This story has even made it into the Anglophone press, so you know it’s a big deal: “German transport minister warns of weekend driving ban,” says The Telegraph.
I'm probably repeating myself but late-stage climatism is a lot like late-stage communism: nobody believes it anymore, everyone sees it isn't going anywhere, but people still perform the rituals.
ESG = Engineering Scarcity Globally. The rat knows that the logical conclusion to climatism is permanently ending all of our carbon emissions. I'll be posting a satirical video of a Greta-style struggle sesssion Tuesday which I think you gents will enjoy ;)
I beg to differ; it depends where you are on the food chain... but I guess that was also true for the "communists".
One very important difference is that the Western propaganda is way better and people believe it, unlike in "communist" countries, very few were.
In "communist" countries, propaganda was backed by intimidation, while in current capitalist systems mostly by persuasion ("manufacturing consent")... but this will probably change, as the capitalist systems continue to rot.
When the Soviet Union dissolved the former communist citizens were literally gobsmacked when they realized all the news about the West was actually true!
Because the State lied so badly about everything domestically there was absolutely no trust that the State could actually tell the truth.
Exactly! I was born in Romania and I used to think that everything we were told by the commies were envious lies... I had to come to US and get older to understand that many of the things we were told about the West were 100% correct!
Not only do they still believe in climatism, it is an article of such true faith with them, that they consider anyone with a different point of view as utterly ignorant, as a "climate denier." There are times when lefties don't actually believe their own BS, but climatism is an exception.
2030-ish represents the moment when there is no going back to the olde world. The Singularity if you will. This puts tropes like 'climate change' into perspective. It represents *something* like cOvid did, like Jebus, but they are not actual literal things as presented to the masses. The tighter folks hold on to literal ideas of how things are, the more chaotic the world will necessarily become to disengage them from their beliefs. Madness ensues if one can't let go.
I hope you are right. One reason I doubt it, though, is that the very specific, completely wrong, climate forecasts, like "millions dying of starvation," or "Ice free Northern Passage," from the 1970s are just forgotten, while the movement itself is still strong.
It's as if adults are trying to discuss something without the children grasping what they are saying. So instead they'll write words down and show each other, or spell words out over the children's heads. It's code.
I can guarantee one thing: if they really have driving bans for weekends in summer, people who booked holiday homes/hotels for the summer holidays months ago and expect to drive to their destinations, will be ROYALLY PISSED OFF and voter approval will shrink as a shenis shrivels under the cold, cold stares of an entire fitness center changing room of women.
Even the most stupid politicians must have realized this. It's clear that current legislation initiated by the government is of the "Burnt Earth" type, e.g. they know it will create massive problems and hugely backfire, but it won't be their circus and their monkeys any more as they'll be voted out of power ere long.
Tho I would advise all possessors of two X chromosomes in a changing room to stare at anything else, for that be the attention that is sought by the shenis owner. It will be the withering non-stares that cause it to shrivel. Hopefully forever.
This leaves the current regime with three options: 1) Stop the stupidity before it gets them voted out of office. 2) Allow the crazy train to roll and get voted out of office. 3) Cheat the elections (and risk far more serious consequences down the road).
1) I don't think they can do it. They can't change their song at this late hour, and voters are pretty disenchanted with them all.
2) I think they are preparing for that. They upped funding for favourite programmes of NGOs and think-tanks they like from four to eight years, probably guessing correctly that their successors would rather not fund these organizations.
3) I don't think they will. I think they are a bit helpless, probably they'll try to get AfD banned and scare the Bejeesus out of the Conservative Party to make sure they won't get into a coalition with AfD if it can't get banned. They're probably going for a Green-Black coalition, hoping they will still be able to dictate major policy points.
I wonder if anyone has noticed ,that voting is for the Dummies .The ones running this planet appoint them self ,like Schwab ,Tetros ,Gates ,Biden ,Burla with his big Pharma gang .Did i forget any ? Please add on ,until you run out of space .
This voting out game has been going on for a long time .I'm more scared of the new ones coming in ,than the old ones leaving .To solve that problem ,you must always vote for yourself in all situations ,not for someone else .
Yes, even the stupidest politicians may realize it, but only if they’re not compromised. What if they’re all bought and paid for by the woke globalists billionaires? Even realizing the folly of this fake climate scam, they cannot betray their puppet masters‼️😳😵💫😵.
Once you sell out to Satan, there’s no going back⁉️😳😁
For as much nonsense that climate policy has always been, it has done real and lasting harm –particularly to the mental well-being of young people. The number who report 'great anxiety' at the future of an uninhabitable planet is truly depressing.
I wonder if Greta will ever have the awareness that it wasn't political leaders who stole her childhood, but her parents. Abused children tend to commit the same abuse they suffered. Sadly, the widespread fear and mental illness that Greta has spread through the youth of her generation is perhaps her most influential contribution to the world.
My favorite Greta moment was when she scorned those who believe in "fairytales of never ending economic growth." That's right, it's such a fairytale that it has lasted from the beginning of human history to the present day. Whenever someone is unaware of my opinions in this arena to spout something about climate change, I just roll my eyes and say "okay Greta." That usually ends the conversation fairly quickly.
She is ignorant on almost all issues, I'm afraid - what she knows is the talking points her handlers provide her with.
She was absent for several years from school.
But her parents are rich celebrities, and well-connected to Sweden's deep red entertainment and media industry, which is rather clannish in its mentality.
Given how nebulous the diagnostic criteria are here, you can't be sure she's actually autistic or if she is the product of psychological issues during her childhood, exacerbated by her parents. Her mother has written a very open tell-all book, and among other things, Greta's entire childhood has been that whatever tantrum, idée fixe or other case of being difficult she displayed, he parents didn't just cave but egged her on and endorsed it as displays of "independence".
I've worked with 'Aspies', as a teacher and in other capacities. She displays some of the mannerisms - but I'm leaning more towards some kind of psychological issue that's been turned into a full-blown personality disorder by now, sharing some traits with Asperger.
Though that's me armchair-quarterbacking, of course; without a real investigation or working with her, it's impossible to say.
This educated adult would tell them to pack their bags because their Visas have been canceled and the UN building is about to be bulldozed into the East River.
can't wait to tell my grandkids (and our latest state-mandated refugee lodger), as we're hunkered down for another climate lockdown, that my tax dollars once helped create an 85-car motorcade for former U.S. President Joe Baidan just so he could poop his pants before the Pope.
And, by the way, it is way past time to get the CO2 levels back where they belong for the health of our planet and for the health of us , up that is, WAY UP.
It won't. People may comply, but even German voters have a breaking point, and apart from the devotés of the Green Party everybody else will take their vote elsewhere.
I think a driving ban would be a natural opportunity for Spaziergänge (walks) and could add an entire new dimension to that kind of event. And then imagine an EV (which would certainly be exempted) driving past a group of disgruntled walkers. Come to think of it, maybe it´s an idea to be considered after all.
I love to ask "green" people what they thought of the Paris Agreement. Turns out, no one I ask has read it, which is amazing to me, because the document is incredibly short (ainthibk it was under 30 pages in English) and there are no technical figures or diagrams and easily accessible online.
The agreement is a trap that asks developed countries to cut greenhouse gas production, while developing countries are, essentially, given a pass on cutting anything.
The trick of the agreement is that the developing countries then had to go and pass their own restrictive laws, putting themselves in economic chains, while their developing global competitors will then have even more advantages.
Any politician in a developing country who advocated for the agreement or has been helping craft the implementation is a traitor to their fellow citizens, and, I believe, actively working against their own country as a subversive agent.
Maybe some people are waking up, but most are too intellectually lazy to notice their impending doom.
Someone is playing the Long Game and it is not to benefit the West.
The cloud has a silver lining: The climatists may well succeed in giving the AfD the majority it needs to govern effectively, thus saving Germany from economic ruin and endless social conflict.
The bastards never state ,how low a temperature they would be happy with . Would the temperature of Antarctica be close to their liking for the whole planet ?
My understanding is they want to limit global average surface warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures. That's clear enough to me. Some of the problems come with measuring global average surface warming, explaining why 1.5 degrees is the correct limit in light of all the plusses and minuses to human flourishing, and explaining what are the mechanisms involved and how carbon dioxide relates to that.
Even upper middle-class urbanites get annoyed when someone suggests they can't take their expensive cars to go picnicking in the pretty German countryside.
And how will Greta continue to be ferried to her pilgrimage sites? It's too bad that kid kept skipping class. She does not apparently know how saints invariably end up. I'll paraphrase what Gabrielle Anwar said in "Burn Notice" (but only in my own head and only the elect will figure it out...).
Was?? Unmöglich!! One of the many things I so appreciate from living in Deutschland ( und Der Schweiz) so long long ago was the Germans love for recreating on the weekend. First of all, all retail stores closed Saturday by 2pm. Sundays everything except Restaurants were geschlossen. The Germans love their cars and they love their Forests. I can remember driving a heavily wooded stretch of road from our home in Bad Soden to Königstein lined with parked cars but not a soul to be seen … my Dad would say “ they’re playing trees!” I don’t know if it’s still the same but I loved that almost every weekend we would venture out on a road trip in the “ Gegend” , take a lovely Spaziergang through some woods, or Gardens and enjoy a treat at a Bäkerei… I hope I’m not saying anything rude but it was as if it was in their DNA to get out…Gute Fahrt and all that, I don’t think this will be well received.
Greta got into hot water for that stunt, fittingly since she is completely ignorant of facts (as are her handlers beyond media-manipulation).
Thing is, the sami villages who co-owns the land with the crown get a slice of the income from the wind mills as well as from leasing out the land. They also get roads built for free and the north of Sweden and Norway is well-known here for its abysmally poor roads and equally poor accessability, so they benefit from that too.
What the sami's main complaint about wind mills is, is them not getting /more/ money.
Ah, so it's all "net benefit" for the Samii then. I've heard that net word bandied around relating to zero and that doesn't give me any hope either. I don't think all the Sami swing the way you think they do. I'm in Australia and I see similar "arrangements" but our Indigenous aren't all out for a quick buck at the expense of the environment (but really, after watching the desecration since Industrialisation who could blame them?)
It's a murky issue, legally speaking, but essentially only full-blood sami may own reindeer and only those sami that do own reindeer and herd them "counts as" full sami when it comes to land rights and the profits from leasing the land. The law is in essence a de facto blood law, basing a privilege on your racial ancestry.
Other sami than the families/villages (the local administrative form is called a "sami village") don't get squat out of it.
Also, sami is not the indigenous people of Scandinavia; the ancestors of present-day sami came here several thousands of years after the ancestors (Ice Age hunter-gatherers) of the nowegians and the swedes did.
Yes, though many consider it derogatory nowadays - for no other reason than our libtards having been influenced by US campus radicals in the 1960s. Lapp (the sami people) and Lappland (the area) as well as Lapplänning (Lapplander) were perfectly fine to use until the 1990s.
The origin of the term "lapp" for sami is contested. Some english sources claim "lapp" is derived from an old german word for simpleton, which is completely erroneous. Probably it is a word from old finnish blended together with old swedish at least six centuries ago, referencing the area where the sami lives: Lappi, meaning "northern wastelands/desolation", from which the finnish "lappalainen" for sami comes.
In Old Norse, the sami were called "skritifinn", meaning "finns who skis" or "finns who walk on snow" (the old expression for skiing in swedish is "gå på skidor" = "walk on skis", since old-style skis resembled a pair of sturdy planks tied to your shoes).
What exactly do these idiot politicians intend to achieve with such ridiculous gestures. I know the German people are a tough lot. Time for them to put these clown politicians, taking their orders and money from globalists and wef, where they belong, in jail. Do it now
The gesture was not ridiculous. The transport minister cleverly called the climate alarmists’ bluff. Had they really believed the nonsense they are constantly ramming down our throats, they would have welcomed such a driving ban. But as eugyppius explained, they don’t really believe it at all and care more about staying in office than meeting Merkel’s silly climate targets. So if they themselves don’t care, why should we?
It’d be cool if some western government just came out with the truth about all this “climate change” BS, and said something along the lines that the planet has been warming and cooling naturally throughout its existence and further that the puny human race is contributing no appreciable effect and that we are not going to curb our economic expansion and way of life to satisfy idiots. Of course that would be saying means things to mother Gaia and we can’t have that…
A year (or more) without summer courtesy of a grand solar minimum would be the metaphorical punch in the face to wake up moronic politicians. Long term solar activity has definitely been on a descent so we shall see.
I'm probably repeating myself but late-stage climatism is a lot like late-stage communism: nobody believes it anymore, everyone sees it isn't going anywhere, but people still perform the rituals.
this exactly right, Rat.
ESG = Engineering Scarcity Globally. The rat knows that the logical conclusion to climatism is permanently ending all of our carbon emissions. I'll be posting a satirical video of a Greta-style struggle sesssion Tuesday which I think you gents will enjoy ;)
Rats are abandoning Ship Hull Integrity Tracking (SHIT™) these days because it's a nervous and pointless endeavor:
What is the "this job is too nervous" in reference to? I figure it must be in reference to something because that sentence doesn't make sense.
I never believed it and never performed the rituals
They have no lack of volunteers, and won't have it until the end.
People kept joining the Communist Part of the Soviet Union all the way until 1991.
The West has a war party against it's own people .
Add Climatism to the list of Gods Who Failed. On to the next one!
Not that fast.
AI next
"nobody believes it anymore"
I beg to differ; it depends where you are on the food chain... but I guess that was also true for the "communists".
One very important difference is that the Western propaganda is way better and people believe it, unlike in "communist" countries, very few were.
In "communist" countries, propaganda was backed by intimidation, while in current capitalist systems mostly by persuasion ("manufacturing consent")... but this will probably change, as the capitalist systems continue to rot.
US propaganda is getting obvious, and they use as much coercion as they can get away with
When the Soviet Union dissolved the former communist citizens were literally gobsmacked when they realized all the news about the West was actually true!
Because the State lied so badly about everything domestically there was absolutely no trust that the State could actually tell the truth.
Exactly! I was born in Romania and I used to think that everything we were told by the commies were envious lies... I had to come to US and get older to understand that many of the things we were told about the West were 100% correct!
Not only do they still believe in climatism, it is an article of such true faith with them, that they consider anyone with a different point of view as utterly ignorant, as a "climate denier." There are times when lefties don't actually believe their own BS, but climatism is an exception.
2030-ish represents the moment when there is no going back to the olde world. The Singularity if you will. This puts tropes like 'climate change' into perspective. It represents *something* like cOvid did, like Jebus, but they are not actual literal things as presented to the masses. The tighter folks hold on to literal ideas of how things are, the more chaotic the world will necessarily become to disengage them from their beliefs. Madness ensues if one can't let go.
I hope you are right. One reason I doubt it, though, is that the very specific, completely wrong, climate forecasts, like "millions dying of starvation," or "Ice free Northern Passage," from the 1970s are just forgotten, while the movement itself is still strong.
It's as if adults are trying to discuss something without the children grasping what they are saying. So instead they'll write words down and show each other, or spell words out over the children's heads. It's code.
I know I could learn a lot from discussing this with you; I'm sure I'm missing something because we are commenting.
I can guarantee one thing: if they really have driving bans for weekends in summer, people who booked holiday homes/hotels for the summer holidays months ago and expect to drive to their destinations, will be ROYALLY PISSED OFF and voter approval will shrink as a shenis shrivels under the cold, cold stares of an entire fitness center changing room of women.
Even the most stupid politicians must have realized this. It's clear that current legislation initiated by the government is of the "Burnt Earth" type, e.g. they know it will create massive problems and hugely backfire, but it won't be their circus and their monkeys any more as they'll be voted out of power ere long.
Creative and poignant.
Tho I would advise all possessors of two X chromosomes in a changing room to stare at anything else, for that be the attention that is sought by the shenis owner. It will be the withering non-stares that cause it to shrivel. Hopefully forever.
Yes, I salute that Unknown Furious Fellow Terf who came up with it.
Yes. Also schöen!
This leaves the current regime with three options: 1) Stop the stupidity before it gets them voted out of office. 2) Allow the crazy train to roll and get voted out of office. 3) Cheat the elections (and risk far more serious consequences down the road).
1) I don't think they can do it. They can't change their song at this late hour, and voters are pretty disenchanted with them all.
2) I think they are preparing for that. They upped funding for favourite programmes of NGOs and think-tanks they like from four to eight years, probably guessing correctly that their successors would rather not fund these organizations.
3) I don't think they will. I think they are a bit helpless, probably they'll try to get AfD banned and scare the Bejeesus out of the Conservative Party to make sure they won't get into a coalition with AfD if it can't get banned. They're probably going for a Green-Black coalition, hoping they will still be able to dictate major policy points.
I wonder if anyone has noticed ,that voting is for the Dummies .The ones running this planet appoint them self ,like Schwab ,Tetros ,Gates ,Biden ,Burla with his big Pharma gang .Did i forget any ? Please add on ,until you run out of space .
Hi Mike ,I was born in a town by the name of Rosenthal ,and I lived there until age 9 .Now I'm 88 and live in Vancouver .
This voting out game has been going on for a long time .I'm more scared of the new ones coming in ,than the old ones leaving .To solve that problem ,you must always vote for yourself in all situations ,not for someone else .
Yes, even the stupidest politicians may realize it, but only if they’re not compromised. What if they’re all bought and paid for by the woke globalists billionaires? Even realizing the folly of this fake climate scam, they cannot betray their puppet masters‼️😳😵💫😵.
Once you sell out to Satan, there’s no going back⁉️😳😁
Ah! This would explain the Air B'n'B post from Sasha Latypova recently. Insurance will refuse to cover things like act of Government or act of God etc. from June 6th this year.
The real pollution and toxic emissions is coming straight from the mouths of the "leaders"
I wish they would lead all of their followers off of the nearest cliff.
Jeez. EVERY day these people just poison and contaminate the world with their proclamations of idiocy.
For as much nonsense that climate policy has always been, it has done real and lasting harm –particularly to the mental well-being of young people. The number who report 'great anxiety' at the future of an uninhabitable planet is truly depressing.
I wonder if Greta will ever have the awareness that it wasn't political leaders who stole her childhood, but her parents. Abused children tend to commit the same abuse they suffered. Sadly, the widespread fear and mental illness that Greta has spread through the youth of her generation is perhaps her most influential contribution to the world.
My favorite Greta moment was when she scorned those who believe in "fairytales of never ending economic growth." That's right, it's such a fairytale that it has lasted from the beginning of human history to the present day. Whenever someone is unaware of my opinions in this arena to spout something about climate change, I just roll my eyes and say "okay Greta." That usually ends the conversation fairly quickly.
I wonder how anxious they are going to be when they finally realise no co2 no food!
Interesting point about Greta. I wonder how much history she has studied.
I did admire her willingness to shake her finger at the UN. I would like to see an educated adult do that.
She is ignorant on almost all issues, I'm afraid - what she knows is the talking points her handlers provide her with.
She was absent for several years from school.
But her parents are rich celebrities, and well-connected to Sweden's deep red entertainment and media industry, which is rather clannish in its mentality.
And she is on the autism scale…. Aspbergers, her seething anger being a symptom,,, good job Mom and Dad!!!
Given how nebulous the diagnostic criteria are here, you can't be sure she's actually autistic or if she is the product of psychological issues during her childhood, exacerbated by her parents. Her mother has written a very open tell-all book, and among other things, Greta's entire childhood has been that whatever tantrum, idée fixe or other case of being difficult she displayed, he parents didn't just cave but egged her on and endorsed it as displays of "independence".
I've worked with 'Aspies', as a teacher and in other capacities. She displays some of the mannerisms - but I'm leaning more towards some kind of psychological issue that's been turned into a full-blown personality disorder by now, sharing some traits with Asperger.
Though that's me armchair-quarterbacking, of course; without a real investigation or working with her, it's impossible to say.
This educated adult would tell them to pack their bags because their Visas have been canceled and the UN building is about to be bulldozed into the East River.
can't wait to tell my grandkids (and our latest state-mandated refugee lodger), as we're hunkered down for another climate lockdown, that my tax dollars once helped create an 85-car motorcade for former U.S. President Joe Baidan just so he could poop his pants before the Pope.
I said "genuflection, not defication!"
Forgetting to put back the plug after deficatening ,could lead to genuflection
The way things are going, pretty soon they will be genderflexing instead.
And, by the way, it is way past time to get the CO2 levels back where they belong for the health of our planet and for the health of us , up that is, WAY UP.
I can see this going down well with the German people! 🙄
It won't. People may comply, but even German voters have a breaking point, and apart from the devotés of the Green Party everybody else will take their vote elsewhere.
Hard NEIN!
Banning driving on weekends in Germany ,would be like banning bier and sauerkraut in the Hof Brauhaus .
I think a driving ban would be a natural opportunity for Spaziergänge (walks) and could add an entire new dimension to that kind of event. And then imagine an EV (which would certainly be exempted) driving past a group of disgruntled walkers. Come to think of it, maybe it´s an idea to be considered after all.
I love to ask "green" people what they thought of the Paris Agreement. Turns out, no one I ask has read it, which is amazing to me, because the document is incredibly short (ainthibk it was under 30 pages in English) and there are no technical figures or diagrams and easily accessible online.
The agreement is a trap that asks developed countries to cut greenhouse gas production, while developing countries are, essentially, given a pass on cutting anything.
The trick of the agreement is that the developing countries then had to go and pass their own restrictive laws, putting themselves in economic chains, while their developing global competitors will then have even more advantages.
Any politician in a developing country who advocated for the agreement or has been helping craft the implementation is a traitor to their fellow citizens, and, I believe, actively working against their own country as a subversive agent.
Maybe some people are waking up, but most are too intellectually lazy to notice their impending doom.
Someone is playing the Long Game and it is not to benefit the West.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 !!!
The cloud has a silver lining: The climatists may well succeed in giving the AfD the majority it needs to govern effectively, thus saving Germany from economic ruin and endless social conflict.
Climate change is both a fraud and a scam
The bastards never state ,how low a temperature they would be happy with . Would the temperature of Antarctica be close to their liking for the whole planet ?
My understanding is they want to limit global average surface warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures. That's clear enough to me. Some of the problems come with measuring global average surface warming, explaining why 1.5 degrees is the correct limit in light of all the plusses and minuses to human flourishing, and explaining what are the mechanisms involved and how carbon dioxide relates to that.
Error Or Terror ?
These Marxist Are A Violent Terror.
They Tell You That Speech Is Violence:
While They Kill You;
While They Inject You; While They Cut Off Your Genitalia; While They Pull Your Babies From The Womb.
All While Chanting That Your Speech Is Violent.
If You’re Not Willing To Fight To Their Death - You Are Going To Die. Violently.
Even upper middle-class urbanites get annoyed when someone suggests they can't take their expensive cars to go picnicking in the pretty German countryside.
And how will Greta continue to be ferried to her pilgrimage sites? It's too bad that kid kept skipping class. She does not apparently know how saints invariably end up. I'll paraphrase what Gabrielle Anwar said in "Burn Notice" (but only in my own head and only the elect will figure it out...).
Ah yes, that pretty German countryside…ever more dotted with bird killing, vibrating, ugly windmills. So sad.
I’m not much of a TV viewers so I don’t know the reference
Was?? Unmöglich!! One of the many things I so appreciate from living in Deutschland ( und Der Schweiz) so long long ago was the Germans love for recreating on the weekend. First of all, all retail stores closed Saturday by 2pm. Sundays everything except Restaurants were geschlossen. The Germans love their cars and they love their Forests. I can remember driving a heavily wooded stretch of road from our home in Bad Soden to Königstein lined with parked cars but not a soul to be seen … my Dad would say “ they’re playing trees!” I don’t know if it’s still the same but I loved that almost every weekend we would venture out on a road trip in the “ Gegend” , take a lovely Spaziergang through some woods, or Gardens and enjoy a treat at a Bäkerei… I hope I’m not saying anything rude but it was as if it was in their DNA to get out…Gute Fahrt and all that, I don’t think this will be well received.
"The Germans love their cars and they love their forests". I am still shocked at the cognitive dissonance required to bulldoze your ancient forest like in the Reinhardswald for nein-decarbonising wind towers:,241%2Dmetre%20tall%20wind%20turbines. Even Greta protested at the arrogant installation of wind towers on Sami ranges in Norway (and wondering if they've been torn down yet and their monstrous foundations dug out. Should I hold my breath?)
Greta got into hot water for that stunt, fittingly since she is completely ignorant of facts (as are her handlers beyond media-manipulation).
Thing is, the sami villages who co-owns the land with the crown get a slice of the income from the wind mills as well as from leasing out the land. They also get roads built for free and the north of Sweden and Norway is well-known here for its abysmally poor roads and equally poor accessability, so they benefit from that too.
What the sami's main complaint about wind mills is, is them not getting /more/ money.
Ah, so it's all "net benefit" for the Samii then. I've heard that net word bandied around relating to zero and that doesn't give me any hope either. I don't think all the Sami swing the way you think they do. I'm in Australia and I see similar "arrangements" but our Indigenous aren't all out for a quick buck at the expense of the environment (but really, after watching the desecration since Industrialisation who could blame them?)
It's a murky issue, legally speaking, but essentially only full-blood sami may own reindeer and only those sami that do own reindeer and herd them "counts as" full sami when it comes to land rights and the profits from leasing the land. The law is in essence a de facto blood law, basing a privilege on your racial ancestry.
Other sami than the families/villages (the local administrative form is called a "sami village") don't get squat out of it.
Also, sami is not the indigenous people of Scandinavia; the ancestors of present-day sami came here several thousands of years after the ancestors (Ice Age hunter-gatherers) of the nowegians and the swedes did.
Sami are Laplanders?? Yes?
Yes, though many consider it derogatory nowadays - for no other reason than our libtards having been influenced by US campus radicals in the 1960s. Lapp (the sami people) and Lappland (the area) as well as Lapplänning (Lapplander) were perfectly fine to use until the 1990s.
The origin of the term "lapp" for sami is contested. Some english sources claim "lapp" is derived from an old german word for simpleton, which is completely erroneous. Probably it is a word from old finnish blended together with old swedish at least six centuries ago, referencing the area where the sami lives: Lappi, meaning "northern wastelands/desolation", from which the finnish "lappalainen" for sami comes.
In Old Norse, the sami were called "skritifinn", meaning "finns who skis" or "finns who walk on snow" (the old expression for skiing in swedish is "gå på skidor" = "walk on skis", since old-style skis resembled a pair of sturdy planks tied to your shoes).
True they love their walking, but they have to get to the best places and for that they need their cars.
What exactly do these idiot politicians intend to achieve with such ridiculous gestures. I know the German people are a tough lot. Time for them to put these clown politicians, taking their orders and money from globalists and wef, where they belong, in jail. Do it now
The gesture was not ridiculous. The transport minister cleverly called the climate alarmists’ bluff. Had they really believed the nonsense they are constantly ramming down our throats, they would have welcomed such a driving ban. But as eugyppius explained, they don’t really believe it at all and care more about staying in office than meeting Merkel’s silly climate targets. So if they themselves don’t care, why should we?
It’d be cool if some western government just came out with the truth about all this “climate change” BS, and said something along the lines that the planet has been warming and cooling naturally throughout its existence and further that the puny human race is contributing no appreciable effect and that we are not going to curb our economic expansion and way of life to satisfy idiots. Of course that would be saying means things to mother Gaia and we can’t have that…
Nature Laughs Last
A year (or more) without summer courtesy of a grand solar minimum would be the metaphorical punch in the face to wake up moronic politicians. Long term solar activity has definitely been on a descent so we shall see.
Me to Humans: “ you’re just not all that.”