Jul 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

If they can put a PSA in the subways with a middle finger saying "just wear your fucking mask", they can say "stop butt-fucking each other."

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Forget it. I saw gay men lined up all over NYC to get their jab, which will probably be quite dangerous in terms of antigenic fixation, VAIDS, ADE etc seeing as how they're baseline immune suppressed from their proclivities and covid jabs. But abstain from anal sex? Nah. 🙄

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You’ve nailed the heart of the matter, as only you can do. Corona has revealed what is sacrosanct to our elected leaders - gay anal sex orgies, liquor stores, massive riots and burned buildings in support of BLM, graft from Big Pharma, election fraud, & government by edict. What is not important and therefore to be despised and destroyed- families, church, the middle class, small business, savings, food, our children & government by we the people.

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Why is everyone so afraid of stigmatizing sodomites? All Christians know that this behavior is abhorrent in the eyes of God and should neither be accepted or condoned.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Might I suggest that the lack of a prohibition on gay sex reflects a recognition that the gays wouldn't obey it? And might I also suggest that there is a lesson here for everyone? ie. If they know you won't obey, they won't dare give the order.

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"Don't fuck while you're festering" seems good advice for any creature that inserts any one of its parts into one or another of the parts of any other creature, for fun or procreation.

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I have said before and ill say it again. The covid wars are just getting started. The lockdowners, vaccinators and maskers have found themselves in a position of power, and will continue to wield it and use it. Those muscles are trained now and there is no problem that can't be solved with a mandate or restriction of some kind.

In fairness to gay men and monkeypox, they already dont care about getting infected with HIV. Monkey pox is not going to change their behavior. If only they had this clarity on covid

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Bro you’re on fire 👏🏆🎯. Keep telling the truth.

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The precious snowflakes of the LGBTQ "community" must not be offended. This is DNC rule number one. Never ask the victim class they represent to be held accountable for their behaviors. Blame the gun, not the criminal, blame the "injustice / police" not the BLM rioters, blame the parents not the teachers unions or school boards, blame the SCOTUS not the bad constitutional interpretation and on and on. Asking gay men to stop screwing each other with wanton abandon is too much to ask just to stop spreading a potentially dangerous disease. The world is now officially a clown show and is being run by literal idiots. Time for a change and not a small one. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Bang on, Eugyppius (sorry). Non-procreative sex is indeed the lynchpin of the ideology. You'd have to pry it from their cold, dead, monkeypox-infested hands. Keep emphasizing this because it points to the reality, which too many are unaware of, that this is literally a Satanic assault on our freedom--true freedom, of course, NOT being the right to screw whoever one likes, but freedom of will.

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

They didn't seem concerned at all about offending others by usurping their rights.

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The larger part of me reads this and thinks "surely grown men do not need pubic health authorities to tell them that it's best to avoid sexually profligate behavior during an outbreak of a sexually transmitted disease that only affects gay men," but then I remember the last two years. Sigh.

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Admittedly, this is coming from a woman (whatever that is) and a CIS gender heteronormative one at that ( I think I got the jargon right there), but isn't it more caring to gay men to urge abstinence (or at least go down to one partner) for a few months than worrying that their feelings might be hurt over the suggestion?

It reminds me of the recent push for abolishing the police at the price of more minorities dying.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

You will see they will shut down the economy again, so that some "vulnerable people can continue with their sex practices".

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I propose a one step plan:

Double Mask their Ass Plan!

This is infuriating!

Stand up. Be counted. Fight back!

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

What is GAE?

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