May 31·edited May 31Liked by eugyppius

Banana Republic USA!

From the London Daily Telegraph: Whether you love or hate Trump, this conviction should appal you. This is not about Donald Trump. It’s about the weaponisation of the criminal justice system against a political opponent. It’s the type of prosecutorial and judicial conduct we expect in Putin’s Russia. Prior to this case, America was deeply divided. Now it’s tearing at the seams.


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Amusingly Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, said this: “If we speak about Trump, the fact that there is simply the elimination, in effect, of political rivals by all possible means, legal and illegal, is obvious.”

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Americans may start retiring on the Baltic Sea and live in Moscow. Yesterday the United States became a dictatorship.

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yup a banana republic, overnight, with virtually a limitless nuclear arsenal.

i mean what could possibly go wrong?!

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{...I mean what could possibly go wrong?...}


For the wrong people ...

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Haha. Exactly

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Americans have long been a bunch of pride flad waving gay cryptomuslim commies. Yesterday they came out of the closet.

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not half of us. come hang out with some of the good ole' boys. they'd make you think twice about that assertion.

but you're absolutely right about the other half

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That other half is or should be a basket of deportables.

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Lmao. Classic dude!

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The other half still live under completely gay boomer delusions and still idolise MLK and all kinds of faggotry.

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I love faggotry. Lolol man!

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Sadly, the half you and I represent do nothing to stop the other “half” which I believe to be a much much smaller portion that are just extremely LOUD.

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Only the blue stain Democrats and GOP UniParty fit into that category. Hundreds of millions will fight to their deaths to try to regain what once was. Trump must win in November for the US to even have a chance at a future. Remember if the US fails--the entire West falls. But then that was always the plan.

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Leningrad/St Petersburg, not Moscow, if you're planning on retiring on the Baltic Sea coast.

I'd recommend Riga instead though.

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Everywhere in the Baltic states is slowly turning gay via the EU, while also rabidly one-eyed warmongery about Russia. Source: me, a westerner who married a Balt and who lives here. I *don't* recommended anywhere move here. I love my wife and our family, it's the only reason I am here.

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Could be - I was only trying to point out that Moscow isn't on the coast of Östersjön (Baltic Sea).

You'd think the latvians, estonians and lithuanians would look at Sweden to understand why EU, open borders and multiculturalism is death.

Guess they have to make their own mistakes.

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They fought a very long time against the USSR/Russians only to surrender their culture to smartphones and sexual deviance. I'm not sure what words Eugyppius allows in his comments; I am so tired of the word police, it only makes me want to use simple terms more.

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Very interesting RR, the Marxist society-wrecking poison is spreading (or being spread) everywhere in the once Christian West. The purpose of course is to demolish the birth rate whilst boosting immigrant birth rates.

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“I would describe myself as a socialist. I describe myself as a progressive." - British Prime Minister in Waiting, Sir Keir ("Sir Jimmy Savile II") Starmer. Together with his good friend and another future British Prime Minister, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Sir Keir will lead Britain back into the EU. Their role model is the cryptoislamic US and the mass immigration of undocumented islamic immigrants through the US southern border. They long for the days when Sir Tony Bliar and GW Bush drove a mass exodus of Afghanis and Iraqis into Europe. They want Europe and the UK to remain as big a sh*thole as the US.

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Riga has become an impoverished shit hole, along with the other Baltic states.

All three get to enjoy foreign NATO troop degeneracy.

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How about the Philippines?

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Crime in the Baltics or big Russian cities is much lower than the Philippines

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But I think the singers are better in the Philippines!

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Foreigners can't own property (land) in Phil. (Source: close relative who is married to a Filipina)

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Foreigners shouldn't be able to own property in lands they are have no citizenship. It is no different than having foreign NGOs operate within a sovereign country.

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I know that, but they can rent, and their spouse can own property. And although it's tricky, I suppose they could build a house on a Filipino's land under agreement, but if the Filipino wanted to make other use of the land he could do that after appropriate reimbursement to the owner of the house. There are cases where a foreigner or other entity can actually own a house or building separately from the land, and if they can show proof of ownership (purchase records, tax documents, etc) the courts have upheld that. One way a foreigner can actually own land is if they inherit it.

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Can I not have to worry about looking at homosexuals and (mostly) avoid Muslims? If so, I’ll consider it.

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I’ve already asked a Russian friend to make a few calls for me…😈

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This sounds a bit like the leftist whiners talking about moving to Canada if they don't get (insert next incremental concession/election here). There's a lot left to do.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

And many brought their bad habits, especially in politics, up here.

The worst habit is living here in Canada, getting landed immigrant status, able to vote and speak continuously about Fatmerican Politics.

When that happens I tell them (unceremoniously) to go back and deal with their political perturbations.

I tell them to F.O.

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I don’t disagree but it is fun to contemplate. Canada did get a number of our draft dodgers…. Hmmm 🤔 I wonder?

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Freedom loving Russians left for other areas when Russia went into Ukraine, leaving everything behind. I wouldn't be so glib saying you'd leave the US just because Trump loses. I've been supporting a family who fled with grocery bags of clothing only on one of the last planes leaving and has had to travel between countries that accept Russian passports since. It's not been an easy life but they didn't want to live in a country that wouldn't allow Christians to speak freely or people to denounce the war without going to prison.

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I think you have misunderstood my meaning. I have no intention of leaving the gay, retarded version of the old USSR the former USA has become. I and many others here in the (almost) USSA occasionally sarcastically fantasize openly about rearranging the current borders into a more parasite free condition than it is now. Ain’t gonna happen soon if at all and nowhere near soon enough for what time I have remaining for the prospect to have much emotional investment for me. Due to my Cold War experiences I’ve met several escapees from various countries of the USSR, including some Russians, all of whom had to make the same hard choices that your charges have had to make and for similar reasons I might add. I have come to have the greatest respect for them presently invading hordes pointedly excepted. Your wording seems to imply that you haven’t tried or have been blocked from coming into the current USSA? Once they would have been welcomed with open arms. Reference Stepping Down from the Star by Alexandria Costa (alias for her and her children’s protection). Now it wouldn’t surprise me if the ‘gavyoniki’ of the State Department think that they are too white.

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I'm a born and bred US citizen from the state of CA, SF to be exact. The horror! I now live in NC, have been here for over 45 years. For many years I've mourned what has become of my hometown/state since Reagan was governor. Them electing Brown, Jr was a clue that things were going to go the wrong way, but electing him the second time was the end.

I ended up in NC accidentally as a result of my dad's company moving him here for work, finishing my BA in History, Education and being offered an opportunity to get my Master's in Reading at UNC-G as an in-state student because my mom was working there (I was also offered a scholarship as one of the first "minority students" at A&T University, but they didn't have the program I wanted, although it would have been sweet not to have that on a resume'). My parents and sister returned to CA within 2 years of my being here and I stayed. Both parents as of this year are dead, but my sister still lives in the Central Valley, worked as a paramedic until Jan.,2020.

The Russian family I spoke of I know because I had watched the wife on YouTube for two years prior. She had been sharing their lives as normal people in a small town in Russia, she was the mother of a toddler, her husband was a former soldier who worked doing something and was going to night school to be a minister. They lived in a very small studio apartment ahd she shared her daily life, grocery shopping, doing laundry, books she read, walking around town, hauling the baby stroller up 5 flights of stairs, cooking. It was interesting and she was improving her English, asking about other countries and what life was like. Her life reminded me a lot of my grandmother's life in SF when I was a kid.

Just before Russia invaded Ukraine she was very quiet and didn't post much. The day they invaded she posted sitting on the floor, trying not to cry, and saying that people needed to remember that the things the government did there was not always the choice of the people. She said that some people in Russia were protesting and asked for prayers for everyone in Russia and Ukraine. Lots of us commented on her post to not say anything, that we understood, and to let us know if we could help. We asked if she would set up a Patreon account so we could donate to her family in case they needed money. She refused.

A week later she posted a photo of her husband, daughter, and herself with grocery bags at an airport. Nothing else. Then a week later she posted that they had left, a sudden decision. Her husband had come home the third night after the invasion, watching the protests and arrests, they had talked. The news media had been shut down, he'd heard talk on the streets, knew about the military call-up, they decided to leave with what they could pack in the grocery bags. He'd taken out what was allotted from the bank and they bought plane tickets to "somewhere" (which turned out to be the country Georgia) and gotten out within just a few hours, no idea where they were going. Since they they've traveled to a few countries in the area because they can only stay for a year at a time, she has to go back to get visas renewed, then they have to re-enter and only countries that accept Russians on temporary visas and passports. Right now getting a Russian visa is not easy in the area they're in. They do have family in the US but aren't quite ready to come here.

It took her about a year to get a Patreon account set up because of the initial sanctions put on Russian bank, credit card, social media accounts, etc. The same problem made it difficult for them to have access to their Russian bank accounts, so people in the countries they fled to were generous in helping them find places to stay and food. It took time for her YT money to catch up with her, but people would watch her videos over and over, and watch the commercials through to generate more money. When she got the Patreon set up it was after the people who watched her videos really insisted they wanted to help them be stable and safe until they could get settled and knew what to do next. She thought that it would generate a few hundred dollars, but we were all surprised that with donations of $5-25/month she had several thousand a month donated for years now. What that did was fund the escape of other families over the next two years as friends of her and her husband realized they had to leave to avoid being arrested for their protest or being forced into military service.

If they ever decide to come to the US they will have great support. It is more free here than there, or many other places. Having studied history in order to teach it, and understanding the history of our country, the history of WWI & II, and a special knowledge of the Holocaust, I know we're in deep shit. We have been declining since the 1960s, but the outright rapidity in the years since 2000, especially since Trump's election brought on by the Democratic Party due to their loss, has been astounding. Because H. Clinton did not win they lost 4 years of their continued plan after Obama's rule, and they have needed to catch up. They also know it's vital to win this next election in order to keep their plan rolling which is why they need to totally dismantle every part of our governmental and legal structure which provides social and cultural stability keeping our citizens together. We are in the intense "divided we fall" phase and it seems because of intentional educational ignorance they are winning.

I'm not expecting that Trump (a more conservative choice) will be elected. I am disappointed that the GOP doesn't have a Plan B (had no real stellar alternative candidate to offer), and that people see him as the "savior of their world". It's wrong to put your trust in people to save you, one must trust God only, and then reason and think. The conservatives are not using reason or thought, they are acting on emotions as are the liberals, which is why we are in such trouble (That's the reason I don't like Trump, he acts on emotion not reason, which makes it difficult to know how to vote. I swore I'd not vote ever again for the lesser of the evils, but the only choices are lessers - seems I'm back to that again. God's humor is glorious.)

Thank you for the convo. I appreciate your comments and will look for the book you recommended. Deborah

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In multipolar order, Russians mock YOU! (say in Yakov Smirnoff voice)

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thanks for a laugh on this sad day

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"In America, you can always find a party! In Russia, Party always find you..."

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The irony is delicious!

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What do you know about the political sphere in Russia or the criminal justice system in Russia do you have first hand knowledge of it?.

Or do you rely on Der Spiegel, New York Times and the like to form valid opinion of Putins Russia

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Everyone is an expert these days on Russia, the middle east and Ukraine.

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The irony is that it is the US, nor Russia, that is Stalinist. Americans are islamocommunists who are following in the footsteps of former Malaysian Islamist Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed who, in Stalinist fashion, jailed his main political opponent on bogus corruption and sodomy charges. The US is now a joke.

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The defense should take Mark Levin's advice and find a way to get this to the Supreme Court.

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Yes, and quickly.

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I'm going by what I know of Bolshevik History... read "The Gulag Archipelago"; "Darkness at Noon" or watch this: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XabVBNdZkINy/

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Unlike fucking democrats, the Russians have integrity!!! I hope Putin nukes the shit out of Europe; dumb motherfuckers deserve it!!!

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Settle down now. I for one would like to live through this shitshow, and I ain't got a bunker.

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My dogs are always happy when I read the comment section. We start our walk earlier. Do folks enjoy being yelled at here on substack? Coffee and 8th grade banter ruins my coffee.

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Hear, hear!

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I’ve already placed an order with old Pooty through some Rusky acquaintances of mine for a few 50 megatoners to be applied to DC area and most of Maryland and northern Virginia.

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Razbeet protivnika!

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Tearing at the seams? I'd say it's unifying the American people against the establishment.

If it wasn't made clear by the COVID lockdowns, this trial confirms it: government has been weaponized against not only Trump, but all of us. Americans will turn out in droves to vote for Trump, simply because they can.

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Damn Straight. They have no fucking clue what they've unleashed.

In the last 18 hours I've had 7 people I know tell me that they had zero plans of voting for Trump....until now.

They're trying to intimidate and cower us into silence.....and draw us offside. We're not falling for it.

They have awoken a sleeping giant.

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He also had such an uptick in donations immediately after the verdict that it crashed his donation site. Not something you wish to happen when the going is good, but some kind of indicator of what Americans think of this.

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We gotta get these commies out of office. Nothing else matters anymore imo Dr. K.

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I couldn't agree more. 'Thought the $30M in donations (or was it $40M?) from hundreds of thousands of people who had never donated before was an unexpectedly good sign.

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agreed, but not just "office". Out of all the institutions - the intelligencen community, the universities, the media, the corporations, the "NGOs".

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Does becoming more involved mean that I have to attend endless boring committee and board meetings? I'm so allergic to these things that I'm not sure I can even do it. The lure of apathy is strong.

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Yes, and I am about to add to the donations. A lot.

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Diane, It is ordinary people like us that have to make the difference. Seeing your note caused me to (unexpectedly) tear up -- there are real Americans out there and perhaps there is a chance. Brava.

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Liked a lot.

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Hell yes!

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I hope you're right. Americans are not the brightest lights in the harbor. They are very easily conned. At the end of the day they'll vote for a commie.

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AwakeNotWoke, the citizens of the US are not as you describe. The malcontents currently in charge will be displaced. Where ever you be...must be a shXthole, the bile in your posts is a dead give away.

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The citizens of the US are ranked 30th in the world for mean IQ Duffer. A third world shxhole like Cambodia ranks higher. And that's notb my opinion. It's a concrete cold fact. Is it and wonder there are Satanic temples all over the US and the SCOTUS in Laurence v Texas found that sodomy is a constitutional right of Americans. Not even third world shXholes want a constitution like that!

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The problem is not intelligence or education. The issue in the decline of the US, is that they have turned away from their fundamental belief in God and the principles on which the country was founded which were the social and political of the Bible. Those provide for a stable society and culture. With the decline of those morals the country declines, and we're seeing the results of that.

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The problem is not intelligence or education. The issue in the decline of the US, is that they have turned away from their fundamental belief in God and the principles on which the country was founded which were the social and political of the Bible. Those provide for a stable society and culture. With the decline of those morals the country declines, and we're seeing the results of that.

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Yes and no. You should listen to some of the interviews at the recent Bronx rally. People are really waking up. (And a number of people already were.)

One problem is simply that a lot of critical actions and decisions happen out of sight - and most people aren't news mavens or willing to dig into the sources that one can find in books or on the Web. But they have a reservoir of mother wit and common sense that does kick in when effects finally reach them.

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So when are these unleashed hounds going to do anything but bay…. ?

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If this cost him the election or they cheat again I think....it bleeds.

until then we should keep our swords sheathed imo

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Oh dear, the sleeping giant reference again 🥱.

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Stop being a hater. Both of us would be first in line once spines stiffen

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Way too late on the former and ditto on the latter. Besides, there’s nothing quite like long growing hatreds to motivate the use of my best remaining weapon - a sharp

tongue / typing finger.

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They made it clear already in 2020 that there are no elections, only selections. That leaves few options....

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'no elections, only selections' - good comment

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The Clerisy is closing ranks: the Financial Times has an opinion piece with the subhead "American voters in November will still decide the future of US democracy" but the irony is lost on the dunderheads of the FT.

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The Framers would know what to do

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So do we....

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Then there will be a background gun war. Only 5% of people during the Revolutionary fought as combatants. Next time we’re going to have to fight these bastards as in a huge guerilla war against the system that continually tries to control us. I don’t know about you but I damn sure not going to live the way assholes at the WEF want me to!!!

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I suspect even the "WEF" is a false construct designed for our ire. Klaus and most of the usual suspects there are simply too cartoonish. The problem becomes identifying valid and constructive targets.

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Actually, Klaus is a Nazi and the WEF, the democrat party, Larry Fink at Blackrock, Bill gates, etc…are members of a death cult. We need to kill them before they kill us.

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I'd suggest that's simply the narrative we're being fed. If you read Klaus's books there's nothing of substance there just word salads designed to enrage. These real people are certainly evil and deserve a good hanging but that's likely the intent on promoting such buffoons. If the entire narrative we were fed during The Madness is indeed designed to fail/flip then these front running evil puppets are just planned fodder for the true reveal, coming soon.

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Trump is the only candidate with heart, the brothers know what I mean.

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Heart perhaps, but he's still a tool of the establishment. It's all terrible theatre. If he were truly a threat they had a million chances to cancer/suicide/murder him and would have.

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It seems that virtually every single person who attains elected office rapidly becomes a tool.

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Or rather anyone who is permitted to try for major office is already a completely controlled tool of the establishment. And you likely still get the special screening of the unedited Zapruder film ...

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The democrats took over government in the 2008 and Obama exclaimed: “We’re going to fundamentally change America”!!! Now we fucking know what they meant. I don’t want any democrat friends.

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People used to scoff at the "they're not coming for Trump, they're coming for you and he's in the way". I think they are reconsidering that.

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Well, if you keep your mouth shut and political opinions to yourself, they probably won't come after you. If Trump had never run for office they would not be after him. He challenged them, and he was pulling back the curtain on what they were doing.

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And when he loses....I perish the thought.

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Or wins... either way it's going to be VERY interesting

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agree. More fires in the streets and destruction? Or perhaps God willing, those people have woken up

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That would be nice. But they've been at it since at least 1946.

Now you also have all these military-looking military-aged Chinese illegals carrying bags with airport tags crossing over from Canada and the same crossing over the southern border, congregating in special encampments there.

Well, it's probably just a major coincidence.

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If they steal this election, there will be two different America’s, the free Red States and the shit sucking blue areas.

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If, or when? The repugs will let them do it. Then they will bend over with the rest as the Dims sodomize America.

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All this chaos is EXACTLY what China wants and AI will turbo charge the process. The Trump circus is designed to bury any news on mass, unvetted, irreversible, lethal immigration. That's the No 1 issue.

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That’s when the guns come out!!!

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Although I am prepared for that eventuality, I do not relish the thought of it coming to pass.

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It doesn’t matter how many vote for Trump. The democrats cheated last time. They have a plan this time. They know a fair election will put Trump in the White House and they will not let that happen. When one team cheats and the other plays fair, the cheating team always wins. State legislatures need to step up to the plate if we want a fair election.

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The bad thing is that the entire U.S. population and how they vote isn't the issue. It has come down to 5 states. How I vote in California, for example, means nothing at all. My vote won't count because with California's Democrat super majority a Republican Presidential candidate has zero possibility of getting all California's electoral votes. This is the situation of control the Democrats want to establish in every single state so that voting will no longer be a deciding issue. For now, it's about those 5 swing states.

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The pro-government faction are mostly weak morons. They don’t fight their own battles. They’re subjects.

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Oh wow, they will hecking vooterino for Troomp? That will really show 'em! Participating in this sham system is totally an act of rebellion!

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"Putin’s Russia"? "Stalin's Russia" you mean, surely?

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Good point, I'll tell the DT

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Some people think Russia is still communist: They’re more capitalist than we are. Go to Moscow and you can buy whatever you want!!! DON’T BRING DRUGS!!!

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My drug days are well and truly done... 🤔

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Cheers Mrs. Bucket!!

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Donald Trump found guilty of Felony Being Donald Trump in the first degree!

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Spot on!

Make no mistake if they maintain power this results in building our own gulags.

It smells like a 30's re-run...because...well...that's exactly what's happening.

Anyone think that's histrionic?

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Gulags were built here last century and most people went along with that just fine. Nothing new etc.

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Bingo! Remember this nugget from January of 2022?

“Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.”


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I remember everything our Plague Era brought us and took away from us.

Don't forget Trump was complicit, one way or another, in much of what was perpetrated on us too.

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May 31·edited May 31

"Complicit"? No, Trump acknowledged that he was not a medical expert, and like the rest of Americans, still believed that our FDA, CDC, NIH etc., and other sciency alphabet agencies were to be trusted. When Trump suggested hydroxycholoroquine as a cure, he was shot down by the chorus of media and sciency agencies. Trump held daily press conferences with the "experts" that yes, we ALL trusted. He refused to let COVID enlarge the powers of the federal government (opposite of Biden) and turned COVID policies over to the states. Period. He was not "complicit" in any of the totalitarian policies that the Biden government pressed upon us.

Yes, he was enthusiastic about the "vaccines" because like all of us (up until then), he also trusted our pharmaceutical industry.

The whole lot of them turned out to be liars and scum of the earth.

COVID turned out to be a huge awakening for over half of the population, who realized that even these health care organizations, who loomed so large, and carried so much respect, were totally corrupt and manipulated by Big Pharma.

And yesterday our judiciary system just went down the drain.

Anyone who believes in our government -- any aspect of it -- at this point is completely uninformed, foolish, and/ or downright evil.

I know a lot of angry people at this moment.

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But Trump becoming President again and the head of the government will make the government good?

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Gulags are plentiful in the Untied (no typo) States. Just look at the list of FEMA camps with thousands of beds. FEMA is actually above the law, above the Constitution as a result of a series of Presidential orders. The dictatorship is raring to go. My biggest fear is: what is the role of the millions of young men "of military age" crossing across our southern borders? They are enabled, supported by the Biden administration.

We will not emerge from this without bloodshed, I fear.

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I fear you are correct. And I would've thought that was crazy 8 years ago

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Some of the 'men of military age' will be incorporated into the U.S. military, which is having recruitment problems.

Like late Rome, this will work until it doesn't: certain conflicts will test the loyalties of those soldiers - who in the end will default to protecting their own people.

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The US media is fixated on the felon status, which they expect will cause fewer people to vote for Trump.

Do they not know there are 19 million convicted felons in the U.S.? And 1/3 of Americans have criminal records?


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The 50% of American that watches the mainstream media will know only what they are told to think. They have revved up hatred of Trump to as astonishing degree. They think all the charges in the trial are justified and correct.

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If we seek justice we must escape criminal America ,and move to Putins Russia for freedom and justice ,Mrs .Bucket

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

"It’s the type of prosecutorial and judicial conduct we expect in Putin’s Russia"

Bullshit! Corrected: "It’s the type of prosecutorial and judicial conduct WE ARE TOLD to expect in Putin’s Russia.

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Just made my first donation to the Trump campaign.

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Me too and I’m Canadian.

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Sounds like “foreign interference” to me. ;)

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Lolol...lock em up!

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How dare you! Freeze his bank account, Justin!

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foreign influence!

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So would your province consider becoming of the FSA, Free States or America, 🎶from Texas on the Gulf to Arctic Sea🎶 ?

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That is not such a far fetched idea. I believe that Texas still retains the right to secede from the Union. If New Mexico, Nevada and Northern California also secede and join with British Columbia, there's no reason why a viable self sufficient state could not be formed.

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Yes, Texas retains the right to secede on paper. It authority was somewhat reduced when the state was dragged back into the Union post the War for Southern Independence aka the Civil War along with the rest of the Confederacy. It would be a fine center around which to build a revolution and a new nation along the lines of Mr Mackinzie’s Diagolon. Ain’t going to happen during what remains of my life because of the time scale of such happenings so it’s up to you young whipper snappers to make it real if it comes to that. PS. Gonna have to do something about that Diagolon flag though. It looks like the diving flag for a Goth diving club. 😁

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Have you heard of the meme state called Diagolon created by Canadian military vet Jeremy MacKenzie?

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I applaud your sentiment, but how can a non-USA citizen donate to a presidential campaign here? Is the system that leaky?

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Where there’s enough money there’s always a way… 😉.

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I recently learned about this:


The IRS Substantial Presence Test considers you to be a U.S. resident for tax purposes if you have been physically present in the U.S.:

for 31 days during the current year, and

for 183 days in the three years that include the current year and the two preceding years, on a weighted average basis.

"" - https://www.snowbirdadvisor.ca/us-residency-calculator

So I guess "US citizen" is quite the fluid concept.

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Yeah, I knew about that.

But, are those foreigners with a "substantial presence" here in the USA also on the hook for their share of the federal debt?!!

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I live in California. Voting here is futile--Charles Manson (D, Dead) wins statewide. The districts are so gerrymandered that voting there doesn't matter, either. I DO vote against the propositions.

I "vote" by sending a few bucks to outside-of-California politicians that MIGHT make a difference. Most of them lose, most that do win disappoint, but hope springs eternal.

I have been contributing to the RFK, Jr. campaign. I am going to send my pittance to Trump, instead. Have never contributed to him before, but I think our only hope (a poor one) is that he gets elected, even from jail.

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Please send your donations to non-Democrat candidates in the Commonwealth of Virginia! It's still a fight here.

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You’re an idiot, Trump WILL win the election.

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What makes me an idiot?

I will admit to some poor phraseology. My parenthetical (a poor one) wasn't clear. I think it likely that Trump wins the votes, whether he wins the vote counting is less certain. My "poor" adjective relates to the likelihood that one person, even one much less flawed than Trump, can prevail against The Swamp. Hercules had to reroute a river; I don't think the Potomac is up to the task.

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I don't think you're an idiot. I live in CA, too, and I dug your Manson joke. I'm campaigning for RFK, Jr., AND I just sent money to Trump because of this crazy thing. The two of them, plus all of us would be needed to get rid of the swamp creatures. I'm just scared; is this trial and verdict just another psy-op to get us all up for Trump and usher in another 4 years of NOT controlling the Deep State?

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Your trust in Democrats to not rig it is awesome.

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California should secede. If it did, the rest of the USA could probably rebalance and come to its senses quite nicely.

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I might actually vote for Trump now. The first time in my life I ever considered voting for any Republican. I don't like Trump but the Democrats need to fail in this outright fascism or there is no hope for the future.

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I do it every time that I can.

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I would like to make donations to Putin . There you see what happens if you promise to train the swamp ,like Trump did ,and then goes and swims in it .

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No one thought the depth of corruption was this deep, including Trump himself.

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All democrats must die!!!

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I think you're right about that!

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Hide your name motherfucker!!! Come out and play!!!

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No thanks. I've heard that there are mentally ill people on the internet.

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Then you are all ignorant morons. How could you think otherwise? Trump surrounded himself with flatterers and ignored or sidelined the loyal and effective people around him.

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Oh, look, another bubble of swamp gas just, sniff sniff, surfaced…. (Pause for effect.) If anything Trump should have declared, “You’re fired,” much sooner!

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You are ridiculous. You seriously think anyone who criticises Trump is *for* his enemies? I want the entirety of D.C. purged. I want them all to face the guillotine. My argument with Trump is that he was too much of a pussy to do to his enemies what they are now doing to him. He should have been the "Cheeto Hitler" all these delusional believe that him to be. People like are just too much of a prissy faggot to get your hands dirty, so you think anyone like me must seriously be part of a psy-op or something. No, I'm just way past believing in the system at all, and I hold Trump to the same standards as anyone else. You're just as delusional as any democrat.

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Down boy! Heel, heel! Keep your rage for its fire and unleash it when it will do the most damage. Btw, may I suggest a wood chipper as a modern accessory to the old reliable guillotine?

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What the fuck are you talking about, pussy?

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He is talking about swamp gas ,not pussy gas .Now Biden raped Trump and we thought he can't get it up any more .

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Apparently in libturd circle jerks there’s little if any distinction between the two and POSOTUS’s rump rangers haven’t gotten through Trump’s kevlar undies yet.

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May 31Liked by eugyppius

The strangest thing just happened. As I was reading the email, my screen jumped and took me back to my inbox. Your email was nowhere to be found. Get this - Microsoft sent it to the junk folder while I was in the middle of reading it!!! Woah.

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Gmail also sent this one to SPAM for me - I only read on browser so hadn't noticed.

Not unique to the Plague Chronicle, seemingly since 25 May it has randomly? sent some (but not all) of my Substack subscription mails to spam.

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Substack is a service that sends emails on behalf of other people so it inevitably gets targeted by sophisticated spammers who want to abuse its email "reputation". Probably there was a spam attack and some sending IPs got blacklisted but others didn't. This isn't a conspiracy, it's just the collateral damage of the daily internet wars that most people never see.

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I despise gmail and only use it for my junk mail. I gladly pay $20 a year for Fastmail which never pulls this BS

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Fastmail is another "Australian" company the Feds built to justify reading your mail since it's technically "foreign". I suspect this was built way back when such legal details even mattered....

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With Google and Microsoft, there are no unfortunate accidents when it comes to censorship

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Spam algorithms are, in my personal experience, 50% accurate at best.

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Sure, but this is a new phenomenon in my Gmail since 25 May - it has sent dozens of Substack mails (and only Substack mails) to my spam (and only since 25 May)

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Switch to Protonmail, I'm glad I did!

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I've been expecting the disinformation powers-that-be to increase pressure on subStack.

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I have Mac Mail

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I had something similar happen last night when I was reading about Merchan's connections. Article blanked out and I was taken back to my email.

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There are some extremely sophisticated algorithms running, maybe enhanced by AI. Amazon first gave us music for free, so I made a bunch of playlists, then a year or so ago, the playlists began to only shuffle, making it impossible to hear any song in particular, if I didn't pay 9.99 a month. This pissed me off so I made playlists of just one song, things like that, with expletiveBezos as the title, and should've switched to Spotify, but was lazy. I just got used to the shuffle and procrastinated Spotify. Then a few weeks ago, in 3 separate instances, the song that I clicked on to activate the playlist played. That stopped at 3 times, but then I began being spammed by ads for the 9.99 a month play what you want music. That I think was an algorithm, designed to remind me of how I would love to just play what I wish, and how I could do that for only 9.99. Subtle and sophisticated. My brother told me years back, and he's not a Luddite like me, very savvy, a programmer, that if he had conversations in the vicinity of his phone, he began getting ads for anything he'd spoken of that there could conceivably be ads for. The moral is that we may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean the algorithms aren't out to get us, subtly and sopisticatedly.

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Hi-tech "Memory Hole." This is why I'm running Linux, have been since August 2020.

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Switch to Yahoo or Proton mail- does not happen.

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I've found Fastmail to be a reliable, full-service provider with lots of great features since before it was cool to not censor people. Consider voting with your feet. A few dollars to deprive M$ and Google of your personal data is probably reasonable. Or go with Proton Mail although I haven't checked recently whether or not they are holding the line.

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Thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely check it out. I pay for ProtonMail but don't love the interface so I never use it.

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Microsoft have been doing that for years, it's not special to this case.

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Mine just did the same thing and when I was just then reaching my maximum level of rapier like wit too! 😼

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Switch to brave, you’ll love it.

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I’ve had the same thing happen!

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I read your comment and checked my Microsoft quarantine page. I’ve been subscribed to E for for a long time and Microsoft has never quarantined his emails . . . Until now. I also noticed many other emails on the same subject quarantined. The techno - corporate complex’s censorship activities are apparently now in full gear.

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I heard he punched a baby too

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Imagine you are a mother or father who’s child was murdered in NYC in 2016-17 who is still waiting for the criminal justice system to take the responsible party to trial and convict them for the crime. Imagine watching this bullshit crime costing the city millions of dollars to prosecute while your child lays dead and buried, his/her crime unpunished. This kind of thing is what changes peoples minds about right and wrong. If they think no one is actually paying attention then they lose sight of the fact that everyday people who have been victims of serious crime(a growing population) are seeing this and getting pissed.

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I heard that he also said curse words in front of an old lady.

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And where was he on November 22, 1963? Dallas. That's where.

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Democrats won't learn until they are hit back twice as hard. Let's prep Hillary Clinton by having the Arkansas legislature update their laws to allow insider trading charges to be levied against attorneys who did work for businesses in the state of Arkansas in the 1980s. That should lock her down for a good 20 years once she's found guilty in Arkansas for insider trading, file shredding, fraudulent practices, does barment, Insider trading. Excited for Barack to answer for killing an American citizen in Yemen without duprocess and violating his fifth amendment constitutional rights. Pretty sure there's no statute of limitations on murder. Barack would probably love prison to get away from michelle. We can also change the laws to back date and eliminate statutes of limitations to pursue Joe Biden on charges of getting really bad hair plugs in the 1980s and of being older than 82 years old and getting gruesome Botox injections within the last 5 years. I vote that deserves life imprisonment as well! Do not think the dumb dumb Democrats have thought this one through. Cancel all of your video streaming services because the entertainment will be watching these clowns all perp walk and do time with each other. Not so much a matter of if they ever spend a day in jail the punishment is the process, let's begin.

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I could not agree more. Prosecutors in red states should be going after every single member of the Biden administration. But having worked with Republicans for the last 20 years, I can assure you that they are all goody-two-shoes and haven't a clue how to fight back effectively. The rank and file are busy, busy, busy...calling their Congressmen, going to meetings, holding luncheons with speakers. In Congress they are busy, busy, busy holding hearings and press conferences that no one listens to. But would they do anything naughty like fight back? Oh, heaven forbid!

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Most Republicans are a bunch of weak willed brownshirts in Pussy hats. I no longer expect any results from any of them. Sad situation.

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He tried to sexually seduce Biden during the last selection .

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And in the kidneys (UK football hooligan joke).

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It was in the ovaries, if we need to get specific

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by eugyppius

After reading some of your recent Substacks, I was growing concerned that Germany might actually be more dysfunctional than the United States; this recent news assures me that we still have bragging rights over here.

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It is not a weighted issues. The globalist cabal are pursuing the same goals by different channels.

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We live in an age of escalation, maybe the Dems will push for the death penalty. Would fit perfectly with their whole child sacrificing Khazarian/Hilary death cult stuff

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NOTHING...and I mean nothing would surprise me at this point.

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Yeah that was kind of my point...just when you think the destruction is complete, Obama and Soros and crew take it to the next level. Makes me want to stock up on iodine tablets and head to New Zealand...or maybe Vanuatu

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Could that be why the rich and connected are all buying up all the land in Hawaii?

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Good, then they will be in one place; nothing a Russian ground penetrating nuke or two couldn’t take care of.

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I noticed that there’s no mention of ammunition in your survival inventory replenishment…. 🤔I wonder why?

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No shit, right?!

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May 31·edited May 31

At some point the Democrats are going to take it too far, and Americans with a strong constitution, a soul and a sidearm, are going to realize that they have nothing to lose -- that they will die anyway. That's when it all hits the fan.

Did anyone see that massive explosion/fire at the chicken plant here? From space it looked like a double ring of nuclear bombs had gone off. Lahaina, anyone? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/millions-chickens-killed-5-alarm-fire-farina-farms/

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It smelled like KFC downwind for miles.

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Drastic, but plausible

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If Trump is ever imprisoned and separated from his security he’ll be ‘Epsteined’.

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And Trump is a way bigger threat to the globalist order than the most right-wing Euro politician you can name. Bigger levers to pull. Simply preserving the Bill of Rights would keep a large bulwark of people in place to question and resist.

As well as preventing the Democrat party from institutionalizing the culture-eroding policies they favor.

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Germany seems more fertile ground, due to the long emphasize on scorning nationalism, prior de-Nazification, etc. It feels like that, and the Green movement, have been co-opted into a globalist, relativistic approach that is almost a caricature from outside. Then again, you read about brave farmers from Lower Saxony protesting and think there's hope. The oikophobia is visible publicly, though maybe overstated by the media? What do you think, @eugyppius?

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Yeah... has anybody seen young Germans, in pubs, in crowds, singing "Auslander aus!"? There's hope yet. Of course, we do have our MAGA crowds, so there's that.

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Well put. Imagine thinking, even just 5 years ago, that these two countries would be near the top (bottom?) of the list of sh*tholes to flee from.

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May 31Liked by eugyppius

I slept poorly last night, for reasons unrelated.

But when I awoke to the news this morning I have to say I was really sickened.

It felt like we were living through one of those moments in history of such incredible portent that you have to step back to realise the true enormity of what is happening.

I don't mean the deployment of lawcraft to skew the results of a nominally democratic election, nor the abuse of power by sitting politicians. These are things that have happened many times before behind the democratic curtain that hides from view the stage rigging of the American Empire's machinery.

What has changed, though, is that this act of lawcraft is being carried out with the full understanding that it will openly feed the divide of the country and perhaps even with the intention of doing so. The intention is not to heal the divide, but to beat down the half of the country that finds itself on the wrong side.

The purpose of convicting Trump on such ridiculous charges as these is not just to impede his future political career. It is to send a message to anyone who would challenge the mechanisms of the Empire's elites: to publicly and visibly show that such dissent will not be tolerated. To openly declare that the judiciary is another tool whereby the Establishment can win.

Therefore, not only are the elites indifferent to the fact that 40 or perhaps 50 percent of the electorate see this for what it is, they actively rejoice in this publicity.

Contrast this to the assassination of JFK: then, at least some attempt was made to entertain the theatre that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman, or maybe mob bosses, or Cubans...

We are witnessing the final days of American Democracy. The coming election, I am now predicting, will be 'won' with all the certainty of a DDR election in the 1970s.

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You may be right about the 2024 elections. In fact you probably are.

The only escape for this country is the states. At least 25 states are openly rebelling against the federal government. They have Constitutional carry laws (meaning you can carry a sidearm openly without a permit). They defy the feds over any number of issues. Half of the state of Washington detests "woke" Seattle and has voted to join "Greater Idaho" and Oregon counties are rebelling against Portland, are going the same way. One jurisdiction in Louisiana, after ten years, managed to "secede" from a larger jurisdiction that was over-taxed and crime-ridden.

DeSantis in Florida is leading the way openly, and other governors are following. Have a look at an electoral map of the U.S. COUNTIES that voted for Trump. It's most of the map. And don't underestimate an armed nation. Gun sales have gone through the roof in the last four years. And those 45,000 would-be recruits who are not joining the military? They're out and about. The dictatorship knows it has problems. So it's setting food plants on fire. The latest one: (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/millions-chickens-killed-5-alarm-fire-farina-farms/

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🥱Wake me up when they take control of their national guards, arrest the inevitable dissenters, detain the FBI Stazi wannabes and any and all other armed fedsters and frog march them to jail. Only when I hear something more to the high velocity point than the usual hot air barking from the MAGA war chiwawas (and all the other ‘patriots’ I’ve heard all my life) will I even consider expending the small remainder of my life.

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If you think back to how incredibly powerful and immersive and international the covid psyop was, and how, no doubt due to the primitive functioning of our behavioral immune systems which have allowed us not to go extinct, many fine highly educated thinkers fell for it, in huge numbers, and then imagine that that something that fine-tuned and engulfing has been swallowing progressive minds over at least these 4 years, but probably back to Obama getting into power, it makes more sense. I hear it second hand, that Trump is a dictator, that he's a gangster, that's he's Hitler, that he will put us in concentration camps like HItler, that he caused January 6, and the rants have been coming from the White House, with high production values, for years now, and huge swathes of people really genuinely think by stopping him by any means they have stopped the rise of National Socialism in America and defeated a dictator. It is flabberghasting that they think this, but they do. And that is conjoined to the CRT DEI edifices which they only see the sheep's clothing version of, which is a toxic mimic of Judeo-Christian values and represents day care center justice.

The axiom below it, the high stakes axiom, is that it is worth destroying the nation's foundations if we stop white supremacy, and the return of Hitler, and usher in kumbaya equity.

Trump is many things, involved with weird politicized cult like Christians, like Paula White, who sold bad mortgages to poor people in churches, and he has taken no stand against the vaccines or pandemic lockdowns, has an advisor from Pfizer I read, sells golden bibles and golden tennis shoes, is a narcissistic oaf and not Spartacus, but he is just what he is, and in no way reincarnates Hitler or Stalin or Mao, but no one knows shit about history. The meta issue is the weaponization of the justice system, which destroys the structures of government as they have existed since 1776. But the nation state is like the progressive's Girardian scapegoat, sacrificed or sent out into the wilderness, carrying all the sins of humanity over thousands of years, to be replaced by the queered utopia of technofeudal corporatism, cleansed of human nature. Open the smokehole in the tent to let in the Great Spirit, call upon the sages and saints, align yourself to the highest practices of your faith, and pull away from this event horizon that is sucking all light into it.

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Cynthia everything you said there absolutely nails it. Yes Trump is a Corrupt man, a narcissist and bufoon but read history and you’ll know there is much worse. If you want to know the trajectory of unhinged progressives do read chronologically about Robespierre, Lenin Mao, Pol Pot etc. Here in the U.K., school kids are only taught about the evils of Hitler. For me as a former socialist turned libertarian by the left who want to impose the state on every aspect of our lives and , who actually hate workers control, Covid was my awakening. The left want only the rule of functionaries they are the real enemy, and there lies the road to serfdom.

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Loved this post, Cynthia. Let us not forget the powerful psyop preceding, 9/11, that pulled the other side of the political spectrum down with it, making the right comfortable with the security state under which we are all surveilled, face-mapped, and controlled. Going by my own experience, I was all for it after 9/11; I remember favoring racial profiling rather that patting down Grandma at the airport. So, I take responsibility. I was wrong. The ones we should be profiling are the guys in suits who arranged for those buildings to fall, and who also planned and produced the scamdemic.

Where is Trump on all of this? I'm not sure. He still believes that there was a pandemic, and he saved us with his warp-speed jabs. If that's my saviour, I'm in trouble. We have to see beyond him to those that are pulling the strings. But a ridiculous trial like this gets us focusing back on the show, the left/right battle, that obscures the puppet masters, who are bringing us technofeudal corporatism, as you so aptly call it.

I think RFK, Jr. sees the big picture, has the experience with the law, fighting big corporations that would sicken us, pollute the environment, threaten free speech, and he has the intimate knowledge of the deep state actors that would assassinate presidents, or candidates that might get in their way.

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I am usually the blackpilled one but I think this is a cause for celebration. Specifically accelerationist celebration.

One of two things is now going to happen

1) 100,000,000 heavily armed Americans are going to realize that the system hates them and they're fucked forever unless they Take Direct Action

2) Trump will be the next president and he will realize that if he doesn't systematically purge (with bullets) the democrats and the deep state, he will be purged (with bullets).

Both of those are improvements on our current situation, at least for the people who survive

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I can see a path to both those scenarios, too.

What I don't see, though, is how America returns from THAT point to a place where the great middle still believed in the system. I mean, under (1), what do these 100m do with the other 100m, who can also arm themselves and take direct action?

And if (2), what backlash from the blue wave following Trump's purge?

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Look at the states. That's where the country is headed. Look at migration patterns within the states. People are flocking out of the blue big cities to red states and small towns. Soon the country will be geographically divided enough for the strong, pragmatic, liberty-loving resourceful people to tell the Democrats to fuck off.

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In such a scenario, assuming success, there'd be no blue wave backlash.

There's a world of difference between shouting "Respect my pronouns!" or "Take the knee!" when the police act as your enforcer, and when the police is firing live rounds at your "mostly peaceful protest".

And the rainbow-pedo-BLM-nazipalestinians-progressives are like pissicles: they melt when things heat up, leaving only a foul rank odour.

The great middle you speak of would return in ca 20ish years - things that happended before one was born is history, and to the brain it matters not if it was 1 year before your birth, or 1 000.

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If he purges them properly, there won't be enough blue left to create a wave in the first place. But that's never going to happen

As for your other question, the problem is that in a civil war, there's always a heavy asymmetry in favour of the rebels. Because all collateral damage only hurts the system. It could, for example, create a situation in which the angry MAGA people get thoroughly destroyed, but the collateral damage and loss of legitimacy that the system incurs ends up collapsing it anyway. Many such cases in history (I think; I'm not looking any up rn)

I don't think there is a world in which we get back to people believing in the system. For that matter, I don't think that would be good. The system has always been rotten. The correct thing is to not believe in it

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Just imagine a city such as San Francisco with no electricity, no water, no garbage hauling, no nothing for three-six weeks.

A militia cutting those things off for it, cutting off food deliveries, and not letting people leave wouldn't need to be that many - if actual military and LEO don't interfere.

After three-six weeks, you can roll in and sweep up with a rolled-up newspaper.

The machine knows this.

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I used to live there, I don't need to imagine.

But I think you're overly optimistic. _Especially_ with SF. They're a coastal city, you can't cut off food deliveries without a navy.

I don't remember where they get their water from, that might be vulnerable. They already don't haul trash so that wouldn't make a difference. Electricity is probably vulnerable but on the other hand a lot of people have rooftop solar.

But, I mean, stop talking, I can only get so hard

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There’s nothing like a good old purge if what I’ve learned from the history of our species is any guide and it is long long overdue in this country and, I believe, around the whole fucking planet.

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Hope you're right.

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I had hoped that there was at least one honest and courageous man in Manhattan. I was wrong. What difference will this conviction make? The socialists who were going to vote for Biden (or, more exactly, his regime) won't change their minds; the MAGA supporters will merely buy more water, ammo and MREs; the tiny percentage of registered but undecided voters who will actually vote? Dems hope that if they scream CONVICTED FELON loud enough, often enough, it will cost Trump a point or two. I really don't know. I am a precinct committeeman, who will still go house to house ringing doorbells, but if the question comes up, I will ask the resident: convicted of what? convicted how? convicted by whom? Anyone who supports this prosecution reveals himself as a person who does not care about constitutional rights or law, but only about power. They will have gotten off the "democracy" bus and will continue on foot along the Road to Serfdom.

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Courageous, tough New Yorkers are a thing of the past. People who grow up here mostly can’t afford to live here unless they inherit grandma’s apartment. So most of the New York natives you run into are noticeably older…or they’re government dependents.

The young people in the city are mostly from elsewhere, and they’re mostly childless drones who think they’re doing important work for parasitic corporations.

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I still live near the city I formerly lived in and thoroughly enjoyed. It makes me sad to go there now. It's been gutted.

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One gets the impression it's a bunch of narcissistic bloggers like Chelsea Handler. Kind of like a low rent, burned-out version of Sex in The City on SSRI's and occasional coke.

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OTOH listening to those New Yorkers tell off Robert de Niro was pretty heartening.

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MAGA all bark and no bite; has the fangs but won’t use them. Atlas Shrugged and the whole population fell off.

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I am doing everything I know how to do, short of armed violence, which I would not disclose here anyway. If you are not at least a precinct committeeperson, an election judge or a pollwatcher, you need to step up. To your point: the revolution will not be run by others, it will only be run by us.

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Royce White talks about the value of precinct-level representation. With the medical tyranny, everyone expected the doctors to resist, but no one protected the doctors' jobs politically.

The least you can do if talk to other people, give them courage, spread the word, and encourage mobilization.

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The judicial system is in the toilet.

The DoInjustice is in the toilet.

Rogue Soros-buffoons, like Bragg, are in the toilet.


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It always has been. But nobody cared about little anonymous people crushed by it every day.

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On point, sir.

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oops. Duly noted, ma’am.

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You know any boy Bad Fairies? Well, I guess that's a dangerous question.

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lmao....don't be mean SCA....:)

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May 31Liked by eugyppius

What may be the most disheartening aspect of this verdict is that it confirms what the COVID scam exposed, that a huge number of my fellow citizens are incredibly weak in both mind and spirit.

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The website collecting money for his presidential run crashed last night due to an overload of visitors and the guilty verdict is such a ridiculous perversion of justice that it is turning Trump haters into Trump voters. 2024 is shaping up to be an interesting year. Popcorn at the ready!

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Could be a massive own goal in the making. I think we are witnessing the end of the regime, not the end of Trump.

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From your mouth to God’s ear.

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Trump campaign announced today that it raised $35 million dollars in the last 24 hours in small donations. This is twice the previous 24 hour record (which I imagine was after his mugshot).

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Crashed due to an overload of visitors, eh? In today's world, I strongly suspect there could be an alternate, more sinister, explanation.

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May 31Liked by eugyppius

Nobody is above the law. Unless we say they are.

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May 31Liked by eugyppius

Ron DeSantis nailed it and this one in particular:

"It is often said that no one is above the law, but it is also true that no one is below the law. If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict.

In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court."

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America is toast, JayBee, and the West along with it.

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Sure America might be toast, but that decision was made at least 50 years ago. The fact that it’s so ridiculous at the moment tells me that long-term plan might not come to fruition.

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Reminds me of when Nixon got into trouble over the same thing that Lyndon Johnson did. LBJ's campaign would issue press releases rebutting speeches by Barry Goldwater before the GOP nominee made the speeches. Republican campaign staff took to using public payphones to communicate because their office lines were tapped.

Except of course, none of this is a problem if Democrats/"liberals" are doing it: it becomes a threat to the constitutional order only when Republicans do it.

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LBJ joined the Soviet KGB in a secret October surprise on behalf of Humphrey in the run up to the 68 general election. The KGB concocted a plan to interfere with the US election by forcing North Vietnam to join peace talks in exchange for a halt to the US bombing campaign, and they engaged the White House in the plan through a secret back channel. Source: Clark Clifford. When the South caught wind of the deal, they smelled a rat and killed it. Historians laid the blame for Johnson's debacle on Nixon of course. Ken Burns repeated this smear on Nixon and called him a liar. George Will called Nixon treasonous. This is an example of the extent to which Democrats are protected by Nat Security state and the media.

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Who is "the South"?

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And the corollary is that no one is below the law, which in this case, Trump was held to be

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My reaction to this travesty is: I am surprised but not shocked. Thirty years ago, I WAS shocked at the OJ Simpson "innocent" verdict. That trial illustrated the deep, rationalistic thinking errors people are capable of when they are deeply emotionally attached to a prior position. In the OJ case, the prior bias was "racism!" In the Trump case, the prior bias is something like "Orange Man Bad!" In a better time and in a better America, objective reason usually triumphed over rationalistic bias. It was unlikely that a judge and all twelve jurors would blatantly disregard reason. A verdict like this one, or like the OJ verdict, requires a massive thinking error by all parties involved. It indicates deep epistemological rot and is a sure sign of a diseased culture. I suspect it is the same type of thinking error that leads to mass atrocity. I also suspect it is sweeping the Western world. I wish I understood how to defend my family against it.

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Totally agree. This is a continuation of the decline of our society and culture, and I don't really see any improvement that will turn things around. In essence, they weren't really defending a man of great integrity and moral stature, which would have been much more clear for the masses who don't have the ability to think rationally or knowledge to understand the nuances of law involved.

The most difficult part is neither candidate is the "best" as both are bad examples of what would make an excellent president for our country. It makes no sense to have a president who obviously has some form of dementia or neurological disorder. And it makes no sense to have a president who has no ability to take criticism or advice from knowledgable professionals in their respective fields in order to make decisions in areas he isn't strong in regarding domestic, military, or foreign affairs.

For people to have an almost godlike adoration for either candidate is stunning, and to ignore their respective flaws is dangerous. I don't understand why neither party chose to offer us alternative candidates for this extremely important office.

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May 31Liked by eugyppius

"... violated campaign spending limits..." There is no limit individuals can contribute to their own campaign.

"...or constituted an attempt to unlawfully influence the 2016 election"

After the election is over? And precedent has established that hiding negative personal behavior is not a campaign violation.

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Sounds like you could've argued better than Trump's legal team. :D

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Yes, but that would require a judge who permits the arguments.

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Max Blumenthal said it best "If Trump had only been an Israeli leader conducting a live-streamed genocide, the Biden admin and all its lackeys would be working 24/7 to shield him from prosecution."

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May 31·edited May 31

Say it with me: there is no genocide happening. You repeating a lie, doesn't make it so. Then you might as well cal the US invasion of Iraq and Libya a genocide, because hundred of thousands died during these campaigns.

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"Oceania was at war with East Asia. Oceania had always been at war with East Asia"

– George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty-Four"

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Maybe give it another read.

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Bombing refugee camps, yeah no genocide. Get a grip

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That's not genocide. A war crime if it was shown to be done on purpose. Get a grip

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And I doubt you really care about the Palestinians. Just like the Muslims don't really care about muslims being killed by their brethren, but are mighty upset when Israel is involved.

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I care about the US. I care about Israel dragging the US into another war. I care about Israel’s iron grip on US politics, academia and media.

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Great. At least you admit to not caring about all the dying Palestinians. I can respect that, but don't pretend you do.

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“Refugee camps” within a people’s own territory—sounds legit. You frogs whine like deranged lefties if it means you get to denounce Israel

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Yes, refugee camps. Don't be such a tool. This is the most well documented genocide in human history. Open your eyes.

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Genocide is the attempt to eliminate a population, a people, a race, or a nation. Quite apart from the murder of civilians, the intentional destruction of hospitals, places of worship, and universities make the actions of the ITF genocidal. How can anyone defend the destruction of ancient libraries and places of learning? The ITF planted bombs in these institutions from the inside, knowing full well that no one was hidden in them. It is indefensible.

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War is brutal, difficult to defend. But I am curious as to this use of the word genocide.

Leading Jews in Israel are not calling for the eradication of Muslims; almost all Palestinians want the end to Jews, not just the state of Israel. One side routinely call for the end of a specific ethnic group; the other side does not do so and even provides warnings of attacks.

I am not interested in the specifics of the conflict. I am interested in how people can easily overlook these things then use the word genocide. There are people in the Near East calling for genocide but it is rarely Jews.

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Palestinian propagandists have studied how jewish lobby groups have used the Holocaust as a weapon against the non-jewish majority population in european nations and USA, and the old colonies.

They're simply copying a very succesful strategy of influence, one where the way is already paved to elicit the wanted emotional response.

If europeans et al would actually engage in intellectual conscious thought, they'd see the Pallywood propaganda for what it is, which includes the abuse of the legal term genocide.

But doing so against brown people is racist, and all "white" races have been thoroughly marinated and brainwashed into recoiling from being called racist by brown people, and will rather commit suicide than risk it.

Hence: call it genocide and the whiteys won't question anything.

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I don't think it is working though. I know it works on some. But the effectiveness of Jewish propaganda was its relative scarcity. Once everything becomes genocide nothing is. So I am not sure it is a strategy that transfers well.

Also the wheels are coming off the holocaust and have been for some time. So it is coming to an end.

I foresee a backlash from white Europeans sick of being pushed around.

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Who is the ITF?

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Who told you that? Hamas?

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According to Hamas: “Genocide is the attempt to eliminate a population, a people, a race, or a nation. Quite apart from the murder of civilians, the intentional destruction of hospitals, places of worship, and universities make the actions of the ITF genocidal.”How can anyone defend the destruction of ancient libraries and places of learning? The ITF planted bombs in these institutions from the inside, knowing full well that no one was hidden in them. It is indefensible.

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Riri when you put "say it with me" before your statement, you kind of give the game away that you are not trying to persuade but to coerce. Is that because you know the facts are not on your side and persuasion would fail anyway?

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May 31·edited May 31

You also use the phrase when talking to a child 😏. I have the facts. What do you have? Feelings and propaganda? How many Palestinians have been killed?

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I've come across this so many times on Substack. This sort of patronizing snark in defense of Israel. I don't get it. Do you think you are helping, do you think this is a good way to be a friend to Israel --- by being as irritating and condescending as possible? It honestly seems plausible that you are like a Hamas agent or something. Israel has already lost world opinion, are you part of the total coverage operation to make sure it picks off every last fair minded person on Western social media, too? If so, my hat is off to you sir.

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May 31·edited May 31

Israel never had the world's opinion (if you count arm chair critics on social media as world opinion) , so that point is moot. I'll ask again : how many Palestinians have been killed and what would have been the appropriate reaction of Israel to October 7th? Sit back and do nothing?

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Riri, I would recommend reading RAlph Nader on exactly this topic (actual Palestinian death toll) if this is a question you truly wish to explore in depth.

As for the Israeli reaction to October 7th: they would have been better off stopping at an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. They would have been criticized for it, yes, but they would not now be more reviled even than Apartheid era South Africa was. Their reaction hasn't just been a moral failure it's been a total strategic catastrophe. I don't see how they will come back from it and you really are not being a friend to Israel egging it on. Unless you want to see Israel reviled? In which case: super job!

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‘Lost world opinion’ - you mean the MSM and the left elites? Israel has garnered more support from normies in England since the terrorist supporters took to the streets.

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May 31·edited May 31

OK, call both Iraq and Libya genocide too if it makes you happy. Noun: the deliberate and systematic killing or persecution of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. The Israeli war on Gaza qualifies explicitly.

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No,it doesn't. You don't even know how many palestians have been killed (and I doubt you care)

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Sadly, the more I find out about our Deep State, the more I question every intervention since the end of WWII.

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totally. The spectacle of American bien pensants looking serious and chin stroking about "the rule of law applies high and low" while Netanyahu is not in the dock and George W. Bush is not rotting in prison in a cell shared with Dick Cheney is just grotesque.

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Yeah, the Lightworker droned an American (Anwar al-Awlaki) and his sixteen year old American son, and of course, Hillary Clinton's crimes are acknowledged, even if James Comey claimed that "no honest prosecutor" would have attempted to press those charges. Maybe a different prosecutor ought to revisit those cases in this new light.

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right. "oh we are doing presidents now? I have some cases to bring then".

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May 31Liked by eugyppius

The bien pensant have, once again, managed to elect him. They've also extended their arson spree to every institution with enough kindling to burn.

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Judging from the reactions of friends and family this may be the biggest political blunder since Caligula appointed his horse to the roman Senate. One person who voted against Trump twice said they were going to donate to him, and so on. People may not like Trump, but they really don't like this.

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When average, non-political, people start to call a trial of a former President of the United States of America a sham, it's bad news for those in power.

If this administration can have Trump found guilty in this trial, using a novel legal theory, imagine what they can do to any normal citizen that they don't like.

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That's the point, some would argue. Risky moniker you have there, are you an insurrectionist? ;)

The transparent explanation is a poll last year that Americans wouldn't elected a convicted felon. So they had to generate that label.

More sinister explanation is the "flex" of special treatment, selective prosecution, etc. It's a way to reminding you of their power and your need to stay in line.

I hope it is the former.

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Ah yes. I've been following the flag controversy... These people never read American history and it shows.

I certainly hope that your first situation is "all" that they were trying to accomplish. However, in doing so, they proved the second situation in astounding fashion. These people are more than willing to destroy the rule of law within the United States to achieve their goals. I doing so, they are tearing apart the very fabric of our nation.

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Tearing apart the fabric is part and parcel of the plan, along with freedom destroying lockdowns, mass illegal immigration, stolen elections, support of rioting in the streets, predatory policing, allowing homelessness and crime, tolerating the opioid epidemic, just to name a few. Adding removing confidence in the judicial systems just helps to create a sense of anarchy that will have us asking for the new world order.

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Their approach to policing bears watching. When the Karens start begging for police action, they will have a solution waiting.

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A horse in Senate? I suppose we do have AOC... At least I like horses.

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At least he dragged in the whole horse. We've been saddled with a horse's ass.

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Most people hold the evidence-based belief that federal elected officials routinely and systematically commit crimes. Corruption, graft, insider trading, etc.

None of them get charged unless they really piss off party leadership.

Commoners hate sanctimonious motherfuckers, and that’s why so many people are irritated by this lawfare.

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George W. Bush should be in the dock at the ICC. The idea that presidents are subject to the rule of law just like anybody else is so obviously laughable. I say this with no fondness for Trump, but the insistence -- the absolute INSISTENCE -- that he is the worst president we've ever had when within recent memory we've had a real war criminal in office is totally insane. Whatever Trump may have done, he didn't cause the death of a million Iraqi civilians.

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And to follow up, Obama was far more destructive to American ideals than Trump. The NDAA alone is worth, what…a thousand Stormy Daniels? But when one suggests that to an otherwise sane NYT victim you’ll start them jumping up and down and steaming at the ears.

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