I have presented over 200 negative tests. No, not a typo, nor an error of addition
In December 2021, I got pretty unwell during the omicron wave and decided I wanted to be in "the system" as a confirmed +ve
That was the last test I ever did, or ever will do. The best way to never get covid is to simply never test for it. It sounds stupid, but it really isnt
The PCR tests are scientifically & medically useless according to Kerry Mullis the guy who got the Nobel for his work. It is relatively easy to tell the doctors no.
So is every other test out there. In fact, the tests are nothing but a charade. Anyone that did one merely validated what's going on.
I'll die, literally, before anyone shoves something up into my sinus cavity.
Same with those damnabale masks. I was ready for teh fight of fights in my lifetime always going into places without one. In enemy territory as well. Always polite, but ready to get drag-down knockout silly if it was enforced.
Never forced me once. Just pretended I didn't hear, smiled, said thank you, and walked in.
One of my favorites was walking into an ice cream shop once. An elderly couple being helped, a poor young kid behind the counter, and another couple in their early 40s perhaps, with a young boy.
All were masked. I refused. Upon walking in the elderly lady kept muffling .... something something something MASK! several times. LOL Finally she asked the only kid there to ask force me to wear a mask. I said sorry, can't wear one safely, it threatens my health. BTW, I stayed well away from them, a good 20' or so.
She says quite snottily that they wear masks so that others don't get sick. I stepped back in feigned horror, .... "Do you guys have 'Covid'? You shouldn't even be here, you should be home healing and getting better, not out infecting everyone else!"
She screams that NO, they're don't have "Covid."
He then chimes in, "she wears a mask because she has health issues and doesn't want to catch it." I said I thought you wear them for other people, but either way, nothing to worry about, I said I'm not sick so she should be fine, I'm perfectly healthy, no signs of any illness whatsoever. Besides, I'm way over here.
She starts going bananas, my husband [this and that}. There five times as pissed as they originally were now, it was great!
So they get their ice cream, walk out, I got as far out of their way as possible for their own neurosis.
The other couple I could tell also thought they were way over the top and didn't care. The poor kid at the counter, trying to balance it all. LOL
While the other couple is getting theirs, I'm after them, the old man comes back in, gets about three feet from me, and starts lecturing me.
I said Woah, WHAT are you doing?!? You're risking your life here by coming back, why are you so close to me, if I were you I'd be across that boulevard now running away from me.
LMAO, that sent him into another state. Next thing I know they're taking pics of me through the window. SMH
Some of the most fun I had during all this crap!
As I keep telling people though, there isn't one single test out there that tests positively for ANYTHING that could be considered an ailment called "Covid." Yet, people say that they tested positive. (or negative) Even here in Substack comments.
Well, if the tests don't really test for that I'll ask them, how do you know you had something called "Covid?" .... Because I tested positive.
You can't make this shit up. We deserve EVERYTHING that's coming due to our own gullibility, stupidity, and complicity, and hell's a coming. What we've seen so far is chump change!
One of my friends had to be tested due to mild symptoms and her work. When they shoved the test stick into her sinus, she felt sick and began writhing. Instead of letting up on the useless test, another health “care” worker rushed over to help hold her down. Hearing that redoubled my resolve to never be tested. No Way, No How.
I never understood the reason why covid test sticks had to be inserted up one's nose. Why not just breathe on it? Isn't that why we were forced to wear masks and keep six feet away because covid was so contagious, just breathing on someone would infect them. I never took a covid test, all pathetic and BS theater. I don't do crazy and I don't do stupid.
Well, considering who's behind it, the reason(s) can only be nefarious and sinister.
The key here is for everyone with ears to realize that ANYTHING that the ANYONE associated with the NWO, which obviously includes Schwab's School for Young Bolsheviks, does, is straight from the pit of hell. Literally! Sons of hell (Jesus himself in Matt. 23)
Here's the thing, ... "Trust Your Doctor!", ... right?
OK, so now it's beyond proven that masks no only do nothing but are harmful. Actually it was proven when the PSYOP began but either way.
Doctors, nurses, doctors' offices, hospitals here in Virginia and other places STILL require them.
OK, so I'm supposed to trust someone, people, that adhere to principles that are not better than attaching leeches to people, or cutting them open to drain their blood to reduce fever? What's next, voodoo dolls? "Here, take this home, and when you feel bad be nice to this manequinn, in a few days you'll feel better."
I mean WTF, these people are beyond useless. It's a coin-flip at best, AT BEST, as to whether they know WTF they're doing or not.
They're like lawyers now as far as I'm concerned, if they're lips are moving, they're lying!
And these are the same f'n people that were quite literally killing people in hospitals while coreographing dances with cadavers to go along with it!
I don't understand - seriously. I have never taken one of those useless tests but I just got over a cold and the snot runs fast and furious - why can't you just spit on the swab or blow a lugie out on it? Does covid not swim around in mucous? Just brain stem liquid? If covid flies through the air at the speed of light, which is why we need to wear face diapers, why don't we just blow on the swabs?
Seriously. Someone please explain to me the reason for sticking a swab up to your brain stem.
There's nothing to understand. Just like people believe that you have a choice as to whether you're a woman or a man. The only thing to understand is that they're nuts. Accept it and move. The media's job is to attempt to convince us that there are more people out there that are nuts than are sane.
It's all lies, top to bottom.
And listen to this, we'll know the ratio of people that are nuts to people that are sane when this happens, bases upon how they react. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qT7AcQEO4dlN/
People choose not to or don't want to believe it, but the truth is that Rev. 20:7-9 is now playing out, and Satan is changing this world into EVERYTHING that undermines God's desires. God allows us to make out own choices however.
People, perhaps even you, don't understand that the things that we consider to be good, at the most core level, come from things the way that God designed them. So in their haste to ditch God, unwittingly they usher in what we're seeing now.
those sticks are not to be inserted more than 3/4". Every picture you see, they are doing it wrong. Would be very simple to put a line on the stick at 3/4".
Most people who have told me about their tests say the thing was pushed deep into the nose/sinus. If I was absolutely forced to take one, it would only be if I had some control of the stick and not some bitter overworked health care employee.
A friend of a friend actually had cerebrospinal fluid leaking from her nose caused by a puncture injury from a PCR test. I've heard of it happening a to a few people and I think it's been written up in med journals; not a common occurrence.
I've never done any PCR tests. And won't. I've chosen to miss many events and happenings that I really wanted to do, had always loved doing, would love doing again, because they required PCR tests to go to. I've lost income opportunities, become estranged from dear friends because I won't test. Even with their earnest pleadings, "but it's not even vax proof, it's just a little test, we have the non-intrusive ones, just spit." Nope. Won't do it. Didn't wear the symbolic lie that masks are. Won't perform the symbolic lie that PCR tests are. I read "Live Not by Lies" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. And practice it. No matter the cost.
I’ve never done a PCR test either. Just a couple of antigens. 1 before a surgery. I never knew anyone who even had covid the first 8 months. My brother in law then sister. Still no one after that until October 2021. I looked around and said Huh.? Where’s the plague?
That's great. I caved in the final week of testing because I wanted out of here. Next time I'll just say no to everything because I did wear the mask in shops and church.
It kind of reminded me of the cancer pre-screenings - mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, prostrate tests, etc, etc. If you don't have cancer, don't get these screenings. All these tests do is cause panic, freak-outs, cost money and get you on the medical industrial treadmill for the rest of your life. Just like covid.
One more thing you left out, Napoleon--they up the practitioner's income! Someone somewhere (wish I had saved it) posted a Blue Cross payout schedule for these tests/procedures--each had a different $$$ attached. Now you know why your doc pushes these things.
🎯. They come up with false positives and insist on continued monitoring even if things turn out okay, too many botched procedures. It’s mostly just a cash cow for the providers.
Even Pfizer's original data proves what you've said. In the 3 month clinical trail report, out of 40,000 participant, 169 tested positive. Of those, only 9 had symptoms and only 3 were seriously ill. Now extrapolate that to all the 'cases' that have been reported and you get something very similar to the seasonal flu.
read long ago that the swabs were packaged up and sent back to China, where most of them were manufactured in 2017. Wonder what they are doing with all that DNA in the snot
I’ve tested 3 times. Quick ones. Never positive for what that’s worth. My fully boosted sister and her husband got what they called the flu then tested--OMG covid!!!!!! They already had it in 2020. Supposedly. They test a lot.
I have many friends who don't believe that "covid" even exists. So, those friends who believed in covid, got covid, and those who didn't, got flu. No difference except the level of dramatization. I myself made a decision to never test when those tests became available in 2020. The tests only create unnecessary anxiety and stress. Treat your flu early to avoid complications and you're good.
I don't know anyone who lived their life normally, didn't comply with the nonsense and used natural remedies who's got "long covid". I know one person who blamed his elevated blood pressure and a ministroke on "covid". But he was under a lot of stress for the past 3 years and respiratory infections can trigger all kinds of hidden problems. I believe, that many current health problems are consequences not only of the shots but stress and dysfunctional lifestyle, like masking and anti-social distancing.
I fully believe that a virus was created in Wuhan on behalf of the US government (Fauci, et al) that was to be introduced to the native bat population in northern China, but somehow escaped into the human population.
I believe that, but I also believe that the power-hungry tyrants among us have used this virus to gain more and more control in order to institute a new world order with the goal of reducing an ethereal chemical that they religiously believe, in a cult like fashion, is causing climate changes that are only a planets normal cycle of life.
The prime objective is to maintain the message that all the damage done over the last 2-3 years was justified. There can never be an admission that the "pandemic" was never that dangerous - or that real. It must not end.
"our insane policies have conjured into being a whole world of virus pests who will spend the next decades carefully sniffing our shit and Feigl-Dinging every winter from now until the next world war."
I hope someone has started a quote list from your postings, planning to put them in a book or whatever the best equivalent might be. This one should absolutely make the list.
Which, incidentally, could require a Smart Toilet. And this is why They need us to have 5G everywhere.
Apparently there’s little invasiveness that a majority won’t tolerate. Seemed to start with airport screening indignities and have rolled right along since.
Creeped out at Dublin Airport, Nov. 17, having to 'lift my face' to the recognition software. Made me think about perhaps identifying as a Muslim woman.
Grow a full beard, let your eyebrows roam free over your face, and grow your hair long and let it hang down in front. Plus wear large glasses with large frames.
There's an how-to on Youtube about modifying eyeglasses or sunglasses using LED-diodes making your face appear a blur on camera.
Well, the full beard wouldn't work for me--insufficient androgen, thank you very much. I could let my bangs grow out. Will look into the eyeglasses bit, however.
I have joked for years that the Left will soon be telling us how many squares of toilet paper may be used for urination, defecation. I wonder if I am not too far from the truth?
Last summer, I started saving our urine output for the garden (cf. Rich Earth Institute, Brattleboro Vermont). That takes care of all the N needed (and a few other elements as well), while I had been paying $$$ for blood meal. I wouldn't mind having to move to using 'humanure' as well. Haven't yet purchased the book ("The Humanure Handbook" Joseph Jenkins). My next project. We still use outhouses at our summer property.
I'm taking down a shed this year that has two outhouse holes next to it. I'm thinking about opening up those holes again. Seriously. There will come a time we will be shitting in a hole again. Probably sooner than we think. Thank God for outhouses, and the fresh water lake I have access to. Water will also be gold soon unfortunately.
I have been looking into possibility of back-up hand pump for well. Started veg/ fruit garden there 2 years ago; more fruit trees and fruit bushes going in a couple of weeks. Have of course done this at year-round house for 30+ years. But no well here, just municipal water.
So all you constipated shitters and prolific shitters will throw the stats off. If you don't want the blood of your countrymen on your hands you'd better get regular! I can see it now..... government enforced fiber intake. Metamucil needs billionaires. I'm pretty sure the old guy in the White House would be a willing sponsor.
They do this here in remote Saskatchewan and every week the same reporter writes the same column for the local newspaper, reporting this truly wondrous science, with weekly percentage changes given to the nearest tenth of percent. Neither he nor the *researchers* have ever presented a comparison with actual covid infections. That implies that sewage data are essentially useless, but the funding continues. It is a belief system now.
Welcome to the Shit Show! *happy jingle* Today we have a marked uptick in cocaine and a persistent low level of Corona, phosphates seem to have fallen slightly. Join us next time as we discuss how these numbers relate to each other and how we can add more measurements!
"We’re the only federal state in Germany that’s doing wastewater analyses accompanied with a survey." Yes, but other federal states (notably, Bavaria) have been doing wastewater analysis for some time. And there have been surveys before. Combining the two into one product does not make sense. It is like financial products mixing financial investment and insurance. Usually this is just a clever way to rip off customers.
It would have been great if they had started cohort surveys in early 2020 (I actually wrote down that this would be sensible in March 2020). Now it is a waste of ressources. What do we have GrippeWeb and similar established processes for?
And finally, how can it be that I have not heard of Herr Stich before (because "Stich" literally means "jab", and the word has been used in Austria for the Covid jabs - in Germany, "Pieks" was preferred).
AND they actually are contextually appropriate! Not like the indiscriminate use of "racist", "homophobe", etc. being applied to everything you don't wanna hear.
Agreed, defunding and removing emergency powers will only truly solve this problem. Otherwise, little to nothing will change in future.
Interesting writing in your piece "... next decades carefully sniffing our shit and Feigl-Dinging every winter from now until the next world war." I was thinking along the same lines.
Well, it is up to the people to decide what the emergencies are and how to react. Is the emergency drive much by fear or reality - that is the key distinction and conclusion a society has to make.
Probably another way to funnel money to favoured contractors as much as anything.
Most of the rest of the world has no clue how manifestly corrupt Germany is. Sure, slipping a policeman €50 will get you into a giant heap of trouble, but at the top, it's graft graft graft.
Not just Germany! Most of the World's so-called "liberal democracies" are rapidly edging their way into eastern European levels of systemic corruption.
A lot of time and resources are being dedicated to making Covid that annoying permanent house guest. Just like the govt to be figuring how to control something after it’s done the damage. As they continue to spin helplessly in the way back machine, new and deadlier viruses could be in the gain of function machine, being prepared for a leak. They should spend their time learning the lessons of Covid but they won’t do that Bc the politicization was purposeful. We learned nothing. A deadlier disease will show us that very quickly.
Off topic but is it safe for a healthy and UNJECTED 20 y.o. to visit Germany this summer? I know that officially, all COVID restrictions have been removed but want to warn my daughter prior to her trip. Any real-life advice from those living in Germany is welcomed. Thanks in advance!
In 2020 I did something like 50 PCR tests
In 2021 I did another 50 or so
I have presented over 200 negative tests. No, not a typo, nor an error of addition
In December 2021, I got pretty unwell during the omicron wave and decided I wanted to be in "the system" as a confirmed +ve
That was the last test I ever did, or ever will do. The best way to never get covid is to simply never test for it. It sounds stupid, but it really isnt
The PCR tests are scientifically & medically useless according to Kerry Mullis the guy who got the Nobel for his work. It is relatively easy to tell the doctors no.
So is every other test out there. In fact, the tests are nothing but a charade. Anyone that did one merely validated what's going on.
I'll die, literally, before anyone shoves something up into my sinus cavity.
Same with those damnabale masks. I was ready for teh fight of fights in my lifetime always going into places without one. In enemy territory as well. Always polite, but ready to get drag-down knockout silly if it was enforced.
Never forced me once. Just pretended I didn't hear, smiled, said thank you, and walked in.
One of my favorites was walking into an ice cream shop once. An elderly couple being helped, a poor young kid behind the counter, and another couple in their early 40s perhaps, with a young boy.
All were masked. I refused. Upon walking in the elderly lady kept muffling .... something something something MASK! several times. LOL Finally she asked the only kid there to ask force me to wear a mask. I said sorry, can't wear one safely, it threatens my health. BTW, I stayed well away from them, a good 20' or so.
She says quite snottily that they wear masks so that others don't get sick. I stepped back in feigned horror, .... "Do you guys have 'Covid'? You shouldn't even be here, you should be home healing and getting better, not out infecting everyone else!"
She screams that NO, they're don't have "Covid."
He then chimes in, "she wears a mask because she has health issues and doesn't want to catch it." I said I thought you wear them for other people, but either way, nothing to worry about, I said I'm not sick so she should be fine, I'm perfectly healthy, no signs of any illness whatsoever. Besides, I'm way over here.
She starts going bananas, my husband [this and that}. There five times as pissed as they originally were now, it was great!
So they get their ice cream, walk out, I got as far out of their way as possible for their own neurosis.
The other couple I could tell also thought they were way over the top and didn't care. The poor kid at the counter, trying to balance it all. LOL
While the other couple is getting theirs, I'm after them, the old man comes back in, gets about three feet from me, and starts lecturing me.
I said Woah, WHAT are you doing?!? You're risking your life here by coming back, why are you so close to me, if I were you I'd be across that boulevard now running away from me.
LMAO, that sent him into another state. Next thing I know they're taking pics of me through the window. SMH
Some of the most fun I had during all this crap!
As I keep telling people though, there isn't one single test out there that tests positively for ANYTHING that could be considered an ailment called "Covid." Yet, people say that they tested positive. (or negative) Even here in Substack comments.
Well, if the tests don't really test for that I'll ask them, how do you know you had something called "Covid?" .... Because I tested positive.
It's classice "This goes to 11." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xgx4k83zzc
You can't make this shit up. We deserve EVERYTHING that's coming due to our own gullibility, stupidity, and complicity, and hell's a coming. What we've seen so far is chump change!
One of my friends had to be tested due to mild symptoms and her work. When they shoved the test stick into her sinus, she felt sick and began writhing. Instead of letting up on the useless test, another health “care” worker rushed over to help hold her down. Hearing that redoubled my resolve to never be tested. No Way, No How.
I never understood the reason why covid test sticks had to be inserted up one's nose. Why not just breathe on it? Isn't that why we were forced to wear masks and keep six feet away because covid was so contagious, just breathing on someone would infect them. I never took a covid test, all pathetic and BS theater. I don't do crazy and I don't do stupid.
Well, considering who's behind it, the reason(s) can only be nefarious and sinister.
The key here is for everyone with ears to realize that ANYTHING that the ANYONE associated with the NWO, which obviously includes Schwab's School for Young Bolsheviks, does, is straight from the pit of hell. Literally! Sons of hell (Jesus himself in Matt. 23)
Here's the thing, ... "Trust Your Doctor!", ... right?
OK, so now it's beyond proven that masks no only do nothing but are harmful. Actually it was proven when the PSYOP began but either way.
Doctors, nurses, doctors' offices, hospitals here in Virginia and other places STILL require them.
OK, so I'm supposed to trust someone, people, that adhere to principles that are not better than attaching leeches to people, or cutting them open to drain their blood to reduce fever? What's next, voodoo dolls? "Here, take this home, and when you feel bad be nice to this manequinn, in a few days you'll feel better."
I mean WTF, these people are beyond useless. It's a coin-flip at best, AT BEST, as to whether they know WTF they're doing or not.
They're like lawyers now as far as I'm concerned, if they're lips are moving, they're lying!
And these are the same f'n people that were quite literally killing people in hospitals while coreographing dances with cadavers to go along with it!
SICK SICK SICK in the heads most of 'em!!
I don't understand - seriously. I have never taken one of those useless tests but I just got over a cold and the snot runs fast and furious - why can't you just spit on the swab or blow a lugie out on it? Does covid not swim around in mucous? Just brain stem liquid? If covid flies through the air at the speed of light, which is why we need to wear face diapers, why don't we just blow on the swabs?
Seriously. Someone please explain to me the reason for sticking a swab up to your brain stem.
If they couldn’t torment you with remdisivir or a ventilator, by golly, they’ll get you with the covid tests.
There's nothing to understand. Just like people believe that you have a choice as to whether you're a woman or a man. The only thing to understand is that they're nuts. Accept it and move. The media's job is to attempt to convince us that there are more people out there that are nuts than are sane.
It's all lies, top to bottom.
And listen to this, we'll know the ratio of people that are nuts to people that are sane when this happens, bases upon how they react. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qT7AcQEO4dlN/
People choose not to or don't want to believe it, but the truth is that Rev. 20:7-9 is now playing out, and Satan is changing this world into EVERYTHING that undermines God's desires. God allows us to make out own choices however.
People, perhaps even you, don't understand that the things that we consider to be good, at the most core level, come from things the way that God designed them. So in their haste to ditch God, unwittingly they usher in what we're seeing now.
those sticks are not to be inserted more than 3/4". Every picture you see, they are doing it wrong. Would be very simple to put a line on the stick at 3/4".
A quarter inch is WAY more than enough.
Most people who have told me about their tests say the thing was pushed deep into the nose/sinus. If I was absolutely forced to take one, it would only be if I had some control of the stick and not some bitter overworked health care employee.
A friend of a friend actually had cerebrospinal fluid leaking from her nose caused by a puncture injury from a PCR test. I've heard of it happening a to a few people and I think it's been written up in med journals; not a common occurrence.
Those test are good for something:
Getting individual samples for the forthcoming biometric surveillance security state
You sound just like me! I did the same thing.
People do not understand the word “NO!” or non-compliance!
We had a strict testing regime for our grandkids - never test!
I've never done any PCR tests. And won't. I've chosen to miss many events and happenings that I really wanted to do, had always loved doing, would love doing again, because they required PCR tests to go to. I've lost income opportunities, become estranged from dear friends because I won't test. Even with their earnest pleadings, "but it's not even vax proof, it's just a little test, we have the non-intrusive ones, just spit." Nope. Won't do it. Didn't wear the symbolic lie that masks are. Won't perform the symbolic lie that PCR tests are. I read "Live Not by Lies" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. And practice it. No matter the cost.
You’re my spirit animal. No masks, no tests, no vax, no patience for this stupid Covid Theater they keep running. Get off my lawn!!!
I do not comply and the crazier they get, the more certain I get that I’m not giving in to lunatics.
I’ve never done a PCR test either. Just a couple of antigens. 1 before a surgery. I never knew anyone who even had covid the first 8 months. My brother in law then sister. Still no one after that until October 2021. I looked around and said Huh.? Where’s the plague?
Yes, I feel that way too. No one in our immediate family has taken a PCR test or that we know affected by Covid.
That's great. I caved in the final week of testing because I wanted out of here. Next time I'll just say no to everything because I did wear the mask in shops and church.
This whole pandemic thing has been nothing more than an epidemic of testing.
Never in my lifetime have I ever seen so much testing.
It kind of reminded me of the cancer pre-screenings - mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, prostrate tests, etc, etc. If you don't have cancer, don't get these screenings. All these tests do is cause panic, freak-outs, cost money and get you on the medical industrial treadmill for the rest of your life. Just like covid.
One more thing you left out, Napoleon--they up the practitioner's income! Someone somewhere (wish I had saved it) posted a Blue Cross payout schedule for these tests/procedures--each had a different $$$ attached. Now you know why your doc pushes these things.
🎯. They come up with false positives and insist on continued monitoring even if things turn out okay, too many botched procedures. It’s mostly just a cash cow for the providers.
Even Pfizer's original data proves what you've said. In the 3 month clinical trail report, out of 40,000 participant, 169 tested positive. Of those, only 9 had symptoms and only 3 were seriously ill. Now extrapolate that to all the 'cases' that have been reported and you get something very similar to the seasonal flu.
I knew that 3 years ago. That’s why I lost my job of 23 years. I refused. I’m not sticking a foreign substance up my nose or in my body.
WHAT is on the swab? WHO gets the information? WHERE does the information go?
Talk about a money maker!
read long ago that the swabs were packaged up and sent back to China, where most of them were manufactured in 2017. Wonder what they are doing with all that DNA in the snot
Tagged and bagged.
I’ve tested 3 times. Quick ones. Never positive for what that’s worth. My fully boosted sister and her husband got what they called the flu then tested--OMG covid!!!!!! They already had it in 2020. Supposedly. They test a lot.
If a tree falls in the forest . . .
I have many friends who don't believe that "covid" even exists. So, those friends who believed in covid, got covid, and those who didn't, got flu. No difference except the level of dramatization. I myself made a decision to never test when those tests became available in 2020. The tests only create unnecessary anxiety and stress. Treat your flu early to avoid complications and you're good.
I don't know anyone who lived their life normally, didn't comply with the nonsense and used natural remedies who's got "long covid". I know one person who blamed his elevated blood pressure and a ministroke on "covid". But he was under a lot of stress for the past 3 years and respiratory infections can trigger all kinds of hidden problems. I believe, that many current health problems are consequences not only of the shots but stress and dysfunctional lifestyle, like masking and anti-social distancing.
I fully believe that a virus was created in Wuhan on behalf of the US government (Fauci, et al) that was to be introduced to the native bat population in northern China, but somehow escaped into the human population.
I believe that, but I also believe that the power-hungry tyrants among us have used this virus to gain more and more control in order to institute a new world order with the goal of reducing an ethereal chemical that they religiously believe, in a cult like fashion, is causing climate changes that are only a planets normal cycle of life.
That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.
except that covid is very poor at infecting bats, very good at infecting humans, due to its furin cleavage site
The word is that it was aerosolized in order to inoculate the bats (and possibly to infect humans).
there is a well known long lasting post viral syndrome that has been written about for many years, sounds just like long covid
I have never tested for covid and I am fine)))
I agree completely!
same here. Never took a test.
So do I!
Oh no; Long Covid is very real. I'm inflicted with an insufferable form of it:
- I am sick of the lies
- I am sick of the gaslighting
- I am sick of having my intelligence insulted
- I am sick of trying to explain the obvious
- I am sick of the absurdities
- I am sick of these idiots
I fear long covid is something I may never recover from.
You have many, many co-sufferers RG.
“Long Covid” is actually vaccine injury.
Long Covid is a shortcut to narcissism.
It’s similar to fibromyalgia. Hard to define, many symptoms, allopathic medicine can’t do anything for it.
They have something they'll do for it:
Create new legislation to subsidize health/life insurance companies, at our expense, for covering Vax injuries disguised as long covid.
So people with vax injuries need to lie and say it’s long Covid to get treatment. Cool.
Haha! Man you got a bad case there my friend! Hang in there, they'll have a vaxxine for that pretty soon. :-)
The prime objective is to maintain the message that all the damage done over the last 2-3 years was justified. There can never be an admission that the "pandemic" was never that dangerous - or that real. It must not end.
"our insane policies have conjured into being a whole world of virus pests who will spend the next decades carefully sniffing our shit and Feigl-Dinging every winter from now until the next world war."
I hope someone has started a quote list from your postings, planning to put them in a book or whatever the best equivalent might be. This one should absolutely make the list.
For God's sake! When will these people become serious? I imagine we'll see a version of this on the Comedy Channel in the U.S. soon.
Not the comedy channel but that font of serious journalism, CNN
Agree. The Comedy Channel has higher standards.
Which, incidentally, could require a Smart Toilet. And this is why They need us to have 5G everywhere.
Apparently there’s little invasiveness that a majority won’t tolerate. Seemed to start with airport screening indignities and have rolled right along since.
Creeped out at Dublin Airport, Nov. 17, having to 'lift my face' to the recognition software. Made me think about perhaps identifying as a Muslim woman.
Grow a full beard, let your eyebrows roam free over your face, and grow your hair long and let it hang down in front. Plus wear large glasses with large frames.
There's an how-to on Youtube about modifying eyeglasses or sunglasses using LED-diodes making your face appear a blur on camera.
Well, the full beard wouldn't work for me--insufficient androgen, thank you very much. I could let my bangs grow out. Will look into the eyeglasses bit, however.
Aha. Well, in this day and age maybe you can identify as someone with a full beard?
I have joked for years that the Left will soon be telling us how many squares of toilet paper may be used for urination, defecation. I wonder if I am not too far from the truth?
With a weight-sensor and an RFID-reader for your chip.
For your safety, of course.
Last summer, I started saving our urine output for the garden (cf. Rich Earth Institute, Brattleboro Vermont). That takes care of all the N needed (and a few other elements as well), while I had been paying $$$ for blood meal. I wouldn't mind having to move to using 'humanure' as well. Haven't yet purchased the book ("The Humanure Handbook" Joseph Jenkins). My next project. We still use outhouses at our summer property.
I'm taking down a shed this year that has two outhouse holes next to it. I'm thinking about opening up those holes again. Seriously. There will come a time we will be shitting in a hole again. Probably sooner than we think. Thank God for outhouses, and the fresh water lake I have access to. Water will also be gold soon unfortunately.
I have been looking into possibility of back-up hand pump for well. Started veg/ fruit garden there 2 years ago; more fruit trees and fruit bushes going in a couple of weeks. Have of course done this at year-round house for 30+ years. But no well here, just municipal water.
So all you constipated shitters and prolific shitters will throw the stats off. If you don't want the blood of your countrymen on your hands you'd better get regular! I can see it now..... government enforced fiber intake. Metamucil needs billionaires. I'm pretty sure the old guy in the White House would be a willing sponsor.
They do this here in remote Saskatchewan and every week the same reporter writes the same column for the local newspaper, reporting this truly wondrous science, with weekly percentage changes given to the nearest tenth of percent. Neither he nor the *researchers* have ever presented a comparison with actual covid infections. That implies that sewage data are essentially useless, but the funding continues. It is a belief system now.
A shit club
Shit show
Welcome to the Shit Show! *happy jingle* Today we have a marked uptick in cocaine and a persistent low level of Corona, phosphates seem to have fallen slightly. Join us next time as we discuss how these numbers relate to each other and how we can add more measurements!
😂. The possibilities are positively endless, what they can discover, or manufacture or fabricate in piles of poo….
"We’re the only federal state in Germany that’s doing wastewater analyses accompanied with a survey." Yes, but other federal states (notably, Bavaria) have been doing wastewater analysis for some time. And there have been surveys before. Combining the two into one product does not make sense. It is like financial products mixing financial investment and insurance. Usually this is just a clever way to rip off customers.
It would have been great if they had started cohort surveys in early 2020 (I actually wrote down that this would be sensible in March 2020). Now it is a waste of ressources. What do we have GrippeWeb and similar established processes for?
And finally, how can it be that I have not heard of Herr Stich before (because "Stich" literally means "jab", and the word has been used in Austria for the Covid jabs - in Germany, "Pieks" was preferred).
"Feigl-Dinging" - hmmm. A new word. Need to look that one up. [edit: forehead slap]
The great thing about SubStack is the opportunity to make up new words.
AND they actually are contextually appropriate! Not like the indiscriminate use of "racist", "homophobe", etc. being applied to everything you don't wanna hear.
A great new word! Perhaps a bit esoteric for those uneducated in Covid-farce matters though.
Agreed, defunding and removing emergency powers will only truly solve this problem. Otherwise, little to nothing will change in future.
Interesting writing in your piece "... next decades carefully sniffing our shit and Feigl-Dinging every winter from now until the next world war." I was thinking along the same lines.
Well, it is up to the people to decide what the emergencies are and how to react. Is the emergency drive much by fear or reality - that is the key distinction and conclusion a society has to make.
"...until the next world war." You mean late this coming summer?
Well, that's certainly one way to turn paraphilias into govt. funded health projects...
Probably another way to funnel money to favoured contractors as much as anything.
Most of the rest of the world has no clue how manifestly corrupt Germany is. Sure, slipping a policeman €50 will get you into a giant heap of trouble, but at the top, it's graft graft graft.
Not just Germany! Most of the World's so-called "liberal democracies" are rapidly edging their way into eastern European levels of systemic corruption.
your only hope is that they fall into the wastewater and suffocate and drown
Wishful thinking!
A lot of time and resources are being dedicated to making Covid that annoying permanent house guest. Just like the govt to be figuring how to control something after it’s done the damage. As they continue to spin helplessly in the way back machine, new and deadlier viruses could be in the gain of function machine, being prepared for a leak. They should spend their time learning the lessons of Covid but they won’t do that Bc the politicization was purposeful. We learned nothing. A deadlier disease will show us that very quickly.
Off topic but is it safe for a healthy and UNJECTED 20 y.o. to visit Germany this summer? I know that officially, all COVID restrictions have been removed but want to warn my daughter prior to her trip. Any real-life advice from those living in Germany is welcomed. Thanks in advance!
sure she would be safe to visit. what would be the danger?
Just thinking about their nutty covid obsessions. She'll be visiting a friend and will be in good hands. Not worried about other issues. ;-)
Thank you!!