Sanity prevails in Germany? Lauterbach will be furious. The virus evolved into the sniffles and nature wins again. Perhaps we should stop meddling with it?

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022Author

I first got news of the defeat from Lauterbach's twitter acct, while i was waiting for updates on the (i guess slightly delayed) live feed from the Bundestag

Lauterbach's statement (https://twitter.com/Karl_Lauterbach/status/1512019813069168651):

"The only bill that would have made vaccination compulsory has just failed. It is a very important decision, because now the fight against Corona will be much harder in autumn. No amount of political finger-pointing will help. We move on"

he doesn't want finger-pointing, of course, because this is the greatest possible defeat for him personally.

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Hahaa. Dopey technocrat meddler. What's going to happen in Autumn with Corona? Will there be Kleenex shortages preventing people from dealing with their runny noses?

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you can always use the old fashioned hankies, like I do. If nothing else, tear up a sheet. Will hold many noses

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Well, I know they keep coming up with scary talk about different strains. There will be lying and strains.

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At your grocery soon: anti-viral nose wipes.

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They’re actually already here! Kleenex has an antiviral that “kills 99.9% of cold & flu viruses”. On 2 occasions when I had to have outpatient procedures, I had to take pcr test & I shoved those as far up my nose as possible before the tests - negative both times

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If Kleenex is mainly produced & exported by Russia & Ukraine (like wheat & fertilizer), there WILL be shortages 😂

Congrats to Germany for some semblance of sanity

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The next lesson for Lauterbach to be taught, is that there ARE provably safe and effective therapeutics to treat the virus in its early stages. I say 'to be taught' because it's clear he won't learn it for himself.

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His salary, like many others, depend on his dedicated ignorance in that area.

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doubt it is ignorance.

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Selective consciousness

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I'd call it a power mad agenda, but that's just me.

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“Like many others”. Yes.

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Plus, there are easy and inexpensive prophylactic measures, such as vitamins C and D, zinc, maybe other supplements, and Christian Science!

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I somewhat can understand Lauterbach. Without Corona and the vacc he would not be minister, so he is very invested in this.

But I do not understand those other politicians, especially from the Greens, who made the vacc mandate their main issue. Why? It wouldn't mean much success for them if it passed, but now they look like losers.

I guess the count on German politics, where absolutely no one is responsible for anything, and absolutely every failure will be ignored and forgotten by the media, if you are from the right party (that is, the left).

I have an inkling this will change in the coming years, and our political landscape will be very different by the end of the decade.

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I don'tknow about the greens in Germany but the greens in Belgium are just as dispisable as all the other political parties, ever since the person who started the movement was outmanoeuvered. Belgium seems the only country in Europe now, that still thinks the jabs will save them. How is it possible, I don't know, but I wish my family would move here. (usa)

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

in greece, the puppet .gov has fined people with 100 euros per month since January, if not complying with their vaccine recommendations. talk about mandatory vaccination ...

over 10 thousands doctors have lost their jobs for not getting these mRNA vaxx. There are all sorts of camouflaged pressures being applied on population under various orders.

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Unbelievable and very sad.

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I think the Greens in Germany are quite different from most other countries. They have a very long history here (in effect started in the early 70ies with the extreme left), and they are now totally embedded in society and have a vast majority in public media, schools, university, and everyone we would have called "intellectual" some decades back.

(Only that todays intelectual class is not very well educated and not even very smart.)

The Greens as a party a not that large (15%), but their world view is shared by the bigger left party (SPD), and even largely with the CDU, which used to be conservative.

Merkel was from the CDU, but the Greens loved her more than anyone.

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Yes, when did "the intellectual class" become sheep following government edicts? Here in the USA too.

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I think it happens that they managed to completely rule the universities and thus determined the discourse.

And once they got in power, they got lazy and did not need to justify anything. Thus intellect atrophied, and the smart independed thinkers stayed out altogether.

75 years ago the left had very smart thinkers, people like Adorno or Ahrendt, who were wickedly smart and educated.

If they would live today, I doubt they would be on the left. Or they would have to dumb themselves down and follow the official line.

Chomsky is a good example of someone who may have had potential, but sold out very early to the left and did not leave any lasting achievement.

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Since the 1960"s. It's been a progression, but has to do with a series of private colleges that groom primarily mid-upper level income students for government positions. It's different from the Ivy league tracts, but the two systems tend to overlap a bit within high level government, international and NGO organizations.

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it just shows they are controlled. none in his right mind, would insist at this point, to inject someone with a new unproven mRNA technology. those are their marching orders.

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Kinda wohlstandsverwahrlost. Same with our ruling elite here in California. They wanna shove the vax and never ending boosters down everyone’s throat, starting with pregnancy and all born humans six months and older. It’s the cause du jour and no matter how many data points show to its failure they dig their heels in.

Though I must say we lack an Emilia Fester and Ricarda Lang here 😂

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i dont really get it. they want to give billions to big pharma ... fine give it to them, but why do i have to get jabbed with a needle with something nobody knows what it is. i mean common ...

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Because they know what's best for you! Easy-peasy!

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One can only hope.

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Greens are essentially communists and they like to control people.

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I think this has always been the case for politicians and other 'upper' class. Remember in the old times, how in the Middle Ages rich people suppressed the poor, ruined the fields, and then let them starve, only to discover that next year there was no one to work the fields... that is what I wish all these 'upper' class people. That they won't find anyone to do their lousy jobs. Not even imported from Mexico !

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You are probably right.

I just cannot understand these kind of people. This is probably their strength. Most people have a hard time to understand evil.

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Unless you have been duped (and sometimes several times) do you recognize evil, and some people always believe there is still some good in a mass murderer... they never learn.

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There is probably something good in a mass murderer, and one can have empathy, without sharing his believes. And one has to recognize when people are lost to evil. The problem of our times is that they declare those people to be victims, and then to give victim privileges and declare that they are good.

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There must be a 'bureaucrat gene' buried somewhere in the human genome.

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Evil exists, it is a consciousness that captures twisted people.

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People in the US like to blame that kind of behavior on our Puritain past. Many do not realize that at the time of the revolution there were nearly as many german speaking colonists as english speaking ones, maybe the culture was more of an influence than we like to admit...

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Although the Germans who went to the US in that time were on average more the individualistic type, who wanted freedom.

But I can't argue that we have in our German culture a certain rigidity of thinking and are prone to see the world not as it is, but as it should be. The Faustian culture, as Spengler saw it.

It can be extremely successful at time, and extremely destructive at others.

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Hey, we are overrun with those types in the States as well. There is actually a kind of hierarchy to them. Lower level "Karen" enforcer types ( aka: The Dream Police) all the way up to our own high level of Faustian, which we might call "Faucism". They are never deemed as particularly extremely successful though, unless you are getting one of their big paychecks or a big fan of USA legacy media.

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I know some villages in Texas who still are all German speaking. There probably are in Pennsylvania too

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

more like Lauterbach masters will be furious ... he got to be scared of his life, but he has made his bed.

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I don't think he is in mortal danger. He will lose status and probably a backhand paycheck.

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you'd suprised ... puppet masters dont like failures, especially coming from disposable tools.

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That's not how it's worked here. The Covid charlatans all bought Teslas and drove off into the sunset.

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At least he knows enough to state that the virus is seasonal.

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But dim enough to not realise they've never done this for flu, or anything before.

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It seems that Sanity was merely an accident of political power plays in this case. The only way this stops is if the totalitarians suffer significant and embarrassing political losses in the polls.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"Germany has lifted national mask rules, but they still wear them in the Bundestag, because they are idiots." That made me laugh. Idiots one and all.

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Masks, Ukrainian flags, whatever it is - you will know them by their virtue signal. At least you can see them coming.

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Kevin, you know it! I live in a blue, heavily virtue-signaling town. All these lawn signs about "In this house we... [are superior to all the rest of you f*cks]" -- advertising a piteous wokeness that brands them for "the rest of us f*cks" as idiots. My poor delusional neighbors and family.

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get yourself one of these https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*pY0aYW8ykw1oVuBHlvPR2Q.jpeg

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I love this. But my house might be torched if I put it up; we are surrounded by Blue Anons. Those despicable virtue signaling signs are in every other yard around this neck of the woods.

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Yup. Virtue signaling is only allowed in one direction!

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I especially like the one my next door neighbor has that says, “Choose Kindness” and yet, I listened to her rail at me and call me “uncaring and unpatriotic” towards “our community and our nation” when I told her I had not been vaccinated with these inferior, dangerous products and did not plan to be. She put the sign up the very week she had wagged her harridan finger at me. Choose kindness…. Yeah… right.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

Cool, but I might get vandalized if I put this up. Virtue signaler are a sensitive lot.

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Words literally kill, you know.

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Sign has a great message but TLDR and you need a dictionary. No one's going to stop long enough to 1. read it, 2. figure it out.

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LIke I have any hope of convincing my neighbors of anything. The audience here would appreciate that sign and that's enough.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

The types in my neighborhood who sport the sign that that picture is lampooning (Down to the color and wording, it may be a regional phenom, but I got the meme right away) are still paying off their student loans. I pity them if they can't understand it without a dictionary

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Now that is probably true. I should go ahead and buy one. I love it.

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Decades ago, when I was in "grammar" school, the vocal wouldn't have been a problem. The Great Dumb-Down!

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Haha! Absolutely right on, and not ha-ha funny. I too would prolly be torched in this BluAnon burg if I put that up....

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Same. I just shake my head.

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I am seeing far fewer "Hate has no home here" yard signs. Wonder what happened to the owners---did they decide they actually wanted to hate something? (Yes--I have seen those signs as projection)

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Replaced with Ukraine flag

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Probably decided to hate Russia.

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If you think politicians are idiots, then what about church leaders, who still ask that masks be worn in church despite the masses of evidence that they are not effective. You would think churches would stand for truth, wouldn't you?

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Politicians, church leaders, bureaucrats, trade union leaders., etc. are all cut from the same cloth. The actions of church leaders are particularly egregious though, when you consider they're supposed to have higher moral and ethical standards.

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In my opinion, churches are another control mechanism, especially historically.

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Yes. A lot of them got paid off as well.

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Churches are invaded by the secular group think.

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See Daniel Mahoney, The Idol of Our Age: How the Religion of Humanity Subverts Christianity. Top-flight political theory analysis of what you refer to, from a Francis-critical Roman Catholic perspective.

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Many have also become big virtue signallers. At least the congregants if not the pastors.

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This is very true.

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🤪 like here in San Francisco. People and children wear n95/ffp2 on the walk to school. Cause ya know the rona lurks in the air everywhere even for the triple jabbed. 🤦‍♀️

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On the window at my sister's nursing home is a sign to not open the windows because the virus might enter

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Alone in a car or outside is a sign of mental illness. In a political setting, it is a sign of allegiance.

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The next logical step is appropriations to research VAIDS and to help millions of vaccinated people suffering from VAIDS and having endless Covids.

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Igor - when has logic ever played a part in Covid? Yes those who lined up for the injections will need help. (they are not "vaccinated" by the way). But the help must come from ethical doctors and scientists and not be another cash cow like Pfizer and the other criminals have done with the gene therapies. Otherwise those criminals will dream up another reason for further treatment on the basis of "long covid" or some similar BS.

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I agree. I'm not expecting anyone to admit to a mistake.

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Not to mention allowing, rather than vilifying, early treatment protocols.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

A major battle won, but this war ain't over...

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it is a big win.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

If Germany weren't surround by countries where (mostly) sanity reigns, we would have had the mandate.

Germans generally still love their FFP2/N95 masks, even when not forced to wear them anymore. Complete difference in behavior when you compare Germany to Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, France...

On a positive note, the rates of first, second and booster vaccinations have really leveled off in Germany. And most people know someone with a vaccine injury (although most doctors still won't admit such a thing exists) and have recently had omicron despite being vaccinated.

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Same here in NYC. We're forced to wear masks on transit, but I think the majority still wear them outside, even young folks.

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Same here in Ontario. Mask mandates are gone but 80%, all ages, still wearing them indoors. It boggles the mind.

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I took my car to the mechanic in Ontario yesterday. All the mechanics (that I saw) weren't masked. Half the paperwork staff were masked. Sadly about 80% of the customers were masked.

But I still see people walking around outside with masks on => mind boggled.

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Car mechanics are not the type of people to go in for this crap, any more than firearms store owners.

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Crazy thing is, cooks aren't the type either. I know a few closed kitchens that have operated thru covid with no masks. The display kitchen dudes are SOL though.

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Noticed the same thing. Quick count in our local Loebs - well over 75% wearing masks. It's like a rabbits foot to most people and about as much use. We need to get the travel mandate lifted for Canadians. Can international pressure be applied? Trudeau is using it as outright coercion.

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Yes we need to get that lifted. It’s only for coercion, plain and simple. Is he making an announcement on it today? Someone told me that. Either he’s gonna bust through and carry on with it, or he’s gonna give us all a brief reprieve before the fall shit hits the fan.

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Western Australia has a tyrannical government in place too! International and Domestic travel is only for the vaxxed.

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But WA is not a country. Canada is and there are no back doors to escape through.

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The fact that WA is not a country is irrelevant!

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Why? They have been trained and conditioned. They wear the symbol of their masters.

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They've been groomed. And the government knows it worked this time - there will be more grooming.

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Same in Vancouver

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So sorry… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ here in Alabama, most have done away with the masks. Just a select few and some of the elderly still cling to the masks… We are also one of the least vaccinated states… 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

My family and I attend a fairly large church and the prayer list keeps on getting longer and longer every week! 😢😢😢 Strokes…lots of late stage cancers… heart problems… neurological problems… you name it! So many people have lost friends and family members… every week its 2-3 more people that have died… unfortunately many have blindly listened to the government and got their killshot… and the results are absolutely horrible… 😱😱😱. Most have STILL not made the connection… 😞😞😞🙏🙏🙏

Will these murderers ever be brought to justice and punished?! 😱😱🔥🔥🔥

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Unfortunately, many will never make the connection because they can't fathom that their government harmed them on purpose. But yeah, I'm originally from South Carolina and my fam has said that they've been done with masks since the summer delta surge.

Most of my family aren't pro-vax (my dad is) and some were forced to get the shot. My dad has had back pain ever since his 2nd shot but he'll never admit it. One Cousin, a nurse, was totally disabled for three months with myositis after hers and she's a taking a cocktail of drugs now and another died in her sleep, no explanations given.

I don't see massive trials for these people either. The truth will be too painful for the jabbed to bear... but I do think that Moderna is going to get handled in court tho. Maybe Astrazeneca too. They'll be scapegoats.

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I imagine nothing will ever reach court because Pfizer/Moderna will have bought off all legal participants.

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Bingo… 😢

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Yeah… no justice and no closure for their families… 😞😞😞🙏🙏🙏

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I taught high school for 27 years and in all that time, thousands of students, only two died. One from a Carr accident and the other from alcohol overindulgence. And now, well, what we are seeing is simply criminal.

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As Steve Kirsch called it, big pharma and their “license to kill…” 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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This is happening all around us too. Otherwise healthy people just dropping like flies. It's so sad and people refuse to link it to the jabs.

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For a side job I referee soccer in our local high schools. On my crew of Referee’s was a young 31-year-old man. He had been injured from the Pfizer. Heart problems… I am glad he is still able to Referee because the running is intense. But, he told us if he starts having palpitations, he will have to stop immediately! I watched him the entire evening because I was afraid he was going to just fall down dead on us!!! 😱😱😱 I am doing a refresher course on CPR and AED this weekend. I pray that I will not have to use it on any child, Referee, or coach that I see during our season! 🙏🙏🙏

This is a total medical nightmare at this point…

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How sad. I agree it is a total medical nightmare. My close friend now has a clotting disorder. She had both Pfizer and a booster. The "experts" tell her it has nothing to do with the shots. She believes them. Another friend's husband 56 years old has now developed myocarditis. His legs swelled so bad they split open. All around us people are getting sick. I thank God every day my immediate family has stood strong against taking these shots.

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😱😱😱 Again, people continue to believe every word that comes out of their doctor’s mouth! The so-called experts! 🙄😡😡😡 yeah, riiight! Ignorant or complicit?! If they were able to get through medical school then they should be able to be smart enough to realize that this is deadly and something seriously wrong is going on… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Sometimes I just want to shake them to make them think! Our friends and family are killing themselves right in front of us! It’s so very sad and it makes me so angry! I pray the Lord Himself will rebuke these people that have caused all of this suffering!


Prayers and blessings from Alabama, USA 🙏🙏🙏

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Even toddlers are masked in NY. It amounts to crime against humanity

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NYC is highly deserving of a biblical flood.

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How about Washington DC and our government of pedos instead… fire and brimstone instead 🔥🔥🔥

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If Abbott and DeSantis follow through on sending busloads of illegal immigrants straight to DC, they may get their flood.

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Lol 😂 love it!!

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I am waiting for it to happen. Don't forget the lightning and the hail.

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Haha funny you say that because this will happen in my lifetime. (Part-time fortune teller)

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It doesn't exactly end because TPTB will continue to find schemes to get their way. So you can expect more pandemics.

The positive out of all of this, at least in the States, is people will migrate to the South and Midwest to build like-minded communities while those who agree with Big Brother will stay in liberal spots. It'll be a "non-violent" civil war.

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NYC just reinstated it's vaccine mandate for city employees & extended it to all volunteers too. I got booted from the photography volunteer group at Washington Square Park with a formal notice to provide updated jab card or gtfo in legaleese.

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These elites are criminals… 🔥

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That's brilliant. These politicians are hopefully starting to get the message that (1) they cannot control nature, and (2) they must not control us. They need to learn that they will fail on both counts, and attempts at both always results in disaster.

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80% of everyone wearing masks seems like they still control most. Until people see masks as the symbols of oppression and control, they will be back in the fall. Especially when they tell you that it was not the injections but the COVID that destroyed your immune system

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When anyone, especially politicians, refuse to look at the overwhelming evidence (that masks are ineffective: e.g. https://brownstone.org/articles/more-than-150-comparative-studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/ and https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/is-science-dead-at-mit-im-risking), you know it's a cult and not science or rationality.

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The best one I have heard was if your underwear doesn't prevent a fart from being smelly how do you expect a mask to stop a virus.

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I looked it up, and it led to this: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abc6197 which claimed masks stopped asymptomatic spread, but as a reader noted, the references do not support the asymptomatic claim. It's pure assumption. Even Fauci said at the start of the pandemic that asymptomatic transmission has never been a driver of pandemics, and the lack of any subsequent evidence of it, including in FOIA request responses, supports that. So IMHO, then issue on masks is more about the pretence of trying to stop asymptomatic outward transmission (it doesn't happen other than at background levels, as will ALL viruses)) than the mask's ability to stop viral inward transmission (they can't). It also exposes why those who are vulnerable project this vulnerability onto everyone else, selfishly demanding we protect them. This has never happened before.

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I was buying some basil in 2020 when we had mandatory masking. I love the smell of basil. As I was making my purchase at a store I shop at regularly, I commented to the clerk that 'gee, isn't it interesting that we can both smell the lovely basil even though we're both wearing our masks!'. She got the point.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Google translate never got such a workout as I sat here trying to keep up with developments! A great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

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True even if your German is pretty good! I didn't know what "Vertrauensfrage" was.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I'm.so happy for German citizens..here in Italy they're not backing down...we're in full Draghistan (trilateral, Bilderberg, 300) dictatorship..the very best of the worst

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Draghi is the worst kind of technocrat and Italy deserves better. I remember when the Italian government shut down for months, or was it years? and no one gave a shit, everyone just went about their business. Sadly Draghi has helped import the European faith in technocracy that keeps Europe declining.

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He's the devil incarnate..he gives really 'inhuman' vibes, he does not have a tiny bit of compassion, empathy, he can't read the room...we have absolutely NO way out until he's gone/removed. Rumour has it that he wants to take NATO's secretary post...God forbid!!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Italy has for sure been highly distressing during the last months. I'm puzzled how non-vaxxed Italians cope there after I have already become devastated with the german situation and its ignorant fascist politicians.. Can you go to an EU (or other) country where your intelligence / ability to think is valued?

All the best and love!

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

I can tell you that it's very hard..I'm personally exhausted after this doom and gloom winter, and it's not over yet..I can't stand masks and vax passports any longer.. I get some kind of PTSD when I hear the news..I would just like to wake up and see all this demented madness disappear

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius


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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Brilliant news for a change 🙄🥴👊🏼

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Congratulations! It didn’t get there in any sort of rational way, but I guess you take the win however you get it.

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Good news!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This pandemic garbage is overdue for disposal. What will it take to bounce Lauterbach out of office?

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Wunderbar! Super!...... Ich habe viele Bier zu trinken!!!!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

YAY!!! Best news, esp for anyone over 59 like my favorite satirist, C.J. Hopkins!! Congrats for some sanity for a change.

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