A few of you have asked about reports of “sexual exploration rooms” in German childcare centres, where young children are encouraged to masturbate and touch each other.
No. Never forget it as that's what they want us to do so they can continue forward with their plan to make pedophilia socially tolerated if not also acceptable
My on the parental dole American sister-in-law living in Germany as a failed, 37 year old opera singer was just in town visiting my sick MIL, just bragged about how superior the German government is compared to the US. Now, AFAIAC since they both suck, I’m going to forward this to her and see what her brain dead response will be, if any.
As reprehensible as this story is, I thank you for bringing this to our attention. As a father of 3 and with one on the way, it is my duty as a father to know my enemy and how they seek to destroy what God has given me to raise and defend.
Can the horror stories get any worse ,than the ones we read about now ?On top of the Children's free for all in kindergarten ,there is the transgender mutilation programs ,that pretend to make boys into girls and girls into boys ,like cutting off the penis from boys to make them girls ,or the breasts of girls ,to make them boys .At least that is happening in the U.S. I read again and again .It is not enough to inject children with dozens of toxic venoms before they even grow up ,but destroy their life no matter how long they may live with no remedy until death .
I could not get past the first few paragraphs, and had just read an article by Seymour Hersh discribing how prison guards used masturbation in Abu Ghraib as a form of torture.
I did one better. I read the title and WILL NOT read anymore. ALl I can say is those poor kids don't have a choice who their parents are. It's absolutely hideous. Those people should be taken out immediately, there is no half measure here.
I'm going to read it, all of it, to expose the molesters before they come for my grandchildren. Here in the US (most) parents would be willing to go to war to protect their children from being sexualized like this.
I’m going to throw up. Children are not sexual from birth. John Money, a pedophilic monster who raped and tortured children for “research,” is the one who introduced the idea in academia. A daycare center is also not “private.” Because we knew kids who played with themselves around other friends at 3-4 years were often showing signs of a hyper-sexualized environment, at best, the couple of kids we saw do it frequently were quickly ejected from our kids lives. There are few things more destructive to children than being sexualized before puberty. It leads to drug addiction, dangerous depraved sexual behavior, and suicide frequently. Men often become violent and sexually depraved. Women drug addicted and suicide probe. These people making these claims are monsters.
When I was around nine years old, two sisters around my age would visit me to play. What they always wanted to play involved gross sexual naked displays. We moved soon after that so I had no further contact with them but that experience was horrific and I never told anyone about it. As an adult, educated in child abuse, I look back with such sorrow---there is zero chance that these girls wanted to "naturally" play that way. Obviously, someone with access to them was regularly using them sexually.
It wasn't easy to figure out the best words and the best timing, but I made sure that my kids were warned about any kids or adults who suggested such "games."
I really don't want to step into this subject, but I feel compelled to correct one line of thinking. I'm so sorry you were traumatized by your experience with these girls. And I'm glad you were able to get away from the situation.
I do think, though, that many children DO naturally play that way, and not because they're being used sexually by an adult. I experienced playing doctor with female cousins at a young age. I think it happened a couple times and Mom "caught us" and intervened (which she should have). Just because it's natural curiosity doesn't mean parents shouldn't teach their children that its inappropriate to touch each other's bodies like that. None of us had been sexually abused.
For adults to encourage this kind of activity in any setting is horrific, let alone a child care center. What an ideal situation for depraved sexual predators to LEGALLY get off on watching little children. Even if the children aren't touching each other in a sexual way, you can be sure an adult could view it that way. SICK SICK SICK
Cynthia, I appreciate your comment and agree that there is definitely curiosity and "doctor playing" in normal young child behaviors. But I thought that I had that base covered when I deliberately described what these sisters were doing as grossly sexualized--not anything as mild and innocent as playing doctor.
It's honestly too graphic to describe here. I will note that 1) playing doctor is typically behavior of younger kids, and these sisters were roughly eight and ten years old. 2) playing doctor isn't sexualized; what these girls were doing was. 3) these girls were obsessed with this activity, they wanted to do it every single time they came over to play. 4) I remember playing doctor a little bit at roughly four years of age. It was not sexual, it was not compulsive, it was mutual.
I’m sorry I didn’t understand the gravity of your situation with those girls. Thanks for the clarification and again, I’m so sorry you had to experience that.
agree. We as parents of children should always be aware and vigilant of their associations and as kids grow, we can rationally explain why certain others are not healthy relationships. It is not an easy job. Most of the unhealthy kids are depraved and latch on to kids that are well adjusted and focused on other wholesome activities
Sure am glad I had my kids in the 60s. I , and they, were, apparently, spared a lot of claptrap. When God destroys the world, he first makes the people mad.
Forget where I read that, but Guess thats what Im reading aobut here..
“Older children and adults have no place in these games.”
why do I think this will be the next topic on the agenda? Normalizing adult sexual interaction with children is next on the menu. You already see the vocabulary being introduced in California with the phrase “minor attracted person.” The goal (in my opinion) is to control speech so they (they = government/NGO/Non-profit institutions) will control the development of societal thought.
The only answer is, never leave your child in any kind of organized “care” setting. No daycare, no kindergarten, no mainstream school. None of these people can be trusted any more, and as these sickening practices become more widespread, it’s going to start to actively attract the worst sort of people as “caregivers”. Totally sickening.
That is exactly my fear - almost more than anything else: that the feedback loop thus invited and condoned by fools wishing to appear enlightened will rapidly create a hellscape of institutions staffed only by sexually damaged predators who will believe themselves to be the standard of mental and sexual health. At best, some of these fools think they're on to create some humanistic version of the lost paradise of Eden before "the fall", as if this were possible. One need not be religious to see the necessity of understanding the more complicated truths woven into that story, namely: that it's not about the nakedness per se (the natural state) but about the sudden gaining of bits of "knowledge " in the absence of a true capacity for Wisdom. I'm frightened of the predators working their way into the system. I'm more frightened by the useful fools who choose not to recognize they're being played by sociopaths.
Isn't it strange that in the 1980s it was claimed that this sort of thing was occurring in daycare centers (which it was not, at least not in most of the cases), and these claims provoked outrage and resulted in innocent people serving long-term jail sentences. (I'm talking about one facet of the recovered memory hysteria that swept the US and the UK [See, for example, The Secret of Brin Estyn by Richard Webster].) Now much the same thing is being avidly promoted by people running daycare centers without any serious negative response from authorities. The difference, apparently, involves the social context. The only conclusion that I can draw is that a number of people are in some deep sense more or less unreal - their existence mirrors current social fashions, and they seem to have no other frame of reference. (Some statistics on the incidence of this would be very useful.)
Horrifying. Thanks for this reporting, however disgusting to see this.
I am afraid my conspiracy brain kicks in when I see this kind of thing. I have a hard time believing it’s an accident.
I also note the total apostasy from Christianity, let alone Catholic morality, by an officially Catholic institution. More proof if any were needed that this is a spiritual war, and that large parts of the Church are occupied territories.
Completely agree, there's no accident here. This is becoming normalised way too quickly to be organic.
Just to speak to your last point, there is plenty of evidence, including firsthand confession/testimony, that the Catholic Church was actively infiltrated by thousands of bad actors in the 1930s. The wave of horrific abuse followed as those guys ascended through the ranks.
'Occupied territories' is the perfect phrase – the mainstream Catholic Church today is a zombie institution. They're desperate to focus on identity politics, vaccine mandates, climate change – anything, as long as it's got nothing to do with morality. They can't even spell it.
Yes Bella Dodd wrote about it. The German Catholic Church is largely so far from actual Catholicism. And yet the pope and him minions target traditional Catholics and not this absolutely disgusting depravity in Germany.
It is really interesting to compare the kind of language used and the regular warnings given by popes right through the nineteenth century, up to and including Pope Pius XII, with the “everything is great” formulas used since John XXIII onwards. It’s almost like that is a turning point…
You are completely correct that infiltration has happened, and its effects are clear.
The external pressure exerted on the Church by the American elite (Masonic?) from 1945 is something I didn’t really know about until I read David Wemhoff’s excellent two volume on John Courtney Murray, the CIA, and the American Proposition. Can’t recommend it highly enough.
There is a war on, it just hasn’t been declared, and “our side” aggressively pretends it isn’t happening. Weird times.
Absolutely! John XXIII was a turning point for sure, it must have been extremely creepy to live through.
Ooh, great recommendation – I might line it up next! I'm currently reading The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot, about the rise of the CIA under Alan Dulles (would also recommend, if you feel like being extremely depressed).
Can we see where this heading? Already paedophiles are attempting to be re-labelled as “minor-attracted persons”. The progression starts off with overlooking children being sexualized, then permitting children being sexualized, then using the legal system to deny the sinfulness of children being sexualized, then actually promoting and celebrating children being sexualized, and finally, persecuting those who still dare to oppose children being sexualized.
Evil has infiltrated the Church, yes. But remember that Jesus promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. So, this will all be resolved. We should pray and fight.
I'm Catholic, noticed the Catholic involvement with grave dissappointment. I'd say horror but I'm beyond that with what I've seen lately. Canada, my home country has fallen off of a cliff.
There is a reason that child molesters are the most hated people among prison populations. They rank lower than convicted policemen. Even serial killers hate them.
I don’t think I have written about it here, but I am haunted by it.
We lived in the Ft Lauderdale area in the 80’s and either the Miami Herald or Ft Lauderdale Sun Sentinel (I think it was actually the one) ran a series of front page, above the fold headline stories about throw-away children. Parents would divorce and the mom’s new boyfriend didn’t want them around, they would go to Dad’s his new wife didn’t want them, so they ended up on the streets. They survived by prostitution. Young........7 -14 year old boys. We drove to where the writer said it was happening and old men would drive up in their limousines and choose their boy for the night. We drove and prayed as I cried. I was a young mother.
I put it to the back of my mind after we moved, because I couldn’t deal with it.
Our prayer recently started concentrating on praying for children, and the memory almost made me lose hope.
So. I read the first paragraph. I have listened to the messages from the Fall of the Cabal, Corey’s digs and others.
And honestly. With tears flowing. I can’t. I’m now 72 years old. And I cannot bear this sorrow. I just can’t.
You just know there's hidden cameras in those "private rooms." You just know there are perverts orchestrating this repulsive program.
Add this post to the reports of thousands of unaccompanied children crossing the US-Mexico border, and delivered to anyone who can make a plausible claim of relationship or authorized person. And the US government has no follow-up of what happens to these children.
There are reports of children spirited out of Ukraine by supposedly well-meaning humanitarian organizations--and no one knows what happens to those children.
The world has gone MAD, and it seems to be orchestrated by people with credentials and government titles.
as a young girl I wanted children, then it turned out I could not. Now I am 65 and glad I do not have children. I would worry constantly about them and about grandchildren! This world is no longer fit for children!
I have an infant grandson. He may never see the inside of a school unless this madness stops. I am prepared to spend my retirement babysitting and home-schooling him.
This "progressive" nonsense is perversion, and it's seeped into the highest levels of government as best evidenced by the transvestite who's US secretary of heath. HE claims to be a trailblazer. I say HE is a lunatic.
I can’t even believe what I am reading. Clearly none of this is about kids. I remember my toddler son grabbing my mother-in-law’s ample bosom. She laughed. But at some point grandma gently moved his hand away. She distracted him with a coloring book. Young children pick up on social cues just fine. Daycare is not a private place and even small children know that. It’s as okay to gently tell a toddler not to grab their private areas in public as it is to tell them that they shouldn’t cross the street alone or how to sing the abc’s or not to dump their milk on the floor or any other thing we teach them. As for encouraging them to go to some private room or play doctor with other children...that is just a horror show waiting to happen. It’s all just so depraved.
the only 2 couples I know that have children, both homeschool. At first I was surprised, but now I realize it is the only way to go. I don't think it is allowed in Europe unless the home schooling parent is a certified teacher.
Ironically, this agenda is not as pushed in the European schools I have visited and taught in here in Belgium. This was before I moved to teaching at the university level though. The trail is however very clear U.S. Influence (cinema - Music -sports)> Europe> the rest of the world. Some of them such as Canada, Ireland, The U.K., New Zealand, and Australia unfortunately have sopped it up whole wholeheartedly, when others refuse such as The U.A.E. Georgia, Armenia, Russia, or Uganda they are ostracized by the "progressive" fascists of the world community.you know the world is in deep doo-doo when North Korea and Iran, seem to be more balanced than the U.S,
Except all this "progressive" nonsense started with Otto Von Bismark and morphed into the cesspool it is today. There are so many players in this - it isn't just the US who is to blame. And having lived in the Middle East and knowing the depravity that goes on there...it's everywhere.
I'm glad you wrote this because I saw the report the other day and struggled to believe it was true/not extremely exaggerated.
There is a relentless assault on people's natural instincts these days, in every sphere of life, and the infestation of society by people who want to ensure children grow up with "no* capacity to sense the inappropriate and dangerous is just remarkable.
I reply only to note that there is something not new about this kind of "education." The abhorrent work of Alfred Kinsey and the modern support for his Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University come to mind. That institute is still in operation today, and regardless of its current activity, it has a terrible history under Kinsey.
It is always so disillusioning to discover who and what these people were.
People so often do make rotten hay from their personal obsessions. Everyone moaning about the state of our universities today really should read the historical record of the sorts of research all of them allowed to be conducted under their imprimatur.
"Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card."
I’m at the auto body shop waiting for my car to get fixed. I happen to be rereading Brave New World and had to put it down because I reached the part where the Director is encouraging the children to sexually explore one another and teaching them how evil things like monogamy, love, and parents were.
I thought Substack would provide me with a bit of a breather... Boy, was I wrong.
It’s terrifying how much of our world today seems like it’s stripped straight from these dystopian classics. No one has learned a damn thing from these warnings.
Couldn’t finish the article but I did come to the conclusion that we need separation rooms for these people in which they can never leave that room once they are locked in. There is a massive public spiritual battle going on and there needs to be an awakening to it.
The one positive in these things is how UNNATURAL they are to most. Like so much today this is a small, well funded minority of oddballs. But interfering with kids is a very hard limit for the majority.
I am horrified by this post. The "rules" are so contradictory that they don't make any sense. "Doctor is not sexualized play, it's normal and then masterbation allows children to explore their sexual blah blah blah," I'm paraphrasing here. The author of that book is a sick pedo. And when I think of the fall of Rome I think of orgies and alas, apparently German daycare centers are creating them. Sick Sick Sick! The fall of western civilization....
I couldn’t read this. Suffice to say I withdrew my son in infants school from sex ed and in junior school I was the only parent who requested to see the school sex ed video before allowing my son, then 10, to see it. Of course I disallowed it. Its one repeated message was how to masturbate with the constant refrain ‘if you do this it feels good’. This in England.
One of the first times I simply couldn't finish reading a plague chronicle post.
I'm going to go run 10km now and try to forget all this.
No. Never forget it as that's what they want us to do so they can continue forward with their plan to make pedophilia socially tolerated if not also acceptable
Absolutely never. There will always be good people no matter how hard evil tries.
BINGO. That's it!
FYI you might be interested by Wolfgang Munchau's interview in Freddie Sayers over at UnHerd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ACX9xqMsRM
Where are the parents?
Part of it. Sickos
Putting their trust in the experts, where else?
Just to be clear, what are the ages of the children in these childcare/daycare centers? I assume pre-school, as in the US--so 3, 4, 5, years old?
The next question becomes, when did this all start? It seems unlikely this just popped up in the summer of '23.
Oh, Eugypius, please make it stop. The depravity that manages to gain credibility... it’s difficult to grasp
Have you read about Helmut Kentler?
My on the parental dole American sister-in-law living in Germany as a failed, 37 year old opera singer was just in town visiting my sick MIL, just bragged about how superior the German government is compared to the US. Now, AFAIAC since they both suck, I’m going to forward this to her and see what her brain dead response will be, if any.
As reprehensible as this story is, I thank you for bringing this to our attention. As a father of 3 and with one on the way, it is my duty as a father to know my enemy and how they seek to destroy what God has given me to raise and defend.
I scanned it. Utterly repulsive
Same here, disgustingly depraved.
Can the horror stories get any worse ,than the ones we read about now ?On top of the Children's free for all in kindergarten ,there is the transgender mutilation programs ,that pretend to make boys into girls and girls into boys ,like cutting off the penis from boys to make them girls ,or the breasts of girls ,to make them boys .At least that is happening in the U.S. I read again and again .It is not enough to inject children with dozens of toxic venoms before they even grow up ,but destroy their life no matter how long they may live with no remedy until death .
These two day care centers may only be the tip of an ice berg .
I could not get past the first few paragraphs, and had just read an article by Seymour Hersh discribing how prison guards used masturbation in Abu Ghraib as a form of torture.
I did one better. I read the title and WILL NOT read anymore. ALl I can say is those poor kids don't have a choice who their parents are. It's absolutely hideous. Those people should be taken out immediately, there is no half measure here.
I just can’t either. I just can’t anything anymore😩
I'm going to read it, all of it, to expose the molesters before they come for my grandchildren. Here in the US (most) parents would be willing to go to war to protect their children from being sexualized like this.
I can't read it either. They are after our children, it's time to take them OUT!
I couldn't finish either. Disgusting.
I’m going to throw up. Children are not sexual from birth. John Money, a pedophilic monster who raped and tortured children for “research,” is the one who introduced the idea in academia. A daycare center is also not “private.” Because we knew kids who played with themselves around other friends at 3-4 years were often showing signs of a hyper-sexualized environment, at best, the couple of kids we saw do it frequently were quickly ejected from our kids lives. There are few things more destructive to children than being sexualized before puberty. It leads to drug addiction, dangerous depraved sexual behavior, and suicide frequently. Men often become violent and sexually depraved. Women drug addicted and suicide probe. These people making these claims are monsters.
When I was around nine years old, two sisters around my age would visit me to play. What they always wanted to play involved gross sexual naked displays. We moved soon after that so I had no further contact with them but that experience was horrific and I never told anyone about it. As an adult, educated in child abuse, I look back with such sorrow---there is zero chance that these girls wanted to "naturally" play that way. Obviously, someone with access to them was regularly using them sexually.
It wasn't easy to figure out the best words and the best timing, but I made sure that my kids were warned about any kids or adults who suggested such "games."
I really don't want to step into this subject, but I feel compelled to correct one line of thinking. I'm so sorry you were traumatized by your experience with these girls. And I'm glad you were able to get away from the situation.
I do think, though, that many children DO naturally play that way, and not because they're being used sexually by an adult. I experienced playing doctor with female cousins at a young age. I think it happened a couple times and Mom "caught us" and intervened (which she should have). Just because it's natural curiosity doesn't mean parents shouldn't teach their children that its inappropriate to touch each other's bodies like that. None of us had been sexually abused.
For adults to encourage this kind of activity in any setting is horrific, let alone a child care center. What an ideal situation for depraved sexual predators to LEGALLY get off on watching little children. Even if the children aren't touching each other in a sexual way, you can be sure an adult could view it that way. SICK SICK SICK
Cynthia, I appreciate your comment and agree that there is definitely curiosity and "doctor playing" in normal young child behaviors. But I thought that I had that base covered when I deliberately described what these sisters were doing as grossly sexualized--not anything as mild and innocent as playing doctor.
It's honestly too graphic to describe here. I will note that 1) playing doctor is typically behavior of younger kids, and these sisters were roughly eight and ten years old. 2) playing doctor isn't sexualized; what these girls were doing was. 3) these girls were obsessed with this activity, they wanted to do it every single time they came over to play. 4) I remember playing doctor a little bit at roughly four years of age. It was not sexual, it was not compulsive, it was mutual.
I’m sorry I didn’t understand the gravity of your situation with those girls. Thanks for the clarification and again, I’m so sorry you had to experience that.
agree. We as parents of children should always be aware and vigilant of their associations and as kids grow, we can rationally explain why certain others are not healthy relationships. It is not an easy job. Most of the unhealthy kids are depraved and latch on to kids that are well adjusted and focused on other wholesome activities
Sure am glad I had my kids in the 60s. I , and they, were, apparently, spared a lot of claptrap. When God destroys the world, he first makes the people mad.
Forget where I read that, but Guess thats what Im reading aobut here..
I was is rehab and everyone there was molested as a child by either a family member or teacher/priest. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE
“Older children and adults have no place in these games.”
why do I think this will be the next topic on the agenda? Normalizing adult sexual interaction with children is next on the menu. You already see the vocabulary being introduced in California with the phrase “minor attracted person.” The goal (in my opinion) is to control speech so they (they = government/NGO/Non-profit institutions) will control the development of societal thought.
Another way to destroy children and their lives.
Well said NCMom.
The only answer is, never leave your child in any kind of organized “care” setting. No daycare, no kindergarten, no mainstream school. None of these people can be trusted any more, and as these sickening practices become more widespread, it’s going to start to actively attract the worst sort of people as “caregivers”. Totally sickening.
Agreed and never sacrifice your children for someone else’s feelings.
That is exactly my fear - almost more than anything else: that the feedback loop thus invited and condoned by fools wishing to appear enlightened will rapidly create a hellscape of institutions staffed only by sexually damaged predators who will believe themselves to be the standard of mental and sexual health. At best, some of these fools think they're on to create some humanistic version of the lost paradise of Eden before "the fall", as if this were possible. One need not be religious to see the necessity of understanding the more complicated truths woven into that story, namely: that it's not about the nakedness per se (the natural state) but about the sudden gaining of bits of "knowledge " in the absence of a true capacity for Wisdom. I'm frightened of the predators working their way into the system. I'm more frightened by the useful fools who choose not to recognize they're being played by sociopaths.
Isn't it strange that in the 1980s it was claimed that this sort of thing was occurring in daycare centers (which it was not, at least not in most of the cases), and these claims provoked outrage and resulted in innocent people serving long-term jail sentences. (I'm talking about one facet of the recovered memory hysteria that swept the US and the UK [See, for example, The Secret of Brin Estyn by Richard Webster].) Now much the same thing is being avidly promoted by people running daycare centers without any serious negative response from authorities. The difference, apparently, involves the social context. The only conclusion that I can draw is that a number of people are in some deep sense more or less unreal - their existence mirrors current social fashions, and they seem to have no other frame of reference. (Some statistics on the incidence of this would be very useful.)
Horrifying. Thanks for this reporting, however disgusting to see this.
I am afraid my conspiracy brain kicks in when I see this kind of thing. I have a hard time believing it’s an accident.
I also note the total apostasy from Christianity, let alone Catholic morality, by an officially Catholic institution. More proof if any were needed that this is a spiritual war, and that large parts of the Church are occupied territories.
Completely agree, there's no accident here. This is becoming normalised way too quickly to be organic.
Just to speak to your last point, there is plenty of evidence, including firsthand confession/testimony, that the Catholic Church was actively infiltrated by thousands of bad actors in the 1930s. The wave of horrific abuse followed as those guys ascended through the ranks.
'Occupied territories' is the perfect phrase – the mainstream Catholic Church today is a zombie institution. They're desperate to focus on identity politics, vaccine mandates, climate change – anything, as long as it's got nothing to do with morality. They can't even spell it.
Yes Bella Dodd wrote about it. The German Catholic Church is largely so far from actual Catholicism. And yet the pope and him minions target traditional Catholics and not this absolutely disgusting depravity in Germany.
Spot on analysis. Could not have expressed it in better terms.
It is really interesting to compare the kind of language used and the regular warnings given by popes right through the nineteenth century, up to and including Pope Pius XII, with the “everything is great” formulas used since John XXIII onwards. It’s almost like that is a turning point…
You are completely correct that infiltration has happened, and its effects are clear.
The external pressure exerted on the Church by the American elite (Masonic?) from 1945 is something I didn’t really know about until I read David Wemhoff’s excellent two volume on John Courtney Murray, the CIA, and the American Proposition. Can’t recommend it highly enough.
There is a war on, it just hasn’t been declared, and “our side” aggressively pretends it isn’t happening. Weird times.
Absolutely! John XXIII was a turning point for sure, it must have been extremely creepy to live through.
Ooh, great recommendation – I might line it up next! I'm currently reading The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot, about the rise of the CIA under Alan Dulles (would also recommend, if you feel like being extremely depressed).
Will look it up! But maybe will read it when I am in the right frame of mind…
Many thanks!
Can we see where this heading? Already paedophiles are attempting to be re-labelled as “minor-attracted persons”. The progression starts off with overlooking children being sexualized, then permitting children being sexualized, then using the legal system to deny the sinfulness of children being sexualized, then actually promoting and celebrating children being sexualized, and finally, persecuting those who still dare to oppose children being sexualized.
"...then using the legal system to deny the sinfulness of children being sexualized," Ralph Underwager comes to mind.
Evil has infiltrated the Church, yes. But remember that Jesus promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. So, this will all be resolved. We should pray and fight.
I'm Catholic, noticed the Catholic involvement with grave dissappointment. I'd say horror but I'm beyond that with what I've seen lately. Canada, my home country has fallen off of a cliff.
probably they have been doing it for some time?
I hope not, but apparently they've been planning it for some time.
There is a reason that child molesters are the most hated people among prison populations. They rank lower than convicted policemen. Even serial killers hate them.
I read some get 'accidentally' killed in prison.
Once parents start to figure it out, that may become the fate of the normalizers behind this.
I read the first paragraph and want to cry.
I don’t think I have written about it here, but I am haunted by it.
We lived in the Ft Lauderdale area in the 80’s and either the Miami Herald or Ft Lauderdale Sun Sentinel (I think it was actually the one) ran a series of front page, above the fold headline stories about throw-away children. Parents would divorce and the mom’s new boyfriend didn’t want them around, they would go to Dad’s his new wife didn’t want them, so they ended up on the streets. They survived by prostitution. Young........7 -14 year old boys. We drove to where the writer said it was happening and old men would drive up in their limousines and choose their boy for the night. We drove and prayed as I cried. I was a young mother.
I put it to the back of my mind after we moved, because I couldn’t deal with it.
Our prayer recently started concentrating on praying for children, and the memory almost made me lose hope.
So. I read the first paragraph. I have listened to the messages from the Fall of the Cabal, Corey’s digs and others.
And honestly. With tears flowing. I can’t. I’m now 72 years old. And I cannot bear this sorrow. I just can’t.
You just know there's hidden cameras in those "private rooms." You just know there are perverts orchestrating this repulsive program.
Add this post to the reports of thousands of unaccompanied children crossing the US-Mexico border, and delivered to anyone who can make a plausible claim of relationship or authorized person. And the US government has no follow-up of what happens to these children.
There are reports of children spirited out of Ukraine by supposedly well-meaning humanitarian organizations--and no one knows what happens to those children.
The world has gone MAD, and it seems to be orchestrated by people with credentials and government titles.
as a young girl I wanted children, then it turned out I could not. Now I am 65 and glad I do not have children. I would worry constantly about them and about grandchildren! This world is no longer fit for children!
I have an infant grandson. He may never see the inside of a school unless this madness stops. I am prepared to spend my retirement babysitting and home-schooling him.
This "progressive" nonsense is perversion, and it's seeped into the highest levels of government as best evidenced by the transvestite who's US secretary of heath. HE claims to be a trailblazer. I say HE is a lunatic.
I can’t even believe what I am reading. Clearly none of this is about kids. I remember my toddler son grabbing my mother-in-law’s ample bosom. She laughed. But at some point grandma gently moved his hand away. She distracted him with a coloring book. Young children pick up on social cues just fine. Daycare is not a private place and even small children know that. It’s as okay to gently tell a toddler not to grab their private areas in public as it is to tell them that they shouldn’t cross the street alone or how to sing the abc’s or not to dump their milk on the floor or any other thing we teach them. As for encouraging them to go to some private room or play doctor with other children...that is just a horror show waiting to happen. It’s all just so depraved.
A perfect, common sense approach, Caroline.
the only 2 couples I know that have children, both homeschool. At first I was surprised, but now I realize it is the only way to go. I don't think it is allowed in Europe unless the home schooling parent is a certified teacher.
Ironically, this agenda is not as pushed in the European schools I have visited and taught in here in Belgium. This was before I moved to teaching at the university level though. The trail is however very clear U.S. Influence (cinema - Music -sports)> Europe> the rest of the world. Some of them such as Canada, Ireland, The U.K., New Zealand, and Australia unfortunately have sopped it up whole wholeheartedly, when others refuse such as The U.A.E. Georgia, Armenia, Russia, or Uganda they are ostracized by the "progressive" fascists of the world community.you know the world is in deep doo-doo when North Korea and Iran, seem to be more balanced than the U.S,
Another US import. I thought it was bad enough when Pizza Hut showed up in London.
The US owes the world an apology.
Except all this "progressive" nonsense started with Otto Von Bismark and morphed into the cesspool it is today. There are so many players in this - it isn't just the US who is to blame. And having lived in the Middle East and knowing the depravity that goes on there...it's everywhere.
Home schooling is illegal in Germany. 😢
Children are equal parts joy and sorrow. I had them and they enriched my life, but I get your point.
I'm glad you wrote this because I saw the report the other day and struggled to believe it was true/not extremely exaggerated.
There is a relentless assault on people's natural instincts these days, in every sphere of life, and the infestation of society by people who want to ensure children grow up with "no* capacity to sense the inappropriate and dangerous is just remarkable.
I reply only to note that there is something not new about this kind of "education." The abhorrent work of Alfred Kinsey and the modern support for his Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University come to mind. That institute is still in operation today, and regardless of its current activity, it has a terrible history under Kinsey.
It is always so disillusioning to discover who and what these people were.
People so often do make rotten hay from their personal obsessions. Everyone moaning about the state of our universities today really should read the historical record of the sorts of research all of them allowed to be conducted under their imprimatur.
"Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card."
Ain't it so. They're trying.
I'd've liked to have seen them trying it with me. I might have ended up a dead body. I'd have taken some down with me, too.
There's still a chance! :)
Just warning you. You'll hear sounds coming out of me gonna give you nightmares for the rest of your life.
By that point the rest of my life will probably only be a few seconds, because I'll be right beside you shooting ;)
Always good to have some hard metal backup to them teeth and claws.
I’m at the auto body shop waiting for my car to get fixed. I happen to be rereading Brave New World and had to put it down because I reached the part where the Director is encouraging the children to sexually explore one another and teaching them how evil things like monogamy, love, and parents were.
I thought Substack would provide me with a bit of a breather... Boy, was I wrong.
It’s terrifying how much of our world today seems like it’s stripped straight from these dystopian classics. No one has learned a damn thing from these warnings.
Couldn’t finish the article but I did come to the conclusion that we need separation rooms for these people in which they can never leave that room once they are locked in. There is a massive public spiritual battle going on and there needs to be an awakening to it.
The one positive in these things is how UNNATURAL they are to most. Like so much today this is a small, well funded minority of oddballs. But interfering with kids is a very hard limit for the majority.
Yes. A "separation room" known as a prison cell.
Make sure there is room for a scaffold and trap doors.
I couldn’t get myself to read the whole article. This is a child sex grooming. Nothing more. The “adults” doing it should be shot.
I am horrified by this post. The "rules" are so contradictory that they don't make any sense. "Doctor is not sexualized play, it's normal and then masterbation allows children to explore their sexual blah blah blah," I'm paraphrasing here. The author of that book is a sick pedo. And when I think of the fall of Rome I think of orgies and alas, apparently German daycare centers are creating them. Sick Sick Sick! The fall of western civilization....
I agree with you Lisa, the fall of Rome - it reminds me of this world. It’s going full circle. And it will fall…..
I’d like to “like” this post, but I simply cannot.
this one is really rough.
This is what the Ukrainians get if they win their war.
This and open borders with the third world.
Maybe throwing in their lot with Putin is a better option.
The average Ukrainian's feelings about this war are reflected in Zelensky canceling elections and shutting down all political opposition.
Kind of like how the truth of the vaccines was reflected in Pfizer and Moderna trying to hide their data for 75 years.
Before the war they had a brisk trade in sex trafficking. Fat lonely men everywhere can expect bargain rates on Ukrainian mail-order brides now.
I'm not familiar with your reference. Can you define please?
America adopting the social and sexual perversions prevalent in Germany under the Weimar Republic, post WW1.
Thank you! Woodrow Wilson - one of the first politicians to push the PC agenda and all the corruption that goes with it.
Weimar! I saw a video one time on Weimar. I had to stop. The horror was
I don't want any of these sickos anywhere near my children. Or anyone else's.
What the hell has happened to the world?
I couldn’t read this. Suffice to say I withdrew my son in infants school from sex ed and in junior school I was the only parent who requested to see the school sex ed video before allowing my son, then 10, to see it. Of course I disallowed it. Its one repeated message was how to masturbate with the constant refrain ‘if you do this it feels good’. This in England.
My son is now 29
And congratulations on being a responsible, caring and aware parent! I don't see many of those today where I live in the US - sadly.
Unfortunately they put my little boy through hell because of it ☹️