Via some bizarre error, the latter part of this post was cut off about an hour after I posted, and some last-minute edits were reversed. All the emails, however, were complete. I have now restored the internet version.

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I think by some perverse accidental magic I restored a prior draft, or something. Anyway, apologies.

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I haven't been able to edit my articles for about a week now. I found an error in one I want to correct, but when I go to edit, I get "Network Error" popups which, in the javascript console, are actually 403 "Forbidden" errors. You haven't seen that?

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no, that has not happened to me. very odd.

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Weird stuff happening on substack this week. Some comments are truncated

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Perhaps this cell of Reasonable Critics Who Question Authority has been discovered by the authorities, and we're being hacked in subtle ways.

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Maybe because you have your own domain, you're using different software than what's currently running on substack.com.

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the site is standard-issue substack through and through, just the address is customised.

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The Turd Reich!

These people are more useless than nipples on a breastplate.

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I was in Germany a year after the Berlin wall came down. The atmosphere of elation and hope of unification and freedom was truly something to behold. It is similar to the honeymoon we are currently experiencing here since the election.

My (then future) wife and her best friend were on the wall the night it came down, were among the first Americans to cross freely into east Berlin, and actually stayed the night with a wonderful family. To this day she speaks of how it was one of the highlights - and best parties - of her life.

She brought home a good-sized chunk of the wall, which is framed and prominently displayed to this day.

I love Germany. A good portion of my ancestors hailed from Schleswig-Holstein. It saddens me nearly beyond words that the promise of those times has devolved to such an extent.

Will the formerly free world never be rid of these vile collectivist poltroons? They defile and eventually destroy everything they control.

There is a lesson there for us here across the pond. We must seize the day and kick these people to the curb. Sadly, they will likely always be among us, but they must be defenestrated to the greatest extent possible.

While they are defeated and in disarray, mercilessly expose, prosecute and shame them to the point where they are no longer a political force. No quarter.

Carpe Diem.

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They are already considering it a temporary stumbling block that will be cured in two years with Congress and four with them taking over the White House again. We don't have a Green party as such but there are tons of them working in Government and they will just try to keep their heads down till 2028.

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This is why everything must be thrown at them as soon as possible to keep them in disarray and at each other's throats.

Such as:

- Prevent the bulk of the ~15 million illegals they've imported and subsidized from voting by ensuring citizen status and voter ID. Return to in-person, paper ballots and shorten the time window for counting.

- Eliminate as many Federal agencies as possible, and defang and defund the rest to reduce that major voting block.

- Prosecute as many of the lockdown governors and Fed/State officials as possible under USC §242, Deprivation of rights under color of law. Start with Fauci.

- Continue and accelerate the full-court press exposing the left's endless lies, hypocrisy and utter lunacy to the point where it can no longer be plausibly denied.

Certainly there are many other tactics, but these are the major ones that come to mind, and would make a great start.

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I fear we are too late but hope it all changes. The employees of the state have too much invested. In my day, the late 1950's early 60's, living in DC a job with the Feds was just safe with a secure retirement ahead. Not like today.

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We should, and apparently are, taking cues from what Milei is doing in Argentina, actions which have in less than a year made dramatic improvements, and if continued, will result in Argentina becoming among the freest and wealthiest nations in the world, as it was a century ago before it succumbed to socialism.

Should such actions be taken here, most importantly the abolition of the income tax and Federal Reserve Bank, I am certain it will unleash an economic boom unprecedented in history.

The question is if the improvements in prosperity come fast enough, and include enough of the electorate, to insure the policies continue.

I think two years is enough time, but regardless, this is the best, and perhaps last, chance we have to reverse over a century of progressive destruction of our society, polity and economy.

It must be done. And quickly.

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There is an easy way to smoke them out.

Offer a particular red ball cap. If they wear it, they will do anything they are told.

If they refuse., out the door.

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Those sorts of bureaucrats adapt. They have no ideology. Once they've figured out that their new masters are not going away this time, they'll start to toe the line.

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Both Europeans and their American cousins should consider reviving the ancient custom of putting public nuisances in the stocks or pillory. America also has the charming tradition of tarring and feathering, which offers clean, healthy fun for the whole family at a very low cost. Just the thing for an uplifting family outing!

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"...The spoils of fame, a Carpe Diem attitude." David Gilmour - The Piper's Call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMr5GpCpKyA

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Gilmour is truly among the greatest musicians of the modern era.


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Well played, sir.

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I hate the word turd...but i just couldn't help myself...lol...;]

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If it looks like a 'turd', smells like a 'turd', IT IS A TURD!

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Some things just never get old...


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this is the turd time I've heard that...

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Makes me think about the insult retort , "I wouldn't sh!t you, you're my favorite turd" in a comedic 1930's gangster-type movie New York voice pronounced as "toid." Was part of some comedian's act a long time ago that stuck in my repertoire.

So I pronounce it as "Da Toid Reich" in my head when I read that :D

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I considered naming one of my labs Turd Blossom, but was overruled.

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I recall a routine where a couple of mobsters were discussing the death penalty, in thick Jersey accents. One asks: "Are you deterred?" and the other replies "You callin' me a turd?"

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My cousin drove a particularly ugly, large brown 4 door sedan when we were in high school (ah the '80's) and we ALWAYS called it "the turd" because, well, that is what it was. The term has since then held a special place in my heart and I just can't hate it. We did hate that car though...

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"The Turd Reich!"

That's worth some sort of prize.

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Ryan Just remember that how your picture is at all German border crossings, and they have a cell for you in the hate speech prison. You have insulted Turds and Breastplates. The Greens take both insults to heart.

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Lmao. They are so fRaGiLe!

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more useless 😂 idk if that makes sense but i love it

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You're right. It should be "as useless as"

More useless....makes no sense.

useless is nothing more or less...it's just useless

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Here in Kanada, we also have the Turd Reich !

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That's really f---in' funny!

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Poop is organic, sustainable, and good for ESG! Printing punishments on paper is wasting carbon emissions and trees. What a scheisse show.

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Scheisse is my favorite expletive to say at work because it not only reflects my own proud German heritage but is not understandable to the vast majority of those who accidently hear me say it, loudly and with passion.

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Funny that. While living in Germany I would never take that word in my mouth. But now, living in an English speaking country I have no hesitation to use it when really, really angry.

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Is it pronounced like it "reads"?

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Sort of. Shi-za only a soft z sound more like shy-sah

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Ahh. Thanks Irunthis1!

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Perfect comment!!

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Of course, Eugyppius, while your Police “proactively patrol the internet” they cannot be patrolling the streets where the real crimes lie - exactly the same in the UK. How frustrating.

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Indeed - provided the criminals aren't white 'rioters'! Moreover, here in the UK three (!) police forces shuffled a 'Non Criminal Hate Incident' around between them until one acted on it and went to the house of the perp - a very well known journalist - on Remembrance Sunday morning, asking her to visit the station ... no, they didn't know what that 'crime' was, nor who the accuser was - sorry, that's now a 'victim' - or what this crime (a tweet) consisted of.

At least in Germany they can tell the accused what they did wrong ...

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Sir Robert Peel must be spinning in his grave.

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I'm sure he is. Fun quote regarding Peel, from the 1st Duke of Wellington who knew him very well indeed: "I have no small talk and Peel has no manners" ... No relevance, really, it's just because I had to shoehorn in the 1st Duke of Wellington when you mentioned Peel.

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We could do right now with either or both.

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Too right - especially Wellington who put the fear of God into the then civil servants when he was PM.

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I suspect the police are cowards and would rather "police" the internet in a comfortable chair with a cup of coffee to hand, than deal with actual criminals who might be dangerous.

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One word:


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I'm fully on board with following eugyppius's inadvertent "monoster" creation. Fabricate "new" insult words through clever misspellings and let the bastards try to prosecute those.

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Once upon a time, in the pre-Dynastic Bush Crime Family Syndicate New World Order scheme, the United States "exported" American constitutional values of freedom and liberty, Bill of Rights-type civil liberty protections to the world. Conditioned trade and Most Favored Nation status, alliances, on how free a nation was, how it treated its dissidents, the civil rights of their citizens. Repressive regimes wouldn't be given access to the lucrative and dynamic US market.

Then Dynastic Bush abandoned that standard. Pledged the US wouldn't interfere in the internal governance models of nations we did business with. Initially to welcome communist China into our markets, that became a complete shift of US manufacturing capacity to China while simultaneously gutting the US manufacturing industry.

And within a few decades abandoning the "exporting" of Bill of Rights values the entire world has come to embrace totalitarian governance on the path to zero free speech, Stalinist/Hitlerian/Maoist level punishment for speaking freely, asserting civil liberties.

If you are not on offense you are on defense. By conditioning trade and alliances on shared values for civil liberty, free speech our values were on offense, freedom was spreading throughout the world. As a result of removing that condition our values are on defense, and freedom is being extinguished throughout the world.

It seems to me that our greatest obligation to the entire world of humanity is to both restore our free speech rights and liberty values inside the US, and go back to making trade and alliances with the US conditional on adoption of our basic constitutional values of free speech, the First Amendment at least, if not the rest of the Bill of Rights. Becoming that shining beacon of freedom on a hill, once again. Not just for those who make our shores.

The Trump new administration could do that, condition trade, MFN, etc on free speech protections in nations seeking US aid and trade. That would do more to help Germans, English, Australians, French, etc than anything. A great opportunity to smack those smirks off the faces of those German leaders and bureaucrats who mocked his energy comments by freeing the German people to speak their mind freely and thus make more informed decisions about their leaders and laws.

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I did run across a mention that either Trump or one of his Avengers mentioned something like that.

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JD Vance did in an interview.

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Thanks, that sounds right.

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I must heartedly disagree. Trying to police the world has put us in the present catastrophic mess. We need to take care of our own problems and let others work out theirs. Providing an example of a free and prosperous society is the only moral solution; otherwise we will be marginalized ourselves, as the BRICS phenomenon foreshadows.

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I understand the disagreement. That's was the rationale many used to change from the policy of promoting freedom values around the world since Dynastic Bush Crime Family Syndicate changed from our previous posture - though they really only cared about using China's cheap slave labor system for multinational corporations to make massive profits off of.

So both the "not the world policeman" and "great for business" constituencies are joined at the hip with that openness. But while the "great for business" crowd has exceeded their expectations how's that "not the world policeman" reason worked out? I submit for your consideration that promoting freedom values isn't the reason why we are in a catastrophic mess and wars continue. And that the "great for business" crowd uses the "not the world policeman" theme as a carrot for many who share your concerns to help them secure great profit, without care or concern about catastrophic messes around the world. When they have political leaders like Lindsey Graham and Chuck Schumer openly saying that "war is great for the US economy" as they support an actual Nazi regime in Ukraine that bans free speech and eliminated elections and stands for no US constitutional freedom values you realize that the source of the catastrophic mess we are in has nothing to do with promoting constitutional freedom values abroad.

I used to share your idea on that, we're not the world's policeman. But I'm old enough to remember that when we did we protected freedom of our own citizens better when we forward projected them into the world. And our allies shared our values. Since we stopped forward projecting our values of freedom, freedom values have been on defense around the world, including at home. And are being eliminated globally, the world of free people is rapidly shrinking. If you're not on offense you are on defense. And we will soon be isolated in a world of totalitarian regimes. That control the production and economy of the world. That uses *their* power (BRICS?) to force our nation to abandon our own constitutional freedom values. They, through the current multinational corporation/banking economic system are marginalizing *us* and compelling *our* nation to abandon our freedom, losing our prosperity and morals by economic sanction.

The US is failing at being world policeman. The military has been completely reconfigured and restructured into an occupation force that puts down "insurrections." Its forward fighting capacity is pathetic and weak and reliant on other nations that don't share our values. A paper tiger. Propping up despotic regimes, engaging in color revolutions to overthrow democratically elected governments, many populists who share freedom values, because they aren't totalitarian enough and playing ball with the immoral profit-maximizing from slave labor multinational corporate and banking interests.

As reasonable as "not being the world policeman" sounds to many who blame American arrogance for the catastrophic nature of the world today its because we used to - over thirty years ago - the world hasn't improved for American values. Not abroad and not inside the US. The world view that we should just mind our own business when it comes to freedom overseas and the world will see our alternative of a free and prosperous society as the example has proven to be a failure. Because promoting constitutional freedom abroad isn't the reason for the catastrophes. Other American/global agendas that involve the military and profit are. And both of those agendas have zero interest in American constitutional freedom values. Don't much care for them. Freedom is inefficient for them, less profit, more objections to their agendas.

TL/DR - the "not the world policeman" crowd has been sold a bill of goods by the "great for business" crowd. Like how the green energy crowd sells environmentalism, a bill of goods. While they make energy expensive, depress economies and destroy the middle class, while the rich get richer. It's a ruse. Distraction. Deflection. The world was better off, the US was better off when it championed constitutional freedom values. Offense or Defense? Defending less and less ground. Until there's none left to defend. That's how this world works.

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How's this.......More On Fauci .... Just IN Turdo.....Doped-up Joe....

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It is the revenge of my people. Germany reduced the cultural influence of Jews to just about nil and this is the end result of being deprived of the healthy conditioning effect of Jewish humor. It's like trying to make bread without yeast. Flat and tasteless, your life becomes.

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jewish humour drains the absurdity from real life and bottles it up in fiction, comedy and satire where it is merely funny. constantly confronted with parodies of themselves and their worst tendencies, everybody tries to behave, and if they don’t they know they’ll become a joke in turn.

i very much fear, though, that you get the humour either way. germany has turned itself into a bizarre funhouse, i mean it is just crazy here, and often quite hilarious. sometimes i still have a laugh about lauterbach accidentally flashing his vaccine pass to the cameras and revealing he was lying about his third vaxx dose. maybe the ‚yes minister‘ guys could write this stuff, but idk. our television meanwhile is unwatchable slop.

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Against all odds and every possible subterfuge and uberfuge hurled, shoveled and cannonaded at us, enough of us over here got together in our strange multitude and elected Donald to save us, and I do hope he comes thundering in on Jan. 20 as Genghis Attila J. Trump.

Now you guys gotta save yourselves, too. If I can whore out my integrity to do so surely you can find enough Germans willing to tear their panties off over there for the sake of the nation.

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we're trying, SCA.

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+10 for "Yes, Minister" reference.

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The people need to collectively organize and all post identical statements, simultaneously, and then ALL refuse to plea bargain. Imagine the court system when 500,000 of those cases hit the docket.....

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I was just thinking along those lines … Further to that, can the German legal system prosecute non-resident Germans or even non-resident non-Germans? Meaning if loads of us here from this ‘Stack start meme-bombing various Green ministers will it grind the legal machine to a halt?

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You might like to ask that of a certain C.J.Hopkins. See his website The Consent Factory.

Spoiler. He's an American citizen resident in Germany, When the authorities got upset about a book he wrote he went to South America. He tells how he was arrested and flown back to Germany and is being prosecuted.

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This also happened to Reiner Fuellmich--attorney. par excellence fighting to retain our human rights..duel citizen of Germany and the US. He was arrested in Mexico and hustled into a plane and flown to Germany where he sits even to this day in solitary confinement and not allowed visitors or even to write letters except postcards. I believe the "Globalists" have over played their hand. Hopefully...they are toast.

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That is absolutely shocking; has he been charged with anything, and what of the solemn constitutional protections that all Germans are supposed to enjoy, failing which there is the ECtHR over the river in Strasbourg?

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"Solemn constitutional protections that all Germans are supposed to enjoy"

Uh-huh yes...what about them. Why does the world stand by and watch Fuellmich being martyred.

plus why is CJ Hopkins in jail?

Wake up, man. You sound like Rip Van Winkle. The world has metamorphosed into a toxic fascist hell hole.

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I was being ironic about the constitutional protections, as a couple of years of reading this Substack had already fully awakened me to the dangers of the Leftwaffe that now runs Germany. Nevertheless, this is taking things to another level and I am surprised that there has been no apparent attempt to turn such lawfare tactics back at these smug guardians of the Constitution. There are plenty of AfD members of the Bundestag and the European Parliament: aren't they raising hell about this incarceration for no good reason?

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Also he wasn't allowed to go to his mother's funeral and is in shackles. The Germans are so LITERAL. They have a totally nonviolent man--a licensed attorney for fckssake-- and they keep him in solitary confinement, shackled and not allowed to speak even to his fellow citizens. Why am I starting to HATE Germans....Could it be possible that the country that brought us Thomas Mann and Rene Rilke, Gunter Grass, Geothe, Herman Hesse....and on and on...have once more LOST THEIR FCKING MINDS????

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If he went to South America after "committing the crime" in Germany, that may leave him open to prosecution -- but I'm quite sure that nobody's going to extradite me from New York for posting a poop emoji at a German politician.

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Is MEXICO South America? It must have migrated....

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LOL, two different people in the thread, Hopkins and Fuellmich, former to S. America and latter to Mexico. I admit you took me aback a bit, though….

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I had no idea they had extradited Hopkins and Fuellmich.

Still, how many thousands of people can they afford to fly back to Germany for prosecution?

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Theoretically, if your nation has an agreement with Germany on how to handle cross-border crime, it might happen.

But I don't think even nations such as the UK or Sweden who are just as bad would actually try to do this.

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I was thinking more along the lines of the German people. The pushback has to come from there to be effective.

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I just thought of an appropriate date...when is his birthday?

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I so want to do this. Just the poop emoji though. Maybe with a Turd Reich heil Habeck??? Wadda ya think??

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Like a DDOS attack.

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Wish I could quintuple-like this comment.

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"Meme them until they cry, and then make memes about them crying." - Sun Tzu

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Eugyppius: yet another fine piece. We narrowly avoided electing the Ministry of Truth here in the US. I hope the "Disinformation Ministry" here in the US gets exposed and deconstructed early in the coming Administration. When Big Tech curates content, they should no longer have Section 230 immunity from the consequences.

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JD Vance has already lectured Europeans that if they continue to stifle free speech, the Trump administration will make them pay more for defense, so that is a ray of hope.

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Australia is currently on tenterhooks waiting for our Senate to vote on our MaD bill. Independent senators have so far indicated that they will block it, but who knows what will be offered in the meantime to get it passed.

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It's amazing how quickly they turn.

It would be as bad, if not worse here in the US, were it not for that one little word contained in a longer government directive.

The word?

"Shall", as in shall not be infringed, as in The Right To Own Firearms Shall Not Be Infringed.

The key passage in our Second Amendment.

Many people erroneously think the Second Amendment gives us the right to own and bear arms.

It doesn't.

The founders of this country recognized that right to be God-given and the 2nd only restricts the government from "infringing" on that right.

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I love that about the US constitution, that it restricts the government, rather than all these other constitutions that are lists of rights the government has so generously granted to its population.

The only weakness in the US constitution I see is that no punishments are laid out for governments that violate it.

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The greatest weakness is that some judges are bald faced liars. Including justices of the Supreme Court. The Founders never saw that coming.

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Re who grants the rights: almost no Americans are aware of this fact.

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The Constitution is a piece of paper. All it did was outline the beliefs of the Founders about government. As soon as it was ratified, American politicians started disobeying it and infringing on every right in the Bill of Rights. Literally every American Constitutional right has been infringed and reduced, some much more than others. Even the sacred American right of gun ownership has been infringed. Luckily, the US is a very big place, and it's very hard for politicians, even the Feds, to control and enslave everyone at the same time. Because if they could, I promise you they would.

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