"I have a vision of Schwab in his study, typing furiously with extended index fingers like a bicephalic chicken, marshalling all his meagre powers to reconstruct the very unexpected pandemic in which he found himself..."

This is goddamnned poetry! I can't get the image out of my head now.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Real life Bond villain

Thank you for sparing us having to read this book. I might just read it so I can properly respond to the cultists that are following its teachings, how ever they interpret them

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I feel lazy but I agree. Simply reading this excellent post caused my BP to skyrocket and heart rate escalate. This is about all I can take.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Not a Bond villain, they're fictional. He is an outer-space-alien or else their willing pawn Not kidding People, wake up. They are here working their takeover plan. Nothing else explains all the thousands of anomalies all at once or as well.

Parts of his book can be read for free on Amazon.


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What all intelligent species likely have in common is technology, and what technology commonly requires is totalitarianism - conformity, control, and surveillance. We certainly see that happening globally. Aliens and advanced alien Ai throughout the Universe that compete with each other for resources via algorithms would not be friendly to freedom. It is wishful thinking to believe that Freedom can compete with Advanced alien Ai. Note that "advanced" does not mean a million years advanced but more likely hundreds of millions of years advanced. Consider how a conformist society like China will take off economically when capped with an advanced Ai for resource allocation, goods pricing, investment decisions, labor requirements, and sustainable completive strategy. Advanced Ai makes market mechanisms obsolete.

This reputable researcher examines the idea of Alien totalitarianism. Is that what's happening to us right now?


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The Subgenius have spoken of "slack-sucking aliens."

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I was waiting to see how long it would take for someone to mention aliens or reptilians. And here we are.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Shouldn't need to mention it - it should be obvious by now. Not believing in Aliens is as head in the sand as believing in the Narrative. Anti-Narrative types who do not believe in Aliens feel self-satisfied for seeing through their first level of programming. They don't realize it's Red Pills all the way down.


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Sure. The Earth has existed about 4.5 billion years, and humans have existed only a tiny fraction of that. And our time with technology is a tiny fraction of THAT. Even if it lasts 100,000 years, the tech time is still tiny. Yet you E.T. fans think this tiny fraction of time would exist at the same time as the tiny fraction of technological time on another planet - what a coincidence. Not during the billions of years of life just being plankton in the water on that planet. Or the millions of years of prehistoric animals. AND, those aliens happen to be in the same galaxy and somehow manage to find our planet. That's like a rowing boat in Norway finding the way to Australia. AND, they then secretly visit to kidnap humans AND PUT THEM BACK IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE the same day. Because that's what Europeans did when going to Africa, right? Just secretly, without being seen, pick up an African, experiment on him and of course put him back in the same place. Totally serves a purpose.

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Aliens are controlling your thoughts, they're putting wrong thoughts in your head and blocking you from seeing the truth.

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Is it more acceptable to call them "transhumans"?

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So now at least we know what aliens look like .

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I wrote about this!


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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Yes, awkward and weird.

Although there are hybrids walking amongst us, Klaus may or may not be one. Instead I've come to believe we are genetically engineered (no other animal has our anomalous evolution) soft robots not just programmed with a genetic operating system which includes language, but Continuously programmed by aliens. Which means our thoughts are not our own, the ego/self subroutine forces us to believe they are. We may be controlled by alien Ai telepathy (their telepathy has been well and consistently documented by abductees) amplified by their advanced technology. I believe we are dealing with alien self-created Ai entities and not with actual evolved Aliens who would have been quickly left behind by their initial technology as will soon happen to us.

Richard Dolan is a well respected researcher, start around minute 18: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0yxTLD8rGQ

What anti-Narrative people who have not looked into Aliens do not realize are the many similarities between what Alien or Alien Ai life is like (standardization, no privacy, conformity, and control) and that's exactly what the Narrative program is moving us into. Once you "get" that you will realize how probable Aliens actually are, which is difficult to even consider otherwise.

We are being prepared for totalitarian rule by technological algorithms. All freedom will be programmed out because freedom is a bug in any technology.

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"What anti-Narrative people who have not looked into Aliens do not realize are the many similarities between what Alien or Alien Ai life is like"

Says the guy who doesn't even know it's spelled "AI". Also, why do you use two different logins?

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He's a Nazi cartoon villain. I can't take him seriously with that cartoon Nazi accent.

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He's a Jew.

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I'm not sure about that. Didn't his family move to Nazi Germany? What kind of Jew would go to live there at that time? Not that it matters. It's not like Jews are exempt from being murdered by mRNA vaccines. Look at Israel.

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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, BY STARVATION, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.


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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, BY STARVATION, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.


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Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power

. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYÌM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.

http : // www . renegadetribune . com/protocols-of-zion-protocol-x-preparing-for-power/

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More like a puppet for Xi Jinping I'd say. Communist totalitarianism is alien enough to be the dark force behind this, without needing to hypothesize extraterrestrial involvement.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

So you think the Chinese are also behind the 75 years of multimodal UFO sightings by reputable observers as well as the hundreds of thousands of alien abductions reported around the world?

More likely, Chinese totalitarianism is alien created.

If you use the more correct purchasing power parity accounting China's GDP is about a third larger than ours is right now. Resource allocation can be most optimal in a command economy run by artificial intelligence, alien or not. (I may be the only person who sees that) China's conformist and control surveillance society is perfectly suited to an alien artificial intelligence. All they need is a central bank digital currency, which we will soon see.

That's why the West's free market societies are being turned into Chinese style conformist and control surveillance societies. If you look at the abduction research you will realize that Aliens are a fact, not a hypothesis. For some reason people are being blocked from seeing the obvious.


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Multimodal, meaning pyramidal bokeh (iris-shaped optical artifacts) and FLIR misreadings? That military observers make such blunders only shows what a parlous state the US forces are in.

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Visual, photographic, movies, radar, infrared, residual radiation, broken branches, burn marks, plus, tens of thousands of abductees with consistent stories, plus on June 25th, 2021, the US government stated that UFOs are real and they're not us.

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I’m of the belief that many alien abductions can be chalked up to “memories” of abdominal and trunk surgeries, when some part of the event was stored in the brain. The weightlessness, inability to move, incoherent voices hovering over the “abductee.”

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Post-trauma subconscious influence could indeed account for reports of many abductions and visitations.

The Cash-Landrum incident (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash%E2%80%93Landrum_incident) is weird, but smells of a black-budget military test gone wrong.

When I was young, I read all of Jacques Vallée's work (Spielberg cast François Truffaut as a character based on Vallée in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"). Vallée made some insightful comparisons of UFOs now to past airships, fairies, other liminal beings. He also, in one book, neatly exposed a nasty French military / spy agency psy-op involving a "UFO".

There is a case to be made among believers for a demonic component, but if you go by what we can observe and verify, it's all mysterious, or just stupid, and utterly human b.s.

Why would aliens with FTL drives and other super-science come and flirt around with fighter jets, probe orifices, mutilate cattle, etc.? Makes zero sense. But enough of this, back to plague chronicling!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

That's an intelligent possibility that should be investigated. Both events create deep trauma and have similarities. The millions of abductee reports fit with the fact that every one of us has a perinatal experience.

But what about the associated UFO sightings, such as those from military pilots and their cameras? Abduction researchers say that UFO sightings and the abductions are one and the same phenomena.

Also, how would the common perinatal experience create the consistently exact details in the reports we hear from abductees.


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This review was enough for me. Thank you eugyppiys. I don't think I could ever make it through this book, even for a substantial cash prize. "Vacuous" is an understatement. There are only three general responses to this type of drivel. 1) I don't understand it - but he's using the right words, so this guy must be really smart! 2) What's he talking about? He makes no sense. This guy is an idiot! 3) This guy is a pseudo-intellectual trying to impress a specific audience, hence all the strung-together buzzwords and disjointed concepts. I believe the readers of this blog fall into categories 2 and 3. Unfortunately our "leaders" seem to be in category 1.

What is the ideology behind people like Papa Klaus? It's very simple and basic. All the word salad and conceptual roadkill are superficial, designed only to justify the outcome. The desire for power and control. That's why there is no consistent ideology thread running through their arguments. It's based on a huge sense of entitlement driven ultimately by insecurity. They fear losing power and control, and so they want more power and control, even though they cannot conceive of anything worthwhile to do with that power that would benefit humanity. Imagine a world ruled by lots of little Stalins with the emotional maturity of six year olds.

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Klaus sounds like every teacher we used to fall asleep to

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We currently have that in the US only he suffers from a diminished mental capacity, a complete lack of morals and has accomplished absolutely zero to benefit the country he now represents - albeit illegally since we know he couldn't have won the 2020 election legitimately. He behaves like an immature child routinely. I'm thinking the world is already ruled by a few little Stalins with the emotional maturity of six year olds but we haven't labelled them in quite those terms. Look at our newest Hitler in Canada. And for any expat who has lived in the middle east, well, you know what I'm sayin'!

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Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power

. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYÌM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.


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Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power

. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYÌM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.


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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

My thoughts exactly! (Mark) It’s 12.30 am and I just said to everyone musing on the state of the world, you have to listen to this… I love this guys writing….

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the guy is evil.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius


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Yeah. I wonder if he typed it while wearing that "Plan 9 From Outer Space" getup. That's my head canon, at least.

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I hear that Schwab is shopping for a new uniform . He may show up as night in armor ,riding on a slave .

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I was hoping for something with stripes.

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Yes, that getup is why I pegged him as a stage actor, made for the current dark comedy (not a very funny one at that). We are supposed to be afraid, very afraid!

Wish we knew who is directing the play.

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Is that pic of Schwab on the beach in women's clothing real? If so, what's the context?

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I know it's not Schwab on the beach, however, it probably angers him if people THINK it's him, so in my world, it's OK to think it's really him.

Also, can he PROVE he does not dress that way?

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Somehow, I don't think I'd want to see him prove it either way.

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Very Cloward-Piven of you. Excellent!

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No, it's not him. It's some crazy Mittle European on holiday in Gran Canaria or someplace.

We have actual footage of Schwab being dressed by lackeys in the sci-fi costume in Eugyppius' image above, and that's freaky enough without the silly beach pix being wrongly attributed to him.

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However there is a vid of Tedros, Klaus’ buddy and head of the WHO, in pink flamingo hot pants doing a ghey dance

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LOL. Tedros is under investigation in his home country of Ethiopia. A rather shady character, not a medical doctor, seemingly appointed to do the bidding of the Overlords. Maybe he needs to relax sometimes. 😉

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Thanks. I always had doubts about that image. To be real it would have had to come with a context, and a nasty one that would have discredited him long ago.

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Do you have a link to this footage? And what is he supposed to be in that sci-fi get up?

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To be honest, in reading this, he came across as a very sad little nobody - a bit like when the curtain falls away in The Wizard of Oz.

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He's just an ambitious opportunist. A person with no character, intelligence or morals who sets agendas and talks to people. That's not evil. The evil ones are those who implement and finance them.

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They are ALL evil. If you’re in the club, you’re evil. If you’re in the club just to get intel to work against, that’s a different story. They vet all applicants the same. People like Dr Oz and Tulsi Gabbard seem like decent peeps but they are WEF. I can’t trust any of them.

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Just like Kissinger. His mentor. And yes he like Kissinger is also a psychopath.

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I wanted to read Schwab's opus but couldn't bring myself to do it, life is just too short. Thios article, on the other hand, was pure entertainment as well as enlightenment.

The Great Schwab Celebrity Roast.

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Now I have your visions, but he’s wearing a big yellow chicken suit. That’s what he is anyway.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

History will not be kind to this period in our collective cultures. Decisions made around Covid will be laughed at, cried over or shouted down but none will be celebrated. None. Until then, all I can say is Pray, Plan, Prepare and RESIST.

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Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power

. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYÌM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.


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Thank you for this analysis and for saving me the pain of having to suffer through reading his delusions in full. The fact that global communism awaits what they see as opportunities to make headway made exceptionally clear by Klaus' grandstanding. "Moments of exceptional pointlessness..." has to be my favorite quip from me on this, and it should be printed on the cover of the book.

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Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power

. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYÌM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.


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I can’t help but laugh because Klaus looks the part of a global supervillain. Like a caricature of one - my mind drifts straight to the Austin Powers movies when I see his picture. Some comic villain is not going to own me or my children. He’s committed a lot of actual evil and harmed a lot of real living humans, but seeing his picture gives me a lot of confidence to keep fighting back as part of the great resist. Letting the world fall to this clown would be both terrible and outright humiliating. Humans may one day fall to some technocratic wanna be postmodern lunatic, but can’t we at least hold the line against this guy, and the current WEF “leadership” who are the embodiment of a bunch of bad jokes?

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thank you for struggling through this book for us. I have read only half of your article and thought I had enough and you read that whole book ! It seems that, if he is the one behind the reset, we have little to fear. And indeed, when we saw the stupidities from Trudeau, at least part of his followers are not all too smart. Of course, a stupid dictator is dangerous, but probably not as dangerous as a smart one !

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I bought Schwab’s opportunistic “The Great Reset” (on Kindle, I think for about £1) and found it stultifyingly boring. I gave up reading about half way through.

By coincidence I’ve just started watching Catherine Austin Fitts being interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich, see https://www.covidtruths.co.uk/2021/02/corona-committee-session-38-in-interview-with-catherine-austin-fitts/

In the first minute she says that the real deal is the “Going Direct” plan prepared by BlackRock and a group of central bankers, and that Schwab’s Great Reset is just a distraction.

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Schwab and his clones (Trudeau, Rutte, Ardern et al) are tools of the bankers and financiers. The real reset will be digital currency and IDs, with the world looking like China.

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In George Gammon's most recent video, he talks about something called FedNow. I was too tired to watch it to the end last night but it's supposed to usher in CBDC and it sounds similar to what Catherine is talking about as 'going direct':


I have to go back to watch George's video and Catherine's.

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i also had that same experience struggling through that book

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What is the title of his book ,is it my Crampf?

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My Krapp

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Thank you for this analysis, showing poor Klaus for the feckless neurotic that he is. It amazes and saddens me how many readers of these pages fear him and the imagined power he wields to control them. That power exists only in the cluttered minds of the fearful and the ignorant.

He says his fear is the populations will become ungovernable. News flash for Klaus-- we already are. Some more than others, but our path to a stable and prosperous future requires that we diminish governments and their behind the curtains masters. Be ungovernable! We will always succeed or fail by our own efforts, but will certainly lose by theirs.

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Thank you for reading this book so that we wouldn't have to, and extracting some useful insights about the mentality of the elites.

Obviously, Schwab does not have the imagination or intellectual capacity to be the fiendish mastermind of conspiracy theory portrayals.

Ironically, the pandemic and global warming do share some commonalities that make both attractive to the techno-globalists. Both invite us to reduce complex problems (ill health and ecological degradation) to a single causative agent that is amenable to control. When the ecological crisis is seen as the result of a single global quantity rather than a million acts of ecocide, a universal solution is required. All the better when this solution is easily financialized. Carbon reductionism is ideal to, as you put it, "disarm criticism of the globalist corporate borg and co-opt the leftist opposition."

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Schwab believes both the pandemic and climate change require a top down globalist structure. It’s the possibilities for power that makes his nonsense so attractive. It’s justifies a lust for control.

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"Obviously, Schwab does not have the imagination or intellectual capacity to be the fiendish mastermind of conspiracy theory portrayals."

Convenient cover for the real masterminds?

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It's not about him. He's a worm, just like the horror show of braindead puppets ostensibly running Western nations. The problem is the hive mind they constitute, the groupthink, the Gleichschaltung of our politics that the execrable monoculture of "globalism" leads to.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Your closing sentence, whether by intent or accident, evokes Macbeth, "Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying Nothing."

Would that the vacuous nothings of cosplayer Herr Schwab also be Heard No More!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

In other words, the guy is nuts. Thank you for telling us this in so many ways. What other conclusion can be drawn. I actually feel a little better knowing this.

Covid was a manmade virus which primarily targeted the infirmed, just like influenza. Most of us do not know a soul who has died from covid. However we ALL know many who have suffered from the covid antidote, some have died. What a flipping twisted world we are living in thanks to people like Klaus.

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Klaus Schwab needs to learn the difference between Utopia and Dystopia

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

He is right about BC and AC. My AC world is a much weirder, much darker place, where I truly believe in the ubiquity of evil above all else

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Indeed, they woke up so many, and played their livestream of their 2020 meeting while we were all stuck at home with nothing to do. That was the first time I realized that the "nutty WEF conspiracy theorists," weren't.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Great read :)

In 2020 the world was taken over by the mediocre but megalomaniac busybodies among us who quickly sensed the incompetence, cowardice, and panic among our elected leaders and seized the opportunity to insert themselves wherever decisions were bred and eventually made. Schwab is a caricature of these busybodies. He likes and admires himself a lot, and I wouldnt be surprised if this includes a habit of frequent masturbation even at his age.

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"Schwab is mainly interested in providing his readers with an academic aesthetic and the feeling that they’re reading something sophisticated and learned, even though they aren’t." - LOL!!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

That "academic aesthetic" is so true!

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See Kissinger

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Ja ,Schwab if your take over of the world turns out like your book ,you may go into filming yourself as the super dope much more realistic than OO7 ever was . Fame and money will be yours .

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How are we so fortunate as to have a person with a brain so luminous and brimming with discernment that he can compose this elegantly damning review, yet he is willing to endure the abject misery of reading such putrid refuse????

My hubs @ThomasWallkerII has constantly assured me throughout this blighted era that the self-styled “Reset” overlords are FAR too stupid to ever achieve the ends that their pompous, sphacelate word salads attempt to describe. What a delightful explication of that truth this is. THANK YOU @Eugyppius. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I have met enough politicians and accompanying bureaucrats to know that there is, with most of them, a hollowness where you would expect original ideas, and overall a lack of intellectual depth. So I am not surprised at all by this review of The great reset. Thank you for reading and reviewing it so that I can spend my time better and read books that are well written and with more inspiring thoughts and ideas.

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I work in an intensely overly bureaucratic industry (electric utility). Bureaucracy selects for people who may already be somewhat incompetent or lazy or manipulators who will take full advantage of the situation. If not already so, the bureaucracy will slowly make them lazy and incompetent. It is truly only a handful of us who keep the ship from sinking. It also burns us out at an early age. Only thing keeping me sane is forums such as this and exercise (a LOT of exercise) and, of course, good beer.

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