I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw that that Mark guy is only 25. 25! He will never be healthier or feel better than he does RIGHT NOW and he's pissing that away to be a gigantic pussy, scared of a disease that poses about as much risk to him as a lightning strike.

Also the "anon pumps gas" meme might be a little spicy for your substack readers, eugy

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yes, I almost pulled it out but decided to live dangerously just this once.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I don't want to pay for a hypochondriac's obsessions the same way I don't want to pay for a smoker's or drug addict's obsessions

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

No I love it.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Nah, good you left it...

Demonstrates the now 3 year old fear of a flu or common cold...

Sadly, this ain't gonna change...

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I like it!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I love it

dark and introspective, tough guy with a surreal fear of a cold

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Glad you left it in. We all did that years ago

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The pumping gas meme was the funniest part of the post! LoL

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deletedAug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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it seemed to express well the absurdity of this dumb nurse worried about all the unidentified Covid passing among people on the street.

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"I hate UNIDENTIFIED COVID" he thought.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius


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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

the few maskers here in rural GA (temperatures in the mid 90s) are young to middle age. Never see an elderly person with one anymore. One store has 2 masked employees, probably will drive to next town over soon to avoid them, and WM probably still requires them, but most have them around their neck, and some have none at all. I stop watching any documentary soon as I see a masked person, specially if less than a year old.

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My bagger at the checkout of a local grocery store (SE Michigan) had a mask. She was a middle aged woman. Thankfully, the maskers are virtually history.

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Waiting at a grocery store checkout the male MASKED clerk called to my to go to his checkout ,because he had no one to check out ,while I had to wait at the checkout I was on .I said ,you fix your mental problems before you try to do anything else .The check out I was on was served by a mask less girl .

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Just yesterday the guy in front of us at the checkout, had a mask that was double-strapped and so tight! His wife was maskless. How can these two people relate to each other? With such different perspectives on this?

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Young nervous women and trans?

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

That open-shirted guy with a cigarette stub in his mouth pumping gas bears more than a passing resemblance to the living meme of the Biden Administration, decadent Hunter Biden himself.

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Nah, the gas prices are too low

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm just jealous of those fuckin' prices... *sigh*

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The past is a foreign country

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They will drive ze electric cars and he/her/they/it will like it. Also eat ze bugs.

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Zey vill trife zee electric car into zee next Tavos vorum ant zee pattery vill spark, Ach zo! Pugs Par Bee Q!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Here in Ontario, Canada, 1 US gallon = $4.50 in US $, so I'm with you there...

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Part of me thought the pricing in the pic may have been in liters. My first trip to Ontario I commented on how "cheap" the gas was. Until I was told it was the per liter price.

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As they say in neighboring Quêbec, "Qu'elle Surprise".

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If you can afford to come to British Columbia ,you pay $ 205 .a liter ,t hat is $ 8.20 .- a gallon .

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"You can't fix stupid, no matter how you try."

-- John Wayne

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I loved that meme and commentary

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

the anon gas pump was a scream....

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Gas pumps: not too spicy! Give us more!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Also, further evidence that the guy in the picture likes to live dangerously. I can't tell if that's a light in the background, but if it's really a cigarette in his mouth, while he's pumping gas, there you are then.

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lol. Yes. :)

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I just want to know where those gas pumps were, prices looked great!

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What a gaywod. Can you imagine being this weak and scared? Our civilization is surely doomed with this lot in charge.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

I agree, except a pussy is a really resilient thing.

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Stop slandering pussies.

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By that term do you mean what the term originally meant--CAT--or the thing those weird trans dudes wearing masks and taking hormones imagine they desperately want to have for themselves?

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Under 30, many of us thought we were invincible. I didn’t, as in other people tried tire skiing and I didn’t, and I was irrationally afraid of roller coasters until around the seventh grade. I think I remember in grade school hearing about the green house effect and thinking there was something off about it.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Its not about the broken people. The folks are essentially another civilization now, a whole religion, where covid theatre is as diligently observed as the hijab or burka for devout muslims.

Fortunately they are few. But, they vote, and often are motivated to find jobs as virus pests in positions of great annoyance.

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You just wait till the bastards whip up their next phony pandemic and see how "few" they are -- as in at least 95% of the population. My wife and I have been living like hermits for the past three years, will continue to do so, thanks to the imbeciles who made our lives Hell on Earth.

November 2021 British Columbia was nearing Level 5 of the Genocide progression scale; we were living in daily fear of arbitary arrest, indefinite imprisonment, because we will not take an experimental, proven deadly dangerous, drug...


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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

It's not the disease itself I'm afraid of; he** I'm almost certainly naturally immune by now, and I protect myself otherwise (Vit. D, etc.) as one ought. But the CovIdiocy, that's the most fearful thing because it's insane. Arbitrarily arrested not because you are actually infected or are really sick with symptoms and definitely transmitted a genuinely deadly disease to a real person who was for sure harmed. No, arrested because you weren't willing pretend to be sick and weren't willing to protect some anonymous stranger whom you may never have actual contact with, from some imaginary form of transmission for which there is no proof, and for committing no demonstrated harm.

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There’s no immunity to this disease, like there is no immunity to any respiratory virus or flu. This was widely accepted and known prior to this ginned up pandemic. The only thing infecting you will do is lessen the blow the next time you fall Ill. I’ve read much about the cyclical nature of these types of virus outbreaks. Basically it’s about once every other generation or so. Eugypius may have even written on it before. These lunatics are actually doing more harm to themselves and there too stupid to know it. Both mentally, and physically. They are suppressing there immune systems. Only hope for the rest of us is they keep injecting the worthless jabs over and over until they all die off.

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Back to square A. The TERRAIN IS ALL! Get the jab and F your immune system! Well done! VERY WELL DONE!

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Not sure I'd agree with those first two statements. But to clarify, I'm almost certainly actively immune, as that term is commonly defined: active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. The body makes an immune response, which can prevent future infection with the microorganism. I suspect I have been naturally exposed, that is to say, exposed but not through 'vaccination'. If that exposure didn't create any antibodies, then perhaps you can explain why I have never experienced any significant symptoms attributable to COVID.

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Your first line of defense for a new virus is your cell based innate immune system. Cell based, no antibodies. My immune system, bolstered by 8 months of vitamins C&D, quercetin and zinc destroyed the invaded cells before the virus could make viable copies. No reproduction means no antibodies were created. Not needed. My only symptom was waking from an amazingly intense fever sweat. If not too high, fever is good. It is your immune system recognizing and going all out to destroy the invader.

With Biden's mandates I was tested for antibodies, hoping to have evidence that I was already immunized by the live virus. Nope. No Antibodies. Twice.

It is only after reading Geert Vanden Bossche's book that I found out I have the best type of immunity. My Innate Cell Based Immune system was well trained by the infection, the zinc transported into the cells by the ionophore, quercetin, probably slowed viral reproduction so much my innate immune system was able to wipe it out. In the last year I have been exposed to the more contagious omnicron variants by jabbed coworkers.

I never had any symptom from the exposure. My immune system wiped it out and gained further training on the new variants.

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yes, this is part of why from what ive read a virus only weakens as it spreads. and over subsequent years will be weaker. As more and more and more people get infected there immune response is triggered and builds a memory for the future. If a slight variation of the virus emerges this memory will be activated if you get infected and you will have a less severe case. Seems it played out as the first wave of whatever this was more people had stronger symptoms, by the time it came back the next year most people only had basically a cold or no symptoms at all.

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You can't be immune to "Covid" because "Covid" doesn't exist.

2021 Patrick King was arrested and fined I think $1,200 for violating "Covid" measures in Alberta. Subpeoned Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of the Province to provide proof of the existence of the "Sars-Cov-2" virus.. She was unable to do so. That should have been the end of the Covid Scamdemic world wide, right then and there. But two weeks later the evil bitch was right back at her lies about "Covid"..



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You can be immune to Covid insofar as you don't buy into a single dribble's worth of horse manure about the entire propagandistic lie all talk about it is based upon.

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this stirs alot of academics up. Im with you on this 100%. I dont believe it exists as anything other than a seasonal outbreak of some sort that was of no real signifigance. Go down the virus rabbit hole and many will say no virus exists. its very interesting and the natural sceptic in me wants to believe it,

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YES! I remember that case in Alberta. The guy WON!

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Because you probably have vit d levels above 60

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Your memory B cells retain the info and will make antibodies when needed that fit that microbe

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Long- or even intermediate-term, the biggest danger affecting both individuals and society at large is the "arrested" ability to think rationally.

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Yes! It’s not like hitting someone with your car

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Yes but fear is so enjoyable! And the ¨We are all in this together¨ in all shops (prosody similar to the ¨Climate change¨ prosody, tremolo and all). and the holier-than-thou self-rightheousness, it is like Viagra for those who can't take 3 steps without some covid armor. But rest assured, they do this for US! Thank you, germophobes, you make my days! Warning, I identify as a virus! Hahahaha!

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Sorry to hear this. This is exactly the kind of thing I was concerned about happening in the states. I think it might have hit California and New York. I know in Connecticut at one point they were checking license plates to properly quarantine.

Here in Georgia we got a very lukewarm bit of this. Kemp talked out of both sides of his mouth not mandating masking, but encouraging proper mask hygiene.

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I now have some idea what it was to be a Jew in early Nazi Germany, as my civil rights and freedom of movement were more and more restricted; the province was broken into 4 or 5 "health zones"; you weren't allowed to pass from one zone to the other. I was banned from attending concerts, theatres, movies, sports events unless I presented a Covid "Vaccine Passport" app on my bloody cellphone. HELL!! I couldn't even attend a church social event with presenting that despicable app! Meanwhile the Canadian Federal Government banned travel by airplane, train or ship without covid vaccination and proof of same -- All of this completely illegal; in terms of international law, a violation of the Geneva Convention, the Helsinki Accord, the Nuremberg Code, under Canadian Law a violation of 6 major Federal Acts including the War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanities Act and several articles (I think 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 14) of Canada's gossamer constitution...

No matter. The bastards did it anyway...

November 15, 2021 having walked away from my job rather than take The Lethal Injection the next day on CFAX listened to Adrian Dix, BC's Minister of Health opine that vaccine refuseniks should be arrested and placed in quarantine camps and if it were in his power, he'd do so... Indeed, by November 2021 British Columbia was nearing Level 5 of the Genocide progression scale, because some of would not take an experimental, proven deadly dangerous, drug... https://genocidewatch.net/genocide-2/8-stages-of-genocide/

... And this morning I learned via local radio station CFAX-1070 that one Dr. Penney Ballam is to be awarded the Order of British Columbia for her work in the rollout of The Lethal Injections. If it were up to me she'd be Burned at the Stake. Literally.

Dix is still Minister of Health. "Butcher Bonnie" Henry is still Chief Provincial Health Officer. Both of them merit The Death Penalty under The Nuremberg Code.


PS And if you think "this can't happen in America" look up "Julian Assange" or "January 6" or "Tuskegee Syphilis Study"

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It can happen here. If they can run over our first amendment rights and keep pressing at others, soon for our own good we will be only allowed to move as per their permission and for our own good.

And it wouldn’t take much. I think the fires are priming people for some environmental event they claim is far more catastrophic than it actually is. And that’s been going on for awhile now. Accusing people wh aren’t dictators of being dictators, saying the world is ending when it isn’t, saying men are women when they aren’t, it’s all an effort to put us off balance so we lose our footing.

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Far far better than Cuomo in New York

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Looks similar to this "Sequence of cult behaviours" one:


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Please God, save us from that!

Why are so many govt. officials willing to behave this way? Are they acting out of fear? Or superiority? They are likely impervious to the reality of their behavior. They need the "ain't I good!". Somehow believing in the vax has become an exclusive club that attracts far too many people.

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Because they are stupid, the system support them, and just like the nazis before Nuremberg, they think they are immune to prosecution because they were following orders. And they are drunk on their illusional perceived power. Fools! We'll deal with them at recess!

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what has happened to Canada.....trudie has to get the boot

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It's a lovely thought. Justin Castreau is Darth Schwab's Padawan... And what Darth Schwab wants, Darth Schwab gets...

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All of those quotes reflect mental illness. As time goes on, boosters will continue taking out the most mentally broken from the fear campaigns.

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And those responsible should be put on trial. “I was following protocol” should not be an acceptable answer.

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So much is captured in Eugyy's substack on "Saving Lives"

We had to increase the public's fear to fight vaccine hesitancy. We had to hide evidence of vaccine injuries and deaths to fight vaccine hesitancy. We were saving lives!!

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Good rid!

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I pray you are correct. Until then . . .

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Because they are pesky by nature, they are naturally suited for a bureaucratic position. This is the only way they can ¨shine¨. And they do shine, ..... the shoes of their puppet masters! Not all civil servants are like that, thanks God!

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They need to be deactvistated.

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Imagine a virus “so deadly/dangerous- that you have to constantly test for it, to see if you are sick”

Pure mind control

I’m a Respiratory Therapist, those people who are “constantly sick” from “mask lapses” most likely are constantly sick - BECAUSE they are wearing a mask all the time

One of the things that stuck out most to me in my training as an RT, was that we were told bluntly: “it’s not wise, healthy or safe- to wear a mask for long periods of time”

But, that was years ago- before the “science” meshed with big Pharmas wildest dreams

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I firmly believe it's the masks, and all the excess CO2 re-respirated.

This CO2 should not be misconstrued as Climate Change.

Just a fact of life...

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Yes. Breathing your own exhauled carbon dioxide can make you gumpy, among other things....but maybe that is the point of the "science"; i.e. it makes the "science" more effective as a tool for compliance/behaior modification---the gumpier the better:-)

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Ironically- it also kills brain cells...literally 😳

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My understanding is that breathing carbon dioxide is also very hard on the heart. Just to add to the heart damage from the super sketchy injections

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Your understanding is correct- it’s VERY hard on the heart…

Can even help with leading to heart failure 🤔

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I hate media stories where a person says they masked constantly except for a minute or two and blame their infection on that moment.

3 years to admit masks are useless or actually worse than useless. Instead they still push the idea we need to mask harder.

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Jason Smith some of the masks I saw customers wearing were beyond filthy gross.

I used to get looks off of some for not wearing a mask while shopping, I always found the muzzled were always miserable looking, the unmasked would smile and nod to each other.

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The masks were a giant social experiment...

Your observations are correct

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Badge of allegiance fear reminder.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Damn I actually feel slightly bad for these people who are so terrorized from the propaganda, what a horrible way to go through life. They should turn off access to the outside world - or as Joe Biden says the Victrola - go outside and get some nature, some dirt under the fingers, some sun, drink from a garden hose and go barefoot.

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Don't feel bad, just remember how they acted when they had the whip hand

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True they wanted to lock us up in camps and wanted us to drop dead.

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You feel bad for them? I don't. They should get their boosters up-to-date.. better yet, double the recommended dosage each time to be on the safe side.

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Slightly...but I do waiver from compassion to disdain, disgust and disbelief anyone could be so weak minded.

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If you'd experienced what I had, I imagine you'd feel a lot less compassion... 🤔

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Exactly. Next door in Alberta was not much better. Until the premier was forced out and Smith took over it was just horrible. But we survived it and now getting ready for "round 2" as the WHO takes over pandemic response.

I'm still compassionate. I'd be happy to give these people a ride to the clinic for their next booster LOL.

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That's compassion as I like it! Hahahaha!

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Indeed, those zombies spoke ill of us, they were willing to round us up like good little brown shirts. One of my new friends lost basically all of her friends, because they told her ¨We condone harsh punishments for people like you!!¨. Why would you need enemies when you have friends like that, I am asking you!!! Well, now she has me as a friend. Merry go-round, what goes up must come down, spinning whell got to go round!. Yes, I remember the sideways looks on some zombies face. Many of my friends got vaxxed, but not a single one blamed me for not being jabbed. I have good friends. Asked my angel to go see their angels, move their ass and make sure they had a =relatively- good batch or saline. So far one friend near heart attack, that's all. Fingers crossed!

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Sorry for whatever it was. It is a sad time to be alive and watch my fellow countrymen go through this shit.

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These people should definitely follow Dana Carveys advice and get a daily booster.

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The 37 seconds of immunity is glorious

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A boisterous booster!

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It gets harder, when you have to distinguish between the general moron, that believes everything an authority tells them, and your entire extended family, who you know are good people, but simply fell pray to the propaganda.


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They are their own worst enemy. They will inflict their neurotic views on everyone they can. While I don't wish vile health on others, cause that's just poor karma, I can't really say I care at all when they get theirs. I always wonder what goes through their minds when they finally realize it.

# Here's some people who found out the hard way that they just weren't that important ...













# War Criminals Who Got High On Their Own Supply











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Wrestle with Corn Pop

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Sun bleached blonde leg hairs

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

And don't forget we're also supposed to panic about leprosy, as there was an outbreak of one case in Florida.

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Damn armadillo’s.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It's in Texas that the armadillo's are life threatening. Florida just is life threatening.(sarcasm).

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Fun fact armadillo’ are only animal besides humans that get leprosy.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Yeah...I hate those damn armadillos. They think they're so freakin cute. Ha!

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And I believe it was a gardener/lanscaper who apparently has suffered from same for 5 years...

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Apparently what set off the latest flurry of reports was a case study of 1 by a medical student or recent graduate in the CDC's own journal

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Yes cases have DOUBLED

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Break out the masks. Better get a jab.

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100% increase in cases!!!!

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Read up on how the "vaccines" "down-regulate" your immune systems response to bacteria, viruses and fungi. Stuff like leprosy can become a real threat to those "fully vaccinated".

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Actually, the point is that one case study written up in Florida is causing panic headlines about an epidemic of leprosy.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

They belong in asylums, and the people who did this to them belong in prison.


You hit the nail on the head man. I've never seen so many who have been reduced to sniveling fools.

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This - exactly right

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I'm outta popcorn.

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My wife and I thank you for our morning belly laugh.

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Best comment yet.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Covid psychosis is a terrible disease. May those inflicted find a cure soon.

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Trouble is, I don't think they want a cure. They're relishing in the psychosis.

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Perhaps they want to believe their fear was justified. Finding out that covid is no big deal for most invalidates their fear of it.

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I think they won’t admit they were tricked

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they want to believe they didn't do this to themselves.

My sister insists she has long covid with hair loss. I tried to point out that the fainting and hair loss started with the first jabs, months before she caught the coof itself.

I can't reason with her. I just want her to stop the masking and jabbing

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Ditto, my neice

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I read this last night. Now I'm angry and depressed about it and like Eugy says - it'll never end

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sending hugs. We've both tried to dissuade the self harm and those trying to harm us. All we can do.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This type of pandemic zealotry is actually a form of partisanship in the US. It is an internalized blue team virtue signaling, a form of long-TDS.

Where does it stem from in Europe and some of the Asian countries? I don’t get it.

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It's the same the whole world over because only 10%-15% of any group you can name will question authority to the point of saying "NO" and standing their ground.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I should be getting a check in the mail NEVER GOT TESTED FOR 🦠 🤧😷

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I never did either. At some point during CovidMania™️, I received an email from Mayo instructing me to test anytime I had ‘cold, flu or allergy symptoms’. I have some mild allergies and constantly have ‘allergy symptoms’ -- they wanted me to stick their poison swab in my nose, what, daily? Weekly? Hourly? Yeah, no thanks, Mayo. I wouldn’t have done it if they’d paid me.

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In April I got 24 pcr tests in the mail. I distributed them to covididian friends and family. A few weeks ago a Medicare statement arrived showing that Medicare had paid over $500 for those unsolicited boxes.

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Given how much money was made on testing kits through government channels, middle men sellers must be very well connected. I would not be surprised if they were behind the article, including warnings about expired tests giving bad results.

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Sounds more like antigen tests than PCR.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The really sad thing about a lot of this, is that we've known conclusively for many decades about the size of viruses and bacteria, and how viruses travel through the atmosphere. And those silly paper masks were never anything more than a psyop, meant to keep people apart and make us constantly afraid of each other. And it seems to have worked very well on poorly educated, scientifically illiterate, easily frightened people. Public "education" has been sending us back into the Stone Age. And the powers that be are using this on many fronts - see "gender theory" & "climate change".

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Although the majority of hard core makers and covid swab testers I know practice medicine as physicians! I would argue they are scientifically illiterate, but very well educated/indoctrinated.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Spot on. Most people don't realize that doctors are largely NOT scientists - they repeat what they've been taught, don't dive into the details of studies, most can't differentiate between a valid study and a poorly constructed one, and certainly wouldn't know when the study is complete fraud, as we've discovered with at least half of those that have made it into the journals.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Many years ago when I was an engineering student, we had a very prominent professor teaching a notoriously difficult class in fluid dynamics. The homework took forever and we all bitched about it endlessly to each other. One student made the mistake of complaining to the professor in class about it, and got "the lecture."

In his thick German accent, the professor allowed as how engineering required you to think, analyze, and come up with a workable solution. That if you just wanted to be able to memorize facts and regurgitate them, perhaps you should have gone to medical school, because engineering was not for you!

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The "educated " part was entirely unnecessary.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

"very well educated/indoctrinated."

I would not say "well educated". Maybe highly, technically trained would be a better descriptor.

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Able to memorize gobs of data but they've had the ability to question authority beaten out of them. Most are just in it for the money.

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Like lawyers - good memory, good salary...

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Many studies back this up. Paper masks do nothing to cut viral infections

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Reminds me of a photo of a pair of underwear compared to the masks of the day. 💨

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

These people are certifiably mentally ill. The sad thing is these people and their children will only become more compulsive and neurotic and will eventually become non functioning members of society.

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We’re already into 2 or more generations of non-functioning adult children.

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Yes sadly I know this is true. I’m older and am on the tail

end of my life...what will it be like for my nieces and their young children? (I have no children.)

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I’m also old and my concerns are for my children and grandchildren, extended family and friends. I’m good, no fear.

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We worked very hard to ensure that outcome!

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We did and do.

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"eventually" ???

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

*Happily Camenzind consulted his fellow online virus freaks and they helped him locate a precious free test, lurking unnoticed like Albrich’s Ring in the cabinets of a local apothecary*

This leavened an otherwise horribly depressing read with a moment of morning joy (hi, Kamala!).

None of these people will ever again be able to cope with the normal challenges of life on a microbe-riddled planet. I can remember back to learning about germs, a very long time ago, but I think in honesty my devotion to hand-washing comes more from a serious dislike of greasy or sticky things possibly adhering to my fingers than from any fear of dirt.

Long Covid? Indeed. They gonna stretch it to breaking point and beyond, and stitch it and mend it to stretch it as far as they can, again.

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I would liken it to Howard Hughes's famous germophobia, but even he wasn't this bad. And at the time he was considered a total wingnut on the subject.

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Kamala gives you morning joy? That's way, way, way TMI

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You must not keep up with her cavalcade of deathless words.

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hahaha...that's me....Sometimes the handles of the shopping carts in the stores have some indeterminate sticky crud on the underneath...pretty sure is stuff from someone's nose or whatever, but grosses me out so badly that's the only time I whip out a tiny bottle of sanitizer. people also need to understand that regularly using sanitizers is just fueling the spread of potentially fatal C Diff in hospitals and medical settings. People are using those *helpful* sanitizer stands in lieu of soap and water. Sanitizer doesn't kill C Diff, but soap and water does.

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The lovely supermarket near me has spray containers of cleaning solutions and boxes of paper towels near the entrance to deal with stuff like that. I also figured out years ago that the tear-off produce bags are long enough to lay over those handles if needed.

Soil filled with the excreta of bugs and worms etc. etc. etc. don't bother me none. I garden bare-handed.

But you want to kill me quick? Drop me in a vat of cold fried chicken.

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Grocery stores in our region all have a dispenser of sanitizing wipes at the entrance, from long before Covid. I used to use them. Now I figure, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger 😜

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Well, again, it's degrees of ick for me rather than a terror of germs. You're sitting next to me and you sneeze into a tissue or, in worst case, your sleeve, I ain't gonna run screaming.

But you leave a crumpled bag, covered with grease stains from a nice juicy burger, on the last seat on the crowded bus and I'm weary unto death?

I'll die standing.

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Loved reading that, I could feel it

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Fun memory that your bus example brought back: A few years ago a degenerate 'yout' of a hue-that-cannot-be-named dumped his mc'garbage - soda cup, napkins, wrappers, everything; right in the aisle on his way to the exit door. Until... A quite small 20-something woman absolutely railed on him until he picked it all up and deposited it in the garbage near the driver. It was awesome! We all cheered for her.

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It has been my lifelong experience that degenerate youts come in all colors. Their degenerate elders do too.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by eugyppius

And the Emperor still has no clothes.

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"The panic drums just keep beating for the next round of virus miracle juice." Pure art.

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It broke a lot of people, but it seems only a very small minority. I am happy now to report I haven't seen a mask for 6 months now. Last year at this time I was disconcerted because masking seemed to increase again, but it was short lived.

Somehow I hope they will try to bring it back like it is 2021, so that we can how many people have learned and stay sane this time.

Our poor health minister Lauterbach switched to Global Boiling this year, but even for him it is hard to keep it up in the face of a cool, rainy summer. I guess he will try to bring back Covid in a few months.

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I just came back from a wonderful vacation in Croatia...not a mask in sight.

I flew through Frankfurt (going) and Vienna (returning) airports connecting to my Air Canada flights. A few masks in Vienna, a few more in Frankfurt and it only got worse as I got closer to Canada! Masks are still fairly common here but not hordes and hordes at least.

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I went for a swim, and I am full of blisters! Hahahaha! I am litterally floating around, hoping they will not deflate all at once or else! It is eerie!

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