The very same Europe that stopped travel over a virus cannot close its borders against the global south, even as the failure to do so threatens the viability of establishment parties and the EU itself
The very same Europe that stopped travel over a virus cannot close its borders against the global south, even as the failure to do so threatens the viability of establishment parties and the EU itself
Just looked up her photo. Yikes! This whole “body positivity” movement is absurd. Excusing/normalizing gluttony. A saying I read recently (not verbatim and can’t attribute) “you can deny reality but you can’t deny the consequences of it”
exactly, Ingrid. I am 67! and look much better than this. Then again, I love junky food but try not to live off of it every day.
I think there is a big sign on her back that says "I am a fat lazy slob and I look like I eat donuts all day" Sadly, she looks like a person that is carrying a lot of emotional weight as well.
She was talking to her doctor down at the hospital
He said "Girl, it says here you're 26, but that's impossible...
Excess carbs...You look like you could be, 45."
As long as I'm being unkind, may I add the following barb: It was my understanding that Germany had long ago abandoned dirigbles after the Hindenburg disaster. Was I mistaken?
Reminds me of the scene in Erin Brokovich when Ed asks why the water board would let her look at the files.. most men like to say yes to hot babes. #trufax
That was a great movie. More true to life however, I argue, is the scene where she's bitching out the boss about how the staff aren't sharing in the wealth, and only then does she notice the check payable to her for two million dollars.
Of course. Biologically programmed. I doubt most women would say no to Henry Cavill or Ryan Gosling if he asked a favour. We are all worshipping our biological gods.
She did get married a while ago. It's a German person with XY Chromosomes (can't call that a man now, can we). She is so intensely hated among the working class, there's no beginning to describe it. The greens in general are thoroughly hated on Germany's construction sites, but she occupies one special place among her peers.
The city of greater Vancouver with some three million people , whites are now a minority .Where ever there is space high rise buildings are going up ,many as high as eighty floors .Migrants land in airports like Vancouver and Toronto and are taken by bus to the newly build sky scrapers .If at the moment no new housing is available they are housed in hotels ,three star or better ,all expenses taxpayer financed ,including food transport and health care .Housing for the original inhabitants is next to not available and if there is sooo expensive ,the most expensive in north America .Thousands are camping on streets and in parks .Well at my age housing for me will soon be in the grave yard .
it's just so weird to me, yuri, considering what a smart kid you seem to be, that this sort of response is so often the best you give. proof of my theorem that nobody ever really graduates from middle school.
especially considering how many compelling reasons our ricarda gives for despising her.
Actually, she has a fiance´ or new husband, one of those soppy, lanky, slightly befuddled looking white boys in their early twenty that progressive circles seem to mass produce.
"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." – Barbara Lerner Spectre
Meanwhile, here in America we find the same thing:
"Some party hack decreed that the people had lost the government's confidence and could only regain it with redoubled effort. If that is the case, would it not be be simpler if the government simply dissolved the people And elected another?"
–Bertolt Brecht
The borders are open. The invaders are exempt from the killshot and granted every consideration while the government just hired, trained, and armed 87,000 IRS agents to sick on the American people who are paying for the room, board, general welfare, and comfort of their third world replacements.
I was talking to the chap who shat himself when those black guys entered the store. Did I reply to you, Jonathan? If so, apologies. I didn’t have my spectacles at hand at the time. I like your idea about income tax.
Recently in a store in Vancouver a group of blacks came in with faces so scary ,that no Halloween mask can out compete them .If I was a baby I would start crying in terror .
Watching Barbara Lerner deliver her multicultural spiel, with those forced smiles and lilting voice, contemplating the demise of a great civilization, evoked a deep, primordial feeling in me. and that feeling was not love.
How many nuclear missiles does Barbara Lerner Spectre have? How many aircraft carriers? Fighter planes? Bombers? Tanks? Foot soldiers?
If the answer is "not many" or "none", then you haven't "found yer problem" at all, and you're not even getting closer to it. If you were to assassinate Spectre tomorrow, you know already that no EU country (or Norway, or Switzerland) would change its immigration policy. [Dear internet censors, I am against assassination no matter who carries it out against whom, and this sentence is a negative hypothetical saying that even someone who wanted to carry out such an assassination would not thereby achieve his aims.]
Yes, there are ideologues like Spectre, and we can argue over the proportions of stupidity vs. evil in their speeches and writings, but no-one is being forced to listen to such people, let alone adopt these ideas as the basis of policy. She voices a strand of opinion on the Tikkun-Olam Jewish left, which misreads the events of the 1930s and 40s, and concludes that any kind of national cohesion in any European state will lead to another Holocaust, and therefore (so the argument goes), Jews will only be safe to the extent that immigrants can reduce those nations to minorities in their own countries. She lives in Sweden, where Malmö, for instance, went from a city with zero perceptible antisemitism to being the antisemitic capital of Europe in a matter of years, simply because of the arrival of young Muslim men in very large numbers. Spectre, and those of like mind, then have to pretend not to notice the source of the antisemitism, so that they can say that the solution is to increase the Muslim population further.
You can't claim either that the EU is in thrall to Israel, since for the past two decades, the multimillionaire leaderships of Hamas and the PLO have relied heavily on EU "aid" (there might be a temporary stop to this, but we'll see). They sent these funds to Gaza and the West Bank year after year over the protests of a succession of Israeli governments.
The election systems are compromised and so are the bureaucrats and politicians. You cannot vote your way out of this. What is it that you think Epstein and his ilk were doing?
Power that you dare not use is power you do not have.
Sweden could end its problems inside one calendar year, but the methods needed to do so would have to worthy of Beria.
Most people wants a perceived problem solved but they want it solved according to their norms, values and mores and will prefer to spend resources to try and make the solution fit their norms, rather than look pragmatically at it.
Which is why the US f.e. - the worlds most powerful military - cannot win wars, secure its own border or wipe out violent crime and abject in-broad-daylight looting: the solutions are counter to principles.
A clever player always identifies the opponent's value-system and gears his attacks so they exploit said system.
You're giving me slogans (plus part of a verse from St Paul), not an argument against anything I said. It's not that I haven't heard these things before; it's just that I'm not impressed by them.
You realise, don't you, that no matter what happens in the world, you can say "Ah, it's the Hegelian Dialectic - both sides are funded by the Chosenites / Masons / Black Nobility / Vatican / Bloodlines / Lizards."
In come lockdowns, mask and vax mandates. Out go lockdowns, mask and vax mandates. - Only the naive, you say, would think that anything had really changed, whereas you know it's the just the next step in the endless cycling through the Hegelian Dialectic.
100% EVs to be sold by 2025. Actually, no, make it 2030. No, make it 2035. - Hegelian Dialectic.
Heatpumps for every building in Germany! No, drop the heatpumps! - Hegelian Dialectic
You must know that Eugyppius is stuck in the boring world of facts and doesn't notice the grand scheme of the Lizards' Hegelian Dialectic, so why bother commenting to hopelessly naive Eugyppius readers like me?
This reminds of "We had to destroy the village in order to save it." (As do the prosecutions of President Trump - Trump is a threat to democracy, so in order to preserve democracy his re-election must be prevented.)
Invasion and occupation and population replacement is what it is.
The EU was after all in part founded to see the Kalergi-plan through: genocide of all european peoples, and the destruction of all our culture and all traditions.
To be pro-migration from Africa, Asia or MENA as a european of any nation or any people is to be pro-suicide, pro-genocide and being an active enemy to one's own people.
Hence it is no wonder especially the Germans, with their decades long self-hatred, are so full of it. It's a ritual suicide to atone for their imagined sins.
Being an immigrant to this country myself, it pains me to see these so-called academics scrambling to be the good person, hating themselves and their country of birth and origin over imaginary moral obligations and a thirst to be absolved of their german-ness. This country and its people have brought the world so much, much more than those 15 years of horror, it has so much more to be proud of. Gets me to tears tbh, to realise how all this is and will be demolished, turned to dust.
Likewise a non-German living in Germany, and like you I see their attempts at national seppuku with a sense of deep regret and sorrow.
They did so well, they tried so hard, and they never realized that they - together with a handful of European states - created a society which in spite of all its shortcomings was such an improvement to what had been there before: never-ending lack of resources, never-ending infighting and squabbles, never-ending poverty, hunger, disease.
My heart bleeds when I consider how little they value what they accomplished, and this is something that plagues most western countries.
Basically the blueprint of human society is: be oppressed by someone in power, have a shitty life, die early. And the West raised so many of us and our families and indeed people all over the world out of this eternal quagmire.
And then we started to feel ashamed of ourselves and now we're tearing our own houses down.
Every day I remember a way that a liberal teacher in kindergarten, elementary school, high school, and college worked to inculcate me--and my classmates!
Yes but it is a PROXY kind of self-hatred. Virtue-signalling hatred of their own Western culture and fellow men and women in order to signal that their narcissistic little wonderful selves are ever on the side of the 'oppressed'. 'Oppression' for them is a shallow abstraction that serves to inflate their personal vanity as 'social justice' warriors. This poisonous vanity has been pouring out of Western academia for decades.
Which is then? Which part is the chicken, and which the egg? Why are kids the subject of climate change forecasts that may keep moving the goalposts, but basically tells them we are all fucked, and it’s our fault. At a consumer level. And more importantly, how do we remedy this? I didn’t think that you had mentioned climate change. My deepest apologies.
I have no easy way to prove it, but allow me to repeat the arguments of other pessimists:
There are inherent flaws in much Western thought; some claim this dates back to the Enlightenment, for example, the ideal for widespread democracy, for more equal rights. (This particular goal flies in the face of reality: rank order, strong and weak powers, are the rule in the natural world.) The basis for what became the "Renaissance" or "Enlightenment" of course dates back much earlier: Judaism and later Christianity (Nietzsche's "Slave morality"), Plato, and much more.
Perhaps the worst flaw in White European thinking is that our higher standards can be applied to alien cultures. This of course, does not mean that no non-European will ever embrace “our” values, or achieve comparable levels of success in their cultural version. Nevertheless, it remains the case that, say, strict Islam is almost completely incompatible with anything resembling democracy. I’m sure a similar case can be made for many other cultures.
A variation of this philosophical defect is to believe in what some call the “magic dirt theory” – that basically says that anyone who immigrates will eventually assimilate. Or at least their children will. To some degree, perhaps. But again, the factor of highly incompatible culture remains. Unless I’m mistaken, the UK/EU has had problems with third-generation immigrants committing serious crimes, including terrorism.
At the individual level, this “flaw” can be thought of as the unconscious expectations that the Other will behave generally as one’s own in-group does. Of course, this is far from true and is the source of much unhappiness. A BAME (or whatever the term of the day is) whose culture says that close relatives will always be favored over any outsiders, will probably not be able to adopt the Western attitude that non-family should be treated with the same respect and that it’s wrong to cheat or otherwise exploit them. This explains to a large degree why there is little or no commerce in the European sense in their home nations. Or perhaps their religions, their culture, dating back thousands of years, says that women are chattel, to be treated in ways abhorrent to Western Legal standards? In such cases, these people will likely never adapt to the West. The gulf is simply too great.
A final factor I would call the temporary gift of civilization to those unfit to maintain it. Much of the third world has “benefited” from Western aid, such as the lavish foreign aid given in food, medical care, and other services. These have led to enormous population increases among the very populations unlikely too be able to maintain, but less expand, the benefits of western technology and economy. In relative terms, the poor breed like rabbits, while the “rich” nations don’t even maintain replacement birthrates. One inevitable result of this is pressure for mass migration. In the early days a happy face was put on this. These people were needed as temporary guest workers, or whatever. But in recent years, the reality is upon us: The vast majority of these are economic migrants, seeking a better life. Who can blame them? Their home countries are awful places. And yes, there are no doubt legitimate cases where asylum is to be granted. But that in itself is another example of the white man’s fatal flaw: to offer assistance to the needy, without counting the eventual costs. Laws, treaties and policies created in a time when a "refugee" was the occasional lucky devil who made it across the Berlin Wall, will rapidly break down in a time when asylum claimaints number in the millions.
Your observation is very apt: The "West" IS fucked, and it IS our fault.
I deleted my earlier comment .. it was slightly different to yours in that you made no mention of the shame induced on kids by the obsession with Co2 emissions. You know, basically the earth is boiling, because of us of course, and our addiction to consumerism. Leading to a nihilistic mindset for our young. I think that’s a slight change from what you had said. I emphasis the word think. If I’m wrong I’m in no doubt you will correct me.
When count de Coudenhove-Kalergi formulated his original idea in his "Praktische Idealismus", that the only chance for a peaceful Europe in the future was to via interbreeding with various races create a new race of europeans, not beholden to what had gone before, he did this with WW1 and the preceding ten centuries of warfare.
To him, it seemed that since so much of the problems seemed to stem from historical reasons (Germany and France arguing over Elsass-Lothringen/Elsass-Lorraine) f.e. or Ireland/Britain, or Russia/Poland), the only way forward was to create a new race, with a new cultural core purposefully designed to achieve this.
The EU is in part built on this idea of his, and used to have an annual prize called the Coudenhove-Kalergi prize, in his honour, awarded to prominent political figures who had acted to further this development. I seem to recall Angela Merkel has been awarded it, but don't take my word for that.
Since the plan basically entails genocide-via-migration and us indigenous people take umbrage with that, a counter-narrative has been set up that the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is "white supremacist conspiracy theory", despite the facts that we have about 50 years of politics and politicans actively arguing for and working for mass-migration, specifically from Africa, Asia and MENA as per the plan, and despite the fact that "Praktische Idealismus" can be found online for anyone whio wants to read it.
Noteworthy is that no-one who is pro-invasion/migration ever debates empirical facts, data or anything tangible; everything is feelings, norms, values, experiences, and so on and that all criticism and critique is met with guilt-by-association, reductio ad Hitlerum, and a plethora of logical fallacies, revisionist history and relativist ethics.
I'd add to that the 'femininising' of our culture for the last few decades. The things you mention (feelings, emotion,...) are things especially present in the archetype female side of things. thus, maybe there is another explanation. Or a corroboration, if this is planned as well. Depends on your world view, I guess.
I'd hazard that it is unrelated, except that there's an overlap as to how opinions and personalities forms overlapping cluster (as a visual metaphor); if someone is let's say pro-something or other, that someone is often somewhat pro- a whole cluster of things, often in reality unrelated to one another.
I have an apocryphical example from a women's group my wife attended in the early 1990s, where some of the women managed to connect - conceptually which was enough for them to perceive it as objective material truth - a wolf whistle with rape with Pinochet's coup d'etat in 1973 with italian fascism under Mussolini with the catholic church.
To them it all made sense, because to them it was all parts of one unified system of oppression.
I don't think specific events are planned - it takes a lot of work and for everyone involved the risk of exposure increases geometrically; I do think that ideas are planted and tended and stimulated to germinate in a self-sustaining system of ideas. Compare it to how christianity spread in the Roman Empire: initially, it spread on its own around a very specific set of ideas, without any of what would come later, after the 6th century AD.
Well I did come across the so called 'Day tapes', I believe in an article by Sage Hana. It seems authentic, but I couldn't finish the reading yet. Short version is, there's more planning to it than meets the eye. If you know certain things to be true (for example, female proclivity to focus on emotions over facts - which will have an impact on a societal scale even if the differences on an individual level is small) and you're playing the long game (which Rockefeller & Co were as they set these things in motion, provided one accepts this as truth) I guess this would be possible. Inducing the masses to behave in a certain way is obviously possible.
It does seem to be failing. It is very visible. The recent celebrations after the Hamas attacks in most European nations is perhaps a wakeup call for the multicultural types.
I don't think it is. It is good form for these types to be anti-Israel. They'll file the dead babies and the ravaged women under the 'collateral damage' category if they're remotely human. If they're too far off, it will be under the 'asked for it' category. These people are beyond reproach, they'd love to kill their neighbour for not believing in covid vaccines.
I know there are true believers. I was thinking about the more influential set for whom MC is primarily a virtue signal as they are insulted from its effects. Some of what we witnessed was disturbing in a European nation.
To truly address the underlying issue many nations would need to -- remove -- at least two of the "cultures" currently creating the unrest. Easier said than done, and almost nobody especially wants to return to the dark days of the 1930s-40s or earlier turbulent historical times.
Consider this though: support for palestinian terrorism and anti-jewish sentiment aming intellecutals and the "Left" is not a new phenomenon, nor is it illogical:
1) Anti-jewish sentiments are endemic to all marxist schools of thought, for a variety of reasons (f.e. perceiving judaism/jewishness as religious-ethnocentric supremacism which runs counter to the tenet about the ideas of nation and people being tools of oppression utilised by the capitalist class).
2) Israel is/was a pet-project of american jews and of the US proper (I'm using Left-rethorics here), and it's enemies were mainly aligned with the USSR; therefore, any Lefty opposing US imperialism and capitalism automatically became anti-Israel. That the USSR collapsed has in no way mitigated or altered this.
“f.e.perceiving judaism/jewishness as religious-ethnocentric supremacism which runs counter to the tenet about the ideas of nation and people being tools of oppression utilised by the capitalist class”
Can you please explain why the Left perceive judaism as religious-ethnocentric supremacism? And why does judaism “runs counter to the tenet about the ideas of nation...”
If I remember correctly, it is basically because of these factors:
You can only be a jew if you are born one - that makes it ethnocentric automatically.
Jews everywhere demand that their cultural-religious tenets and rules be given privilege from common law (NB: something they are far from alone in demanding), meaning they put forth that their ethnic group deserves and have a special right to special treatment not awarded any other. I.e. supremacist.
From a marxist point of view then, that makes jews and judaism "religious-ethnocentric supremacism". Remember that when the foundation of the modern Left was laid, moslems were far less than 1% of any european nation, so islam and islamic peoples simply didn't register, which is why no such analysis and similar conclusion about them was made, whereas jews had long been prominent figures in european societies (when they weren't scapegoats or targets of religious persecution).
Second question: under marxism, the nation-state and the corresponding ethnic identity (to use present day terminology) are collectives with their own sets of principles, hierarchies and values, outside of marxism.
These (according to marxism) artificial differences are then exploited by the ruling capitalist class and its enforcers to keep workers of different origins as enemies, preventing the working class as a whole to act in solidarity and overthrow capitalism to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Therefore, ethnicity (or race to use the americanism) and nationality as well as the concept of nation-state must be abolished so the workers can unite.
It also fit neatly into an oppressor-victim paradigm. Israel is obviously advanced, with European levels of sophistication. Palestine is not. It slots in nicely to the narrative. Palestine's David against Israel's Goliath.
As I often argue, to a large extent the West has embarked on such a program. I don't think it was deliberate, but more a factor of the "benefits" of modern technology: the rich countries decided that large families weren't that great a thing, for a variety or reasons, so the birth rates eventually drop way below replacement rate. Meanwhile the poor nations continue to breed. This has had the effect of not so much interbreeding, but a vast decline in the relative share of "rich" populations vs. the "poor" nations.
I take no opinion on formal plans to deliberately exterminate or interbreed races. I will conclude by observing that, whatever the benefits of a homogenous society may be (and there are, I believe, many) that will not eliminate the problem of human conflict. History provides many sad examples of infighting between those of the same culture or even within the same family.
Europeans and their offshoots have the longest history of freedom. The Anglosphere especially.
This is a threat. Most of the world is indifferent to the notion of individual sovereignty. They are more comfortable with authoritarian rule. The English speakers are not.
A good observation, but only partly true. England and to some extent other European nations, have had anything resembling democracy for at best, perhaps five centuries. Please don't misunderstand me; as an American I love the various benefits that (relative) individual freedom has brought me. But the problem is that the Enlightenment values that underpin democracy may be ultimately unsustainable, or even be the seeds of their own downfall. In any event, even a summary knowledge of world history will amply reveal that authoritarianism; hierarchy, noble/serf, etc. are far more the rule than the exception.
I agree. But from Magna Carta onwards the English speakers introduced the notion that rights are expressed in terms of what the state cannot do. Everything is permissible unless explicitly forbidden is the key element I was alluding to.
Many societies have something more like a list of rules telling you what you can do.
As for parliamentary democracy, we all see it collapsing. There are many reasons, but the prevalent view is you get two or three centuries from that system. So we are near the end.
People would fight back. Gradual replacement with high fertility immigrants during a period of falling birthrates in the natives provides some cover. Although clearly that is now failing.
There are several ideas floating about. The Kalergi Plan as mentioned, also the Odid Yinon plan for Greater Israel which still seems relevant.
Boiled down, the Vatican and its Judeo-pals work together to create and integrate global technology (this is a retardedly simplified take). We're in the middle of an Age change. Death of old Pisces and end of a 'Great Year', birth of the new. "Dawn of a new day."
We're being shown how unmistakably fuct up everything is, right in our faces with the med.industry and g'immigrants, war and 'Revelation' etc. (which they wrote in accordance with astro. laws).
We're being led to actively *want* to change things.
I sure do, I'm utterly sick of their sh*t. They're making themselves unforgivable to manifest their crazy prophecy.
america was once successful because our secular liberal foundations created a true melting pot. immigrants had to conform to that in the public sphere.
a false interpretation of liberal values has destroyed that. we need an emergency transfusion of the western enlightenment ethos in every wstern nation to cure our cultures of idiocy. hard, though, when so many westerners don't even understand what that ethos is.
Why is it so high status to want to destroy the society which you live in?
There are many reasons, I think, but some we cannot mention. I fear that a vulgarised version of these currently unmentioned issues may come to the fore before much longer. This is a total disaster. The green agenda seems to amount to a wilful destruction of the West. There is little sign of “respectable” opposition yet. One must expect “unsalonfähig” opposition to arise instead.
It would be interesting to know what proportion of housebuilding that is still going on in Germany is "asylum" related. Housebuilding has fallen off a cliff, I read somewhere planning approvals down something like 40% year on year.
Both the overdue normalization of 20 years insanely low interest rates and the crazy energy policies already being enacted, plus those coming down the pipe from the EU will impact that number. The de facto greenist ban on building detached houses in some parts of Germany will also have crushed the widespread model here of buying a piece of land on the edge of a settlement and building a kit house on it.
The general rule to date that a house need only meet the codes in force when it was built is now being dismantled, particularly by the EU, with the result that no one knows if what they build today, let alone already own today, will have to be torn down in the name of defeating climate change in 20 years time. Not exactly a climate in which anyone will invest.
Of what is still being built, what proportion is going, just mathematically, to our new "welcome guests". And what proportion of it is being built specifically for them. There are photos in circulation of "refugees only" apartments being built in Berlin.
There is simply no joined up thinking in these policies, whatever one makes of them individually. Are those in charge trolling us for the LOLs, are they genuinely stupid, or genuinely malevolent, or are they just totally ignorant, willfully or otherwise, of the consequences of this level of policy inconsistency?
Also worth mentioning - granting privileged housing rights in select accommodation to the politically favoured while ordinary youngsters cannot move out of their parents house to set up their own life/family is not just demographic suicide, it already made a considerable contribution to a revolution, IN GERMANY, in living memory.
Politicians are extremely dumb to ignore this fact.
This is not just confined to Germany. It is part of the push towards not owning anything. People are living by grace of the ruling class. Soon, the agriculture still allowed will be taking place on lands owned by the owning class. People live in houses only for rent. They use software on their computers that can only be used through paying a monthly fee. They use cars that are owned by someone else. As is the digital money, which they are allowed to spend on stuff the central bankers and their owners allow. You've eaten your pound of meat this week? Well then you will not be able to use your digital dollar/euro/rmb/Rubel to pay for this steak I'm afraid. What, no monthly mRNA injection? No access to the Transportation network untill you do!
I think I've watched too many movies. Or maybe not enough.
There are definitely elite types who think this way, and some of them wet dream of enforcing it.
If one may abuse Mencken, the sole purpose of modern practical politics is to get the proles to accept as much pointless restriction on their day to day lives as possible in the name of some barely credible ideological goal (like net zero) without in the process fomenting the next revolution. That next revolution is, arguably, what the political classes have always lived in live in fear of, and spent their lives practising brinksmanship on. The history books are of course replete with failed political regimes that pushed their people too far in the pursuit of either ideological goals or personal enrichment (or both).
If current experience suggests anything, it's that the current political class is well aware net zero is not happening any time soon, they will not on current timescales have everyone gladly chowing down their weekly bug ration, and "you will own nothing and be happy" has done so many rounds the proletariat are already skeptical.
So some of those goals will get moved off into the future.
How easy it is to change peoples' eating habits is demonstrated quite adequately by the achievements of capitalism. Kellog's high-carbohydrate poison was established breakfast in my infancy, an infancy that took place before the invention of that traditional and classical ancient Italian food, ciabatta (in 1986).
If the political classes want your grandchildren eating bugs, they will achieve it, even as they know it will not work on you.
I must conclude that transformation of Europe through migration is desired. What I don’t know is why. What vision does it help fulfill? And no, it’s not about compassion. That’s a cover story for the clueless. Mass importation is desired or they’d try to stop it. Instead the elites are on board. Why? What do they hope to gain?
Fundamentally ungrateful. But certain cultural groups will be happy to play along while a minority. And the alternative is the third world.
With one particular ethnic group flooding into my country they come from a place with no public healthcare or public education for their children. They get both here even when awaiting some asylum application. They can also vote even if not citizens. Their native country would not even accept minimal numbers of Europeans. It is absurd.
They are not grateful. They are increasingly violent and demanding.
I guess the supposed underground bunkers owned by the wealthy are really nice to live in because they will be needing them if the "refugees" really do dominate.
Chaos. Fear. Best way to control. There's people on the steering wheels with a god complex. One of them, a certain individual originally from Hungary, even said this quiet part out loud in an interview, referring to himself. One can only hope his son, who recently took over the empire, won't be a effective as his father.
Musk is indeed still somewhat of a wild card. I'm not getting my hopes up, as no-one is a billionaire without the powers-that-be allowing it to be so (he obviously had to install WEF-Yaccarino to stop the Tesla stock from tanking), but he finds pleasure in being a RL Tony Stark, and we know people will in time become the role they play even if they say and think it will and must not be so.
'The general rule to date that a house need only meet the codes in force when it was built is now being dismantled, particularly by the EU, with the result that no one knows if what they build today, let alone already own today, will have to be torn down in the name of defeating climate change in 20 years time.'
As not only an American, but the person in my tiny town charged with approving building permits and also participating on the local planning commission, this really points up to me how to US is so different from Europe in terms of personal freedoms and sovereignty. Completely aside from the practical and logistical aspects of what you describe, trying to enforce such a policy here would result in outright refusal and massive pushback. I don't think it would ever fly. At least not in my lifetime.
Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, all roads lead to Sweden. This massive mixture of cultures has now led to a purported 61 no-go zones in Sweden with a reported 134 car bombings this year alone. Just like legalizing drugs and prostitution in Amsterdam, these experiments have shown how extremists move in and the utopia that was dreamed of turns into a new and special bolgia in Dante’s Inferno.
Not car bombs, just plain bombs. IEDs of various strength and efficiency, made by well-known career criminals of non-white origin and used against others of similar racial origin.
Currently, a gang war is raging in which these kurds, turks, arabs, gypsies and assorted negros have started murdering each others otherwise innocent family members, when they cannot get at each other.
We will probably finish the year on about 180 bombings, euphemistically called "explosions" by state and regime loyal media; they always use the passive when talking about bad things associated with non-whites as if it was due to natural causes, not evil intent.
The majority of gang-related crime is carried out in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö, but as drug pushers expand their markets into the countryside, the violence will erupt wverywhere. It's already starting, since all swedish communes (our lowest level of formal administration is called commune/kommun) have been forced in various ways to accept "refugees", causing enormous problems.
Perversely, the more Green and feminist a commune is politically, the more they have rejected helping actual refugees from Ukraine.
Still, Sweden was the only one to defy the covid lockstep at least to some (significant) degree.
Just as Denmark is the only one to have politicians at least somewhat interested in doing the best for their country instead of for themselves and their donors/puppet masters.
Sweden is still somewhat of a promised land, somehow
Sadly, I think it was mainly a fluke. The Swedish health department is solely independent and not under the purview of the government so they could push back. But the public is already captured and a large majority - I believe low 80% got the jab. They are also the forefront of a cashless society and the churches even have you tithe with your debit card... But on a positive front, conservatives won and they seem to also be addressing their migration nightmare. It’s a basic problem, really, that with the groups you let in, you will also be letting in groups who loathe each other and they will continue their battles on your land now.
The governement appoints the head of the department, and can relieve or sideline said person to a certain degree, depending on the specific case.
80%+, all ages, have received 2 injections.
The church is its own institution and is under the sway of pastors and priests trained in the DDR back in the day (no joke, about 400 teachers and some 200 priests went there in the 1970s to be receive training).
As for "conservatives" winning, you have to realise that Sweden's most conservative party in parliament, the Sweden Democrats, are akin in policy to the Socialist Democrats of the 1970s. That's extremely conservative for Sweden, if we're using the US definition of the term conservative.
Wait, wasn’t there an age cut off? I was under the impression that few under 16 got the jabs. Here in the US they are pushing them on 6 months! and over...
It was given to children as young as 7 if the parents asked for it. What was stopped was the propaganda trying to get you to go get it. It was changed overnight to "only the vulnerable and the very old, and anyone who asks" from "book your appointment now".
So much like the urban elites in Australia who are presently heaping nasty insults on the majority of the population who refused to go along with their plan to decolonise Australia and create a new bureaucracy by changing our constitution to favour a very small minority. These two would like to fill up our country with immigrants.
Wouldn’t the simple solution be to reinstate your borders and just say no - even if the states have to start first!
Better still turn the boats around in the Mediterranean! Give them water, lifeboats and send them back. That’s how we stopped the boats.
From what I've read, the boats sealifting this invading army into Europe are chartered by NGOs, and ultimately paid for by the very populations who are targeted for ethnic cleansing.
What I don't really understand is why legal immigration - both in Europe and the US - is so hard when the official ideology of the ruling class is open borders. Trying to emigrate to the US from Germany even with a university degree is a nightmare. And similarly I heard about cases from friends who immigrated through student visa to Germany (ie the immigrants we actually want) and it was a buerocratic pain in the ass. Why is legal migration still hard when open borders are the maxime?
Because someone like you (i assume) may compete for a job with a member of the liberal gentry, meaning you're a potential threat to their careers and assets.
Progressives want poor foreigners because they can perform their compassion without having to personally sacrifice, and because it's not immigration in itself that tickles their erogenous zones, but helping a poor brown person, which makes them feel like a holy & righteous White Savior.
But conservatives are even less open to ease legal immigration. So nobody really is? I mean there was a time in which you could've easily emigrated from Europe to the US (at least until WWI) but for whatever reason that changed and now besides Green Card lottery it's mostly illegal immigrants. Yeah you should close the borders for "refugees" both in Europe and the US. But the legal migration system is a mess as well and it should be much easier for qualified people to move between first world countries
Because the point is not economical but political: the various european peoples and their colonial offspring cultures are to be made extinct via migration and subsequent population replacement.
Under communism, your ethnicity doesn't matter since all are comrades working together.
Under capitalism your ethnicity only matters inasmuch it can be commodified and made a product of; excepting this, all are equal as producing-consuming profit-generators.
That's why there's so wide-ranging political unity on the issue: every party excepting ethno-nationalists can fit mass-migration into their principles and agenda: liberals and libertarians because it's according to their super-individualist delusion of what a human is, conservatives because it benefits the capitalist corporations they are partowners of, communists because they think of it as equity, greens and feminists because they are mad anyway, and religious parties because they hate that people are free to opt out of religion.
Yet, political leaders in NYC and Washington with the overt “ collusion” of the dinosaur media say and do nothing. They welcome the demographic changes and dependency of the illegals. A democrat sweep of the elections will lead to Amnesty and political majorities forever.
They accuse the Donald of being a threat to Democracy, yet the present policies are the true threat.
The idea borders are open because of political expectations on how they will vote is absurd. When you look at pictures, do you see those people waiting on line at polling stations or knowing anything at all about politics?
Many of them are coming just because they want a better life, but the goal for the politicians leaving the border open is to invite mayhem. Action reaction. The people bring chaos and then the government uses them as an excuse to pass more and more tyrannical legislation.
In the quote above, Ricarda Lang writes of an "individual right to asylum." That's all well and good -- so long as no one is forced to pay taxes or to expend resources to feed and shelter them.
If somebody else has to provide it, it's not a right.
The good and bad thing about being a couple months from age 85 is that I won't have to see how this plays out in the end. I know the answer but will not be here to see it. Nothing I can do for my grandchildren.
My closest granddaughter, the most conservative of my grandchildren,, will not talk politics. So the one person who would be most apt to understand what I described as "how it used to be" just will not participate. The rest are variously propagandized to accept the new "truths."
I'm sorry for you (I hope that's the appropriate phrase in english!), that must feel horrible.
I'm just going by how my father always did it with me and my sisters: he'd ask us, not tell us, about things. When we'd come to him with questions about big issues (bound to happen when you learn about WW1 in 3rd grade...), he'd explain by asking questions.
Which led us to reason things out and then ask him a new question to get confirmation, correction and/or explanation.
I hope your (grand)children come around and realise that there's wisdom in age and experience.
(And I hope I don't overstep or come across as overfamiliar here.)
If it's any consolation, I'm in my late 40s in the US and kind of feel the same. It's scary thinking I could be diagnosed with something tomorrow and not be around to help my kids, when I know nasty stuff is on its way. For better or worse, young men will decide the outcome.
I ache for you and yours. Just as I grieve that those of us who realize the terrible danger we are in were slow to recognize the evil that was being slowly instituted so that we did not react appropriately to it. Now our young are heading into adulthood and are not prepared for the wretchedness that they will likely face.
Ricarda Lang appears to be importing boyfriends because no natives would touch her.
She also appears to be consuming excess resources, resulting in increasing climate change. It’s not equitable.
Just looked up her photo. Yikes! This whole “body positivity” movement is absurd. Excusing/normalizing gluttony. A saying I read recently (not verbatim and can’t attribute) “you can deny reality but you can’t deny the consequences of it”
Makes you wonder how many farts a day!
That woman needs Net Zero Carbs.
Ricarda is also obviously importing millions of carbs in a simpatico metaphor for the millions of illegal aliens (I hope that makes sense).
OMG and she is only 26 years old!!!
26 ? you must be kidding (runs to the mirror in total adoration - being 65 and looking better LOL)
exactly, Ingrid. I am 67! and look much better than this. Then again, I love junky food but try not to live off of it every day.
I think there is a big sign on her back that says "I am a fat lazy slob and I look like I eat donuts all day" Sadly, she looks like a person that is carrying a lot of emotional weight as well.
Gun to my head I would have said she was in her late 40s or early 50s. Insanity.
With apologies to Jackson Browne ("Cocaine"):
She was talking to her doctor down at the hospital
He said "Girl, it says here you're 26, but that's impossible...
Excess carbs...You look like you could be, 45."
As long as I'm being unkind, may I add the following barb: It was my understanding that Germany had long ago abandoned dirigbles after the Hindenburg disaster. Was I mistaken?
Actually she's 29:
26 or 29 she’s still a porker that should put on the high protein bug diet they’re desperate to rollout.
hmm, they must have just changed that page.
Anyway, three years older, she will be lucky to make it to 40 without organ damage and let's not get started on the skeletal damage
When I look at the female advocates for diversity and unrestricted immigration, I sometimes wonder if this isn't a subconscious motivation.
Long been speculated on. The more radical feminists too. It has been noted smoking hot babes rarely worry about the patriarchy 😜
The biblical view is certainly clear; give them freedom and power and they first destroy themselves then everything around them.
Reminds me of the scene in Erin Brokovich when Ed asks why the water board would let her look at the files.. most men like to say yes to hot babes. #trufax
That was a great movie. More true to life however, I argue, is the scene where she's bitching out the boss about how the staff aren't sharing in the wealth, and only then does she notice the check payable to her for two million dollars.
Of course. Biologically programmed. I doubt most women would say no to Henry Cavill or Ryan Gosling if he asked a favour. We are all worshipping our biological gods.
They are not my types.
Personally, I would not say “no” to Viggo Mortensen.
“They’re called boobs Ed...”
She looks AWFL.*
*Affluent White Female Liberal.
She did get married a while ago. It's a German person with XY Chromosomes (can't call that a man now, can we). She is so intensely hated among the working class, there's no beginning to describe it. The greens in general are thoroughly hated on Germany's construction sites, but she occupies one special place among her peers.
Oh, I think she occupies several places.
MacGiffin in the game of who ate all the pies, she did!
"The greens in general are thoroughly hated on Germany's construction sites, but she occupies one special place among her peers."
- and deservedly so.
I haven't heard her utter one intelligent thought yet.
Falafel stands really resonate with her.
The city of greater Vancouver with some three million people , whites are now a minority .Where ever there is space high rise buildings are going up ,many as high as eighty floors .Migrants land in airports like Vancouver and Toronto and are taken by bus to the newly build sky scrapers .If at the moment no new housing is available they are housed in hotels ,three star or better ,all expenses taxpayer financed ,including food transport and health care .Housing for the original inhabitants is next to not available and if there is sooo expensive ,the most expensive in north America .Thousands are camping on streets and in parks .Well at my age housing for me will soon be in the grave yard .
Ms Lang: "Limits will therefore not happen." Clearly she has been practicing what she preaches.
I reckon she's eating immigrants - plenty of them about.
it's just so weird to me, yuri, considering what a smart kid you seem to be, that this sort of response is so often the best you give. proof of my theorem that nobody ever really graduates from middle school.
especially considering how many compelling reasons our ricarda gives for despising her.
Sucks, but when reasoned arguments fall flat for 50 years, "damn that bitch is fat" is what you're left with.
or one might describe her as smug, self-satisfied and seeming quite obliviously prosperous.
Add: being morbidly obese does not and will not enhance one’s life. It is not OK on any level
that's not our business though. all sorts of human stupidities raise the costs of our medical services and the price of an airline ticket.
Whow Ricarda Lang is big enough to occupy little Germany all by herself ,no migrants needed .
Boyfriends or Blimps
Actually, she has a fiance´ or new husband, one of those soppy, lanky, slightly befuddled looking white boys in their early twenty that progressive circles seem to mass produce.
Also explains why they want to ban pork consumption; safety :P!
She kind of reminds us of "Animal Farm"... milk and apples only for her kind!
It is easier to roll her over than to carry her around, that's for sure! Non natives would appreciate this non-aristocratic shapely demeanour!
Found yer problem:
"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." – Barbara Lerner Spectre [1:02 minutes]
Meanwhile, here in America we find the same thing:
"Some party hack decreed that the people had lost the government's confidence and could only regain it with redoubled effort. If that is the case, would it not be be simpler if the government simply dissolved the people And elected another?"
–Bertolt Brecht
The borders are open. The invaders are exempt from the killshot and granted every consideration while the government just hired, trained, and armed 87,000 IRS agents to sick on the American people who are paying for the room, board, general welfare, and comfort of their third world replacements.
this thought is just disgusting.
Sadly, our grand children and future generations will never know what life was before
Structure your income to the point of not having to pay income tax. Starve the beast.
I was talking to the chap who shat himself when those black guys entered the store. Did I reply to you, Jonathan? If so, apologies. I didn’t have my spectacles at hand at the time. I like your idea about income tax.
You must have led an extremely sheltered life! Were they addicts? Alcoholics?
Recently in a store in Vancouver a group of blacks came in with faces so scary ,that no Halloween mask can out compete them .If I was a baby I would start crying in terror .
Watching Barbara Lerner deliver her multicultural spiel, with those forced smiles and lilting voice, contemplating the demise of a great civilization, evoked a deep, primordial feeling in me. and that feeling was not love.
Smugness surges out of that monster like highly pressurized water from a fireman's hose.
How many nuclear missiles does Barbara Lerner Spectre have? How many aircraft carriers? Fighter planes? Bombers? Tanks? Foot soldiers?
If the answer is "not many" or "none", then you haven't "found yer problem" at all, and you're not even getting closer to it. If you were to assassinate Spectre tomorrow, you know already that no EU country (or Norway, or Switzerland) would change its immigration policy. [Dear internet censors, I am against assassination no matter who carries it out against whom, and this sentence is a negative hypothetical saying that even someone who wanted to carry out such an assassination would not thereby achieve his aims.]
Yes, there are ideologues like Spectre, and we can argue over the proportions of stupidity vs. evil in their speeches and writings, but no-one is being forced to listen to such people, let alone adopt these ideas as the basis of policy. She voices a strand of opinion on the Tikkun-Olam Jewish left, which misreads the events of the 1930s and 40s, and concludes that any kind of national cohesion in any European state will lead to another Holocaust, and therefore (so the argument goes), Jews will only be safe to the extent that immigrants can reduce those nations to minorities in their own countries. She lives in Sweden, where Malmö, for instance, went from a city with zero perceptible antisemitism to being the antisemitic capital of Europe in a matter of years, simply because of the arrival of young Muslim men in very large numbers. Spectre, and those of like mind, then have to pretend not to notice the source of the antisemitism, so that they can say that the solution is to increase the Muslim population further.
You can't claim either that the EU is in thrall to Israel, since for the past two decades, the multimillionaire leaderships of Hamas and the PLO have relied heavily on EU "aid" (there might be a temporary stop to this, but we'll see). They sent these funds to Gaza and the West Bank year after year over the protests of a succession of Israeli governments.
A few things come to mind:
The Hegelian dialectic requires two sides for its thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis mechanism to function, hence both sides are funded.
One Nation Under Blackmail
Whoever has the gold makes the rules
And the love of money is the root of all evil.
From there I leave it to you to put the puzzle pieces together.
You can buy power, but not keep it. Any country could stop migration tomorrow if they had leaders with the will to.
Hungary is an example.
The election systems are compromised and so are the bureaucrats and politicians. You cannot vote your way out of this. What is it that you think Epstein and his ilk were doing?
I never said anything about voting.
Power that you dare not use is power you do not have.
Sweden could end its problems inside one calendar year, but the methods needed to do so would have to worthy of Beria.
Most people wants a perceived problem solved but they want it solved according to their norms, values and mores and will prefer to spend resources to try and make the solution fit their norms, rather than look pragmatically at it.
Which is why the US f.e. - the worlds most powerful military - cannot win wars, secure its own border or wipe out violent crime and abject in-broad-daylight looting: the solutions are counter to principles.
A clever player always identifies the opponent's value-system and gears his attacks so they exploit said system.
Well said, Rikard.
You're giving me slogans (plus part of a verse from St Paul), not an argument against anything I said. It's not that I haven't heard these things before; it's just that I'm not impressed by them.
You realise, don't you, that no matter what happens in the world, you can say "Ah, it's the Hegelian Dialectic - both sides are funded by the Chosenites / Masons / Black Nobility / Vatican / Bloodlines / Lizards."
In come lockdowns, mask and vax mandates. Out go lockdowns, mask and vax mandates. - Only the naive, you say, would think that anything had really changed, whereas you know it's the just the next step in the endless cycling through the Hegelian Dialectic.
100% EVs to be sold by 2025. Actually, no, make it 2030. No, make it 2035. - Hegelian Dialectic.
Heatpumps for every building in Germany! No, drop the heatpumps! - Hegelian Dialectic
You must know that Eugyppius is stuck in the boring world of facts and doesn't notice the grand scheme of the Lizards' Hegelian Dialectic, so why bother commenting to hopelessly naive Eugyppius readers like me?
This reminds of "We had to destroy the village in order to save it." (As do the prosecutions of President Trump - Trump is a threat to democracy, so in order to preserve democracy his re-election must be prevented.)
Migration it is not.
Invasion and occupation and population replacement is what it is.
The EU was after all in part founded to see the Kalergi-plan through: genocide of all european peoples, and the destruction of all our culture and all traditions.
To be pro-migration from Africa, Asia or MENA as a european of any nation or any people is to be pro-suicide, pro-genocide and being an active enemy to one's own people.
Hence it is no wonder especially the Germans, with their decades long self-hatred, are so full of it. It's a ritual suicide to atone for their imagined sins.
Being an immigrant to this country myself, it pains me to see these so-called academics scrambling to be the good person, hating themselves and their country of birth and origin over imaginary moral obligations and a thirst to be absolved of their german-ness. This country and its people have brought the world so much, much more than those 15 years of horror, it has so much more to be proud of. Gets me to tears tbh, to realise how all this is and will be demolished, turned to dust.
Likewise a non-German living in Germany, and like you I see their attempts at national seppuku with a sense of deep regret and sorrow.
They did so well, they tried so hard, and they never realized that they - together with a handful of European states - created a society which in spite of all its shortcomings was such an improvement to what had been there before: never-ending lack of resources, never-ending infighting and squabbles, never-ending poverty, hunger, disease.
My heart bleeds when I consider how little they value what they accomplished, and this is something that plagues most western countries.
Basically the blueprint of human society is: be oppressed by someone in power, have a shitty life, die early. And the West raised so many of us and our families and indeed people all over the world out of this eternal quagmire.
And then we started to feel ashamed of ourselves and now we're tearing our own houses down.
Very well said. Thank you.
Thank YOU.
It's all sad beyond words.
Self-hatred is all over the place now, sadly.
Every day I remember a way that a liberal teacher in kindergarten, elementary school, high school, and college worked to inculcate me--and my classmates!
I guess that happens when you start to shed it.
Yes but it is a PROXY kind of self-hatred. Virtue-signalling hatred of their own Western culture and fellow men and women in order to signal that their narcissistic little wonderful selves are ever on the side of the 'oppressed'. 'Oppression' for them is a shallow abstraction that serves to inflate their personal vanity as 'social justice' warriors. This poisonous vanity has been pouring out of Western academia for decades.
Can't have hatred for your own civilization unless you already somehow hate yourself.
Which is then? Which part is the chicken, and which the egg? Why are kids the subject of climate change forecasts that may keep moving the goalposts, but basically tells them we are all fucked, and it’s our fault. At a consumer level. And more importantly, how do we remedy this? I didn’t think that you had mentioned climate change. My deepest apologies.
I have no easy way to prove it, but allow me to repeat the arguments of other pessimists:
There are inherent flaws in much Western thought; some claim this dates back to the Enlightenment, for example, the ideal for widespread democracy, for more equal rights. (This particular goal flies in the face of reality: rank order, strong and weak powers, are the rule in the natural world.) The basis for what became the "Renaissance" or "Enlightenment" of course dates back much earlier: Judaism and later Christianity (Nietzsche's "Slave morality"), Plato, and much more.
Perhaps the worst flaw in White European thinking is that our higher standards can be applied to alien cultures. This of course, does not mean that no non-European will ever embrace “our” values, or achieve comparable levels of success in their cultural version. Nevertheless, it remains the case that, say, strict Islam is almost completely incompatible with anything resembling democracy. I’m sure a similar case can be made for many other cultures.
A variation of this philosophical defect is to believe in what some call the “magic dirt theory” – that basically says that anyone who immigrates will eventually assimilate. Or at least their children will. To some degree, perhaps. But again, the factor of highly incompatible culture remains. Unless I’m mistaken, the UK/EU has had problems with third-generation immigrants committing serious crimes, including terrorism.
At the individual level, this “flaw” can be thought of as the unconscious expectations that the Other will behave generally as one’s own in-group does. Of course, this is far from true and is the source of much unhappiness. A BAME (or whatever the term of the day is) whose culture says that close relatives will always be favored over any outsiders, will probably not be able to adopt the Western attitude that non-family should be treated with the same respect and that it’s wrong to cheat or otherwise exploit them. This explains to a large degree why there is little or no commerce in the European sense in their home nations. Or perhaps their religions, their culture, dating back thousands of years, says that women are chattel, to be treated in ways abhorrent to Western Legal standards? In such cases, these people will likely never adapt to the West. The gulf is simply too great.
A final factor I would call the temporary gift of civilization to those unfit to maintain it. Much of the third world has “benefited” from Western aid, such as the lavish foreign aid given in food, medical care, and other services. These have led to enormous population increases among the very populations unlikely too be able to maintain, but less expand, the benefits of western technology and economy. In relative terms, the poor breed like rabbits, while the “rich” nations don’t even maintain replacement birthrates. One inevitable result of this is pressure for mass migration. In the early days a happy face was put on this. These people were needed as temporary guest workers, or whatever. But in recent years, the reality is upon us: The vast majority of these are economic migrants, seeking a better life. Who can blame them? Their home countries are awful places. And yes, there are no doubt legitimate cases where asylum is to be granted. But that in itself is another example of the white man’s fatal flaw: to offer assistance to the needy, without counting the eventual costs. Laws, treaties and policies created in a time when a "refugee" was the occasional lucky devil who made it across the Berlin Wall, will rapidly break down in a time when asylum claimaints number in the millions.
Your observation is very apt: The "West" IS fucked, and it IS our fault.
Emphasise *
Isn’t that what I just said?
I deleted my earlier comment .. it was slightly different to yours in that you made no mention of the shame induced on kids by the obsession with Co2 emissions. You know, basically the earth is boiling, because of us of course, and our addiction to consumerism. Leading to a nihilistic mindset for our young. I think that’s a slight change from what you had said. I emphasis the word think. If I’m wrong I’m in no doubt you will correct me.
Voodoo and witch craft will be the new culture in Germany and other northern countries .Can cannibalism be far behind ??
Why the need to "replace" population?
When count de Coudenhove-Kalergi formulated his original idea in his "Praktische Idealismus", that the only chance for a peaceful Europe in the future was to via interbreeding with various races create a new race of europeans, not beholden to what had gone before, he did this with WW1 and the preceding ten centuries of warfare.
To him, it seemed that since so much of the problems seemed to stem from historical reasons (Germany and France arguing over Elsass-Lothringen/Elsass-Lorraine) f.e. or Ireland/Britain, or Russia/Poland), the only way forward was to create a new race, with a new cultural core purposefully designed to achieve this.
The EU is in part built on this idea of his, and used to have an annual prize called the Coudenhove-Kalergi prize, in his honour, awarded to prominent political figures who had acted to further this development. I seem to recall Angela Merkel has been awarded it, but don't take my word for that.
Since the plan basically entails genocide-via-migration and us indigenous people take umbrage with that, a counter-narrative has been set up that the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is "white supremacist conspiracy theory", despite the facts that we have about 50 years of politics and politicans actively arguing for and working for mass-migration, specifically from Africa, Asia and MENA as per the plan, and despite the fact that "Praktische Idealismus" can be found online for anyone whio wants to read it.
Noteworthy is that no-one who is pro-invasion/migration ever debates empirical facts, data or anything tangible; everything is feelings, norms, values, experiences, and so on and that all criticism and critique is met with guilt-by-association, reductio ad Hitlerum, and a plethora of logical fallacies, revisionist history and relativist ethics.
I'd add to that the 'femininising' of our culture for the last few decades. The things you mention (feelings, emotion,...) are things especially present in the archetype female side of things. thus, maybe there is another explanation. Or a corroboration, if this is planned as well. Depends on your world view, I guess.
I'd hazard that it is unrelated, except that there's an overlap as to how opinions and personalities forms overlapping cluster (as a visual metaphor); if someone is let's say pro-something or other, that someone is often somewhat pro- a whole cluster of things, often in reality unrelated to one another.
I have an apocryphical example from a women's group my wife attended in the early 1990s, where some of the women managed to connect - conceptually which was enough for them to perceive it as objective material truth - a wolf whistle with rape with Pinochet's coup d'etat in 1973 with italian fascism under Mussolini with the catholic church.
To them it all made sense, because to them it was all parts of one unified system of oppression.
I don't think specific events are planned - it takes a lot of work and for everyone involved the risk of exposure increases geometrically; I do think that ideas are planted and tended and stimulated to germinate in a self-sustaining system of ideas. Compare it to how christianity spread in the Roman Empire: initially, it spread on its own around a very specific set of ideas, without any of what would come later, after the 6th century AD.
Well I did come across the so called 'Day tapes', I believe in an article by Sage Hana. It seems authentic, but I couldn't finish the reading yet. Short version is, there's more planning to it than meets the eye. If you know certain things to be true (for example, female proclivity to focus on emotions over facts - which will have an impact on a societal scale even if the differences on an individual level is small) and you're playing the long game (which Rockefeller & Co were as they set these things in motion, provided one accepts this as truth) I guess this would be possible. Inducing the masses to behave in a certain way is obviously possible.
It does seem to be failing. It is very visible. The recent celebrations after the Hamas attacks in most European nations is perhaps a wakeup call for the multicultural types.
I don't think it is. It is good form for these types to be anti-Israel. They'll file the dead babies and the ravaged women under the 'collateral damage' category if they're remotely human. If they're too far off, it will be under the 'asked for it' category. These people are beyond reproach, they'd love to kill their neighbour for not believing in covid vaccines.
It was the multi-cultural types doing the celebrating. Look at the Pro-Hamas demo in London today. Lots of white liberals in attendence.
I know there are true believers. I was thinking about the more influential set for whom MC is primarily a virtue signal as they are insulted from its effects. Some of what we witnessed was disturbing in a European nation.
To truly address the underlying issue many nations would need to -- remove -- at least two of the "cultures" currently creating the unrest. Easier said than done, and almost nobody especially wants to return to the dark days of the 1930s-40s or earlier turbulent historical times.
I suspect that concern will evaporate in time. The rising violence alone will do it.
Hopefully you are right.
Consider this though: support for palestinian terrorism and anti-jewish sentiment aming intellecutals and the "Left" is not a new phenomenon, nor is it illogical:
1) Anti-jewish sentiments are endemic to all marxist schools of thought, for a variety of reasons (f.e. perceiving judaism/jewishness as religious-ethnocentric supremacism which runs counter to the tenet about the ideas of nation and people being tools of oppression utilised by the capitalist class).
2) Israel is/was a pet-project of american jews and of the US proper (I'm using Left-rethorics here), and it's enemies were mainly aligned with the USSR; therefore, any Lefty opposing US imperialism and capitalism automatically became anti-Israel. That the USSR collapsed has in no way mitigated or altered this.
“f.e.perceiving judaism/jewishness as religious-ethnocentric supremacism which runs counter to the tenet about the ideas of nation and people being tools of oppression utilised by the capitalist class”
Can you please explain why the Left perceive judaism as religious-ethnocentric supremacism? And why does judaism “runs counter to the tenet about the ideas of nation...”
If I remember correctly, it is basically because of these factors:
You can only be a jew if you are born one - that makes it ethnocentric automatically.
Jews everywhere demand that their cultural-religious tenets and rules be given privilege from common law (NB: something they are far from alone in demanding), meaning they put forth that their ethnic group deserves and have a special right to special treatment not awarded any other. I.e. supremacist.
From a marxist point of view then, that makes jews and judaism "religious-ethnocentric supremacism". Remember that when the foundation of the modern Left was laid, moslems were far less than 1% of any european nation, so islam and islamic peoples simply didn't register, which is why no such analysis and similar conclusion about them was made, whereas jews had long been prominent figures in european societies (when they weren't scapegoats or targets of religious persecution).
Second question: under marxism, the nation-state and the corresponding ethnic identity (to use present day terminology) are collectives with their own sets of principles, hierarchies and values, outside of marxism.
These (according to marxism) artificial differences are then exploited by the ruling capitalist class and its enforcers to keep workers of different origins as enemies, preventing the working class as a whole to act in solidarity and overthrow capitalism to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Therefore, ethnicity (or race to use the americanism) and nationality as well as the concept of nation-state must be abolished so the workers can unite.
It also fit neatly into an oppressor-victim paradigm. Israel is obviously advanced, with European levels of sophistication. Palestine is not. It slots in nicely to the narrative. Palestine's David against Israel's Goliath.
As I often argue, to a large extent the West has embarked on such a program. I don't think it was deliberate, but more a factor of the "benefits" of modern technology: the rich countries decided that large families weren't that great a thing, for a variety or reasons, so the birth rates eventually drop way below replacement rate. Meanwhile the poor nations continue to breed. This has had the effect of not so much interbreeding, but a vast decline in the relative share of "rich" populations vs. the "poor" nations.
I take no opinion on formal plans to deliberately exterminate or interbreed races. I will conclude by observing that, whatever the benefits of a homogenous society may be (and there are, I believe, many) that will not eliminate the problem of human conflict. History provides many sad examples of infighting between those of the same culture or even within the same family.
Europeans and their offshoots have the longest history of freedom. The Anglosphere especially.
This is a threat. Most of the world is indifferent to the notion of individual sovereignty. They are more comfortable with authoritarian rule. The English speakers are not.
A good observation, but only partly true. England and to some extent other European nations, have had anything resembling democracy for at best, perhaps five centuries. Please don't misunderstand me; as an American I love the various benefits that (relative) individual freedom has brought me. But the problem is that the Enlightenment values that underpin democracy may be ultimately unsustainable, or even be the seeds of their own downfall. In any event, even a summary knowledge of world history will amply reveal that authoritarianism; hierarchy, noble/serf, etc. are far more the rule than the exception.
I agree. But from Magna Carta onwards the English speakers introduced the notion that rights are expressed in terms of what the state cannot do. Everything is permissible unless explicitly forbidden is the key element I was alluding to.
Many societies have something more like a list of rules telling you what you can do.
As for parliamentary democracy, we all see it collapsing. There are many reasons, but the prevalent view is you get two or three centuries from that system. So we are near the end.
God given rights.
Why replace them, though?
Just depopulate and be done with it, n'est-ce pas?
It’s too hard to just depopulate without raising the suspicions of the natives.
The want to the countries reduced not depopulated. Majority non-German in this case.
Depopulation would be too blatant.
What's wrong with being blatant?
People would fight back. Gradual replacement with high fertility immigrants during a period of falling birthrates in the natives provides some cover. Although clearly that is now failing.
Human population must be replaced with empty space to save he planet .
So these folks are "empty space?"
The futurists hope where formerly humans existed will soon be empty space ,to save the planet .Did I get it right this time??.
I don't know.
I am just trying to understand why humans need to be replaced with other humans.
It's not like they like any of them.
There are several ideas floating about. The Kalergi Plan as mentioned, also the Odid Yinon plan for Greater Israel which still seems relevant.
Boiled down, the Vatican and its Judeo-pals work together to create and integrate global technology (this is a retardedly simplified take). We're in the middle of an Age change. Death of old Pisces and end of a 'Great Year', birth of the new. "Dawn of a new day."
We're being shown how unmistakably fuct up everything is, right in our faces with the med.industry and g'immigrants, war and 'Revelation' etc. (which they wrote in accordance with astro. laws).
We're being led to actively *want* to change things.
I sure do, I'm utterly sick of their sh*t. They're making themselves unforgivable to manifest their crazy prophecy.
DeGaulle also is to blame as per the author Bar Ye'or as she outlines in her book Eurabia.
america was once successful because our secular liberal foundations created a true melting pot. immigrants had to conform to that in the public sphere.
a false interpretation of liberal values has destroyed that. we need an emergency transfusion of the western enlightenment ethos in every wstern nation to cure our cultures of idiocy. hard, though, when so many westerners don't even understand what that ethos is.
Nonsense. I'm sure many university grads are deeply concerned about the impact of climate change on the ethos people.
Why is it so high status to want to destroy the society which you live in?
There are many reasons, I think, but some we cannot mention. I fear that a vulgarised version of these currently unmentioned issues may come to the fore before much longer. This is a total disaster. The green agenda seems to amount to a wilful destruction of the West. There is little sign of “respectable” opposition yet. One must expect “unsalonfähig” opposition to arise instead.
It would be interesting to know what proportion of housebuilding that is still going on in Germany is "asylum" related. Housebuilding has fallen off a cliff, I read somewhere planning approvals down something like 40% year on year.
Both the overdue normalization of 20 years insanely low interest rates and the crazy energy policies already being enacted, plus those coming down the pipe from the EU will impact that number. The de facto greenist ban on building detached houses in some parts of Germany will also have crushed the widespread model here of buying a piece of land on the edge of a settlement and building a kit house on it.
The general rule to date that a house need only meet the codes in force when it was built is now being dismantled, particularly by the EU, with the result that no one knows if what they build today, let alone already own today, will have to be torn down in the name of defeating climate change in 20 years time. Not exactly a climate in which anyone will invest.
Of what is still being built, what proportion is going, just mathematically, to our new "welcome guests". And what proportion of it is being built specifically for them. There are photos in circulation of "refugees only" apartments being built in Berlin.
There is simply no joined up thinking in these policies, whatever one makes of them individually. Are those in charge trolling us for the LOLs, are they genuinely stupid, or genuinely malevolent, or are they just totally ignorant, willfully or otherwise, of the consequences of this level of policy inconsistency?
Also worth mentioning - granting privileged housing rights in select accommodation to the politically favoured while ordinary youngsters cannot move out of their parents house to set up their own life/family is not just demographic suicide, it already made a considerable contribution to a revolution, IN GERMANY, in living memory.
Politicians are extremely dumb to ignore this fact.
This is not just confined to Germany. It is part of the push towards not owning anything. People are living by grace of the ruling class. Soon, the agriculture still allowed will be taking place on lands owned by the owning class. People live in houses only for rent. They use software on their computers that can only be used through paying a monthly fee. They use cars that are owned by someone else. As is the digital money, which they are allowed to spend on stuff the central bankers and their owners allow. You've eaten your pound of meat this week? Well then you will not be able to use your digital dollar/euro/rmb/Rubel to pay for this steak I'm afraid. What, no monthly mRNA injection? No access to the Transportation network untill you do!
I think I've watched too many movies. Or maybe not enough.
There are definitely elite types who think this way, and some of them wet dream of enforcing it.
If one may abuse Mencken, the sole purpose of modern practical politics is to get the proles to accept as much pointless restriction on their day to day lives as possible in the name of some barely credible ideological goal (like net zero) without in the process fomenting the next revolution. That next revolution is, arguably, what the political classes have always lived in live in fear of, and spent their lives practising brinksmanship on. The history books are of course replete with failed political regimes that pushed their people too far in the pursuit of either ideological goals or personal enrichment (or both).
If current experience suggests anything, it's that the current political class is well aware net zero is not happening any time soon, they will not on current timescales have everyone gladly chowing down their weekly bug ration, and "you will own nothing and be happy" has done so many rounds the proletariat are already skeptical.
So some of those goals will get moved off into the future.
How easy it is to change peoples' eating habits is demonstrated quite adequately by the achievements of capitalism. Kellog's high-carbohydrate poison was established breakfast in my infancy, an infancy that took place before the invention of that traditional and classical ancient Italian food, ciabatta (in 1986).
If the political classes want your grandchildren eating bugs, they will achieve it, even as they know it will not work on you.
Walking the fine line of boiling a frog without killing it.
One could extend that analogy, (or beat it to death), by pointing out that the whole damn world is bubbling ominously all about us.
'or beat it to death'
Violence against amphibians is rampant, and escalating!
We are all frogs now.
I think they have overreached. We are looking at a real mess quite soon
When it comes to politicians, malice is as likely as stupidity. There’s some game afoot and some who hope to gain.
The UK is exactly the same. We are living in a madhouse.
I must conclude that transformation of Europe through migration is desired. What I don’t know is why. What vision does it help fulfill? And no, it’s not about compassion. That’s a cover story for the clueless. Mass importation is desired or they’d try to stop it. Instead the elites are on board. Why? What do they hope to gain?
A compliant population and the destruction of the natives with roots. Grateful peasants will do what their masters tell them.
Not sure how grateful they are going to be. This will be ugly before it’s over.
Fundamentally ungrateful. But certain cultural groups will be happy to play along while a minority. And the alternative is the third world.
With one particular ethnic group flooding into my country they come from a place with no public healthcare or public education for their children. They get both here even when awaiting some asylum application. They can also vote even if not citizens. Their native country would not even accept minimal numbers of Europeans. It is absurd.
They are not grateful. They are increasingly violent and demanding.
I guess the supposed underground bunkers owned by the wealthy are really nice to live in because they will be needing them if the "refugees" really do dominate.
Chaos. Fear. Best way to control. There's people on the steering wheels with a god complex. One of them, a certain individual originally from Hungary, even said this quiet part out loud in an interview, referring to himself. One can only hope his son, who recently took over the empire, won't be a effective as his father.
Musk has had a go at both of them. Will be interesting to see how it pans out.
Musk is indeed still somewhat of a wild card. I'm not getting my hopes up, as no-one is a billionaire without the powers-that-be allowing it to be so (he obviously had to install WEF-Yaccarino to stop the Tesla stock from tanking), but he finds pleasure in being a RL Tony Stark, and we know people will in time become the role they play even if they say and think it will and must not be so.
I am still not sure what to make of Musk. But he has made some public statements that seem to be genuine. Time will tell.
'The general rule to date that a house need only meet the codes in force when it was built is now being dismantled, particularly by the EU, with the result that no one knows if what they build today, let alone already own today, will have to be torn down in the name of defeating climate change in 20 years time.'
As not only an American, but the person in my tiny town charged with approving building permits and also participating on the local planning commission, this really points up to me how to US is so different from Europe in terms of personal freedoms and sovereignty. Completely aside from the practical and logistical aspects of what you describe, trying to enforce such a policy here would result in outright refusal and massive pushback. I don't think it would ever fly. At least not in my lifetime.
They are All of the above.
Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, all roads lead to Sweden. This massive mixture of cultures has now led to a purported 61 no-go zones in Sweden with a reported 134 car bombings this year alone. Just like legalizing drugs and prostitution in Amsterdam, these experiments have shown how extremists move in and the utopia that was dreamed of turns into a new and special bolgia in Dante’s Inferno.
A minor thing:
Not car bombs, just plain bombs. IEDs of various strength and efficiency, made by well-known career criminals of non-white origin and used against others of similar racial origin.
Currently, a gang war is raging in which these kurds, turks, arabs, gypsies and assorted negros have started murdering each others otherwise innocent family members, when they cannot get at each other.
We will probably finish the year on about 180 bombings, euphemistically called "explosions" by state and regime loyal media; they always use the passive when talking about bad things associated with non-whites as if it was due to natural causes, not evil intent.
I really love Sweden and my best friend lives not far from Kalmar- far away from this craziness.
The majority of gang-related crime is carried out in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö, but as drug pushers expand their markets into the countryside, the violence will erupt wverywhere. It's already starting, since all swedish communes (our lowest level of formal administration is called commune/kommun) have been forced in various ways to accept "refugees", causing enormous problems.
Perversely, the more Green and feminist a commune is politically, the more they have rejected helping actual refugees from Ukraine.
Still, Sweden was the only one to defy the covid lockstep at least to some (significant) degree.
Just as Denmark is the only one to have politicians at least somewhat interested in doing the best for their country instead of for themselves and their donors/puppet masters.
Sweden is still somewhat of a promised land, somehow
Sadly, I think it was mainly a fluke. The Swedish health department is solely independent and not under the purview of the government so they could push back. But the public is already captured and a large majority - I believe low 80% got the jab. They are also the forefront of a cashless society and the churches even have you tithe with your debit card... But on a positive front, conservatives won and they seem to also be addressing their migration nightmare. It’s a basic problem, really, that with the groups you let in, you will also be letting in groups who loathe each other and they will continue their battles on your land now.
Nominally independent.
The governement appoints the head of the department, and can relieve or sideline said person to a certain degree, depending on the specific case.
80%+, all ages, have received 2 injections.
The church is its own institution and is under the sway of pastors and priests trained in the DDR back in the day (no joke, about 400 teachers and some 200 priests went there in the 1970s to be receive training).
As for "conservatives" winning, you have to realise that Sweden's most conservative party in parliament, the Sweden Democrats, are akin in policy to the Socialist Democrats of the 1970s. That's extremely conservative for Sweden, if we're using the US definition of the term conservative.
Wait, wasn’t there an age cut off? I was under the impression that few under 16 got the jabs. Here in the US they are pushing them on 6 months! and over...
It was given to children as young as 7 if the parents asked for it. What was stopped was the propaganda trying to get you to go get it. It was changed overnight to "only the vulnerable and the very old, and anyone who asks" from "book your appointment now".
So much like the urban elites in Australia who are presently heaping nasty insults on the majority of the population who refused to go along with their plan to decolonise Australia and create a new bureaucracy by changing our constitution to favour a very small minority. These two would like to fill up our country with immigrants.
Wouldn’t the simple solution be to reinstate your borders and just say no - even if the states have to start first!
Better still turn the boats around in the Mediterranean! Give them water, lifeboats and send them back. That’s how we stopped the boats.
From what I've read, the boats sealifting this invading army into Europe are chartered by NGOs, and ultimately paid for by the very populations who are targeted for ethnic cleansing.
We are very silly people.
The simple solution would be for the majority of the population to ignore the nasty insults and go about their lives.
They will not let you go about your lives. Many jobs are now advertised that white men cannot apply for. Just one example.
Even the crime minister of Canada went black face for some time to qualify being crime minister .
Absolutely. My philosophy.
What I don't really understand is why legal immigration - both in Europe and the US - is so hard when the official ideology of the ruling class is open borders. Trying to emigrate to the US from Germany even with a university degree is a nightmare. And similarly I heard about cases from friends who immigrated through student visa to Germany (ie the immigrants we actually want) and it was a buerocratic pain in the ass. Why is legal migration still hard when open borders are the maxime?
Because someone like you (i assume) may compete for a job with a member of the liberal gentry, meaning you're a potential threat to their careers and assets.
Progressives want poor foreigners because they can perform their compassion without having to personally sacrifice, and because it's not immigration in itself that tickles their erogenous zones, but helping a poor brown person, which makes them feel like a holy & righteous White Savior.
But conservatives are even less open to ease legal immigration. So nobody really is? I mean there was a time in which you could've easily emigrated from Europe to the US (at least until WWI) but for whatever reason that changed and now besides Green Card lottery it's mostly illegal immigrants. Yeah you should close the borders for "refugees" both in Europe and the US. But the legal migration system is a mess as well and it should be much easier for qualified people to move between first world countries
1965 Hart Celler was the formal shift in US immigration policy to turn away Europeans in favor of everyone else in the world.
Your comment nails it.
Because the point is not economical but political: the various european peoples and their colonial offspring cultures are to be made extinct via migration and subsequent population replacement.
Under communism, your ethnicity doesn't matter since all are comrades working together.
Under capitalism your ethnicity only matters inasmuch it can be commodified and made a product of; excepting this, all are equal as producing-consuming profit-generators.
That's why there's so wide-ranging political unity on the issue: every party excepting ethno-nationalists can fit mass-migration into their principles and agenda: liberals and libertarians because it's according to their super-individualist delusion of what a human is, conservatives because it benefits the capitalist corporations they are partowners of, communists because they think of it as equity, greens and feminists because they are mad anyway, and religious parties because they hate that people are free to opt out of religion.
The point is to replace us indigenous peoples.
Yet, political leaders in NYC and Washington with the overt “ collusion” of the dinosaur media say and do nothing. They welcome the demographic changes and dependency of the illegals. A democrat sweep of the elections will lead to Amnesty and political majorities forever.
They accuse the Donald of being a threat to Democracy, yet the present policies are the true threat.
Seal the border tomorrow
The idea borders are open because of political expectations on how they will vote is absurd. When you look at pictures, do you see those people waiting on line at polling stations or knowing anything at all about politics?
Many of them are coming just because they want a better life, but the goal for the politicians leaving the border open is to invite mayhem. Action reaction. The people bring chaos and then the government uses them as an excuse to pass more and more tyrannical legislation.
If you are defenseless against Ricarda Lang, you deserve to be overrun by Magic Juice and immigrants.
In the quote above, Ricarda Lang writes of an "individual right to asylum." That's all well and good -- so long as no one is forced to pay taxes or to expend resources to feed and shelter them.
If somebody else has to provide it, it's not a right.
Meanwhile, I just saw this startling headline: And of course Dr. Kissinger has a point. The introduction of people who don't share a society's basic values or worldview can only decrease that society's cohesion, threatening to fracture it.
How many has *she* taken in?
Judging by her rotundity, at least 3 or 4.
The good and bad thing about being a couple months from age 85 is that I won't have to see how this plays out in the end. I know the answer but will not be here to see it. Nothing I can do for my grandchildren.
You can tell them a couple of things:
It didn't use do be like this.
It didn't have to be done this way.
It doesn't have to be like this.
That's all. Those three simple - and very dangerous - statements are enough to make people start thinking.
Because as westerners, we hold as true that /what/ someone thinks is their own business.
My closest granddaughter, the most conservative of my grandchildren,, will not talk politics. So the one person who would be most apt to understand what I described as "how it used to be" just will not participate. The rest are variously propagandized to accept the new "truths."
I'm sorry for you (I hope that's the appropriate phrase in english!), that must feel horrible.
I'm just going by how my father always did it with me and my sisters: he'd ask us, not tell us, about things. When we'd come to him with questions about big issues (bound to happen when you learn about WW1 in 3rd grade...), he'd explain by asking questions.
Which led us to reason things out and then ask him a new question to get confirmation, correction and/or explanation.
I hope your (grand)children come around and realise that there's wisdom in age and experience.
(And I hope I don't overstep or come across as overfamiliar here.)
If it's any consolation, I'm in my late 40s in the US and kind of feel the same. It's scary thinking I could be diagnosed with something tomorrow and not be around to help my kids, when I know nasty stuff is on its way. For better or worse, young men will decide the outcome.
I ache for you and yours. Just as I grieve that those of us who realize the terrible danger we are in were slow to recognize the evil that was being slowly instituted so that we did not react appropriately to it. Now our young are heading into adulthood and are not prepared for the wretchedness that they will likely face.
Have they tried facemasks?
typo alert in first line: "Europe has entered it second great migration"
many thanks, fixed.
(i always the comments for the first 20 minutes after I post so I can implement the helpful corrections of Tardigrade)
The joy and the curse of having been a copy editor in a previous life.
Ricarda Lang is clearly doing her part to vapturw excess carbon.
Burying her at the bottom of the Mariana trench would have a measurable impact on atmospheric carbon levels.
alas would also contribute to sea-level rise.
Germany has clearly reached a tipping point with her around