Unfortunately, the Covid jab is much more dangerous than snake oil. I’ll take snake oil any day.

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I would sleep with 200 cobras

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Will the dead also be able to sue now ? The treatment protocols in hospitals are many times more deadly than the jabs . They murdered my brother with remdesivir and ventilators in six days .That treatment is up to 95% fatal .Reporting on the hospital killing spree for profit is very ,very under reported .It needs to come out much more in the open ,as warning to potential new victims .

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my 69 year old neighbor was dead in 2 days...he went in for help breathing, was put on a vent and dead in 2 days! But hey, the hospital got the $50-100k cash grab FOR HIS DEATH ON A VENTILATOR (THANK YOU OBAMACARE...all premeditated for years in backroom planning meetings b/c we're looked at as cattle), so someone won, it was not him unfortunately. He simply needed help and advocacy from someone. The fact that they SEPARATED ALL from family and friends (churches, hospitals, nursing homes) tells you all that you need to know. Satan 100% at work through these ppl who carried out the agenda. ANY ONE of your 'friends' who tried to cajole you or shame you or did their FB 'selfies' virtue signaling themselves getting the jab should tell you WHO NOT TO LOOK TO FOR LIFE ADVICE. As a matter of fact, next time tell them that they are AN IDIOT when you hear that BS again.

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ELDEST 52 YR OLD SON James, had a Quadruple Bypass a little over a WEEK AGO Thursday, they left the Trach Tube in, No Alarms, nurse was inputting info into her machine, Not paying attention. I had to throw a hissy fit to get 15 minutes. We didn't realize his wrists were strapped down. His charts show COPD and former smokes. He was choking to death on Phlegm, all he could do was look angry and pound his fist that he could move 2 inches, the nurse was alerted, and forced to remove restraints, no reason for them. Pen/paper I'M CHOKING was written. They got his tube suctioned, it happened more than once over the next 30 minutes. It is cruel and inhumane torture to tie a patient's wrist down when they can't communicate.

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this is so terrible. Oh my gosh. US hospital?

this is tragic

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i wrote about a Canadian Hospital Joe

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Sounds like a version of death panels...remember those?

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In Quebec Canada, before employees abandoned Long Term Care Facilities they adminstrsited a "respiratory treatment protocol" to the residents. The treatment consisted of injecting residents with this cocktail; Morphine, Ativan and Versed. Then, they abandoned the residents, & the Army was called into to clean up the mess.

They euthanized about 1500 people in the fist months with this "protocol".

At the inquiry the province paid some quacks to say this was a legitimate protocol to regulate breathing and soothe anxiety. I was like "regulate breathing to nonexistent"?

The inquiry produced a "scathing report" (equivalent to a strongly worded condemnation on twitter from the UN over the latest genocide) and not a single person lost a job.

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I didn’t know this…😭

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Sonya hospitals are the new Auschwitz killing centers People must start to understand that killing off as many of us by any means is the unshakable plan of the top elite .

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I am not sure about Auschwitz, but there are many stories, especially in the UK, that especially the elderly were treated with Madazolam, a poison normally used for people on the death sentence. The producers became very concerned when the UK Health Minister increased the order of that poison to an unprecedented level.

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Oh God this is just too awful to wrap my head around.

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criminals all of them

God Bless those poor innocent souls

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Do know where I can get a copy of that report?

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But the Covid19 numbers went up and that was all that mattered.

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I'm so sorry to hear they did this to your brother. I couldn't agree more that the hospital and nursing home euthanasia needs to be further investigated and much more widely understood by the public. Wishing you peace and solace.

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Thank you .Joe .

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The only way this path to justice will occur is if a lot of “medical professionals” publicly acknowledge what they’ve done. I highly doubt they will since they’ve already made the choice to save themselves and their jobs instead of doing the right thing.

In BC, Canada, they have just passed a bill (36) that makes it illegal for any “medical professional” to say or do anything against the government or the narrative they are pushing. They will lose their certification/license if they do. It is now impossible to trust a single “medical professional” in my state. We are in a communist regime.

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They will also go to jail

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So what’s the use of getting a degree in medicine now? All you’re doing is regurgitating what the government of the day tells you, following the current administration’s policies, regardless of your education or degree. No one is actually practicing medicine anymore.

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It's the NEW normal

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Someone sent me a warning ,by e.mail ,that I may get in trouble with the law,because of the outspoken comments I make .Many Doctors and honest critical thinkers where punished .Some by losing their licence ,like Doctors and others by being silenced ,sometime losing their job .I noticed they where far less critical of the new normal than some of us ,making comments ,like me for example .The rulers of our lives have many ways to silence every one of us .I hope my fear will not become reality .

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Going to a Doctor or hospital ,gives me a strong feeling of repulsion ,A feeling of being punished for something II did not do .It is a strong feeling of entering enemy territory .I need medication to treat my hypertension and need four different pills to control it .The pills don't cure the high blood pressure only keep it under control .I try to get the pills renewed over the phone ,but he wants me to come in to the office .I did not take the pills for a day or two to see what would happen ,but the blood pressure went up to dangerous territory ,so I'm forced to take the pills . I wish I found a way to avoid taking the pills ,so I would not have to go there again . Almost every time I see the Doctor he sends me to lab tests and E.C.G. testing ,something I don't want ,but if I don't do it he will tell me to find another Doctor and in the city I live in Vancouver finding a Doctor who would take new patients is next to impossible .There is a severe shortage of Doctors ,because many lost their licence and many moved away or retired .The Doctors still practicing must follow all commands ,right or wrong of some self appointed bureaucrats .

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I too am so sorry joe stuerzl, I too have asked about when the dead get their just due. This nurse speaks to the horrid hospital protocols, end of life decisions rights, and is leading the charge to retrain new nurses that will not blindly follow killing protocols, 30 min...https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/the-future-of-nursing

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as a nurse also, totally with you on this. I missed a good bulk of the covid in our state due to furloughs and surgery, but what I saw happening astounded me. I quit critical care and am so glad to say I'm very close to retirement. remdesivir and steroids and anticipatory intubation killed people IMO

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Yes ,I'm well aware of the brutal deadly treatment for profit .A dead patient is like a lottery win for the hospital .A live patient is a financial burden for them ,so what will they do ? I read the payout for murder is 39000-$ It's like dealings with gangster hit men .The bottom line for all that is going on is the extermination of most of us .To some it may sound unbelievable ,but I urge you ,better believe it ,because the next dead body for profit could be you .

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Oh I believe it, I see it daily. The interview is a white pill, I hope you can watch it. best

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I understand you are someone who is informed ,my warning was meant mostly to people at large .I had no idea my brother went in there since we lived 800 km .apart .Keeping informed and having the right information ,can mean the difference between life or death .It seem my brother neglected to inform himself ,he payed with his life .

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Thank you jacquelyn .Joe .

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As soon as fraud is proven to have happened between the USG/Pharma and the American people, then the fake protections from all liability will be thrown out the door. This will take years to prove--but it will happen.

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I've been thinking about the weaponization of systems of laws... or in this case the enforcement of an immoral contract. That theory bypasses the need for a finding of fraud.

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Will it? Do we have definative answers to Kennedy's assassination?

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This is a military owned drug (Dod) not classified as a vaccine. Big Pharma doesn't own it -- it belongs to Dod until it is injected. Civilian law does not apply. See Sasha Latypova's substack.

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This was my question. In the USA, wasn't there a no recourse for any side effects from these untested serums? They can be sued outside of the USA, but not here? At least for some 50 years or something like that? Can someone clarify this please?

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You can't go to the international vaccine court for these since they are unapproved shots. There's just a very tiny US govt. fund you can apply to. A few people just got about $1,000 each for things like pericarditis.

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Vaccine court. Very very difficult

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The dead’s family were offered $ 10,000. Per victim In the Hospital paid by the government ( us ) ? WTH ? to cremate their loved ones quickly and quietly. ( No autopsies ). I am sorry about this large Ponzi Scam that people fell for, and some are still falling for, amazingly.

All the Best. Spread the word on your story. Tell as many as you can.

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That sum may be what the relatives get .But I hear the hospital gets the big pay out of 39000$ in Canada .In the U/S.it seems to be even more like 100000? .Now at 87 I have to be afraid to get in trouble with the law,because of the way I write .So many Dr.and other whistle blowers got punished for expressing an opinion .Could comment writers be next .? So far I did get a warning already from someone .

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$ 10.000 for the use of ventilator, $ 30.000 for Covid Death, Remdesivir: kidney killer, the only medication allowed against covid. If these rules don't bring the worse out of humanity I don't know what. I will never look at a hospital again with the same eyes.

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Yes you are so right! This does need much more exposure than it has gotten… I am so sorry for your loss of your brother:

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Since my brothers murder I have made many comments ,how that came about .I was not there when he died because we lived far apart .His wife and two kids kept silent about his death until his son came and told me the little he knew what had happened .That was weeks after his death .He said they where all afraid I would show up and bring the virus to them and kill them .When I realized how insane they are I decided to never ever have anything to do with them again .Phone calls I made did not get answered .His wife did everything to keep me away and in the dark .Just imagine to even keep me away from his cremation and the scattering of his ashes in a lake nearby His son could not tell me much ,since he was very restricted what he could see or do when visiting his father in the hospital there .He said the last time he went there my brother looked lifeless ,than a Doctor came by looked and said its no use and took of the ventilator mask from my brother . He was dead .What happened there and the way it happened makes me live a nightmare over and over . I just hope there is a place very different from this one where we will meet again . Joe .

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And we KNEW that treatment was fatal in a super high percentage of cases BACK IN APRIL 2020! This article is from April 9!


Some doctors are trying to reduce their reliance on ventilators for coronavirus patients because of reports of abnormally high death rates for patients using the machines, The Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

New York City officials have said at least 80% of coronavirus patients who were on ventilators in the city died, the AP reported. Unusually high death rates have also been recorded elsewhere in the US and the world.

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All being well, this will come out and I am so sorry for your loss

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All of big pharma should be sued out of existence for the deaths their poison drugs have caused over the last 50 years.

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A cobra does what's natural to it. I would die peacefully.

The vaccine, on the other hand, was man being malicious towards his fellow man leaving one's death to be tragic.

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That would be fine if you had them all vaccinated first then they probably wouldn’t bother you.

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Cobras aren't Trimerodytes. (Neither is mineral oil.)

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Too bad the German people do not look at the Thermos scam as a model to how to reward those who pushed this deadly “vaccine” upon their own citizens...The Thermos CEO has 11 yrs in prison to think about her fraud, too bad the Govt officials thru out the World do not push the same responsibility upon those who push this “vaccine”.....she caused a great dead less deaths and disability than this “vaccine”....if there is not STRONG action taken against these bad actors in Govts they will do it again and make it harder to expose the truth...calling it “misinformation” and going after those exposing their fraud once again.

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Thermos????? Like what I use to keep my coffee warm?

Maybe u mean theranos?

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I did hear that there are 'bits' of multiple creature venoms in the vax, the better to kill us with. All the venoms work a bit differently.

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yep, 1 in 35 children on the autism spectrum. How about them stats to make you want to 'pharma' your kids or yourself with jabs and unecessary pills and potions. The narcissists WON big time with their cash grab at the expense of everyone who fell for their lies. The biggest megaphone was brandon....'GET THE VACCINE' over and over adnaseum. Looking back, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD TAKE ADVICE FROM THAT IDIOT WITH THE WORST HAIR PLUGS KNOWN TO MAN!? He can't even find the right door to exit the podium by? He has never once taken a question from the People without it being staged. Psaki and whoever his goon mouthpiece is now just keep repeating the same preprinted responses wether they make sense or fit the question or not. What a circus ppl are allowing to continue.

The poor trump haters got taken to the cleaners big time. If you react with high emotionality, you will always be a victim and be victimized by ppl like you have just witnessed. You cannot blame them, you played right into their agenda with your own inablility to self regulate and keep a sober mind. Wise decision making comes from a place of peace, not hyped up hatred and fear and noise and histeria..listen up you "vagina heads".

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Joe has been gmo’ed (metaphorically)to be their perfect slime candidate. From his college to present day hes never let the truth cross his lips. Not about his grades his rank his degrees his service civil rights his wifes death his kids & their service & drug abuse his grift from transportation co & debt grift for the big banks his crime bill contributions whoring for big rx .hes the perfect lying pos groomed for the ultimate most corrupted administration in the history of the us. God help us

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I cringe watching him question Clarence Thomas during the Anita Hill trials...He is a worm and should be lifted up as the Poster Child of Phony.

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Me too ( ironicly) he’s repulsive then & now

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Well I would say the bits are the genetic instructions to built parts of various venoms proteins ( not just from snakes but snail and maybe other critters) which I think were just stuck ( hidden) into the so called covid mrna code which was given to the world by the Chinese ( labs). And I do believe the mrna code which was used was changed throughout the months/years not only in how many mrna but the instructions themselves because how can anybody check what mrna code was used at any given time? I think the only thing which could be checked easier was how long the mrna code used was and there they found also that a lot of the code was broken into pieces and did not stay whole in the vial. So this is also dangerous and can cause different illnesses but specifically cancer is a concern.

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Thanks for the link it looks like snake oil is certainly more useful than the Pfizer jab

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It depends on the snake, but I'm assuming you aren't confusing oil with venom.

Lisinopril is based on snake venom.

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It was truly snake venom in that its action was more like an anti-venom than an anti-viral.

Some immediate therapeutic benefits but no long-term Immunizing effect. Logical outcome given the massive dose of the antigen they were creating.

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Here is how they made The venom vaccine. A snake named Fauci spit in a bottle and they mixed it with backwoods whisky and Bat Blood. Then they injected the concoction in 200 million Americans. The main question is: Why did all those primates fall for the scam?

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Here's hoping the vaccinators get clobbered in court. Then watch people start denying they ever said or thought anything good about mRNA.

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the lawsuits will probably fail, tbh; the pharmaceuticals enjoy near-total legal protection. I've been pretty pessimistic about this angle for a long time, but what I didn't anticipate is the amount of publicity they'd generate.

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They may've sidestepped this land mine but good luck in the future with other drugs - that's the best part of all of this - the medical and pharmaceutical industries are in for a very rude awakening! Everyone I talk to says they have lost complete trust in both! Watch how fast alternative medicine flourishes.

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I'd love to believe that. However, with the WHO/UN/WEF, the Western .gov support, et. al., moving towards the One World Governance or however they want to couch it in the future, they will have the militarized police and their Brown Shirts, et. al., to force those pesky non-compliers into health concentration camps......for the greater good, of course.

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Oh, ok, just like the US, they're legally protected. Our news media still isn't picking up the story, though. They're still marching in lockstep.

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"Our news media still isn't picking up the story"...

Slowly, little snippets are beginning to emerge, such as this headline in today's Yahoo copied from NBC News, attributing multiple reports of tinnitus as a vax side effect -


The article even suggests "the spike protein may play a role, the same way it could continue to wreak havoc in the body in other ways."....."Could it be much like the spike protein in the heart that leads to myocarditis? Could the same thing happen in the inner ear?"

Quite a revelation from these sources...

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On the subject of litigation, though, I keep hearing calls for a "Nuremburg 2.0" tribunal, which always sounds delusional to me. Seems like a huge, useless distraction.

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It won't happen.

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I agree: Nuremberg only tried about 20 Nazis out of a population of 60 million and they only hanged about a dozen. Hardly a result the first time around...

And if you think about all the fuss, expense and got air given over to legal issues concerning big names like Trump, Biden Jr and even Clinton before them, it will take forever for anyone to be prosecuted - just like the bankers in 2008.

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And then they kept the best….Operation Paperclip

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Not only that, they pinned medals on them too!

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They might be able to protect their money but their reputations, future sales and any trust will hopefully be shredded.

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Right wing outlets sure will be careful of publicizing it after the Dominion lawsuits

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I heard that the amount of billions of dollars the FOX empire is worth their payout to Dominion was just a drop in the bucket.

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Their problem is going to be fraud. Did the companies know about injuries and cover it up? If that can be proved, then the legal protections vanish. I think there is about a 90% probability that such proof will be found. It doesn't matter if the press covers it up. The trial lawyers with billion dollar pay days on offer will take up the challenge.

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Berenson had a article just the other day with Moderna data on serious side effects that were left out of their reports that they knew about when they submitted the report.

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You are right President Reagan gave pardon and immunity to the pharma venom brewers . Repealing that protection for crime bosses and get charges and convictions for mass murder going at warp speed is the solution .The criminals should be handed over to the victims after conviction .

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Hope that wouldn't run afoul of the prohibition of ex post facto Law.

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I like the idea of bundu law, in south africa we call it people's court as well, usually associated with burning tyres around the victim's neck. The tyre is filled up with petrol first.

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Several Big Pharmas have been fined millions &/or billions but not only do they not learn their “lesson”, they don’t get anything worse than financial punishment. After what they & their products have done to people, they ought to be broken up & the CEOs & other minions jailed. No hope any of that happens, of course, since it never has

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A fine is the cost of doing business .Arrest and life in prison at hard labor must be the punishment .

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The most ironic was the J & J talcum powder lawsuit and how these imbeciles STILL lined up for J & J injections! Ya gotta love how stupid people are - it's there for the taking which is why they continue to do it! I can just see them sitting around the boardroom table saying "hey, if they're stupid enough to beleive us . . . ."

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Apr 24, 2023
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Yes. I know many nurses who took J & J for that reason. Ryan Cole did mention that it does not contain psuedouridine or lipid nano particles which perpetuates the continuing manufacturing of the spike.

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But doesn't Astrozenica/J & J use DNA rather than mRNA? I would think the DNA would be far more durable than the mRNA, and would be much more likely to get into the germ line.

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I know they did - one better was the Moderna injection when they never before brought a drug to market!

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Here's the trick question: an individual cannot legally murder another individual. If they are, they face prison time -- at least.

Pfizer and other big pharma companies have been responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of people by conveniently cutting as many safety and scientific corners as possible. That was BEFORE the pandemic.

Not a single jail sentence.

I say that prison for the people responsible would be the lightest possible justice.

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I have some hope that they get BionTech. With no real basis, only because they are a pretty small and new company, which just has stumbled into the billions. Maybe they have not been smart enough to really make sure they are legally protected.

Getting Pfizer is impossible. They know what they are doing, and are experienced in running their racket for decades now.

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The lawsuits may fail due to the near total legal protection they have lobbied for and received from our “representative” government but these are not separate one off incidents of injury and death.Maybe the increased media reporting on the failures of these lawsuits ,due to the obvious unfair legal protections baked in because of the big Pharma and government collusions ,would turn into a public awareness tipping point.. The jabbed up injured/ disabled and families of the jabbed deceased would see they are not alone and that could turn into a real grassroots movement.The Pharma giant / government/ big media collusion could finally start feeling the consequences of serious public outrage . ( from saviors to demons)It would be interesting to watch the finger pointing and backstabbing amongst that den of thieves once placed under an actual public forced civil/criminal investigation spotlight.

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We must keep in mind we have still only seen the *initial accute injuries*. If new forms of large scale longer term health problems start emerging then we may find we have only seen the beginning so far of a far larger disaster/crime... I hope most of the injected will be fine - but we have absolutely no way to know this yet at all IMO. I find it quite hard to believe that anybody can take any dose of this stuff in their body without some degree of harm. Also, the scale of death and disability has already been so large, that I doubt this can fade away - even though we got used to the appropriate level of public anger failing to materialise so far.

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Aside for the special legal protections associated with this particular debacle, proving such injuries may have been very difficult all along.

In legal proceedings you have to show individual causation, ie., that your particular case has been caused by the treatment. It's not enough to show that there's a general causal relationship between a treatment and an injury (even if plaintiffs could assemble data and show that). This is often impossible to show beyond the threshold needed to prove a legal claim.

This is why in such cases, if there's a general will to compensate for injuries, it's done through a more general social insurance-like scheme, and not throught the usual legal process.

There should have been such an insurance scheme put in place to begin with. But here we are.

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Clobbered in court, and then hanged by the neck until dead. Though I'd also be willing to settle for firing squad.

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I personally think the only real lawsuits can proceed with jabs mandated by private employers or government workers now that the EUA has lapsed. There needs to be a class action, but as always, these cases take forever to wind their way to the end because the deep pockets of the pharmaceutical companies will play kick the can in court for as long as possible in the hope of accomplishing 1)jab story fatigue for any future jury and 2)to make it as expensive as possible for the litigants/victims. Seeing as how they didn’t need to set aside any money until now, these firms are super flush- although they were forking out the bucks at moronic dancing needles on late night shows for a long while…

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The media nauseates me. The willful blindness to vax injuries while it was happening is only part of the pandemic travesty.

Anyone with a tiny bit of common sense could see that the masks didn't work! That the lock-downs were counter-productive and deadly to society. And then came the injuries while the media harped on the public to roll up their sleeves.

Now, I'm hearing of plummeting newspaper circulation in the US, along with tanking viewership of legacy media, and the closure of online media.


I strongly recommend going to Glenn Greenwald's Substack from April 20, in which he elegantly outlines why these "news" organizations deserve a swift but painful death.

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VA hospital in Pittsburgh still requiring masks...or no medical care.

Will the insanity ever stop?

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No, it won't stop.

I recently returned from a trip to Florida, with a plane-change in Baltimore. I'm making a game of Mask Counting at airports. Please note: It appears that the most dedicated mask fanatics are between ages 20-30, the age demographic LEAST at risk for covid. They are idiots.

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It seems the videos of young americans failing to name the nations bordering the USA (and other such no-brainer questions) might actually be representative then?

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It's certainly is. The extent of ignorance/poor education is frightening.

20 years ago, I taught an undergraduate journalism class. I realized that my students couldn't identify the 50 states, never mind the state capitals.

Years later, I was teaching a US citizenship class. The reporters I supervised couldn't pass the test that is required for immigrants to become US citizens.

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The epidemic of profound ignorance began long ago, and is sadly evident in a much broader demographic than just "young Americans".

In my nearly two decades of working throughout the US, I found a surprisingly large number of the "professionals" with whom I associated could not identify the county seat, or state capitol of the jurisdictions in which they resided.

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I have noticed this age phobia where I live.

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Apr 23, 2023
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Which in today's insane environment counts as violence!

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Apr 23, 2023
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Given that the whole point of this insanity has been to create a substitute reality, in which individuals can "identify as" men, women, aardvarks, or Martians; one might postulate that they are already *disturbed*.

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I seriously think gender transition is going to be mandated for kids who show signs of playing with toys normally marketed to the opposite sex. Purchases will be monitored and which kids are playing with them will be reported by Alexa and Siri; teachers will be watching; reports will be sent to the authorities and the kids taken from parents and sent for puberty blockers and surgery. Same for kids already taking part in the new mass formation by using school-supplied breast binders and junk-tuckers.

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Sounds unbelievable, and illustrates the worst of group think, and of the power that was played over everyone !

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Seems like most of the medical facilities in Pittsburgh area still are, sad. I just keep filling out the satisfaction survey telling them to "follow the science."

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This mask wearing misery fear porn has been going on for 3 years.

I have no faith in the medical system.

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I will note for the record that once the general populace in most places stopped getting the boosters last Summer and Fall, Covid began to truly wane pretty much in all those same places.

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