And we will never stop resisting. I was never an “anti vaxer.” Never gave it much thought, and although I’ve been a dissident for about 60 of my 67 years in terms of not trusting authority, (Yep, uncountable number hours spent in the principals office), I’ve never considered myself an activist. But I’m now solidly in the anti vax camp and an activist to boot. Who knew? I expect that many millions (tens of millions?) in this country alone are newly minted anti vaxxers. With millions more newly minted as hesitant. And millions who have been quietly disgusted for years, or decades, have had an epiphany of sorts. New voices are being added to the cacao hint every day.

Two things (among many others) this scam has done are; (1) provided evidence to anyone who is even slightly objective that it was never about your health and (2) clearly demonstrated (even to many who are not objective in their analysis) that money and power trump everything else. The corrupt and hysterical efforts to force compliance have exposed the dark forces at work, in both individuals (Fauci, Gates, Birx just to name 3 of many) and institutions (Congress, Regulatory Bodies, Medical Establishments, Media, Big Tech just to name 5 of many). We have a long, long way to go and the dark clouds on the horizon continue to gather. But truth is a funny thing, it seems to find a way to seep through the cracks even when the wall appears to be impenetrable. Fight on brother. Your efforts to bring light to the dark are deeply appreciated.

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I feel like 'anti-vax" is their terminology. I don't think we should accept it. Antivax has so many fringe anti science-connotations to it. I think 'anti-mandate" is a much better fit unless you are opposed to any and all vaccination on principal.

Thank you so much for this post. They are working as a team...they are not separate entities.. 'll be voting republican for the first time in my life. But do they have the bbackbone to oppose this?

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Ah. You make an excellent point. Anti mandate. I can go for that. In regards to the other issue. At the moment they do not. Other than Ron Johnson not a single member of Congress has called for an end to the scam. Or been willing to set a halt threshold for deaths. I’m still waiting for my GOP rep, who in all other respects I support, to respond to my question about how many kids have to die before she is willing to say stop. She actually called me directly and we talked about it. She said she would look into it and get back to me. Nothing yet. But we did have an interesting chat. This highlights the challenge. Look into it? After two years and a million adverse reactions. But follow the money, right.

With that said, I recognize there is a fine line to walk because of the upcoming midterms, the meltdown of the Administration, and not wanting to give the Democrats any ammunition to label GOP as anti whatever. Similar to your well taken point on that issue. It’s tough because people are being harmed. But being in the minority there is nothing they can do other than stir up trouble. And that is particularly true in the House. So based on (1) intuition (2) my 20 minute chat with my rep (3) decent knowledge of the political situation (4) prayer, I think the ultimate answer is yes they do, and they will. It sucks because so much harm has been done. But fixing it is going to take time. A lot of time. And hence, with literally a once in a lifetime chance to crush the evildoers at the ballot box first, then in public hearings, and ultimately for many of them in court, they just can’t lay their cards down on the table to soon. I don’t like it, not at all. But I understand it and hence I, like you, am willing to stand in the gap until the reinforcements arrive.

And BTW. In seriousness and in jest. Welcome to the dark side. Being a dissident is liberating. And we really do know how to have fun over here. Most of us can always see a glimmer of light no matter how dark it seems. Unjabbed. Undaunted. Unafraid!

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Eric, out of curiousity have you shown your repo the Canadian COVID Care Alliance vid? If you're commenting here you probably don't need it, but it is a punchy summation and they suggest at the end sitting down with your elected rep and watching it with them and discussing it after.


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Please name your GOP Rep. Allowing people to hide their actions is one of the causes of our present situation. We will then know where you live, but that shouldn't be a problem as you already have your own newsletter.

Turn over those rocks, shine the light on the crawlies.

Our local MP, Mr. McGregor, denied knowledge of the vaccine harms in an interview with two constituents. I had spoken with him during the September election, possibly a short memory.

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I might do that. But in fairness to her, she has been very responsive and on another issue, red flag laws, I wrote her a letter and she actually called me. And then a week later a member of her DC staff also called me to follow up and make sure I knew how she voted. So based on her prior efforts I do feel she should have the chance to respond before I consider tossing her under the bus. I sent another email today which said that in light of all the new data re: vax failure and vax injury how much more was going to be needed b4 she took a stand in public. Let’s see what happens.

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I don't want to speak for him, but I think anti-vax was what he was getting at, not just anti-mandate. I was never against vaccines until this point in history, which forced me to do more research about the 'pharmaceutical industrial complex'. The issue of childhood of vaccines is full of just as much dishonesty, deceit, and obfuscation as the current controversy over the covid-19 vaccine. It's a rabbit hole worth going down, in my opinion.

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Did you know that all the diseases have just been renamed?

Basically, if little Johnny has a rash and gets taken to the doctor, the doctor looks at Johnny's vax records, sees that he has been vaxed for measles and chickenpox and declares that it can't be measles or chickenpox because he's vaccinated!

So Johnny gets diagnosed with roseola, 5th disease, impetigo or similar instead.

This is *exacerbated* by the fact that before a vaccine comes out, most diagnoses are just on the symptoms (no lab test done or required). After a vaccine comes out, lab tests are demanded.

Same thing happens for polio (GBS, MS etc), smallpox (severe chickenpox, pellagra, monkeypox(, diphtheria (strep throat, pharyngitis), pertussis (croup, RSV), Hib caused meningitis (meningitis caused by some other germ), hepatitis B (hep C, D).

And you can even verify this is all true by looking at data that is *not* dependent on the prejudices of doctors.

For example, look at *total* rates of congenital defects/paralysis/liver cancer/invasive diseases to determine if the rubella/polio/hep B/Hib vaccines worked in any measurable way (spoiler alert - they were 100 per cent useless (and often counterproductive)).

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Yes-I've looked into the whole vaccine issue for kids. Agree-lots of concerning issues...even in the data actually. I don't have children but do vaccinate all of my pets...for example rabies because it's a killer and as far as I know-untreatable. But I titer test instead of just repeatedly giving them rabies every 3 years. Funny thing-the immunity is lasting after the initial shots-even 7 years later in my experience.

Maybe I did miss his meaning. Personally, I feel that "anti-mandate" covers people who want vaccines and people who don't. And lots of people will always want their vaccines and imho-they should absolutely get them if that's what they're comfortable with. I want that same choice.

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Interesting that you bring up pet vacs. Our vet ended up telling us to quit vaccinating our older cats, except for the rabies. He said the others were overused by most vets and put too much stress on the cats' immune system.

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Excessive and unnecessary pet vaccination is also something every pet owner should be aware of!

In cats, a leading cause of death is kidney disease. There is some scientific evidence that repeated vaccinations with vaccines derived from kidney cells might be the cause.

I now only do very, very limited vaccinations in my pets when young and make sure to pick PureVax vaccines (no adjuvants). As adults, they get no more vaccinations, because the vaccinations last far longer than most vets are willing to admit. Rabies protection lasts for many years.

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It could be, but more likely due to cats tendency to drink inadequately and over concentrate their urine. There is certainly a lot more research on the standard pet vaccines than on the mRNA vaccines.

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Yes ima friend of mine is a vet. And shared the same info. It’s a bit of a cash cow.

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I had an elderly cat who had an inverted nail.....she went in and came out completely lethargic .....began spinning in circles and we had to put her down....the vet insisted she get her vaxx's up to date....when we brought her back a few days later they charged us to put her down

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Rabies is more of a public health issue. But I think they are right.

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I heard that from a vet also.

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Well, now you have heard it from 2 vets.

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Just look up Albert Boula, current Pfizer CEO, and his role in vaccinating cow and covering up the destructrion of said cows. He started with animals and now he's doing it to people.

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I learned too late that we over vaccinate our pets as well. May have contributed to my dog's anaplasmosis. Found a better vet after that and we did titers and stopped unnecessary vaccination. She was healthier for it.

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Yes, anti mandate. I refuse to take this vaccine. It's the first time in my life I've done that other than passing on a few flu shots. Never have my spidey senses tingled so hard about a medical procedure. Any objective person should be able to see that things are seriously wrong right now, not only with the way the pandemic came about but now the mass coerced "solution" that doesn't even work. What's more is that they are trying to get this into as many children as they can as well. The vaccine poses far more risks to a child than the virus. I work in a school that's remained open for all but the first couple months of the pandemic when fear was through the roof. I have yet to personally know of a single school aged child who has had worse than mild cold symptoms from this virus. Pushing this on children is incredibly alarming. I see talk in some circles of how they want to take children away from people who aren't vaxxing their own. In my opinion, if anyone's child should be taken away for their own safety, it should be from the foolish people who want to pump this syrup into their child.

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By describing experimental chemotherapy as "vaccines", we demonstrate that we are 90% of the way to accepting their lies.

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Yeah. Everything about the pandemic's present situation is alarming: me thinks the world's governments have found a wily excuse to keep peoples under "control", lest they might get even more rebellious. Does this make sense to you?

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On the other hand it may be essential to overtly desacralize the term “vaccine” because it is like the holy of Holies to these people.

What should be viewed as a tool which like any drug can have downsides, is instead granted a magical status where a peculiar warp in the consciousness of the believer causes him to mentally resist any questioning of the sacred object at the deepest level of his being.

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Like +1000

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They changed the definition of vaccine so they could call us anti-vaxxers.


I consider us pro-choice.

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I have my doubts. I'm conservative politically (which in my view is close to being a classical liberal nowadays) but I look at the Republicans as they stand today who, with the exception of a few, are asleep at the wheel. We need a new influx into both parties of critical thinkers willing to move beyond the shallow political partisanship & honestly address what is happening. Unfortunately our current leaders are less than mediocre, the Democrats are dominated by deranged totalitarians & the Republicans have become weak enablers. Hopefully, some will wakeup and find the courage to stand up.

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I agree. I would not declare my vaccination status at work and was terminated. I oppose mandates which are tyranny, in essence. Governments lied to their citizens when they said they would not be forced. They must be held accountable for that lie and not be allowed to lump everyone into a generic ‘anti-Vaxx’ camp. I describe myself as a conscientious objector to forced mandates

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In Germany, other terms include the use of '-denier'. A classic from the lügenpresse with the obvious holocaust subtext, bien sûr. Susanna Ohlen and Claas Relotius are just two examples of the genre.

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Agreed. Anti-vax is a pejorative. Alternate suggestion "Anti Coercion".

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I’m now PROUD to be an anti-vaxxer. It’s only a pejorative if you think it is.

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Excellent point Rachel. And let me say, welcome to the Republican Party and conservative thought which is really "practical" thought. I say to my Lib friends, you want open borders, then take the locks off your doors and practice what you preach...crickets of course. As a party, Dems have always been good at repurposing existing words, and when that fails, creating new ones (usually 5+ syllables). The point is to create doubt and confusion. For example, they are not pro-abortion, they are pro-choice. Talk about a positive spin, even the embryo is on-board (I digress/I jest). We must confront word manipulation, and its cousin, the word salad, or become a victim of it.

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Thanks Ron. Well...I'm a classic liberal-NOT a democrat. ANd for good reason. I won't say I'm full out republican....yet!! And I don't want to open that can of worms regarding the different issues and digress. But let me just say that this one single issue-these god forsaken mandates and this toying with totalitarianism-this is the single most frightening thing I've ever seen in my life. A total wake-up call.

And because my eyes are wide open-I can see other issues important to conservatives more objectively(at least I hope I'm being objective!). It's funny because watching Laura Ingraham on FOX used to turn my stomach-literally couldn't even hear that woman's voice. However, she is one of my go-tos now for mainstream news on this Covid issue. I appreciate that she has provided an outlet for otherwise censored expert opinion. And she appears to actually follow the data. So I'm just grateful that I have had the wherewithal to question, do my homework, trust my instincts, and be flexible with my allegiances. Because as far as I'm concerned-the other side has completely lost it and they're dangerous.

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You will not be the first classic liberal to find a home in the (once-despised) Republican party!

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I hope you're right! We need all they help we can get right now.

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It's another divisive term used by government/media. Just like in 2020 if you had any questions about 'peaceful' protests you were automatically a racist and/or white supremacist.

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I'm anti-vax.

Any adult can pump whatever poisons they like into themselves but nobody should be allowed to give a vaccine to someone else (let alone a child).

They're useless and dangerous and should be banned from medicine.

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Not these republicans--be aware:


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Great link..passing this on.

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Thanks Rachel. This is so correct. We need to stop using their fake language.

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Appreciate the sentiment but getting annoyed over labels they pin on us gives them power. It's more effective to embrace the label and run with it IMO. By their definition well over half the population are "antivax" (i.e. those who don't happily embrace forced vaccination). Yes, then I'm proudly antivax if that's the new definition.

Fighting with people who have the power to change the definition of words mid-argument is a losing proposition (which they do have since the left controls online dictionaries.) Better to ridicule their Orwellian tactics and let them call us whatever they like. The good thing about it is the more a slur is misused and watered down the less power it has. People tune it out.

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PROUD antivaxer here. Libtards do not define me nor they intimidate me

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No real disagreement. As I said in my original post, I’ve never given much thought to the entire vax issue. I’m 67. I got whatever they gave as a kid. My kids are in their mid 30s. They got whatever they gave. I got a flu shot once and had a bad reaction. But among issues I cared about, this wasn’t one of them. And in some regards that is still true. What I do care about is freedom, tyranny, forced jabs, mandates, and the use of a weaponized virus, masking, lockdowns, jabs to exert control. Which is what all of this has been about since day one. So to the extent that the jab has played a major role in this regard, I am totally in the anti vax camp and could wear that label proudly. But I would not put that label at the top of my list. It’s kind of like with Covid or from Covid. If you run down my list of adjectives you will find anti vax. It’s just not at the top.

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Welcome to the right side .... I did this in 2020 and am getting convinced more and more every day it was the right decision

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Same here. Never was 'anti-vaxxer' but I've become one. Government should NEVER force a product into people. Their job is to protect the people from harms that come from corporate harm like they do for any industry. So why does pharma get a pass? It's literally inverted with pharma and government.

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Exactly. But when you figure Pharma is the #1 contributor to the pockets of lobbyists and politicians, and Pharma provides what, like 50% of the budget for FDA and NAIAD, and a big percentage of NIH, then throw in Gates and other Foundation money and you get the inversion. It’s a massive Ponzi scheme. Tax dollars (or more accurately dollars borrowed from China) fund research grants at Universities. They do all the development work. Then they have to give that work back to Fauci and others in return for a share of patent rights. Then Fauci and others sell a portion of those rights to Pharma, who then conducts trials, fakes the data, and goes right back to the FDA (who they are funding) for approval. Everybody in the scheme makes a killing financially. And the US citizen pays for all of it while literally being killed by the shit they paid for. None of this should be allowed. None of it. When you cut through all the bullshit 100% of the fault can be placed at the feet of Congress. They created the system and they refuse to regulate. Which means, in the end, it’s at least partially our own fault. For allowing it to happen.

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I wonder what your thoughts are on government forcing health insurance on people and what’s offered in insurance policies on insurance companies, which is essentially what Obamacare did. (That’s not meant to be snarky by the way.)

To me, it isn’t that much difference…the gov’t afforded power to itself that is unconstitutional in both cases.

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To be honest, it's part of the system I never quite grasped well enough to comment. In theory, it sounds good but in practice it may not be. I guess, for me, it always comes down to having the right to choose and choice. I'd like to shop for my own insurance as opposed to a one-size fits all approach. The Canadian system is just about the most rigid among the OECD and I personally feel it needs reform. I know of Obamacare having followed it and listening to my American friends. I can't see how it benefitted them. One of them went from a $800 premium gold plated plan for a family of four to over $2300 with less coverage! Not sure O'care solved anything.

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I have always been skeptical, and stopped taking flu vaccines 30+ years ago. Now I'm convinced big pharm is actually harming us.

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Me too! Every once in a blue moon, I'll get the flu shot, but it's few and far between. Most of the flu shots are based on finger-in-the-air anyway, despite the claims of them being based on what type of flu was in southern hemisphere.

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I won't get another one ever. Trust in these murdering bastards is 100% gone. I wouldn't get a tetanus booster at this point, not a chance.

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The press-led slander of people unwilling to be experimental subjects in the world's greatest medical trial amuses me. Nobody is anti-vaccine (just yet). As I explain to people, both sides are vaccinated against the normal childhood illnesses. Now we're just down to the time axis on the fatalities graph. Some people are good with 12 months data. I prefer 12 years.

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Oh, I'm anti-vax now. I'd refuse a drink of water from them in the desert now.

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I'm anti-vaccine. The safety and efficacy of childhood vaccines are -- surprise, surprise -- also overstated.

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I admit I was firmly on the side of thoroughly mocking and denigrating vaccine skeptics before this. I bought completely into the narrative. This has opened my eyes.

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I had no strong feeling but now am 100% anti-vax after doing my research. Everyone should support Children’s Health Defense. Send copies of RFK Jr.’s book to everyone you know.

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I've actually been doing just that!

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Me too.

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The fact they changed the definition of anti-vaxxer to include anyone against mandatory vaccines turned me into a proud anti-vaxxer about a year ago.

The more I have been learning from resources like RFK Jr, the more I'm becoming a proud anti-vaxxer in the traditional sense.

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Please read RFK Jr's book The Real Anothny Fauci, you might rethinking and doing more digging on the usefulness of vaccines. I am fully anti-vaxx and not ashamed of it (and not just because of that book).

Anti-vaxx has a stigma attached to it for a reason. Many people cringe when they hear "Alex Jones", the media has done this on purpose, it's a PSYOP.

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Well said!!! 👍

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"I'm not an antivaxxer, but..."

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All I can say is to check out the interview he gave in 2016 (before he was a billionaire), where he explicitly warned not to give multiple doses of the lipid nanoparticles that carry the mRNA.

He cannot claim that he was ignorant of the toxic effects of his compounds.


"Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years."

"Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years."

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yes, I'm planning a piece on "A Short History of Moderna" that will cover this, and other remarkable tidbits in Moderna's recent past

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Looking forward to this. It really is a remarkable story. The company is the biotechnology equivalent of Enron.

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Biontech may be equally interesting.

I stumbled on this blog regarding the ownership, which I did not verify. I worked in that space (genetic vaccine), and shady financing machinations seems to be de rigeur.


I still cannot believe though they just rolled out the vaccines. From the beginning I expected that they will just sell saline water, to make some money and get out of the pandemic. I perceived it as far too risky.

But it seems they really want to establish mRNA by hook or by crook (mostly by crook).

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If eugyppius digs into BioNTech I would recommend also going further back into history, and looking at Ganymed.

There was, at least, salacious gossip around the company. Complicated romances, let's say. I have no idea how high it went.

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It’s because they think mRNA will deliver literal immortality FOR THEM, but to accelerate the R&D to get to that point they need to test the vile stuff on billions of US first. Prole lives do not matter.

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is great article.

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investigative journalism lives!

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And a separate piece on PEG nanolipids. They are in other medical compounds. Some of us knew years prior, discovering inadvertently and the hard way that we were seriously allergic to them. Check out the CARPA syndrome, described in 2014 the reaction goes beyond just mast cell activation, and very difficult to recognize and treat as this being more comprehensive form of pseudoallergy. There are dozens of studies. There is the short term potentially life threatening reaction, then the long term reactions such as autoantibodies. An epipen at the vax center won't contain it: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25124145/

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Yes, it was considered dangerous, especially multiple shots but now - hey fine! Nature magazine said they were the next Theranos.


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Theranos incorrect results caused short term harm, but to my knowledge, did not kill or do permanent harm to patients.

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if safety testing is for real, and the benefit is clear - let them do. We should use the lessons of the current batch of vaccines to achieve 1. better testing and real regulation 2. stop mandating . if 1. and 2. are in place then let them produce the billions of doses.

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Yes, but first we have to have a real clinical study 3. The current one is a joke, and even that is not really finished.

I have nothing against genetic vaccines, I worked in that field myself (DNA vaccines) and had high hopes. But every study 3 failed, and no product was released . And we started with that in the end of 1990ies.

And that was the exact same situation before Covid came, a lot of stuff in the pipelines in phase 1 or 2, nothing even close to production.

And then with Covid it was decided to scrap ALL that pesky testing and studying and taking care that it is safe - and just release it, because: what the hell.

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The quote, "Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field..." was written by the author of the article, Damian Garde; it is not a statement made by Bancel. That, of course, does not change the point being made by Andreas. But it's best to be careful and not put words in someone's mouth.

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That’s terrifying and his constant referral to “Tony” is wrong. No government employee should be a whore for big pharma. Only by force would the hesitant to be vaccinated because no PR campaign will change our minds. By the increase in production he’s planned, he must be counting on governments using force.

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The familiarity is indeed creepy underscoring the deep conflicts of interest.

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Exactly what I thought on referring to him as Tony. Made me throw up 🤢 in my mouth & think we’ll never get out of this

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I never before questioned a vaccine. I never again won't.

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Doctors typically refuse to diagnose or test for the disease if the patient is vaccinated.

The diseases have been renamed not reduced.

Now you know why the covid vaccines are an obvious failure whereas other vaccines *appear* to work. They're all equally useless but with covid, you don't need a doctor to agree to let you take a test for it. So the vaxed get tested plenty for covid but not for polio or measles.

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Thanks for taking one for the team and transcribing. I saw one earlier from Bourla talking about a MEGA Jab that would be coded for 10 different viruses, 1 & done each year, apparently. No reference to what that would do to a person's immune system. Just a single dose of their current toxic stew is acting more like a weapon than a therapeutic.

Only point to raise, I don't believe they are scouring. I believe the virus/vaccine complex are instead building the 'threats'. The Eco Health Alliance front Company seemed to spell it out pretty clear that they wanted to do exactly that. Anywhere else that would have been a plan to create a bioweapon, a violation of the BWC - Iraq was invaded for less. But because Science(TM) it was all okay.

Humans will not be safe until GoF is shut down globally, the plandemic criminals put to trial, and Big Pharma put down.

Anything less will lead to our extermination.

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The spin around boosters is amazing. There is little data being produced showing they actually work other than test tube antibody levels. Boosters are not preventing infections. I have 2 family members who are sick despite Moderna boosters. This recent paper in Lancet is the first study out that looks at clinical omicron evasion of boosters.


We need more of them.

Moderna is Dr Fauci’s baby so of course they plan to expand their product. A thorough postmortem must be done on the pandemic and the safety and effectiveness of the current vaccines. We need to demand it.

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And the ramifications are 1) A generation of skeptical citizens (over literally ANY vaccine) and 2) Loss of confidence in our medical community - I have what I believe is an honest and hard working GP that follows every CDC guideline. Not sure it is what he believes or if after a lifetime of investment in his medical career, he feels mandated by our state medical board 3) Major loss of confidence in the scientific method - which when executed in an unbiased way has delivered long lives and modern society.

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There was as Simpson's episode where a bear showed up on the street. They started bear patrols and the like, to keep away bears. Lisa had a rock. She told Homer it was an anti-bear rock, and could prove it because there were no bears on the street.

The vaxxine is an anti-bear rock. It works because people want it to work, not because of any actual scientific proof.

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It was tigers.. a tigerstone...

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It should be done, which is why it won't be done. They don't want to know.

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What strikes me the most is how deep this guys head is in Fauci's *ss, mentioning how they are such big buddies pretty much every second sentence. I mean, this has never been a secret, but you would expect vaccine makers to try to avoid talking about it as much as possible, as the appearance that health authorities are basically just the third arm of Big Pharma these days is not exactly a good look.

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exactly my thoughts. just openly discussing regulatory capture like it's the best thing in the world.

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For the vax industry, regulatory capture is indeed the best thing in the world.

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Everything we were taught was bad now being normalized.

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He has a plunging stock price and anything he needs to say to boost it, he'll say.

Shows me, infuriatingly, that even though Fauci is a poison dwarf of evil, he still moves the money and the momentum in this nasty little sub-world we've all recently been exposed to.

US republicans (Jim Jordan announcing), will be opening multiple congressional investigations on Fauci, Dazak, WVU when they take over the next Congress.

Not sure the future is as bright for their business model as these shisters present.

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I like Jordan but am so of investigations that yield no consequences for the perps. Maybe this will change, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Fauci: Poison dwarf of evil. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 LMAO

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When you have the full force of world governments behind you, you can be brazen about it. The look doesn't matter when the only people who are actually looking can't reach you.

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In fairness to Mr Bancel - his company's survival depends on the perpetuation of the vaccines as a business. Expanding to other markets/pathogens is just good marketing. Considering Moderna's market value has dropped quite a bit in the last few months, I don't blame him for swinging for the fences

I would actually have no issue with this as a standalone. A world where company's such as Moderna innovate such products for public consumption is fine

Where Mr. Bancel is completely and diabolically insane is his willful ignorance of the hand-in-glove coupling of the vaccine mandates / passes with his product, and the de facto enabling of illiberal and totalitarian behavior. And for him to tie in with the likes of Fauci et al, means he knows full well that the public will not have a choice in the matter

If he had any integrity whatsoever he would at least require his customers (governments) to buy on the condition that the product would not be coercively given to society, similar to "End User Declarations" that I have signed in my line of work

Yes, yes, I'll send you all a sample of what I'm smoking. Not gonna happen, I know

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yes, what makes this so sinister isn't that Bancel is peddling vaccines, it's that he's partnered with government regulators (his friend "Tony," as calls him) to mandate the uptake of his products across the population.

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Tony is pretty ancient. Can't he hurry up and die? It would save the whole world a lot of pain.

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Crowd fund a hitman?

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just somebody to replace his saline shot with the real stuff. it's for his own safety.

I wonder if you test the compete WEF summit for antibodies how many vaccinated for real you'll find

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IMO the WEF crowd is not so smart. They probably worship their shitty vaccines for real.

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Stop underestimating them. They are not stupid and so far they seem really competent. Two years of total BS and the public hasn't really caught on. A slight majority still buys their narrative and even between the ones that are not, a majority doesn't fully understand what is going on. I bet that not even 10% of the population has heard or realizes the role wef has in all this. And it's not like the ones that understand about wef really know who the top perpetrators are. Yes, rothschilds, rockefellers, cia, deep state, vanguard etc. All just speculations. We don't know who exactly is running things. After 2 years. The ones that are coordinating this are really, really competent, stop deluding yourself regard their competence.

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There will be someone to replace him. As with the FBI, the structure giving him power must be destroyed.

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He hasn't quite reached 82.7 is it? Average age of those who have passed from Covid. Anyway, he must have a trained acolyte waiting to be anointed. All Jesuits have a plan.

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