Harry, don't know where you're from, but the same thing is happening in America. I get politicians and bureaucrats doing it, because they are heartless, self serving bastards, but when you have doctors withholding treatments and letting patients DIE, well.....that's just a whole different kind of evil in my book. The government, Joe Biden and gang, have grabbed hold of the supply of Regeneron (monoclonal antibody) and are rationing it states run by the opposition party. Regeron is a miracle drug, especially if given early. In states where it was being used regularly for initial treatment, the number of those requiring hospitalization was dropping fast. And THAT is not acceptable, they MUST have more deaths so they can instill panic and obedience. It's a fucking cult!
I don’t think it’s so much “state” healthcare as Japan also has a national type system (many nations have hybrid systems that work well and don’t gouge people like the USA system does). It’s more that they don’t have GOOD healthcare systems. The Nordic countries like their healthcare systems. Yes, all of these social democratic systems are under strain from mass migration and other factors, but the USA has the highest mortality in the world with a mostly “private” system. No “state” need be involved to get death numbers like ours.
I question how many people actually died of C19. The CDC has been reporting ~95% of the deaths from/with C19 had an average of 4.0 co-morbid conditions. The average age of death is very near life expectancy. Yes, some of the conditions may be associated with the infection, but many are not. Very few healthy people died of this viral infection.
"For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."
I think something that's getting lost is how the pandemic has evolved. In the beginning, when bodies were literally piling up in places like Italy and NYC, those dying were disproportionately people who were going to die within the next few months anyway. At one point, 46% of the deaths in the US were among nursing home residents. A lot of people don't realize this but the life expectancy of a new nursing home resident is VERY SHORT. A US study conducted before the pandemic said the median was about five months. But those deaths were reported as if they were perfectly healthy people struck down by this terrible virus. It caused governments to overreact. Now, we've settled into a phase of the pandemic where fewer of the "weak limbs" are breaking because there are fewer of them. We also learned somewhat how to treat COVID and more importantly how NOT to treat it (ventilation killed a lot of people that might have lived).
I would argue that only "some" have learned how to treat C19, while too many other doctors, ignorantly follow the remdesivir murder route and prohibit the use of ivermectin / HCQ and even vitamin D3.
I live in Montgomery Country, PA (a suburb NW of Philadelphia). During the summer of 2020, about 95% of the deaths in the county were in LTC. I just checked...now 81.9% of the C19 deaths in the county were in LTC. Allegheny (Pittsburgh) and Philadelphia counties have slightly higher death numbers but a lower percentage of the deaths were in LTC (52.3% and 31.2%, respectively).
"Now, we've settled into a phase of the pandemic where fewer of the "weak limbs" are breaking because there are fewer of them."
I posted this comment before, but I think it bears repeating. The same people who were dying before the jabs and boosters are still dying.
The UK Health Security Agency has reported a higher rate of infection in the fully vaxxed age 30-69 for the last nine weeks. They were reporting a higher rate in all fully vaxxed age 30 and older until two weeks ago. The improvement for the older cohorts is likely a consequence of the boosters.
The usual pushback is to point out that the rate of death is lower in the fully vaxxed. This is true. However, the percentage of unvaxxed over 65 is very small 5-10%, so the rate comparison is less reliable. The goal is to not die...not to have a lower rate of infection in your age cohort. I consider this argument to be a red herring. It gives low information fully vaxxed individuals a false sense of protection, especially those at high risk from the virus. They can and do become very ill and die.
While the latest report suggests the booster campaign does seem to have a benefit against infection. It does not show a similar benefit for death in the older age cohorts.
For example, the fully vaxxed comprised 84.1% of the over 80 deaths reported in the UKHSA week 39 report and 85.2% of the deaths reported in the week 48 report (with the booster benefit baked in). The rates are nearly the same in both cohorts in both reports.
IMO, it's very likely that the people who have not been vaxxed in this age group are not anti-vaxxer ne'er-do-wells. They are probably too ill to take the jabs.
Week 39 report, page 16
Over 80s deaths per 100,000 within 28 days of +PCR
Fully vaxxed: 50.1
Unvaxxed: 149.4
Over 80s deaths, between week 35 and week 38 2021
1531 Deaths
1288 Fully vaxxed
189 Unvaxxed
Week 48 report, pages 32, 34
Over 80s deaths per 100,000 within 28 days of +PCR
No bodies were piling up in NYC. Both USN hospital ships and the Salvation Army tent hospitals in Central Park went unused.
The elders in care homes in the U S died in droves because Cuomo forced them to take C19 patients to "fight stigma". And refused to allow treatment (A Spanish care facility brought 90 outof 94 elders through c19 simply by *treating* them as you'd do if they had any other respiratory virus (NIH doc on request)
Sorry Italy and France your geriatric hospitals were rubbish before c19. A bad heatwave and you kill a bunch of old folks.
So much fear porn. I remember the media showing pictures of refrigerated trucks outside NY hospitals to hold the dead bodies because the morgues were full.
I have a close friend who is in the body recovery business; (gets the parts & pieces for transplants and what not) In the beginning of the madness, he saw the death certs and med history of the deceased, and accident, drowning, and heart attack victims were listed with the COD being COVID if they could find even a tiny particle. The hospitals got an extra $45K for those. I asked him just the other day if it was still happening. He said it was for sure, up until a couple months ago when the hospitals quit sending the medical histories and Death Certs along with the bodies. He felt pretty sure that even alot of the current deaths were being listed as COVID deaths, but that they didn't want it known any more. It's a freaking cult!
It's immoral, unethical, and illegal...but, yeah, they're still doing it. Initially, I think it was a way to make up revenue lost by the shutdowns. Despite the hype, most US hospitals were not overrun in 2020. They make their money (public, private, or charity) through elective procedures and surgeries. Now, I think they do it out of greed.
I wonder what is going on regarding Japan's use of Ivermectin. There are as many hit pieces out there saying it's not true as there are smaller media outlets saying it is true. According to the following url at Japan's Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Ivermectin is not on their list of approved medical products. You would think this would be the definitive answer: https://www.pmda.go.jp/english/about-pmda/0002.html
The elephant in the room is why would Japan not update their protocols? BTW, the date of the video at Rumble is August, but the actual article at RAIR states: "Please see a newly-surfaced video clip of the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association Haruo Ozaki praising ivermectin during a press conference Feb. 9, 2021:"
Well here in South Africa we have 2 parallel healthcare systems:
State run and private.
In theory anyone can choose where they go, but as expected, the state hospitals are overrun and chaotic.
Almost everyone who would want to go to the private hospitals has medical insurance.
The problem is that the med insurance companies have an interest in the private hospitals being hugely expensive!
One hears endless stories about how a small stay in a hospital costs a fortune. This just drives up insurance rates and makes the average punter even more willing to get medical insurance or face ruin if one gets sick.
There is clear collision between the doctors, hospitals and the medical insurers.
Private companies do not have an interest in maximizing their costs.
Insurance companies are no exception.
If this is a free market then an insurance company that would reduce its cost would beat the competition.
What you are witnessing has to be the consequence of government regulation. Your government does have an interest in the failure of the private sector.
It's a wonder that so many people fall for the obvious nonsense of putting humans in control of human faillibility.
When I point that out they call me negative: On the contrary.
In reality "there is no need to coercce into harmony what was harmonic to begin with" (www.bastiat.org), ie free market. They are the negative ones for trying to fix what is not broken - and breaking it by doing so.
Bollocks. Our USA system is fascist. It is only private in pockets. The which still work when youcan get them. If you can gwt them. Obamacare (Euromeds Pt 1) axed my doctor. Lockdowns axed her replacement.
My options now, I do not share on public fora because only the clueless ineptitude of the Bidenreich keeps them viable.
And the US has more unfunded mass migration heath care liabilities than Europe, never mind our "homeless" population.
The strength of the Omicron response propaganda is directly proportional to the obviousness of vaxx failure. They cannot hide behind "rates" for very much longer before a vast population comes into awareness. Hopefully Omicron hype becomes their final "cry wolf" moment.
yes it really does seem like the vaxes are a complete failure. I have a BS biochem degree and I work as a physician in NJ USA so I understand the concepts of priming, and escape and ADE.
there are unacceptable levels of adverse events including deaths, a waning of protection, the possibility that the vaxes are selecting for variants ( whether those new variants will be more or less dangerous remains to be seen- the natural course would be for new variants to almost always be LESS virulent). By now it seems that we should be seeing a lower death rate in the vaxxed than at this time last year. But also the vaxxed tend to be a more at-risk population anyway. Maybe there is no vaccine that could possibly be developed that would help these people. Maybe their immune systems are not capable of even responding to any vax.
But regardless, the mass vax campaign has been a failure. THe greatest public policy failure in human history. Its kind of like watching the machinations of the US federal reserve. THey just keep doubling down on a failed bad policy. Im worried that there could be a mass casualty event from ADE or a huge surge in cardiac events ...
Where in NJ are you? I am in Central NJ - kind of living "normal" but imagine that no one sees and thinks anything other than mainstream ... it is a mental struggle sometime to feel isolated ... certain substacks (and intelligent, rational comments sections) help keep me feeling sane and connected to a reality I see as closer to truth ... so it is a breath of fresh air and hopeful to know that there are practicing physicians here in NJ (such as yoursefl0 that can think and act for themselves and in the best interest of patients. I have found one such doctor locally and have a new relationship with them (also aware of NJ pharmacies that will prescribe as doctor requests) so I am not really asking out of a specific need for my family ... BUT I want to know and want more people here locally to know that there are other people, doctors etc. that have not swallowed all of the nonsense. People need start coming out of the shadows to speak truth into the light ... ending the isolation (physical and mental) and refusing to swallow obvious lies, falsehoods, and things that just don't make sense ... is a place to start - - - sorry for a bit of a rambling rant ... I was just so happy to see a comment from a doctor in NJ that is doing right with eyes wide open!!!
The comment of a Belgian lady made me think of another conspiracy. She said, do you think the few unvaccinated are going around spreading the virus? Now what if someone indeed was spreading virus ? Someone like an associate of BigPharma. What if virus was let loose not just once, but several times over? Are scientists even sure it is a different version every time? Or is it like the German lawyer stated, that it just gets cut up in different places to create another 'variant' ?
Wouldn’t it make sense that since the older almost always have more health issues and higher vax rates they would die at higher rates? Not because of the vaccine.
Yes and no. Their age and health issues are absolutely going to work against them, but there is also a growing body of work showing the vaccine can fail, past a neutral point, to a negative health effect after a few months, while also showing other growing issues such as clotting, circulatory or heart problems. Given how easy it has been to conceal data from this, I suspect that the effect on children will be decisive. If it remains neutral, then we have no argument, but if children start to die, or fall ill in numbers, then the public trust will surely collapse at that point.
Unless they just continue to blame it all on the unjabbed or a new, ohmygod! variant.
So, better to not take a booster, wait for natural infection and hope it gives you longer/better protection. Rather than stay in the cycles of '3-4 month protection followed by negative efficacy' over and over?
What is serious risk? Around the age of 80, fatality rate of some 5%? Which means there are 95% other causes of death in that age group. It took Dr. McCullough some time to drop the "serious risk" qualification, but he did.
Serious risk = state-mandated murder. Can you get medical treatment (for anything) if under-innoculated with clotshots? (In Israel 3 shots is "unvaxxed")
I'm holding up on being boosted. I'd like it if I had some Ivermectin on hand or Paxlovid (Pfizer's) just in case. But seems I'd have to get a prescription via some overpriced telehealth deal and then go get scoffed at by pharmacists. Guess I just need to be sure to take my vitamins.
Just get the "horse wormer". It's exactly the same Ivermectin in a carrier, at the same dose rate as for humans. Just make sure you get the cheaper ones with ONLY ivermectin* in and not the expensive multi wormer ones.
*As the active ingredient.
Also ZInc, D3, C, Quercetin (possibly Indian tonic water with quinine?)
I use the syringe type which is a thick paste, so I just take it straight from the tube.
Each measure on the syringe is for about about 100Kg and I'm about 90Kg. You would have to take a significant amount more to overdose on Ivermectin. Just look at some of the doses they have used in hospitals.
They are using 3 to 6 times that dose on covid patients as a trial, so you would be safe with either half the tube, or the whole tube.
It is a very safe and well documented drug, no matter what scare stories the media have spewed.
From the safety data
One syringe division of paste per 100 kg body weight (based on a recommended dosage of 200 μg ivermectin per kg body weight).
The syringe containing 6.42 g of paste delivers sufficient paste to treat 600 kg of bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.
The syringe containing 7.49 g of paste delivers sufficient paste to treat 700 kg of bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.
From the NIH report - (standard dose = 200 μg/kg)
We currently are coordinating a randomized, Phase 2, double-blind clinical trial on ivermectin at high dose (600 or 1200 μg/kg for 5 consecutive days) for COVID-19 early stage in patients with mild symptoms who do not need hospitalization.
The NIH report was completely dismissive of the efficacy of ivermectin (as you would expect) but it was useful to see the standard dosage and the 600% plus doses they were trialling without issue.
Nope. Not if you get the one with ONLY ivermectin as the active ingredient. As I said above there are others that are more expensive and with other wormers. Getting the correct one is as easy as reading the label and contents.
Interesting thing about vaccines vs. natural infection is that Drosten has recently been advocating that you get vaccinated first and then you get infected. The vaccine is supposed to prevent you from getting seriously sick, and natural infection is supposed to give you better long term protection.
But, I think Drosten's argument is seriously flawed. And frankly I have no idea how somebody of his reputation and position could even say something like that.
It seems pretty obvious to me that by getting vaccinated first will prime your immune system with S-protein antibodies (from vaccines) and getting natural infection doesn't help ("original antigenic sin").
Not sure I'll be able to track down the study but I'm pretty sure there was one that showed infection, then vaccination is the best-case scenario in terms of protection. Which makes more sense to me. Have a more robust immunity profile then boost your antibodies.
I've read a lot of these studies, there was one in Nature that showed that protection mechanism is different in natural infection and vaccine.
That said, getting a vaccine after natural infection is essentially a "booster". Your naturally acquired antibodies will get recalled,
so vaccine may not actually do anything (other than temporarily increase your Abs titers).
But read that Vanden Bossche article where he discusses the interplay of innate immune system and adaptive immune system. You may have to read it several times, because he's not a good communicator.
I thought that getting infected (symptomatic infection) would give you long-term protection. But, Geert Vande Bossche seems to believe that might not be the case:
I'll have to read it. My hope is that if the spike actually is a significant driver of the harm caused by the disease then mutations away from it may make it less harmful. Could prove to be the saving grace to the vaccine campaigns. Fingers crossed.
I would think infection conferred immunity would at least put up a better fight having nucleocapsid antibodies in the mix.
More and more critical responses in Belgium. Here is a good one. The government is trying to get everyone a booster. This lady writes : a third jab won't give life long protection. (that is what the government states). Otherwise they would not have started a fourth round in Israel. Stop all those silly rules that don't work and let nature do its job. I prefer a shorter but free life to an long incarcerated one.
Several others sound the same bell. The first one did not work. The second one did not work. Do you really think the third one will do the job?
Only a few fanatics seem to continue the craze. A sigh of relief. I think the elderly, used to do what the government says, will continue to booster. But the younger population is getting more and more annoyed. I am curious what the next elections for the nuts will bring !
Seems to me our bodies probably have good reason to not keep our antibodies titers up indefinitely. That isn't the kind of protection we're supposed to be counting on. At least that wasn't what I thought I was doing when I got Vaxxed last March.
It sounds to me he is selling these big, walk inside balloons ! This is ridiculous ! Control your own destiny by letting the government controlling it... communism at its worst.
Question for eugyppius or anyone else qualified to respond. The reason behind mass vaccination is to bring about herd immunity. Am I correct in this assertion?
Heavily-vaccinated Iceland and Gibraltar experienced huge rates of infection after supposedly reaching herd-level vax status. Since this destroys the idea behind sticking a needle in every arm, it is completely irrational to continue to do this, especially given that the vaccinated carry as much viral load as the unvaccinated, right?
Third, was it pure folly (or outright mendacity) to believe and assert that the vax would eliminate covid? Has there ever been a respiratory virus brought to heel through vaccination?
As eugyppius as pointed out, they claim it is to achieve herd immunity but when you point out decline efficacy (as above), they retreat to the more fortified position that it reduces hospitalization and ultimately death.
Then when we respond that it is therefore a personal choice, they retreat further into the citadel with the argument that if an unvaccinated person is hospitalized, it uses up resources. And they point to the higher rate of unvaccinated people in the hospital. But if 100% of 1 unvaccinated people are in the hospital while 50% of 1000 vaccinated people are, who is taking up more resources? How does vaccinating that last person help in anyway?
This is the point they either can't or won't understand.
Our own Chief Epidemiologist has said at different points:
"Vaxx will give us herd immunity" - At the start of rollout
"We have good herd immunity now" - At about 60% and rising vaxx rate, in mid summer mind you.
"Herd immunity can never be reached with these vaxx" - End of summer/early fall.
It looks like our gov put ALL their eggs in the vaxx basket and even now there's no hint of a direction change.
The continued vaxx push was based on it giving protection from serious illness & death.
The booster push rests on Epidemiologist saying stuff like "booster shots give good protection" and "we'll have to see how well the booster pans out" etc. but a lot of people decided a 3rd shot wasn't worth it and most don't believe in it anymore.
Of course at this point everyone with any opinion has made up their mind and the covid karens just continue marching on demanding every single measure imaginable in their containment ideology.
They are reinforced by Chief epidemiologist saying absolutely retarded shit like "with the uncertainty surrounding THE VOLCANO, now is not a good time to relax containment measures" and "with the reappearence of flu and RSV now is not a good time to relax containment measures" and even complete absurdities like "if we just let it spread wildly then companies will be affected, even the electrical distributor could be overwhelmed and we could have black outs".
There's a small subset of people trying to point out Vit D and IVM/HCQ but nobody cares and the authorities just continue ignoring it.
Thanks for your reply. The irrationality and stupidity of governments worldwide, not to mention the cruelty of anti-covid measures, has been very revealing. Outside of a few lectures on virology in college, I am relying on reading/watching the works of those with expertise on this matter, and government response seems to be unbelievably stupid. as far as I can ascertain. I keep thinking I am missing something...is there no one competent at the helm?!? Alas, it appears not.
I am glad to hear that many in Iceland are refusing the third shot. This can only end if we refuse to cooperate with this nonsense.
I am posting info from steve kirsch sub stack that I thinks sums up a lot of this stuff. He is doing amazing work and has now completely dedicated his life to exsposing all the fraud about this covid sham and to saving lives.
The scientific evidence (Danish mask study, Bangladesh mask study) shows that face coverings are completely ineffective.
COVID recovered people should be exempt from all rules. If COVID recovered people are re-infected, they don’t get hospitalized, don’t die, and don’t spread the virus to others. The CDC has no counter-examples.
The vaccines kill more people than they save for all age groups according to the VAERS data. And even in Pfizer’s own study, there were significantly more deaths in the vaccine group than then in the placebo group. There is ZERO scientific evidence the vaccines save lives when you are looking for a reduction in all cause mortality. Businesses should BE PROHIBITED from requiring vaccination.
"During the deacades Dr Fauci took over NIAID, he has sanctioned drug companies to experiment on at least fourteen thousand children, many of them Black and Hispanic orphans living in foster homes..."
There has never been a virus vanquished by vaccines, and never will be. The WHO smallpox campaign used track and trace (a unique circumstance since smallpox makes a visible rash before it can spread).
"Herd immunity" is a marketing ploy first invented for the failed 1967 CDC measles eradication campaign; it then went out of fashion and came back after the 90s. Should never have been promised for SARS-CoV-2. I did an autopsy of the fraud here https://unglossed.substack.com/p/die-herd
We have known since June and July that this was going out the window.
August 12th, 20201 - Harvard’s Michael Mina M.D., PHD epidemiology
“I think we’re pretty much going to see unabated transmission amongst vaccinated.”
“the whole notion of herd immunity from two vaccine doses is flying out the window very quickly “
Dr. Sir Andrew Pollard M.D., PHD Oxford created AstraZeneca injection
"herd immunity is “not a possibility” in light of the spread of the Delta variant"
"Giving evidence to MPs on Tuesday, Prof Sir Andrew Pollard said the fact that vaccines did not stop the spread of Covid meant reaching the threshold for overall immunity in the population was “mythical”."
Dr. Tal Brosh, head of the State of Israel Health Ministry’s advisory committee for infectious diseases
“It’s unavoidable that the pandemic will infect the majority of the population”.
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky
"But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
If you look at previous posts there are a lot of similar comments. The short answer is the whole thing is totally irrational on the face of it. Now, there are different explanations people bring to bear on this: starting from the benign "it's just an idiotic bureaucratic response" to "they are trying to turn us all into cyborgs" conspiracy theories. Pick your poison
Do we know if the virus has a latent effect? Can you be "infected" with no symptoms and then the virus will "emerge" and create sickness later? I guess what I'm wondering is if containment measures really don't matter as the vaccinated "infect" themselves based on prior exposure long ago.....
i think this is very likely the case with some infections. good evidence suggests other respiratory viruses, like rhinoviruses and influenza, may also work this way.
One thing to consider is the government changed the definition of fully vaxed for over 40s a few weeks back, you need to be triple vaxed or you loose your vax passport. I wouldn't be surprised if they use that to fudge the numbers.
Maybe they will add a third category for those who had more than two shots. That would be interesting data to compare. It might have to be an even lighter grey font though if it were to show the wrong trends.
The problem that I personally am having is dealing with the hostile belief that the unvaxxed are a serious danger to society. Even though it’s illogical and unscientific to believe that, based on our experiences with prior vaccines and mutant viruses (I.e., yearly colds and flus), I have well-educated people in my life who have taken their heads off and put them on the shelf re: COV.
I mean, fine, take the shot if you want to, but leave me alone if I don’t want to. If the vaccine is so great, then you have nothing to fear from me, right? The irrationality is mind-boggling.
I know I keep saying this.... But there's got to be a way to parse out the previously infected in this data set. When we are dealing with vaccination rates in the 90+ percentages, it's possible that the unvaccinated group is skewed heavily by the previously infected. It's also possible that we could be seeing the data biased in the exact opposite direction like we saw in Israel... Where the only people not getting vaccinated were too sick to do so.
I'm increasingly finding myself wondering if this vaccine data is completely broken due to selection bias. What type of people are rejecting these vaccines? If only the drug companies hadn't deleted their control groups....
Recall that 20% of the people aboard the Diamond Princess did not become infected. I had thought that that was the optimum environment to achieve 100% infection. I have recently read that the infective dose for Covid is 300 virions, and we know this year that the transmission is mostly aerosol mediated. Droplets will also work given the low number of visions needed. So when you look at study cohorts, assume that 20% of the injected were initially immune, and recalculate your "95% effective" relative risk accordingly.
Then recall that the PCR testing is fraudulent with Ct over 40. Notice that "Cases" increase with the "Vaxx" programmes ( cf Israel), so you are seeing "Vaxx" injuries and deaths being misdiagnosed and attributed to evil "Un-vaxxed."
I don't read the vaccine data as "completely broken", I see them as deliberately manipulated.
I don't think I'm ready to make this leap yet. I agree with eugyppius that incompetence and opportunism are more likely explainations than a massive conspiracy or malice for the current state of the world.
I need to look further into this... But my big concern is about selection bias in these vaxxed vs not-vaxxed comparisons. Who are these antivaxxers? Are they all super spiritual hippy vegan yoga moms? Are they your fat trump loving uncle? Or your grandma on her death bed in hospice?
It is my understanding (again, need to explore further) that as a general rule, historically, people who get vaccinated tend to be healthier people. The data set is biased by who actually takes the time to go get a flu shot. If you look at flu deaths, I've heard that they are lower in vaccinated people. BUT, so are all other types of deaths. The vaccinated people are just generally healthier.
Hence, without a true understanding of these populations, or a randomized control trial that shows efficacy long term and against death, we have to be skeptical of all these numbers.
Well, I can only speak for myself and for what I see in my country (Italy); personally I was neutral at the beginning, I just wanted to wait and see. I belong to what is called middle class, graduate, and an avid reader..and, I had a strong gut feeling from the start; I feel that half of the people who now wont get jabbed, just have concerns about how this particular vax works (I just HATE the no-vax label) and of course, the lots of adverse effects that are so well hidden..huge red flag. The other half just refuse because of political stance, no matter what..it would have very well been a miracle drug, and they'd say no thanks...this is how I see it
It's bizarre to me that this has become politicized like it has. In the US, it was the republican administration (for better or worse) who deserves some credit for accelerating the approval of the vaccine and removing the risk (again... For better or worse) from the manufacturers. Now, it's the syringe wielding Democrats threatening my job if I don't do what they say.
It really is just authoritarians pushing the "will of the people." Unfortunately, democracy is just a euphemism for mob rule.
1) these are just official Corona deaths. it is only a semi-meaningful metric. overall excess mortality for UK suggests the vaccines are bad for youngs but slightly helpful for olds – on balance neutral.
2) there is also the strong suggestion that the vaccines compromise immunity in the longer term, and that they increase spread
On my substack I tried to take the long-term perspective (embedded in credit risk analogy): fix a horizon over which everybody can be assumed to have come in contact with the virus (5-10 years), then use IFR to compute expected number of deaths, and compare this to vaccination fatalities over the *same* horizon - with 20 boosters, say. I predict that vaxx fatality rates over that horizon will be practically independent of age. Moreover, clever selection of people to be vaccinated will soon get to a point where further vaccination does not make sense.
Agreed. I didn't want to really go there but most skeptical proponents of the vaccines I have met have used the excuse that its a small dose, done twice and therefore there is nothing to fear, but here we are discussing semi annual dosing indefinitely. Australia purchased enough of the drug to give every single person in the country two doses a year for seven years.
Keep in mind: most of these people died of not being treated.
No prophylaxis (vit D...), no HCQ+Zinc, no IVM, nothing.
Betrayed by the brittish healthcare system.
Without State healthcare they would be alive, unjabed.
Government is the problem.
Harry, don't know where you're from, but the same thing is happening in America. I get politicians and bureaucrats doing it, because they are heartless, self serving bastards, but when you have doctors withholding treatments and letting patients DIE, well.....that's just a whole different kind of evil in my book. The government, Joe Biden and gang, have grabbed hold of the supply of Regeneron (monoclonal antibody) and are rationing it states run by the opposition party. Regeron is a miracle drug, especially if given early. In states where it was being used regularly for initial treatment, the number of those requiring hospitalization was dropping fast. And THAT is not acceptable, they MUST have more deaths so they can instill panic and obedience. It's a fucking cult!
I don’t think it’s so much “state” healthcare as Japan also has a national type system (many nations have hybrid systems that work well and don’t gouge people like the USA system does). It’s more that they don’t have GOOD healthcare systems. The Nordic countries like their healthcare systems. Yes, all of these social democratic systems are under strain from mass migration and other factors, but the USA has the highest mortality in the world with a mostly “private” system. No “state” need be involved to get death numbers like ours.
I question how many people actually died of C19. The CDC has been reporting ~95% of the deaths from/with C19 had an average of 4.0 co-morbid conditions. The average age of death is very near life expectancy. Yes, some of the conditions may be associated with the infection, but many are not. Very few healthy people died of this viral infection.
"For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."
The Japanese authorized the use ivermectin in late August, which may be why they are doing better than many neighboring countries are doing.
I think something that's getting lost is how the pandemic has evolved. In the beginning, when bodies were literally piling up in places like Italy and NYC, those dying were disproportionately people who were going to die within the next few months anyway. At one point, 46% of the deaths in the US were among nursing home residents. A lot of people don't realize this but the life expectancy of a new nursing home resident is VERY SHORT. A US study conducted before the pandemic said the median was about five months. But those deaths were reported as if they were perfectly healthy people struck down by this terrible virus. It caused governments to overreact. Now, we've settled into a phase of the pandemic where fewer of the "weak limbs" are breaking because there are fewer of them. We also learned somewhat how to treat COVID and more importantly how NOT to treat it (ventilation killed a lot of people that might have lived).
I would argue that only "some" have learned how to treat C19, while too many other doctors, ignorantly follow the remdesivir murder route and prohibit the use of ivermectin / HCQ and even vitamin D3.
I live in Montgomery Country, PA (a suburb NW of Philadelphia). During the summer of 2020, about 95% of the deaths in the county were in LTC. I just checked...now 81.9% of the C19 deaths in the county were in LTC. Allegheny (Pittsburgh) and Philadelphia counties have slightly higher death numbers but a lower percentage of the deaths were in LTC (52.3% and 31.2%, respectively).
"Now, we've settled into a phase of the pandemic where fewer of the "weak limbs" are breaking because there are fewer of them."
I posted this comment before, but I think it bears repeating. The same people who were dying before the jabs and boosters are still dying.
The UK Health Security Agency has reported a higher rate of infection in the fully vaxxed age 30-69 for the last nine weeks. They were reporting a higher rate in all fully vaxxed age 30 and older until two weeks ago. The improvement for the older cohorts is likely a consequence of the boosters.
The usual pushback is to point out that the rate of death is lower in the fully vaxxed. This is true. However, the percentage of unvaxxed over 65 is very small 5-10%, so the rate comparison is less reliable. The goal is to not die...not to have a lower rate of infection in your age cohort. I consider this argument to be a red herring. It gives low information fully vaxxed individuals a false sense of protection, especially those at high risk from the virus. They can and do become very ill and die.
While the latest report suggests the booster campaign does seem to have a benefit against infection. It does not show a similar benefit for death in the older age cohorts.
For example, the fully vaxxed comprised 84.1% of the over 80 deaths reported in the UKHSA week 39 report and 85.2% of the deaths reported in the week 48 report (with the booster benefit baked in). The rates are nearly the same in both cohorts in both reports.
IMO, it's very likely that the people who have not been vaxxed in this age group are not anti-vaxxer ne'er-do-wells. They are probably too ill to take the jabs.
Week 39 report, page 16
Over 80s deaths per 100,000 within 28 days of +PCR
Fully vaxxed: 50.1
Unvaxxed: 149.4
Over 80s deaths, between week 35 and week 38 2021
1531 Deaths
1288 Fully vaxxed
189 Unvaxxed
Week 48 report, pages 32, 34
Over 80s deaths per 100,000 within 28 days of +PCR
Fully vaxxed: 51.4
Unvaxxed: 147.8
Over 80s deaths, between week 44 and week 47 2021
1618 Deaths
1378 Fully vaxxed
189 Unvaxxed
Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Bollicks again
No bodies were piling up in NYC. Both USN hospital ships and the Salvation Army tent hospitals in Central Park went unused.
The elders in care homes in the U S died in droves because Cuomo forced them to take C19 patients to "fight stigma". And refused to allow treatment (A Spanish care facility brought 90 outof 94 elders through c19 simply by *treating* them as you'd do if they had any other respiratory virus (NIH doc on request)
Sorry Italy and France your geriatric hospitals were rubbish before c19. A bad heatwave and you kill a bunch of old folks.
So much fear porn. I remember the media showing pictures of refrigerated trucks outside NY hospitals to hold the dead bodies because the morgues were full.
I have a close friend who is in the body recovery business; (gets the parts & pieces for transplants and what not) In the beginning of the madness, he saw the death certs and med history of the deceased, and accident, drowning, and heart attack victims were listed with the COD being COVID if they could find even a tiny particle. The hospitals got an extra $45K for those. I asked him just the other day if it was still happening. He said it was for sure, up until a couple months ago when the hospitals quit sending the medical histories and Death Certs along with the bodies. He felt pretty sure that even alot of the current deaths were being listed as COVID deaths, but that they didn't want it known any more. It's a freaking cult!
It's immoral, unethical, and illegal...but, yeah, they're still doing it. Initially, I think it was a way to make up revenue lost by the shutdowns. Despite the hype, most US hospitals were not overrun in 2020. They make their money (public, private, or charity) through elective procedures and surgeries. Now, I think they do it out of greed.
I wonder what is going on regarding Japan's use of Ivermectin. There are as many hit pieces out there saying it's not true as there are smaller media outlets saying it is true. According to the following url at Japan's Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Ivermectin is not on their list of approved medical products. You would think this would be the definitive answer: https://www.pmda.go.jp/english/about-pmda/0002.html
Trusting the media or a bureaucrat is a fools errand.
The video I posted was from late August 2021 at the height of the Delta wave in Japan. The last entry on your link is from February.
The elephant in the room is why would Japan not update their protocols? BTW, the date of the video at Rumble is August, but the actual article at RAIR states: "Please see a newly-surfaced video clip of the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association Haruo Ozaki praising ivermectin during a press conference Feb. 9, 2021:"
I disagree.
Yes, State involvement is an international mistake, but we're all humans:
Faillible, irrational, jealous, gregarious, superstitious.
Every human mistake exists in all peoples.
The motives for State control of healthcare make no sense.
The gullible demand the best healthcare free for all, rich and poor.
If that is conceivable ? No. Feasible ? Less.
Why not food? Housing ? Clothing ?
Aren't those daily necessities prerequisites for health ?
Because every attemp at that resulted in mass misery and starvation.
The central planning superstition survives in a few sectors which we can cripple without dying right away - like healthcare.
The US system is not mostly private, it is best described as a State driven complex.
The size of the "private" sector is irrelevant if it responds not to people but bureaucrats.
Just imagine what freedom would be like: You'll see that the US is anything but.
Absent any State involvement, you'd be free to buy any health advice and medication, so you'd wait for COVID with HCQ+zinc and IVM in your closet.
You wouldn't need to, though, since your health insurance would provide for that.
Because you'd get your death, disease and disability from the same.
The healthcare insurance industry, not the State, is the natural way to organize healthcare: It profits from people's health.
It has an interest in reducing mortality and morbidity.
Bureaucrats don't.
Neither does big pharma - but in a free economy it would be downstream from insurance.
Well here in South Africa we have 2 parallel healthcare systems:
State run and private.
In theory anyone can choose where they go, but as expected, the state hospitals are overrun and chaotic.
Almost everyone who would want to go to the private hospitals has medical insurance.
The problem is that the med insurance companies have an interest in the private hospitals being hugely expensive!
One hears endless stories about how a small stay in a hospital costs a fortune. This just drives up insurance rates and makes the average punter even more willing to get medical insurance or face ruin if one gets sick.
There is clear collision between the doctors, hospitals and the medical insurers.
As usual Joe public gets screwed.
Private companies do not have an interest in maximizing their costs.
Insurance companies are no exception.
If this is a free market then an insurance company that would reduce its cost would beat the competition.
What you are witnessing has to be the consequence of government regulation. Your government does have an interest in the failure of the private sector.
Don't be fooled.
Collusion between regulators and regulated isn't a bug, it's a feature.
Call it Public Choice Therory...
It's a wonder that so many people fall for the obvious nonsense of putting humans in control of human faillibility.
When I point that out they call me negative: On the contrary.
In reality "there is no need to coercce into harmony what was harmonic to begin with" (www.bastiat.org), ie free market. They are the negative ones for trying to fix what is not broken - and breaking it by doing so.
As someone who practiced 34 years in intensive care, public health, then internal medicine, I disagree, but that is ok. We are free to do so. Cheers.
Well my point was obviously lost on you. Too bad. Free ? If only the free minded could be exempted of medical tyranny... Cheers.
Bollocks. Our USA system is fascist. It is only private in pockets. The which still work when youcan get them. If you can gwt them. Obamacare (Euromeds Pt 1) axed my doctor. Lockdowns axed her replacement.
My options now, I do not share on public fora because only the clueless ineptitude of the Bidenreich keeps them viable.
And the US has more unfunded mass migration heath care liabilities than Europe, never mind our "homeless" population.
What’s terrifically sad too is there is no mention of general exercise like power-walking, taking the stairs, etc. It’s a complete case of negligence.
The strength of the Omicron response propaganda is directly proportional to the obviousness of vaxx failure. They cannot hide behind "rates" for very much longer before a vast population comes into awareness. Hopefully Omicron hype becomes their final "cry wolf" moment.
yes it really does seem like the vaxes are a complete failure. I have a BS biochem degree and I work as a physician in NJ USA so I understand the concepts of priming, and escape and ADE.
there are unacceptable levels of adverse events including deaths, a waning of protection, the possibility that the vaxes are selecting for variants ( whether those new variants will be more or less dangerous remains to be seen- the natural course would be for new variants to almost always be LESS virulent). By now it seems that we should be seeing a lower death rate in the vaxxed than at this time last year. But also the vaxxed tend to be a more at-risk population anyway. Maybe there is no vaccine that could possibly be developed that would help these people. Maybe their immune systems are not capable of even responding to any vax.
But regardless, the mass vax campaign has been a failure. THe greatest public policy failure in human history. Its kind of like watching the machinations of the US federal reserve. THey just keep doubling down on a failed bad policy. Im worried that there could be a mass casualty event from ADE or a huge surge in cardiac events ...
Where in NJ are you? I am in Central NJ - kind of living "normal" but imagine that no one sees and thinks anything other than mainstream ... it is a mental struggle sometime to feel isolated ... certain substacks (and intelligent, rational comments sections) help keep me feeling sane and connected to a reality I see as closer to truth ... so it is a breath of fresh air and hopeful to know that there are practicing physicians here in NJ (such as yoursefl0 that can think and act for themselves and in the best interest of patients. I have found one such doctor locally and have a new relationship with them (also aware of NJ pharmacies that will prescribe as doctor requests) so I am not really asking out of a specific need for my family ... BUT I want to know and want more people here locally to know that there are other people, doctors etc. that have not swallowed all of the nonsense. People need start coming out of the shadows to speak truth into the light ... ending the isolation (physical and mental) and refusing to swallow obvious lies, falsehoods, and things that just don't make sense ... is a place to start - - - sorry for a bit of a rambling rant ... I was just so happy to see a comment from a doctor in NJ that is doing right with eyes wide open!!!
im in NNJ near englewood near the GWB. check out brownstone.org. check the tom woods show podcast., Mises.org, lewrockwell.com. Aier.org.
The comment of a Belgian lady made me think of another conspiracy. She said, do you think the few unvaccinated are going around spreading the virus? Now what if someone indeed was spreading virus ? Someone like an associate of BigPharma. What if virus was let loose not just once, but several times over? Are scientists even sure it is a different version every time? Or is it like the German lawyer stated, that it just gets cut up in different places to create another 'variant' ?
Wouldn’t it make sense that since the older almost always have more health issues and higher vax rates they would die at higher rates? Not because of the vaccine.
Yes and no. Their age and health issues are absolutely going to work against them, but there is also a growing body of work showing the vaccine can fail, past a neutral point, to a negative health effect after a few months, while also showing other growing issues such as clotting, circulatory or heart problems. Given how easy it has been to conceal data from this, I suspect that the effect on children will be decisive. If it remains neutral, then we have no argument, but if children start to die, or fall ill in numbers, then the public trust will surely collapse at that point.
Unless they just continue to blame it all on the unjabbed or a new, ohmygod! variant.
So, better to not take a booster, wait for natural infection and hope it gives you longer/better protection. Rather than stay in the cycles of '3-4 month protection followed by negative efficacy' over and over?
definitely seems like the most advisable option for anyone who isn't at serious risk.
What is serious risk? Around the age of 80, fatality rate of some 5%? Which means there are 95% other causes of death in that age group. It took Dr. McCullough some time to drop the "serious risk" qualification, but he did.
Serious risk = state-mandated murder. Can you get medical treatment (for anything) if under-innoculated with clotshots? (In Israel 3 shots is "unvaxxed")
If no, it mught be worth rolling the dice.
Indeed. In other words, fear the government, not the virus.
I'm afraid of both at this point.
Fear certainly won't help resistance to either. Fearlessness might.
I'm holding up on being boosted. I'd like it if I had some Ivermectin on hand or Paxlovid (Pfizer's) just in case. But seems I'd have to get a prescription via some overpriced telehealth deal and then go get scoffed at by pharmacists. Guess I just need to be sure to take my vitamins.
Just get the "horse wormer". It's exactly the same Ivermectin in a carrier, at the same dose rate as for humans. Just make sure you get the cheaper ones with ONLY ivermectin* in and not the expensive multi wormer ones.
*As the active ingredient.
Also ZInc, D3, C, Quercetin (possibly Indian tonic water with quinine?)
Also sunlight, fresh air, exercise and diet.
Good luck.
I use the syringe type which is a thick paste, so I just take it straight from the tube.
Each measure on the syringe is for about about 100Kg and I'm about 90Kg. You would have to take a significant amount more to overdose on Ivermectin. Just look at some of the doses they have used in hospitals.
They are using 3 to 6 times that dose on covid patients as a trial, so you would be safe with either half the tube, or the whole tube.
It is a very safe and well documented drug, no matter what scare stories the media have spewed.
From the safety data
One syringe division of paste per 100 kg body weight (based on a recommended dosage of 200 μg ivermectin per kg body weight).
The syringe containing 6.42 g of paste delivers sufficient paste to treat 600 kg of bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.
The syringe containing 7.49 g of paste delivers sufficient paste to treat 700 kg of bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.
From the NIH report - (standard dose = 200 μg/kg)
We currently are coordinating a randomized, Phase 2, double-blind clinical trial on ivermectin at high dose (600 or 1200 μg/kg for 5 consecutive days) for COVID-19 early stage in patients with mild symptoms who do not need hospitalization.
The NIH report was completely dismissive of the efficacy of ivermectin (as you would expect) but it was useful to see the standard dosage and the 600% plus doses they were trialling without issue.
Wierd multi comment: Apologies. Tools if you cannot get human-grade Ivermectin. Vet grade can contain additives okay for horses but not people. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7833340/?fbclid=IwAR3y3RgdEtHXvUUSY_-NiffBP0FMO8F78PAjul6kzkjfgaj7cm-1qO6q61M#!po=34.9057
Nope. Not if you get the one with ONLY ivermectin as the active ingredient. As I said above there are others that are more expensive and with other wormers. Getting the correct one is as easy as reading the label and contents.
BTW. The NIH is never going to give an honest or unbiased report on ivermectin or HCQ.
Interesting thing about vaccines vs. natural infection is that Drosten has recently been advocating that you get vaccinated first and then you get infected. The vaccine is supposed to prevent you from getting seriously sick, and natural infection is supposed to give you better long term protection.
But, I think Drosten's argument is seriously flawed. And frankly I have no idea how somebody of his reputation and position could even say something like that.
It seems pretty obvious to me that by getting vaccinated first will prime your immune system with S-protein antibodies (from vaccines) and getting natural infection doesn't help ("original antigenic sin").
Not sure I'll be able to track down the study but I'm pretty sure there was one that showed infection, then vaccination is the best-case scenario in terms of protection. Which makes more sense to me. Have a more robust immunity profile then boost your antibodies.
I've read a lot of these studies, there was one in Nature that showed that protection mechanism is different in natural infection and vaccine.
That said, getting a vaccine after natural infection is essentially a "booster". Your naturally acquired antibodies will get recalled,
so vaccine may not actually do anything (other than temporarily increase your Abs titers).
But read that Vanden Bossche article where he discusses the interplay of innate immune system and adaptive immune system. You may have to read it several times, because he's not a good communicator.
And the ignorance about the long term effect of an unknown, untested shot
I thought that getting infected (symptomatic infection) would give you long-term protection. But, Geert Vande Bossche seems to believe that might not be the case:
This is only a hypothesis of course.
I'll have to read it. My hope is that if the spike actually is a significant driver of the harm caused by the disease then mutations away from it may make it less harmful. Could prove to be the saving grace to the vaccine campaigns. Fingers crossed.
I would think infection conferred immunity would at least put up a better fight having nucleocapsid antibodies in the mix.
More and more critical responses in Belgium. Here is a good one. The government is trying to get everyone a booster. This lady writes : a third jab won't give life long protection. (that is what the government states). Otherwise they would not have started a fourth round in Israel. Stop all those silly rules that don't work and let nature do its job. I prefer a shorter but free life to an long incarcerated one.
Several others sound the same bell. The first one did not work. The second one did not work. Do you really think the third one will do the job?
Only a few fanatics seem to continue the craze. A sigh of relief. I think the elderly, used to do what the government says, will continue to booster. But the younger population is getting more and more annoyed. I am curious what the next elections for the nuts will bring !
Seems to me our bodies probably have good reason to not keep our antibodies titers up indefinitely. That isn't the kind of protection we're supposed to be counting on. At least that wasn't what I thought I was doing when I got Vaxxed last March.
Woke up eh? Glad you are here !
Vomit inducing
It sounds to me he is selling these big, walk inside balloons ! This is ridiculous ! Control your own destiny by letting the government controlling it... communism at its worst.
I take your point, but "communism at it's worst"....
Unfortunately not by a horribly long way.
Look at Andrews and Gunner in Australia and they are only 10% of the way to communism.
or the must have Christmas present for your loved ones the covid vaccine advent calendar: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-advent-of-omicron-booster-shots
One of the best I have read so far
Question for eugyppius or anyone else qualified to respond. The reason behind mass vaccination is to bring about herd immunity. Am I correct in this assertion?
Heavily-vaccinated Iceland and Gibraltar experienced huge rates of infection after supposedly reaching herd-level vax status. Since this destroys the idea behind sticking a needle in every arm, it is completely irrational to continue to do this, especially given that the vaccinated carry as much viral load as the unvaccinated, right?
Third, was it pure folly (or outright mendacity) to believe and assert that the vax would eliminate covid? Has there ever been a respiratory virus brought to heel through vaccination?
As eugyppius as pointed out, they claim it is to achieve herd immunity but when you point out decline efficacy (as above), they retreat to the more fortified position that it reduces hospitalization and ultimately death.
Then when we respond that it is therefore a personal choice, they retreat further into the citadel with the argument that if an unvaccinated person is hospitalized, it uses up resources. And they point to the higher rate of unvaccinated people in the hospital. But if 100% of 1 unvaccinated people are in the hospital while 50% of 1000 vaccinated people are, who is taking up more resources? How does vaccinating that last person help in anyway?
This is the point they either can't or won't understand.
right, and the UK has long since passed the point of seeing any serious gains in terms of hospitalisations or deaths from further vaccination.
exactly. thank you for putting it so clearly. why do they want to burn down the world to jab the last three people?
Responding as an icelander.
You are correct in your first assertion.
Our own Chief Epidemiologist has said at different points:
"Vaxx will give us herd immunity" - At the start of rollout
"We have good herd immunity now" - At about 60% and rising vaxx rate, in mid summer mind you.
"Herd immunity can never be reached with these vaxx" - End of summer/early fall.
It looks like our gov put ALL their eggs in the vaxx basket and even now there's no hint of a direction change.
The continued vaxx push was based on it giving protection from serious illness & death.
The booster push rests on Epidemiologist saying stuff like "booster shots give good protection" and "we'll have to see how well the booster pans out" etc. but a lot of people decided a 3rd shot wasn't worth it and most don't believe in it anymore.
Of course at this point everyone with any opinion has made up their mind and the covid karens just continue marching on demanding every single measure imaginable in their containment ideology.
They are reinforced by Chief epidemiologist saying absolutely retarded shit like "with the uncertainty surrounding THE VOLCANO, now is not a good time to relax containment measures" and "with the reappearence of flu and RSV now is not a good time to relax containment measures" and even complete absurdities like "if we just let it spread wildly then companies will be affected, even the electrical distributor could be overwhelmed and we could have black outs".
There's a small subset of people trying to point out Vit D and IVM/HCQ but nobody cares and the authorities just continue ignoring it.
Thanks for your reply. The irrationality and stupidity of governments worldwide, not to mention the cruelty of anti-covid measures, has been very revealing. Outside of a few lectures on virology in college, I am relying on reading/watching the works of those with expertise on this matter, and government response seems to be unbelievably stupid. as far as I can ascertain. I keep thinking I am missing something...is there no one competent at the helm?!? Alas, it appears not.
I am glad to hear that many in Iceland are refusing the third shot. This can only end if we refuse to cooperate with this nonsense.
Stay safe!
I am posting info from steve kirsch sub stack that I thinks sums up a lot of this stuff. He is doing amazing work and has now completely dedicated his life to exsposing all the fraud about this covid sham and to saving lives.
The scientific evidence (Danish mask study, Bangladesh mask study) shows that face coverings are completely ineffective.
COVID recovered people should be exempt from all rules. If COVID recovered people are re-infected, they don’t get hospitalized, don’t die, and don’t spread the virus to others. The CDC has no counter-examples.
The vaccines kill more people than they save for all age groups according to the VAERS data. And even in Pfizer’s own study, there were significantly more deaths in the vaccine group than then in the placebo group. There is ZERO scientific evidence the vaccines save lives when you are looking for a reduction in all cause mortality. Businesses should BE PROHIBITED from requiring vaccination.
"During the deacades Dr Fauci took over NIAID, he has sanctioned drug companies to experiment on at least fourteen thousand children, many of them Black and Hispanic orphans living in foster homes..."
Kennedy: The Real Anthony Fauci
There has never been a virus vanquished by vaccines, and never will be. The WHO smallpox campaign used track and trace (a unique circumstance since smallpox makes a visible rash before it can spread).
"Herd immunity" is a marketing ploy first invented for the failed 1967 CDC measles eradication campaign; it then went out of fashion and came back after the 90s. Should never have been promised for SARS-CoV-2. I did an autopsy of the fraud here https://unglossed.substack.com/p/die-herd
We have known since June and July that this was going out the window.
August 12th, 20201 - Harvard’s Michael Mina M.D., PHD epidemiology
“I think we’re pretty much going to see unabated transmission amongst vaccinated.”
“the whole notion of herd immunity from two vaccine doses is flying out the window very quickly “
Dr. Sir Andrew Pollard M.D., PHD Oxford created AstraZeneca injection
"herd immunity is “not a possibility” in light of the spread of the Delta variant"
"Giving evidence to MPs on Tuesday, Prof Sir Andrew Pollard said the fact that vaccines did not stop the spread of Covid meant reaching the threshold for overall immunity in the population was “mythical”."
Dr. Tal Brosh, head of the State of Israel Health Ministry’s advisory committee for infectious diseases
“It’s unavoidable that the pandemic will infect the majority of the population”.
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky
"But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
If you look at previous posts there are a lot of similar comments. The short answer is the whole thing is totally irrational on the face of it. Now, there are different explanations people bring to bear on this: starting from the benign "it's just an idiotic bureaucratic response" to "they are trying to turn us all into cyborgs" conspiracy theories. Pick your poison
I have completely tuned out MSM for about a decade now, so I have no idea what the regime promised from the vax.
I'd appreciate any help in shedding light on these questions.
Do we know if the virus has a latent effect? Can you be "infected" with no symptoms and then the virus will "emerge" and create sickness later? I guess what I'm wondering is if containment measures really don't matter as the vaccinated "infect" themselves based on prior exposure long ago.....
i think this is very likely the case with some infections. good evidence suggests other respiratory viruses, like rhinoviruses and influenza, may also work this way.
You're twitter is gone? What happened?
I wonder why nononecis pants-on-their-head terrified f Bird flu, swine flu, MERS and SARS1?
UK just went to 3month booster schedule for all 18+. Total vaxxine failure.
One thing to consider is the government changed the definition of fully vaxed for over 40s a few weeks back, you need to be triple vaxed or you loose your vax passport. I wouldn't be surprised if they use that to fudge the numbers.
Maybe they will add a third category for those who had more than two shots. That would be interesting data to compare. It might have to be an even lighter grey font though if it were to show the wrong trends.
The problem that I personally am having is dealing with the hostile belief that the unvaxxed are a serious danger to society. Even though it’s illogical and unscientific to believe that, based on our experiences with prior vaccines and mutant viruses (I.e., yearly colds and flus), I have well-educated people in my life who have taken their heads off and put them on the shelf re: COV.
I mean, fine, take the shot if you want to, but leave me alone if I don’t want to. If the vaccine is so great, then you have nothing to fear from me, right? The irrationality is mind-boggling.
In the UK, when are you considered vaccinated for purposes of these numbers? Are they using the bogus 14 days after vaccination that the USA is using?
yes, fully vaccinated for the purpose of these charts is 14 or more days out from dose 2.
Our host has apparently been purged from Twitter. F
i’m still clinging on, just deactivating for a few days. purges probably coming and/or ongoing
Probably smart after the Jordan Peterson tweet
Jordan Peterson tweet?
You deactivated yourself as a strategic move?
So was Steve Kirsch.
I know I keep saying this.... But there's got to be a way to parse out the previously infected in this data set. When we are dealing with vaccination rates in the 90+ percentages, it's possible that the unvaccinated group is skewed heavily by the previously infected. It's also possible that we could be seeing the data biased in the exact opposite direction like we saw in Israel... Where the only people not getting vaccinated were too sick to do so.
I'm increasingly finding myself wondering if this vaccine data is completely broken due to selection bias. What type of people are rejecting these vaccines? If only the drug companies hadn't deleted their control groups....
The data are difficult for at least two reasons.
Recall that 20% of the people aboard the Diamond Princess did not become infected. I had thought that that was the optimum environment to achieve 100% infection. I have recently read that the infective dose for Covid is 300 virions, and we know this year that the transmission is mostly aerosol mediated. Droplets will also work given the low number of visions needed. So when you look at study cohorts, assume that 20% of the injected were initially immune, and recalculate your "95% effective" relative risk accordingly.
Then recall that the PCR testing is fraudulent with Ct over 40. Notice that "Cases" increase with the "Vaxx" programmes ( cf Israel), so you are seeing "Vaxx" injuries and deaths being misdiagnosed and attributed to evil "Un-vaxxed."
I don't read the vaccine data as "completely broken", I see them as deliberately manipulated.
I believe it was 80% of the people aboard the Diamond Princess that did not become infected.
Thank you, I did invert the ratio. It makes the "95% effective" even less persuasive.
I don't think I'm ready to make this leap yet. I agree with eugyppius that incompetence and opportunism are more likely explainations than a massive conspiracy or malice for the current state of the world.
I need to look further into this... But my big concern is about selection bias in these vaxxed vs not-vaxxed comparisons. Who are these antivaxxers? Are they all super spiritual hippy vegan yoga moms? Are they your fat trump loving uncle? Or your grandma on her death bed in hospice?
It is my understanding (again, need to explore further) that as a general rule, historically, people who get vaccinated tend to be healthier people. The data set is biased by who actually takes the time to go get a flu shot. If you look at flu deaths, I've heard that they are lower in vaccinated people. BUT, so are all other types of deaths. The vaccinated people are just generally healthier.
Hence, without a true understanding of these populations, or a randomized control trial that shows efficacy long term and against death, we have to be skeptical of all these numbers.
Well, I can only speak for myself and for what I see in my country (Italy); personally I was neutral at the beginning, I just wanted to wait and see. I belong to what is called middle class, graduate, and an avid reader..and, I had a strong gut feeling from the start; I feel that half of the people who now wont get jabbed, just have concerns about how this particular vax works (I just HATE the no-vax label) and of course, the lots of adverse effects that are so well hidden..huge red flag. The other half just refuse because of political stance, no matter what..it would have very well been a miracle drug, and they'd say no thanks...this is how I see it
It's bizarre to me that this has become politicized like it has. In the US, it was the republican administration (for better or worse) who deserves some credit for accelerating the approval of the vaccine and removing the risk (again... For better or worse) from the manufacturers. Now, it's the syringe wielding Democrats threatening my job if I don't do what they say.
It really is just authoritarians pushing the "will of the people." Unfortunately, democracy is just a euphemism for mob rule.
Yep...and the majority is sadly brainwashed
Funny, I was expecting some data when I clicked this. This was better
Maybe it is worth noting that excess deaths in UK and Germany during November is practically the same (a little less that 20 percent).
So the raw death #'s are bad for the vaxxed, but the RATES are still good for that group. Seems like a solid argument for vaxxing? Help me out here.
two things:
1) these are just official Corona deaths. it is only a semi-meaningful metric. overall excess mortality for UK suggests the vaccines are bad for youngs but slightly helpful for olds – on balance neutral.
2) there is also the strong suggestion that the vaccines compromise immunity in the longer term, and that they increase spread
On my substack I tried to take the long-term perspective (embedded in credit risk analogy): fix a horizon over which everybody can be assumed to have come in contact with the virus (5-10 years), then use IFR to compute expected number of deaths, and compare this to vaccination fatalities over the *same* horizon - with 20 boosters, say. I predict that vaxx fatality rates over that horizon will be practically independent of age. Moreover, clever selection of people to be vaccinated will soon get to a point where further vaccination does not make sense.
Only if you are willing to get the booster every 3-6 months for the rest of your life.
and we don't know at what point that starts to cause autoimmune problems, other weird side effects we haven't yet observed, etc.
What happened to your twitter? 😥
Agreed. I didn't want to really go there but most skeptical proponents of the vaccines I have met have used the excuse that its a small dose, done twice and therefore there is nothing to fear, but here we are discussing semi annual dosing indefinitely. Australia purchased enough of the drug to give every single person in the country two doses a year for seven years.