Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023Pinned

I'll try to make this a Sunday feature until I run out of energy or my valued readers revolt.

Which one should I do next?

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The saga of mask mythology is interesting. From what I've read Dr FW Kellogg proved that masks can't prevent respiratory disease back in 1920. But somehow viruses changed their behavior, according to 21st century pandemicists.

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Are most of these exercises sort of global? It would be interesting to see if Australia or New Zealand did anything similar.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The US-centricity, to the point of a world outside the lower 48 not even existing, is staggering.

3000 miles of empty sea left and right, and friendly and subservient neighbours top and bottom do rather isolate people.

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I know, right? This has a long bothered me. Headlines like "Earthquake in [Asian country]! Three Americans dead! ...also 49,000 others."

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It's a thing they inherited from the english. I still remember a 1970s headline of a british newspaper:

"Channel covered in fog - continent cut off!"

While liking one's own kind the best is fine and dandy, thinking your own kind is the ideal all others (should want to) strive to become is not.

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Yes, I was speaking more in the general sense of thinking that somehow one's own countrymen are more valuable than others. I'm sure most of the countries have a similar bias.

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They did apparently in concert with the rest of the people who forced this nonsense on us.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Compare/contrast Spanish Flu of 1918 with latest wool pulling?

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Thank you for reading this so that we don't have to! Very much appreciate your analysis.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

A scenario written in the past year or two could be illuminating. And terrifying.

I found this one to be informative and desperately sad, but expect few added insights are to be gained from additional pre-2020 fantasies.

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If you are not aware of this I suggest you check out the Crimson Contagion exercise run by Robert Kadlec and Ron Unz' work on the origins of covid: https://www.unz.com/runz/the-alt-covid-community-begins-unraveling-the-origins-of-covid/

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deletedJul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It's as if most of today's UK workforce is employed to write thisnear- meaningless waffle and is paid £50,000-100,000 per year for it.

Meanwhile, people who do 'real' work get £20,000. I recommend David Graeber's book 'Bullshit Jobs' on this phenomenan.

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deletedJul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I hate liking this comment, but it is took spot on to not do so.

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I've been engaged in a lot of exercises of deliberate self-reflection, lately, and this essay overlaps one I'm still engaged with.

So comprehensive, intense, and emotional has been my reaction during and after the COVID "emergency" that I feel certain that when the next global or national "emergency" occurs I will find myself wholly concerned with "what will the government try to do to me because of this stated crisis and how effectively can I resist it" and, as a default, completely unconcerned with whatever the actual stated emergency is.

I know- at least as my mindset is now- that I'm going to utterly dismiss whatever the "crisis" is as exaggerated or outright false and assume that the policy created around allegedly protecting or helping me is the real threat.

This would have been- and was- an entirely rational mindset for COVID. But actually deadly diseases DO exist and CAN be epidemics, and there are certainly things that are not made-up boogeymen or propaganda that could pose a communal threat, to my household included.

If "COVID but for real this time" happened tomorrow, I'd probably be fucked- by my own fault- because I would instinctively mistrust any stated information about its severity, threat, efficacy of countermeasures, or need to force them upon me with government power.

I realize these are not incredibly novel thoughts. But when I read nonsense like this- which is exactly what I expected it to be, almost right down to the silly, unimaginative details- I feel a visceral sense of the consequences of "loss of trust in institutions" you and everyone else talks about so frequently.

"The Boy Who Cried Wolf" would have been a better story if the boy had been forced to watch his family and neighbors be eaten by the wolf, instead.

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'when the next global or national "emergency" occurs I will find myself wholly concerned with "what will the government try to do to me because of this stated crisis and how effectively can I resist it" and, as a default, completely unconcerned with whatever the actual stated emergency is.'

I've certainly come to feel that way, and suspect quite a few others do also.

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Maybe that was the intention all along . Priming us to ignore the next (real) release. 😎

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Unlikely. The intent is what authoritarians always want - population control.

"Us" is perhaps 20%-30% of the global population. Just enough to not be straight out eliminated, but small enough to be marginalized via media, ngo's and govt.

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I recommend reading Jacques Ellul's "Propaganda" and the concept of "pre-propaganda" as I mentioned in my comment.

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I agree. That way they get rid of the dissenters who are the real problem.

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This is exactly my feelings and I’ve told people that I accept if a deadly virus ever did make the rounds that I’d probably die because I’d disbelieve everything I heard. I’d rather live well and without fear and die younger than live in fear to 100. That’s not living to me.

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This would be me and I’ve said as much to my circle. Not only do I no longer trust anything any government has to say, I don’t even trust doctors anymore either. I’m in process of finding a local homeopath to go see at my own expense, although I have full medical coverage thru my job. Coverage that is all but worthless for me unless I suffer a severe trauma.

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Yes, I'm 100% the same. Emergency medicine is a miracle.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In April 2020 one of my customers came into my business disappointed at my lack of seriousness towards the CoVid1984; I even called it that at that time.

My reply was, "WOLF! WOLF! This is the very same thing."

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A ""COVID but for real" scenario would be inherently self-limiting, so there would be very little to worry about.

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yes, there's a reason all widespread seasonal respiratory viruses have very similar symptoms and features. these seem to be the only kind of viruses that can really get anywhere, and none of them are much to worry about.

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That's what my logic tells me. A genuinely deadly disease, there'd be very little I could do anything about anyway. A widespread respiratory illness, if I'm healthy, I'm pretty much out of the Slow Gazelle club.

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And in any case, asymptomatic spread of respiratory illness is just not a thing. You'd be fine. Truly sick people stay at home and when they don't, they are easy to spot and avoid.

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If I don't misremember, in the original non-sanitised version of the tale, the villagers become so fed up with the boy (not the least due to thanks to his shenanigans, he/they misses that a wolf actually take a sheep while everyone is occupied with looking in the wrong place), that they haul him into the forest and ties him to a tree for the wolf to eat.

Virtually all of the actual intended morals of folk-tales were lost when the Grimms and others re-wrote them to suit the burgher-class (or bourgeois or middle-class) of customers.

In the one about the kid pointing out the Emperor is naked, the kid and his family arepublicly tortured to death over a persiod of years to teach the plebs not to mock power (while the crafty "tailors" makes off with the cash).

I.e. morals as they really are practiced in society, not as society tells itself its morals are.

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Don't worry about infectious diseases, be worried about the cures.

If they had the ability to create a deadly pathogen, they wouldn't have needed to do a con-vid.

Anyway, we found out that ivermectin and hcq actually increased the life span of people who were primarily at or above life expectancy! Seriously, con-vid average age of death (before the jabs) without such treatments was a bit above life expectancy! Pierre Kory and others stumbled upon those drugs that extended the lives of those already above life expectancy!

Some examples of where the cure was the cause of the pandemic:

Smallpox (also sanitation issues)

Spanish flu (aspirin overdosing)

And the little ones like hong Kong flu and sars were straight up hype.

Oh and ebola.... The 4 Americans they flew back home, 2 of them got better before hospital care. Probably sick from the toxic chemicals they had in Africa, our dumping ground.

Www.viroliegy.com if you want more info on pandemics, or find Dr Sam Bailey on odysee

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Coronafest proved that if a real plague strikes, the governments and experts of the West will be helpless to do anything about it. Nothing they did about this pandemic helped, and many things they did made it worse. For instance, in the frenzy to keep hospitals empty so they could handle the wave of cases (that mostly never came), some US states forced retirement homes to house infected patients, putting them near the people most at risk. Doing the opposite of whatever they say will continue to be your best strategy.

But even if they knew what they were doing and hadn't gone off on ideological tangents and personal quests for power, they probably couldn't have done anything. In modern civilization where many people don't have more than a few days' worth of food on hand and things like plumbing and electricity breakdowns must be fixed quickly, there's no way to literally quarantine everyone the way it'd take to "stop" a virus from spreading. So "lockdowns" in practice meant shutting down lots of small businesses and herding everyone into Walmart, where they went more often than usual in the hope of finding toilet paper. That's the most they'd ever be able to do, so it'll never work. Might as well ignore them from the start.

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“If ‘Covid but for real’ happened tomorrow” - it’s not going to! Don’t you see that by worrying about such a (not actually real) thing, you have partly played into the gaslighting? We must realize that we never spent our lives wondering about pandemics until this Covid19 psyop. IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Here’s another way to look at it: If there ever really was a pandemic that dangerous, WE’D ALL DIE ANYWAY. So, nothing would matter. We must stop thinking this way.

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I'm not worried about it at all. It is a thought exercise.

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I feel the same way. Every emergency we’re are now told we face has me far more worried about what the extra powers given to incompetent of corrupt human beings will do to our lives.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The specific policies are different and less heavy-handed than the policies actually pursued in response to Covid. However, the common thread that runs between these various exercises going back to around 2000 is the focus on waging information warfare against the populace through censorship and propaganda. These well-rehearsed information warfare tactics were the foundation of the Covid response. Once the authorities have that part nailed down, they can plug-and-play with whatever policies they want. So I think in that respect these exercises are highly relevant to what began in 2020.

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sort of agree. on the one hand, the hamfisted idiocy of SPARS and the 'messaging' imagined in this booklet probably shouldn't be aggrandised as 'information warfare.' a lot of the response was of course planned – specifically fast-tracking vaccine development and some degree of mitigation (which interestingly is not on display here at all), and we do see this in the scenarios. I find them most striking, however, for what they don't contain - no lockdowns, generally no vaccine mandates, etc.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius


Moderna's CEO reflecting back to 2019, when he spoke of a coming pandemic in 2020, an the need to make another billion dollars.

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Fair point. This was the practice squad after all, so perhaps their pretend propaganda campaign didn’t rise to the level of information warfare we were subjected to during the real match that began in 2020.

What I find really noticeably absent from these exercises is a complete lack of discussion of systems or procedures for discerning truth and ensuring evidence-based policy and messaging in the midst of a “crisis.” They just take it for granted that whatever they say is necessarily true and correct, and whatever dissenters say is necessarily incorrect. There’s no inkling that they could be wrong. No one seems to be “gaming” a scenario where, for instance, the vaccine turns out to actually be unsafe and ineffective so a mea culpa and shift in policy becomes necessary. Such a scenario is simply outside the realm of possibility for these people.

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Agree. I'd even go further and say that many in power believe that what they say will BECOME "true and correct," because they have so decreed it. This is an ancient problem, thinking that one's wishes, whether spur-of-the-moment whims, or the elaborate schemes of massive bureacracies or religions, can be dictated to Reality and that Reality will fall into formation like a well-disciplined army.

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The information warfare, lockdowns and mandates were an epiphenomenon of the paternalistic character of these "health communicators" combined with the hysteria of a class of coddled, narcissistic idiots who never experienced any danger whatsoever in their sheltered lives. It's all fun and imaginactments until they actually start to get sick.

It was a hysterical vicious freakout on an elite society-wide scale. That's why they all want to forget it now. That and they are freaked out that they might have seriously damaged their health taking all those shots.

"I said some things, you said some things... can't we just forget it all?"

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This is one part of the exercise that eugyppius did not mention: It is the last part of teh exercise "Recovers", consisting of the following chapters: 17 "VACCINE INJURY", 18 "ACKNOWLEDGING LOSS" and 19 "SPARS AFTERMATH". They actually talk about how to move on from the Pandemic. One of the reasons, you should disregard eugyppius's subheading and do read the exercise yourself.

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These tabletop exercises remind me of the old sales training seminars that boiled down to one idea.. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bullsh*t.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

These public health folks do seem to understand a few things, though -- scary messages do back-fire, politicians will mess up the plans, and some people will always want a new "miracle" drug to relieve them of even the smallest of health anxieties. What's missing from scenarios like this is the central acknowledgement that public health has screwed up a lot in the past and people have very good reasons to be wary of "disease panic," and afraid of new drugs, and distrustful of politicians. These are not mental health disorders to be "communicated around." People can see through the bullshit. Less bullshit would equal better communication. "This is your State Dept of Health. There's a new disease -- most of you won't notice it. We have no real treatments anyway. Try not to get sick. Eat some healthy food and get some exercise. Everybody dies at some point, just keep that in mind and plan to make the most of your time year here. That is all."

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Your final example is very apt. I try and look at things through the cynical lens of trying to guess the other party's likely motivations and psychololgy. For example, let's pretend to try and look inside the "head" of that public health department: The average employee, and by extension, the collective, is ruled by universal drives and instincts: for self-preservation, to reproduce, to get along with peers, to protect existing resources and perhaps, to expand its territory. None of that is rocket science; it's elementary psychology, and is operative in virtually all times and places. I may have overlooked some primal drives, but I think I covered the biggies. And, I assert, those will be operative, often at the unconscious or subconscious levels, whether we could look at a prehistoric band of early humans tens of thousands of years ago, a faculty department in the most prestigious unversity you care to name, or any committee of so-called "experts" or bureaucrats. If one keeps these in mind, it makes it very easy to predict in general, the behaviors of that entity. An informed skeptic would expect the public health agency to do stuff like highlight how important it is to maintaining the public's well-being, how essential it is, that it needs more funding, that its recommendations or mandates should be obeyed, and if business is slow, to trumpet the latest real or perceived threat to public health, whether that be a tropical disease that primarily afflicts careless homosexuals, or a few cases of malaria in Central Florida. To admit anything approaching the truth, as your example gave, would be tantamount to admitting that the administrators really don't (or can't) do anything -- and that is always vetoed by the ego. To expect otherwise would be as unrealistic as to expect a car salesman to tell you that frankly, the model you're looking at is a piece of shit, and in fact most of the company's models suffer a similar debility, and that you'd be better off visiting the local Honda dealership.

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Good description about every entity—individual as well as collective—being ruled by universal drives and instincts to achieve survival.

Still, there are a few who can rise above their primordial instincts and assess situations honestly and objectively, as in VeryVer's comment before yours. Unfortunately our systems tend to favor the wrong sort of actors (psychopaths as CEOs, for example). I wonder if there's any possible way to encourage the right sort, instead.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Very interesting -- thank you for doing all this-- I never could stomach this much stupid in one place, that's for sure.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I have been trying to wrap my head around two mayor's organizations (worldwide) and how serious a threat they are (C40.org and www.globalcovenantofmayors.org) The covenant group hands out badges to Mayors who accomplish certain things related to climate change. The C40 group is more scary and has created a large report which outlines what Mayors need to accomplish before 2030. Chapter 6 is the consumption chapter and lays out exact details of what needs to happen re food, clothing (18 kg of meat person per year, 3-6 articles of clothing, one air plane ride (1500 kg return) every two years) These are the bottom end of the requirements (preferred being no meat, or dairy, 3 articles of clothing per year and 1 air trip every three years) LisaLawyer (substack) has done a good job of explaining it but it would be good to hear your thoughts. In Canada, three cities have committed to this - Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. There was a new mayor just elected in Toronto, but I heard nothing about the commitment to these goals during the election. Also, Ontario has just appointed 26 mayors to be 'strong' mayors which gives them incredible power - just wondering if it was for this reason. Here is the report - for some reason you need to scroll to find the pages not search (consumption is Chapter 6 - page 69). https://www.c40.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2270_C40_CBE_MainReport_250719.original.pdf?

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very interesting, i look into this

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Long ago, many decades, the Rockefellers set up organizations of all local officials from dog catcher to Governor. Thusly, they all represent the Rockefellers.

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Where is the list of "strong mayors"? Need to check my city.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"As further preventative for plague, no one should neglect or skip their yearly purgations and bloodletting. " - Augsburg During the Reformation Era

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I have a thesis on which you, dear eugyppius, may perhaps some time and at your convenience weigh in on: Namely that Big Pharma is so keen on vaccines because they have difficulty making money with "conventional medicine". The low-hanging fruit of medicine, i.e. drugs that effectively treat common illnesses, have all been harvested. What remains are drugs which take a lot of research, have only limited benefits over older treatments and are useful only for smaller number of cases. In other words, more investment for less return. Now compare that with vaccines: Everybody should get it, preferably multiple times, not only those who actually have the disease, and with the "effectiveness" standard established by the wonderful Coof jabs they don´t even have to have a noticeable positive effect. At this point it would be irrational for any pharmaceutical company not to go all in on all kinds of "vaccines" and forget about any treatments. Indeed, in the FRG we can already see that all kinds of "vaccines" are now being pushed in ads.

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All correct. I would add the following (at least these are, I believe, true in the USA): vaccines are held to lower standards of proof of safety and efficacy* than drugs/other products; cost is rarely a consideration for the consumer because government and/or insurance pays the costs (indeed, for EUA products, government HAS to pay the costs because legally the product cannot be sold or even advertised); and perhaps best of all, the manufacturer is completely, 100% free of any liability.

*I'm just a layman, but one that's read a few studies. At least in the case of Covid-19, flu and influenza, existing vaccines border on useless, especially in terms of absolute benefit. Of course, this is also true of a vast number of other drugs, treatments and such.

I suggest that as a future Eugyppius topic: the general problem of drugs and other official medical nostrums that for all practical purposes are no better, and perhaps even worse, than doing nothing.

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I think in the US the liability shield only applies to vaccines that make it onto the childhood schedule. Hence the absolute determination of Pharma to get each and every vaccine onto the childhood schedule. Thank you, Ronald Reagan.

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That's correct, vaccine must be on the Childhood Vaccine Schedule to enjoy being liable free. It's why the vaccine sector is the largest and most profitable. Find a way to label as a vaccine some non-vaccine drug you're working on and get it onto the Childhood Vaccine Schedule and you've got another $$$ printing press ready to go. What CEO of ay Pharmaceutical giant wouldn't take advantage of this? The government has said if you can prove it's a vaccine that kids need to go to school then we'll make it so no one can ever seek any damages from you should your drug cause harm or even death.

Just imagine how much of a mess we'd be in if government's offered this same liable free option to other industries? Do you think automobiles would be safer/better if the Feds made it so the automobile industry was liable free? Not only would the automobile industry start t9 make less reliable and less safe vehicles they’d find some way via law to force you to replace you’re car ever X number of years ensuring return customers and as a bonus it ensures no one is driving a vehicle that is old and may not be equipped with all that the government needs to monitor you and your car.

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'...the general problem of drugs and other official medical nostrums that for all practical purposes are no better, and perhaps even worse, than doing nothing.'

We are the most overmedicated people on the planet. Somehow everyone accepts unthinkingly the idea that as you get older you need more drugs. As you point out, most of them do a little or no good. But the more you take, the more detrimental interactions they have, for which even more prescriptions are issued. A positive feedback loop of profit. A great business plan, not so great for health outcomes.

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You are correct of course. But, if they do manage to (accidently) introduce widespread malaria into Florida, via Billy Gates' millions of GM mozzies, they will have lots of rich Americans catching the economically poor and developing world's most common disease; for which they will, at last, magically produce a (very expensive) vaccine!

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Eugypius, Thank you for your sacrifice and service in exposing this crap. Whilst I love fairy stories as much as anyone, it's scary that they think this could come true.

PS Is English really not your native language? I could never tell - Awesome!!!

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Thanks. I really needed that. I don’t have any idea how you come up with this stuff but don’t stop.

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I can't believe someone who writes this balderdash is paid to do so, and probably quite well, too. Focus on your book first and get that out. I don't know about a Sunday, too, on top of your other excellent writings. I'm afraid you might develop combat fatigue from reading all this garbage, or maybe lower your IQ 50 or 60 points. You choose.

Danny Huckabee

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It might even delay recuperation.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What the fresh hell is this? Is this an AI simulation on how stupid homo sapiens do a simulation on how try to control the public in a pandemic without doing anything of value?

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This is the end result of enough years of DEI (Diverysity, Equity & Inclusion) hiring practices; mas incompetence. We may have just recently found out about DEI but that which it preacheshas been getting implimneted by governmnets fr the last 5-10- years. In a few more years we'll finally hit economic incompetence; where enough of the critical roles in society (i.e. ermegency response, government, rooadway maintence, etc) are employed by DEIhires who are unqualified to do whtthey are being paid to do and who likely are also very woke themselves believeing inall the non-sense that comes with that faith,

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I know! Why not have the AI simulations battle it out with each other?

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I know this asinine type of thinking is not exclusive to Americans, but I still found myself deeply embarrassed as an American that this came from those who are represented as our “experts”.

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don't be too embarrassed, the American scientific establishment is considered absolutely elite in all these matters, which means that all the rest of our countries are even worse.

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Considered by whom? Anyone other than themselves, I mean?

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An excelllent point, and one I have already bathered on about in detail above. 🤓

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How about the one in NYC in the fall of 2019? Event 201 or something like that. I have seen clips of that one as well as the SPARS one, and they have been edited to make them seem deadly serious and prescient. But the devil really is in the details. The details of the SPARS one as you described create an entirely different impression. Ludicrous. Shame on all of us for allowing our academic and scientific worlds to be led like this. Perhaps mockery is now the best solution so have at it.

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I wrote about Event 201 a long time ago, but I think a more thorough treatment of its contents, as here, is definitely in order.


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The linked article is a must-read as background re CHS and its funding history (from government $$$, to WEF & Gates Foundation $$$).

This article was great, as usual.

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Thank you for the link. That column is fascinating, especially because it points to the entrance of the philanthropists in the timeline of what had been a military/medical obsession. Surely the personalities that became involved at that time had something to to with the the tenor of the subsequent productions?

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Very much so. In my comment above I pointed to the hysterical reactions to the virus of the coddled, terrified PMC class as cause for the lockdowns and mandates. But we shouldn't forget there was a lot of money on the table for the philanthropaths: Bill Gates chief criminal amongst a great many. Pfizer fundamentally supporting the bottom lines of CNN and MSNBC... a class of shits whose sole talent is knowing which way the oligarchy is blowing on any given day.

A perfect storm of careerists, profit gobblers and neurotic powder-puffs with autocratic thugs Trump and Biden at the helm.

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When you talk about Bill Gates, make sure you look into his "dealings" with Epstein. Ask yourself whether Epstein may have unduly influenced Gates to make his "donations" into the filed of "vaccine programmes"....

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Gates' mother is a Maxwell . . . yes, a relative of Israeli operatives Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell . . .

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This post and it's accompanying videos and links round out the story: https://substack.com/notes/post/p-35455644

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'a flat, nearly plotless, deeply unimaginative fictional work set a decade in the future, for the purpose of giving “public health communicators and risk communication researchers” the “prompt … to imagine the dynamic and oftentimes conflicted circumstances in which communication around emergency medical countermeasures development, distribution, and uptake takes place.”'

I suppose it would be non-PC to imagine a satirical take on this, as written by German bureaucrats in 1930…

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