funny) thing is that a lot of the uber-rich in the US managed to get their kids in college (communications degrees!) and public health / gov agencies, rather than face the draft. And here we are ...
We are already in it. The bioweapons world war (BWW). Started by the US and China.
It certainly feels that way.
The liars in media are the terrorists.
They were hoping midterms would start another civil war.
I guess its OK to spread misinformation after all. Why aren't they being labelled as terrorists, and taken off line, like the doctors who give you true data on covid and vaccines?
indeed. at the very least, why don't they get banned from twitter and the like?
Because they are doing their masters’ bidding, and their masters also control the censorship apparatus.
The first highly trained technocrat human slaves to technology. This forum is no different and is clearly making their choices. Having a forum on which to discuss these things is like existing within a hubris infested matrix. We who discuss these things are surely being marked by those who believe they own us.
I'd venture your belief of being followed and "marked" by the "infestation" is a very good "guess" !
Of course it's fine to spread misinformation. People like Fauci and Lauterbach have been doing it for years now. So, nothing's changed.
Here in the U.S. Fauci was idolized, when Covid broke out, people right here in my community, "regular everyday people", all started acting as if they KNEW who Fauci was, just as they knew the names of many sports stars, film stars, and singers. Truth is, none of them had any knowledge of him other than a few of us "academic types" who were aware of his previous record in regard to Aids research, and some of his other work. When neighbors began praising him as if they were as familiar with him as major league baseball's most valuable player of the year, and I would look puzzled, and say "but what about ____ " this he was involved in, or "what about ___" that, they would look at me in total "deer in the headlight". If I mentioned gain of function research, you could tell immediately, if I was not on campus with colleagues, just with neighbors in my community, that they had NO IDEA what gain of function even meant ! And my neighbors are intelligent, educated people ! Maybe such topics as gain of function were never of interest to the "media" ???
'Of course it's fine to spread misinformation.'
As long as it's the correct misinformation.
Everyone is spreading misinformation ,so I want to do my part and tell you that in Vancouver Canada I filled my V.W. Diesel and paid $ 9. 60 A Gallon or 2.40 a liter as it is here . In the morning my wife asked me to take very small bites of the egg ,she paid $10.20 .a dozen . For butter 15 dollars .So my American friends please send Care parcels for Christmas . A liter of diesel would be nice .
Many many Canadian friends here in my community for the "winter", the best people ever, kind, optimistic, loyal and good natured, even when we "discuss" who were the greatest hockey players of all time... LOL ! But my heart truly aches for what they are going through, thought it could not be worse than it is here, at least (so far) their country is not being completely over run by illegal from every country in the world, but I wonder how long it will be before we will be so driven by the human desire to survive that we invade our friends to the NORTH just to seek a precious liter of that vile fossil fuel called "diesel", or enjoy a $5 (CD) egg. After all, those vial chickens are nearly as detestable as cattle in that they also destroy grass and grains, and emit "waste" in the form of "gas". UNLESS.... we could, perhaps, make diesel from that gas ? No, that would not be acceptable, beef BAD, gas BAD, coal BAD, humans being fed and kept from freezing... BAD, bad for the environment, bad for the world, bad for LIFE. Planet would be much better off without humans. It's the "new think".
Love it ! That says it all ! Can you imagine it there had been a "Trump laptop", or a "De Santis Laptop, a "Greg Abbot laptop", a ________ laptop....just fill in ANY name of a conservative person, if a person has even ONE conservative view, their "cancelled".
Yes, as long as it is the CORRECT misinformation AND fosters the march toward the ultimate GOAL... that new World Order ? The great Reset ? There has to be a goal in all this somewhere !
That's rhetorical of course, LOL, we all KNOW very well why they will never be referred to as "terrorists", or fear mongers, etc. We ALL KNOW !
Woke up and saw MSM coverage of the “Russian missile” killing 2 in Poland, then took kids to private intl school in Vienna and once there we walked behind 2 teenage Ukrainian refugee students, one with 3/4 length fur coat and Gucci bag and the other with gorgeous black Prada boots and a magnificent looking bag and coat (didn’t see the brand). They had exited their Tesla with Ukrainian plates. Walked past shiny white Porsche and a black Range Rover and Mercedes with Ukrainian plates. Then get home and see the headline that Brandon has asked Congress for $37 billion more for Ukraine. Every day just feels like a giant FU to normal people.
The connected wealthy flee while the Biden regime and Zelensky are ready to throw endless waves of average Ukrainians to their death while trying to concoct ideas on how to escalate this to a wider conflict. In the meantime as Lindsay Graham put it, the US government will send weapons to the last Ukrainian.
And, in the spirit of profit, will Amazon also get in on the act ? Order up anything the federal government does not supply ...LOL ? Funny funny ! Hey, in addition to weapons, are we exporting the booster vaccines to Ukraine and their military, the ones that are NOT prompting long lines at Walgreen's and CVS ?
And keep in mind.... NO ONE forced that on us, we cheerfully and enthusiastically, elected these folks. And just last week elected MORE of them, unskilled, inexperienced, some very elderly way past their working years, some so ill they can not perform even the minimum of expected tasks (such as speaking, or writing), some just frightened to death at the prospect of having to get a job on their own merits in the private sector, and yet others just mortified at the thought of NOT being re-elected and LOOSING their premium health care, private planes and chauffeurs, exotic vacations in the "name of the government", and their private chefs, gyms, beauticians and barbers, and all the other "perks"... inside tips of where a stock is headed ? Yes, it is WE who create the Brandon's who in turn supple the billions and trillions to those Ukrainian students in their Furs and designer clothes... As an aside, LOL, I think in their culture, animals were created for man by God, and should not be "wasted", even the skin/fur/or feathers should be used ! ? Same sort of outrageous thinking as held by those "deplorable" native Americans ! ?
Last week we elected the dead - the literally dead, functionally dead, brain dead, and morally dead. And we re-elected, (honestly or otherwise), as we always do, many exemplars of cupidity and stupidity, A.K.A. "professional politicians".
Jefferson paraphrased de Maistre, "The government you elect is the government you deserve.” And Jefferson was seldom wrong. About anything.
So very many don’t know a single thing about the people they vote for other than that D or R by the name.
And one of the most shocking facts is the small percentage of people who are willing to do the (admittedly) hard work of researching the judicial behaviors and decisions handed down by judges, even LOCAL judges who have direct responsibility to the residents in a community. People simply do NOT CARE ! Once a judge is "in", it is very rare that anyone votes to NOT "retain".... they just routinely mark "retain", "retain", "retain"... ! ! ?? Their judgments, knowledge of the state and federal constitutions as it pertains to judicial law is of no consequence to the "average" American in any way, shape, or form. And those running for a position as "judge" at any level, KNOW THIS !
"don’t know a single thing about the people they vote for"
Sadly, true.
Brings to mind Franklin's often quoted answer to what KIND of government do we have ? To the woman (I believe it was a woman named Powell) he replied: " a republic.... IF you can keep it". Hummm ? That seem to indicate, as the recipients of a republic, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to be intelligent ? ? Might put that detail back into the public school curriculum also... along with other disciplines I've suggested ?
You're assuming that the vote counts the media are giving us are accurate.
The media never did cite their sources on those seizing out dead in the street videos out of China in 2019/2020
Seems like predictive programming for vaxx-induced SADS
Watching the compilation videos of SADS deaths, I was struck by the similarities to those of the people dropping dead in the streets, ostensibly from covid.
Or their sources pointing to Russia for destroying the Nord Stream pipelines, or firing a missile at a train station full of people in Kramatorsk...
Neither of those need to be investigated anymore, apparently, now that the absurdity of claiming Russia would blow up their own pipelines, or fire a rocket with a serial number only 2 higher than the serial number from a known Ukrainian missile of the same type that was fired at the Donbas years ago, has dawned on most people.
I just keep going back to the fact that schools have dropped emphasis on teaching thinking, analyzing, discerning, skills. When you do that, and the majority of people do not go beyond the point of free public education, you get a population upon which VERY LITTLE "DAWNS" on them !
But they sure know a lot about gender
They most definitely do ! And a LOT of individuals, and INSTITUTIONS, are making obscene amounts of money mutilating young people. The world seems to have lost any moral compass, while they have been busy with their infighting about what and whose religion is "best" ! People, PEOPLE, will you NEVER LEARN ? ? Divide and conquer.. it never fails, NEVER NEVER, NEVER... please begin teaching HISTORY AGAIN ! History, that "useless" subject, that the press began to portray as such a waste of "needed" money in public school districts, listed as one of the outdated and least useful subjects to "our students we MUST begin preparing for the future". I remember this starting as far back as the late 1980's ! Along with the steady drum beat to drop all the other "useless" classes: civics and economics in high school (secondary school), such a WASTE the told us. Dropping wood working/carpentry, drop metal shop, auto mechanics, drop agriculture and home economics classes (that curriculum was not just "cooking and sewing", it included budgeting, managing the finances of a family, mortgages and major purchases... all things the parents and the students turned AGAINST, and the media took up the mantle of "war" against classes like these in public schools because they just "waste" of much public money and "things kids just don't need".
How do the two know a lot about gender ? Did they look under the skirt of little girls again .?
I was reading a parenting book this summer named “Hold on to Your Kids” by Gordon Neufeld and it was an Eureka! moment for me on the state of the worlds we live in.
The author talks about several generations of kids in the US growing up peer attached rather than parents attached. When peers matter more than parents, kids don’t learn core values: empathy, critical thinking, bravery, creativity.. All these can only be passed down from adults to kids, not from kids to kids. Because kids are not yet capable of unconditional love they can’t provide it to each other and thus learning of the aforementioned core values doesn’t happen. Kids to kids can only teach each other simple imitations and fitting in. Which is why a peer attachment culture is so dangerous. And it’s the culture we all live in.
This is a result of several generations grown up in a peer attached culture (originated and hailed in the US in the 1960s and spreading across the western world). The political and other leaders we are having are all the so called “peer-attached” grown-ups, unfamiliar with core human values such as empathy, critical thinking, creativity, bravery.
The two books that can best explain the phenomena of the world we live in are “Hold on to Your Kids” by Gordon Neufel and Gabor Maté and “The Collapse of Parenting” by Leo Sax, PhD.
Schools are a wast of money ,since Schwab and Gates tell us everything we need to know .
Ah, yes commrade, you are correct, last thing we need is to teach the next generation to THINK ! THAT can be dangerous commrade, very very dangerous !
Why yes commrade, you are so right, we HAVE wise people who can tell us poor huddling masses what we need to know, think, and do. DO NOT throw away your masks, stay out of dangerous environments like churches, gyms, schools, and even beaches (in some states), the usual places where Covid tends to congregate/accumulate, and above all, vote early and OFTEN.
I actually saw a picture on Twitter yesterday, one of those original photos of a man who died in a Chinese street, and it was attributed to a photographer. I wonder if anyone has ever followed up on information like that. Incidentally, the photo was presented as an example of staged propaganda by the Chinese government in early 2020.
Western societies have their share of sociopaths also. Seems to be a human trait.
That is indeed one of the biggest risks I see in the granting of a Covid Amnesty. We need to hold to account everyone who allowed panic and zealotry to cloud their reason to the point of breaches to the Nuremburg Code. Because if we do not, we are allowing these same, now well-trained, muscles to be exercised in the direction of what could very well be the end of humanity as we know it.
That's the REAL question, WHO ? Is there sufficient collective conscious, foundational ethics regardless of race, culture, political philosophy, or skin color, to agree on the total lack of moral conscious and inhuman actions as occurred all over the world as a result of "Covid" ? Or, as a result of "SOME world wide goal" ? Yes, WHO is the question, WHO believes accountability is even necessary ? After all, the world will go on regardless.. won't it ? (tongue in cheek)
The more substantive issue here is when will European citizens declare they have had enough of the Luciferian cabal that is bent on destroying them? It sure does appear that the number of rational thinking people diminishes daily. At a certain point, it makes more sense to simply work to protect yourself and your family than it does to convince those hell-bent on their own demise that joining a death-cult isn't conducive to long-term health.
I have stopped wasting breath. It has only served to get me ostracized. When you wake up the sleeping dreaming people, they get surly.
Yes...and when you see the numbers of people who have been taught rational thinking, actual "thinking skills" as a process, shrinking month by month, year by year, and no one seems at all alarmed ? No one sees a need to look into educational CURRICULUM ? No one traces this back to abandoning mandatory free public education laws (once stringently enforced in the United States but rejected by students and parents), it eventually takes a horrific toll on the masses as a whole. Eventually, it is not out of the realm of possibility that a nation could build an entire population of simple human ROBOTS. Robots who fear any deviation from the official "line".
Now I understand what Kraftwerk were warning us of!
Is that the same Kraftwerk ,that makes the Kraft cheese ? The warning must be ,that they will run out of cheese .Sorry if I still not understand high politics ,I still mess around in my sub stacks .
Wir Sind Die Roboter. 1978. Spacelab (B side) was more optimistic. Nothing to do with the cheese. Nothing to do with high politic either. Just prophets, I guess you had to be there.
Rite on Joseph ,often we can't even convince our own wife . In many ways I have become a hermit for that reason .
It is! "Extreme dissident material" - as you so accurately state. I passed on part of an extremely well written post to a former colleague last spring. (It was a perfect description of his professional persona). He tried to have me arrested! The officer in charge of our local detachment, one of my hunting companions, declined to do so - after he finished laughing.
An AP photographer helped stage the maternity hospital atrocity hoax. The media is a bad actor in this conflict and we should have a running list of the hoax atrocities and false flags as they keep trying to escalate the conflict.
And that is exactly the heart of it;, it's a "moving feast", and ever changing daily news landscape, it's a "bombshell" news story today... tomorrow, "poof", gone, no memory, not just that everyone "forgets" (lead by our president who forgets everything from where he is to what time it is), but no one even cares. I suppose KEEPING a list of such atrocities would be akin to racism , or considered anti-democratic, or just plain MEAN ! Also, always a danger that SEEING them all at once, in print, in black and white , could "trigger" complete rebellion in the masses ! ?
Sounds like a good idea for a book E could write.
A rocket from Ukraine….the Ukrainians are to blame! Did they apologize? Or was it done to purpose to get MORE MONEY from Western Governments especially US where Americans are sick and tired of providing money to Monster, demanding Zelensky!
I agree with Julian Assange that the wars created are simply to wash money out of the tax bases in the US and Europe, into funding military conflicts and back into the hands of the transnational security elite. It is essentially a wealth transfer.
You answered your own question. It's a Spin now.
So it's not only a James Bond movie that were living in but Dr. Strangelove too.
Mix in some "The Big Short" and a big helping of "Idiocracy", and you are on the right track.
Helluva film mind you but yes!
These people seem to be permanently hysterical now.
and 1984, Equilibrium, The Matrix ...
Add Camp of the Saints by Raspail to that list...oh, yes, that's right, that book is nearly impossible to get any more unless you have at least $700 extra dollars for a paperback version ! Don't look for it in your public library any more, it's "gone", got to make room for new volumes constantly of course. the land of the (sort of) Free !
Who needs that book anymore? Looking around we can write our own Camp of the Saints book . The saints are every where .
True ! Can anyone remember far back enough when Raspail was called completely insane for writing a "science fiction" book like that ? A theme of the Western world being taken over not with bombs and gun fire, but with the simple idea of just invasion in such mind boggling numbers, such hoards from every corner of the world, that western civilization could disappear ? ? ?
There is always
But of course, if you live in Western Europe, you don't really need to read the book; you live it.
Humm, I respect your comments, absolutely, but check out the United State's southern border. Thousands per day, not hundreds, over run hospitals, schools, border guards far out numbered (and even chastised for DOING their job responsibilities), federal employees doing important jobs in D.C. being "re-assigned" to work as personal "aids" for illegal immigrants... fetching snacks for them, ordering medications and picking them up for them, all kindnesses yes, but at the expense of the legal citizens, the homeless living on the streets and in alleys because they were let go from their jobs for refusing "vaccination", those in the military who were let go for the same reason, and subsequently lost their homes, their automobiles and in some cases, denied even the welfare programs extended to even non citizens. Then, there is the shameless condition of veterans who fought for freedom for U.S. citizens, also being homeless, hungry, and without any medical care. Yes, I know Western Europe is living it, we ALL are ! And the only "fight" we have in us, it to "fight" for Ukraine ! ?
Yes, the US has it in many case worse. And you are already more down the road.
Which probably is also a white pill: maybe you reached the bottom already, and will be on your way up. E.g. you may be re-industrialize in the coming years, wile Europe is de-industrializing.
Why the book is more typical Europe: our politics and society is taken over. We are getting destroyed not only economically, but spiritually.
What is so very notably with our European western society is the lack of vitality, the wish to commit suicide. This seems to be specific to the old world.
In the USA you probably will have something like a civil war. You will get angry.
But in Europe we have just given up. We are just tired.
I'm not sure the USA even has the will any more, the culture is so deteriorated, the free public (and in many cases also private) education has deteriorated to the point where the curriculum is dominated by social instruction (thus a student going into secondary school can not tell you the difference between bacteria and viruses), the numbers of people on drugs, both legal and illegal, is absolutely astounding, and the numbers dying daily, DAILY, from fentanyl has surpassed Covid at it's height. Just tonight, for the first time, the news finally reported the alarming number of attacks and assaults on churches of every denomination; figures that have been kept out of the news until recently. It seems people are "drifting", have no spiritual grounding, see no future, many believe that climate "warming" will be the end of civilization VERY soon, and people seem nearly hypnotized by their cell phones...often nearly being hit by autos, or running into buildings and even fountains, entire families sitting at tables in restaurants without ever talking or looking at the others, just "texting" to other members of the family sitting at the SAME TABLE ? ? It is truly bizaar ! Today, the young hostess at a local restaurant checked us in, picked up menus, and took us to our table without EVER ONCE LOOKING AT US OR LOOKING UP FROM HER CELL PHONE (which she held in her other hand). We watched as she returned to her podium at the front door, she would say "welcome" as customers entered, but without ever once looking at them.
Swedish pundits and mainstream media joined in the fun yesterday and today, excaliming that it is Russia's fault anyway, since they invaded Ukraine in the first place, prompting the missiles to be fired at all. Calls for war-crime trials against russian leadership too.
Commenters remarking that if that's how blame is to be apportioned, it puts other conflicts in a whole new light. For a start, we'd have to prosecute the peace prize "winner" Obama for his indiscriminate drone warfare.
This is immediately waived away as "Putinism" and any allegation that it was a ukrainian missile gone astray are labeled russian disinfirmation and conspiracy theories - despite what NATO and Poland has stated.
It simply /must/ be Russia anyway, period.
On the "plus" side, we no longer have to wonder how people could be whipped into war-frenzy in 1914: we've got front row seats to the whole thing from start to finish.
In ancient Rome, it was a popular method to hire agitators to work the plebs with selcted and curated news/information before elections, so we can back-date the whole thing to the birth of the Roman Republic.
Sure am glad I am on the non-European side of the Atlantic. I seem to recall all the European "leadership" looked down their noses and over their Chablis glasses at Trump and loved it when Biden stumbled into the White House. Trump would probably have tried to negotiate and would have been called Putin's puppet, and of course Biden has decided to fight on to the last Ukrainian but in the end, the result will be the same, Russia will secure the regions they have targeted but with Biden's approach there will be a mountain of corpses.
And thousands of contracts for rebuilding going to Democrat/Biden-aligned US corporations, who will hire ukrainian companies loyal to Zelensky, who will get foreign aid from the US to pay the US corporations with, sans corruption's toll.
Same thing the Bushes did in Irak, basically.
And will send a lot of that aid back to politicians.
Yep. That's the main reason the Thirty Years War lasted thirty years or so: the moneylenders and financiers of the war in many cases also owned interests in the production of materiel for the war.
Smedley Butler didn't grab his words out of thin air.
General Butler was simply doing that which our media has long since forgone in favour of narrative presentation. He was observing events, and reporting what he saw. And he saw a lot.
Yup. Trust the man who's been in at the sharp end before you trust a deskjockey, always.
Doesn't mean he's always right or that one has to do what he says, but always trust his assesment since its based on experience people working deskjobs haven't got.
If it's leading troops into battle or being in the planning staff makig sure there's winter gear, or being at home making tin cans or a street sweeper - the one doing the job is the who knows how the job gets done.
That was the secret behind the improbably succesful swedish armies of yore (especially during the Thirty Years war): the man on the spot had final say and made any calls once the action got going. That way, whatever forces were at hand could respond immediately instead of being bogged down while runners were trying to locate staff, get someone's attention, and the get back alive with orders.
" Trump would probably have tried to negotiate and would have been called Putin's puppet..."
Putin wouldn't have dared attack Ukraine if Trump had been allowed to stay in office.
If Trump were as buddy-buddy with Putin as the MSM and Democrats make him out to be, the invasion would have taken place in 2017 or 2018 or 2019. Instead, it happened on Biden's watch, just as Crimea and Donetsk/Luhansk were sliced off Ukraine in 2014 when another Democrat was in office.
Weakness and vacillation invite aggression. When Russian mercenaries tried to attack an American outpost in Syria in 2017, they got their heads handed to them. On the other hand, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan indicated to Putin that the U.S. was in "retreat at all costs" mode: this was in effect the green light for the invasion of Ukraine.
Please let me know what you're smoking... seems like pretty strong stuff :)
I don 't smoke.
If you have an actual argument, make it.
You repeat a whole slew of MSM tropes which don't even make any consistent sense if considered together. A big undercurrent driving everything is the utter corruption of the US 'democratic' system. Though Trump ran as an 'outsider', you don't really get into power without the help of at least one major power group within the system. His first cabinet was stuffed with generals, so you can figure out which faction backed him - and why the other lobbies started to howl in protest.
The US military industrial complex is cognizant of it's strengths and weaknesses, and getting over-extended around the world was not good. They wanted to grifting to continue.. The revolving door for Pentagon generals to become defence contractor employees after 'retirement' requires quid pro quo. The MIC needs some ongoing excuse for the budget money to be funneled there, so small wars and the ever-going war on terror suits. Going against a peer power reveals their weaknesses... so no they don't really want a real fight against Russia or China, as that would end the gravy train, if not the world as we know it. But the deep state/intelligence appatus/neocons have swallowed their koolaid, since they have overt control over MSM (which you have repeated in your post, so I know you read it), and thus we are where we are now.
There's been too many instances in the past year, where some Russian 'atrocity' was announced by the political administration.. and then later clarfied as misinfo or walked back by defence 'intelligence' sources... Simply put, US MIC wants to continue the grift, not be exposed as a paper tiger. Heck, US is commited to paying god-knows-how-many billions for weapons and ammunition which is no longer possible to be produced onshore / domestically... as the US economy has been too hollowed out by financialization (driven by the other competing power interests in the US).
"You repeat a whole slew of MSM tropes..."
Hmm, let's see. The MSM trope is that Trump is Putin's buddy/puppet. I wrote above that Putin wouldn't have dared attack Ukraine if Trump were still in office, which suggests that reality is the opposite of the MSM's narrative.
Another MSM trope is that Trump annoyed our allies and abandoned U.S. commitments, making the world safer for dictatorships. I wrote that weakness and vacillation invite aggression, and gave an example of how it was Democrat weakness, and not Trump, that emboldened tyrants.
When Trump proposed to redeploy American troops from Germany to the front-line NATO countries, the foreign-policy AND military Establishment gravely warned that this imperiled the Western alliance against Russia even though in fact it was aimed at deterring Russia. Now that -- thanks to the Establishment's fecklessness -- Putin has tried to take another bite out of Ukraine, the "experts" have come around and NATO is finally moving to shift troops to the front-line NATO countries.
The destruction in Syria of the Wagner Group mercenary force was a one-night story, quickly put on a shelf since it didn't fit the MSM narrative of an isolationist Trump doing the Russians' bidding.
Look, the whole Establishment opposed Trump and anything he did internationally was twisted to make him look incompetent or irresponsible. Meanwhile, these so-called experts for years opposed providing lethal aid to Ukraine, and it was Trump who finally started supplying them with more than MREs and night-vision goggles. But then Brandon came into office and repeatedly suspended military aid to Ukraine, for heaven knows what reason. (Did the MIC grifters just happen to oppose selling arms to Ukraine when Obama was in power, then support it when Trump was president, and then oppose it again when Biden got into the White House?) The Russians interpreted this as a sign of weakness, which was not there during Trump's term.
The tone of the BILD piece is also notable. It sound like something Der Stürmer would have written in 1944. Hysteric, abusive, propagandistic. "Der irre Tyrann"
Unfortunately, at least until the summer this kind of thinking seems to have been very pervasive with German citizens.
However, I am not very scared about a NATO attack on Russia.
Who could do it?
The biggest and most capable NATO army is (was) the Ukraine, which already has numerous soldiers from Poland and the USA actively fighting with it.
What else could NATO throw at it?
NATO is already low on weapons, having send much of our stock to the Ukraine.
The USA has no real groundforce, neither have the British.
Who else is left? Germany's army is non existent. France's is not much better.
Then blessings in disguise.....Our foul government doesn't want the war to go hot, they just want to keep sending USA taxpayer dollars to the money laundering sink in Ukraine.