It's all really just a massive workfare scheme for those credentialled into blithering idiocy, isn't it?

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that would be my read.

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I believe it is more sinister than that, acknowledging your previous theory that the plandemic was mostly a bureaucratic outcome.

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Whilst your analysis is the least scary I've read, I'm inclined to think that it's dangers lie exactly in it's vagueness. I believe that when a document, in the case the Treaty, says nothing clearly, it can claim to say anything it wants. Perhaps I'm being too sceptical but, it was you who first suggested that the Pandemic was in fact a Pandemic of middle management and I realised you were very probably correct. Isn't this exactly the kind of Treaty they would love????

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They didn't go to all this Obfuscation and Jargon Trouble for nothing.

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But this is who they are, it's the way they think and speak - it's almost inherently natural to them one would think. I mean, it could be a nefarious cloak of vacuity and double-speak. One can't put that past them, for sure.

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That's true, but these people are bad news. Maybe most of the people voting on this are clueless, but the real authors must be very serious about this document ... for some reasons.

Even if I'm wrong, that's probably the "safe" assumption to make. Don't give them any benefit of doubt. Assume the worst.

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I work indirectly with these folks. They're not all bad people. But what they definitely are is Bubble People. They have no contact with the real world and can get away with verbose, candyfloss garbage like this.

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But this is exactly who they are and how they talk because they really think they're all that. they don't know how to communicate in any other way - but people overall are done with them. I don't think it's all the scary things the internet wants us to believe. Best thing we can do is ignore it is my read on it and has been for quite awhile. (Regardless, we have no say in what our stupid politicians decide to do anyways - so we disobey and do what we want when we want and who cares what a treaty says or doesn't say...)

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The real test will be when there is only digital currency

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I think it will fail in a lot of places. In the US, it will fail in the same way the vaxxes did. The Blue States will lap it up, but many Red States will become "Cash, gold or barter" havens. China will probably go for it because they are communists. Not so sure about Africa, Russia, Latin America, etc. I think the only place where it will really fly is in Canada and Australia, as well as here in Europe. Can and Aus are the WEF testing grounds and are filled with people who just rolled over for the jabs (excepting the truckers). Meanwhile, in Europe, with many honourable exceptions, we have the most supine population on the planet. However, I hope to be surprised.

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China already has a central bank digital currency created debt free to fund all their government spending on infrastructure.

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I just don't see this happening. Not for a very very long time. And as long as people keep using cash, it will postpone it more and more.

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We beat the Covid "pandemic"; we'll beat whatever they throw at us next.

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No we did not beat the covid pandemic scam the whole world submitted to it ,with some exceptions .Very few will refuse to follow the next scamdemic terror .,just like in the last one . If someone is born stupid they will in most cases remain stupid for life . Some 7 billion people where injected with venom ,most of them willingly ,like my wife .Day by day and after that year by year we will see the result of the pharma murder program in real time .The millions harmed and murdered is only the beginning .

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I disagree. Their objective was to get everyone vaccinated. 30% didn't. And among those 30% where most of the freedom-loving folks whom they have to destroy. We are here, we survived and we are ready for their next move.

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You may not have noticed ,that I wrote with some exceptions .The exceptions are the ones like you or me ,,a pitiful minority .

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When vaccinations become mandatory you will think otherwise, especially when they cut you off from your bank account. They won't even bother to arrest you.

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We'll see. Great changes are pushed through not by the sheepish majority but by a significant minority. There's too much defeatism in the air at the moment.

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It's way worse than that. I had an acquaintance years ago, who in his younger days had worked for a non-profit whose purpose was to improve children's health in Africa. To that end they put together a polio vaccination program working with village health clinics. They started small, but has the word got out they expanded the program rapidly. He said the all-in cost was about $1 per vaccinated kid. They got the attention of the WHO, who decided that some small fry non-profit was stepping on their turf, so they fostered rumors with the national governments that their vaccines were "contaminated" and produced a single kid with a side effect to prove their point. The governments pulled the plug on the non-profit and sent them fleeing out of the countries. The WHO eventually moved in and did a much smaller vaccination program at the cost of about $100 per vaccinated kid.

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I've worked for non-profits and for a grantmaking foundation and eventually founded a tiny little women's center myself, and I've seen the amazing idiocy of smart people working for the world's good. They are morons to the infinite power. And there's great competition amongst them to be the most powerful moron in the land. Genuine sociopaths are rarer.

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the path to hell is paved with good intentions, so sociopaths are not needed.

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They write the signposts.

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Some of the nastiest peope I have met worked for NPs and NGOs.

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No kidding.

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<A HREF="https://legalinsurrection.com/2024/02/ms-society-apologizes-for-dismissal-of-90-year-old-volunteer-over-pronoun-questions-after-intense-backlash/">"Multiple Sclerosis Society ‘Apologizes’ for Dismissal of 90-Year-Old Volunteer Over Pronoun Questions After Intense Backlash"</a>

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That's why I get fed up with the defeatism on our side. When people stand up, things happen. Here in Switzerland, we've had one of the smaller farmer revolts, but even so, our crappy WEF-ruled government has been forced to cancel many of the crazy green measures.

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I saw that

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Simply providing a concrete example of "the amazing idiocy of smart people working for the world's good."

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What is it with the vaccination programs in Africa? I guess you can kill more people more easily? Test the bad vaccines on Third World People of Color before you roll them out to first World White Soccer Moms?

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Because the globalists are racist scum who hated black people.

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Can't use Tuskegee no more, cat's out of the bag.

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It's so easy to bribe/terrorize poor people into silence. And heck. They're always crying over dead babies anyway. What's one more?

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It is more than that. You will own nothing and be a feudal pawn at their mercy to be killed off with a poisonous vaccine, whenever you are deemed to have criticised your overlords in Davos.

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Oh, OK then.

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You can be, Frank. Include me out.

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I worry about my eight grandchildren's future.

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Same here, Frank, although I have fewer than you. However, I have no control over it, so I just try my feeble best to make them strong and self-reliant in the here and now. Better or worse, the world is going to look rather different by 2050.

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I totally feel the pain of reading this idiocy formulated by sub-humans with no redeeming values or ability to contribute in any manner to life other than sitting in meetings all day. In my naïveté thinking I could help was formerly part of a state of California health quality management assessment team and regional director sitting in on these meetings where unbelievably individuals go back and forth endlessly whether to use the term, shall or should, to implement a process.

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They are completely, utterly, absolutely fully human in these idiocies. We are a complex species.

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Not so sure. Most of these globalists like Tedros, Schwab, Johnson seem demonic.

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I disagree with attributing the worst of our natures to anything but ourselves.

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The globalists are dangerous mutants.

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And provide another batch of completely unaccounted slush funds.

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They call them charitable trusts that exist in perpetuity, because they don't pay tax.

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"a massive workfare scheme for those credentialed"

Yeah, that would be the entire field of "virology". There is no such thing as "contagious disease" and "viruses" don't exist. There was NO Covid19 "pandemic", (or ANY "pandemic" for that matter). "Covid19" was 100% theater.

The vast majority of all "Covid19 deaths" were fraudulently created by using a simple name-changing scheme. Millions of elderly people who were already normally dying from regular “old people medical conditions” were suddenly reclassified into "COVID19 victims" instead. Hospitals and nursing homes were simply given extra money, (with no questions asked), if "Covid19" was cited on medical records or death certificates. These massive fraudulent "Covid Death Counts" were additionally spiked because hospitals were essentially bribed to kill their own patients using ventilators and toxic drug cocktails, so long as those patients were "diagnosed" with "Covid19" first. (Hospitals got $13K for a "positive Covid Case" and $39K if they put the patient on a ventilator, which had a 97% death rate).

Exposing the fraud of germ theory is the BEST possible solution to "defeat the Great Reset." This is the most powerful hidden truth, because humanity actually has the ability to stop it, (by refusing ALL vaccinations, total avoidance of the medical system aside from injuries, poisonings or other emergency care, and most importantly, to stop being afraid of each other).

The elites who are enacting the Great Reset MUST keep the medical establishment in tact to keep control. (It's $10 Trillion/year that's at stake for them too). This is the most important debate happening right now. This changes everything.

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Buddy, promise us that if a bat bites you you're gonna stick to your prescribed regimen. I mean like swear on your life.

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Never been bit by a bat. Who cares. What "contagious disease" are you referring to that you think the bat is going to give to you?

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Oh, it ain't gonna give it to me.

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Correct. A bat bite is not going to give you or me any "contagious diseases", because those don't exist.

What's your regiment when a mosquito bites you? Do you go to the doctor and ask for help?

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I feel very comfortable with you following your own advice.

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The problem with really, really stupid policy propositions is that they are often enacted.

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WHO is part of the UN. The UN has been pumping out resolutions, declarations and laws since 1945. How many of them have been respected? Very few. I don't care if my national government signs up: I'm not playing.

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The UN should be disbanded. It was a mistake from the very beginning. They have literally never done one positive thing. They are corrupt bureaucrats grifting off of the "one world" utopians money. Just remember - Srcebencia, Rwanda, and Congo rape squads for a sample of how useless and evil they are.

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Yes WHO the hell do they think they are?

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Particularly as they have just selected North Korea to sit on their Executive Board. How about that? North Korea finally getting a say on our health. Very democratic.

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Link:- https://www.newsweek.com/north-koreas-new-power-who-sparks-outrage-1803667

Other countries joining the executive board are Australia, Barbados, Cameroon, Comoros, Lesotho, Qatar, Switzerland, Togo and Ukraine. One can only wonder what at least five of these countries could possibly offer in terms of scientific knowledge.

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The NK leaders killed 2m or so people in their last famine, so I would imagine they would be welcomed by the globalists with open arms.

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The US military forces killed 3 million Vietnamese people with agent orange, high explosive bombing and machine gun strafing from helicopter gunships, but no one called it genocide.

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No argument from me, Frank. And unlike the US neocons, the Norks don't dress up their killing in the language of fake democracy and "saving the world".

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not playing or paying

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You will not have a choice in the matter.

Suggest you read 'Killing Hope" by William Blum that is an expose of the CIA

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Stop being so frigging negative.

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I was always an optimist before I read "Killing Hope"

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I completely agree. That’s what they count on.

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Eugyppius, you are a hero. Thank you for spending your precious time wading through this guff. You deserve a large drink.

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Or two...

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I'm worried that Eugy is really a masochist disguised as an altruist🥺

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It is the same type of document as the UN's list of "human rights". The nations that actually care about and believe in the good cause for real will pay greatly to their own detriment to change their ways to be in accordance with the treaty.

Other nations, whose cultural mores aren't in line with the document, will instead use it as leverage to continue to plunder and loot the naive true belibver-signatories.

Remember, the USSR was party to the UN's "human rights" delusion, happily so since it gave them leverage whenever US, UK, Israel or anyone else among their enemies ran rough-shod over said "rights" in the name of some cause or other.

For an example of how important the ethnicity/kultur of a singatory is, look at Italy. All those billions of Euros paid from the rest of the Union to help "save Venice"? Anything to show for it? Nope. Monetary aid to Greece because their inherently corrupted (by Pasok back in their heyday) bureaucracy is incorrigible and it is easier to blame the germans for events 70+ years ago? Hey, why not blame the turks too when you're at it.

And then look at how EU-funds are handled in Finland, Denmark and the Baltic states. Virtually not a cent goes awry. Rules and regs are adhered to even when it cost said nations billion upon billion in net loss to do so, year after year.

Because of culture. Now imagine a global "health concil" with coercive powers under the sway of Saudi Arabia, China and Zimbabwe.

The western nations must - if we are to survive - cut ties with all the old organisations, withdraw all funding, demand full audits and full disclosure including corrupt southern and third world states giving up resources or territory to pay back the trillions swindled since the 1950s, and then we can if we feel the need form new organisations for orderly and public negotiations only.

But no more UN, WHO, WEF, WTF, World Bank and so on. No more. All it has done is made us poorer so that now there are singular US corporations worth more than the german stock market in its entirety.


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According to the world famous engineer Ursula vd Leyen, Venice would be in 10000m of raw sewage unless the EU has washed everything in Euros. Now it's swimming in 0.5m of raw sewage. Totally transformed.

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Oh well praise be, right?

Meanwhile, we are starting to experience yearly flooding in parts of Sweden due to our basic infrastructure (built in the 1950s) not receiving funding.

Got to pay that 1% of GDP in "foreign aid" plus tens of billions to the UN every year and what is it now, some 40 billion to the EU, and also 2%+ of our GDP for migration-related costs, and all the climate billions and subsidising chinese-made and chinese-owned windmills that won't work in a) winter b) too windy c) not windy enough d) all of the previous, and. . .

Burn the effing EU.

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We did in the UK, but our Political types didn't want to leave and so now try to get us to re-join. I'm sure the vindictive EU will - after due protest and payment of even more money - agree to 'Norway' terms.

Meanwhile our Net Zero scam appears to have had no cost calculations at all. Woops.

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Net Zero: without CO2 in the gas atmosphere all plant life will die off, because then photosynthesis cannot take place.

in any case warming of the oceans precedes CO2 increases by 500 years as proven by the Vostok ice drilling cores in the Antarctic.

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Exactly. They put the cart before the horse.

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Wise words, and of course, the truth. Oddly our politicians think they don't need such important information to chase clouds and butterflies.

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I'm willing to bet that your migrant related cost is actually much, much higher than 2%

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No takers on that bet.

2% of GDP is the low-end estimate by a researcher in economics, the only one who's looked at the actual costs, and he very explicitly only included the immediate costs (housing, interpreters, and so on), not secondary and tertiary costs such as criminality, permanent welfare dependence et cetera.

He (Ruist) was the darling of our media in 2014 and was suppsoed to "shut all the nasty racists up for good", and was incited on national TV to present his results and answer questions.

Problem was, Ruist is an actual scientist and researcher and he flat out told the interviewer that he never took a political stance in his work since politics has nothing to do with science and research: only facts matters and to handle actual situations you need factual information, not politically correct and adapted information.

He's never been invited back and has never been referred to again by our media.

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I was told in the 1990s that Venice would be underwater by 2000. Thank God we fixed global warming.

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Indeed. Thank goodness.

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You forgot the CIA and Mossad.

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Eh, can't list all the parasitoids consuming civilisation. I'd wear out the keyboard.

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Perfect, Rikard. Thank you. So much comes down to basic culture. We all ought to be pointing out this fact of human reality.

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The trouble with vague language is that it can be deployed to support the desired interpretation.

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As I see it, this matters primarily where the treaty allows WHO functionaries to inspect, determine, intervene, etc., or where it specifies that WHO guidelines will determine how X or Y is done. There's surprisingly few points in the proposal like this.

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"The trouble with vague language is that it can be deployed to support the desired interpretation."

"The purpose of vague language is that it will be deployed to support the desired interpretation."

Or am I grown too cynical?

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You can't be too cynical in this day and age. Many commentators in the alt-blogosphere like to quote Hanlon's Law to explain what's going on: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance.” I find this incredibly naive and a relic from a kinder age. Today you are not paranoid to believe that it is exactly the inverse.

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In the swedish translation of Hanlon's razor, it goes like this:

"Tillskriv inte till ondska det som bättre kan förklaras med dumhet"

A back-translation would become:

"Attribute not to evil that which can be better explained by stupidity"

However, dumhet (stupidity) can also mean petty maliciousness as well as stupidity and ignorance, all in one go.

As for paranoia, prey species never stop to check if the motion in the bushes is a wolf. They bolt no matter what it is, and thus better their odds of surviving. I no longer wonder why so much energy is spent to at the same time "Beware! Doom awaits thee!" and "And is fine and only wrongthinking traitorous bigots say it's not!".

It's keep us panicking and unable to think rationally, and to quiet us from sharing knowledge and experieinces, and becoming a global "We" or "Us" against the elite.

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It is getting harder to remain in a constant state of panic and maybe that’s a good thing. Censorship of the internet in sync by all our western governments is what I am worried about.

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It sounds awesome in Swedish. I'm keeping that as a chat-up line.

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Thanks for the edit :)

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Like the new vague, whispery "catch-all" anti-free speech laws popping up all over.

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I worry about you Eugyppius, mate.

You read it 5 times? Are you OK? Did you get bored with counting your hair follicles that day? Creating a model of the Eiffel Tower from your toenail clippings not sufficiently entertaining?

It reads like something Kamala Harris wrote : to bring the light of light to strengthen the strength of those who need light and strength to be light and strong with interdependent interconnectedness that only light and strength can bring. Together in togetherness we will be sustainably together in the light of strength.

I am impressed with your dedication and the sacrifice of brain cells that it took to wade through this shit.

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Every time I read or see something that Kamala says, I have to do it twice...,thinking I must have missed something.

In all cases, I didn't miss anything.

Word salads are bad enough, but stringing emotives together to reach ... nothing.

Kamala has perfected this...

And then she cackles...

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“All the jargon is there, all the correct genuflections to the right orthodox concepts, merely with a resolute indifference to communicating anything. “

The drafting of these nonsensical manifestos provides critical jobs to the liberal arts and humanities majors of the world.

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Hell, all those blue-haired gender studies grads have to work somewhere.

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'“promote … knowledge translation and evidence-based communication tools … relating to pandemic prevention … including infodemic management.” What the significance of this can be, given that all of our countries are already deeply interested in virus propaganda, is very unclear, and our proposal has no interest in specifying.'

'Infodemic management'. I would be more concerned about this than eugyppius appears to be. It's part and parcel of the sprawling, burgeoning Censorship Industrial Complex, becoming widespread in fields other than virology.

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I agree it's not great, but it's hard to take all that seriously given the fact that the infodemic management is not attached to any remotely concrete measure. The whole treaty is like this. If you filter it for actual, well-defined measures and obligations, you are left with a few hundred words.

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It's not an either-or. It's BOTH. And we need to be comfortable with 2 very different perspectives. Eugyppius has done us all a huge favor, by lowering the emotional intensity & fear factor. Thus calmed and reassured emotionally, we are now better positioned to respond in a more logical and effective manner. Lets neither exaggerate, nor underestimate the legitimate threat here. And, BIG KUDOS to all the commenters here. This is an EXCELLENT discussion, which I am grateful to see on a Friday afternoon. We need more of this type of conversation, shall we?....

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It's Friday already?

This is what happens when "Rawhide" and "Route 66" aren't on network TV anymore . Every day is the same now.

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I'm dating myself, but I watched both of those shows when they were originally broadcast.

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They formed my taste in men so early I could not be saved. Little girls aren't supposed to be in love with, say, Richard Boone.

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Rowdy Yates...

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Pointless anecdote…I was recently stuck in a waiting room for an entire day, with three other people. The TV was on some channel that only shows vintage westerns. Wagon Train, The Rifleman, Gunsmoke, The Virginian, and a couple that I never saw before. Boy, were they bad. We had a lot of fun making fun of them, à la Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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They stopped showing Hawaiian Eye every night on ME-TV so now it’s either bedtime at 930 or the insufferably lame Have Gun, Will Travel….

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You grieve me beyond measure. I love Paladin.

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