In November of 2022, ZEIT published a longer piece on the case:


- Allegedly, the forged vaccine certificates were given to her by her partner, who later died "with" Covid, at age 49.

- She wore N95/FFP2 masks all the time when at work (aren't the masks working wonderfully?).

- Conviction was deemed unlikely in case of trial because the investigators made all kinds of mistakes (maybe intentionally?).

- The piece ends thus: "Heike L. hat sich diesen Sommer gegen Corona impfen lassen. Die Nebenwirkungen waren milde." (Heike L. got vaccinated against Covid this Summer (2022). Side effects were mild.) All this after infection...

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thanks, will add update tomorrow.

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Yes please keep Your American subscribers up to date. Sooner or later the same thing will happen. Maybe Andrew Cumo and Whitmer will be first.

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The poor woman.

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Your last sentence says she got the vaccine đź’‰ in the end anyway? Talk about adding salt to the wound.

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It's the Salem Witch Trials meets Nazism 2.0.

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Agree 100%.

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đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ťđź’Ż, Only more stupid.

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Humanity...when will we learn?

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Actually no. It's bolshevism 2.0. Figure it out.

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The only difference between Nazism and Bolshevism is the racial element.

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Yes. The brain washing has been quite thorough though. Indeed it is irreversible at this point, alas. Not many will break through, though I did here in my late 50s; no doubt a rare thing.

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So when do we start seeing criminal charges against those who forced vaccination and the vaccinated then suffered serious adverse events, including death? When will the victims of vaccination get there day in court?

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Of course not, Serfs are property not people, and property isn't allowed a voice

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Ask not what your country can do for you...

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Ask not what Pfizer can do for you...

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But how quickly you can build the gallows to hang these bastards.

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Ask not what your country can do TO you.

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I'd give it a year, two years at the most.

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It's almost like the vaccine didn't protect the elderly victims. They should sue Pfizer.

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Well, isn't that the crucial point? If the prosecutors are claiming that if she had actually been vaccinated this would have protected the elderly women, weren't the latter already "protected" (allegedly) by their having been vaccinated? If not, the case for being vaccinated does not stand.

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It's important to make the distinction between protection against infection and protection against severe outcomes. The former has been shown to be bogus with these vaccines. The latter is anyone's guess (complex systems and all that), except Pfizer will hardly admit it.

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not in this case. The multiple vaccinated elderly people DIED. This result I would guess we can agree on was as you call it a "severe outcome". Thus there vaccine did absolutely nothing for them. Nothing, they died anyway, at least the 1 person did. So how would the outcome been different had this employee been vaccinated??? How about all the 10's if not 100's of thousands that died in these places?? This is an absurd witch hunt. It's simply the government imposing tyrannyon a person that didnt believe there lies. It's solely for "next time" when they put the boot to the throats of there citizens this person will be an example of what can happen to those who do not comply.

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Not to mention that people DIE FROM the gene-jabs.

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The substance didn’t come from Pfizer, or Moderna, or J&J, etc. The substance came from an outside contractor. That contractor probably paid Big Pharma handsomely.

Haven’t you ever wondered HOW it got to market so quickly? Big Pharma doesn’t even have the capabilities to do what was done, on such short timing, and for millions of people.

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Yeah, the first jab was ready in like a week -- but it took TWO YEARS to figure out the Omni variant shot?

Something smells fishy.

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Thats because it was a military op. Pfizer and co were contracted to the DoD in USA. You can read the documents for yourself. See Katherine Watts, Sasha Laytova and Karen Kingston's respective Substacks. Its all outlined there.

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I would really like to see a true accounting of which people in our government did not take the injection. We can be sure a lot of them did not.

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I read about that. If true, it would explain a lot of things that just don't add up. Given my understanding it appears if the covid protecals including the shots are under the control of the DOD then safety, testing etc. are not required. Their edicts take precedence over everything.

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I subscribe to Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts’s Ssubstack…THEY ARE BRAVE WOMEN IN THIS FIGHT!

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Well the guy who broke the story with evidence was Charles Rixey. Others confirm or repeat him.

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It SHOULD smell fishy! Because it is.

No trials (which take years) were done. They all lied and hid information (why they didn’t want it released for decades).

My suggestion to people is, PLEASE DO NOT GET A FLU SHOT, either. Stay healthy with exercise, sunshine, good food, supplements, etc.

We don’t need them. They need us!

I’m 59 and I don’t get sick. I’ve never had a flu shot or any vaccines.

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Kudo's to you! Power to the People. I am very much like you except a decade older, and I hadn't been sick with a cold for 4 years; I believe in Vit. D from sunshine, exercise, vitamins, & so forth. Nevertheless, I caught the flu (or a Covid variant, who knows?) early Dec. 2022 and it was a DOOZY. With an uncomfortably long recouperation period and residual cough phase. At least now I know I am well inoculated against whatever variant of bug that was.

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I believe it's the Rockefeller Foundation (or Institute) that was ultimately behind what's going on today, just as they were with the Spanish flu of 1918, due to the meningitis jabs originating from their labs. Strangely, the initial meningitis trials were performed by Dr. Frederick L. Gates, in Kansas, which is "ground zero," for where it all began. I can't find any relations to the Bill Gates family, but it's still a strange coincidence, nonetheless.


Further, since I've seen a repeated pattern of coded words, that goes far deeper than what I'm about to show, if one takes the "spell" off the words...

Rockefeller Foundation = Felon Oil Founder Racket.

Think Rockefeller and Standard Oil, Also, a felon is a criminal, and a racket is a scheme for profit, a fraud, or a swindle.

Lastly, the Rockefeller Foundation was formed in May 1913, and then the usury scam called the Federal Reserve Act was passed into law, later that same year.

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What does the Bible say? Hmmm, here it is.

'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.' Mark 10:25

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Conversely, the Bible also says that the tribes are to only charge usury to the strangers (Gentiles) and not to their brethren, so that they may POSSESS the land wherever they go. Deut. 23:20.

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I believe some beer brewers switched from brewing beer to brewing venom .The profit for making the latter is many times more than brewing beer .The vaxxes can be made out of next to nothing ,for example horse piss .No one knows what it is .Some claim it is lab made snake venom .Pfizer could not care less ,no one can sue them . It seems that most people don't care either ,since most of them could hardly wait to be jabbed .Only lately do some hesitate to get more boosters .The already jabbed now carry a time bomb in their body .Many Dr. s warn the poison is doing its silent work to destroy the body , shortly after injection or in month or years later .The immune system is damaged ,leaving the jabbed open for all kinds of illness .My I.Q. is below absolute zero ,but I was wise enough to avoid all injections or mis treatments from the medic mafia

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Even if the argument was that it protected against severe outcomes....death is fairly severe. Did it protect these three elderly women? Nada.

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How come the sudden onset of heart attack, myocarditis, and stroke from the Vax is not considered?

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Amen. This case should take the jury (if there is a jury trial) about 30 seconds to find not guilty on all charges. What a waste of everyone's time.

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There are no juries in Germany and the judges have been shown to be very partial on the corona topic, up to the highest court. It's again a very dark time, reminiscent of the judicial system in the 30s and 40s in the German country and empire. It is very much a probability she will be convicted, unfortunately. This saddens me as much as it enrages.

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They never did protect anyone! The German government got exactly what they wanted, just like Canada.

The jab is a bioweapon and a depopulating substance.

She didn’t murder anyone.

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And the Germans (and Canadians and New Zealanders and Australians) also got something else they wanted: totalitarian control over their populations.

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And they could have stopped it. They all could have. Food for thought.

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The original virus from the Whuhan lab is the actual Bio Weapon. It did what they intended it to do. The jab is supposedly a counter-biological weapon to make Phizer, Moderna (USA) and Fosun (China) Yes, the USA DoD partnered and contracted with a Chinese Pharmecutical Company - this jab was designed to make them all filthy rich, and hero's to boot. Never mind the sweaty masses who died in the process.

However, they didn't count on all the peons talking so much about the deadly side-effects.

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Can't sue Pfizer. But we can prosecute the government bureaucrats who indemnified Pfizer. Actually, fraud eliminates the indemnification, and there is increasing evidence of fraud. Just a matter of time before an ambitious lawyer stakes his career on it. They'll become wealthy beyond their wildest imagination. And we're an election away from having public prosecutors with enough integrity to press the necessary criminal cases.

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I won’t hold my breath David. And that still doesn’t solve the biggest problem: GOVERNMENTS ARE TRYING TO MURDER THEIR OWN PEOPLE!

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Some people are easier to murder than others.

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So very true, unfortunately.

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It is a well known fact that if you go to a hospital with any respiration issues ,they will murder you . Isolation ,morphine ,remdesivir and ventilators ,mean death . That is how they murdered my brother in there in six day.s . They are not only trying to murder us ,they are actively doing it all the time .

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The Law requires intent - so there's some wiggle room there.

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Sharon the vaxx makers are immune from any law .They are lawless ,by law.

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Fully agree.

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I'm afraid most of the judicial systems in the west nowadays aren't much good anymore.

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That what psychopaths do, redirect attention from themselves. The masters of mind f*c and thieves in law

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It's "Almost like"?? (Surprised Emoje here) The vaccine is not even an actual vaccine by legal standards. If it provides protection at all, current data shows it lasts around 3-9 months.

Then there are the SIDE EFFECTS like heart attack and stroke....

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Sharon it is much more than that ,it is a biological weapon ,to kill off as many of us as possible. With the immune system severely damaged any illness known to mankind or womankind ,can and will strike us .Some are hit right away others later in month or years .The Injectables ,known as vaccines are doing it's silent work of death .

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would that they could.

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And these three victims were all above the Life Expectancy. at the time of death.

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Pfizer has 100% protection against being sued .We the victims have 0 protection .

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I know that some good contract lawyers with a pit-bull tenacity could change that percentage right quick - For every loophole that greedy corporations hide under, there are 10 other laws under which they can be caught. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

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Sharon the lawmakers are in bed with the vaxxxxx makers .

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But they do cause underlying illnesses to worsen. My mother is 91 and has received 6 jabs in 2 years. She had mild cognitive decline in 2021. She can hardly speak now.

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SIX JABS!?? I'm ..... uh, speechless, that you didn't intervene and stop all those boosters.

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SIX???? WTF!!!!

That is egregious. That is pure evil.

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I couldn’t. My siblings are all sold on the Holy Shot, which saves us all and does no harm. One signature was required for approval.

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You nailed it -- there's simply no way to know who infected who and when they did it. If this woman caught the virus from a vaccinated co-worker, why is THAT woman not on trial -- or the person who gave it to her, or the next person back, etc etc etc.

They're punishing her because she dared think for herself.

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She's being punished b/c she's a convenient target. And it sends a message to everyone else with a counterfeit vax card.

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SHE'S THE SCAPEGOAT. (just a term now, but was a real thing in ancient times)

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Yes, but the public spectacle is part of their plan, to persecute and generate more fear...

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A "show trial" that sends a message to all who question or challenger authority.

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The crime of heresy.

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Dared to resist brainwashing.

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More than the individual story, the legal precedent this would represent terrifies me.

Think about the accuracy and ability to manipulate or severely bias testing in combination with contact tracing.

They could imprison or execute anyone they want.

She is guilty of forgery. Everything else is virtually unprovable and probably false. Furthermore, I thought the narrative now accepted that the vaccines don't prevent transmission- what difference would it have made?

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All the reasoning, including the distancing and the masking, seems to be around 'diminishing' viral loads i.e. exposure. While not quantifiable and abhorrently anti-scientific (being just a theory/hypothesis no-one seems to be interested in even really testing), it serves as the stick to hit people with. The uneducated judges rule on the basis of "it could have been possible the viral load would have been lower if (...), Hence you are guilty of taking risk and hence missy suffer the consequences". This woman will be punished in some way, so much is certain. It prob. won't be jail time, but it will have an effect, like a rep sheet (or however that's spelled).

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In other news, former NY governor Andrew Cuomo, who ordered Covid+ patients to be moved INTO nursing homes during the first year of the pandemic, remains at large.

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this is a really crucial point. they did this in many places to free up hospital beds, it was an important early lockdown measure.

you're going to prosecute ordinary care home staff for doing their jobs, after directly sending the virus into nursing homes, killing untold thousands with ventilators, and all the other truly insane shit that went down during wave one lockdowns? gtfo.

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I was in a forum for critical care workers. By late March / early April 2020, 2 things were already widely known in that group of several hundred front line staffers:

1- Comorbidities were HIGHLY correlated with severity / death. The more you had, the worse your prospects.

2- If you were placed on a vent, you had about a10% chance of survival.

Weeks later, Trump and Cuomo held a press conference to announce an initiative to crank out more...


My first response was, "So they can kill more people? Or are they retarded?"

Never reached a conclusion on that.

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I'm going to go with UNDER INFORMED and ILL ADVISED (By some CV-19, WEF, co-conspirators in the DoD perhaps?) And too quick on the draw. Trump wanted to gain respect as a man of decision and action. He wanted what was best for the USA, and the US to be the country that found "The Cure" to a world-wide epidemic.

But at that point, except for a few highly specialized Virologists - *no one really knew* what were the Best Practices as this virus acted differently than any preceding it

(And why I will always say CV-19 was a hybrid, man-made, virus straight out of a lab! All part of the overall scheme. Do you remember the SARS Breakout in the Middle East around 2013 during the Obama Administration? The SAME people - the same MO, but that was a test-run)

Remember, Trump was a Businessman - NOT a politician. It was his admin that was hammered w/ the initial outbreak. I am quite sure neither politician ever understood the implications of putting a Covid patient on a ventilator - and no one was about to educate them.

Here's another "I WONDER" - TRUMP SENT A SPECIAL NAVY HOSPITAL SHIP OVER TO NYC in early 2020 (when the panic was starting to rise, thanks to the media) so Cuomo could put the Known cases under quarantine and special care by Navy Docs and nurses.

CUOMO DIDN'T SEND one patient there for specialized care! I can remember very clearly, the mainstream news showing this empty Hospital ward ...... on this magnificent, fully-staffed, Navy ship! Cuomo instead sent these very ill people to NURSING HOMES FILLED WITH ALREADY OLD, SICK PEOPLE.....

Now what was THAT all about?

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"So they can kill more people? Or are they retarded?"

Both. Thank God, both Trump and Cuomo are no longer in power.


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And how does that matter? Pfff… so they’re gone. Last I checked, their selected and installed replacements (Biden and Hochul) ratcheted up the deaths and continue to look for ways to persecute the unvaccinated. Oh, yeah, we won that one.

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Everyone was operating blind in the early days. I was leery of Fauci bc of his history of false promises in SF during the AIDS crisis. I also remember the zero population push in the 60’s. All a ruse. I don’t blame DJT for his actions (some were good) even though China managed to send 100k travelers to the USA before US travel ban was in place. No one knew.

BTW, my masked avatar was a sarcastic response for Independence Day 2021. The fear they instilled is still active today...lone masked drivers and people walking outside with masks. Pitiful.

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This is also the only reason Sweden had such elevated covid mortality in the beginning of this whole mess. Something tells me it's all part of the plan.

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I think you're right, it's a plan. Someone already quoted Jaques Attali, perhaps on this thread but I'll repeat it. This quote has been 'fact checked and debunked'. However, the man who made the quote did in fact make it, that's not disputed and it fits with what' we're witnessing too, too well:

"The Future Will Be About Finding A Way to Reduce the Population” Jacques Attali

Find the full quote here:


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In Canada we also have 'killed with permission by doctors' that apparently saves health care dollars. Official moniker is MAID.

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Indeed, a salient point for this German woman's defense lawyers. I hope there is some freedom foundation or someone who can help her get a good defense team.

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Just as bad in Canada: in early 2020, the fear porn meant that nursing home workers abandoned their jobs. People in some of these homes died of neglect with the armed forces called in to clean up the aftermath. I don't think anyone was charged over the tragedy.

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In southern California and in Spain, the entire staff of care homes just abandoned the residents and here in Detroit, our mayor Duggan, who I used to like until he started licking WEF posteriors to make Detroit a green cities hub, had to call in Doctors without Borders as the nursing homes are owned by private equity and did absolutely nothing for their workers or residents. This criminal case does sound like a show trial. If the [minced oath] had feigned a scabies outbreak, they could've saved all the people with ivm. Polypharmacy is a huge issue in the private equity run nursing homes of America, where the captive elderly have huge numbers of pills sluiced down their throats, but no vitamin D or healthy food or exercise. Elder care here is a big franchise. I saw an ad in a Southwest airlines magazine for investment in what I called an Alzheimer's Disneyland, franchising petting zoos and faux farms and old fashioned soda shops to take the demented on on field trips.

This poor woman, how totally [minced oath] unfair.

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My grandmother spent less than 2 days in hospital before she died with either my mom or me at her side, both my parents died at home, I pray that God grants me such a death.

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Dear Gawd...... Cynthia, shaking my head....

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That's awful

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He's not the only one. Another one was promoted to Biden's cabinet

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No kidding. They pretended he was guilty of groping instead to get him out of public view.

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Were the care home residents vaccinated? Of course they were. BUT they died from/with the 'virus' (or the vaccine). Vaccine seems very effective then doesn't it??? "She is alleged to have been infected without noticing" - So the UNVACCINATED care home worker had such a mild case that she didn't even realize it. The vaccinated died! Why then is she responsible for their deaths? UNBELIEVABLE. I have spoken to a small funeral operator that knows of 100's of elderly people that died within 2 weeks of vaccination. Govt says they died of covid. Pfff.

I'll tell you why they're really charging her. Because she had the gall to be disobedient to "authority".

We need some common sense back in this clown world.

When is this injustice going to stop and when will we get some true justice?

I know quite a few that absolutely need to be put on trial, NOT this woman!

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My partner and I have been together for 18 years. And we've never had a cold at the same time. Of course, it never occurred to any of us to isolate from the other if one of us was under the weather. How people get infected with a respiratory virus is much less straightforward than many have assumed.

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this very true, and the failure of the dumb social-distancing measures to do anything much was a great clue to this, which was lost on almost everyone.

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I am with you. But I feel I should mention this exposure incident I had around 2017 before the plandemic, before the masks, everything.... I flew to see my grandchild in her high-school play. The auditorium was over-crowed and filled with crying, sneezing, wiggling, sniffling, coughing younger siblings also in the audience. (apparently, in their town no one knows what a BABYSITTER is) Despite arming myself with extra zinc, vit. C, D, more liquids, extra sleep, etc. before and during the trip, It took around 9-10 days and I was back at home sicker-than-a-dog with a nasty flu and laryngitis.

It was miserable and I got over it in time, no life-altering events (except lost time)

My point is, I am pretty darn sure that I picked up my bug in that warm, crowded, high school auditorium; although it could have been a virus on the airplane(s) as well. I will never know - but the timing was perfect (around 9 days) for it to be the young-child-infested auditorium. It certainly was CLOSE PROXIMITY caused.

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Ordinary people, forced to break nonsensical regulations just to keep their jobs and preserve their health, are prosecuted while the criminals who mandated these poisons on the population enjoy champagne and canapes at Davos with no danger of being held to account. Shameful.

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I worked in a nursing home during a college summer break. It was rewarding, but very challenging work. Everyone there worked very hard for minimal pay. Living paycheck to paycheck, they needed their jobs and understandably likely would have done anything to keep them, including faking a vaccination.

The world has gone mad. Honest data and science have gone by the wayside in favor of unfounded mandates, blame and cruelty. This is not the type of world I wish for us or for future generations.

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I know of so many people that have used a fake vaccine card. They were very easy to make as a model of the official one could be downloaded. If you printed it the correct size and on 120lb stock paper, printed both sides, it was easy to fake. No one ever gave more than a quick glance at the card, and no one could do any sort of verification check if if they wanted to. The vax injection sites in the beginning were a confused mess....tents in parking lots, sign a liability paper, get a quick jab, drive away. People were sloppy with records. It might be harder in Europe if things are digitized there, but where I was, everything was rushed and written by hand by the injection health worker.

My daughter is a nurse in a rehab type facility that also takes care of the people who are too old and weak to live alone any more. She got a religious exemption very easily, she only had to ask for it. She worked in several different facilities over the past 3 years and there simply was not much covid caused death, if any. People entered the hospitals in very bad shape, and they were expected to die relatively soon within t he year. They had all sorts of other health issues that were responsible for sending them to their maker. Covid illness (supposedly) swept through many times, and people recovered from it, and few of them were even all that sick. She had a 104 year old patient who recovered just fine! In any case, I'm sure a lot who died (of other issues) may also have tested positive for covid, but they didn't die of it they died with it. My daughter got covid in Nov. 2020 and never got sick again, despite being around all these "covid" outbreaks. They often put her in the with covid patients because she had already had it. She remains unjabbed and only had covid that one time. Where we live in Northern California, there really wasn't all the stupid hysteria you would see in big cities elsewhere. People mostly just went on as usual, with not many more precautions that there would have been in a typical flu season. It wasn't any worse than that.

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I understand getting a fake vaccine card if you need to put a roof over your family and feed your kids, but I do think it adds to the problem. It gives the semblance that more people accept mandatory vaccination than really do and puts the unjabbed and unwilling to go along with the mandates at greater risk. I wasn't subject to a vaccine mandate, but what I learned is that to push back against unlawful mandates people need to do so en masse, i.e. everyone should refuse to provide their vaccination status. A nursing home wouldn't be able to function if everyone refused. The challenge is persuading one's fellow employees and that isn't easy. After all, I couldn't persuade a single family member or friend not to get the jab.

I'm really glad your daughter was able to get a religious exemption. Yes, most people didn't die from Covid, just as most people don't die from the flu. Young and healthy people don't generally die from infectious diseases. The Covid counts are a complete scam. I'm in Southern California. Things were crazier here, but at least I don't live in LA. I love the California weather, but I still want to move out of CA to a state where policies are sane and discrimination isn't viewed as a collective good.

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You were lucky. I live in a big shitty. Even now, winter of 2023 there is STILL about 2% of the people walking around with a mask on in the stores.

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2% are the die-hards. There will always be a small minority of extremists on any topic.

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I hear you. I also notice a sharp change since the turn of the 21st Century - even though there were warnings as far back as the 70's. I could actually make a case for the anti-war movement of the 70's having malevolent underpinnings from an outside agenda.

One of the nice things about being older is having a point of reference, and I assure you that the 'old days' were nothing like today as far as our individual freedoms were concerned; FEAR mongering is rampant, and not just by the government. Also people seem so much more apathetic and docile, except unfortunately the Leftist nutheads, who seem to be powered by a permanent manic episode.

But then again, back then our communication technology was, the telephone, the television, radio, and printed newspapers! Everyone read The Paper. *There was this monstrous teletype machine, I think the grand-dad of the Fax Machine, that could clatter out a printed message from afar, but few places had one.

What I'm saying is, I think this reduced gossip, rumor, misinformation, PROPAGANDA, and panic. There's a downside to our Instant Communication we take for granted today.

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There are very old videos on Twitter of former government operatives talking about propaganda in conjunction with the news business. I'm sure it has always been a thing from the very beginning of the country. We were much easier to control when we had only a few television channels. We have always had free speech, but everyday people really didn't have the reach. Twitter is really the "fullness of free speech." I can reach anyone on Twitter, a head of state, etc. Not saying that they would pay attention to what I say, but I could technically reach them. That is why the government is so determined to censor it, because if people know the truth they can demand more of their governments.

I also do think our government has legitimate concerns. Many countries limit free speech, but those same countries can take advantage of free speech in our country, especially on platforms like Twitter. Also, I think there is a concern about posts going viral. I recall a rumor went viral on Facebook in another country and a bunch of people killed some other people based on rumors. Also, our government probably doesn't want us tweeting too much or at all to leaders of foreign countries. We could start an international incident. So I do think our government has legitimate concerns. But manipulating our internal elections and preventing people from getting truthful information about Covid policies, therapeutics and vaccines was abhorrent and completely unacceptable. Instead of censoring, if our government officials are so confident in their positions and policies, they should be able to make persuasive arguments and convince the American people. I think Twitter and Substack are a net good for humanity.

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To coin a phrase: "Where is your evidence?"

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The mere fact that she was unvaccinated and the victims got sick might be enough. The prosecutors can no doubt bring in any number of experts willing to testify on behalf on the closely guarded narrative.

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