Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

One of the first times I simply couldn't finish reading a plague chronicle post.

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I’m going to throw up. Children are not sexual from birth. John Money, a pedophilic monster who raped and tortured children for “research,” is the one who introduced the idea in academia. A daycare center is also not “private.” Because we knew kids who played with themselves around other friends at 3-4 years were often showing signs of a hyper-sexualized environment, at best, the couple of kids we saw do it frequently were quickly ejected from our kids lives. There are few things more destructive to children than being sexualized before puberty. It leads to drug addiction, dangerous depraved sexual behavior, and suicide frequently. Men often become violent and sexually depraved. Women drug addicted and suicide probe. These people making these claims are monsters.

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The only answer is, never leave your child in any kind of organized “care” setting. No daycare, no kindergarten, no mainstream school. None of these people can be trusted any more, and as these sickening practices become more widespread, it’s going to start to actively attract the worst sort of people as “caregivers”. Totally sickening.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Horrifying. Thanks for this reporting, however disgusting to see this.

I am afraid my conspiracy brain kicks in when I see this kind of thing. I have a hard time believing it’s an accident.

I also note the total apostasy from Christianity, let alone Catholic morality, by an officially Catholic institution. More proof if any were needed that this is a spiritual war, and that large parts of the Church are occupied territories.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

There is a reason that child molesters are the most hated people among prison populations. They rank lower than convicted policemen. Even serial killers hate them.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I read the first paragraph and want to cry.

I don’t think I have written about it here, but I am haunted by it.

We lived in the Ft Lauderdale area in the 80’s and either the Miami Herald or Ft Lauderdale Sun Sentinel (I think it was actually the one) ran a series of front page, above the fold headline stories about throw-away children. Parents would divorce and the mom’s new boyfriend didn’t want them around, they would go to Dad’s his new wife didn’t want them, so they ended up on the streets. They survived by prostitution. Young........7 -14 year old boys. We drove to where the writer said it was happening and old men would drive up in their limousines and choose their boy for the night. We drove and prayed as I cried. I was a young mother.

I put it to the back of my mind after we moved, because I couldn’t deal with it.

Our prayer recently started concentrating on praying for children, and the memory almost made me lose hope.

So. I read the first paragraph. I have listened to the messages from the Fall of the Cabal, Corey’s digs and others.

And honestly. With tears flowing. I can’t. I’m now 72 years old. And I cannot bear this sorrow. I just can’t.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

You just know there's hidden cameras in those "private rooms." You just know there are perverts orchestrating this repulsive program.

Add this post to the reports of thousands of unaccompanied children crossing the US-Mexico border, and delivered to anyone who can make a plausible claim of relationship or authorized person. And the US government has no follow-up of what happens to these children.

There are reports of children spirited out of Ukraine by supposedly well-meaning humanitarian organizations--and no one knows what happens to those children.

The world has gone MAD, and it seems to be orchestrated by people with credentials and government titles.

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I'm glad you wrote this because I saw the report the other day and struggled to believe it was true/not extremely exaggerated.

There is a relentless assault on people's natural instincts these days, in every sphere of life, and the infestation of society by people who want to ensure children grow up with "no* capacity to sense the inappropriate and dangerous is just remarkable.

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I’m at the auto body shop waiting for my car to get fixed. I happen to be rereading Brave New World and had to put it down because I reached the part where the Director is encouraging the children to sexually explore one another and teaching them how evil things like monogamy, love, and parents were.

I thought Substack would provide me with a bit of a breather... Boy, was I wrong.

It’s terrifying how much of our world today seems like it’s stripped straight from these dystopian classics. No one has learned a damn thing from these warnings.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Couldn’t finish the article but I did come to the conclusion that we need separation rooms for these people in which they can never leave that room once they are locked in. There is a massive public spiritual battle going on and there needs to be an awakening to it.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I couldn’t get myself to read the whole article. This is a child sex grooming. Nothing more. The “adults” doing it should be shot.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I am horrified by this post. The "rules" are so contradictory that they don't make any sense. "Doctor is not sexualized play, it's normal and then masterbation allows children to explore their sexual blah blah blah," I'm paraphrasing here. The author of that book is a sick pedo. And when I think of the fall of Rome I think of orgies and alas, apparently German daycare centers are creating them. Sick Sick Sick! The fall of western civilization....

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I’d like to “like” this post, but I simply cannot.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I don't want any of these sickos anywhere near my children. Or anyone else's.

What the hell has happened to the world?

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I couldn’t read this. Suffice to say I withdrew my son in infants school from sex ed and in junior school I was the only parent who requested to see the school sex ed video before allowing my son, then 10, to see it. Of course I disallowed it. Its one repeated message was how to masturbate with the constant refrain ‘if you do this it feels good’. This in England.

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