May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"That eternal turd..."

I'm gonna have to borrow that one.


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Eternal Turd that will not flush list:

Drosten, C.

Weingarten, R.

Biden, H.

Mayorkas, A

Brazile, D.

Gates, B.

Post, Wash.

Scarborough, J.

Fauci, A.

Milley, Gen.

Clinton, H.


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Don’t leave out the bane of true science, Our Turd The Perpetually Wrong, Neil Ferguson!

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Indeed, Professor Pantsdown is one of the worst!

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You forgot

Trudeau, J.

as well as many others.

I'm getting some sun in the Near North, before getting dinner ready.

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Castreau is more like it, lol. A real chip off the old block, eh?

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Yes, by now we can build a turd pyramid

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No mention of Obama???

Leaving that turd off of this list could be considered RAAYCIIIIS.

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There is no roll of paper big enough to name all the evil doers .That list should have the lunatics on it ,who acted as enforcers in grocery stores ,that is other shoppers .It was brother against brother ,wife against husband and vice versa .The ones who were able to remain outside of that vortex of insanity is a very small minority ,from my experience .The elite is putting the finishing touches on the next pandemic ,one that everyone will take very serious ,as Bill GATES said .

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Chris Whitty, "Sir" Patrick Vallance and perhaps in the running for the biggest nastiest turd of all, Matt Hancock.

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Witless and Unbalanced is more like it. Ditto for Hatt Mancock, lol.

Dominic Cummings is a dishonorable mention as well.

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Yes, every Premier, PM, Chief Health Officer, AHPRA, & media/personality who coerced people in Australia!!

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Kim Jong Dan, for example.

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The former PM of New Zealand Jabcinda Ardern, also referred to as The Jabaconda, the one who instigated and expedited a mandated assault by injection on the NZzzz populous (who promptly awakened), the "yep" that launched 11 million needles, and latterly who ran for the hills and currently resides in one rainbow apex of clown-world, Harvard University.

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I would add:

Bill Clinton



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Don't forget Saint Jacinda! Long live the fallen idols....

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Jacinda Ardern

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The British Drosten belongs on the list too.


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Bourla, A. - how could we not mention him?

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Birx, D

Redfield, R (although to be fair, he did say some things right)

Wolensky, R

Collins, F

Lots of Governors and state PH officials in the US

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no toilet big enough to flush that one

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That really made me laugh out loud, thank you 😅🤣😂

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All with any authority ,small or big, where and still are busy to make life as miserable as possible for us .Killing for profit in the name of health care became and still is the most profitable business .The Tetros guy controlled by Bill Gates is very close to become world dictator .Some of us who are aware ,of their plans ,know we are at the edge of entering a hellish future if they win .I worry we may very likely lose ,because too many potential victims are easy targets for genocide .All the ones that got injected without protest ,wore and still wear snot pouches are a write off even traitors . Some lawyers are promising that justice will be done ,some day .If that day ever comes and I doubt it ,will there be enough of us left after the injections in billions of people are doing the silent work of taking our life in many different ways .??

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Console yourself, friend. Beware unforeseen and unintended consequences.

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Dr .Latus Dextro What is the meaning of your message ,is it a warning ??

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Joe, your earlier post sounded a clarion call of near hopelessness. The old axiom, "It Ain’t Over Till The Fat Lady Sings," still applies. It's no easy feat to orchestrate a global cull without tipping off the targets, you and me and all the rest.

"Beware unintended consequences," was a rallying call to greater hope and a warning to the criminals, those individuals at the WHO/WEF/BMGF/CEPI/national GOVS instigated and expedited the social experiment with its several arms. These people are compelled to think in linear deterministic terms. They fail to realise than in dealing with humanity, they are interfering with a non-linear stochastic mass who, upon realising there is nothing left to lose, become intensely 'interesting'.

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Unfortunately there are a quite a lot of these around.

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Don't I know it, after all I live in Canada...

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I see your special “dominion “installed leadership turd is busy shutting down freedom of speech on the internet and whatever is left of your free press.Fidel’s mistake needs to hear the clicking of handcuffs around his pandering globalist WEF wrists.

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Justin Castreau, a real chip off the old block.

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Black face is our crime minister ,or is it the black heart minister .? Joe ,one of his victims .

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Thanks, Eugyppius, for all your research and analysis. In my estimation, your "eternal turd who will not flush" puts you right up in the heights of pungent rhetoricians, along with:

Matt Taibbi, on journalist Eoin Higgins: "humorously dependable wrongness-barnacle", and:

Australian Labor parliamentarian Mark Latham, on the 2003 visit to the W. Bush administration in Washington DC by (conservative-right "Liberal") prime minister John Howard and his cabinet as an "arse licker" and "conga line of suckholes".

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Me too!🤣 Such a way with words. Love it!

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Love it! The description fits so very many in the U.S. as well, I'm afraid.

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I’m laughing at the title!!!

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He clearly suffers from dunning Kruger syndrome


"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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Thankyou for that explanation.I have been trying to understand a behavior of a certain section of the jabbed people who all have obvious ill effects from the jab (that they themselves acknowledge as a side effect of the jab) but who immediately state ( when asked about it)that they would do it all over again( get jabbed). One particular man I spoke with ,had jab induced bilateral lower extremity blood clots and a new diagnosis of lupus.... he acknowledged the jab did it but he was alive therefore the jab saved his life.He had definite higher status in the community and was not what he would consider a regular joe.. Maybe just the idea of looking like he made a dumb mistake by admitting he made a dumb mistake was perhaps not in keeping with his position of being an expert in his field and therefore of a higher intelligence then joe blow.Does that just come down to being prideful? Is it that simple?

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My neighbor, who is a retired nurse, has cardiac problems from the shot and KNOWS her cardiac problems are from the shot, and says she will be dead in a few years FROM THE CARDIAC PROBLEMS FROM THE SHOT, says "but it was a good shot".

My brain is having trouble processing that. I can only conclude she is an idiot and glad she is no longer anyone's nurse. She is in her 50's.

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I think it's a mental disorder. It's truly mind boggling.

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She is a nasty person anyways. A lot of my neighbors will be happy when she is gone.

Weird though. My jab to the max family said something like my refusal to be jabbed is "unintelligent" and will lead to my death as a relative died from covid, probably really from hospital/covid protocol though. So in reality the vaxed thought that the unvax would die from their decision not to get vaxed, but it probably working out the other way around.

The vax could face an early death from being jabbed. And yeah I know a lot of jabbed people walking around saying they are just fine. However I still think there can be parasites in the shot that slowly grow over time and even the heart issues associated with the jab may not show up till the person exerts themselves.

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It’s a good shot, it is killing me , but it’s a good shot?... maybe she is too proud to admit she foolishly has assisted in her own early demise by saying what is killing her was still necessary and good.. therefore I am a good person? .. I can’t follow the logic so I’ll go with I’m over here alive and unjabbed and you are not.

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All you can do is shake your head...

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There you have it .Hospitals are full of health carers like that . It is the place where most people die .Treatment protocols for flu kill about 90% of patients in there .Again I point out that's how they murdered my brother .Murder is very profitable for hospitals ,healing is an expense and is verboten by the hospital administrators and THE FAUZZY sickness gestapo . gestapo in German means -GE -STA -PO Ge heime sta ats po lizei .Secrete state police .Most countries have gestapo ,or secrete state police .

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Agree, an ignorant idiot

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Honestly I think that in many cases (after the injury) it's also the weight of opinion (aka peer group pressure). They really can't bring themselves to stand out publicly, within their peer group, and say this..

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You can not prove a double negative.

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Or he's finding a way to live with the irreversible mistake.

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Two scenarios. In both cases your baseline is that you got jabbed and subsequently became seriously injured (and your life abbreviated by the jab ). You also find out ( after the fact)that the jab that you were told was safe is 100% responsible for your adverse reactions.

Scenario 1.You become incensed and demand accountability from the perpetrators.

Scenario 2 . You minimize your injuries and indicate it would of been much worse if you had not jabbed.

In both cases you are up against the same enormously powerful multi headed enemy and not just a single person or institution that lied and manipulated you into jabbing. So in order to even to fight back you have to understand your enemy encompasses the government and government institutions / big Pharma / big business/ WHO / CDC /UN/ the healthcare industry that you have believed to be functioning relatively normal up until till now.Maybe these folks that say they’d jab again (despite irrefutable evidence of harm done to them )can’t handle their understanding of their world being destroyed. They would rather pretend it’s a mistake or not true at all then to have their foundational beliefs disrupted.It less upsetting to pretend it isn’t real.

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One of the most distressing discoveries of this last three years has been to find out how many people on the planet have truly sub-par intelligence.

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"Does that just come down to being prideful? Is it that simple?"

It is that simple. The worst sin is pride, where all other sins emanate from.

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Double speak straight out of "1984"

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Bug Goo ,My name is Joe AND NOW i understand that my intelligence quotient is far below absolute zero because of being Joe .So all I have to do is change my name and I'm welcome to the club ??Since I'm still living with O intelligence I'm unable to pick a new name for me .Would you please help me to find a new name for me ? Thanks Still Joe so far .

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It is not just a syndrome. He is protecting himself, because he is still implicated in the whole coverup of the origins, which elevated Jeremy Farrar to Chief Scientist of the WHO. BTW, it was not "just" the bunch of scientists like DRostn, Farrar, Fauci, Collins, Baric and others. There were also former intelligence directors like Eliza Manngham-Buller involved and who knows who else, when you look back to 2015 when the work on SPARS Pandemic started.

He also made millions upon millions with the tests he created. He is in on this scheme up to his neck.

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Sehr richtig - absolutely right!

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PhDs are the least vaccinated group. It must depend somewhat on the discipline. Data-driven analytical education probably serves one better than soft liberal arts degrees. And the data dinks tend to have less concern about social niceties, while the soft stuff depends on social acceptance, speaking from experience.

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Agreed. I'm not a PhD but it was clear from the stats that COVID was at most a flu, with shitty treatments killing people.

There is a PhD group that did fall for the scam, those who are in virology. The field is so deluded that to stay in, one has to really believe in the pseudo-science, lol.

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Yup, I have two virologist relatives who live in DC, work for the feds and absolutely dove in, even "bragging" online with pictures of their middle-school kids getting all vaxxed up. Sickening.

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Not just virology. I found cancer biology PhDs as well.

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I have a "liberal arts degree" and I didn't fall for any of this shit.

There are millions of people who are not PhDs, data obsessed academics, or "intellectuals" who didn't fall for this shit. They knew it was a scam from the very beginning. Because they're not idiots. And instinctively know when they're being lied to.

Please stop with the cliche that PhDs are "smarter" than others or that people who spend inordinate amounts of time poring over mountains of statistical data (garbage in garbage out) come to the correct conclusion on any matter.

The correct answer is more often than not far removed from such endeavors. You either have the correct information or you don't.

There are no pathogenic viruses. Contagion is a myth. Any other blather is based on faulty "data" and the inability to rectify when one is horribly wrong.

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I don't think there is any correlation at all between levels of education and actual intelligence.

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Exactly, none at all! And I've "hung out" with plenty of these types online for twenty years. Sure, some of them may have rejected these jabs based on some analysis of the available data (that's just their religion, the way they interact with life) but for the laypeople that stood firm from the very beginning it wasn't necessary to wait to be "convinced by the numbers" on some data sheet because, I don't know, maybe they have an innate distrust of the government and the extremely corrupt relationship with the pharmaceutical industry and they don't believe anything they see on TV or read in the "papers" or they stopped relying on such asinine sources of information a long, long time ago!

The people relying on mathematical models and data that are obviously not representative of anything in real life (other than number of deaths from difficult to ascertain causes which doesn't really help with getting to the root of the problem) were and are (as far I can tell) some of the dumbest people around. If they're still caught up in this behavior they have proved that they are not worthy IMHO. And not to be trusted.

Disclosure: I actually had some "boots on the ground" up close experience with how the pandemic scam and treatment sales pitch works during the Foot and Mouth mass burning of cows in the UK. That opened my eyes somewhat. It was all a mountain of lies of course.

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I was wondering as well. I wonder if life circumstances play a role as well

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Brilliant. Now "How dare he and they" and "off with their heads said the Red Queen".

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As a fully paid up member of the ‘upper educated class’ as you refer, can absolutely confirm the majority of the self same were proudly vaccinated, some now passed away as a result of.

Whilst my local country folk and hippy community were naturally sceptical and still alive.

‘The meek shall inherit the earth’

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Seems about right... A certain Uni I might have something to do with was all-in on this ruse.....

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Speciation is what these nutters call what they have doen on purpose to the rest of us. Even Musk does not approve of speciation.

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I'd say they spectated themselves and they'll be weaker for it. Good riddance.

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I dont think so. They are ideologues and have to reason themselves out of their beliefs--no one can do that for them.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

You wrote “The trials weren’t designed to show whether they would stop transmission” and my simple question is what trials? They never did any animal trials, and whatever “supposed” trials they say they did were not done by any standards at all.

This guy is an evil doer continuing to gaslight the public. It’s time to start blaming those around us, our next-door neighbors, our family, our closest friends, who fail to see blatant truths. I’ve had it with the whole lot of them.

Thanks for posting. Now I’m going to go take my blood pressure.

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Study #185350, which still too few people know about. They knew their LNPs end up everywhere in your body 25 minutes after IM injection when they handed in the papers for the EUA with the FDA. And there is a preprint paper from Germany now showing how spike protein can traverse from skull/bone marrow into brain. Too many still have no clue what was done to them. And don't bother trying to explain it... their brain damage prevents them from understanding.

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I could not agree with you more. Their indifference is incomprehensible, as is their lack of basic curiosity, and desire for knowledge.

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The truth hurts, that’s why we’ve become a nation run by feelings. As long as you feel good, that’s all that matters. We are being lead by the type of people described in Atlas Shrugged. Feelings are everything.

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Yes we are being run by Feelings and combine that foolishness with no common ground or common purpose to captain our national ship that is being swept downstream towards a catastrophic drop off the falls called “feelings. “With no moral ,ethical or cultural anchor to moor us together against the cultural current of leftist outrage against us by labeling us the “other “they create tribalism and division to divide and conquer us.That’s what the elites and leadership of this country are encouraging and grooming the public to believe. They have the MSM, corporate money and captured institutions and government agencies to amplify that nation and world destroying message ... but here we are and we beg to differ about that globalist WEF agenda .. we certainly live in very interesting times .

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They also have the alternative media, most of which is as fake and controlled as the MSM. And you have to wonder how SS has allowed all of this chit chat for the past three years when other platforms wouldn't even allow the mention of certain buzz words.

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“Fake Alt media controlled by MSM”. Hmmm, must be another low-information Gen Z-er.

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All of the "education", all of the facts, statistics, and in-your-face evidence in the world will not, can not, convert fanatical cultists.

Many of those who converted to corona-ism did so as a leap of faith. And vested their whole being, everything they are, into that belief. The mere thought of repudiating their faith causes severe distress. And those few who are capable of forming the thought, that they might have been mistaken, have to face the reality that they were wrong. Terribly, tragically wrong.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The spider (eternal turd )explaining to the flies ( normal nonturds)why the spider web is critical to their wellbeing and safety.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

there is a meme where a spider is asked by a fly how come she can walk on her web. She starts 'see these threads with the shiny beads on them" and the fly sits down (then her eyes get dark = that are NOT the ones to sit on LOL)

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The start of this post was an Excellent metaphor, Eugyppius.

They've got no intention of going away. Drosten was selected for his obsequious, groupthink persona. Expect him to persevere.

There are too many of him, clones in all of our countries, to flush.

Climate alarmists remain, and have the same playbook.

Of course they are unrepentant, would you have expected anything else?

The only mechanism that realistically can rid us of these pestilential and evil creatures is that which was so graphically demonstrated in the final scene of the film adaptation of Stephen King's "Dead Zone" by actor Christopher Walken: ridicule and shame. They are clowns.

That's why the censorship/military industrial Complex is so dangerous: they are going to shut you up.

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Great reference to "Dead Zone",

One of my favourite Chris Walken movies.

I can't count the number of times that I have re-watched that film...

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

There is simply no other way to put this, he is a fucking cunt!

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Some cunts are indeed useful. Cuntdom has grades. He is perhaps the Everest of all cunts.

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The cuntiest of all cunts?

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Someone said the other day that it is remarkable how Fauci is a prick and a cunt simultaneously. Quite the dichotomy.

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He's a prunt, or is it a crick? Either way, he's diverse and clicks all the trans boxes.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius is right. These people need to be mocked and exposed as the incompetent, myopic, power-grabbing idiots that they are, otherwise the public will grudgingly accept school mask mandates next time there's a bad flu season. Good thing mocking these chodes is so much fun.

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This is what they did to the good doctors/researchers over many years who tried to educate others of good medicine, good herbs, a way to get rid of chronic healthy conditions etc.. The "establishment" called these good doctors/researchers quacks. They were discredited any way they could. Kind of like that horse paste stuff. They control the money so...and got tons of money, so they can pay anyone to say anything.

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The eye roll will be an essential tool in this program. 🙄🙄🙄

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As a friend put it: “I want to hear handcuffs click.”

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Firing squads.

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A sweet thought indeed. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Me too. But the issue is finding a legal entity to bring charges and prosecute. Same with climate/health/economy/population reduction/energy etc.

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or the cry of the French revolution ... à la lanterne!

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It’s definitely quite maddening at this point that the rationalization process hasn’t taken hold at the top of the pyramid.It’s also getting dangerous as the people in control will fear losing control,so their only response is to try to control everything “harder”.Viral pandemics are just scientific witch hunts or Spanish Inquisitions at this point.Mimetic Contagions is what they really are ,trying to control Human nature and in the case of climate nutters Mother Nature,the nature of viruses is even stranger as we now can create them (human nature) but once in the wild Mother Nature takes over.

The point of concern is clearly some of these people can’t stop themselves,the only way out now is to completely destroy the vaccine narrative,because only the vaccine makes lockdowns and masks happen for such an extreme period of time.The CDC Director of the USA left ,what should have been her lifetime job because she is tied directly to the vaccine.She started in March 21 and made the mistake of predicting doom ,when we were in the Happy Valley (March 21-July ) as some people called it or really just end of seasonal flu season.Her replacement will be just as bad or worse,but since the whole agency is discredited the harm they can do now is limited.

Yes it’s a slow grind towards rationality,but it were we are going,and the Covid tyrants can’t stop time.

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I will die fighting if they bring any of this shit back.

Told all my friends/family the same thing and told them to tell people they know that blood will be shed next time.

You know why? Because you won't have a chance to fight a 3rd time; you'll be beat down and moved to a ghetto with high walls.

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Why do you think so much emphasis on gun databases, state by state gun right erosion etc, all prep for stigmatization and confiscation. More armed feds eg IRS. Connect the dots it's not tinfoil hattery

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I agree... this was just a practice run.

Now they have all the data.

Next time they'll take the gloves off.

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The people passed with flying colors

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Call to arms

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The CDC ,FDA ,NIH , WHO are discredited and have used up all their “science “ credibility .I look forward with interest to seeing the numbers on the bivalent flu shot / jab uptake this fall .We will see if all the “ I would jab agains “ actually are just virtue signaling for the benefit of the “ greater good gods” or just empty talk.

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I would like all jabs stopped immediately. Not a single one can be trusted from now on.

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If you are interested in an authoritative voice on vaccine safety check out JFKJr CHD ( children’s Health Defense)and his well written book The Real Anthony Fauci, also Plague of Corruption by Dr Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, Jd

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Sorry I don't like or trust any of those people. They still push the virus scam and that some vaxxes are worth taking. I'm done with all of that nonsense.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"Drosten also criticised the public debate on Covid vaccinations"

Wait, there was a public debate on vaccinations? Where and when was this exactly? My memory is: "hey we've got this new tech we're going to try out, it's 100% effective and absolutely safe, if you ask any questions you're a bigot and your bank account is now empty"

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i know right, there has never been any discussion or debate.

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So... how do they explain all of the other "pandemics" humankind has overcome throughout history without shots or any of the other murderous protocols they pulled out of their arse for this one? These people are absolute monsters.

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deletedMay 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Actually this wake up call may be the beginning of the end for the intended speciation of mankind further. Do not comply and fight in every way against it. Certainly this makes a life's urpose more meaningfull to have such a goal. It may be that those who have not lost the genetic code with God's name written on it are here for a further purpose? I pray it is so.

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We have lost a lot more than the ability to hold "them" to account. We seem unable, or perhaps unwilling, to reason for ourselves. Half of the population of the formerly free world seems to favour state control. Of EVERYTHING! The other half acknowledges there is a very real problem, but expects 'someone else' to fix it.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Moderna said during the trials already that the 'vaccines' have not and will not be tested for transmission.


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deletedMay 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Stupid, stupid, stupid

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The pandemic was over by autumn 2020. Herd immunity already set it, and the most vulnerable elderly population had already been "culled." Not to mention that covid was no worse than a bad flu for people under 60. Also not to mention the falsely inflated covid hospitalization and death counts.

These bogus "vaccines" not only had nothing to do with ending the pandemic, they are causing more serious medical conditions and more deaths to people under 60 than covid has.

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And yet people here in the US remained cowed for an entire year more! People like this tyrant must have gotten drunk on their power. But of all the astounding occurrences, the denial of evidence remains the most concerning.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

E: "The vaccines were not intended to stop transmission, the trials weren’t designed to show whether they would stop transmission, and we’ve known beyond all doubt since the summer of 2021 that they don’t stop transmission."

Oh, it's far worse than that. The gene juice *increases* your odds of getting infected, and therefore of infecting others.

These people are complete morons. I was about to say they should be cleaning toilets, but having thought about it for 2 sec, I'm not convinced they'd be able to do that competently.

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this too, of course. but the milder claims i listed are officially acknowledged and they‘re surely aware of them and profess to believe them. so, on that basis, they’re lying.

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Actually, FDA vaccine approval does not require prevention of transmission. So Pfizer and Moderna didn’t waste their time and money testing for it.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Did he really say 'often' for measles and mumps leading to brain inflammation? That's pretty much an untruth too. They can lead to that but it's very rare - at least in developed countries where children are better nourished. Chicken pox often gives people shingles later in life, now that's true - that's what 'often' means.

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he didn’t, my error. i’ve fixed the translation

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It's still obviously a very bad argument (of his). I mean it would be hard for a virus to be more transmissible than measles and yet we didn't shut down society for it all the years we had no vaccine.

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May 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Definitely a bad argument. You should be terrified of X because X could possibly lead to Y, which is bad. So I guess we should practice extreme caution when drinking water, because you can drink so much water that you could die.

It's just another scare tactic.

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As always, the manufactured crisis produced draconian powers which the State now wants forever. The ratchet effect is only upwards; newly acquired powers are never relinquished even if they were exposed as totally pointless. Many EU member states are moving their crisis powers into their public health laws so that their "toolbox" is expanded for future use.

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Not just the EU states Frank! ALL of the so-called 'democracies' are doing the same thing.

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