The RKI cannot appeal to scientific freedom?

Everyone can appeal to scientific freedom. I appeal to scientific freedom to express my disdain at my customers atrocious designs of their phase 3 clinical trials and the ineffectual, dishonest arguments they make to license their drugs.

This is as a consultant to these companies. They pay me for it, its cheaper than asking the FDA for the same critcism and makes them better prepared when it comes.

I have lost business by being outspoken because I will never, not ever, compromise on the need for good science. If I end up starving and cold under a railway bridge so be it. But so far the outspokenness attracts more clients than it puts off. I would sooner cut my own testicles off than tell a customer a lie they want to hear me say.

Well, OK, maybe I would not go that far, but you get the idea. At least no government bureaucrat will ever be heard uttering similar sentiments.

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What would go a long way towards encouraging other people to act as you? An emergency living costs/legal defense fund for those who might be almost willing to also cut out their own testicles but not to condemn their children or their elderly parents or other dependents to hunger and homelessness.

I never had very important jobs during my working life but each one I lost because I couldn't conform to the necessary correctness was one I couldn't afford not to have. The time--fortunately brief--between one firing and other hiring was always terrifying. Fortunately in those days a HS-educated but literate well-spoken woman could always get another job as the office indentured servant/executive secretary and I was a very convincing interviewee about the circumstances under which I'd been out of the previous employment--and previous employers were always careful not to trash you in references.

Courage and ethics are wonderful. The average person cannot afford too much of them and not from any shabbiness of the soul. If we want more refuseniks we'll need to help ensure they'll survive.

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Laudable sentiment. But then look how effective US federal whistleblower protections have been.

That was my first big disappointment about Obama, who campaigned on protecting whistleblowers, but then ended up prosecuting more than did any previous administration.

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That's why we need to be sneaky and cunning rather than emulating Tiananmen Man.

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I chuckled about your testicles. Then I realized the political identity politics of late actually caused thousands to cut off theirs. I never saw that coming 😭

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The New Abnormal Left doesn't tolerate dissenting opinions.

Here's an example from a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist and columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle. He banned me - in 3 minutes! - for expressing an opinion he didn't like.


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"Abnormal left" - yes i fully agree. I´m working hard to give this an expression in german but you hit the point.

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Actually, we should be considering cutting some testicles for what's happened. In a simpler time, justice dictated it must be.

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It’s worth remembering that different standards of justice apply in different times and places. Even in the West, supposedly that beacon of Enlightenment etc. it was not that many centuries ago where people were hanged, burnt at the stake, etc. for things that are serious (if not capital) crimes even today, but also for minor offenses (by today’s standards) or things that are not even crimes at all, like blasphemy or heresy. It may be hard for today's ignorami to believe, but it’s a fact that in England even into the early "modern" age a man could and did go to the gallows even for crimes like theft, counterfeiting, etc. It's been observed this was an informal application of eugenics, as it decisively removed from the gene pool aberrant people and (perhaps) was even a factor in the pinnacles of accomplishment the UK later reached.

Oh, and as far as having one’s balls cut off, that was sometimes the penalty for a banker caught out cheating.

There are even some places in today’s world where you can have body parts cut off in the public square, including your head, or to be stoned to death by a mob, for offenses that are only minor crimes here, or not even crimes at all. I have a grudging admiration for those draconian moral systems (e.g. Sharia) but it’s also worth noting that some of the most dire penalties are, in so many words, to quash any dissent or inquiry into what is essentially institutionalized insanity.

On the one hand there are arguments in favor of mercy and lighter legal penalties. On the other hand, if one has even a passing familiarity with history, many times and places, even great empires (e.g. the Romans) were some harsh motherfuckers. Pity the hapless innocent victims, but the guilty damned sure got what they deserved.

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'I have a grudging admiration for those draconian moral systems (e.g. Sharia)....'

Good Grief! Why?

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'that was sometimes the penalty for a banker caught out cheating.'

Bring this one back, please.

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You will never, ever starve or live in the cold under a railway bridge as long as you speak Truth.

You have done well.

Matthew 25:23

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Respect ✊

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Can I come work for you?

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This is despicable, and yet not surprising. On my own Substack I compiled an extensive list of scientific studies detailing the failed public policies and pandemic response worldwide. I'll add this link to it. Thanks, eugyppius, for all you do!


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It is some list, folks! Epic post.

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Thank you! If you like that one, you’ll love my latest: https://ladycasey.substack.com/p/scientific-studies-on-vaccine-injuries

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wow! this is outstanding. So much evidence all in one place. great resource. thank you!

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Oh, that's the one I meant, the latest one.

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Jul 25Edited

Thank you, I thought that might be the case. The other one you haven't seen is Scientific Studies on other topics, including Virus Origins, Failed Pandemic Policies, Medical Ethics & Data Fraud, and Censorship & Regulatory Capture. I didn't write up summaries for every study on that one, but I intend to work on it soon so that you can grasp the meat of each study at a glance. Right now you kinda have to click and read each study, which for most people is too tedious to undertake. BUT, if you want to convince someone of, say, the uselessness of masking in a pandemic, you can go to the Failed Policies section and find loads of peer reviewed studies to back your argument...stuff like that.

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thank you for compiling and sharing this list. Excellent!!

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Has anone seen a comparison of the redacted and unredacted documents? We need to identify who made the decison and hold them for what they did. Over redaction should also be a problem.

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Yeesss! This is an excellent plan!

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Thank you so much KC! Will share with any living soul I meet.

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The first word that jumps out at me is: compliance. It’s really important to sheep that ALL sheep comply.

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it makes the sheep very, very anxious to encounter a non-herd member. especially if the sheep have self-flattering delusions about being "free thinkers" or "intellectual elite"—encountering a non-herd member might force them to ask some very uncomfortable questions.

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Like in the movie the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.

Whenever a “pod person”, (someone who’d been captured and transformed into appearing human by the aliens), came upon a real human their mouth would open wide and an ear piercing shriek would come out alerting their fellow “pod persons” to attack and capture that person.

Great movie!

We’re also living in it more each day.

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Slight correction: "...might force them to avoid asking some very uncomfortable questions."

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Luckily they have all been fired, had their salaries clawed back and removed from positions where they can cause any further public harm.......

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Whatever method you use to reprogram the immune system, the effects are going to last for years, often decades even.

We saw this already with SARS2: BCG vaccination, administered to people decades ago, provided some protection.

We see it with the 1918 pandemic influenza too. You can look at elderly people, more than half a century after the pandemic, they still have a small number of antibodies with extraordinarily high potency, that ensure they won't catch the 1918 pandemic influenza again, but do not work against any other influenza viruses.

And because this reprogramming of the immune response is continually being recalled by breakthrough infections, the abnormalities merely grow worse over time. Hence you see the IgG4 response emerge after a while, which requires at least two doses of mRNA followed by a breakthrough infection, to rear its ugly head.

My point is: The impact of the mass vaccination experiment is still with us, as evidenced by continuing excess mortality, and it will most likely be with us until the generation exposed to it is in their graves.

It's an insane act of human hubris. If these people were apparently willing to lie to the public, by pretending these vaccines still worked to prevent infections when they knew they no longer achieved this purpose, they need to be in jail.

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Factor in the extraordinary infertility now happening across the globe and we have a real issue.

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Actually if true, that's a blessing. My opinion only of course, but there are way too many people in the world. Alas, a major problem going forward is that the rich nations ("The West") had the biggest usage of the mRNA potions and most had birth rates far below replacement rate for decades. Turns out that the, er, other people who are breeding like rabbits and/or migrating to rich nations never have, and probably never will be contributors to the advancement of civilization nor even keeping it at the status quo. Even absent accidental or deliberate infertility plots like those the jabs are accused of, a massive population die-off remains one of the most chilling risks in the future. Best case would be a managed decline.

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Surprise, surprise! 'satan's doorknob' prefers extinguishment of life...contrary to God's directive which is, quite clearly 'be fruitful and multiply' and "Children are a blessing from the Lord."

You weren't even sly or clever about. 🥺

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'........never have, and probably never will be contributors to the advancement of civilization.....'

Interestingly, Cicero reputably advised against buying Britons as slaves on the grounds that they were irredeemably stupid and utterly untrainable (hat tip to Victor Davis Hansen). If only he could have foreseen the British Empire; one vastly larger than the Roman version.

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That just shows that he was wrong about Britons. It doesn't say anything about whether there are groups that generally are uncompetitive in some sense (industry, architecture, mathematics, etc).

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I believe Taiwan and other Asian countries are in as dire of a position when it comes to birthrates, but they aren't embracing mass immigration. Singapore, for instance, is pretty low in terms of births but it has very strict immigration that favors certain ethnic groups (and professional members of those groups).

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I’m hard to offend but I found this comment to be incredibly offensive.

What entity bestowed upon you the wisdom to discern who and who will “…never be contributors to the advancement of civilization”, pray tell?

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Just reported in media that hungary's birth number permanently decreased by 10%+. June '24 is the lowest birth number ever.

This report is at the bottom of any newspaper and they give no particular attention to it just reporting the numbers.

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Based on my admittedly summary research, the USA's birth rate has been BELOW replacement rate for half a century or more. Nevertheless our population grew by about 1/3 in that time. That means that all net population growth was from immigration. I suspect similar numbers hold for other European or "rich" nations.

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you are right nothing can be permanent but last year the first 10% decrease was contributed to the "anxiety". further decrease and no words anymore. even if they would mention anything it would be whatever but the quakcine.

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You are what you eat and do most during the day says my son. Your immune system will thank you if you think about it every day

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I think we can be reasonably confident that those who contracted the 1918 influenza virus (and then survived the erroneously named "Spanish Flu") won't be catching it again. Unless it has followed them into their 'after life'.

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“Politics does not, and cannot, follow science. Rather, science follows politics, and scientists were no more central to decision-making during the pandemic than they were at any other time.” Way past time to realize that “public health” is an oxymoron and that everyone involved is a deadly threat to your health.

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I read again in the underworld press ,that the German food doctor , Dr.Oetker developed and is rolling out a new pizza ,that if you eat it will make you through up all your Whyrusses you have inside you ,together with the pizza for re cycle and re use against long covid .

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Two things aligned for these things to be allowed. Like a nightmare Venn diagram, the current establishment used the pandemic to give themselves more authoritarian powers. On the other side of the diagram, the upcoming, quickly-gaining-strength Silicon Valley establishment used the pandemic to speed up research that was previously held back by pesky regulations. In the middle we are left with an exaggerated pandemic.

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WHAT was Exaggerated ?


And the Square Root Of Zero Equals....?

Since when & how did/does a claimed 'novel virus' of ANY type, with a formally CDC/WHO determined & claimed IFR of 0.0013% constitute a 'pandemic'???

A disease with a 99.9987% survival rate for the majority of the global population is quite frankly a disease of ZERO concern, period, end of discussion.. and a 'large scale bioweapon demonstration' (aka, vaccine deployment) NEVER was required either 🤨

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You can't exterminate 90% of the population without the deployment of vaccines .Now that the world population is contaminated by injection and shedding ,the results will play out over years into the future .

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Read et al. warned us 2015 using chickens (Marek's disease) that using an imperfect 'leaky' vaccine can enhance transmission of highly virulent pathogens; sub-optimal non-sterilizing non-neutralizing

COVID gene injections (mRNA VAX, DID NOT STOP TRANSMISSION) via vaccinating INTO teeth of ongoing pandemic with massive infectious pressure WILL drive selective pressure for more infectious variants


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Just as Geert Vanden Bossche has warned right from the beginning: the worst thing you can do is introduce a 'leaky' vaccine into the emerging pandemic. And that's just what was done; stupidity or malice?

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.... left with exaggerated pandemic*S*

Let's not forget about their plans for the future!

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A planned one at that!

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Here I quote part of your essay:

"At the same time, these protocols aren’t quite the key to the pandemic, and the reason shines forth between every line of these documents: The RKI are not where the most important decisions were made, they are merely where everybody was supposed to believe they were being made."

This part is a very important issue and as far as I understand the same question remains unanswered yet in many countries.

Thank you very much for your efforts.

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I think the question actually is answered, and it's not quite as Eugy says here. I think the most accurate description of how decisions were being made was a snake eating its own tail. The politicians really did think they were following the science. There's plenty of recorded evidence to support that position too.

Ideas like lockdowns, mRNA vaccinations, mass testing etc didn't originate with politicians. How could they, do you think the average health minister had ever heard of PCR testing before 2020? These suggestions can all be traced back to people inside the public health establishment. But those people were often minority extremists, with the majority of public health people understanding that the ideas didn't make sense. But once left wing politicians got wind of those ideas they immediately decided to deploy them at full blast, and academics - wanting to preserve their access to power and collegiate culture above all things - happily went along and agreed with whatever had just been suggested. Better that than the horror of actually arguing with someone about something technical in public. So the whole thing rapidly became a cyclone of stupidity in which random flotsam and jetsam was ripped out of the academic literature, immediately thrown into the mix by desperate politicians and then validated by a hard left civil service culture in which things like tradeoffs or arguments are reviled as toxic right wing masculine extremism.

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Don't forget the numerous "table top" exercises in the years leading up to the "pandemic". People like Jens Spahn are WEF-Members. They got their marching cues from one very obvious source. The same goes for most other people of state, like Trudeau, Macron, etc.

It's not that hard to figure out.

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We need to get this country by country.

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Whats interesting - and somewhat heartening - is that the eggheads at the RKI did in fact know what they were talking about. In fact, they could have been contributors to this blog

Where things fell apart is this bridge between them and the public facing side, the poiticians and whatnot. And so, are all spines so weak? Is everyone's integrity as firm as butter? Was there not 1 who would blow the whistle?

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It was blatantly obvious to me that Rachel Walensky, head of the CDC, and Tony Fauci (the evil cockroach) were lying from get-go. Idk WHY but initially I thought Fauci was a voice of reason—- for maybe a week. Then I began to see straight through him. I read RFK, Jr’s book, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI and I was blown away.

I must agree that so many doctors, researchers, CDC people and the rest of the “alphabet groups” here in the USA, thought to be the good guys, ever fighting for our health, are obviously (to me) either spineless pawns or they are as stupid as a door knob and are posing-posers, trying to appear intelligent. It’s both scary and maddening.

I am thankful that at least many in RKI seemed to have been intelligent enough to see through the cloak, though disappointed they didn’t fight harder, at least for the children not be be vaxxed, if nothing else. It is heartbreaking to learn that they say by and shrugged, knowing most of this was BS that could and would become as damaging and far reaching an atrocity as we have ever committed, across all continents.

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In the US, it was doctors outside the mainstream who spoke up, guys like Malone and McColough and the whole crew from the FLCCC (forgive me if I'm mistaken in names and acronyms). Literally nobody in the agencies and academies wasn't slavishly towing the line. To this day. And it's the same for all the trans crap. America is a big country full of amazing people, but wow some parts of it is just a magnet for these goblins, these demons, and they wind up in these positions... the system rewards the wrong traits and behaviors

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I know it was doctors outside the mainstream. Some of my friends said, “But MY doctor said…”, to which my response was, but “YOUR doctor is a backwoods nothing compared to THIS doc and THIS doc and THIS doc! Look at all the books and papers they’ve collectively published! LOOK at all the hospitals and boards upon which they’ve served. THEY KNOW MORE than your little (my city & state) guy!” Few listened. My ken husband, the healthiest eater and most frequent work out gym rat I know, got 4 clot-shots, developed A-Fib, had a heart operation, and has had weird medical

stuff ever since. This is the poster boy for health. He doesn’t get it. I’ve got friends who never had issues, got 4 clot shots, developed heart problems that have been exacerbating for 3 years, gotten diabetes and everything else imaginable. They are BLIND to the issue. About the 6th person in my

life like this is when I KNEW, this isn’t the usual crooked crap. THIS is diabolical, a true spiritual warfare and blindness.

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I got 2 shots. Biggest mistake. Blocked my kids from getting it. Redemption. I'm still OK health wise, but that piper needs to be paid, I know it.

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Dogma taking over entire branches of what should be science is hardly a new problem. My reading is most in-depth on the diet-heart (disease) hypothesis (e.g. Taubes is an excellent author). It's remarkable how one faction can come to dominate a certain field for decades. Dissenting evidence is ignored, researchers ignored or even "cancelled." The net result is that scientific inquiry is held back for years, decades. An excellent example is the official nutrition advice, still current so far as I know, that "saturated fat" is "bad" and that it's ok for everyone, even diabetics (!!!) to eat a diet that is > 50% refined calories and added sugars. This is, of course, complete bullshit, and researchers have known data to the contrary for (literally) over a century, and informally about a century or more before that.

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You're right in my wheelhouse here. People in the low-carb community've labored under this dogma tyranny for many years.

That said, officialdom appears to be, however minutely, tiptoeing back from the edge about sat fat. They already somewhat reversed themselves on exogenous cholesterol (i.e. egg yolks) but by now the populace has been indoctrinated, so it's mostly a case of closing the barn door after the horse has been stolen. Heaven knows when they'll get around to reevaluating seed oils.

Shucks, dogma's even a problem in physics, the hardest of sciences.

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Australia too. And we definitely knew better having had the advantage of being able to shut the entire country off easily from the rest of the world.

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Maybe some of them are indeed contributors.

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I'm amazed they were so honest in their private assessments. it's hard to imagine their CDC counterparts being so forthright.

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Won't be next time. The bureaucrats are capable of learning their lessons. Expect that next time those FOI requests will be way less effective

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They don't have to be more effective next time .The effects of the first time are still in progress and effective in killing and disability into the future . It's amazing that victims where and still are helping in their own destruction .

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And accurate too. Puts our laptop beltway bureaucrats to shame.

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I'm all out of nice things to say again.

Except thanks to eugyppius for the article.

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I worked in PH, and was baffled by what i saw. We had 2 doctors and multiple nurses collecting a wealth of actual

live data and not one person on the team speaking out about the discrepancy of what we were seeing vs what we were being told and directed. All these credentialed

professionals in the health field, not one comment on it. Not one single independent action either. The doctors waited as if on pins and needles to be told the next step it seemed. Our doctors getting their info from the CDC whose guidance we regurgitated, and the governor on speed dial with our doctors. Why hire people with such credentials when you don’t use them for their expertise, experience or skills? Why not hire a 20 year old with no credentials who will just follow orders? I suppose for the appearance of credibility….

i wanted to scream this on the mountain tops… but it seemed to fall

on deaf ears or ears that were too confused by the goings on, so just fell in line.

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I know 3 nurses and a doctor who noticed and felt the SAME way. The first one that spoke to me abt it said she had been a nurse for 2.5 decades and had NEVER seen anything like what they were doing. Normally, if what they were doing wasn’t working, they’d brainstorm and try something new. I’m the case of C19, they marched doing “the protocol” like robots, CLEARLY KNOWING their patients were likely to die! Anyone who mentioned it was chastised or worse.

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Though the vaccine mandates were the most egregious example, nearly all covid rules were made via executive fiat and use of emergency powers. Governors and mayors found a lackey in a lab coat to stand behind so they could pass the buck and be held blameless for the chaos that followed. “Just following guidelines” became the borg-like ‘get out of jail free’ chant of government officials.

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Besides, when a politician says something, you should always assume the truth is exactly the opposite, so when they said "I am following the Science", I heard "I have paid scientists to say it".

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Fear. It's all fear. And gigantic study loans and mortgages, probably.

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The totality of recent revelations, from Fauci's blockbuster admission under oath that the 6-foot distancing rule was entirely made up without any Science behind it, to this latest one, suggest that our worst fears of a globally coordinated, top-down scheme was at play. Forgive me if I mischaracterize you, eugyppius, but do these new facts alter your prior assessments that much of the COVID response was down to the organic manner in which bureaucracies operate? I would love to see how (and whether) your views are changing as we are able to peer behind the curtain.

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I think politicians watch each other and in moments of fear move like a bunch of lemmings. I think professor lockdown and his ridiculous scaremongering paper gets the blame for a lot of the politicians seeming to move in agreement. They had the same input and made the same decisions. (I would’ve initially too - but I would’ve rolled it back almost instantly. It seems to me the politicians were unable or unwilling for whatever reason to roll things back once things were set in motion)

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Just adding I’ve learned a valuable lesson about waiting for clear facts before letting fear motivate a decision. I fear that politicians haven’t. I’ll also add I’d been heavily influenced by the Psyop out of China. Which I now see it for what it was, but didn’t at the time.

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Thank you for helping us remember what governments did, and “science” failed to do re Covid. We can not let this be memory-holed.

Perhaps we need Covid museums that focus on what governments did during the Covid years - some kind of permanent reminder of the perils of large, non-transparent authoritarian governments.

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They all need to be prosecuted and thrown into jail.

The whole covid scam was just a Chinese exercise to screw over the west and the west willingly complied.

The whole pharma industry needs to be dismantled as well.

You can no longer trust 95% of our so called medical professionals.

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Correct. And since I don't know which 5% I can trust, I'll just assume I can't trust any of them.

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Totally agree, and always question everything they tell you and do your research.

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It was a psyop for sure but not of China’s doing - they were just another patsy in the scheme. Why if they were screwing us over did they instigate a far longer, far more severe, damaging lockdown than the west, from which their economy has barely begun to recover?

The perpetrators were in my view the globalists, supported by their sleepers in the governments and institutions of the west. The disconnect between Spahn and the RKI, and Spahn’s unfathomable actions, were due simply to the fact that he was following orders and the RKI was irrelevant. It’s no different to the current drive for mass immigration into Europe which has politicians pitted against the people they represent. They are following orders. If we want peace, freedom, sanity we must root out and replace wholesale this current crop of compromised traitors, while eliminating their globalist masters.

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I agree that it is all globally coordinated. Just look at the reply to covid from politicians, globally the same comments and answers.

Same for the ongoing elections, if you don't agree with the woke leftist you are a far right Nazi.

The senseless mass immigration/invasion isn't just a Europe problem, it is a coordinated attack on western society and values.

Other examples are support for corrupt Ukraine and palastine terrorists.

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Question is what do we do about it. Hang back and wait until it gets so bad by which time it’s too late?

This is where the media’s role is critical. With an honest media, this would have been over long ago. You only have to look at the post office scandal to see how 15 years of inertia is immediately overturned by honest reporting. We have to work out how to spread the news more effectively. We also desperately need fiery leaders.

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That is my concern as well.

Once the woke idiots wake up and complain western society will be dead and Sharia law will reign.

Unfortunately I don't think elections will work as we can see on the witch-hunt of the leftist in France (le pen) and Germany (AFD) or the USA (Trump).

The media needs to be cleaned and investigative journalism needs to come back, most are just woke governmental propaganda parrots.

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The answer to your first question is social control. Ever since ending the one child policy and opening up to capitalism, the CCP had been losing its iron grip on society. It was no accident, that the extremest of lockdowns took place in Shanghai

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Idk abt the chinese being behind it all but the rest holds water for me!

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Why blame the Chinese when it's pretty obvious that the globalist crowd is behind it all.

As for trust, my favorite comment during "covid" was, "Why do you trust either Bill Gates or Fauci?"

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When you say “political” motives what do you mean? Everything you say makes it crystal clear that not only was the RKI, exactly like the CDC in the US and the NHS in the UK, not in charge, but in fact a higher power was calling the shots. The idea that the higher power were German politicians w a “political “ agenda defies credulity. Did the politicians in all the other countries also have the exact same political motivations that led them to the identical draconian measures? With a global censorship and propaganda campaign to serve each country’s national politicians’ agenda that happened to coincide with every single other nation’s agenda?

The global “pandemic preparedness”/biodefense public-private partnerships ran the global response, with national governments as puppets and national health ministries as a “public health” cover. see Robert Malone for the best explanation of this.

Nothing else makes even a little bit of sense.

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We see that every major decision was ultimately being driven by political power. Like, 100%, and that’s huge.

We can see persuasive evidence and arguments, as you noted, that there is yet another layer; an international superstructure directing every national political response along identical lines.

Can we identify the factors that enabled some political entities such as Sweden and Florida to resist this power?

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Exactly! This is an extension of the Military Industrial Complex and could not be a greater threat to life on this planet. They are just getting started.

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You say that a "higher power was calling the shots". I would say that the parasitic clan that lives out of us simply follows naturally their selfish own interests. When they notice that something can make them earn some money or grab some more power, they all follow it. No coordination is necessary.

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