Oh for fucks sake. Just let a meteor hit us and be done with it.

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about where I'm at bro

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As long as we have a nondiscriminatory naming system for the origin of the meteor. Would be problematic to use Greek terms lest they be blamed. “alpha Centauri” always reeked of classism, elitism, and systemic oppression.

And even if the meteor comes from a binary star system we should allow that perhaps it could be a non-binary star system.

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Everyone needs to stop lol... I've already died from covid, racism, patriotism, capitalism, conservatism, monkey pox, and most recently I have died during the new crypto winter. I'm almost out of lives in this Metaverse.

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But now you’re coming across all Anti-Semitics so…

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perhaps you meant anti-semantics?

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I neber mank mistskes.

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Or at least anti-semiotics.

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Swamp Fox are you keeping your gorilla pox secrete??

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Pfft. Well, I never! Spoken like a true, inferior Beta Centaurian. We Alpha Centaurians are not classist, elitist, nor do we practice systemic oppression. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go adjust my monocle.

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As a gay man (fortunately in a monogamous relationship), I think the idea of stopping casual sex for a few weeks is not unreasonable at all. In fact, I've warned a few promiscuous friends that they might want to lay off it for a bit.

As for stigmatization, anyone who thinks that the fact that Monkeypox came from Africa is somehow stigmatizing of Africans is more of a racist f*ck-up than one can possibly imagine. These "anti-stigmatism" folks are showing more racism than a KKK meeting.

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Or an ADL meeting.

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Thank God I want drinking milk when I read this, it would have come out my nose.

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I like the way you think. Kill your self now.

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I fancy 'Brian' as a good name for a meteor. But would that be assuming the meteorite's gender?

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It's already got a name, but it might trigger some people I guess: Sweet Meteor O'Death. Yes it's real, you can Google it.

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The name planet earth must be changed to planed insane ,it will keep hostile space ships away

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Stop. You're killing me.

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You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy - Obi Wan Kenobi

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I’m not using this new name. It is like talking in euphemisms. No one is truly communicating. Plus the reason the had to not call it monkey pox is that we might stigmatize people. What an insult.

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I don't use any politically correct/woke language ~ we need to stop ceding free speech ground.

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Whenever “progressives”think of monkeys…

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They wokers will find a way to want to fuck that up. Meteor _.

We cant offend meteors from the buttfuckers belt.

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Hopefully it's a snowflake meteor so as not to offend the democrats and does minimal damage.

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You'll need a mask to avoid inhaling the meteor, possibly two, per Fauci

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Mandates Jabs for meteor outbreaks being developed at warp speed as we speak.

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I thought the same thing Michael D’Ambrosio

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I've been praying for cometary bombardment since this whole thing started.

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Relax there will be a venom waxxin bombardment for everything ,no need for meteors .

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I'm rooting for the nukes. Pretty much given up on another flood. If there was to be one, it would have begun by now. So nukes it is.

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I think Babylon Bee called it with the Time Traveling Noah going back to sink the ark: https://babylonbee.com/news/after-visiting-2022-time-traveling-noah-decides-to-go-back-and-sink-the-ark

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I can see from the above comments ,that before they exterminate us they drive us insane .

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Not yet! I really need to see how stupid we're going to be about trans issues and gender identity. But in general, I appreciate the sentiment.

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Sweet Meteor O'Death, where are you when we need you?

I still have a SMOD bumper sticker on my car from the last presidential election. I see SMOD is running in the 2024 election (and is who/what I will probably cast my vote for). SMOD has the best campaign promises. Some samples at https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/disgruntled-voters-cast-write-in-ballot-for-sweet-meteor-odeath-for-president/

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After Pamala changes Joe's diapers he will run again and win . First law he will make is that presidents can govern from the grave .

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Here! here!

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It really is quite the contradiction: After 9/11 we were told not to blame random Muslims. During covid we were told not to blame random Chinese. Then during covid we were told to shun the unvaxxed. Now for monkey pox we once again have to be sure not to blame random Africans.........

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a real head-scratcher this one.

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i can only assume that it is because they would argue there is a difference between being 'blamed' for an innate state of existence (i.e., race) and actively choosing not to have a SAFEANDEFFECTIVETM medical procedure. if one refuses the latter of that list, shun away my dear friends for they are the devilspawn.

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You need to get that looked at. By a licensed professional.

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Still waiting for that crowd to say we shouldn't blame random gun owners for spree shootings. Or random heroin pushers for random overdoses (or maybe fentanyl is more in the now?)

Or random [insert term here] for random [insert event here].

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Random gun owners and random heroin pushers are not equivalent--random gun owners have nothing to do with spree shooting; heroin pushers, random are not, do have something to do with overdoses.

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Yeah, but I was going for the very common rethorical artifice of trying to evade and obfuscate an issue by stapling "random" and "not all" to it.

Like the difference between "Raccons spread rabies" and "Random raccoons randomly spreads rabies". The first sentence carries a clear message of who and what, which leads to the thought to several possible ways to respond, handle and care about the topic; the second one just makes it all into random occurrences with no agency and no actors involved, meaning you will have trouble to formulate a response to the topic, especially a contextual one.

This is intentional to prevent action from being taken: what we become conditioned and inured to react to and think of as random events striking randomly, fully lacking agency, we will also refrain from thinking up solutions to, eventually not even reacting to the events as wrong, fixable or problems.

Look at the language used on any issue where people in charge doen't want to do anything: it's always random, passive and made to make the thing seem like a natural occurence. The point is to keep their backs clear and us impotent.

Edit: oh, and it would be very easy and obvious if one had that agenda (I don't) to point out that both the pusher and the gun shop can say: "I just sell this stuff, it's not on me how it's used", yes? That's another beaut of semantic judo, because a good refutation pointing out the insididous blending of the metaphorical and the concrete in the simile would become a mini-essay or else fail to attack both avenues: motte&bailey-strategy I've seen it called in US debate-techniques a decade or two back.

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Gun shop, as in your second example, would havde been a more analogous comparison to a pusher than gun owner. Another example of what you're talking about would be how the mainstream media all reported that a car plowed into people in a parade. As though the car had a mind of it's own, like Christine. Because the identity of the driver didn't fit their narrative.

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Yep, that's what our state-media reported about the terrorist-attack (the racially motivated murder of innocents): "The car mysteriously lost control".

Passivum, random, no agency, no causality.

We had such an attack in Stockholm a couple of years back, when an illegal moslem drove a lorry on to a walk-only street and murdered several people, including children. That the EU's lack of border control, swedish migration policy since 30 years, and lots other issues was the reason this man could be in country at all? Silence.

Instead, it got blamed on poverty and racism. Meaning any swede asking "How the Hel could he move about freely and work illegally, after being denied entry and after police and migration authorities had been made aware of his whereabouts months earlier?" got smushed as a racist by state and regime loyal privately owned media.

Can't have agency and causalty, as I said - that means it's someone's fault and that it can be taken care of.


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That immigration issue, where such immigrants are free to rome about into any EU country after being allowed in by the country with the weakest (meaning no) restrictions was one of the driving factors for the UK Brexit movement to leave the European Union.

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And I thought random insertion was the cause of Monkeypox.

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If you are nor sure you put it in the right place use a flash light .

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Don't you mean Fleshlight?

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Africans, random or otherwise, evidently are not the ones to blame but people engaged in ‘goings-on’ at ‘events’ involving men and exchange of body fluids in Spain and Belgium.

Well it is Pride month so wear your Monkeypox with pride. Perhaps we can get a pustule covered flag made. I believe the colours are angry red and pus.

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I think you meant to say PridePox, my good sir.

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They were talking about this on Infowars the other day. The doctor who was on just laughed and said something like "do not put your penis into anything covered in oozing pustules." I guess that request is too much for non-menstruating Pride People.

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It's really remarkable what happens when you get a hundred guys together to trade rich slurries of blood, semen, urine, and faeces. Disease just seems to come out of nowhere. Almost like it's unhealthy or something.

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Can some one tell me if I should be worried now ,since I had a romantic randevooo ,with a king gorilla in the zoo .??

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Ugh. The mind's eye paints a lovely picture....

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No worries--a news reporting blackout to follow so that no one will be stigmatized.

"UK Health Agency: 99% Of Monkeypox Cases Are Gay Men"


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Gay men aren't really welcome at Pride anymore, though. It's all trans now, with an occasional lesbian thrown in. The latter are suspect, though, since they tend to refuse to sleep with "women" (the trans kind).

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Everyone have fun while you can .I read that Pfizer is making chastity belts for men ,they are made from steel and the virus police has the key .

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Since it is apparently racist to call it monkeypox, and since it is apparently spread primarily through meth-fueled homosexual orgies, I propose it be renamed PridePox.

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TransPridePox? Tpp?

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PridePox goeth before a fall. I do wonder when Lust Month, Envy Month, and Wrath Month will make the official calendars.

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Greed Month is already a thing. We used to call it Christmas.

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Discrimination and systematic shunning of Ultra maga and unvaxxed, Christians and whites and men is enthusiastically encouraged.

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I stopped listening to "them" a couple decades ago when a bunch of buildings were exploded in broad daylight, on film, and we were told we did not see what we saw...

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Shhh.... WTC 7 never existed.

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Not just WTC 7.... From the air you could also see a smaller building that was "scooped" out of the earth. Looked like a giant excavator bucket dug it all out down to 40' or so. Customs and immigration building I seem to recall. 3-4 story steel/brick structure that was blown clean off the Earth....

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...100% correct...

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It’s following the HIV playbook in which Africa was supposedly blamed and Africans but in reality it was homosexual men that really were quietly blamed outside media narrative.Once the hemophiliacs began to acquire the virus ,then it had a safe victim class to push forward.Ryan White ,probably in  retrospect the “victim of “ media created hoaxes was pushed forward.Tge Monkey pox needs it’s victim class outside homosexuality and it’s Ryan White to move forward.It’s not the 1980s and top down media is having a harder time creating narrative.

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And that's what makes any new death creation device/bacteria so scary. It's allowed to run rampant until the right victim can be identified and exploited.

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I, for one, blame Tucker Carlson.

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He’s the go-to when climate change and Trump are busy.

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Ron de Santis is the true villain if you thought more carefully about it

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Ha ha... is anyone else looking forward to the day, say 10-15 years from now, when the narrative is "current Republican X is just too extreme, he's not like those Republicans of yesteryear. I may have disagreed Ron Desantis but at least he was reasonable, blah, blah, blah."

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and not blame the monkeys either !

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It's almost as if they are entirely full of shit, and hoping no one will notice.

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They ARE full of shit, and WE are noticing. The problem at the moment is that the politicians with the power to control the guns are on their side.......for now. Change is in the air.

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Think it is in the air in California ? Is there actually hope for individuals who would prefer pets, particularly dogs, be euthanized rather than allow them to be adopted by people who..... OWN fire arms ? ? ? Did you ever EVER think the world would come to this degree of insanity ? Guess anything is possible now !

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HOW can people "not notice"... unless they can't even read ? Or perhaps, they did not have weekly vocabulary word assignments and tests (like the weekly spelling assignments and tests) in school, so they only know the meanings of very few words ?

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It truly does border on the insane, are brains of humans shrinking from something that has invaded our universe, something other than Covid ? This has all gone to such extremes it's truly difficult to realize it is really happening everywhere !

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We have to blame SOMEONE, it's our nature! LOL Trump's not in office anymore, so he's out. It's down to either some random monkey or some random homo guy. I don't want to blame monkeys because I've seen Planet of the Apes and how THAT works out. I've already been labeled homophobic because I'm a common sense, history believing, kinda guy.............. so, homo guy it is! Problem solved, carry on everyone!

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Well, as the J6 committee has demonstrated, blaming Trump whether or not in office is de rigueur. He'll be a good scapegoat for years...

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True, I stand corrected! Apologies my friend. lol

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Jun 14, 2022
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🤔 Naw, can't be.

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I'm quite sure I never auditioned to be an extra in a Monty Python film. How *did* I get here?

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Pretty sure you're not an extra. At least a named character wth real lines. Also, is the px actually spread from monkeys or from apes? My language makes no distinction (we use "apa" for both) but from the writings of the late Terry Pratchett I have understood that some mebers of the simian community, the distinction is very important indeed.


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At least I'd hope to be the surly goodwife giving an eyewatering smack to the earl's henchmen when they came predating after the juicy young virgins whose freedom of choice I was dead set on preserving.

To your second point--I think I've as many details on that as I'd ever want to know...

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The difference hangs by a tail.

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Here, have a banana. Now go back to the stacks. It's safer there.

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I worry more about my money box than about the monkey pox . When I shake my box there is no more sound ,so now I'm scared to open it .

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You were lured into Dr Who’s TARDIS.

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No. But I have crocheted one!

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It feels more like the REEEETARDIS by now.

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Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

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Comment of the day.

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How shall I quote you?

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Enthusiastically, often as you'd like to...

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well, already quoted on FB and Insta

are you on Twitter?

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I ain't exactly got what anyone would call a following there so your interest is gratefully received...

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Jun 14, 2022
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Girl. A fairly old one, but still.

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The ladies at my Bookclub today pronounced the monkeypox a deadly virus and we are all going to die. I made one attempt to calm them with some facts. Nope they were not having any of it. So msm and health authorities strike gold again by terrifying the pants off the sheeple.

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what might work actually is telling them that being worried about Monkeypox is racist and that they're only worried about it because of its scary African origins

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Or that they're being homophobic. That might be even better, actually.

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Jun 14, 2022
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that will slay them for sure!! good one

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Good one! I’ll remember bet that!

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Oh, I like that approach as well!

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