Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What are its pronouns?

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Am I the only person out there who, whenever he hears the term "M-pox" thinks back to the WHO's assertion that it couldn't be called "monkeypox" any more because that name might make us think of black people? Which of course had the exact opposite effect of that intended?

It's like telling someone not to think of an elephant. Well, that's going to have the exact opposite effect of the command, isn't it?

We truly live in clown world.

Kim G

Roma Sur, Mexico City

<i>Where there's FAR less of all this BS.</i>

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When I first heard the term "MPox" my ungovernable brain wrote me an earworm to the tune of that 1990s bubblegum boyband hit "MMMBop." Sometimes I would like to take my brain out back behind the garage and punch it in the face a few times.

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First thing I thought of when reading "M-pox" rather than monkeypox was Marvel Comics' title "X-Men".

In some old storyline I can't be bothered to look up, an artifical virus only targeting those with a specific change of their DNA (a mutation adding an "X-gene" which somehow enables a human to fly by screaming really loud or turn into "organic steel"...) was called Mutant Pox" or "M-pox" for short.

Maybe Marvel should sue Gates and the USDoD for IP-infringement?

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since it was sexually transmitted I think of AIDS since THAT ruined my sexual coming of age in the early 80's

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Great article by Heather Heying today. I'm old enough to remember being terrified by AIDS because they told us we could get it from toilet seats or whatever. And we would die. https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/suspension-of-curiosity-leads-to

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I'm a HUGE fan of Heather and Bret. Those folks have TRUE courage, and seem to be genuinely nice and honest folks to boot.

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Agreed, they come across as very sensible, down-to-earth people who will not deny what they know in order to appease others.

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Come to that, does anyone outside the WHO actually associate monkeys with black people?

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The term "manikin" is deeply problematic and exclusionary as it implies that the dummy was assigned male at birth (or upon release from the assembly line). I propose the gender-neutral term "Mexikin" instead.

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rubber, rubbery, erased

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Hairless Speedbump

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For those curious about the functioning pustule with a fluid reservoir – I'm pretty sure it's the one on the left forearm in the picture.

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Let's just not dwell on those fake pustules, okay? The world is challenging enough as it is without gross fake pustules. :-)

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

No doubt. For what the simulator probably cost, the contractor should have probably included reservoirs with all of the pustules, and given it sensors so it could say "ouch" each time the trainees squeezed one.

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I wasn’t but thanks anyway🤮

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Are you saying the ones on his forehead are just pimples?

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How on earth would they clean the reservoir between fill-ups?

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Does it simulate anal damage? Asking for a friend.

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well, the article says it has throat pustules ...

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Dear lord

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Now I WILL need to say a rosary.

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Too much information.

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I'm sure the throat pustules are from smoking.

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Oh jeez 😳

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Is there also a manikin for the simulation of a vaginal exam on a man? Not familiar with proper vernacular so please excuse if mis-identifying.

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Or checking a "woman" for testicular cancer?

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I think in that case, according to our friend Dylan Mulvaney, the correct anatomical term is "Barbie pouch".

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For that much, I hope you can use anal swabs

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I was sorta thinking that most people in healthcare were familiar with oozing sores. To me, that is the weirdest part of this: the thought that a health care professional doesn't know how to classify sores. I know, I know the bar is low these days but this seems rather extravagantly unnecessary.

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'rather extravagantly unnecessary'

Perfect description, and my first reaction.

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That is the VA’s motto.

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Did they have the end-of-year rush to spend their budget?

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Or was the contractor who made it related to the budget director?

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This is an example of the government yet again wasting money on things and programs which have no bearing on actual patient care.

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"Extravagantly unnecessary" is practically a requirement for government-funded projects.

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I hope this won't cut into funds for the proxy war

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Don't worry, the defense of democracy will be funded no matter what. Probably we have an ally whose infrastructure we can blow up to make a buck.

And we are not involved in Putins war of Aggression, we only support the valiant Ukrainians with weapons, Intel, command and control, mercenaries, special forces operators, paying their bills, hiding their secrets, propaganda, assassinations, and a few other tiny little contributions. But we are absolutely not a party to this conflict.

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You would think so, wouldn’t you

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VA's Mission Statement: "We pretend to care."

Or: "Giving veterans one more chance to die for their country."

Or: "Deny. Deny. Until they die."

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exactly, them vets are a moneymaker for pharma. just like obamacare, all of the ppl who clamored for it and insisted that they deserved healthcare as a basic human right are now in the system of 'slow kill', they were better off without healthcare.

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My son in his early 30’s, was to cheap to pay for insurance every place he worked. He was hired last fall working for a new corporation that pays the premiums. As soon as he was covered, he got Covid. He blames the insurance coverage. 😂

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Don't you mean "He was DIAGNOSED with covid". Have you never noticed that the very first step, in every diagnosis, in every health care facility, is a very thorough examination of the patient's insurance coverage.

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TooOooo good! : )

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Why did the Feds just drop off16 per tests on my porch?

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Are there black Chevy Suburbans in the neighborhood?

A work van with all the windows blacked out?

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The VA treats service-related illness, so how is mpox acquired at gay raves service related?

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I guess that depends upon how one defines "service."

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I think you just won this comments section.

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There’s a rainbow flag exception.

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Woke military now.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

They've managed to hit the trifecta with this. It's disgusting, expensive and useless.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Just like the mRNA-vaccines.

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Just like monkeypox sores

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They're certainly running true to form.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

God help us! The world is filled with many more idiots than I ever expected.

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Notice how they all work for the federal government.

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Call "Doctor Pimple Popper"

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Any excuse to plunder the treasury

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I’ve learned from dealing with public private partnerships that stupidity can be a formidable foe.

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But remember that corruption can be your friend.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Pus fetishists will be all over this one.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yes, but did they prefer it to a high-fidelity stimulator?

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Love the nipples. Or are they pustules?

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Oh gee another in the planning stages PLANDEMIC.....Let's see the bird or the monkey pox which is gonna come first!?

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I'm pretty sure they will use Marburg, for the shock effect of people bleeding out. The vaccine was approved before Covid per Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, who was at the CDC meeting announcing that in early 2020. The bleeding can easily be caused by weaponized frequencies (think 5G). No fake virus required.

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I agree - no fake virus required. A simple vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) can cause bleeding out (hemorrhagic symptoms). “Finally, the key feature of scurvy is hemorrhage which can occur in almost any organ.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493187/

An exceptional book that gets straight to the heart of the matter:

Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone by Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD and Andrew W. Saul, PhD


“Orthomolecular Medicine is a form of alternative medicine, with a purpose to maintain human health through nutritional supplementation. The concept builds on the idea of an optimal nutritional environment in the body and that diseases reflect deficiencies in this environment.” International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine - ISOM

The purpose of ISOM is to further the advancement of orthomolecular medicine throughout the world, to raise awareness https://isom.ca

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I was just looking these up today---synchronicity! Though Jung seems to have been totally memory-holed, along with his devotees, with his ideas of INNER masculinity and femininity. Another to add is Clemens Arvay, who was crucified to death by cancelers for his risk/benefit analysis of covid shots Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay

https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens and his well-researched theory of eco-psychosomatics. I am reading his books right now, and we should all go out into the woods for the rising terpenes and how they enhance natural killer cells and the immune system.

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you mean bleeding from the spike proteins now in ppls bodies? that are potentially micro-slicing the heart/arteries?

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That too but what I meant is bleeding 🩸 from the eyes, ears, and every orifice. It will scare people who don’t know why it’s happening. And we have a lot of those people.

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And the government will tell everyone it's caused by Marburg, but it's actually an effect of 5g or similar?

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And most people will believe it. Sad but true.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

A poignant reminder that with any policy initiative, however ridiculous, grifters will attach themselves to 'the Thing' like sucking leverets.

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